The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1908, Image 3

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    Classified Advertisements
Legal Notice
In tln IiUtilct County uf CaviCounty. NV-l.ra-iUu.
Lin y May l iillt-r I'lulniltr
William II. I ull. r I .tVii.liit
Til Wlllhitn II. l-'ullrr nm-r-.lle nl l-f-nl-anl:
Von art l"-r-ly i k t i 1 1 I that on tli 'JAtii
l:iy -f I Vfn-iiary. I'M1. Miy I'ulU-r fllt-ila
ix-tit l ti uiruliiit you In tin IHslrlrt Court of
Cass County. Nftiraska. t lj'--t ami iray'P
of wlilrli ait to olil alii a llvnri'f from you on
I In- irroiiii'l of fx I m-iih- ! -iii-lt y ami failure to
NiillMrt ami tmtliitalu plaiui iff. uiul to l- rt
Moifil lo ln-r iniil'li-n nama.
Von aif niiilifil to answer sall im-IIiIoii on
or Ix-fore Monday the Ctili ilny of A -nil I'.ms.
Lurv May l-'uller.
My A. N. f-ulllvan.
Iier Attorney.
Referees Sale.
In JiKliii-t Court of CasH County, Nt-l-ranka.
Notli-f in lif r'lo irlrpn that on tlif 1st day Of
April, WOK. at the hour of ten o'rlx-k a. m.. at
the front iloor of the court liouse , In th city
of riattsmoiit li. In Cass county. Nehraska. the
undersigned KfffrffH will M il to t he hltrhest
bidder at pulillc sale forcash the following de
wrlN'il rf al ratal, to-wlt:
The West Half of the Southeast Quarter of
Section (li-). Township (10), Kaiufe (12). anil all
of that part of tin Northeast tiuarlf r of th
Northwest tluarter of Section (IU). Township
(10), Kan-re (12). lylnir east of the rlirhtof way
of the Missouri I'aollir Railroad Company,
lhroiit;li said Northeast Quarter of tlie North
west Quarter aforesaid, situate In Cass county.
Nebraska. Said sale liavinif U-eii order-i ly
t he dist rii-t court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In a suit wherein Henry Westlake. .John W est
lake, and l-'red West lake are plaintiffs, and
Samuel West hike. Hannah Heehner. ami
4 ieorire West lak. et P I., are ilefemlants. 'IV rms
of sale will lie cash and sale will be kept oim-ii
at lea-t one hour.
A msilell Sheldon
W illiam C. Wollen
II. i. Wellinsi.-k.
I0t." Kfferees.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the County Court of Cass county. Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of Catherine
SI ailelmaim. dis-eascd.
To all iH-rsons interested or concei neil :
S'ou are hereby not ilied I hat a lx-t it ion has
lieen tiled to probate a will purportln-; to In
tlie last will of Catherine Slaillemaiin. and for
I lie apiMintiiieiit of the executrix named
therein. There will Is- a hearing upon saiil
etitioii at my otlh-e in tlie court house in the
city of I'l.ittsmoutli. Cass county. Nebraska,
at ten o'clock a. m.. on the 4lh day of April.
I'.lis. and all objections thereto must lie filed
by said hour, and at said time, such orders
will lie made as are just and proiier In the
pre mises.
P. (). Hwyer, Attorney. County .1 utltfe.
(Seal) l.'3
Notice of Application for Liquor License
fVIOTICE is hereby iriven to all persons In
terested and to tlie public, that tlie under
Niimed. W. M. Han-lay. lias tiled his petition
and application in the office of the city clerk,
of the city of I'lattsmouth. county of Cass, and
state of Nebraska, as reiiuired by law. sltrned
by the reiiuired numlirr of resident frec-liold-ersof
said city, setting forth that the appli
cant is a man of resiiect able character and
.Maixlinir and a resilient of tlie state of Neliras
ka. and prayim.' that a license may be issued
to the said W. M. Han-lay for the sale of malt,
.spirituous and vinous liquors for the period
of one year from tlie date of the hearinir of
said application in a huildimr situated on the
west half ( w1.) of lot nine (Si) in block twenty
nine. CH.') in the first ward of tlie said city of
I'lattsmouth. Nebraska.
