7 .. mtoutb Journal Semi - Weekly FOUR PAGES Seml-Weekiy FOUR PAGES PliATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. MONDAY, IMS Hit U All V 17, l!)OS. XUJIltEK-Kd- VOLUMK XX VI II Platte n XCa GMT The Entertainment Given Thursday at the Parmele to Assist in Paying the Presby terian Church Debt Largely Attended. In a cause most commendable was the ! entertainment given Thursday evening, the object for which it was given was only equalled by the character and prime excellence of the concert as rendered by the array of artists, of which every one was applauded to the echo. The organization of the Presbyterian church have been making a supreme effort for the liquidation of the debt which has been hanging over that body for a num ber of years, and with other - things, these people have given their talent, their time and labor to the reduction of this debt to the vanishing point, and should, which we trust is true, every one else make as earnest and zeal ous anjeffort, coupled with the exercise of that ability, the results will be such as will place the financial condition on the other side of the ledger. That the debt to be cancelled was evidenced by the excellence of the program rendered, j the way in which each number was J given, and the attendance of the well , pleased and highly appreciative audience. ! From the opening number, a piano j duet, by Misses Claire Dovey and Verna ; Cole, which was par excellence itself, ! to the last number the good night song, there was not a number but what j was of such a character and presented , in such an admirable way, that received j a hearty welcome and a rapturous ap- j plause. Following the opening number, ! was one by Mrs. Gamble, who was j greeted as she appeared upon the stage j with great demonstration of satisfac- tion, which she acknowledged with a : very slight and modest bow. This num- , ber, and all she rendered, were appre- j ciated by the well pleased audience, who manifested their pleasure on every j reappearance of their favorite. To fol- i low was Clinton G. Wood, who showed ; his mastery of the part which he was to j render and who was recalled, adding ! to the pleasure by a second number, ! equally well pleasing as the first. The next the first appearance of the Aeo- j lian Mixed Quartette consisting of; Mrs. Gable, Miss Baird and Messrs. j McElwain and White, was a very mer- j itorious rendition, one of great excel- j lence and one which rarely is equalled ! any where. This was so well received by the audi dence that a raptuous encore followed, which called them back, giving for the second, "Ask Papa," which was even more popular than the first. When Miss Mildred Cummins stepped upon the stage for the following number, she was greeted with a storm of applause, and was immediately into her subject in a way that left no doubt in the minds of her listeners, but she had thoroughly mastered her subject, and while her number was one of difficult rendition, was well pleasing. Her return was MRS. H EH PEL ENTERTAINS A Number of Her Old Ac quaintances Dine With Her Thursday Afternoon At her pleasant home on Third street Thursday afternoon, Mrs. B. J. Hem pel entertained during the afternoon and at tea a number of the pioneers of the city. Among the many interesting numbers was the recalling or remine scences of by-gone days, when the city . was young. A very pleasant time was had, and all present enjoyed the oc casion heartily. Those to partake in the event were: Mesdames George Btock, of Johnson, this state, Henry Boeck, F. D. Lehnhoff, Henry Martins, August Rheinacle, W. S. Purdy, A. Tartsch. - . ' i LOOK! HERE IS A SNAP! A sq ond hand piano for sale cheap. In goj condition. For further information c on or write Chas. S. Stone, Murray, Nr much more difficult of presentation, and received evidences of pleasing the peo ple, who applauded long and loud as she left the stage the second time. "Rosa lie," by Mrs. Gamble, was the one to follow, and preceded "My Violet" by Ralph White, who sang in a manner all his own way, ard who, when the first song was over was recalled, though his voice was impaired by a cold and sore throat, and notwithstanding whicfi, his notes were as sweet and flute-like as a lark. While the applause which fol lowed his disappearance from the stage was still in evidence, Miss Bernese Newell appeared at the opening at the rear of the stage, only to increase the demonstration, which subsided, as she, in a courteous acknowledgement of the honor, began the rendition of a most difficult number the characterization of one end of a telephone conversation. One strained their ears in order to catch the replies to the questions which was hers to answer, while with aching arm she Jhung up the receiver and left the stage, followed by a prolonged hand clapping and demonstration of the satis faction of the well pleased people. A solo by Mrs. Gamble and "Night Has a Thousand Eyes" by the quartette, both to receive an encore, was follow ed by W. G. Brooks, whose appearance was greeted with many evidences of de light, and whose excellent rendition was exceeded by none, was a treat in itself, well worth the price of admission. He multiplied the peoples' pleasure by a second song more appreciated than the first. "Mrs. Gamble sang "Poppies," and was followed by Miss Marie Doug las, who gave a reading of the mostdif ficult character, as the number and characters of her part was great, but in a way which was admirable she en acted her part, that the people would not be satisfied without a second hear ing, which she gave in the "Hair