The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 13, 1908, Image 3

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" ' - ' 'St i-l' is ' 11
Short Items of Interest, From Satur
day Evening's Daily Journal
r -
John was a visitor in Omaha
this morning.
O. G. Virgin of Murray was a visitor
in the city today.
Ed. Van Horn was a business visitor
in the city this morning from Cedar
Creek. '
J. II. Cook departed this evening for
his home at Julian, where he will spend
Sunday at home.
Gust Mumm came in this morning
from Omaha, where he has been visit
ing for a few days.
C. 0. Beardskey, a civil engineer of
Lincoln, wa3 a brief business visitor in
the city thi3 morning.
Julius Pepperberg was a visitor to
Glenwood this morning, looking after
some business matters.
George Falter returned from Lincoln
this morning, where he was visiting
yesterday and last evening.
J. D. King was a passenger to Om
aha this afternoon on the fast mail,
where he will spend the Sunday with
i County Attorney C. A. Rawls was a
visitor in Lincoln this morning, having
some legal matters to look after in the
capitol city.
Fred Mann, Robert Newell and Will
Schopp were passengers to Lincoln
this morning, where they will visit for
the day with friends.
Antone Swatak, of Omaha, who has
been looking after some matters in the
city for a short time past, departed
this morning for his home.
Mrs. Frank Haejk departed last
evening for St. Paul, Minn., were she
will visit for about three weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Lotshaw.
G. M. Porter returned home last
evening from Lincoln, and departed
this morning for Omaha, where he has
business at the office of the Bee to
day. W. H. Pitzer, one of the Nebraska'
City's attorneys wa3 a visitor in the
city yesterday on business .returned
home last evening by the way of Paci
fic Junction.
E. H. Elton, the electritian for the
Plattsmouth Telephone company, de
parted this morning for Havelock,
where he is doing some work for the
Bruce Arlington Rosencrans and J ohn
Raymond Travis, students at Boyles'
Business college, at Omaha, came in
last evening to spend Sunday with
their parents.
Mrs. Julius Doering was a passenger
to Omaha this morning, where she will
visit for the day at the home of her son,
August Doering, who is making his
home there.
William Gingery returned last even
ing from a few days visit in South
Dakota, having visited at Bonesteel
and looked after some busineas during
the time he was there.
C. B. Loghier of Ashland is a visitor
in the citv with friends and relatives,
renewing old acquaintances and making
new ones, the guest at the home ot J.
E. Leesley for a few days.
Mrs. Wm. Bingham of Little Rock,
Ark., departed this morning for her
home on the early Burlington train,
after an extended visit in the city, the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Julia M
Robert Hunter and George Gobble-
man departed this afternoon for Homer,
this state, where they have some work
to do in the way of painting cars chang
ing some box cars from Great Northern
to Burlington.
Mrs. Florence Hathaway of Denver
came in this morning, accompanied by
two children over the Burlington and
departed on the Missouri Pacific for
Uuion, where they will visit at tne
home of C. R. Frans for a few days.
Wm. Bamhart and, son Waverly,
were passengers to Pacific Junction
last evening on the last train, where
they go to visit for a few days with re
latives and to consult a specialist on
rheumatism, who is stopping there from
the south for a short time.
Mrs. N. E. Mullica departed for
Pacific Junction last evening after hav
ing visited for a week or ten days at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. u.
Dalton, and other relatives in the city.
Mrs. Anderson Rouse and Mrs. Frank
Wiles were visitors in Omaha this
morning, where they will spend the day
with friends and with Sidney Miner, who
is convalescing nicely in the hospital
Gus Johnson is out again after a
seize with a pain in his side, which laid
him un for a number of days. While
he is so he can get down town he is not
able to resume his duties at the Bur
lington shops yet. .
'-11 . r . (try
Mrs. Frank Shopp was a visitor with
friends in Omaha today.
