THE CITY. PLATTSMOUTII AND VICINITY. Kn in Krlday'h I :ill v. S. (. Cole from Mynanl was a visitor in the city today. Fred Noltinjj was a business visitor in the city this morning. A. C. Carey from near Union was a visitor in the city this morning. C. H. Iwis and son, John, were vis itors in the city this morning from near Nehawka. A. F. Seybert. of near Cullom, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business. L. n. lent of Weening Water, was a visitor in the city this morning, look ing after some legal business. Miss Eunice Parker, of Louisville, was a visitor with friends in the city this afternoon. Wm. Murray from Mynard was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some business matters. W. H. Warner made a business trip to Cedar Creek this morning, and will also visit with his old friend, George E. Sayles, who is not feeling well. W. E. Dull of Murray was a busi ness visitor in the city this morning, having some business matters at the county treasurers office. S. S. Shafer, of Louisville, was a business visitor in the city this morning, having business to look after at the court house. L. II. Bown, the horse trainer, de parted this morning for Murray where he goes to train a horse for the popular tonsorial artist, of that thriving little city, Mr. McGinniss Churchill. Frank McNurlin and family from Mt. Pleasant precinct were in the city today visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Nurlin and transacting some business matters. John Hennings, of Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city this morning, and was looking after some business afFairs in the county seat. C. F. Kheihart, of Cullom, was a visitor in the city this morning, where he was looking after some business matters. C. II. Hennings and wife from Louis ville were visiting in the city this morning returning home on an after noon train. Carl West, of Louisville, who has been in Kansas for some time visiting and looking after some land matters, came in this morning on the Burlington and remained over for the Schuyler, to depart for home. Miss Mary E. Foster, county super intendent-elect, came in last evening and is visiting with friends in the city and looking after business matters also. Ferdinand Hennings and wife, from near Cedar Creek, were visitors in the city this morning, looking after some business matters. We have the word of M. L. Fredrick that his co-worker, L. D. Switzer, hav ing a cold in his head, had read that "Bromo Quinine" was a good thing for it, and that a purchase was made of a box, and that eight of the tablets were taken during the morning, six in the afternoon, and that the genial county commissioner ate the box in the even i rg, crd vi sfcelirg much letter this morning. visitors in Omaha this morning, going on the early Ilurlington train. Oscar Zarr was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some busi ness at the court house, and while in the city made this office a pleasant call. Mrs. George Iihoden, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Khoden, her husband's mother, departed this morning for Modale, Iowa, where they will visit for some few days with relatives and friends, guests at the home of Mr. and Clinton Morrow. Miss Mayola Propst departed for Mit chell, South Dakota, the first of the the week, where she has accepted a position as teacher of a school at a sal ary of $45 a month. R. L. Propst from Mynard, was in the city this morning, looking after the settling of the estate of Mrs. M. E. Cawkins, deceased, and in conversation with a reporter of this paper said, that while he had out thirty acres more of corn this year than he had last, he would have 3,000 bushels less than he had a year ago. From Saturday's Daily. A. J. Schafer of Mt. Pleasant precinct was in the city this morning. C. Benger, of southwest of Mynard, was a visitor in the city this morning. Julius Pitz was a visitor in the me tropolis this afternoon on the fast mail. L. B. Brown, of Kenosha, was a busi ness visitor in the city this afternoon. Jacob Meisinger, of near Cedar Creek, was a business visitor in the city this morning. Miss Minnie Will was a passenger to Council BlufTs, where will visit with friends for the day. Ed Graves, of Murray, was in town this morning visiting friends and tran sacting some business. M. II. Tyson, a rustling real estate dealer of Eimwood. was looking after business in the county seat today. Philip Horn, from near Cedar Creek, was a business visitor in the county seat this morning, looking after business. J. R. Vallery was a visitor in the city this morning from northwest of Murray, and was looking after some business. W. II. Heil, of near Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters. Chas. Gradoville and family were passengers to Havelock, where they will visit with relatives over Sunday. Mr. A. M. Holmes, of Murray, came up this morning to spend a few