The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1908, Image 4

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Mrs. Emma 1 Mumf9rd.N0.
,wK.-.xy:.:,.rw ' 1 Olsen'a Court, Salt Lake City, NV mmM0!$& -
1(11 - i Utah, writes: " Jlv jWlPlI
I! "iW months ago I became :: f
nnn , 3T -JtJi J ohilled trough and through JISPW
. ODD rfyX ' v ' 1 h? eettlns my feet wet. ! i M
17)CP ' " "The next morning I was ' llS
fWCfyrJm. " s JfeX K J ti and sore with a severe !! &h0W A
SR' " A : : cold which had settled all over - fSl a
WTm$mmr$4 mf 1 ' ' ' my body. The blood seemed to!! WWA
miif X I :: rushtomyhead.causincdizzi- & lOP
X " ness and blinding headaches. r Ptjk JS
(IW:IP i I u "As soon as IVruna was re- ' W
"W&ifmr' W "4 I ' 'A commended to mo I decided to- I CN fW
M & f ' " i: give it a trial and am pleased 1 v- '$L " W
lllmm, M rA - :: to 6ay thatitcured me-fter ;: I Z?-- N f.
WMlim I 4 3, 5 , : . I had used it only two months. M py A CS I S
WMsilMXfi' 'I : "I think you have a splendid n Kr'
ffff&M&k ' " - J T I ' uiciae and gladly endorse ! 4 i. .-MJ
YmiMIIIMh ' - X - " - ""' : People preferring solid medi-;: S , V ' - "
XmiMggggfflk H- . JK? cinea should call bfor Peruna : ' , '
viigSSsis g$X, iLI fyd$3r ",., ' tablets. Each tablet is equiva- lVfo
YfflSffliggifo 0 ' lent to one average dose of 'V v ."'J.I
r 1 '
'fefiV .... ilLjfc Read The
tt "w 'Vftww.'.v.v.'.'.'.v.v.'.v.'.-.-.-.'.-.-.-.-.-.v,' I II i i x "V vajujoooc 'v -ooc-.-
y sjm: k 111u-m. As These Tcsti
r - W For
Mr. J'rf;o W. Atiiory, at7 West l!lh St., New YkiK
Oily, Now York, write;
"SonH'lihW T liavn nlivAvalind n tri-linl!n nimliwt iirli'ir.
I tiscd iiiedioim', but 1 wunt t:t mako nm; dwidiil oxccj.l ion
in favor of l'erunn.
i "I oniilit a colli lat wl.iltr and it nettled In throat
and head, developing a most per.i.-teiit catarrh, wlileh
Heeined to defy all medicines until J tried I'cruna. Pefnio
a I had used two bottled I considered myself cured."
" I I f -, '
Those Who Slander
Peruna Know Noth
ing About It.
Enthusiastic Testimonials
This Page.
Calurrh of Bronchial Tubes.
Mr. Wi.-klitTo K. Smith, editor of The
I'otbitch Herald, formerly prineipal of
the .-ehools at O;nneroii, Tdaho, wri !-s :
5 or sn.'iw time I sr.lT'-red with ca
tarrh of the throat and bronehtal tubes.
i tri-d many r"ncdis, but cor.ld I : ml
nothing l!?:it would .rive uu re: -f. l'i-i-a
i: v 1 trt ! IVi una. Threv !o: I! - s ei;i-ed
Gained T!?rly Poim-Ji.
Mrs. A li . .1. r.ordnyr, 1:J11 Maple Ave.,
Ilarrisburjr, la., writ"j:
"I have found a euro in Peruna. I
cannot rmimm vn-l Peruna rn-j-.i::;:, sii.d
I also thank yon for yourkind atteiii ion
to me. I u:: a weM as cotild Ixj cv r
.ineo I le-z: n taking IVriina, and w:M
reeomm.-:id it too! in
I o:il v wi i
I ami
I be
ill;! .:.", ponr.ils before taking IVruna: now 1
ts iiu:c!i lor others a3 it uiI .01
Throat and ileao.
