The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1908, Image 7

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Short Itemsof Interest, From Wed
nesday Evening's, Daily Journal
Mrs. I. M. Kuhney was a visitor in
Omaha this afternoon.
George H. Griffin was a passenger to
Omaha this morning.
G. P. Meisinger was a business visitor
in the city this morning.
Perry Utterback was a business
visitor in Omaha this afternoon.
C. C. Parmele was a visitor in Omaha
this afternoon, called there on business.
A. D. Tucker of Nehawka was a vis
itor in the city today.
Henry Herold was a business visitor
in Omana this afternoon.
George Berger was a visitor in the
city this morning from Union.
EL E. Hilton was looking after busi
ness in the metropolis this afternoon.
John S. Hall, the grocer, was a busi
ness visitor in the metropolis morning.
J. N. Hilding was looking after work
at the Masonic Home today and re
turned home to Omaha this afternoon
on the fast mail.
Vincent Messier, of Clearfield, Iowa,
and his brother, C. Messier, of the Bur
lington shops, were seeing the sights in
Omaha this afternoon..1
Paul Frowlick. of Alvo, who has
been looking after some business mat
ters in the city, departed for his home
this afternoon on the fast mail.
C L. Buckley and wife, who were
visitors in the city yesterday for a
short time, returned to their home in
Omaha yesterday.
W. II. Newell returned last evening
from St. Joseph, where he was called
on business connected with the sand
and stone industry, in which he is en
Judge H. D. Travis was looking after
Eome legal matters in Omaha this after
noon. Misses Frances and Josephine Mezick
were passengers to Omaha this after
noon. Philip Tritsch, from near Cullom, was
lxking after some business matters in
the city this morning.
Jesse R. Perry was a passenger to
Omaha this morning where he is look
ing after some business.
It. W. Williams came in this morning
from Memphis, and departed for Union,
where he is visiting at the home of O.
G. Marks.
George Ballance returned last evening
from Lincoln where he was looking
after some real estate business for the
past few days.
R. E. Coleman and wife departed for
Des Moines, today, after visiting in the
city with Mr. Coleman's brother, J. C.
Coleman and family.
Vincent Messier of Clearfield came in
this morning from his home and will
visit for some days with his brother,
C. Messlei, of this place.
Miss Verna Leonard departed this
afternoon for Lincoln, where she will
visit for a few days with her sister,
Mrs. J. E. Worley and family.
G. R. Olson was a visitor in Omaha
this morning, where he is looking after
some business matters in connection
with the photograph company.
S. E. Reed of Presho S. D. came in
this morning and is visiting with
friends in the city the guest at the
home of Robert Trehune west of the
Father Bradley and Father Schuttgen,
of Howells, Neb., were passengers to
Omaha this morning, where they are
visiting with friends and looking after
some church work.
John Whitman of Nehawka was a
visitor in the city this morning assist
ing A. J. Bayless in getting shipped to
Broken Bow, this state, where he is
going to make his future home.
Mrs. B. A. Redman of Omaha de
parted for home this morning on the be
lated Missouri Pacific train, after a visit
in the city with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George H. Griffin at the Masonic
Matthew Gering was a passenger to
Omaha this morning and while at the
station, awaiting his train said, that
the case where would be tried the
merits of the case in which a certain
attorney of Glenwood was trying to
hold up Mr. Brantner for a $1,000 was
set for trial Friday evening of this
e many friends ot Elder Zink, for
mer pastor of the Christian church at
this place, will be pleased to learn that
their little son, Leland, who has been
so sick for some time past, is on the
mend, and that hopes are now enter
tained for his ultimate recovery.
Frank Hackenberry, Joseph Sabe
thka. Joseph Jorousua and T. J. Hick
son departed this morning for LaPlatte,
where they are repairing a car, which
went wrong in a train and had to be
set out for repairs.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
M. Fanger departed this afternoon for
Kansas City, where he was called on
Commissioner C. R. Jordon, after the
adjournment of the county board, de
parted for his home in Alvo, taking the
fast mail this afternoon, going by the
of Omaha.
Henry Brinkman, son of Frank Brink
man, of the Burlington force of switch
men, is reported as being very sick at
the home of his parents and is threatened
with pneumonia.
