.1 J i -! 1 i- i I. I : i I ! r Classified Advertisements Mr. Itivi-htiir-Mr. liciitcr. Why not luy a CulfrHlo lloinc In Washington county? WliiTf farm irolin- twlr' us iinn'h with half tin? l.ulxir ami I,hii1 Istlifup Clianci: of your llfti to K t iffxxl home wIhti; our rron will pay for It. fc It now. Tiiki- tin? IturlliiK ton KouU? to Akron. Colorado, win-re we liav In. In-level l:imU for sale, that will product; wheat, com. alfalfa. ImrW-y and all kinds ttt iuall Kraln and live flock. Kxcurlon tirst uiid third Tuesdays of t-ach month. Hopkins ICeal Kstate .V Ixitn Co.. !U Akron, Colorado. 1G( Acres under jroOH'l diu-h. AO a-res IUV no In wheat. I mlh; from freight swlwh miles of Iienvcr. Fenced. fiW 0.00 buys It. Half cash. Other land bargain. M4 II. F. rainier. lUniielt. Colo. To the llomeKceker and Iind Investor: Vour name and address will hrlng you hy re turn mall our late special real estate chart, showing beautiful panoramic view of Colby (county ieat of Thonia county, Kansas) also photOKraphs of steam plow and Improved farms, with fvll description, prices and terms. The Kreatest bargain and most beautiful laying productive land on earth. Wheat has yielded 56 bushels per acre. Present acreage per capita Is forty-two acres. Present con dition of crop Is 100 percent. Write us today. One cent stamp will lead you to happy home and fortune. John Ackard Sl Son. Keal Kstate and Ixans, Colby. Kansas. U The next 60 days will offer 4000 acres koimI clay land as in this state. In tracts totfuiL for t'JO per acre. Five years time. I mproved farms accordingly. Write A. M. Templln. I'almer. Neb. t4 Altargaln: 2ho acre Improved farm In the corn lelt; 4 miles to good It. it. town; miles to one Catholic ami ono Protestant church. $.V M-r acre. Write Ktirdette V. Olll. Chillii'othe. Mo. Ttl F.r Sale A section of good tillable laud In Lincoln county. Nebraska, forts per acre. Twelve hundred dollars can stand on land. Address, .lay M. Kiley. Lawrence. Neb. 1014 Send for Htillflin containing over 100 well Im proved farms ." to 75 miles to St. Paul. Minnesota. ISIggesl bargain list out. jtM-utcj in v're.it dairy district. K. Akerson. i ti l.instrun. Minn. D-trgains in Nebraska Kanches Come out and see liat 1 have. I am sure you will tied something that will suit you. This is a line stock and dairy country, ricn. uiacn. sandy loam soil, in the valleys. I can locate you on 610 acres homestead. My charges are reasonable. If you are renting, why not build up a home of your own. Write for full infor mation to J. C. Iterina. Whitman, Nel. 10t4 . , r.. .... , .,lin ext lb... VH IbU w liich Is a town on the main line of the I'lilon Pacific, in Dawson county. Nebraska, with a good 3 room house, barn for six horses, well. etc. HO acres under plow, including acres of alfalfa, meadow, so acres In wild grass, which is all good land ami as level as a floor, there Is 30 acres of fall wheat on farm which iroes with the sale. There is no sand on this farm, all good hard soil. The price on this farm until a week ago was?i.000 but the owner has planned to go to the Pacific coast this spring, ami tells us to cut it loose at S4.SU0. There is SI.OOO mortgage on the farm which can lie carried or paid off. Land unimproved adjacent to this is listed at ?.")0 00 per acre. Come ami look at this and we will convince you that this is worth the money. Possession given March 1st. l'.HiS. The J. I Mitchell Keal Kstate Co. Itt2 Lexington. Neb. Legal Notice In the District County of Cass County. Ne braska. Lucy May Fuller Plaintiff vs William H. Fuller Defendant To William II. Fuller non-resident defend ant: Vou are hereby notified that on the 24tli tlav of February. 1WS. Lucy May Fuller filed a letition against you in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty and failure to upiort and maintain plaintiff, and to lie re stored to her maiden name. Vou are required to answer said ietition on or liefore Monday the 13th day of April l'.s. Lucy May Fuller. HyA. X. Sullivan, her Attorney. Referees Sale. In District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Not hre Is hereby given that on the 1st day of April. liiOK. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the front door of the court house. In the city of Platt.smouth. In Cass county. Nebraska, the undersigned Heferees will sell to the highest bidder at public sale forcash the following de scrilied real estate, to-wit: The West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section (IS). Township (10). Kange (12). and all of that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section (19). Township (10). ltange (12). lying east of tle right of way of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, throv pta said Northeast Quarter of the North west wuarter aforesaid, situate in Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale having been ordered by the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, in a suit wherein HenrF West lake. John West lake, and Fred Westlake are plaintiffs, and Samuel Westlake. Hannah Heebner. and tieorge Westlake. et ?.l.. are defendants. Terms of sale will tie cash and sale will be kept ppen at least one hour. A msdell Sheldon William C. Wollen H. G. Wellensiek. lOto Keferees. Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage Notice is hereby irlTen that by virtue of a chattel mortgajre. dated on the Isth day of June. 1907. and duly filed in the office of the county cleric of Cass county. Nebraska, on the isth day of June. 17. and executed by William H. Lair to A. S. Will to secure the payment of Two Hundred Eighty-One and 68-100 (&S1.68) Dollars, and upon which there Is now due the sum of Two Hundred Ninety-Six and 67-100 (iiW-tsr) Dollars. Itefault having been made in the payment of said sum. and no suit or other proceedings at law having lieen insti tuted to recoversaid debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell the property therein de scribed, to-wit : One iron gray mare, aliout seven years old. weight about 1.000 pounds, named 'lolly" and known as "Warga" mare and branded "Q" on right side of neck and 74 on right hip: One iron irray horse about- eight years old. weight afout 11 Jt iKJunds. named Ned" and known as "Long" horse, and branded "Q" on left shoulder, and partially blind in left eye: also one top buggy with red running gears and one double set buggy harness, at public auction at corner Main anil Fourth streets In the City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the Ist day of March, at two o'clock P. M-. of said day. A. S. Will. Mortiracee. WANTED - A represeotative in this county by a large real estate corporation Special inducements to those who wish to become financially interested- The Real Estate Security Co., Fort Deirbin Boildiog, Chicago, llllsois IF you want the right laud In the right land at the. right price, from the men. Write now to you r sincerely. It. I). Hi';hks& Son. McDonald. Kansas. As we have exclulve list of ttie best lands for homes. In Kawllns or Cheyenne Counties, and we know we can please you In iuallty. price and terms. 1--4 Tllh'il k of all real-estate bargains - IjO.I 00 acres of choice farm land in North-west Kansas and Kastern Colorado. Also City prop erty in (ioodlaud, Kansas, and Denver, Colo rado. Write for Illustrated circular and price list. . L. Calvert, (;oodlanl, Kansas. I.'t4 UUYO.MINt; Lands-Investors and homcscek ers write for Information regarding lauds In "tin only county in the statu where agri cultural croH are raised without Irrigation." to So in ers & Hush. Moocroft. Wyoming. 1-14 MO.NKV in wheat and corn lands. That's the kind you will get If you buy of C. M. Itees. KIsle, Nebr.. situated In eastern Per kins county. See or write for further Infor mation. 12t4 North-west Kansas The place where you can buy the HKST land for the LEAtiT money of anywhere In the west. Good water and good soil. Write me for further Informa tion. Kdwin Lyman. McDonald, Ks. 12t4 Vour $100 acre farm will buy two better In 1 Harlan county, the best county In Ne braska. Good list of bargains. See us first. Weblier & Gates, "the Land Men." Orleans, Nebraska. I2t4' For Sale ltjl acres, all smooth and tillable, 35 acres In cultivation, tine well, cheap buildings, lo head of cattle. Price $i000, easy terms. Geo. L. Iteid. Tribune Ks. 12t2 Cheyenne County has again proven what it w ill do. We have the finest land in the county for sale on easy terms at 110 to f 13 per acre. Will also trade for town property. Kodman Loos-lien Land Co.. U't Sidney. Nebr. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given to all iktsoiis inter ested anil to the public, that the undersigned. i 1 1 i a in liarcluy, has tiled his net itlon and ap plication in I he office of the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, as leiiuiii'd by law. signed by a majority of the resident free hold ers of Kight Mile Grove precinct, setting forth that the applicant is a man of resiiectable character and standing and a resident of the state of Nebraska, anil praying that a license may be issued to the said William Harclay for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liiiuors for the jici-iod of one year from the date of the hearing of said application in a building on lot 1 in block 4. in the village of Cedar Creek, in Light Mile (J rove precinct, in Cass county, Nebraska. iL't.'l William Hakclat. Applicant. Union From the Ledger. Jarr.es Hasting of York arrived here Monday night to make a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Dan Lynn. Will Cross and Syl Hathaway depart ed Tuesday for