II. T. I'atton was a visitor in Council
Bluffs today.
Miss Mae Murphy was a visitor in
Omaha today.
W. II. Seyhert was a business visitor
in the city today.
Miss Nettie Tenny vas a visitor in
Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. Washington Smith was a' visitor
in the metropolis today.
The Farmers Elevator company of
Murray are meeting this afternoon.
Fred Kroehler and wife Departed for
their home at Havelock last evening.
II. C. Hoye of the firm of contractors
at the Masonic home, was in the city
W. E. Rosencrans and George A.
Raker were visitors in the metropolis
W. C. Bartlett was a visitor at his
home in Elmwood this evening, staying
over Sunday.
Edward Kroehler and wife departed
this afternoon for their home at Sheri
dan, Wyoming.
C. A. Ritchey of Louisville was a vis
itor in the city today a guest at the
home of his father.
John Seagraves returned to his work
in South Omaha - today, after a few
days' visit at home.
J. P. Meisinger from near Cedar
Creek was looking after some business
in Plattmouth this morning.
Mrs. J. V. Egenberger and Mrs. Mat
Sulzer were visitors in Omaha this
Miss Lillian Fitch of Omaha was a
visitor in the city this morning, look
ing after the class she has in elocu
tion. Mrs. Ray Chriswisser was a visitor
in Omaha with Mr. Chriswisser this
morning, who is reported as getting
along nicely at present.
Misses Jessie and Blanche Robertson
were passengers to Omaha this morn
ing, where they are visiting with
friends for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kroehler de
parted this morning for their home at
Norfolk, after having attended the
funeral of his father yesterday.
Chas. Neleigh came in last evening
on the late train from Omaha, coming
from Wizner, and will visit with
relatives here for a short time.
'Arch Hoy, and wife and chilren de
parted last evening for their home at
Farnham this state aft;r a visit in the
city with relatives and friends during
the day.
W. H. Newell departed for St.
Joseph this morning on an early train,
where he is called on business.
Henry Ilhelder of Cedar Creek was
a visitor in the city, looking after some
business at the court house.
Will Kroehler departed this afternoon
for his home at Havelock after attend
ing the funeral of his father.
Reserve Friday evening, January 17,
for the grand mask ball to be given
by the T. J. Sokol's at their hall.
Four grand prizes.
J. G. Hoffman, wife and daughters,
Misses Alvina and Hattie, were passen
gers to Omaha this afternoon for a
visit with friends.
F. W. Schleifert, of near Louisville,
one of Cass county's prosperous farm
ers, while in the city today called and
renewed for the Old Reliable.
Misses Myrtle and Bessie Deles
Dernier, of Elmwood, were visitors in
the city today and will stay over Sun
day. Miss Bessie is teaching the Ben
gen school southwest of Mynard.
George J. Meisinger, of near Mynard,
while in the city today, called at these
headquarters and renewed for the Even
ing Journal. Mr. Meisinger is one of
Cass county's substantial farmers.
Herman Kleitsch and family, who
have been in the city for the past few
days to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Kleitsch's father, departed last evening
for their home at Weeping Water.
James McNeal, a compositor formerly
employed on the Journal, and who has
been on the sick list for the past few
days, started today for Fremont where
he has accpted a position in a print
John Kauffenberger, one of the Jour
nal's staunch friends and one of Cass
county's prosperous farmers, was a wel
come caller at these headquarters today,
and while here renewed for the Even
ing Journal for another year.
George A. Raker and wife who have
been visiting with the family of W. E.
Rosencrans for the past few days, de
parted for their home at Eufaula,
Oklahoma, today on tne late Missouri
Pacific train. .
Mrs. E. G. Cooley Who Recenty Died
at University Place.