J. B. Salmon departed for his home at
Princton, I1L, today, after a few days
visit in the city, a guest at the home of
his son, T. B. Salmon, who is employed
in the Burlington shops.
F. L. Hetch was a passenger to Oma
ha this morning, where he will visit for
the day, before returning to his home
at Atchison, Kan., after having visited
in the city with his cousin, A. Thomson,
who is employed in the Barclay saloon.
Attorney William Delles Denier, of
Elmwood, was a visitor in the city this
morning, looking after the interests of
Alfred Hanson in district court. He
was accompanied by A. F. Uptegrove,
Guy Frazel and Art Klizer as witnesses.
A. G. Bernaudy, of Cleveland, Ohio,
was a visitor in the city last evening,
having business with M. Fanger, of the
department store, selling a new supply
of the "Wooltex" goods. Mr. Bernaudy
says the last time he was here was dur
ing the night of the sixth of last July,
when he got as far as the Burlington
station and found goods of all kinds
floating down to the river.
The Heating of Houses.
The central heating of houses is com
ing in greater favor every year, the
heat being more uniformly distributed
through all apartments. It can be com
pared with the action of the heart in
the human body. This also is the cen
tral organ of distributing blood through
out the system, thus keeping it warm
and comfortable. If the circulation of
blood is interfered with in a part of the
body, this part becomes cold and finally
dies. Blood is the fuel of the system
and food is the fuel of the blood. This
shows why it is so important to take in
plenty of nutritious food. If for some
reason the system refuses to accept or
cannot thoroughly digest the food it be
comes necessary to use Triner's Ameri
can Elixir of Bitter Wine. This reme
dy will make the blood to circulate more
speedily, will make the body warm and
comfortable and will make the digestive
system to accept the and assimilate any
food. Triner's American Elixir of Bit
ter Wine will purify the blood, strength
en the muscles and the nerves, preserve
health and fortify the body against at
tacks of infectious diseases. At drug
stores. Joseph Triner's, 616-622 South
Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
Mrs. Copeland Stricken.
Mrs. Jessie Copeland, mother of Geo.
S. Copeland, making her home with her
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Purdy, at Alliance,
was stricken with paralysis on the 24th
of January, and is in a very serious
condition requiring constant care. It
will be remembered that Mrs. Cope
land, with her son, Geo. S. Copeland
and her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Purdy,
lived in this city a number of years
since, and was known by many of our
Neglected Cold Threaten Life.
(Chicago Tribune)
"Don't trifle with a cold,' is good ad
vice for prudent men and women. It may
be vital in the of a child. Proper food,
good ventilation, and dry warm clothing
are the safe guards against colds. If they
are maintained through the changeable
weather of autumn, winter and sring,
the chances of a surprise from ordinary
colds will be slight. But the ordinary
light cold will become severe if neglected,
and a well established ripe cold is to the
germs of diphtheria what honey is to a
bee. The greatest menace to a child
life at this season of the year is the neg
lected cold. " Whether it is a child or
adult, the colds light or severe, the very
best treatment that can be adopted is to
give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
is safe and sure. The popularity and
immense sale of this preparation has
been attained by its remarkable cures
of this ailment. A cold never results
in pneumonia when it is given. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Short Itemsof Interest, From Thurs
day Evening's Daily Journal
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A. L. Anderson went to Ashland to
Thos. M. Carter went to Omaha on
business today.
S. D. Gibson was a visitor in the
metropolis today.
Matthew Gering returned this morn
ing from Lincoln.
A. W. White was a visitor in Omaha
and Council Bluffs today.
Sheriff Quinton went to Greenwood
on official business this morning.
J. H. Tarns and C. W. Haffke were
visitors in Omaha and Council Bluffs
Philip Meisinger of near Cullom was
a visitor in the citv this morning on
W. II. True came from Lincoln today
and went on to Union to visit his uncle
L. G. True.
James Brown of Griswold, Iowa,
came todav to visit at the home of
Mrs. E. S. Hall.
Frank Darrow of Lincoln was a vis
itor in the city this morning on business
for the Burlington.
J. J. Lohnes of northwest of Murray,
was transacting business with some of
our merchants today.
