;:, ..... . v.. ... ff m tmm jj'.'KiK 'xyjtt's -j yyyyy,c'.ssvyyy 1U "'AZS. ''sss.' J''' -?y vie J ? 4 8 MOTHER BELIEVES IN PERUMA Mrs. K. Kane, of Chicago, Uses Pe-ru-na in her family , of five children, Grace, Myrtle, Edward, Reeves and George. EDWARD a X .y.- 'i.-VW 'PI tt 1 . ' WmiimiML. Ik & 89K f' m wgrnsigmmmMMim.. s N . GRAC Pe-ru-na In the Home. After all, experience is the best teacher. Koine doctors may write iu favor of Pe ru n a. Other doctors may write against it. Batitistbe testimony of the mothers And fathers who are rearing families, who love thei children, who mast 'economize as to doctor bills, who are raising little boys and girls in tojmcn and women of the future, it is the testimony of such people that really counts. There is no way to positively ascertain how many families in the United States rely upon Peruua for the many climatic ailments to which the family is subject. The number mu.-t bo a preat one. Sever &1 millions perhaps. They havo learned how to use Peruna for ordinary ail ment, and in that way are guarding their homes against more serious dis eases. Sut: ailments 33 coughs and colds, core throat and cat arh, croup and colic, indigestion and Ios v.t appetite, anemia and nervousness, all these ailments are promptly relieved by a few doses of Peruna at the rijht time. Millions of provident mothers and fathers are guarding tho in.t2re.5ts of t!io faoi'se by ujiug Dr. Ilar:::!:i: jr-oat rem.:Jy, and profiting by hi.; nodie:.l irock'.izii and jcrjonal advice. FATHER AND CHILD. '4 v mm III V9 m I 3 Ass c wm 7' I '. ' J. ' . " i y c '.'Xv.'.v.'.va' v)VJ Reeves George- , . 3L-Jk , f M M M WM M M M w m m M m. W I MM m mm Catarrh of Stomach. Kept the Children Well. , Catarrhdl Croup. j Few people realize how frequently j croup is caused by catarrhal eorgesiion of the throat. Probably nine cases out 01 ten of croup is of the catarrhal variety. The medical profession recognizes three forms of croup. The spasmodic va riety, membranous croup and catarrhal croup. Near ly every case is of the catarrhal vi Mrs. K. Kane, 196 Sebor St., Flat 1. Chicago, III., writes: "Peruna has been used so long in our family that I do not know how I could get along without it. "I have given it to all of my five children at different times when "they suffered with croup, colds and the many ailments that children are subject to, and am pleased to say that it has kept them in splen did health. "I have also used it for a catarrhal difficulty of long standing, and it cured me in a short time, so I have every reason to praise Peruna." Mr. John M. Stansberry, Amarillo, Tex., writes: "For several years I had catarrh of the stomach.Tl was hardly able to do anything, and could not eat with any satisfaction.' "When I commenced using Peruna, I weighed only 110 pounds. I took six bottles, commencing in the spring, and by the following winter I had gained 63 pounds. "I owe it all to Peruna. It cannot be praised too highly. "I am forty-five years old, and my occupation is that of architect and builder." It is impossible to estimate how many homes havo been protected against croup by tho proper u.-o of Peruna. Household Remedies. There is no remedy in tho world which has proven so popular for eatarrii as Peruna. It lias boen used for more than thirty years and cured thousands riety, and a few doseiof Peruna taken r-t of cases, as proven by our testimonials. tho first appearand of tho cat:irrh.il ; la tho oir!y history of this country symptoms i i:cn"ral!y sufliricnt to avert every family Ind its horoe-m.nle r;Hli tho a'.t.i'-k oi" c -o ip h'.'ot -thor. c:t. II rb teas, letters, laxa! i -es u:j! i Croup is a f .i;j:ht f-il d-sease. rii-, ronies were to ! fo i:t-l in r!rno-t ..v-r" 1 case of children so alarms the household. . house, compounded by the bu s-iwl.V, sometimes assisted by the apothecary or the family doctor. Furnishing medical compounds direct to the people, through the drug ;i-sts, is simply the extension of tho practice be gun by the peoplo themselves. Nervous System a Wreck. Jrhn G. llirdler, fiurfield, Kas., writes : i, .,11 c ... T.' T? U o il t - ! ntire nervous system was impaired -.y the s'iiji-j. 'Jho h.