The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 02, 1908, Image 1

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    1 7
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"JMattaimioutb Soutnal
Semi - Weekly
R. L. Metcalfe Believes the Republican Party
is Doomed to Defeat by Loss of Their
Strongest Card, "The Full
Dinner Pail"
On Saturday evening last R. L. Met-J
calfe, the Commoner editor made an
enthusiastic address before the Jeffer
son club at the University Temple in
Lincoln. His subject was "Politics
and Politicians," and the speech con
tains so many good things that the
Journal cannot resist the temptation of
publishing a portion of same. In part
Mr. Metcalfe said:
One Writer's Opinion.
"Some time ago some writer, whose
name I do not just now recall, said that
we were just emerging from the Teddy
Bear period and in the event of Mr.
Bryan's election we would enter the
Billy Donk period during which time
the children of the country would be
carrying around miniature donkeys
even as they now carry around minia
ture bears. Evidentally in the opinion
of this man the election of Mr. Bryan
would mean another period of hero
Against Hero Worship.
"I would advise the young man to
make his heroes impersonal. The
principle is all too often sacrificed in
the worship of an individual and there
is no man in politics or out of it who
is entitled to that form of attention.
Tbe practice of setting men i-upoJ
nedestals is an injustice to both
the !
man on the pedestal and to the cause i
he is presumed to represent. The men
u-hr ct iiT-i tVif Vrr vnpft. more of i
him than a common human being can ! however high; above every act of man
deliver, and we become so wrapped up i however heroic; aoove every individual
in the hero that we come to believe j or Partv conquest, however complete
that whatever hedoes is right, putting rises the sincere purpose of the humb
astop to our own reasoning process j lest Patriot to make the government
and soon the hero himself comes to im-i&ood enough to live for and good
agine that he can do no wrong. The enouf h' if need be- to' die fr; , y
result is not beneficial to any of the! "However ser.ous the obstacles be-
parties immediately concerned to
hero worship nor indeed, to any of
their neighbors.
Roosevelt Spoiled.
"I have a high respect for Mr.
Roosevelt. I think he has served the
American people well in opening their
eyes to some of the evils of the day.
But I think he has been spoiled to a
certain degree by the extraordinary
popularity he has enjoyed. I think
that most of the blunders he has made
have been due to the fact that
he has
been (I will call it,) the victim
than the beneficiary) of the American
people's unhappy disposition to exalt a
human being. Mr. Roosevelt is a good
man, but if half of the men who have
paid exaggerated tribute to him had
cheered him when plainly, he did right
Rev. II. D. Thomas of Cor
vallis, Montana, Given
Call For Charge at
This Place
Since the departure of Rev. A. L.
Zink for Clayton, New Mexico, where
he now occupies a pulpit, having a
charge which includes that places and
Folsom, as well, the charge at this
place has been without a pastor. There
has been preaching a portion of the
time, and under the circumstances, it
has been difficult to maintain
as was desired. Tomorrow Kev. 15. A. 0f a century ago, makes a great differ
Wilkinson, of Bethany, will preach at j encef as at that time the land could
both services, but after which it is ex- j have been purchased for one quarter of
pected Rev. Thomas will be here to tne amount.
take charge of the work. The state
secretary of the work of the Christian
church in Montana, recommends Rev.
Thomas very highly, as also does the
secretary of Missouri, in which state
he formerly preached.
Seed Oats For Sale
Good variety of seed oatf for sale.
S. O. Cole, ' Mynard.
and checked him when, plainly, . he has
done wrong, he would occupy a higher
place in history than that which, in my
view, will be accorded him. If Mr.
Roosevelt's admirers had been more
faithfully to principles or given more
practical consideration to the reforms
for wkich-Mr. Roosevelt was presumed
to stand, then Mr. Roosevelt woukl not
today be a champion .of the Aldrich
currency bill or an advocate of the ship
subsidy measure; his" preferred can
didate for the republican nomination
would be Robert M. LaFollette, the
known and knowable, instead of Wil
liam II. Taftthe unknown and un
tnownable. '
The Wish of &yaril.