Miss Eva Sayles came in this morn
ing from Cedar Creek and is visiting
with friends in the city.
Sam Kline from Cedar Creek was a
visitor in the city this morning looking
after some business affairs.
Wm. McCauley is suffering quite se
verely from neuralgia of late, though
he continues to work during the day.
Dr. J. W. Thomas of Weeping Wa
ter was a visitor in the city this morn
ing, having business at the county aeat.
N. E. White returned today to Manila,
Iowa, where he has charge of a gang
of workmen on the Milwaukee rail
Miss Laurina Beitler who has been
visiting for a few days at the home of
J. W. Hartwick. went to Omaha this
Little Robert Kroehler, son of Andy
Kroehler. who suffered a fracture of
the wrist a few days since, is reported
to be doing nicely.
Mrs. Hans Tarns and two danghters,
Misses Anna and Bertha, departed this
morning for Omaha where they will
visit with friends for a few days.
S. E. Reed departed for Rushko, S .
D., this morning, after having visited
in the city for a day with Mrs. Reed's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Terhune.
Guy Reynolds departed this morning
for St. Joseph, Mo., where he goes to
enter the employ of the Brown's Trans
fer Company as driver of one of their
Mrs. J. H. Thrasher is still very sick
at her home, but was able to sit up for
a few moments this morning. Mr.
Thresher, while still very sick is down
town attending to business.
A letter received at this office from
our old friend, Frank Gobleman, who is
engaged in the grain business at Shen
andoah, Iowa, tells of his doing well,
which his many friends here will be
well pleased to know.
John Marquette, son of the late T.
M. Marquette, returned to his home in
Lincoln today, after a visit at the home
of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Thos. Smith.
John has been taking advantage of the
snow to do some rabbit hunting in the
old hills of Rock Bluffs.
Westley Bernett, from near Rock
Bluffs, was looking after some matters
in Plattmouth today. He accompanied
his wife this far on her way to Glen
wood, Iowa, where she will visit her
brother, Joseph Miller and family, the
remainder of the week.
General Demand
of the Well-Informed of the World has
always been for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
value; a laxative which physicians could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts are known to them to be
wholesome and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to the system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of Syrup of Fig3 and
Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies
on the merits of the laxative for its remark
able success.
That is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
the preference by the Well-informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale
by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents
per bottle.
11. A. Kussell was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon.
County Treasurer Frank E. Schlater
was a visitor in Omaha today.
mrs. r. jvi. L,inasay is reported as
being on the sick list with the grippe,
Thomas Smith was a vistitor in the
city this morning from Rock Bluffs.
O. B. Niday, from southwest of My
nard, was a visitor in the city this after
R. R. Nickels, from near Murray,
was looking after some business here
Henry Burroughs was a business vis
itor in the city from Rock Bluffs this
Mrs. Allen Beeson, sr., is reported as
being on the sick list with a severe case
of the grippe.
J. J. Lohnes was a visitor in Omaha
this afternoon looking after some busi
ness matters.
Mrs Joseph Yelenek and Mrs. Joseph
ine Cuma, were visiting with friends in
the metropolis this morning.
George Bernett and Mahlon Richard
son from East Plattsmouth, were tran
sacting business in the city today.
Itch cured is 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
Sold by Gering & Co.. Druggists.
J. L. Root after a few days at Lin
coln, where he was looking after some
business matters, returned home last
Rev. J. F. Langhorst was a visitor in
Omaha this morning, looking after some
matters in connection with his charge
at this place.
St. Mary's Guild will give a musical
at the home of Mrs. George Dovey,
Tuesday evening, February 18th. Re
member the date.
James Archer, after a tussle with
the grippe for some time, is able to be
out again, although not feeling as
strong as a horse.
Elmer Hartman came in last evening
from Glenwood, Iowa, where he has
been working for some time past, and
will visit with his parents for a shoi t
Mrs. James Chalfant and Mrs. Floyd
Chalfarit were passengers to Omaha
this afternoon where the former is
taking treatment from Dr. Gifford for
her eyes"
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Amens returned
to their home this afternoon in Lincoln,
after a few days spent at the home of
Mrs. Amens' mother, Mrs. A. J.