-.p of a physician . ns.--l.--. I blie I tried every one iu liie vies. iit.y, but all wore alike and I remained without strength. "I then tried Peruna, and after using it for three months was totally well. I am seventy-one yearsold,and my work on the railroad is hard and tedious, but I can work like a young man in all kinds of weather, heat, cold, rain, snow or storm alike. "Peruna is the purest and best medi cine, and if used according to directions, it will help any person and cure any dis ease for which it is recommended. I rec ommend this medicine by my own ex perience to anyone suffering from an ailment on the order of mine." For Herself and Children. Mrs. Aline DePasse, 776 K. lGOth St., New York, N. Y., writes: "It gives me pleasure to testify to the curativequalitiesof Peruna and Manalin. "I was afllicted for over seven yeara with catarrh of the bead, throat and digestive organs. I consulted many physicians, but they did ZOe no good. "One day I happened tdread some tes timonials in your Peruna fclmanac. I decided to try Pernnftand Manalin. I bought a bottle of cclftiDd, ater taking them for a week, I notiCt& ft change for the better. 80 I kepittip Ad after us ing twelve bottles lYtlfrfiettcctly cured. "I also gave the medicine t6 my child ren and they had the same'beneflclal re sult. I would nevejfcJba without these remedies in the housevJlT. "I highly recommend iPernna and Manalin to all my friends, Ind, in fact, to everybody." wmtmaaumfm Thousands of fa nlllea tfife learned to trust and believe in DrJJajtman's Judg ment, and to rely ahli remedy, Peruna, r-r.;.;.ni;i u-kkki.v at nlTSMOIJId. NEBKASrv rhr PlnrKmnilrh Imir 1 Remember the Farmers' Institute at! The man does most for a city who ' cans are not looking for philanthropy i IUH.DIIIUUUI JUUI p.attsmouth Qn Monday and Tuesday, helps most to keep more and more peo- ; through the postoffice department. It , rv .1 o j i nle at work for its hst results Rut makes no difference whether the Amer- ; :uiudij o aiiu . i j that is also the sort of a man who is icans are living- on farms or in cities. I Dr. J. W. Thomas, who died in Weep- 1M, J T.r(i - tnn mnoh frM rti iiiveiy to uu me musi, io prevent sunei- j ......... - - - ---t, i : ing among the helpless in every emer- about tne country at the public expense, ; gency when helplessness is to be helped and the congressman who votes for the j A. KATKN. lt'i:i.lsilKK H t itif puslolfliT t Pint tsmouth. Ne nr:uikit. ei:onJcla.-! matter. in Water last Fridav, received the wound which finally caused his death, at the battle of'Shiloh. He had resided in Cass since 1867, and was a most . , i highly respected citizen. In 1885 he oering icr . - and suffering prevented. parcels post should be defeated for re- j election. ! This nan--r is for Mavor .f.wnt.th4.n1,t.ionIdemo.:rePre8ented l"ass CMnty in the uPPer in increasing responsibilities. T . . house of the Nebraska legislature. ratic convention, from the r irst con- r ressional district. He is a gentleman The Chicago theory of high finance is an I democrat worthy of such an honor. , virtually that defined by President Roose velt when he told the country that when 'The silence of the leap-year joker may a self-respecting man or nation bluffs, The Illinois courts are now involved One of them is to decide whether the way to get along with those who cannot help being skinned is to "skin 'em." When this is offered as evidence of circular in- PERKINS HOTEL iJ LATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA A Card. This is to certify that all druggists ' are authorized to refund your money if ! Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, j heals the lungs and prevents serious re- I "be accounted for from the fact that the tne ony way to e3cape humiliation is to I better half of creation in this town has make good. If the higher financier fails never found it necessary to look for leap- j to make gOCKj jn Chicago, admiration for year opportunities. The marrriage li- : SU2Cess in bluffing fixes his minimum ! cense clerk is kept busy enough every term of humiliation at five year?. year without perceptible feminine effort. ; Every farmer in Cass county should : Again we desire to remind the pat- ; make it a point to attend the Farmers' The membersof the national democrat- ions of the Journal the necessity of com- j Institute in Plattsmouth, on Monday and ; c committee selected to arrange for the j plying to new postoffice rulings compell- , Tuesday, February 3 and 4. These In- convention at Denver, passed through j ing newspaper publishers to collect sub- ; stitutes were inaugurated especially in j the interests of the farmers of Nebraska, J and are always attended by sneakers i well versed in the subjects under discus- ; sion, all of which are of vital import- i ance to the tillers of the soil. Be sure that you attend both days. sanity the business of law is to find its 1 sults from a ctld- Cures la grippe ; I circumference. A recent firm in this & .. v x . . . ,, i consumption, contains no opiates. . l ne RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 5c M. Depot We Solicit' the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call city perhaps could give the Illinois peo- genuine is in yellow packages. Refuse pie some pointers on "skinning people," substitutes. For sale by F. G. Fricke ! if that is what they are looking for. ; & Co., druggists. ! MAN THROWN FROr.1 WAGON L T5he Perkins Hotel A FROM THE ANTILLES Omaha Sunday. The party was joined at Omaha by Mayor Dahlman. All the members of the party seemed to be of one mind as to the nomination of Bryan hy the democratic convention, including Rodger Sullivan, of Chicago. Anna Gould has returned to the Uni ted States without the titled spendthrift she bought for a husband a few years ago. There is no welcome for Count Boni in tle Gould home, but the good old American dollars, wrung by the Gould system from the free-born Amer ican laborers, will be - sent in monthly stipend to quiet the cries of the degen erate Castellaines. ' scriptions in advance or place a 1-cent stamp on each paper in arrears in pass ing through the postoffice. after March 1, 1908. We not desire to stop anyone's paper, but it can readily be i,een that the choice is not with the publisher in the future. This ruling will prove very destructive to so-called county papers that have been inflating their subscrip tion lists by giving a three months free trial to parties who will permit their names to goon their subscription books After once on the books, it is there for all time to come. We have heard par ties say they were unable to get their paper stopped. A. F. Lanpher is Thrown From His Wagon and Receives Severe Injured. Last evening, after A. F. Lampher had gotten his trading done and was ready to start home, and was driving past the corner of Pearl and Fourth streets in a modorate trot, at a place Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Bene fits City Councilman at Kingston. Jamaica. Mr. W. O'Reilly Fogarty, who is a member of the city council at Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, writes as fol lows: One bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had good effect on a cough that was giving me trouble and I A lazy liver leads to chronic dyppep sia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c per box) correct the liver, tone the stom ach, cureconstipatio" Every retail merchant in the land should be opposed and protest against i where the ground is somewhat uneven, the proposition of Postmaster General i the wagon swerved, throwing him to J -pOT sae by F G Fricke & Co Meyer to carry goods ot mail-order i "1C K'uu"u- ui suuuig mi. ampuer . houses about this country for nothing. hi his he a"d was rendred uncon- ow fo Avojd Appenclic(tis. , . , , , I scious. The team was stopped immed- ; ..... Congress has in hand a bill that would -tl armrdino- to witnpw of th ! Most victims of appendicitis are those Farm for Sale! One of the best 160 acre farms in Cass county for sale. Improvements are ex tra good. Six room house and good barn to hold 50 tons of hay and 18 head think I should have been more auicklv I of horses. One and one-half miles east relieved if I had continued the remedv. ! of the Wills P,ace- That it was beneficial and quick in re- ; lieving me there is no doubt