March 20. l'.ms. Applicant.
Notice of Application for Liquor License
NOTICE is hereby (riven to all persons In
terested and to the public, that the under
xiirned Teter Goos. has tiled his lietition and
application in the office of the city clerk, of
tlie city of I'lattsmouth. county of Cass, and
state of Nebraska, as reiiuired by law. sinied
by the reiiuired numlier of resident free-holders
of the said city, settinir forth that the ap
plicant is a man of respectahle character and
standinsr and a resident of Tlie state of Nebras
ka, and prayimr that a license may lie issued
to the said Peter Goos for tlie sale of malt,
spirituous and vinous lluuors for the per
iod of one year from the date of the hear
inir of said application in a buildinsr situated
-j lot twelve. (12) In block thirty. C) In the
first ward of the said city of I'lattsmouth. Ne-l
braska. rfcifci: i.i..
M arch 24. 1 00s. A ppl ica nt
Notice of Application for Liquor License
NOTICE is hereby (riven to all persons In
terested and to tlie public, that the under
simied. Ed IHmat. has Hied his petition and
application In the ottice of the city clerk, of
the city of I'lattsmouth. county of Cass, and
state of Nebraska, as reiiuired by law. siirned
by the reuuired numlier of resident free-holders
of said city, settin-r forth that the appli
cant Is a man of respectable character and
Mandinjr anil a resident of the state of Nebras
ka, and prayimr that a license may tie issued
to the said Ed Donat for the sale of malt,
spirituous and vinous lluuors for the period
of one year from the date of the hearing of
said application in a buildimr situated on the
east half (eH of lot twelve (12) in block
twenty-nine (2s) In the first ward of the said
city of IMatt-smouth. Nebraska.
March 24. 190S Applicant
Notice of Application for Liquor License
NOTICE is hereby iriven to all persons In
terested and to the public, that the under
slimed. J. E. McDaniel. has filed his petition
and application In the office of the clerk,
of the city of I'lattsmouth. county of Cass, and
state of Nebraska, as required by law. siirned
by the reiiuired numlier of resident free-holders
of said city, settinir forth that tlie appli
cant Is a man of respectable character and
standintr and a resident of the state of Nebras
ka, and prayimr that a license may be issued
to the said J. E. McDaniel for the sale of malt,
spirituous and vinous liiiuors for the period
of one year from the date of the hearinir of
said application in a huildimr situated on lot
six (6) in block thirty-three (X5). In the fourth
ward, of the said city of I'lattsmouth. Ne
braska. .1. E. McDANIEL.
March 24. 19DS Applicant.
Notice of Application for Liquor License
NOTICE is hereby iriven to all persons Inter
ested and to tlie public, that the under
signed. Adolph Giese. has filed his petition
and application In the office of the city clerk,
of the city of I'lattsmouth. county of Cass, and
state of Nebraska, as reiiuired by law. siirned
by the reiiuired number of resident free-holders
of said city, settinir forth that the appli
cant Is a man of resiectable character and
standing and a resident of the state of Neb
raska, and praying that a license may te is
sued to the said Adolph Giese for the sale of
malt, spirituous and vinous liiiuors for the
period of one year from the date of the hearing
of said application in a building situated on
the west half (wH)of lot six (6) in block thirty
four (34) in the fourth ward of the said city of
I'lattsmouth. Nebraska. t-,t
March 23. 1!0S. Applicant.
IK you want the rlxht land In the right land
al the tight price, from thtt men. Write
now to yours ulncerely. II. I). lifUHBd & Hot.