The Lincoln Journal, in speaking of
Ihe death of a former Cass county lady,
says: "Mrs. Etta M. Cooley, whose
death was recently announced, was born
on August 2, 1TG1, on her father's
homestead in Cass county, three miles
east of Avoca. Her father, Riley Can
ady, was one of the first settlers in
that part of the county. He died when
his daughter was seven years of age,
and her mother was left to rear a family
of five children, which she did without
leaving the farm. Etta Canady attend
ed the district school and the Weeping
Water academy. In September, 1S0,
she married K. G. Cooley. They lived
in eastern Nebraska until last April
when they removed to University Place.
Mrs. Cooley had been in poor health for
about five years, but her last illness
dated only from about the first of De
cember. She leaves a family of six
children. Besides being devoted to her
family, she was a devout member of
the M. E. church, and gave it much of
her strength and affection. She will be
remembered with love by all who have
known her during her useful life."
Sold Short Weight Butter.
County Attorney Rawls served' notice
on several merchants at Weeping Water
that complaints had come to him of
their selling pound prints of butter for
a pound and that these never held out
weight, and cautioned them that the
practice must cease or prosecutions
would follow. This put an end to a
pernicious practice that has caused ho
end of ''kicks." Some farmers that
used to trade here made the practice of
moulding their butter that way and
wanted the merchants to count the
prints instead of weighing the whole
bulk. This would not do so they took
their butter to Weeping Water where
the merchants did that way in order to
hold their trade, selling the prints as
pounds. Of course the grocer lost
nothing but the consumer did and they
made a kick with the above results.
We would advise farmers to see to it
that eggs they sell in the future have
j no chickens in them and that they are
wholesome, or they may turn up with
a fifteen dollar fine to pay. The public
have a right to have good wholesome
food, and when a laboring man who
earns his money by hard toil, buys a
dozen eggs 'he should have just that
many good eggs. The price you get
will compensate for the losses you may
sustain in culling out the bad. Food
Commissioner Johnson has served notice
on all that the law will be strictly and
rigidly enforced. Nehawka Register.
Hit Him Again
It is with great satisfaction we learn
from the Plattsmouth News that the
law passed by the republican house of
representatives, passed by the senate
and endorsed by the president, controll
ing the business of the newspapers, is
not a law at all and that it has been
misconstrued by the democratic press.
Our republican friend seems to think
that because one democratic paper pub
lished a certain report that that report
was true, while the one published by
all other papers was wrong. It would
seem so from the Plattsmouth News.
We know what the law has to say in
regard to delinquent subscribers, and
the unfair advantage it takes of all
publishers. It says that newspaper
publishers have no right to manage
their own affairs That is the law. The
law supposedly was aimed at a few
fake newspapers, but the bluderbus
load of the bill hits all honest papers,
regardless of politics. It is a law that
strangles all honest newspapers and
will not reach the fakes. Nebraska
City News.
Dislocated Hip at Play.
This afternoon D. J. Lair and family
returned from a visit for the past week
at Hamburg, Ia.f - where they were
called by the death of Mr. Lau's father
last Sunday. While there the boys were
at play on an old straw pile. The two
Lair boys, Ralph and "Red," with two
cousins, all about twelve or thirteen
years of age, would get on top of the
straw pile, and all grab hold of each
other, forming a human ball, jump and
roll down the side of the stack. It
worked pretty well at first, but was
found to be costly, when the last time
Master Ralph Lair, fell under the
crowd, dislocating his hip joint. A
physician was immediately summoned
and the dislocation was replaced, and
since Ralph has had to remain still and
will be sometime before he is able to
move about very freely. He thinks he
has enough of that kind of sport for the
To My Many Friends;
Those who have in kindness, con
tributed to my appointment as super
intendent at the county farm, I wish
in this way to extend my most sincere
thanks for the favors shown. I also
wish to extend my thanks to the county
commissioners for the favorable gen
enally. I shall care for the interests of
the county and taxpayers to the best
of my ability. J. H. Tams.
Are Visiting in the East.