and it is j my intention to obtain another bottle. John Urish. Owner. iately, according to witnesses of the make it incumbent on the mail carriers ! accident, the unfortunate man was j wno are habitually constipated, unno to deliver packages at houses cheaper ; picked up and carried to the office of Laxative Fruit .Syrup cures chronic con- This ruling will stop it than the home merchants can deliver the Drs. Livingston still in uncon-; j for you because the publisher cannot af j from their stores to the homes of pat- sclous condition wnere restoratives i th , 0rino Laxative Fruit were applied, It is now cp to the congressional del egation from Nebraska to determine who shall have that large job of pie known as the position of collector of in ternal revenue. The two senators f ailed to agree as between Billy Rose and Ross HammonLeachne,Burket and Brown, contending f r his favorite. So conten tious did they become, that finally, with some impatience, the presiden told them, -very decisively,' too, that he would not monkey with Jthe matter any farther. Then it was then that it wa3 decided to ieave the appointment to the five repub-; lican congressmen. ford to put a 1-cent stamp on fhe paper j rons and at a continual loss to the pub- 1 ' 1 - 1Ta...a..aw . irii Viatra haAn I 1 fTi a. - xl r 1 1 i eainweeK. " . uc purse. inai is, tne government win , sciousness. His head was taking the paper and allowing the j he called upon to pay at least half the bruised badly. While suffering con eamo tn run in arreasr. vou should ovnooc nf AKvorirrr ih irnnHs sold siderable from the cuts and bruises on he was restored to con- i . uwa, "H . His head was cut and i m!ld and pleasant to take. . Refuse sub- , stitutes. r or sale Dy r . u. r ricke at Co., druggists. pay up to March 1, and then order the same stopped if you do not care for it longer. The Journal has aimed to have its list paid in advance, and the greatest number have done so, but we have a a few patrons who are somewhat be hind that will no doubt make settlement between now and March 1. After that we will be compelled to discontinue along with other publishers, no matter how badly we regret to dp so. , We hope our friends will heed this warning. from the mail-order houses located at j his head as well as the concussion, he i was ahle to fo home after haviner been commercial centers, and that expense j treated by the physician. Mr. Lamp would, in turn, be paid by the whole i her received a very close call for his people, the small and scattered dealers with the rest. The fact that the ex pense is to come on , the public is not made plain at Washington, and it is claimed that the parcels post, with a cheaper rate than the express companies charge for the same service, can be run by the postal department without in creasing the annual deficit at all. " Amer- life, and it will be some time before he is free from the effects of this acci-dent. Advice to Mothers; Don't let your children waste away. Keep them strong and healthy during the winter with Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It is the greatest tonic for children. Pure and Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co. John "What kind of tea do you like j best?" Priscilla "Go-tees, some, but: Rocky Mountain Tea best." John "Why Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea j beast?" Priscilla "It speaks for it-J self, John. (Makes lovely complex ions.) Gering & Co. The Price of Peace. The terrible itching and smarting, incident to certain skin diseases, is al most instantly allayed by applying harmless, does tha .greatest good. 35c, J Chamberlain's Salve. . Priee 25c. - For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. For ill Dane! a t r rujf There js one t ir : t.i. : v ! cure it Aver's Hrr Y;--t.r. It is a regular scaiz-m.-divir. It quickly destros t:.;i:-rr:. which cause this cue: The unhea!;hy scj!p l- c ni healthy. The dun. rutf tSWx -pears, had to diappar. A healthy scalp means j grc. tJc! to you healthy luir, r. dr druff.no pimples,; j .ru;u.jn . Th bat kiad ot a t!rao3:l -"Soli lr over ti j ..." A Umim by J. C. Ayr Co . f. !! S?:.W. A2ILL. It V I r L 1 r, A . O