McDonald. Kansas. Ah we have eiclulve llt
of the Ix'Kt lands for homes. In Kawllns or
Cheyenne Counties, and we know we can
please you In quality, price and terms. 12-4
TIIKpl k of all real-estate Imralns -MM00
teres of choice farm land In .North-west
K misjisHtid Kustern Colorado. Also City prop
erty In (oodland. Kansas, and Iicnvcr, Colo
rado. Write for illustrated circular and price
list. (. 1.. Culvert, (ioodland, K'unsas. '.'t4
IUUVtMIN Lands - I nvestors and honieseek-
r write for lnforuntlion reKartliiiK lands
In "the only county In the state where agri
cultural crops are raised without Irrigation,"
to So rners & Hush. Moocroft. Wyoming. l-'U
MONKV In wheat and corn lands. That's the
kind you will K t If you buy of C. M.
Keen, Klsie, Nebr.. situated In eastern 1'er
k Ins county. See or write for further Infor
mation. 12t4
North-west Kansas The place where you
can buy the HK3T land for the L.KA3T
money of anywhere In the west. Good water
and good soil. Write me for further Informa
tion. Kdwln Lyman. McDonald, Kit. I2t4
Your (100 acre farm will buy two better In
Harlan county, the best county in Ne
braska, (ioocl list of bargains. See us lirst.
Weblier A Gates, "the Lund Men." Orleans.
Nebraska. 12U
For Sale Id) acres, all smooth and tillable.
35 acres In cultivation, line well, cheap
buildings. Id head of cattle. Price 2.000, easy
terms. Geo. L. Keld. Tribune Ks. 12t2
Cheyenne County has again proven what it
will do. We have the tiiiest land in the
county for sale on easy terms at $10 to 13 per
acre. Will also trade for town property.
Kodman losclieu Land Co..
I2t4 Sidney. Nebr.
Notice of Application tor Liquor License
NOTICE Is hereby (riven to all im-isoiis inter
ested and to tin- public, that the untler
sitrued Kd Kk'enlM-nrer, has filed his iH'tition
and apiiiieat ion in tlie office of the city clerk
of the HI y of 1'lat tsmoulh. county of Cass, and
state of N-braska. as r-siuired by law. signed
by the rei-uired miml-er of reshlent f r-t'-liold-'-rs
of sall city, settinjr forth that the appli
cant Is a man of resiectahle character and
standing and a resident of the state of Ne
braska, and prayinsr that a license may lie is
sued to the said Kd Eirenlienrer for the sale of
malt, spirituous and vinous liiiuors for the
lie riod of one year f mm the date of the hearinir
of said application in a huildimr situated on
the east half (eH)of lot twelve (12) in block
twenty-eight (2N) in the first ward of tlie said
city of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 2. 11)0. Applicant.
From the Ledger.
Lewis Curtiss and wife rejoice over
the first addition to their family circle,
a nice little daughter born on Friday,
March 13.
W. R.Cross arrived home Wednesday
from Colorado, where he spent two
weeks visiting his mother and brother
and seeing the country.
Harry Graves, who is employed in
the office of the Seward Independent,
got a few days "furlough" last Friday
and came in for a visit with the folks
at home, returning to Seward Monday
Lewis Curtiss has leased the room
first door east of the Ledger office and
will open up a first-class barber shop.
He is having his furniture moved from
Plattsmouth and expects to be open and
ready for business the coming week.
Geo. W. James and wife, who have
resided in this village the past few
months, concluded they would prefer
the old home, New Brighton, Penn.,
and disposed of their restauraut busi
ness here and left yesterday forenoon
for Pennsylvania.
W. Ed. Stanton arrived Wednesday
from Gary, Indiana, where he has been
employed in the steel works for some
time. He will take up farming this
season, and thinks it will be just lovely
to bounce out early in the morning and
hear the musical cackle of the cows and
the gentle bawling of the hens.
Wm. Sikes' son Willie, 7 years old,
had the misfortune to fall from a cross
beam while playing in the barn Sunday
afternoon, resulting in the fracture of
the bone of the right arm just above
the elbow. A physician was summoned
as quickly as possible, and the fracture
was reduced, the operation being quite
difficult and a very painful one for the
unfortunate boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bird, Mrs. W. P.