E. G. Meisinger and W. II. Mei
singer departed last evening for Illi
nois, where they will visit at many
places. Their first stop is expected to
be at Pekin, where E. G. Meisinger
was born and lived until he was some
nine or ten years of age, but has not
been there since. W. H. Meisinger was
born in Cass county anil never has been
in Illinois before, and this will be his
first visit. The young men will expect to
stay for about two weeks and perhaps
Walks Off The
Not long since one of our young
men was returning at night from a
visit to his Dulcina del Tahosa. The
night being dark, and the way delirous,
it was next to impossible to find his
way, and at the crossing of a creek,
which come? down from the Wiles farm,
and wanders down Washington avenue,
where it crosses Locust street, the
bridge is approaching, comingthis way,
from the north side, and after crossing
the bridge, the walks take the south
side of the street. At this place he
became entirely confused, and like a
boat without oar, spar or rudder, he
lost his bearings and walked off the
edge of the bridge, and into two feet
of water, not getting out until he had
floundered around for some time, to the
detriment of his best Sunday suit, and
kindly disposition. When we reported
the matter of J. C. Brady stepping off
the bridge on the other side of the river
some time since, he thought we had re
fered to him, but we did not know of
his experience then.
Organized Agriculture.
The nineteen societies of Organized
Agriculture meet at Lincoln during the
week of January 20th. Discussions will
be had on every subject of importance
to the farmer. The evening sessions
will be occupied with addresses from
very prominent men and on Friday
night Governor and Mrs. Sheldon will
hold a reception at the Governor's
mansion to which every one in attend
ance is invited. These winter meetings
will be attended by more than three
thousand of our progressive farmers,
and are glad that such an opportunity
is given for our farmers to meet with
the men who have the most advanced
ideas for the advancement of agricul
ture. Breaks His Collar Bone
Claude Severs, who was recently in
the city in attendance at the wedding
of his sister, Miss Bessie Severs, to
Mr. Frank Rennis, returned home last
Sunday evening. Wednesday evening
he went with a crowd of men at Grant,
Nebraska, his home, on a wolf hunt.
During the hunt he had the misfortune
to have his horse stumble and fall as it
ran over some uneven ground, throwing
him in such a way that he sustained a
broken collar bone. Claude is laid up
for the present, but just how severe
his injuries are is not known as the re
ports of the accident were meager.
Injured His Eye.
Thomas Henderson, living at Rock
Bluffs, while working with some trees
which he had cut down, ran the end of
a limb which he had cut from the tree,
in his left eye, lacerating it badly and
leaving a piece of the wood in the in
jured member. He with his brother,
Will, and Will Smith came to the city
immediately, and had a physician re
move the piece of wood and dress the
eye. While there is no real danger of
injuring the sight, the eye is very sore
and will be for some time.
Departed For Home.
Nicholas Simons, wife and daughter,
Miss Mary, departed this afternoon for
their home in Chicago, after a visit for
the past week in the city with friends,
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
B. Thrall. Mat Leuck and wife enter
tained in honor of them last evening at
their home on North Third street.
Those present were Mat Leuck, wife
and son, Nicholas Simons, wife and
daughter, Mary, and E. B. Thrall and
Will Move On Farm.
The livery business is to change
hands at once, James Rainey being the
new proprietor, he having purchased
D. B. Porter's barn and equipments,
also the residence connected therewith.
In the deal Mr. Porter becomes owner
of what is known as the W. B. Hargus
farm south of town, and will move
there in the spring. Mr. Rainey has
the ability to make a success of the
livery business and will win out.
Union Ledger.
Elemwood Gets Reunion.
Elmwood so royally entertained the
Grand Army boys at the district re
union last year that when that town
maee a bid at the meeting'held at Lin
coln this week it was plain to see that
unless some other town offered mighty
good inducements that Elmwood would
be the place chosen. Ashland made a
hard fight for the rounion, but when a
vote was taken the Cass county town
won easily. Louisville Courier.
