rv Y J DAILY PERSONAL NEWS .' Short Items of Interest, From Fri day Evening's Daily Journal 1 I. F. Sallee was a visitor in Omaha this morning. Chas. Patterson was a visitor in Om aha this morning: Mrs. Frank Boyd was a visitor in Omaha this morning. The fourth number of the lecture course, George R; Stuarti Miss Rose Verhule was a visitor with friends in Omaha thi3 morning. Art. Conant was a visitor with friends in Omaha this mornincr. H. C. Snarks was a visitor with friends in Omaha this morning. VV. D. Wheeler and W. D. Jones were visitors in Omaha this morning. L. - A. Newcomer was a business visitor in the metropolis this morning. John Lloyd, from southwest of Mur ray, was a business visitor in the city this morning. T. T. Wilkinson is off from work at the Burlington shops with a tussle with the grippe. John Janda is complaining of the af ter effects of the grippe, but is so he can get around Mrs. P. H. Kelly is much improved and is able to be up and around from her attack of the' grippe. George M. Craig is taking a lay-off from his labors at the Burlington shops on account of the grippe. C. E. Carlson, of Lincoln, was a visi tor in the city this morning, looking af ter some business matters. W. E. Brown, of Lincoln, was visit ing in the city last evening with friends, returning home this morning. Mrs. J. W. Newell, of Omaha, came in this morning and is visiting with rela tives and friends for the day. Chas Sans of Rock Bluffs was a visi tor in the city this morning, looking after some business at the county seat. Walter Sparks was a passenger to Ashland this morning, where he is visit ing for a short time with friends. Isaac Pollard was a visitor in the city this morning from Nehawka, and was looking after some business matters. A. Lebmann of Chicago was a busi ness visitor in the city last evening, having some business with Mr. W. W. Coates. Mirs Jessie Gordon, after visiting .:' the city for some days past with friends. departed for her home at Omaha thi morning. Matt Gering departed this morning for Falls City, where he has some mat ters to look after in the district court of Richardson county. Miss Edna Peterson will entertain the ""Mandy Club" at her home tomorrow evening where they will have a business and social meeting. Greg Guenter from west of the city is in town today, looking after some business matters and visiting at the home of his parents. Selling bad eggs is a misdemeanor tinder the laws of Nebraska. See to it that your hens do no lay bad eggs. They may get you into trouble. D. B. Ebersole is just completing a lire escape for the Masonic Home, made necessary by the new portion of the building which has recently been constructed. The Nebraska City News says that "the Missouri Pacific railway has order ed all independent telephones taken out their stations along their system in this of state." Why? Hamilton Smith, from the other side of the river, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after the purchase of a small tract of land in the Iowa bot toms of Isaac Pollard. C. H. Henry, of Shenandoah, Iowa, after visiting in the city for a short time with the family of his son, Ray mond Henry, departed for home this morning on the early Burlington train. George Gillian, a number of years since a resident of this place, but for some time living in Des Moines, Iowa, returned to Plattsmouth a few days since and will make his home here for the present. rIrs. Robert Troop departed last evening for Lincoln on the Schuyler train, where she will be the guest of her niece, Mrs. C. S. Sherman. Her sister, Mrs. N. A. Liest, has also been visiting at the capitol city for some time, and will remain until Mrs. Troop return. Mrs. O. J. Gilson and brother. Will Davis, of Araba, Colorado, the latter who has been visiting in the city for some time with relatives and friends, a guest at the home of his sister, depart ed this morning. for Defiance, Iowa, where they will visit with another brother for some time, whom she has not seen for forty-two years, also a sister whom she has not seen for twenty eight years. We wish them a pleasant journey. A. Kolas, Theo. Chios and Gust Shoto were visitors with friends in Omaha this morning. A. S. Will was a business visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Mike Mauzy was a business visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Dr. F. L- Cummins was a business vis itor in Omaha this afternoon. County Recorder H.A. Schneider was a business visitor in Omaha today. M. Fanger of the department store, was a business visitor in Omaha this af ternoon. Mrs. J. W. Barwick was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon, where she will visit for the day. Miss Jannette Morgan is kept tohtr home now for some days past with an attack of the grippe. J. Freeman came in this afternoon