Webster, Miss Iva Mougey and Elmo
Webster formed a party that departed
yesterday for the Pacific coast. They
will visit part of the time in California
and Oregon and expect to see all the
interesting things to be found in that
country. Their time and funds are not
limited, and the date for their return
is not yet being considered.
A representative in this county
by a large real estate corporation J
Special inducements to those who
wish to become financially inter
ested. The Real Estate Security Co.,
Fort Dearborn Building, Chicago, Illinois
Won as Well as EIen Are Hade
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys ujn the miii-l.
discouragesandlessensaiiibitioti; lcauty,
viyor and cheerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to le
lxirn afflicted with
weak kidnevs. If the
child urinates toooften. if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should le able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
dejiend upon it, thecause of theditli
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step'should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidnev and bladder trouble,
atid both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
swamn-Uoot is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in iitty
cent and one-dollar
si.e bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a Bone of Bwamp-Root.
pamphlet telling all alout Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters' received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Hinghanitou, N. V.. be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Linghamton, N. V., on every
The Joy of Living.
In a Plattsmouth home the other night
lour persons two men and two girls
were discussing the eternal problem of
life. The question of the relative im
portance of marrying well, is so far as
the financial aspect of the matter is
concerned, passed in review. "I make
no bones of it"said one of the girls, "I'm
crazy about money. I would gladly give
twenty years of life to just to be rich
for the balance of my days. One man
agreed that money was the thing. The
other man and the other girl dissented.
Whereat we are moved to set down
here some of our own conclusions. We
have long believed in later years be
coming convinced that money and po
sition are the least important things in
the scheme of life. Love and work are
the only important factors in happiness.
Given something human to love and care
for, a wife, a little child, a sister or a
brother, and given work which is con
genial and to which he gives his best
thought and best efforts, and no man
can escape happiness. Joy in his work
is a man's best asset. To love some
human being is his finest inheritance.
And if he has these two essentials he
really needs nothing else. For no mat
ter how humble his place in the world,
nor how closely he must cut and cover
to make ends meet, he will be happy.
And if there is anything else in this
world worth striving for we have never
discovered it. We do not undervalue
either money or position. Personally,
we should like to have both. Each is
distinctly worth while, and each affords
much gratification and satisfaction. As
subsidiary aids to the joy of Hviug, both
are admirable. But neither will stand
alone. The man or woman who wagers
his chance of happiness on either has
lost his bet with himself before the flag
Mrs. G. O. Harmon entertained the
members of the Rebekah lodge at her
home last Friday evening. All report
having spent an enjoyable evening.
Peru Notes.
Principal W. G. Brooks of the Platts
mouth High school spent Saturday and
Sunday, with Peru friends.
Supt. E. L. Rouse of the Normal
school is being visited by many promi
nent representatives of leading pub
lishers of the couutry, in the interest of
their respective books for the state
reading circle. Supt. Rouse is a mem
ber of the state reading circle board
and is one of the five who plan the read
ing circle work of the year.
Mr. Robertson, of Plattsmouth, spent
Friday in Peru, visiting his daughter,
Blanche, who is attending the normal.
Was Near an Accident
This noon, while a aged man was go
ing to the Burlington station, some one
at the Perkins House was in the act of
removing a screen from an upper win
dow, when it fell striking just at his
side, and fortunately doing no harm.
He was to be congratulated that is the
arrangements of things that the screen
and frame which struck so near him did
not strike on his head, with disasterous
It Is a Boy-All Happy.
A little mite of humanity that expects
to be a voter some day, asked for ad
mission into the household of T. J. Hick
son last evening, and was regularly in
stalled as one of the family circle. The
little fellow was well pleased with his
father and mother, who were overjoyed
to greet the young American, and the
appreciation of the fond father over the
arrival cannot be concealed by him, and
all concerned are doing well, with cigars
for his friends aplenty.
Miss Minnie Will returned last even
ing from a few days visit with friends
in Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Departs For Home
Mrs Margaret Hale departed for her
home at Lenox, Iowa, this morning,
after having visited in the city for the
past six months with the family of her
son, Richard Hale. Mrs Hale is a very
agreeable lady, and has won many
friends during her stay in the city, who
regret to see her depart.