days with his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Rawls and family. Mrs. Charles Chrisweisser, accompan ed by Miss Ola Buckingham, were From Monday 'sDally. George Horn, of Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the metropolis this after noon. Henry Rice from Murray was in the city this morning, looking after some business. J. B. Seabolt and J. W. Stone, of Murray were business visitors in the metropolis this afternoon. wm vallery ana tM. Kummell were passengers to Council Bluffs this after noon, looking after some business. r rank btanaer, ot L.ouisville, was a visitor in the county seat this morning, looking after some business matters during the day. S. O. and R. O. Cole, both of My nard, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they are looking after some business matters. Wyatt Hutchison, near Rock Bluffs, is nursing some very sore fingers, which he got mashed the other day, while hauling some wood. W. II. Porter and wife, of Nehawka, came in last evening and are visiting for a few days with his brother, George M. Porter and wife in this city. Eugene Frey came in this morning from Cedar Creek, visiting today with John McNurlin and family, and will de part tomorrow for his home at Almena, Kansas. Attorney W. H. Pitzer, of Nebraska City, came in last evening over the Missouri Pacific, and visited with friends, and looked after some busi ness matters, departing on the late Burlington train for Lincoln, going by the way of Pacific Junction and Council Bluffs. of Louisville, were visitors in the city this morning driving down by team. W. S. Stine and brother, R. D. Stine, ! of Union were in the city this morning i looking after some business matters at the court housu. ! Col. M. A. Bates, who was confined ; to his bed with the la-grippe yesterday j is so far recovered as to be at his desk j again, though feeling very poorly. Mrs. Furray, of Omaha, who has been visiting with her friend, Mrs. T. E. Parmele, in the city for a short time, departed this morning for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Renner, who have been in the city attending the funeral of Mrs. Renner's brother, John Rob bins, departed . for their home this morning. August Gorder is sick at his home in the south part of the city with what promises to be pneumonia. He has been confined to his bed since last Sunday, and is greatly indisposed. John W. Berge, Mr. Hansen and Jerry Fountain were in from South Bend today as witnesses at the prelim inary hearing of the stabbing case at that place a short time ago. Mrs. B. W. Livingston and daughter, Margaret, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they will visit with friends during the day and look ing after some business matters as well. J. B. Hostetter, of near Union, was was a visitor in the city this afternoon, and has asore hand, caused by a bruise, a few weeks ago, which gathered and broke and appears to be going to do the same again. Andrew Stahlman and P. O. Esmay, of Louisville, while in the city today on business gave the Journal a pleasant call. Mr. Esmay is in the hardware business, a partner of P. C. Stander. Mr. Stahlman is a member of one of the oldest families in Cass county. Harry Keyser of Lincoln, Nebraska, is the guest of Attorney W. C. Ramsey, his former college chum, both young gentlemen having graduated from the college of law. University of Nebraska last June and both standing among the highest in their final examinations. The Journal is informed that Mr. Keyser may open a law office in Platts-mouth. d c DC DC WHAT SHALL I GET in From Tuesday's Dally C. A. Rawles went to Union today on official business. Earl C. Wescott was a visitor Omaha today on business. Mrs. A. F. Seybert, of Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city this morning. V. II. DeBolt and wife, of Murdock, were visitors in the city this morning. w. i. xMurray, 01 Aiynaru, was a business visitor in the county seat this morning. Alf Nickels, of below Murray, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business. Mrs. Bennett Chriswiesser went to Missouri Valley, Iowa, this morning to visit for a few days. Wm. C. Cleghoan, of Louisville, was a visitor in the city this morning, look ing after some business matters. John Campbell, of near Kanosha, was a visitor in the city this morning, trans acting business with our merchans. C. F. Rheinhart, of Cullom, was a visitor in the city this morning, where he is looking after some business matters. r rank Grain was a passenger to Omaha and Council Dlufls this morning where he has some business pertaining to the purchase of a saw mill. Abe Rupley. of the firm of R. L. Upton of Union was a visitor in the city this morning, departing later for Omaha, where he has some business to look after. Herman Kleitch of Weeping Water was a visitor in the city today, looking after business matters pertaining to the milling company