from the east, and will visit with the family of Joseph Terhune for a few days. Victor Anderson was a visitor in Om aha this afternoon, where he is visiting with friends and looking after some business matters. Mrs N. B. Schulze was a passenger to South Omaha today where she will visit with her son, A. A. Schulze and family, for a few days. Mrs J. F. Cleveland, after visiting with her mother, Mrs Geo. Shoeman, for a few days, departed for her home this afternoon in Omaha. Thomas and A. M. Lee were passen gers to Bellevue this afternoon on the fast mail, where they willj visit for a short time with relatives. Dr. F. D. Burgess, after a visit a few days at the home of his parents, Canon and Mrs. H. B. Burgess, departed for hishomeat Cedar Rapid, this state today. James Glenn and wife came in the afternoon from their home at Salix. Iowa, and will visit for a short time at the home of George Taylor, in this city. Mrs. Mary Bline and son, James, ac companied by C. W. Huscher, of La Platte, were visitors in the city this morning, returning home on the fast mail. Miss Earnestine Doering departed this afternoon for Omaha on the fast mail, where she will visit with her brother, Ausrust Doerintr and wife, for a few days. Jredolph and Oscar Nord returned this morning from Omaha, where they attended the entertainment given by the Omaha Commercial college, and re port a very fint time. Mrs. A. M. Damron, after visiting in the city for some time, the guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Poisal. departed this afternoon for her home at Columbus, this state. George McDs.niels is taking an en forced layoff from his duties at the Burlington shops, or. account of getting a piece of rust in his eye. He is some what improved, though .10 1 yet able to work. Floyd Patridge, Lee Fickler and Chas Miller were passengers to O maha this afternoon, where they go to see the wrestling match between "Farmer Burns" and the Indian 'War Eagle" which comes off this evening. Last evening J. W. Sage departed for Osceola, la., where he goes to look at some horses offered for sale at that point, with a view of purchasing should they suit, and he expects to en gage in the handling of high grade horses. John Albert is making some sub stantial improvements on the property which he recently purchased from F. P. Brown; on west Pearl street. He is using some two thousand brick in the alterations. C. Mockenhaupt, of south of the city, is furnishing the brick. Ogle Piper Still Sick Little Ogle Piper, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper living in the southwest portion of the city is still very sick with the grippe. The little fellow has been down with the malady for some time and it was hoped that he would have been over it before this. At one time he gave promise of im provement only to be followed by con ditions not so favorable. Spend Pleasant Evening. Last evening about thirty young peo ple made merry at the home of Joseph Terhune, west of the city. One pleas ant feature was the giving out of pairs of hearts, which were to be matched, the couple making the match first re ceived prize; which were Cecil Thomas and Miss Bertha Smith. The consola tion went' to last parties Jesse Sten ner and Miss Celia Taylor. Lunch was served at a late hour and all enjoyed the evening greatly. fhe Plattsmouth Journal l'UIl'"M Kl KKK . .T P L. ATTS MOUTH. r U fcJ k Aii K a li. A. ISA TK. I'lulishkk. Entered at the posioitn-f nt I'lutlsinouUi. x f -hraska. n : mile !a.- mutter. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION To Select Delegates to the State and Congressional Conventions. The democratic county convention is hereby called to meet at the court house in Plattsmouth, On Saturday, February 22, 1908, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp; for the purpose of electing delegates to the state con vention to meet at Omaha, on March 5, and also to elect delegates to the con gressional convention. Delegates from the various precincts and wards to the county convention shall be selected by primaries, duly called by the committeeman of each precinct and ward, the same to be held at the regu lar voting places in the various precincts and wards on Thursday, February 20th, The basis of representation shall be one vote for every ten votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for Hon. George L. Loomis for supreme judge in 1907. The various precints and wards shall be entitled to representation as follows: AFoea. 5 Center '. Etebt .Mlle Grove. .11 Elm wood 7 Greenwood 7 Liberty Louisville ... 