Cut," which fairly captured the good-natured citizens. After listening to the last number, "Good Night, Little Girl," alldispersed, well pleased with the entertainment, and that they had been given an excel lent performance and were allowed to thus contribute to so noble a cause as helping extinguish the church debt. That the concert should have been more liberally patronized no one can question. Notwithstanding the inclem ency of the weather, the opera house should have been crowded to overflow tr. Mrs. Gamble, who is a most ex cellent lady, and under whose manage ment, the entertainment was given, should have been more highly appreci ated in this most laudable work. The night is'never too bad or the task too great for her when it comes to that of work in such good causes for which this entertainment was inaugerated. Departs For Home. Theodore Miller and wife, after visit ing in the city for some time, the guests of Mrs. Miller's brother, Henry Stein hauer and family, departed Friday morn ing for their home at Ord, where Mr. Miller is engaged with the Burlington road. In returning home, Mr. Miller made arrangements for tha frequent i visit of the Journal at his household, : and he will hereafter be kept in touch with the doings of this community. WIAttend Funeral. Leonard Born depart morning for t M- P. tram Fnd- -tf.j tha Plainview. where h friend Henry Q funeral of his olc at thafc place tQ Falter, which oce and M p j morrow. Mr. ds and neighbors for have been frie?? ng near each other west many years, li of the city. , - ..as a Six Footed Pig -:k Edwards, the baker for Herger, the possessor of a small hog, having Yx feet, the two extra ones appearing at the side of the front legs but not being long enough to reach the ground. Nature in this instance was somewhat freakish. For sale A number of registered f Thorn bulls. H. G. Todd, Murray. MAYOR BROWN FOR DELEGATE R. L. Metcalfe, the Commoner Editor, Does not De sire Place. The Lincoln News is responsible for the following: "In view of the fact that his name has been mentioned by a number of democratic newspapers throughout the state for one or the delegates at large to the Denver con vention, Richard L. Matcalfe of this city makes the positive statement that he does not aspire to the honor and is so much engrossed in his editorial duties on the Commoner that he would have to decline it even if tendered by the state convention. Metcalfe announced some time ago that he was not a candi date; nevertheless, his editorial friends have been inisisting that he should go as one of the four delegates at large. Those backing the Commoner editor have not been especially friendly to Mayor Brown of Lincoln, who wants to be one of the quartet, and it is generally un derstood that Metcalfe's name was pro posed for the purpose of sidetracking Brown. It is also understood that Brown and his friends were very anx ious to have Metcalfe make a renewed declaration that he did not want the place, a la Roosevelt. Whether Brown will now have a clear field remains to be seen." harried in onniifl A WEEK AGO A Plattsmouth Boy Weds an Accom plished Iowa Lady, at the Ne braska Metropolis Word was received here to the effect that Noah Tyler, son of Mr. and Mr. Clayborn Tyler of this city was, about a week since, united in marriage, with Miss Ruby Morgan, formerly of Ham burg. Iowa. It willbe - jetnembered that during last summer j.'ibile Noah was calling upon Miifeii- he ac cidentally shot himself, while celebrat ing the Glorious Fourth of July. The young man is well and favorable known in this city, while the young lady corns from one of the best families of Ham burg. Mr. Tyler is employed in the Domestic Laundry at Omaha, and Mrs. Tyler is one of the efficent clerks at Hayden's department store. The Jour nal with the many friends of the parties here join in wishing them all the joys which this life promises, with as few of the disagreeable things as can be had in the life before them. Business is Slowly Reviving. In their week review of trade Brad street is quoted as follows: "Buying of spring goods are more in evidence this week at all markets, responding to the advance of the season and jobbing trade evidences more vim than at anj time since last autumn. In no case, however, is the buying reported as equal to a year ago, and in some cases the decreases are very heavy. Building was at a low ebb in January and this is reflected in easy prices for labor. ' 'Business failures in the United States for the week, ending February 13, num ber 214, against 272 last week, 204 in the like week of 1907, 208 in 1906, 243 in 1905 and 231 in 1904. Canadian fail ures for the week number 44, as against 50 last week and 29 in the week a year ago. "Wheat, including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week, 'ending February 13, aggregate 4,037,680 bushels, against 4, 507, 456 bush els last week, 2,500,139 bushels this week last year and 3,175,481 bushels in 1902. For the thirty-three weeks of the fiscal year the exports are 148,604, 362 bushels, against 115,8S3,751 bushels in 1906-7, and 172,584,671 bushels in 1901-2. week are 1,- ' CTS f-1 r 1 i I .els.. against 1,835,196 bush- 11907." DUShe,S in They Like the Journal. Geo. Meisinger 3rd, called at the Jour nal office today, and after renewing for his own subscription for the Semi-Weekly Journal he ordered a copy sent to his son, Fred W., who will farm the Kraeger place near Cedar Creek the coming season, to which place the young man has already moved. Both Mr. Meisingers are well pleased with the Journal, and the