Classified Advertisements Mr. Inventor Mr. I(-iit. Why irt luy u (il.t inlo Homo In Wuhlilnton county? VIut' furniH riilin- twice uh much with li:tlf Ihi! I,itlnr mill I.himI Ntht-np (Ii.iiici-of your 1 i F - li kvI a khmI hoinr wlit-M-om crop will 'iiy for It. K it now. ThLc the llurliii;? lon Koiitt- to Akron. Colorado, whi rl' wu li:tv holi-c l- ! I:inli for sale, t Imt w 111 proiluc whtsit. I'orn. alfalfa. liarU-y ami nil kinds of .rti.-ill rulu Hint live stock. Kxctirloii! lirst :iml third Tuesdays of csich nioiilh. llopUins l;-al Kstntc .V. Ioan Co.. ! 1 1 A k ron, Colorado. ICQ Acres under rooscd ditch. 40 acres UU w I,, wht-at. I mile from freight switch JO milt" of Denver. Fenced. luy It. Half cash. Other land liarxaln. M4 II. K. I'alrm r. IJcnnett. Colo. To the lloineseeker and Kand Investor: Vour name and address will hrlntf you by re turn mall our late sjM-clal real estate chiirt. showliiK beautiful panoramic view of Colby (county seat of Thomas county, Kansas) also photographs of kU'uui plow and Improved farms, with fvll description, prices and terms. The Kreatest bargains anl most beautiful laying productive land on earth. Wheat has yielded 50 bushels per acre. Present acreage per capitals forty-two acres. Present con dition of crop Is 100 per cent. Write us today, one cent stamp will lead you to happy home and fortune. Joint Ackard .V Son, Keal Kstate and Loans. Colby. Kansas. "t The next m days will offer 4000 acres (rood clay land as In this state, in tracts to suit, for fJO per acre. Five years time. Improved farms accordingly. Write A. M. Tempi!". Palmer. Neb. "ll Altaruain: L"h0 acre Improved farm in the corn Iwlt: 4 miles to (?ood K. It. town; miles to oni! Catholic and one Protestant church. ."o per acre. Write lltirdette V. IJ1I1. Chlllicothe. Mo. tl Fv.rS.ile - A section of tfood t illable land in Lincoln county. Nebraska, forfs per acre. Twelve hundred dollars can stand on land. Address, .lay M. Kiley. Lawrence. Neb. luU Send for r.iilletin c..iitaininover 100 well im proved farms Jj to 7i miles to St. Paul. Minnesota. Litest bargain list out. located In dairy district. K. Akerson. K ti Linstruu. Minn. B ar?ains In Nebraska Kancties t ome oui and see what 1 have. I am sure you win tit-d something that w ill suit you. This is a tine stock and dairy country, rich, black, sandy loam soil, in the valleys. I can locate you on 840 acres homestead. My charges are reasonable. If you are renting, why not build up a home of your wn. Write for full Infor mation to. I. C. Iter.insi. Whitman. Net). 10t4 ien Acre farm one mile east of I )arr. Neb.. IOU which is a tow n on the main line of the I'tiion Pacific, in Itawson county. Nebraska, with a jrtHMl 3 rHm house, barn for six horses, well. etc. SO acres under plow, including J5 acres of alfalfa, meadow. M acres in wild trass, which is all tfood land and as level as a lluor. there is :w acres of fall wheat on farm which m-s with tli- sale. There Is no sand on tills farm, all ood hard soil. The price on this farm until a week a so was?t;.00 but the owner 4ias planned to ;; to the Pacilic coast this sprinjr. and tells us to cut it loose at ?4.S00. There is mortgage on the farm which can le carried or paid olT. Land unimproved .-ldjacent to this is listed at J.'iO.iki per acre. Come and look at this and we will convince you that this is worth the money. Possession given March 1st. I'.WS. The. I. L. Mitchell Keal Estate Co. I0i2 Lexington. Neb. Legal Notice In the District County of Cass County. Ne braska. Lucy May Puller Plaintiff vs William II. Fuller Defendant To William II. Fuller non-resident defend ant: You are hereby notified that on the J4th lay of February. 1'JUS. Lucy May Fuller filed a letition against you in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty and failure to support and maintain plaintiff, and to be re stored to her maiden name. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 13th day of April HVX. Lucy May Fuller. JJy A. N. Sullivan, her Attorney. Referees Sale. In District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Notice is hereby (riven that on the 1st day of April. 190S. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the court house, in the city of Plattsmoulh. In Cass county. Nebraska, the undersiirned Keferees will sell to the highest idder at public sale forcasli the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The West Half of the Southeast Quarter of iection (IS), Township (10). Kanee (12). and all of that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section (19). Township (10), Kanire (1J). yrs east of the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, through said Northeast Quarter of the North west Quarter aforesaid, situate in Cass county. Nebraska. Said sale having been ordered by the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, in a suit wherein Henry Westlake. John West lake, and Fred Westlake are plaintiffs, and Samuel Westlake. Hannah Heebner. and C-teorge Westlake. etui., are defendants. Terms of sale will be casli and sale will be kept open at least one hour. Amsdell Sheldon William C. Wollen H. (J. Wellensiek. 