7 Mt. Pleasant 7 Nehawka l'lattsmonth IVrt..l3 ltock ltlutTs(0rst)..lo Hock Hluffs(secoiid) 4 Salt Creek 8 Sonth Bend 5 Stove CrceU Tipton 9 Veepin Water Pr'ct, 5 Weepiiwr Water City, 4 Plattsmouth Cits First ward 7 Second ward 12 Third ward 13 Fourth ward 7 Fifth ward: 0 -Henry RJ Gering, Chairman. W. C. Ramsey, Secretary. Bowlby of the Crete Democrat says "Omaha is the worst town west of hell. " Perhaps Bro. Bowlby has visited both places and speaks knowingly. The Lincoln Star is one of the best printed papers in the west. It is clean and the matter is handsomely arranged and very conveniently so for the read er. It is very ably edited and the only objections we have is its politics. "Mr. Taft is not yet nominated," says Senator Foraker, "and never will be if the masses of the republican party get a fair shake, and Roosevelt will keep his hands off of the pie counter until after the convention." Roosevelt will have a hard time making any fair minded man believe that he is not using all the administra tive power at his command to secure the nomination of his Secretary of War, Mr. Taft, his denials notwithstand ing. At the Wisconsin democratic state convention, held at Milwaukee yester day (Friday) the delegates to the Den ver convention were instructed for Bryan. The convention was very enthu siastic for the gentleman from Nebras ka. That's the way they are all com ing. The Central City Record asks: "Where do our presidential caudidates stand on the liquor question? There is no public matter occupying more attention to-day than this, but concerning it all are strangely silent." What difference does it make so long as they drink mod erately and are silent. You never see anything in the repub lican papers about "soup houses," and the thousands of idle men now depend ing on the charity of the people in the large cities for something to eat. They don't even mention "Coxey's Army," either. O,- no! It seems that the "chickens have come home to roost!" The big starch factory at Nebraska City is to be torn down. That's the way the trusts work. Protection makes the big trusts, then the trusts gobble up all the small factories in the country, tear them down and remove them from the face of the earth, to the mjury of the community in which they have pros pered. The Chicago Record-Herald .is an other paper that is doing its level best to get Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, to announce as a candidate for the demo cratic nomination for president. The scheme of those papers that oppose Mr. Bryan is to secure an opponent to the peerless in the northwest,' not that they expect his nomination, but to create a discord in some of the doubtful states that Mr. Bryan is likely to carry. But their efforts are futile. The groundhog is having as much fun and exercise dodging in and out these days as the boys in Washington are hav- j ing dodging in and out on the tariff! .. revision question. : ! A French scientist warns the public j against arising immediately upon wak- ing irom sleep, rersons who do so, tie declares, are liable to a number of ail- ments, including madness. Ihis may account for the wholesome sanity of all j small boys. The agriculture department at Wash ington is authority for the statement that the crops in the United States are damaged each year by rats, mice, birds and squirrels to the value of $110,000, 000. Here is the place where Johnny should get busy with his gun. It has been definitely settled that there will be no tariff revision at this session of congress. That decision is worth thousands of votes for the Demo cratic party. The Dingley law has been proven such an arrant robber that thous ands conservative Republicans are dis gusted with it and will assist in the elec tion of a Democratic congress at this fall's election. It appears that Roosevelt, and not Taft; has carried Lancaster county The contest between Judge Field and Jesse R. . Strode, for one of the dele gates at large to the Chicago conven tion, resulted in favor of Judge Field. It is said LaFollette's strength mostly went for Roosevelt. This does not look as though the republicans in Lancaster wanted Taft very badly. Henry R. Gering, of this city, should b all means be selected as one of the delegates from the First district to the Denver convention. Being an enthusi astic worker, a gentleman of fine abilities and one who never tires in his work for democratic success, he is entitled to this recognition at the hands of his friends in this congressional district. He deserves the honor and the Journal hopes that it will be conferred upon him. isACK to tne constitution is now the slogan of the U. S. Supreme Court. The judges have agreed that there must be no further encroachment on that sacred instrument. That has been Bryan's slogan for years and he has been roundly anathematized by his jeal ous enemies for it. But now comes the highest tribunal in the land and endors es Bryan's position. Let the country join hands and elect Bryan president by a unanimous vote. Why any democrat in Lincoln should oppose Mayor Brown for one