Mrs. 1. D. Hayes, irC7 Druid Hill, Bal
timore, Md., writes:
"Peruna is one of the best remedies
for erippe, cold in the bead, sore throat,
!. rvi.n headaches, and coughs tliat has
vr-r b-cn discovered. After t!ic use of
ove iM-.t:!.) in my family i don't feci safe
without Permit i:i ?y hou
In a J::t:r bitor Mrs. 1 1 ayes says : 'T
am never without, :i bottle of I'eruna in
!! l.oure. I find P : x,d for most every
' m;!::int. I jrive the children Peruna
ii t!i- y linvo a n id and it alwivs re
! , 1 I i!oi:'l t!rvk I c ':!d lind
;. !Lcr rcsnviiy ! five :ny chiluna."
monials Were Given Out of Pure Gratitude
The Benefit Received From Pe-ru-na.
It is so easy to criticize things about as a beverage or to take it in doses
suflicient to produce anything like in
toxication, if after putting it to this
test such a person is still of the opinion
that Peruna is a disiiuised alcoholic
drink, he will bo warranted in making
such a statement. Practically, I'cruna
cannot lc o used. Anyone who knows
anything about Peruna by personal use
knows that Peruna is a medicine. The
very label on the bottle, giving the prin
cipal a-tive ingredients, furnishes in
disputable, proof that Peruna is a medi
cal compound. We will bo willing to
guarantee that no normal person can or
will use Peruna as a beveratre. If
any uuo thinks this remedy can
which the critic knows nothing.
Take, for instance, Peruna. There are
plenty of people who are willing to say
Peruna is this and that, who never have
tasted Peruna, and have novor known
anything about its effects upon the
There are jieople who say, and proba
bly believe, that Peruna is used as a
b.' by some people. It would
b the easiest thing in the world to show
the falsity of such a belief.
Tet any one who reads this go to tho
. i.'rug i-tore anil purenase a uonie oi
Peruna. If, after attempting to usa it
be bo used one trial will b BUfllciont to
disabuse his mind.
Peruna i a great and useful family
medicine. It is used in multitudes of
homes. It has become a standard rem
edy for varioni petty ailments In tlm
heme. J t id especially useful for climatic
diseases. It i an excellent remedy for
colds. It id a well-tried remedy for ca
tarrh in all forms.
We have a multitude of testimonials
recommending it for co-Ids, for bron
chitis, for varioua affections of the
respiratory and alimentary organs.
This is well known to all who know
Peruna by actual experience.
"Cures All Catarrhal Diseases."
Mr. I. W. Kightlinger, Cambridge,
Xeb., writes r "I don't have any inoro
trouble in my throat, and have not had
a headache for four weeks.
"Peruna is tho very medicine for ca
tarrh. There is no medicine liVo it In
the I'nited Slates, fori have tried a good
many before using IVruna.
''I will keep it in my honse to guard
against catarrh vu it curs ail catarrhal
The Plattsmouth Journul
II. A. HATES. Puiil.isiiEK
E Here d at the posiofflceat Plattsmouth. Ne
nraska. as sccondclass matter.
The Taft idea: "Get the nomination,
and get it quick."
Is he a Cannoneer or an electioneer
in his punning for delegates.
Republican papers are insisting that
business in every line will boom this
spring. How about the bread line?
March 5, should be sure to attend. Re
member it is a duty you owe to the demo
crats of Cass county, who elected you as
as their representatives. Mr. Bryan
will be there, and will deliver a speech
which alone will be worth going many
miles to hear.
last Saturday one would naturally come
to the conclusion that the inspiration had
, already reached the remotest corners
of Cass county.
Secretary Bonaparte is sure that
the only way to reach the trusts is to
fine them. Most other people think that
cutting off their tariff protection would
make them more miserable and more
over help those who consume trust products.
Th e Taft boom may be defined as 'that
thing ethereal which surrounds the state
of Indiana." And what is the state of
Indiana? ' 'Frozen solid for Fairbanks. "
With prohibition bills passing daily
and the announcement that steamship
companies have cut their rates it will
soon be very easy for us to take to the
The democrats ofJCass should not only
organize in every precinct, but each
school district should have a separate
Bryan club. Remember that in thor
ough organization half the victory is al
ready won.
It is hard to te'.I who would have
carried Omaha at the republican pri
mary last Tuesday, had a full vote
turned out. On account of the storm
which raged constantly during the en
tire day but a few voters turned out.