10t5 . Keferees. .Jiotlse of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated on the Isth day of June. 1907. and duly tiled in the office of the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, on the isth day of June.1907. and executed by William H. Lair to A. S. Will to secure the payment of Two Hundred Eighty-One and 6f-I0O &S1.6s) Dollars, and upon which there is now due the sum of Two Hundred Ninety-Six and 67-100 (SW.67) Dollars. IHjfault having been made in the payment of said sum. and no suit or other proceedings at law having leen insti tuted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell the property therein de scribed, to-wit: One iron gray mare, about seven years old. weight about 1.000 pounds, named "Iolly" and known as"Warga" mare and branded "Q" on right side of neck and 74 on right hip: One iron gray horse about eight years old. weight about 1130 pounds, named "Ned"' and known as "Long" horse, and branded "Q" on left shoulder, and partially blind in left eye: also one top buggy with red running gears and one double set buggy harness, at public auction at corner Main and Fourth streets in the City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the L'lst day of March, at two o'clock P. M .. of said day. A. S- VV n.U Mortgagee. WANTED - A represeotative in this county by a large real estate corporation Special inducements to those who wish to become financially inter- i i Th3 Real Estate Security Go., Fort Dttrbora BtiKltg, Ctlcigi, Illinois I F you want the right land in the right laud 1 at the right price, from the men. Write now to yours sincerely. H. D. Hichkk A. Son. McDonald. Kansas. As we have exclui ve list of the liest lands for homes. In Kawllns or Cheyenne Counties, and we know we can please you In quality, price and terms. 1J-4 Til i: 1,1 k of all real-estate bargains - j0.( 00 acres of choice farm land in North-west Kansas and Fastern Colorado. AlsoClty prop erty In tioodlaiid. Kansas, and Denver. Colo rado. Write for Illustrated circular and price list. . L. Calvert, (ioodlaiid, Kansas. I.'t4 WYO.MI.Nt; Lauds Investors and homeseek ers write for information regarding lands In "the only county In the state where agri cultural crops are raised without Irrigation," to Somers & Hush, Moocroft. Wyoming. l-t4 MONKV In wheat and corn lauds. That's the kind you will get if you buy of C. M. Kees, Lisle, Nebr.. situated In eastern Per kins county. See or write for further infor mation. 12t4 North-west Kansas The place where you can buy the ItKST laud for the LEAST money of anywhere in the west. Good water and good soil. Write me for further informa tion. F.dwin Lyman. McDonald, h's. Ut4 Your f 100 acre farm will buy two better in Harlan county, the best county in Ne braska. Oood list of bargains. See us first. Weblier & Gates, "the Iand Men." Orleans, Nebraska. 1214 For Sale 141 acres, all smooth and tillable, 35 acres in cultivation, tine well, cheap buildings, la head of cattle. Price 2.000. easy terms. Geo. L. Kcid. Tribune K's. 12t2 Cheyenne County has again proven what it will do. We have the finest land in the county for sale on easy terms at f 10 to f 15 per acre. Will also trade for town property. Kodimtn l.iooscheu Lam1 Co.. IJtl Sidney. Nebr. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given to all iiersous Inter ested and to l he public, t hat the undersigned, William ltarclay. has tiled his net iliou and ap plicnt ion in t he office of the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, as required by law. signed by a majority of the resident free hold ers of Fight. Mile tirove precinct, setting forth that the applicant is a man of respect able character and standing and a resident of the st ate of Nebraska, and praying that a license may l issued to the said William Barclay for t he sale of malt, spirit nous and vinous honors for the itciiod of one year from the dateof the hearing of said application in a building on lot I in block 4. in the village of Cedar Creek, in Light, Mile tJrove precinct, in Cass county, Nebraska. iut:i Wii.i.iam hahci.ay. Applicant- Notice of Probate of Will. In the County Court of Cass county, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Catherine St adclmaun. deceased. To all iM-rsoiis interested or concerned: You are hereby notified t hat a M-t it ion has lceii tiled to probate a will pu i iki 1 i ug to lie the last will of Catherine St adlemann. and for the apiKiint ment of the executrix named therein. There will ! a hearing uihii said petition at my office in the court house in t he city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, at ten o'clock a. in., on the 4th day of April. I!us. and all objections thereto must lie tiled by said hour, and at said time, such