of the delegates at large to the Denver con vention, we are unable to understand. He is one of the truest democrats in the state, a gentleman whose character and integrity is above reproach, and his whole life has been devoted to the success of his party. The position is simply on honorary one, and if there is one among the gentlemen spoken of for delegates at large, who deserves this honor, that man is Frank W. Brown. What a difference! Nebraska City has a commercial club that holds its re gular weekly sessions. Plattsmouth had a commercial organization that has not held a meeting for over a year. If the business men cannot pull together in harmony, how can you expect a city to boom as it ought to. Had Platts mouth possessed a good working com mercial organization and held its ses sions regularly, as it should, the matter of sewerage would have been settled long ago, so far as lowering the streets is concerned. Conferring with one an other at these meetings is where such matters are settled, not upon "e s1"66 in nad business honco- Every day adds to the chances of Bryan's nomination and his election. We were talking the other day with a raveling man at the depot, who has made territory in Nebraska for a good many years, and who has never voted anything but the republican ticket, who openly stated that in case Hughes found a place on tho republican ticket, Bryan would be easily elected to the presidency and the state of Nebraska would be for him by an overwhelming majority. This same republican stated that the republicans among the traveling men were ready to line up with a solid front for Bryan in Nebraska in case the re publicans nominate a man favorable to the special interests of the east. Every time Willie Taft makes a speech the price of hogs drops from 10 to 15 cents. It ought to be some comfort to the predaceous Republican plutocrats who now dodging the Big Stick that they are complimented as fair game by ; k-v .... ...j...,- j 'lie,,t out of a 'unt for mollycoddles. Father Murphy has appealed to the I supreme court from the recent decision of the Seward county districtJcourt, which enjoined him from interfering with Father Francis A. O'Brien, who has been appointed by Bonacum to suc ceed him. Willie Taft is experiencing consid erable anxiety about the labor unions digging up his decisions and judgments which he issued while a judge in Ohio several years ago. Some of them show him to have been quite a "government by injunction" advocate. Speaker Cannon appears to have the judiciary committee of the house as ef fectually "packed" against all temper ance legislation as the ways and means committee is against tariff revision, or as the committee on agriculture is agairist additional pure food legislation. After preparing for nearly a month for the Taft reception at Kansas City Monday night, it is estimated that only about 12,000 people were present to hear his speech. The auditorium in which he spoke, will seat 15,000, and Bryan has filled it to overflowing many times, and hundreds have been turned away. "Grim-VISAGED war hath smoothed his wrinkled front," and harmony once more dwells in the democratic household at Omaha, and the Jacksonian and Dahl man democrats have agreed upon a del egation to the national convention. Good. There is nothingsogood as dem ocrats dwelling together in perfect harmony. The Journal is for Mayor Brown of Lincoln for one of the delegates at large to the democratic national con vention because he truly deserves the honor. Of course there are plenty of good democrats that would also like the honor, but Frank Brown is one of the best democrats in the state and this paper does not care who the other three are, but we ask it as a favor to south east Nebraska democrats to place Mayor Brown on the delegation. Republican partisanship m congress is the partisanship of oligarchy and of subserviency to oligarchy. The only hope of escnpe from this, held out from the White House, is in submission to arbitrary and irresponsible power, asserting for itself privilege and pre rogative, regardless of everything ex cept personal opinions and administra tion policies. To assert its own forces Democracy must assert its own princi ple of government through constitution and law, enforcing equal and exact jus tice to all against the partisanship which uses government to buy power for party by offering increasing privi leges to the oligarchy every system of government privileges creates. As there is no Democracy other than this, there is no other means than this of re storing tHe power of Democracy as the only effective check on plutocratic oligarchy. A BOOM Was inaugurated the other night at the banquet in Chicago by State Superintendent McBrien for Governor Sheldon for vice president on the republican ticket. Here is that portion of the speech