Colorado to spend some time visiting and looking at some of the land bargains offered in that country. Mrs. W. T. Wolfe arrived Tuesday from Rawhide Buttes, Wyo., to make a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Chalfant, and other relatives and numerous friends in this neighborhood. John Eaton and family have decided to try Iowa soil and climate for awhile, and moved this week to a farm near Bartlett. Their many Union friends regret their removal but wish them well in their new Iowa home. Charley Ratliff returned Saturday night from Omaha, where he has been having his ears treated by a specialist His hearing is much improved, but he will have to make a trip to Omaha occasion ally for examination and further treat ment. Dick Conrad arrived home last Satur day from Corydon, Indiana, where he had been visiting among relatives and friends at his boyhood home, He had a good time and is hoping for another vacation with as much pleasure as the last one. Reese Delaney and wife arrived home last Friday night from their several weeks visit at the old home in West Virginia. They were accompanied home by their niece. Miss Jessie Haught, who came to make her home here in case she is favorably impressed with the country after seeing more of it. Mrs. W. L. Taylor met with a pain ful accident last week that the reporter overlooked. While attending to the kitchen work she tripped and fell, her left arm striking the door with such force that a bone was fractured just above the wrist. It was a very painful injury and will make the left arm al most useless for a few works. The condition of Mrs. Sarah Lynn has not been so favorable the past week, and she appears to have lost almost all her strength. It has now been eight days since she has taken medicine or food of any kind, and it seems that un der these conditions she can survive a very short time, her death being ex pected at any hour. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. nfuM ubtttutM. Prlo BOo. FOR SALE BY F. G. FRICKE OHIO Mvird ock IIy i. A. els.) I'KODLCK MAKKKTs, Corrected weekly ly Martiti it Too', who pay the highest prices fur jiroduci and guarantee satisfaction: Mutter .... Kkks liens Springs Cream Cattle Hofs -Jic UYiC ic HC 17c . i'J.M tofii.W GRAIN MAKKKTS. Corn . . Wheat Oats... ..51c . .soc ..4IC Rock Island Time Tablk Murdock Station. WKST BOUND. No. 85, local freight 8:.'W a. m. No 6. mail 2:30 p. m No. 37, mall 5:53 p. m. No 6 does not stop for passegers east of Denver. east bound No. 94, freight 12:30 a. m. No. 18, Local 12:30 p. m. No. 6, mail 3:00 p. m. No. 86, local freight 11:95 p. m. No. d does not stop for passe oers west of DesMoines Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leis visited rela tives near Louisville and Manley last week. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schewe Monday, March 9th. II. R. Neitzel has moved the building now being occupied for a millinery establishment, onto the lot adjoining the bank building, on the south. Henry Westlake has a force of men at work laying the foundation for a new butcher shop to be built on Main street, adjoining L. Neitzel's property. W. T. Weddell is now occupying the residence vacated by Geo. Leis. We are proud to note that the Mur dock band is progressing nicely Mrs. Chas. Rager and Mrs. George Leis visited at South Auburn the fore part of last week. Miss Alice Rogers is visiting relatives in the western part o'f the state this week. Win. Neilsen and Em Rogers trans acted business in Omaha Monday and Tuesday. II. R. Neitzel transacted business in Richfield Tuesday. George Leis and family expect to de part soon for the Pacific coast, there to make their future home. On Tuesday evening March 3, 1908, occurred the death of Wanda Phenice Monroe, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monroe of this place. The little one had been ill but a short time, and at no time seemed in danger, until the Grim Reaper came to claim the loved one, aged 18 months, 22 days. Funeral services were conducted at Arlington on Thursday, March 5th, and the infant laid ti rest in the family lot in that cemetery, Rev. Chappell conduct ing the services. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in this, their sad bereavement. Card of Thanks. To the many friends and neighbors, who so kindly assisted us during our sad bereavement, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Monroe. FOUR MILE CORNER Special Correspondence Miss Kate Willus is visiting at L. H. Young's. Edward Murray visited in this vicin ity Sunday. Guy McGuill visited near Weeping Water Sunday. Wm. Troop purchased hogs of L. McVey Saturday. Ben Noell and wife spent Sunday with the latter's parents, B. Young and wife. Mrs. Gailen Rhoden made a trip to Nebraska City Monday to see the dentist. J. A. Burrows, wife and children spent Saturday and Sunday with the formers mother in Plattsmouth. Miss Edna Shepherdson returned to her home at Weeping Water Satin-day. She had been visiting with her brother, R. Shepherdson. A few friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey to surprise them one evening recently, it being the latter's 31st anniversary. Music and games furnished the enter tainment, which caused the time to fly quickly and all enjoyed it. A dainty two-course luncheon was then provided. At a late hour all departed for their homes, wishing them many more such happy events. Those who took part in the affair were Messrs. and Mesdames Ben Noell, Gailen Rhoden, Wm. Renner, Gold Rice, R. C. Bailey and family; Misses Maggie and Alice Seagrave of Plattsmouth. Rjpture Cured IN ONE TREATMENT, $25. CO by the latest and most scientific method known. No Injection of poison; no loss of time: no hos pital; no pain, no knife; no truss. Thousands cured. Our patients after taking treatment, have successfully passed the most severe and trying tests. Come to us and be a new man again. Call for consultation or write for booklet. THE GERMAN SPECIALISTS. 532 Broadway. - - Council Bluffs. Ia PLENTY OF PROOF From People You Know, From Citizens The greatest can hardly fail to be convinced in the face of evidence like this. It is impossible to produce better proof of merit than the testimony of residents of Plattsmouth, of people who can be seen at any time. Read the following case of it: Mrs. James Hodgert, living at 1102 Main street, Plattsmouth, says: "When I have backache Doan's Kidney Pills are the doctor. I first used this remedy about two years ago and it brought me such quick and positive relief from backache that I have always since de pended upon it in case of recurrence and it has never failed to give most gratifying results. Prior to using Doan's Kidney Pills I suffered a great deal at times from a dull heavy pain in the small of my back, especially so when I stopped or brought any strain on the muscles of the loins. The fact that Doan's Kidney Pills have saved me a great deal of suffering and have never once failed me, gives me cause to value them highly. My husband has also used them for pain in the back and found it true to its representations. We never mean to be without Doan's Kidney Pills on hand. I procured them at Gering & Co.'s drug store." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Never Forgets His Friends. There is one characteristic in the make up of Hon. W. J. Bryan, that but few public men can boast of, and that is he never forgets a friend, no matter in what station of life. When Mr. Bryan was first a candidate for congress in this dis trict, several years previous to his can didacy for president, our old friend, Con rad Schlater, was then chairman of the democratic county central committee. In his campaign in Cass county, Mr. Schlater and Mr. Bryan were associated together a great deal and became fast friends, and that friendship has never wavered on either side. Mr. Schlater has been confined to his home most of the fall and winter by illness, and nearly all of which time Mr. Bryan has been away from home. On his return to Lincoln he learned of his old friend's illness, and hastened to write Mr. Schlater the fol lowing sympathetic letter: Lincoln, March 9, 1908. Mr. Conrad Schlater, Plattsmouth, Neb., My Dear Mr. Sclater: Mr. Charles Sherman has told me of your sickness, and I learned from one of your relatives of your relatives while in Omaha, that you were improving and would soon be in your accustomed health. I write to express my regret that you have been sick, and my earnest desire for your speedy recovery. Remembering your loyalty to democratic principles through out all of these years and your personal friendliness to me, I want to give you this assurance of my interest in your health and welfare. Very Truly Yours, W. J. BRYAN, Editor Commoner "My Policies" and the "Radicals." In addressing a meeting of Socialists in Philadelphia the other day one of their leaders had this to say, according to the report of a Philadelphia paper: "If a man is oat of employment and starving, what shall he do?" Answer ing cries of "Steal!" came from the audience. The speaker continued: "He has the right to appeal to the city, state or nation. If bankers are permitted to put their arms up to their elbows into the people's treasury, why are not the people themselves entitled to relief. Look at the long lines of empty frieght cars the Teddy bears.' You ought to beg, borrow or steal. The first law of nature is self -protec tin. It is against the law to contribute to any one's suicide or to commit suicide your self, and you have no right to starve." While we do not pretend, and would not under any