of which he is one of the principal factors at that point. Mrs. Andres Weber and son, Andres, of Avoca, were visitors in the city this morning. John Baker, from south of the city, was a business visitor in the city this morning. Wm. Chalfant, from near Union, was a visitor in the city this morning on business matters. Nick Fredrick was a visitor in Om aha this morning, looking after some business matters. G. P. Meisinger, from near Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city this morning, on business. F. M. Young, of near Murray, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after business matters. Ed Brantner and wife have rented the the rooms over Wm. Holly's store and moved into them yesterday. John Brandon and wife were passen gers to Glenwood this morning, where they will visit during the day. J. P. Thacker was a visitor in the city this morning, coming from Union to look after some business matters. George N. LaRue of Union was a visitor in the city this morning where he is looking after some business at the court house. Fred Oldenhausen, who has been con fined to his home for some time on ac count of sickness, was down town the first time for a week yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ruffner were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they will visit with the children for the day, and also visit at Council Bluffs. M. L. Fredrick and W. E. Rosen crans were passengers to South Omaha this morning, where they will attend the convention of county commission ers, which are in session at that place at present. 0 FOR XMAS? 0 This question is for some or most everyone a hard one to de cide. There are hundreds of things which can be gotten, but the trouble is that a person tries to think of too many at one time, the result being that you can't fix your mind in any certain line. So to help you out, we are going to offer a few suggestions: 0 Silk Scarfs Hand Bags Kid Gloves Silk Waist Patters Furs Fancy Hose Fancy Hose Supporters Fascinators Shawls Belts Laundry Bags Collar and Cuff Boxes Fancy Work Bags Toilet Sets Picture Frames Scrap Baskets Pictures Mirrors Jewelery Post Card Albums Table Linen Sets Fancy Dishes Cut Glass Fancy Collars Fancy Turnovers Belt Buckles Hair Brushes Fancy Ribbons 0 1 OUR 0 We are showing the newest and latest patterns in Rugs, Mo quetts, Velvets and Brussels, which are not only beautiful Xmas gifts, but useful as well. Just received a few days ago, RUGS 0 0 Special Price for Christmas! Bokanya Rugs, something new 9 Wire Brussells, absolutely seamless Moquettes, beautiful oriental design These Must Be Seen to Be Appreciated $11.50 18.00 23.00 0 0 0 V i w i m w 'i Mrs. W. C. Tippins was a visitor in Rev. Father Baudezzone, of York, the metropolis this morning. Mrs. George Lindsey and little grand son, Herald Winckler, came down from Omaha and are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hopkins for she day. Misses Emma and Christina Peterson of Herman, Nebraska, who have been visiting in the city for some time guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Richardson, de parted this morning for their home. having charge of the Catholic church at that place, is visiting in the city, the guest of Father Bradley of this place. Nicholas Halmes departed this morn ing for Lincoln, where he will visit with his grandson, Johnnie Halmes, who is at a sanitorium at that place, having his leg treated, for an effection of the bone. Uncle Nicholas will also go to Dewitt before returning home for a short visit. Mrs. D. C. Morgan was a passenger to Omaha this morning to visit her sis ter, Mrs. Hallam, and will also stop at South Omaha with another sister before returning home. Chas Jassen, of Creston, who was in the city for the past few clays called here by the death of Gust F. Rhode, departed this afternoon for Omaha, where he will visit for a short time. 5-T r From Wednesday's dally. Conrad Meisinger, from near Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city today. Mrs. Anna McVey of near Murray was a passenger to Peoria, 111., this afternoon, where she will visit. Frank Pankonin and Joseph Walbert, T or .Lung I VIC 1 roubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years." Made by J. C. Ayer Co.. r.owell. XL Also manuiaoiurera bi sabsaparilla. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. yers We bve no secret! Wo publUH the formul. of mil our medicine. Keep the bowels recuinr with Ayer's 1 Pills and thus hasten recovery. RY n WEEK In fact to busy to write ads, but not to busy too sell shoes. No matter what we are working at we always stop for a customer and give you our entire attention to show goods. rn UVI MLOTV E the Lead! They are wearing better than ever and more peo ple are wearing Queen Quality today than one year ago. And say Mr. Man, you can get your wife a pair of them for Christmay. They make a nice Xmas gift. o 0