W. T. Smith was on the streets to
day, having been released from quaran
tine yesterday. The family have been
kept closed up for some time on ac
count of the small pox.
A. A. Schoeman and wife and Mrs.
Andrew Stohlman, of near Lousville,
were county seat visitors Tuesday and
while here Mr. Schoeman found time to
pay the Journal office a brief call.
Mrs. Geo. Schoeman is reported as
being quite sick with a severe attack
grippe, and at the same time suffering
withTa broken hand which has not
mended as well as she would have liked.
L. J. Hotchkiss, of Chicago, in com
pany with Frank Darrow, of Lincoln,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
looking after the tools of the bridge de
partment of the Burlington. Mr.
Hotchkiss is assistant engineer of the
bridges of the Burlington system.
Builds up wasted tissue, promotes ap
petite, improves digestion, induces re
freshing sleep, giving renewed strength
and health. That's what Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents,
Tea or Tablets. For sale by Gering &
Co., druggists. ,.,
MrSi.A. S.Barnes of West Point,
Iowa, and J. C. Jones of Maupaa, Ne
vada, the latter a brother of Mrs. L.
G. Todd, after visiting here and with
the Todds near Union, departed this
morning for the home of Mrs. Barnes
at West Point, where Mr. Jones will
visit for some time before returning
to his home in the west.
Mrs. John A. Donelan came in last
evening from a trip to Lincoln, where
she was called to look after some busi
ness matters a few days since.
Miss Jessie Duffey departed for Cres-
ton, Iowa, last evening, her former
home, where she will remain for awhile.
Miss Edith Pitz returned home last
evening after visiting with friends at
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a
"We prefer Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to any other for our children,'
says la. J. Woodbury oi Twining, Mien.
"It has also done the work for us in
hard colds and croup, and we take
pleasure in recommending it." For sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
8 3
The Weather Not Such as to Encourage Large
Attendance, Although a number of Town
People Were Present
At the Farmers' institute yesterday
and last evening very interesting meet
ings were had and the speakers were
such as to give confidence that they
were thoroughly able to discuss the
subjects assigned to them. At the
morning session yesterday while only
sparcely attended, Mr. S. R. McKelvie
spoke on pork production in a way
which was convincing, and those who
heard him could not but be benefitted
by what he had to say, if they ever in
tend to raise hogs. The man who thinks
farming is guess work is the man who
has failed to make the success which
his neighbors have achieved, and then
attribute their own non-success to bad
In the afternoon Prof. F. W. Card, a
farmer of Sylvania, Pennsylvania,
spoke on "Factors of Soil Fertility"
Prof. Card is a graduate of the Ne
braska State university and well knows
the soils of this state having lived here
many a year. Sfnce his graduation he
has been farming near the city of Syl
vania, where he had charge of one of
the farms which has been used for over
one hundred years, but which is kept up
to its maximum production by the
proper care.
The peculiar experiences which has
been the lot of Prof. Card has well
fitted him to speak on the subject
assigned him for the afternoon session.
He showed what was necessary for the
production of all kinds of crops, and it
is to be deplored that there were not
more people to hear him. Following
him came Mr. McKelvie, who is editor
of the Nebraska Farmer and eminently
well qualified to speak on the subject,
mm if
Many Friends Give Her a ftHscellancous
Shower and Enjoy Pleasant Evening
flt Home of V. D. Smith
Mrs. W. D. Smith and Mrs. M. A.
Dickson entertained a merry crowd of
young ladies at a miscellanous shower
Tuesday evening, in honor of Miss
Jessie Duffey. The home of Mrs.
Smith was beautifully decorated in red
and white, red wedding bells were sus
pended from the chandeliers, and red
and white ribbons were hung from the
center to each corner, making a very
beautiful effect. In the parlor were
little burnt wood hearts having cupids
and date of the shower on each, they
were tied with red baby ribbon and
hung from corner to corner, these were
distributed among the guests at the
parting hour as a hand made remem
brance from Mrs. Smith. The dining
room tables were prettly decorated with
ferns, and at a late hour, an elaborate
two-course luncheon was served to the
guests by Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. F.