"We" could give to Nebraskan's dis
tinguished citizen no fairer wish than
that when he shall be inaugurated
president of the United States he will
be exempt from the mad personal idola
try to which his predecessor has been
victim or beneficiary as you please.
We could give him no fairer wish than
that the same love of country "that
dominates the men of all parties and of
no party shall continue to contro in
his heart and in their hearts and in
the hearts, too, of rising generations;
that the men of his time individuals
are as nothing, principles everything.
Genuine Democracy.
'Above every ambition for office
lore tne people louay tney win De sur-
I11UUULC1.1 ill ail v.'l VI 1 1 aiiu ivs tin-
I honor and glory of democratic govem
j ment. Translate the meaning of the
rank and file of every American party
and it spells democracy and it means
the preamble to the Declaration of In
dependence described by Moses Colt
Tyler as "a passionate chant of human
freedom." Translate the preamble and
it means the sermon on the mount.
Father we need not go to find inspira
tion for a party of American freemen
a party capable of solving every prob-
i lem with which popular government is
confronted and solving it in such a way
as to respect the ownership of every
honest dollar and every well-earned
inch of soil while lending a willing and
of humanity."
Troubled With Rheumatism.
Mrs. Nicholas Halmes, who had a
broken arm for some time and which is
healing nicely, considering the nature
of the fracture and the age of the lady;
but coming on with it is a very severe
attack of rheumatism, which keeps her
confined to the house. Mr. Halmes has
been troubled with rheumatism for some
time, and with the broken arm, makes
it double hard to get around. It is
hoped that she may be able to get out
soon and have a speedy recovery from
her troubles.
Good Prices for Real Estate.
Friday morning there appears a deed
for record of a farm of 120 acres, forty
acres less than a quarter section, where
in Wm. Kennedy sells to Peter H. Mil
ler the place for $13,500, which makes
' just $112.50 per acre. This compared
i with prices which prevailed a quarter
Return From the East.
Emil Meisinger and W. H. Meisinger
returned this morning from a visit
to Pekin and other points in Illinois,
where they have been visiting for
nearly two months with relatives and
friends. The were accompanied on
their return by Philip Fornoff of that
place, a cousin of Philip Fornoff of
Cedar Creek, who will make his home
agriculture in
the schools
Superintendents' Association Also Fa
vors Manual Training and
Home Economies.
Washington, Feb. 27. The seventh
annual convention of the department of
superintendents of the National Educa
tional association closed tonight with a
reception to the delegates at the Corco
ran art gallery.
Resolutions were adopted placing the
department on record in favor of the
study of agricultural subjects in the
school of the rural districts; granting
federal aid to the state normal schools
for the training of teachers in the sub
jects of agriculture, manual training
and home economies; the maintenance
in all large cities of schools for the
special care of backward children; the
opening of large ungraded rooms in
large cities for the instruction of the
children of immigrants unable to speak
the English language; the maintenance
of evening schools for the instruction of
adult immigrants in the English lan
guagejand the duties of citizenship; urg
ing an increased appropriation for the
national bureau of education and com
mending the action of the National Civic
federation; adoption of the plan for the
sending of American teachers to Great
Britain and European continent for in
spection of their schools.
"Round table" conferences of the de
partment were held at various places
during the forenoon here today.- These
conferences consisted of state and coun
ty superintendents, superintendents of
larger cities, superintendents of medium
and smaller cities and on agricultural
The conference on agricultural educa
tion discussed "Preparation of Teachers
for Agricultural Education." It was
participated in by Ernest E. Balcomb,
Weatherford, Okla. ; E. D. Cameron,
Guthrie, Okla.; John R. Kirk, Kirks
ville, Mo.; K. L. Butterfield, Amherst,
Mass. ; Alfred Byliss, Macomb, 111. ; H.
C. White, Athens, Ga.; William M.
Stewart, Salt Lake City; Dick J. Cros
by, Department of Agriculture, and E,
C. Bishop, Lincoln, Nib.
A Chilly Experience.