orders will be made as are just and proper In the premises. . . .... ' D. . Dwyer. Attorney. County Judge. (Seal) i:: Injured by His Horse Yesterday evening, while having his horse's feet trimmed at the blacksmith shops of J. Iverson, the horseman, Ed. Snodgrass, received an injury over the eye which required the work of surgeons to mend. Mr. Snodgrass was holding the horse, while the feet were being worked upon, when suddenly the horse reared up and striking with its fore feet, cut a deep gash in the over his right eye. The wound was closed by Dr. J. S. Livingston and it will be some time before the injury is entirely well. Made a Run fcr It. This morning the three Perry boys, living south of this city, had business in the metropolis and had to drive to town for the train. They found the roads rough and were late in getting here. Chas. and Glen, who jumped out of the rig, made the train all right, though out of breath, but Vernon suc ceeded in getting only as far as the court house to see the train glide away. He took the train in the opposite direc tion, going by way of Pacific Junction, and got there just the same. W. W. Coates also took a sprint and made good though he started from the Riley hotel after the train had arrived. Entertained School Board. Last evening at his home Superin tendent of the City Schools J. M. Gam ble, entertained the members of the board of education. Mrs. Gamble was a visitor at the meeting tf the Eastern Star, and the men had things all their own way. After going over his trip in the east, as touching the facts relating to the schools for which the meeting was called, Mr. Gamble showed that he was an adept cook, by the delightful lunch which he put up. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. RefuM substitute. Prlo BOo. FOR SALE BY F. G. FRICKE OHIO COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS MEET Very Little Business Trans acted Outside of Glains Allowed Plattsmouth, Neb., March 17, '08. Board of county commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved, whereupon the following business was transacted in regular form: Road petition from Wm. Puis and eleven others was received, praying for a road commencing at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of sec tion 1, town 11, range 12, running thence north one mile, to be located on the half section line. Also a road petition of Wm. Wade and others was received, praying for a road commencing at a point where the east line of the village of Louisville intersects the section line between sec tion 14 and 23, town 12, range 11 east, running thence south 180 feet to a point where the south line of Second street would intersect the east line of said road. The following bills were allowed on the general fund: M. L. Friedrick, salary and ex. . .$ 16 20 L. 1). Switzer, same 12 90 C. II. Jordon, same 18 15 S.Hulfish, mdse to county. 4 75 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co, mdse to county superintendent 18 75 Hammond & Stephens, same 8 55 Neb Light Co, gas to jail and court house 17 44 D. C.Morgan, expense attending assessors meeting 3 ;6 F. E. Schlater, juror and bailiff costs 73 81 Ilatt & Son, mdse to farm 78 97 J. B. Martin, salary 4th quarter 1907, Co physician 33 75 C. D.Quinton, boarding city pris oners 16 25 C. D. Smith, envelopes 35 36 C. D. Quinton, salary and board ing Co prisoners 205 15 Stone Merchantile Co, mdse to poor 2C 00 J. D. McBride.fees, the state vs J. M. Johnson 6 00 S. S. Sriver, same 4 80 C. E. Coats, same 4 80 Wm. II. Bogard, same 4 80 J. W. Brendel, same.. 4 80 Oeo Rowland, same 4 80 James Robertson, fees same 4 30 J. II. Tarns, hay, etc to farm... SI 79 Q. K. Parmele, livery to Co 7 50 J. V. Egenberger, coal and hay 246 35 Road Fund The following amounts were allowed on the different numbered road dis tricts: David Campbell, road work, 3. .$ 3 00 McCartney Bros, material, 4... 1 00 Stroemer Lumber Co, same, 16.. 248 63 W. C. Bartlett. road work, 15. . . 6 00 G. H. Jackman, same, 3 39 75 Ben Beckman, same, 10 52 00 Beard adjourned to meet April 7th, 1908 W. E. ROSENCRANS, County Clerk. Avoca (Special Correspondence) Fred Hillman and wife were up from Berlin Sunday. J. W. Morley had business at Weep ing Water Tuesday. Miss Eda Marquardt was a Omaha visitor Saturday. The Odd Fellows are busy every meet ing night initiating candidates. J. H. Schmidt and E. Nutzman, sr., are out in western Nebraska. . J. L. Nutzman and Miss Emma Witzkie were united in marriage at Omaha last Tuesday. They will reside on a farm south of town. W. I. S moots made a trip to Omaha Thursday. Peter Jorgensen was at Omaha on business Wednesday. 