And of course the Taft supporters were
urged to take advantage of the situa
tionwhich they did.
Canidates for public office and their
enthusiastic friends sometimes lose
sight of the fact that the party and the
principles it stands for are of more
importance than any one man or set of
men. Whenever a man gets to the
point that he is greater than his party,
then the party is committing a grievous
error to stand by the man. The prin
ciples of the grand old democratic
party will sooner or later prevail, and
the sooner they dp win the better is is
for the people.
The money market is "tight" and
strangely enough they do say it is to be
blamed onto "water," too.
The current crop of spring poets
seems to be backward. But then, we
have hope they will thaw out shortly.
As an aid to the propagation of
spring fever the baseball "dope" in the
sporting departments of the current
' dailies ought to help some.
The Denver Rocky Mountain News
ays: "John D. got half that big fine
n a single dividend the other day. And j
still the price of oil is rising." But!
why be so unkind? We've been trying
o forget that "rise" they take out of
John D. every time he does anything.
At the regular meeting of the city
council Monday night a resolution favor
ing the lowering of Main and Sixth
streets, as a protection against any fu
ture floods, was adopted. Also one adopt
ed instructing Mayor Gering to employ
an experienced civil engineer to ascer
tain the probable cost of the work. This
should be done as soon as possible, and
the work proper began as early as con
ditions will permit. There should be no
unnecessery delay in the matter.
The Kansas City Post is one of the
most reliable democratic papers in the
west. Incessant in its support of W.
J. Bryan, and most remarkably well ed
j ited. Ever since the old Kansas City
Times fell into the hands of the Star
:- gang, an effort has been made to estab
lish an up-to-date democratic daily in
that city, but they have all failed until
the present publishers secured the Post.
It is bright and newsy and its editorial
page teems with well written article
upon the leading issues of the day, and
they are right to the point. It is just
such a publication as the Journal can
conscientously commend to every demo
crat in the land.
Regardless of the fact that death
and disease lurk in old currency, lots of
us would take a chance on a bundle of
the filthy stuff.
The Toledo Blade takes a shot at Col
orado: "Out in Colorado thev have dis
covered a woman by the name of Dinah
Might. Of course they handle her with
care." And the Richmond Times-Dispatch
proceeds to explode with: "The
Denver Post reported a lady named
Dinah Might in Colorado the other day,
but very likely she has gone off now."
Every delegate selected last Saturday
to the state and congressional conven
tionswhich meet in Omaha on Thursday,
"This is as true: The man who desires
to stop boozing can accomplish the pur
pose if he will. If he won't that set
tles it. You might as well try to move
a brick house by talking to it as to influ
ence a man to sober up who is deter
mined to keep on drinking. Lincoln
Journal. Perhaps Bixby knows from
experience. A man has to possess suf
ficient will-power to quit the drink hab
itthat is the only and true sequel to
The outlook for democratic success in
both state and nation is enough to in
spire not only every democrat, but also
every opponent to the republican pro
tection:trust party. And from the turn
out at the democratic convention here
Senator LaFollette recently tele
graphed a statement to a paper in his
home state. Hear what he had to say
by way of introduction: "There can
be no agricultural, industrial or com
mercial freedom without government
control of transportation. Railways are
inherent monopolies. So long as their
stocks and bonds are subjects of gamb
ling speculation there can be no sound
basis for things transported and no reli
able rules for the conduct of trade or
industry. The strengthening of the in
terstate commerce law, the basis of rate
making on the true -value of railway
property, the control of service as well
as rates, are all necessary to preserve
this government for the people. We
should make the law effective now. "
Isn't that awful? And from a republi
can, too!