Journal is certainly well pleased with them. We wish we had a thousand just like them. The Plattsmouth Telephone Company has nearly 200 stockholders, all well pleased with the stock and many of them buying more. ' - j Look Out for Illicit Coins. Folice officers have warned Omaha merchants to be on the lookout for spurious $5 and $10 gold coins supposed to be headed this way from Denver. Specimens of the coins received in Omaha show that they are a bungling piece of work and their fraudulent na ture can be discovered readily. The coins are thought to have been manu factured somewhere in Colorado or Mexico, as they first appeared in Denver a few weeks ago. Omaha Bee. LOVE ALWAYS FINDS A WAY John Martin is Released From the Penitentiary After a Three Year Service A special from Lincoln says: "John Martin, after serving almost three years in the penitentiary, will be releas ed at 9 o'clock in the morning and will tie same day become Inga Anderson's lentine, just as Governor Sheldon fiffured he should be. The two will be rried some time during the day, thus sing another chapter in a story of a woman's devotion to a man whom she loyed so much that she traveled from Alaska to Nebraska to seek him; made appeals to two governors to seeure him executive clemency; managed his case at hearings granted; secured recom mendations from prosecuting officers and from the' attorney general for clem ency; disposed of a gold mine she own ed to get the cash to . pay all the ex penses incident to the hearings and to have the money on hand to start the man in business just the minute she succeeded in convincing the authorities it would be meet to temper justice with a little mercy and romance. Incident ally Martin goes to his to be wife with $350 of his own money which represents what he has saved out of the money paid to mm ior wonc aone in me peni tentiary in excess of his daily tasks. Martin was sentenced for 5 years for working the padlock game. His com- papion in the deal received only one Ivpar. Hovernor Sheldon commuted the the sentence after a full hearing in case." THEY BUY AM ELEVATOR Much. Wisdom Displayed in This Transaction The Farmers' Elevator company, which was recently organized at Ne hawka and which has had under con sideration the purchase of the elevator heretofore owned and operated by Henry M. Pollard, made a purchase of the elevator in question. The com pleting of this contract places the com pany in a position where they can begin immediately in the shipping of grain as has been desired. In the consumation of this contract we see the displayal of j 11 ni 1 . j J and seller. The elevator equipped and running all ready to do the business and in good shape, is as cheap as they could have built, and it removes one institu tion from the field as a competitor, and is a nice way of doing the business. Mr. Pollard will engage in carpentering and building, the trade which he follow ed prior to his engaging in the grain business. Entertain for Friend. At the pleasant home yesterday (Thursday) afternoon, Mrs W. D. Wheeler entertained in honor of her friend, Mrs. George Boeck, of Johnson, this state. Mrs. George Boeck is visit ing the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boeck . At the reception yester day, many of the old-time friends of Mrs. Boeck were present, who were her neighbors when she with Mr. Boeck lived west of the city years since. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in social conversation and the relating of pleasant reminiscences, the occurances 01 the years gone by. A very delight ful nve o'clock dinner was served, which wuot a very pleasant feature of the afternoon. Mrs. Halmes Breaks an Arm Last Sunday, while aVout her duties at her home west of the clty Mrs. Nich olas Halmes fell and sustained a frac ture of an arm. The fracture wu re duced, and while some of the pain has subsided, it is yet giving her considera ble trouble. The advanced age of Mrs. Halmes may cause more seriousness than usual in such cases. Mrs. C. Mocken haupt, her daughcer, is caring for her mother. mm for COKI TV Secretary George D. Bennett of State Board of Equalization Sends Out Letter Reminding Them of Duties to Perform. Secretary George D. Bennett of the state board of equalization sent to the county assessors a letter reminding them that real estate in Nebraska is to be valued for assessment purposes this year for the first time since the adoption of the present revenue law and that this work is important be cause the valuation of real estate is to stand for four years. He also reminds assessors that the state board equal izes as between counties and not be tween individuals, therefore in order not to have all the taxpayers of any one county penalized the real estate should be returned as required by law. Blanks have already been prepared for use in enforcing the "terminal" or local taxation of railroad property. Secretary Bennett's letter to county assessors is is follows: "In the assessment for 1908, land and improvements are to be separately valued and assessed. See action 106, chapter 77, article 1, compiled statutes of Nebraska. "It is the duty of each assessor to perform his work in such manner that every class of property shall bear its just proportion of taxation. It should be his endeavor to get all property listed and at the same time do no man the injustice of undervaluing his neigh bor's holding; there should be no favoritism. "We would suggest that at the meet ing of your deputies, real estate values should be thoroughly discussed. This might cover particularly, the