0. Tefft had business in the western part of the state the first of the week. John McDermed, who has been visit ing in this vicinity for several days will soon depart for his home at Cashmere, Washington. Louis Ehlers returned Tuesday even ing from a visit at Bertrand. Henry Wohlers, who had the mis fortune to have one of his limbs broken some time ago was able to come to town Wednesday. Several thousand bushels of corn was marketed here this week. Mrs. Louis Jensen and children, of Elmwood, were visiting Avoca rela tives, the first of the week. Mrs. L. J . Marquardt enjoyed a visit from her father, who resides at Utica, the first of the week. Has a Pleasant Room Chas. Guthmann has had his show cases at the Cozy Corner cigar store changed to the other side of the room, and other improvements in the place since it came into his position, among which are a fence or railing which keep the public from the space behind his cigar cases. The'room as it is now, is a very pleasant and agreeable place to pass a pleasant hour. . DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful 1 cures inaue ny ur. Kilmer's Swamp- voot, the great kid- ey, liver and Llal- K der remedy. It is the great med 1 ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after vears of scientific research by Iir. Kilmer, tne eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble n win oe found'just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement lias been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free bv mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to C . . Till hmlout if vou nave kiuney or oiauucr trou ble. When writing mention reading tins generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iiinghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are sold bv all trotnl drug; Borne of Swamp-Root. ists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tne address, jiiuguamion, every bottle. . on Political Unrest. There is no doubt that the result of political and business unrest is causing many people to break away from their old political moorings. Party lines can no longer be drawn as tightly as in for mer campaigns, and the independent voter will have to be, more tha.: ever before, appealed to. That great busi ness man and democrat, Hon. William L. Douglas, who showed himself when governor of Massachusetts to be also a statesman, in a recent interview gave his opinion of the trend of public opin ion as follows: "That the methods and tactics of the administration at Washington are doing much to obliterate party lines, I can readily believe; that they will benefit the republican more than the demo cratic party, is far less certain. The democratic party should, in my opinion, do all possible to abolish special privi leges and to give the people a square deal. It should be less spectacular in its methods and more certain in produc ing substantial results. Above all things, it should take a strong position for im mediate tariff reduction on raw mate rials and foods, and especially for the entire removal of all duties on trust products sold cheaper to foreigners than to Americans. It should also do all in its power toward securing reciprocal trade relations with Canada and all oth er countries. With such a platform and with candidates that command the con fidence of the people, I believe our party will not only gain the support of many honest manufacturers, now republicans, but would win at the polls. I have no fear of the results when the democratic party presents a proper platform and candidates to the voters." Whenever you see anything favora ble to Governor Johnson as the demo cratic candidate for president, you can bet your bottom dollar it comes from a republican source, and is calculated to harm Mr. Bryan. The Omaha Bee and Lincoln Journal are classed among those papers that are harping Johnson in near ly every issue. They know that Bryan will carry Nebraska this year, and with him the entire state ticket, including a majority of the congressmen and legis lature. They know, also, that thous ands of Nebraska republicans will vote for Bryan who would not think of voting for Johnson. This is the solution of all this republican hubbub regarding Gov ernor Johnson's candidacy. But they can effect nothing in the way of re tarding the widespread popularity of the great Nebraskan, who will be nom inated at Denver and elected president in November. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Rupture Cured IN ONE TREATMENT, $25.00 by the latest and most scientific method known. No injection of poison: no loss of time; no hos pital: no pain, no knife; no truss. Thousands cured. Our patients after taking: treatment, have successfully passed the most severe and trying: tests. Come to us and be a new man again. Call for consultation or write for booklet. THE CER.NAN SPECIALISTS. 