The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 12, 1908, Image 4

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C We ore going to pour shot and
shell into the enemy's camp, until
they will think they are once more
storming Port Arthur. There will
be cannonading all along the line,
for with us it is cut loose and un
load now, not later. Our loss will
be the people's gain, and we ex
pect them for fifty miles around to
turn out to this harvest for all the
people and not a favored few.
There never was such an under
taking in this city, and we do not
believe there ever will be again.
Absolutely $1.00 here will do the
work of $1.50 to $2.00 elsewhere
on many lines, and next Thursday
morning, MARCH 12TH, when
these doors open, you will see such
a gathering of people as never ap
peared on the streets of this city
Rain or Shine, the Battle Goes On.
We have put our word out to
the people and you know how well
we have kept it. Our word to you
will be our bond, and there is not
one item in this house, or half a
dozen going to be put out for a
bait, as you will find plenty trying
to do. BUT OVKR 49,000 1TKMS
all at a price that never met mortal
man's eyes before. From one end
of this big store to the other, you
will find the greatest fluttering of
red tickets, with the price of de
struction marked on them and
staring you in the face no matter
which door you come in.
and Our People Get tke Benefit
33D C
Worth of the Highest Grade Merchandise Going Out to All the People.
Look for the Red Ticket! They Denote a Saving of 1-4 to 1-2 on Your Purchase!
T1) V We are Going to
ISJzriX 21 W)o Do the Battle o 0vir Lives!
We are going to battle for the masses and not the classes! THIRTY DAYS we want to make this the Greatest Closing Out Sale that ever appeared within the history of this
country, for with us it is cold cash we want, and we must have it quick. THIS STOCK IS DOOMED and must be sold in the next thirty days, positively no longer time. THE
FIXTURES FOR SALE! We propose to unload every dollar of this gigantic stock of merchandise during the next thirty days, and the people get the benefit while it lasts. All the
former attempts at merchandising by us 01 any other concern within 50 miles of this city, will be eclipsed beyond all question. THE CITY WILL BE IN A STIR AS NEVER BE
FORE. A hustle and a bustle throughout the entire big store that will wake mortal man from his slumbers and make competition howl until you can hear them for blocks around. It
will be a wonderful gathering of the people. We want CASH and we are going to give the people the benefit. We will raise the roof if it is necessarv. IT WILL BE A HOT
Whole Shooting Match Goesto the People.
We want to do ten times the
business of our lives, because we
want CASH. We expect multi
tudes standing in line and your
share will le here for you. We
have put on 15 extra salespeople,
and no matter whether the sun
shines, or whether it is raining, it
will pay you to gather up your
gum coats, mackintoshes and um
brellas, aud come down and see
the greatest display of merchandise
sold for the least money that ever
appeared to your eyes or any other
person's eyes since you were born.
Not one item will be held in re
serve. You will see signs and you
will hear signs of these war priced
merchants, but they will only be
siens of distress. We know it is
an immense undertaking, and while
other merchants tell you that THE
COATES D. G. CO. is losing
thousands of dollars in order to
make this Carnival a success,
that we cannot help. We are not
trying to run their business, neither
do we expect them to run ours.
We are going out after the cold cash
and we are coming out and asking
you to part with it at a season of
the year when all men expect to
make their 50 and 100 per cent
profit; but with us profit is a thing
of the past. Wholesale prices and
loss reign throughout this entire
big institution on many lines
Fire, Smoke and Water
Backed by the Sheriff, could not make prices
we do for the next thirty days. Come, join
the procession and partake of thousands of
bargains that await here for you.
10 Spools Best Machine Thread
Will be sold for 10c with every purchase of
$5.00 or over. Or, if you prefer, 10 yards of
the best calico for 10c with all purchases of
$5.00 or over throughout this big store.
For Thirty Days
Commencing, THURSDAY, MARCH 9TH,
and winding up at midnight,Mon. 13th, we do
the battle of our lives to unload this big mer
chandise stock that will wake everybody up.
As Long as They Last
You will buy 2 papers of Pins for lc. 2 card
hooks and eyes lc. In fact, 9c here in No
tions, will do the work of 19c elsewhere.
, Willi
!! I We Are Going to Talk 1
Slash! Smash! Bans! Go the Prices of Lace Curtains, and Tanostrv Curtains.
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