roughest as well as the most desirable and pro ductive tracts, for comparison, in the respective townships or precincts. In this connection it may be well to con sult your leading real estate men and others, who are familiar with land values of the county, and get their ideas and judgment. The assessed valu ation finally made, however, must be your best judgment drawn from any or ali reliable sources of information. The chief aim of this suggestion is to Pleasure in Oklahoma. Emil J. Meisinger, who went with his brother, Phillip and Edgar Baker to Perry, Okahoma, a fevr days ago, re turned home last Thursday, and reports the boys doing nicely in their new home They are well settled in a good locality , , , , . and have already made many friends. They are well pleased with the new home, and also the neighbors. Shortly after their arrival in the new home a very pleasant social gathering was given in their honor, at which the following friends took part: The guests - present were Messrs. Ben Heldt, Albert R. Kerns, Howard W. Kerns, Ben May, Frank Man, Joe May, Henry Long, Otto Long, John Long, Elmer Schwauke, Will Pease, Henry Peas, Ward Sanders, Ben F. Pierce, Dan Keneper, Nathan Cart, Fred Gang, Frank Shutta, Henry Ellis, Philip H. Meisinger, Edgar Barker and Emil J. Meisinger. Mr. and Mrs." Chas. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilcox. Misses Dora Spencer, Mabel Ellis, Lena Schwank, Mell Kirtley, Mary Shutta and France Keneper. Moved to Kansas Our excellent friend, C. Bengen from Mynard, in company with his son-in-law, Thomas F. Ruby, called at the Journal office today and while here Mr. Bengen ordered the paper sent to Mr. Ruby for one year. Mr. Ruby and wife start today for their new home in Oberline, Kansas. The Journal joins with the many friends in wishing them happiness and prosperity and will in form them semi-weekly of the happen ings of the many dear friends and rela tives at the old Cass county home. Farms for Sale. . Farm for sale In South Dakota 160 acres in Hand county, in cultivation. A snap 20 dollars per acres. Adress Ad. van Hoorebecke, Box 352, Omaha, Neb. ' THE A: have an equitable assessment of real estate, as this valuation stands as the basis for four years and gross injustice may follow if this class of property in not carefully and equitably valued at this time. If you like the plan, adopt it and ask your county board to co- operate with you. It will lessen their labors and responsibility and greatly assist in correcting former injustices. "Many inequalities existed from ihe 1904 assessment, especially in the case of real estate. The better farm lands did not bear their relati ve proportion as compared with rough and less pro ductive parcels. "Lands, by virtue of improvements, paid more than unimproved adjoining tracts, for the reason that the assessor failed to consider the fact that contigu ous pieces, though without improve ments, had an increased value on ac count of the improvements on the ad joining piece. This was particularly true in rough and thinly settled coun- ties. "The success or failure of the law j rests wholly with those who execute iit. Assessors are the real power and j upon their judgement and honor depend ; the maintenance of our local and state j government. They actual'y view, list, ! and value the property under their ! supervision. Remember that the state : board of equalization and assessment j equalizes as between counties, not in ' dividuals. In order that your taxpay ers may not be penalized by inc reased valuation, you should see to it that ! property is returned as provided by 1 lav.-. You should familiarize yourself on all points of the law. He courage ous in administering it to the end that j no citizen may be heard to say "1 pay I my neighbor's tax." In questions on t the interpretation ol the law, c ounsel your county attorney who is legal ad ! viser for the county. Be on time ir i transmitting your abstract of assess ! ment to this department. Be sure that ! the work is absolutely correct as to ! number, values, averages, and final i footings." THEY ARE WANTED VERY BADLY Posfcffice Officials on Hunt For Couple Wanted on Serious Charge Postmaster, Sizer of Lincoln, has sent out circulars warning business men against the acceptance of money orders bearing the stamp of the Chi cago postoffice numbered from 18,811 to 19,000. These were stolen some time ago arH. recently the supposed thieves a man and a woman present some of them at different stores in St. Joseph. It was their habit to purchase jewelry, groceries, furniture and other goods, for which they would present $25 or $50 orders in payment. In a number of cases they were successful, receiving change in cash. The man signed the name of James Miller, but it is thought he will use a different one elsewhere. These descriptions of the pair were given: . The man Height about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches; weight about 185 to 200; heavy built; dark complextion; dark mustache; fairly well dressed, looks like well-to-do mechanic; either short light, or dark medium length overcoat; writes poor hand; stiff derby hat, color black; hands rough. The woman Slender and spare built; dark hair; dark black piercing eyes; peaked face, shows use of facial pre parations, sallow complexion; either black hat with large plume, or simply red veil over head; long plaid coat with heavy neck furs on; is almost as tall as the man, mouth peculiar shape when talking. After the basket ball and turning ' ."i Saturday, February 22nd, a dance will be given. ' ' i j