532 Broadway. - - Council Bluffs. Ia ii i; x ii i No Changes in the Rule About Marriage of Catholics to Non-Catholics, Except That a Priest Perform Ceremony The new Catholic marriage law, which goes into effect Easter, will do much to prevent secret marriages and elope ments, priests of the church say. It not only provides that the persons to be married must sign an engagement con tract in the presence of witnesses, but that the marriage must be performed by the parish priest where the persons reside or, if another priest is called for any reason, the parish priest must know of the marriage. Priests May Be Punished for Laxity. If the persons live in different par ishes the priest of the parish to which the bride belongs has the preference. A person must live at least a month in a parish in order to gain a residence there. When persons apply to a priest for marriage it is his duty to ascertain if they have complied with the church law. He is held responsible and may be punished b. the bishop if he fails to obey the law. In case one or both of the persons can not write the fact is to be stated in the engagement contract. The wedding is to be recorded in the parish register where it takes place and the priest is to In District Court The case of the state vs Alvin Jones which was before the district court yes terday, the defendent pleaded guily, and his attorney offered a motion for the arrest of judgement, which is to be dis posed of by briefs, to be submitted by the attorneys for either side, thus tak ing the case to the supreme court for settlement, and a dicision on the con stitutionality of the law, in question. In district court this morning the case of the state vs Taylor, was argued to the court, wherein her children had been sentenced to the home for the friendless. It being the object of the action today to show that Miss Taylor, the mother of the children, was able to care for them. The case was taken un der advisement. The jury which has been out for the past three days on the case of Leopold Brandmeir, were called into the jury box this noon and asked if they had ar rived at a verdict, reported no. Dur ing their deliberation they have take thirty-seven ballots, thirty-six of which stood 5 for conviction and 7 for acquital, while the twenty-seven ballots had been 6 to 6. The disagreement was on the question of the strength of the evidence, and after hearing this, Judge Good told the jury to return again to the jury room and see if they could not arrive at a verdict. Mrs. Roy Dodge at Hospital Mrs. Roy Dodge is reported a being much worse and it was decided to take her to the hospital where she could re ceive much needed treatment and she wss taken to Omaha yesterday after noon on the Missouri Pacific train, her mother, Mrs P. E. Ruffner accompany ing her to cafe for her. SHOULD AHORSE BE CLIPPED? that of the 250 horses undipped horses 153 were afflicted with coughs and pneumo nia, while of the 250 clip- pea case of sickness was reported. STEWART'S No. I Clippers 1902 Clippers We sharped clipper knives for of clipping machines. Plattsmouth, mm dug um mm send a notification to the pariah where the persons were baptized, even if this be in a foreign country, and the mar riage is to be recorded there also. The church will recognize only mar riages performed by a priest. Mar riages jerformed by Protestant minis ters and magistrates are not recognized. To Wed Non-Catholics Not Forbidden. "Marriages must be performed by priests, but marriages between Catho lics and non-Catholics are not fordid den, " says the Rev. B. S. Kells, secre tary to the Ht. Iiev. Thcma:i F. Lillis, bishop of the Leavenworth diocese. "The same form, however, mut be fol lowed in c ases where one of the con tracting parties is not a Catholic." The decree of Pope Plus X concern ing the new law has been received by the bishops in this country and sent to the priests of their dioceses. In speak ing of a secret betrothal and marriage it says: "Experience has sufficiently shown the many dangers of such es pousals in that they are an incentive to sin and the cause of misleading inex perienced girls, besides involving sub sequent dissensions and endless dis putes. ' George Palmer's Estate George II. Palmer, who died march 'J left an estate estimated to be worth $21), 000, according to the petition for the probate of his will, which was filed by his father II. K. l'almer, in Omaha Tuesday. The petition asks the appoint ment ot Mrs. Florence M. l'almer the widow as ey-utrix. CELEBRATED JACK: BLACK BADGER! This celebrated Jack will make the season at the farm of the undersigned, 4 miles west of Plattsmouth. BLACK BADGER is a sure foal get ter, and it will pay breeders to call and see him. He is 6 years old, and black with white points. Terms $12.00 to insure a colt to stand and suck. H. F. GANSMER, Owner. - : . A-. The clipping of a horse in the early Spring is now conceded by all leading veterinarians to be as essential to a horse's well being as shoeing him or giving him a comfortable bed to lie on. Some years ago a Buffalo street car company tested the value of clipping in the following manner: They own ed 500 horses, and 250 of these were clipped early in the Spring and 250 were not clipped . A careful record was kept of results and it was found not one $ 7 00 II OO all k. inds Nobracka