in relation to the Cass county governor: "Therefore choose ye with calm deliberation the avid of the east for our candidate for the Kesjdeney in the campaign of 1908, and permit . tQ propose the Joshua of the west forVour nominee for vice president. Of v?1;mont parentage and traditions-he has reverence for the east. Nebraska boireared m thefield and on the prairie-,e hag a love for the west. A gradual of the Univer. sity of Nebraska and ah of Harvard university, owner of a greac w.tate in the west and of a plantation in th QUth he has a knowledge of and a lovjor the entire conntry. He knows no nor south, east nor west but every fo of the soil and every state of our UniotJ is dear to him- He has the moral cour- age to front a lie in arms and not to yield. Nominate this Joshua of the west for vice president, and he will command the sun and the moon to stand still in the valley of the Platte, while the prophet, surrounded by republican j legions to the north, to the Mouth, to the east and to the west, wil! be driven in- . . t i .i i I to the political valley of death - and f,.om tht.m.o w y .(t. t() (.a him furth as ; ,,Ivsi(,enti; ,..,. l,,i(!ate ( ;CMltc.maI,( thl. Jos,,im of t,,e west js (;()Vt.n,r (;M,r.:e I( Sheldon of Nebraska. ACCIDENT AT PA CIFIC JUNCTION Edward Rankin Has His Left Hand Taken Off Dy Gar at K. C. Crossing At Pacific Junction Sunday night, while switchman Edward Rankin em ployed at that place was returning home from the station, where he had been to meet number 13 the passenger going west, by the way of Council Bluffs and Omaha, sustained an acci dent which cost hirn his left hand. Mr. Rankin, who is a married man, having a number of children, lived in the southwest jHrtion of the town, and irr passing from the station it was necessary for him to cross the Kansuri CityrOmana track, on which there was a train standing. In doing this, he either had to climb over the car?, or climb up on one and pass between that and the one next on the coupling; from thence jump to the ground. It being dark he had to exercise a good deal of care, and did not get through as quickly as otherwise; meanwhile the train moved, rocking the coupling on which he stood, which threw him off. Mr. Rankin turned a complete sum mersault and alighted out from be tween the cars with the exception of his left hand which extended across the rail to the middle of the fore arm and the trucks passing over it severing same Word was immediately send to this city whence an engine and a coach was dispatched to Pacific Junction bringing the injured man to this place, where the crushed hand was amputated at a point midway between the wrist and elbow. Mr. Rankin returned home yesterday morning, still suffering great ly from the injury. PLATTSMOUTH TEL EPHONE COMPANY At Their Annual Meeting Declared for Quarterly Instead of Annual Dividends. The Plattsmouth Telephone Company held their annual meeting on the third of this month and declared their eighth annual 10 per cent cash dividend and voted unanimously to pay the dividends quarterly hereafter, beginning on April 1st, 1908. This new plan of paying the dividends every three months will please many of the stockholders and will be a great in ducement for others to invest. Instead of having to wait till the end of each year to receive dividends n the stock, the company will distribute to the stockholders the profits on Janu ary 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1, of each year, thus making the stock a much more desirable investment. There is a limited amount of stock for sale, which can be bought at par value of $100.00 per share. Don't wait, but call on or write to T. H. Pollock, general manager and treas urer, Plattsmouth, and secure a few shares of the Plattsmouth Telephone Company stock. Plattsmouth Telephone Company stock has paid 10 per cent annual cash divid ends for the pat eight years. Beginning vv.io Ar 1, 1908, the com pany will pay th t..ck holders the divid ends every thce months on April 1, July 1, October oi each year. Every dollar recc; v cd from the sale of stock is invested ri ;ht here in our own territory in the sight of our own stock holders. Poultry Wanted. Live poultry wanted, delivered near the B. & M. depot at Plattsmouth. Monday, February 24th, one day only, for which I will pay the following prices in cash, craws to be empty: Hens, per pound All young roosters 6c Ducks, F. .F., 7c Geese, F. F., 5c Old Roosters, 4c Call at the store of Zuckweiler & Lutz for empty coops. W. E. Keeney. Democratic Primary. The democrats of Plattsmouth p re cinct are requested to meet at the Taylor -school house on Thursdav. Fphrtmrv 9f ut 4 O'clock p. m for the pUrpoBe of fleeting 13 delegates to the county con- jntion wnicn meets m Plattsmouth, ' Saturday, February 22. W. F. Gillespie, Committeeman. 4 '