C. G. Mayfield, the barber, was in
Omaha today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Guthman Celebrate Their
Thirtieth Wedding Anniversary With
a Large Number of Friends
Could we have been here thirty years
ago last evening, we might have heard
a crowd. of boys and younir men with
horns, bells, tin pans anil all the other
paraphernalia essential for making the
night hideous with unearthly noises.
If we had looked for the cause of all
this hubbub, we should have learned
that Francis R. Guthman and Miss
Anna M. Pankratz had just been united
in marriage, and the boys were bent on
showing them a good time. Last even
ing was the thirtieth anniversary, as
they were married on the 10th of Janu
ary, 1878. As a fitting acknowledg
ment of the esteem held by the many
friends of this kind and genial couple,
a large number gathered at their home
last evening to celebrate the comple
tion of the third decade of their mar
ried "life.
At their pleasant home in this city
could be heard the sounds of revelry,
for there were congregated those who
Changes at the Shops.
The rumor is current that sweeping
changes are to be made in the foreman
ship in the supply department of the
Burlington shops, to take place in the
near future. We have reliable infor
mation, that the changes are to be
made which effects a number of men.
W. L. Cooper, it is stated, who was
formerly storekeeper at this place, but
was given a position in Chicago when
the Mr. Josselyn came here, will be
given the foremanship of the lumber
yards, while L. A. Newcomer, who has
held that position for some time, will
be given the position of tie inspector of
the system, and will be a position
which will be necessitate his covering
a good deal of territory. A new office
has been, created, which shall be known
as the general foreman of the store
house, and C. O. Richards has been
selected for that position. Mr. Rich
ards has been heretofore chief clerk
under Mr. Josselyn, which position will
be given to T. B. Salmon. These are
.only rumors, and the one who gave thi3
information says it comes from out-of-town
railroad authorities, but would
not reveal the name.
Grand Chiefs of Honor Meet
The Grand Chiefs of Honor of the
Degree of Honor of the A. O. U. W.
held their regular meeting at the home
of Mrs. Wm. Hassler in this city Fri
day afternoon and were entertained by
her. After the regular business of the
meeting was disposed of, the social side
came prominently into view. During
the afternoon they had a very fine
time, consisting of social conversation,
music, and a most delicious luncheon,
which added to the enjoyment of the
occasion. Those present were Mesdames
Harry Johnson, Val Burkel, Fred
Ramge, C. S. Forbes, J. P. Kuhney,
W. E. Rosencrans, D. B. Smith, E. H.
Booth, J. C. Petersen, Geo. A. Raker
of Eufaula, Oklahoma; Miss Teresa
Railway Commission Enjoined
The Missouri Pacific railroad secured
a temporary restraining order from
Federal Judge T. C. Munger Friday to
prevent the railway commission from
collecting penalties for a failure of the
company to comply with the commis
sion's order in the Manley elevator
company case. The answer day is set
for January 18, at which time, argu
ment will be made for a temporary in
junction. The temporary restraining
order also prohibits the elevator com
pany from going ahead with the work
of building the sidetrack. The com
mission ordered the railroad to furnish
the elevator with a sidetrack.
Hold Annual Meeting
The Farmers' Mutual Fire and Live
Stock Insurance company of Cass
county is holding its annual meeting
today at the Heil school house west of
the city. W. H. Becker, president,
Jacob Treitsch, vice president, J. P.
Falter, secretary, and M. L. Fredrich,
treasurer, drove out this morning in a
carriage to meet with them. From the
report of the auditing committee, who
went over the books some time since,
the affairs of the company are in a very
prosperous condition and the rate of
insurance is very low.
Home from Dakota
Adam Kaffenberger returned this
morning from Kern, S. D., where he
has been for the last week looking af
ter some lands which he has in .. Beadle
county. Mr. Kaffenberger reports this
in fine shape, in that portion of the
country the weather as being almost as
nine as here.
were glad to be numbered among the
friends of the worthy couple. Music
rose with a voluptuous swell, and "all
went merry as a marriage bell."