Today is His Birthday
This morning Judjje A. J. Heeson
came down town, and got a real cigar,
and whistled as he stepped down toward
the court house, and every one he met
had a cordial greeting. We met him
but were at a loss to think what had
happened. We slipped up to him and
asked if he had fallen heir to a fortune.
"No, why do you ask?" Say, do you
know I am thirty-six years old today?"
Have Finished Plastering
In the steps toward completion of his
new residence, Charles L. Jean is scor
ing one occasionally. Yesterday mark
ed the completion of the plastering,
which, was done in a workman-like
manner, by John Brandon and Emil
Walters. When finished Mr. Jean will
have a very comfortable and commod
ious residence.
Removes The Typesetting Machine
A man from Omaha was in the city
this morning and having shipped to Om
aha the typesetting machine which has
been at the News office for some time
and was used by them for a number of
months for the composition of the pap
er. The machine which is one using
ordinary type, did not make good in
their hands and is being returned.
Down from Havelock
Will Kroehler, one of the jolly whole
souled good fellows of the Burlington
shops at Havelock, was in Plattsmouth
last Saturday and Sunday, visiting rela
tives and friends at the old home. Will
has a host of friends here who are al
ways glad to see him.
Gets Thumb. Badly Mashed
This morning, while working in the
brass foundry at the Burlington shops,
John Chapman in some way while hand
ling some heavy pieces of brass, suffer
ed a painful accident by having a piece
of brass fall on and badly mash his
left thumb. The injured member was
dressed by the company physicians and
the wound is doing as well as could be
expected, though very sore. The injury
will keep him from working for some
Will Sing at Murray
The Aeolian Mixed Quartette com
posed of Mrs. J. W. Gamble, Miss Es
tella Baird, R. W. White and B. A. Mc
Elwain, go to Murray this evening,
where they will give an entertainment
for the benefit of the Christian church,
the proceeds to be used for the help
ing in the building of the church, which
is being enlarge. The program to be
presented is one of great merit. The
music will be furnished by Miss Verna
Peter F. Clausen, of Dennison, Iowa,
was a visitor with friends in the city
this morning.
James Bolin and mother, Mrs. Anna
Bolin, were visitors in Omaha this
morning with friends.
D. A. Young of near Murray, was a
visitor in the city this morning, having
some business at the county seat.
. Geurnsey Thomas departed this morn
ing for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
where he expects to remain for some
Dally S. Gibson and wife were visi
tors in Omaha this morning with some
friends and looking after business mat
ters there.
W. J. Schneider of Cedar Creek was
a visitor in the county seat this morn
ing, and was a visitor with his uncle,
H. A. Schneider.
Mrs. V. V. Leonard returned last
evening from Omaha, where she has
been visiting for some time past with
friends and relatives.
W. H. Seybert, of Cedar Creek, was
a visitor in the city this morning, look
ing after some business matters and
visiting with friends.
D. C. Woodring, superintendent of
bridges for the Burlington, was in the
city last evening, looking after some
business for the company.
Mrs. S. O. Cole and neice, Miss Lil
lian Wheeler, were passengers to Oma
ha this morning, where they will visit
with friends and purchase some sheet
J. N. Woodard, of Elmwood, was a
visitor in the city last evening and this
morning, looking after some business
T. H. Pollock was a visitor in the
metropolis this morning, looking after
some business in connection with th
telephone plant at that place some time
Mrs. Oliver Edmonds is in receipt of
a photograph from her friend, Mrs. W.
E. Maxon, from Central America, the
canal zone, showing a scene taken on
board of one of the vessels of "Uncle
Sam. ' Mrs. Maxon writes she is teach
ing school again in the far south.
- .. . "
AYeectablc Preparation for As
similating the Food and Regula
ting the S .oinariis aiul Dowels of
IYC5S and Rest.Contalns neither
Opium-M'- . , hine nor Mineral.
Not NAitconc.