E. Hawkenberry and Mrs. M. A. Dick
son. The first course consisting of
sandwiches, potatoe salad on lettuce,
pickles and coffee, passed off very quiet
ly, but the second course contained a
pleasant surprise for all. Fruit salad
was served with red and white calces
cut in hearts, but the white pieces con
tained a ring and a button among them.
Much laughter was produced when Miss
Freda Herold got the ring, signifying
that she would be the next bride in the
crowd. Miss Edna Peterson got the
Poultry Wanted.
Live poultry wanted, delivered near
the B. & M. depot at Plattsmouth,
Monday, February 10th, one day only,
for which will pay the following prices
in cash, craws to be empty:
Hens, per pound 8c
All young roosters 6c
Ducks, F. .F. 6c
GccsGy 5c
Old Roosters........ ; 4c
Call at the store of Zuckweiler &
Lutz for empty coops.
W. E. Keeney.
Mrs. T. E. Parmele was a visitor with
friends in Omaha today.
last ami
which he handled in a clear and lucid
manner. "Care of Pure Bred Stock"
was his theme and what he naid in this
respect could as well be applied to all
kinds of stock, for it is useless to try
to raise stock unless the proper care be
taken of them, much less to invest
money in fancy priced stock and then
expect them to make their own living
and one for you besides with no show
at all. Those who listened to these
addresses were well repaid for their
time and whatever trouble it was for
them to be in attendance. The even
ing sessions were, on account of the
weather, very slimly attended, while the
same sterling merit was displayed by
the speakers as during the afternoon.
Mr. McKelvie spoke on "Nebraska
Farming," while Prof. Card gave an
address on "Opportunities for Young
Men and Women in Agriculture." Those
who were present listened with more
than usual interest to the discourses,
but it seems very discouraging to the
state officials who have gone to the
trouble to send out these speakers for
the especial purpose of interesting and
instructing the farmers, that they
should fail to come because the weather
was a little adverse.
Well did Solomon of old speak truly
when he said, "He that watcheth the
clouds shall not sow and he that obaerv
eth the winds shall not reap." Mr.
McKelvie and Prof. Card departed for
Union this morning where they will
speak at an institute at that place, and
will go to from there to Auburn.
In speaking of the work Prof. Card
said that he had been in the state for
the past two weeks at different places,
and would spend two weeks more here.
button which meant that she was des
tined to be the old maid in the crowd.
The evening was pleasantly spent in
games and music, the guests were re
quested to draw what they imagined
would be the future home of the bride-to-be.
After serious consideration, the
judges decided to award the first prize,
a beautiful chocolate pot, to Mis3 Freda
Herold, and the bobby prize, a colored
doll, to Miss Sally Brady. Before the
guests departed, many beautiful and
useful presents were showered upon
Miss Jessie Duffey. They left wishing
her a smooth and happy journey through
life and feeling that they had been amply
repaid for the disagreeable night that
they came in. The invited guests were :
Misses Frances Hiber, Marie Hiber,
Mary Jess, Julia Herman, Lucille Ran
dall, Mary Wehrbein, Alice Ofe, Gertie
Beeson, Margaret Rennie, Hermie Spies,
Margaret Weber, Agnes Ward, Muriel
Barthold, Freda Herold, Leona Brady,
Edna Peterson, Sally Brady, Lettie
Smith, Cecil Hawkenberry, May Lar
son, Josephine Yelinek, Mary Sharp,
Ernestine Doering, Mildred Balser, of
Farnam, Neb; Elvia Anderson of Shel
dahl, Iowa, Laura and Rose Schall, of
Omaha, ilesdames A. L. Anderson,
John Hatt, jr., George Bruhl, F. E.
Hawkenberry, John Wehrbein, John
Bauer, jr., M. E. Manspeaker, M. C.
Skin Disease of Twenty Years
Standing Cured
I want you to know how much Chamb
erlain's Salve has done for me. It has
cured my face of a skin disease of almost
twenty years' standing. I have been
treated by several as smart physicians
as we have in this country and they did
me no good, but two boxes of this salve
has cured me. Mrs. Fannie Griffin,
Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's Salve is for
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. Wm. Gravitt is reported as be
ing on the sick list at her home in
South Park with the grippe.
i -