Recitations, readings and games, inter
spersed with music and song, made the
hours lly merrily until the time arrived
for the supper, which proved that the
art of preparing and serving the most
delicious of banquets is not a lost art
with the genial hostess. Those to
make the occasion one to be remem
bered and one of the most delightful
evenings spent, were Messrs. and Mes
dames F. R. Guthman, Joseph Droege,
L. B. Egenberger, J. V. Egenberger,
Herman Spies, John Carmack, Frank
Fetzer of Louisville, H. R. Neitzel of
Murdock; Mesdames J. B. llempel,
Peter Rauen, Jennie Neitzel; Misses
Nettie Sissons, Teresa Hempel, Clare
Dovey, Florence Dovey, Minnie Guth
man; Chas. Guthman, Henry Guthman
and Henry Hempel of Lincoln.
The South Bend Way.
Emil Stutzenegger, merchant prince
of South Bend, was in the city this
morning, and told of a social event in
their town, which transpired last
Thursday. There is a woman in that
stirring little city, who having lost her
husband, has three children to support,
and is doing nobly in that direction, but
finding nothing to do in that place ex
cept washing, finds the living as de
rived therefrom very meagre.
The Modern Woodman of America,
j practicing the principles they profess,
gave a box social, at which they sold
baskets, boxes, and other things, con
j taining suppers, which the purchaser
ate with the doner. From the sale of
these they realized someting like $41.00,
and with the cakes and other things
which were left over, they increased
the receipts to the round sum of $54.00,
which went to the benefit of the woman
and her children.
The social was held in the Woodman
hall, and was a grand success in a
social way, everybody enjoying them
selves, added to the fact that they
were all doing a noble thing for the
deserving of the city. The funds were
placed in the hands of three kindly dis
posed ladies of the village, who shall
act as the advisory board with the un
fortunate woman in the expenditure of
the amount. This is the kind of charity
we like, and should be the basi.s of the
action of all societies.
It is Now Grandpa Leesley..
Word comes from Kansas that the
stork has visited the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Ingalls, Mrs. Ingalls, for
merly was Miss Irene Leesley and
presented them with a fine boy, of the
regulation weight, and both mother and
son doing well and the father happy.
This explains why a man in this city,
who has recently came to the estate of
Grandpa, was so assiduously seeking in
the city for a large barrell. He must
have wanted it to put his head in and
hollow Grandpa, Grandpa, to hear how
it would sound. There is nothing just
like it, he is only going through the ex
perience that many more have had in
the days gone by.
Appointed His Son.
For some time past there have been
rumors galore regarding as to whom
Judge H. D. Travis was going to ap
point as court reporter. Some of the
republicans contended that it could be
no one else but J. S. Taggart and the
democrats here asked for the appoint
ment of Harry Northcutt, but Judge
Travis would not give any of them any
satisfaction, but stated that he was re
sponsible for the affairs of the court and
would appoint some one whom he con
sidered capable of filling the position.
This morning -District Clerk E. H.
Finigan received official notice from
Judge Travis, stating he had appointed
his son, Mr. Earl R. Travis, for the po
sition. Earl is a bright young man and
in every way qualified to fill the posi
tion. Nebraska City News.
Mr. Salsbury Some Better.
A communication from Rev. Sals
bury from Breckenridge, Missouri, for
which place he departed Thursday
evaning, called by a telegram saying
his father, Mrs. Anson Salsbury, was
very sick, says that Mr. Salsbury was
taken with a congestive chill Wednes
day evening and that a seige of pneu
monia was barely averted. At the
present he is a little improved, and
hopes are entertained for continued
progress towards recovery, a fact
which the many friends of Mr. Sals
bury and his father will be pleased to