The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 19, 1908, Image 4

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The House was piled full of People from
Situation. -:- -:-
The way they took clothing out
of here the last few days was the
Wonder of the Age. The cheap,
shoddy Clothing cuts no ice now,
as people can buy clothing here
that is up-to-date at about what
the other fellow charges for what
he has been carrying for the past
Two to Twenty-five years. We
have got Thousands of dollars
worth of it, and it is going out to
the people at the most ruinous
prices ever placed upon fine goods
in this city. If you want a single
item in the Clothing line, remem
ber that you must be here to this
big Carnival to get it, as such an
opportunity was never offered you
before in your life. The same
thing applies to every item in this
big store. One price or a Hun
dred, you can find just what you
want, and at the saving from 50 to
75 per cent. It is facts in cold
print. Why not wake up, take
your medicine and buy yourself
the new suit and overcoat which
you have been promising yourself
for so long. It you are going to
get married, why not come down
here and buy your clothes and
save enough money to buy your
furniture, cook stove and all. If
you are not going to yet married,
you want to buy them anyway at
the prices we are selling J hem.
Dry Goods.
Did you see the crowds that
gathered around the Dress Goods
Counter, looking over the latest
waves, the latest designs, where
nothing but fashion's latest is
shown, and see them buying right
and left on all sides? Everybody
was picking out patterns. They
were wrapping them up like chain
lightning. What was the cause of
it? It was simply buying dress
goods at half what the other fellow
sells them at- 25c and 50c goods
for less money than ihey ever saw
them sold at, and the 25c kind went
out like chain lightning, cheaper
than dirt. We have them up to
$2.00 and $2.50, what the other
fellow sells them at, but here they
cost a little more than half.
Such tiny prices as these are
what brings you to our Ladies' Coat
Suit and Skirt Department.
The New Ladies Coates, Suits
and Skirts come in grey, brown,
blue, mixtures, plaids, checks,
stripes, etc., excellently tailored
throughout, worth from $8.00 to
$15-00, your choice of the lot for
this week, $4.98 to $7.49. Did you
ever hear the like? It is the hot
test shot ever put out in this town.
We are connonading all along the
line, pouring cannon balls into the
enemy at a fearful rate, for with
us it is unload now, now later.
I T was a Carnival, but a Carnival of real Merchandise, such as
Plattsmouth never saw before. This store never had a bigger jam
and never will have. It would be impossible for them to get on the
inside, although we expect them to be standing on the outside with
the inside full in the next few days. In fact, we would like to have
this house over-run each and every day in this Thirty Days Closing
Out Sale. It commenced for thirty days last Thursday, March 12th,
and winds up Monday, April 13th, and nothing brighter under the
canopy of heaven will ever visit your city than this great Closing Out
Sale of the Coats Dry Goods Company.
We cannot help what these war priced vets say, it is the time on the other fel
low, and it is time on ourselves. The sale has just fairly got started. The crowds
are surging to and fro, and the only thing we lacked was 25 or 30 salespeople, which
we promise to have here by next Saturday, so you can get waited on without having
to wait so long. We ask you to bear with us be patient. Not one item will be
held in rsserve, and that kind, courteous treatment that you received Saturday,
Monday and Tuesday will be repeated here each and every day, onby we are trying to
do better. We are bidding you welcome under the roof where this great sacrifice
sale is now in full blast.
IVe Are the People l7ho Are Behind the Gun!
We are directing each shot and they are shooting into the enemy's camp at a
fearful rate. It is coming to all the people's gain and not the very few. THE FARMER
and THE WORKINGMAN have heard of it, and they are sending word to their friends and
neighbors for miles around. You have been paying 50 to 100 per cent profit to
these mansion dwellers, but the Coates Dry Goods Company has come to your relief,
while others say, it is their loss.
The Handkerchief Sale
Has eclipsed all former events
of our lives. The penny once
went out like a house afire. The
2, 3, 4,6, 7 and 9c ones have set
them all agog, and the 11c kind
and 14c kind are the beauties of
this man's town. Everything in
the cotton goods 1 ine, everything
in the Muslin line, as well as in
the grocery line, all go in this 30
days unloading sacrifice sale.
Cost but little, if anything, down
in this big store. The best ma
chine thread is sold by us at 10
Spools for 10c with all purchases
of $5.00 or more in this house- We
are still selling Pins at 2 papers for
lc. You will want some of them
We believe you will be down
and look over some of fashion's
latest in our Dress Goods Department.
one End to the Other. The Whole City was Awake to the
-:- -:- -:- -:-
eopDe MM SemietfM
All Kid Gloves and Wool
all socks, suspenders, neckties and
everything in the Furnishings line
go out at the most ruionous prices
ever placed on counters in this
city. No matter what you want,
you will be down to the Coates
Dry Goods Co. to get it. IT IS A
Overalls, Work Shirts and
Dress Shirts
Everything in this line is pretty
nearly cut in two.
Dress Goods! Dress Goods!
25 and 50c Goods go for less
money they ever saw them sold at,
and the 25c kind wentout like chain
lightning cheaper than dirt.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Underskirts and Petticoats
Come under the same ban. at
the lowest prices you ever saw.
They are coming in carriages,
wagons, any kind of vehicles, on
the car, afoot, or anyway you
will be welcome in this house. You
don't have to have silk stockings
on to buy in this institution; this
store was erected for the masses
and not the classes, and the farmer
and the workingman will always
find this store a place of welcome
to him and his family.
Suit Gases and Valises
Such prices as these make it
possible for you to enjoy the con
venience of housing your trinkets
where you will always know where
you can find them. Come and
look over our comprehensive assortment-
we are putting more of tlu-m in
baskets, bins, on the counters ami
convenient places for you to look
them over, where you can examine
each and every pair. You will see
that stamp here on them made by
honest hands, ainl w'e believe we
are telling the truth when we say
to you that you can come to very
near fitting the whole family out in
shoes, for what you pay for one
pair elsewhere. It is the most
golden opportunity that ever visited
Plattsmouth since the first time
she came on earth. All Israel
weeps but they weep alone. Jones
Pays the Freight and the People
Get the Benefit. Whether it is
shoes you want for your wife, your
mother, 3'our daughter, for your
sweetheart, the babies, or anybody,
they are here for you and they are
here for you at psices that are
talking out loud.
THe Hosiery
we are selling to the ladies at 5c,
6c, 9c, and 11c lias set competition
wild. They don't know where to
lay their hands. They are weep
ing but weeping alone.
The whole' shooting match in the
Notion Department
is on sale. Baskets are full,
shelves are full, and counters are
full. The whole business is be
fore you;commencing with needles,
going down to pins, walking up
the line and picking up bargains
everywhere. Whether it is ribbons
embroideries, corsets, kid gloves,
laces, neckwear or wrappers or
anything you ever thought of in
the notion line, we have them at a
saving to you and your family of
10 to 50 per cent.
The distinct understanding of
all the people is before 3'ou in great,
big, plain letters. At each of the
front doors and at the side doors,
we bid you welcome; and any
where under this roof, it is a cer
tainty you are welcome. We want
to show you what a dollar will do.
Millinery! Millinery
We offer this fine assortment of
millinery at the special prices of
39c. 49c and SI-29. Every hat is
desirable in style and qualityev
ery hat is a seller. Our assort
ment of hats is splendidly selected
to give the best range of styles,
materials and color.
The Notion Counter
Is piled jam full of goods. It
takes up an immense amount of
space in here, but we are proving
to the people that 9c here in No
tions will do the work of 15c elsewhere.
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