Says the Lincoln Journal: "W. E
Adams, a mail clerk on the main line
of the Burlington railroad, had a chilly
experience on Burlington train No. 2,
Wednesday. At Ashland he left his
car to take a sack of mail to No. 7,
which was in the yards. While he was
away from his car the train started and
Mr. Adams made a run for it. He
caught it between two Pullmans. The
vestibules were locked, but he hung on
expecting some trainman to come
through and let him in before the train
proceeded far: Nom came. He kept
his hold until the train reached Omaha,
where he was able to dismount. He
found it necessary to abandon his run
there because of the experience. He
was thoroughly chilled by riding a fast
train on the outside of the protecting
walls of the cars."
Pollard Wants Road Building
A special from Washington says:
' 'Congressman E. M. Pollard has secur
ed an agresment to have the agricul-
ural bill carry an appropriation to be
used in instructing the farmers in build
ing roads. In the past the department
has been provided with an appropria
tion to build sample macadam roads in
various parts of the country for in
struction purposes. Mr. Pollard oppos
ed this idea on the ground that macadam
roads were entirely too expensive for
most communities to build. Instead, he
proposed to have the government send
out experts to any part of the country
to educate the farmers in building
cheaper roads such as might be con
structed with clay and sand or gravel.
r or the purpose of furnishing such ex
perts he has the good roads appropria
tion increased $25,000. The plan he
says, is to have these road engineers go
out and confer and co-operate with
county commissioners in the work."
Verner Has Cause For Joy
Our excellent young friends, Verner
Perry, residing south of town, was in
the city Saturday, and while here call
ed to renew his subscription to the
Journal. As soon as his smiling face
beamed in at our office door, we readily
noticed that something of a joyous nat
ure had happened at tne home of these
popular young people, and upon our in
quiry we were informed that it was
over the arrival of a bright eyed baby
girl at their home on the 21st of Feb
ruary. The mother and little one are
doing nicely. The Journal trusts the
little stranger may live to be a source
of much loy and comfort to them in
their declining days.
True of Nebraska.
Every newspaper in Colorado has
thrown open its columns the past four
weeks to reassure the public and restore
confidence in the banks. If the banks
have any gratitude at all they will cut
out the mail order printing houses and
independent job offices that make a
specialty of printing bank stationery at
cut throat prices, and give the home
brinter all the work at living prices. A
friend in need is a friend indeed, and
the editors of Colorado have proven
themselves such during the strenuous
times of the weeks just past. While it
was clearly the duty of the newspapers
to do all in their power to avert a
senseless panic, it also shows that the
Colorado editors are level headed men
who have the good of their communities
at heart: Will the Colorado bankers
now prove themselves as true and loyal
to home institutions as the newspapers
have proven themselves to be? Time
will tell. Troy (Colorado) Chief.
Leaves a Wife and Five Child
ren Dack in Italy-
In speaking of the Italian recently
killed at Pacfic Junction, the Glenwood
Tribune of Friday says :
Justice" Day, who conducted the in
quest over the body of the Italian kill
ed at Pacific Junction February 11, has
received1 a letter from a lawyer at
Madera, Cal., giving the dead man's
name and other particulars. His name
Bartolomeo Vietti. A wife and five
children live at Dogliani, Italy. A
brother-in-law, Peter Torone, lives at
Madera. Vietti had started for his
home, having bought a ticket to Italy
at San Erancisco. Torone says he had
silver watch and $25 in money when
he left Madera.
Most of this money was found on his
person, but the watcn ana ticKet were
As we started in the Tribune last
week,vthe verdict of the coronor4s jury
was that he had committed suicide, but
this could be only a surmise, as no
appears to have seen the accident.
Vietti was seen by the section men to
get on No. 4 at Henton the morning he
was killed. It appears that he had
been at Henton the day before. It is
reported that a young man in that loci-
ality was butchering a hog that day
and, in a spirit of fun, had conducted
the Italian from the depot to the little
store at Henton. As the young man
held a huge butcher knife in one hand
the Italian thought he was doomed and
plainly showed great fear. It is also
reported that after this incident the
Italian appeared at several houses in
the vicinity of Henton and seemed much
excited, but was unable to make him
self understood.
In his mutterings such words as "kill"
and "money" could be distinguished.