Abc.JmtnM JiAIU SJtj -
td fiirrfiwi Tmfm '
Ctanfvd Sufr .
Aocrfcct Remedy for Cons II pa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions TeveTi sh
acss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
lac Simile Signature of
new VonK.
exact copror whappeb.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Livingston and
Mrs. George M. Porter were passengers
to Omaha thi3 afternoon, where they
are looking after some business mat
ters. Mrs. S. P. DeLong departed for her
home at Lincoln this afternoon, after
having visited in the city for some time
the guest of her son Harry DeLong and
Halsey H. Duke departed this morn
ing for Omaha, and will go from there
to Minneapolis, where he expects to en
gage with one of the railroads center
ing there, as a machinest.
Judge W. H. Newell returned this
afternoon from a trip to St. Joseph and
other points in Missouri, where he was
looking after some bnsiness matters,
pertaining to the quarries in that terri
tory. D. C. Adams and wife of Lincoln, the
senior member of the Sterling Clothing
Company' departed for their home this
afternoon on the Burlington number
seven, after having visited in the city,
guests at the home of Mr. Adams' sis
ter, Mrs. O. C. Dovey and family.
Mrs. J. L. Walling departed this
afternoon for her home at Lincoln,
after having visited in the city with
friends and relatives, a guest at the
of her brother, James Anthony and
niece, Mrs. J. L. McKinney and family.
Herman Kleitsch,of Weeping Water,
is looking after some business matters
in the city this morning, both in the
line of disposing of the products of his
mill at Weeping Water, and well as
the affairs of Fred Kroehler's estate.
J. W. Hartwick departed this morn
ing for Iowa points, where he is looking
after the sale of his candies, which are
gaining a reputation for being - the best
the market affords, and which is in
creasing in quantities of sale continually.
that of the
250 horses
horses 153
were afflicted
with coughs
and pneumo-
case of sickness was reported.
STEWART'S No. I Clippers
1902 Clippers
We sharped clipper knives for
of clipping machines.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tlie
For Over
Thirty Years
T. H. Steuklin is moving into the
house of C. A. Welch, near the Columbia
school, and after he has gotten things
arranged Mrs. Steuklin will return from
Watson, Missouri, where she has been
since the death of her brother, a month
or more ago.
Mrs. Frank McCarthy and children
were passengers to Omaha this morn
ing, where they will visit for the day.
W. K. Fox is about layed up with the
lumbago. While he still crawls around
; it is with the greatest difficulty,
j Miss Mary E. Foster, county super
, intendent of schools is visiting the
schools at and near Murray today.
J L. W. Lorenz was a visitor in Omaha
this afternoon, where he is transacting
J business with the wholesale houses.
C. W. Miller, from Creston, la., was
a business visitor in the city this morn
ing, and after completing it.departed
for Omaha, where he has some business
to look after.
George Snyder, Thillip Becker, Chas.
Peacock, Glen and Elbert Wiles were
passengers to Glenwood this morning,
where they go to attend a sale of fine
cattle, which is from the herd of short
horn owned by Ben Dean at that
Miss Leona Brady departed for Oma
ha thi3 morning on the early Burlington
train, No. 19 where she met her
sister, Mrs. J. W. Cox, of OIewein,Ia.,
and with her returned to Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Cox will visit with relatives and
friends in the city for some time to
Mrs. Thomas Walling, chaparoned a
party this morning, in a trip to Oma
ha, where they are seeing the sights,
and visiting with friends and having a
good time generally, consisting, of
Misses Katie McIIugh, Sophia Hart
wick, Leonard and Mary Margeret
The clipping of a horse in the early
Spring is now conceded by all leading
veterinarians to be as essential to a
horse's well being as shoeing him or
givinghima comfortable bed to lie on.
Some years ago a Buffalo street car
company tested the value of clipping
in the following manner: They own
ed 500 horses, and 2b0 of these were
clipped early in the Spring and 250
were not clipped. A careful record
was kept of results and it was found
while of
250 clip
not one
$ 7 00
H 00
all kinds