circumstances, lay our selves open to suspicion of being in sym pathy with matters socialistic, yet we must say the spirit of the above should command attention, because of what it may lead to. , Inflammatory speakers are, for the most part, radical, and some of their hy potheses and arguments are false, but we must acknowledge that in many in stances their facts are true. As to their proposed remedies, as illustrated in this Philadelphia speech, they are unworthy of discussion. Beneath the foregoing there must be something deep. We have no hesitency in indorsing the statement of the facts in the main and must therefore call at tention to what might result in the event of the continuance of .the present deplor able conditions. The spiritjof the utter ances is enough to cause reflection. ; I'rmxiramtt AYcge table Preparation for As slinilating the Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Dowels of ProinotesTigiesUon.CIreTful ncss and Rcst.Contains neither Opnun;;M phine nor Mineral. NotNahcotjc. TUv. SmJ KJkfllm SJtM - tti Cartttnm Mm hm A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stoniach. Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsionsjcvcrish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSiirJle Signature of new VonK. cxact copy or weappcb. Good for everybody Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a prominent architect, in the Delbert Building San Francisco says: "I fully endorse all that has been said of Electric Bitters as a tonic medicine. It is good for everybody. It corrects stomach, liver and kidney disorder in a prompt and efficient manner and builds up the sys tem." Electric Bitters is the best spring medicine ever sold over a drug gist's counter; as a blood purifier it is unequaled. 50c. at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug store, Itch cured is 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails Sold by Gering & Co.. Druggists. IF NOT WHY NOT GET CURED NOW? Average Time to Cure. RUPTURE One Visit HYDROCELE One Visit VARICOEELE One visit CATARACTS 3 to 10 Days IMPOTENCY 5 to 10 Days STRICTURE 5 to 30 Days GLEET 5 to 30 Days CANCER .5 to 30 Days CATARRH 10 to 30 Days GOITER 60 to 90 Days Piles, Fistula 3 to 5 Days Losses, Drains, etc 5 to 30 Days Liquor Habit 10 to 30 Days Prostatic Troubles 10 to 30 Days Rheumatism, Gout 10 to 30 Days Stomach Diseases 20 to 60 Days Kidney Diseases 20 to 60 Days Bladder Diseases 20 to 60 Days Blood Poison, etc 60 to 90 Days We advertise what we do, and do what we advertise. No incurables taken. NO KNIFE, BLOOD OR PAIN. Examinations free to all who write for Appointment Card Now. THE GERMAN SPECIALISTS, SECOND FLOOR 522 Broadway, - - Council Bluffs, la. A. A Johnson of Weeping Water was a business visitor in the city over night departing for Omaha this morning, where he is looking after matters at the republican convention. Miss Ella Thomason departed this morning for Davenport, this state, where she will visit for some time with her uncle, David Churchill and family and cousin, Wade Miner. Her father, J. W. Thomason of near Murray, ac companied her as far as Omaha, where he has some business to look after. O o . Nursing baby? It's a heavy strain on mother. Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother's system is needed. Scott9 j Emulsion contains the greatest possible amount of nourish ment in easily digested form. Mother and baby are wonderfully helped by its use. ALL DRUGGISTS i 50c. AND 91-00 000000000000XX 16) UllU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Hears tne A. , Signature A,y of In Use For Over Thirty Years fo) mm Mrs. James Chalfant was a business visitor in the city today. Wm. Wade of Louisville was a busi ness visitor in the city today. Lute Boedeker of Louisville was a visitor in the city this morning. A. F. Feybert, of Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city this morning. S. O. Cole and wife and Ted Wiles, wife snd baby were visitors with friend. in Omaha this morning. Mrs. Mike Stoehr, Mrs. Henry Born and Mrs. Minnie Born formed a party who are visiting in Omaha today, and looking after some business matters. Mr. C. Mockenhaupt, and daughters Clara, and Mrs. James Bolin, returned last evening from a few days visit at Council Bluffs. John Carmack departed for Des Moines this morning, where he expects to accept a position on a road running out of the Iowa capitol. CELEBRATED JACK: BLACK BADGER! This celebrated Jack will make the season at the farm of the undersigned, 4 miles west of Plattsmouth. BLACK BADGER is a sure foal get ter, and it will pay breeders to call and see him. He is 6 years old, and black with white points. Terms $12.00 to insure a colt to stand and suck. H. F. GAIISMER, Owner. o o o o p o O O O p 0 o o o o o o KIT KIT J-tyJ 'it- t- m hi) I