He seemed to be laboring under the im
pression that he was about to be killed
for his money and it is said offered to
give his money to several people.
With haunting vision of the Black
Hand, ever present in the Italian mind,
the poor fellow was no doubt badl"
Bets on Bryan's Election.
An Omaha correspondent says: John
Donovan, editor of the Madison Star
Mail, made the first presidential bet to
be recorded in Nebraska. Monday Mr.
Donovan posted $850 with John Coffee
of Omaha. Mr. Donovan wagers $500
with Walter Meisner, the architect,
that Taft will not be the next president.
He also wagers $350 against $500 that
Bryan will be the president to succeed
Mr. Roosevelt.
Editor Donovan, it may be remem
bered, was the first to lay a wager that
Mr. Dahlman would be elected mayor
of Omaha at the beginning of the
municipal campaign. He not only made
the first, but several bets and of course
he cleaned up a nice lot of money.
Sells a Car of Flour
Herman Kleitsch was a visitor in the
city Wednesday on business relative to
settling the Fred Kroeler estate, of
which Mr. Kleitsch is the administrator.
While in the city he also sold a car of
the superlative flour, made by the
Weeping Water company. The firm of
Kleitsch & Halmes is making and sell
ing a large amount of flour and other
millstuff and doing a very profitable
business. Their plant consists of the
latest machinery for making first-class
Land for Sale
Anyone wanting to locate in Lincoln
county can secure some good bargains
by seeing me. Chas. Piper.
Selection of Delegates at Large to the
Denver Convention Several Can
didate Mentioned
The Lincoln News says that Chair
man T. S. Allen of the Democratic
state central committee has sent out
notices to all the members for a meet
ing at Omaha on the morning of March
5, the date of the democratic and popu
list conventions. A meeting of the
Bryan volunteers has been called by its
chairman, A. F. Mullen of O'Neill,
for the same time. The convention
will take place in the afternoon, and
W. J. Bryan will speak at the audi
torium in the evening.
Five candidates are still in the field
for delegates at large to the Denver
convention, while only four can be
chosen. The men who want to go are
Dan V. Stephens of Fremont, I. J.
Dunn of Omaha, Mayor Frank W.
Brown of Lincoln, W. II. Thompson
of Grand Island and W. D. OJdham of
Kearney. One of these will have to
be dropped, and politicians predict
that Oldham stands the best show to
be left at home, on account of his
telegram to the Parker managers at
St. Louis four years ago saying: "Ne
braska democrats are with you in the
Until R. L. Metcalfe of Lincoln had
positively declined to be a candidate
for delegate at large, his selection was
being urged by a number of democrat
ic newspapers in the state. Metcalfe
has written'a letter to I. J. Dunn at
Omaha, reiterating that he doesn't
want the place himself and is not work
ing for anyone7 else. His letter to
Dunn reads:
"Dear sir:
"I have received your letter of Feb
ruary 20. You say: 'In a news item
in the Bee of Monday morning, it was
stated that
you are a cadidate for
delegate at large
to the democratic
national convention, and that a coali
tion had been formed among certain
democratic leaders m the state to se
lect four delegates at large outside
of Douglas county. Are you a candi
date or will your name be used in that
connection with your consent?'
"I am not a party to any 'coalition'
or plan to select the delegates at large
to the national convention. I had under
stood that this work had been done
Moved to South Omaha
John D. McBride shipped his house
hold goods to South Omaha Thursday,
and the family departed Friday evening
for that place where they will make
their future home. Mr. McBride and
family came to this place ten years ago
and have made a host of friends who
regret their departure. In their new
! home, we trust they will make many
friends and will like their surroundings.
The Journal will make daily visits to
the McBride household in their new
location, which is at 812, North 24th
In the District Court
Deed was ordered for a portion of
the Island, south of here, in favor of
John Warga. The case of Cooley vs
Lancing, wherein the former sues for
the execution of a lease for land for
use of stone quarries, was taken under
advisement. John M. Leyda was ap
pointed referee, with instruction to ex-
amine records, in the case of Westlake
vs Westlake. Judgement was awarded
plaintiff in case of E. G. Dovey and
Sons vs William A. Beeker, for $1332.