The Central City Record,an indepen
dent paper, says: "It is reported on
the authority of the Omaha Bee that
Gov. Sheldon made a statement the
other day to the effect that any candi
date the Republicans may nominate for
president will be a better man than the
Democrats can put up. We sincerely
trust, for the Governor's sake, he did
not make any such statement. If he
did, he is to be severly condemned. It
would show a narrowness of mind and
hide-bound partisanship not met within
these days in men of intelligence. It
represents the feeling that in past
years has put men of acknowledged
unfitness in office simply because they
were on the regular ticket ajfeeling
that the country has slowly been strug
gling away from but here lately. It
shows forth the old-time "yellow dog"
party spirit, that branded as a traitor
every one that dared to "scratch his
ticket," no matter how notorious a
reprobate a candidate might be. Worst
of all the statement is not true, and
everybody knows it. To say that an
untried man like Taft will make a bet
ter president than Bryan, Folk, or
others that might be mentioned, is
certainly open to argument. To broad
ly assert, however, that any. man the
republicans may put up, even such a
man as Foraker, would make a better
president than either of the two Demo
crats mentioned, is certainly a most
foolish and unwarranted assertion. The
Record has always had a good deal of
respect for Gov. Sheldon, deeming him
a man above the average office holder
in honesty and a desire to do the right
thing. If it should transpire that he
has been correctly reported, we must
confess our respect would receive a
hard jolt.
If the republican papers are sincere
in saying "that Bryan cannot be elect
ed," why are they opposed to his
nomination? There's the rub.
presidency. .Those pape: s have been too
long in that kind of business.
The Kansas City Times says: "The
Nebraska supreme court has ruled that
a woman is justified in getting off a
street car backwards thereby bringing !
the law and the facts into harmony." j
And now St. Joseph has become so
morally esthetic that the police arrest
men for winking at the women. The
man with twitching eyelids must
traverse the back alleys in that city or
run the risk of being arrested for wink
ing at the women. Here is one place
where "a wink is good as a nod, " won't
DeYoung and "Billy" Ramsey were
on the campus Saturday. It is suspi
cioned that they are hatching up a
political deal. This new coalition ought
to carry anything. Daily (Lincoln) Ne
braskan. Among some of Billy's friends i
around Plattsmouth, it is suspicioned j
that the political deal was in the interest !
of Hon. A. C. Shallenberger for gover- (
There seems to be a few of those
old disgruntled gold-bug democrats, or
rather side issues of the republican
party, who are attempting to have
their say in the selection of delegates-at-large
to the Denver convention. It
will be well to spot those fellows at the
state convention in Omaha next week,
and spot them early in the organization
of that body, too.
The State Journal and Omaha Bee are i
making a desperate effort to raise "a!
muss" among the democrats of the
state. They see that the only chance
the republicans will have to carry Ne
braska this year is to get the leading
democrats into a racket. But, bless
their dear souls, they cannot come it
this year - of BryaA's election to the
Senator Stone the other day set
forth his views in a letter to the New
York World thus: "You ask me,
'What is the best principle and what
the best policy to give the democratic
party new life? I think the best thing
those who claim to be democrats can do
is to quit raising hell by abusing demo
crats and the democratic organization,
and get into line and tight for and not
against the party." To which all loyal
democrats will heartily subscribe.
Mrs. T. Filzgerald Dies
This morning Ed. Fitzgerald received
a message from his brother, Thomas
for Peshtigo, Wisconsin, telling of the
sudden death of his wife at that place
this morning. The news came as a
shock to the relatives at this place, as
it was not known that Mrs. Fitzgerald
was sick, or in anj way out of her
usual health.
Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald and Joseph and
James Fitzgerald departed for Peshtigo
on the evening train.
Little Things.
It 13 said that the success of Napo
leon I was due to his strict attention to
details, and his fall to neglect of them.
If you will study the lives of success
ful men and women you will always
find the same. Are you not willing to
follow them? You know how many
lives were lost on account of neglecting
the first slight symptoms of sickness.
An indisposition, loss of appetite and
tiredness escape often our attention; we
think they will pass just as quickly a.
they can. If they do not, we call for
help, but too late. How many lives
could be saved by using at the first ap
pearance of such symptoms, Triner'3
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It
goes to the root of the sickness, to the
digestive organs. These organs quickly
respond Jto it and call for food.
This good being thoroughly digested
makes pure blood, strong nerves, per
fect health. This shows that Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine should
be used in all cases of indigestion and
tired feeling, combined with loss of ap
petite. At drug stores. Jos. Triner,
61-522 South Ashland ave., Chicago,
Baled Hay For Sale
Good baled hay. For
particulars see
price and
J. Rhoden.