Demurer overruled in the case of
Jacob Opp vs Morris F.Laughlin.
Glad to Hear It.
Whn is Kprrftarv of the Democratic i
Press Association of Nebraska? Is it
not about time to call the annual meet-
ing? Plattsmouth Journal.
who is the secretary, but we do know
that there will be a meeting of the
association at Omaha, March 5th, when
the state convention will be held. Ne
braska City News.
Remember the new department rul
ing regareding weekly newspapers and
keep your subscripton paid up. Publsh
ers have no alternative in the matter
and must stop papers when the limit is
reached, regardless of who the subscri
ber may be.
long go and I took it for granted that
the slate would go through, as slat
usually do. I long ago wearied of per
sonal contact with politics, and be
cause I want to retain my faith in
humanity I do not intend to get any
closer to personal politics than my duty
actually requires. I think you know
well enough that I am not and will not
be a candidate for delegate at large
and that I have had nothing to do with
the making or the breaking of any
slate. If, however, I thought there
was the slightest danger that you might
be defeated, I would take off my coat
in your behalf. If all Nebraska demo
crats know as I do how faithful you
have been in cloudy as well as in fair
weather, you will be elected unani
mously and by a rising vote. Your
truly, "Richard L. Mescalke."
Democratic candidates for district
delegates are exceedingly numerous es
pecially in the First and Fourth. Every
county but Lancaster in the First has
one or two. This county will not pre
sent a candidate, owing to Mayor
Brown being in the race for delegate
at large.
Those mentioned
gates in the First
district dole
John Moort
I Tanks, N-
head, Falls City; II.
braska City; Henry
mouth; M. F. Connor,
Warren, Tecumseh; J
Gering, Platts
Auburn; George
, V. Boatman,
Sterling; R. W. Storey, Pawnee City.
The other districts are also well sup-
I plied with democrats who would like
the honor of going to Denver as ac
credited representatives of their parly
fromJBryan's home stati.
Gage county democrats an; ntating
a boom for County Attorney M. W.
j Terry as a candidate for attorney gen-
eral. JJe is the first entry lor that ol-
(ico. He was elected to hi present po
sition last fall. Gage is ordinarily le
publican, and his frier.d.-j claim that
this proves him to be a vote-getter.
E. C. Garrett of Fremont is letting
no grass grow under his feet in going
after the democratic nomination for
lieutenant governor, while Superinten
dent N. C. Abbott of Tekamah is court
ing the nomination for state superin.
Must Purchase Tickets.
J The Missouri Pacific has posted notice
j in the depots notifying the people that
j they must have tickets before getting
I i it i a
uji uaui, mju Liie conuuciors are en
deavoring to see that the order is com
plied with. The new order took effect
here on Sunday, and since then many
persons who have started to get on the
trains without the necessary little ticket
stamped by Agent Black have been
halted by the conductor, who smilingly
informs them that a ticket is better
than gold or silver at hi3 gate, then
watch 'em hike to the ticket window,
out of breath, to secure the little card.
The new plan does not cause any
trouble for those who are in the habit
of buying tickets, but it is a shock to
the fellows who get on without tickets,
"scrooch down" in the seat and trust
that the Lord and conductor will over
look them and carry them through for
nothing. Union Ledger.
Pollard Entertains Educators.
j A special from Washington, under
i date of February 27, says: "At lunch,
i at the Capitol, Congressman Pollard
, entertained the educators from his dis
i trict. The party included Chancelor
i Andrews, President Craetref of the
j state normal, Superintendent Stevens
of Lincoln, Principal John Woodward
of the Havelock schools, Professor Town
of Lincm and Professor Lucey of the
ftate university. The visitors have
ueeii Kreaviy pieasea witn me enter
tainment and consideration extended to
them during their stay."
Receiving Many New Cars.
This morning a train passing through
this place on the Burlington west bound
carried 31 new coal cars for the Denver
& Rio Grande railway. The fact of
this number of r.ew cars being sent
west in this one train and proba':ly
more on other trains, speaks of the re
turning of better business condit .is,
which are welcomed by everybody.