1 ' f Does this id Weather emoinidl You that the Heavier Clothing Season is almost here? It it does it remains our duty to remind you that Holly's is the place to buy them. How about that New Suit or Overcoat, Winter Weight Underwear or Shoes? Wu have a complete line both for men and boys. Call and let us show you the many new things we have in Winter Wearing Apparel. Moiiyg 5c Huskers, the Best in the State, WM. HOLLY, the toMer Plattsmouth, Nebraska. REAL ESTATE Classified AK'mmI. ir-iinlly nilltiitr -ctliti In ItulTalo i.nnty. Nelirn.sk a. i.iwmI iM-nrlitmrH. II vr miles Ui town. N Improve fiienltt. (inly ili ix-r acre. t'Mi down. Iiulanct one. two hikI three yearn. K. J. Wool worth. Kearney. Neb. For Sl -The I .ute IhiiiIs mIoiix the It. Ac M. uikI the I'. I". lie rallroMN up the North Platte river valley north of Tatton. winie 2.4iil acres, have just lieen placetl with us for immediate sale. No Ix-tter farm land In Ne braska. Prices SJZ.Ut to JfcMKl mt acre on ea.sy payments. In tracts to suit. Address Itratt A: laoodman. North Platte. Nel. or J. It. KliIiiKSworth. tJotheiihurjr. Neb. or A. K. Troutmaii. Paxton. Neb. 40-1 OAfl actes 3 mile from thriving fit y of III 0 vl inhabitants; level IMatte valley land, black soil, no sand: 11 acres cultivated. 1.11 wheat. I0 alfalfa, small Improvements, a bar gain at fll.OiO. 320 acres level Platte valley land In central Nebraska four miles from county seat town of 2500. OihkI black still.no sand ; 55 acres In pasture, balance cultivated; N acres alfalfa: fair Improvements; great snap at f 45 per acre Claypool Ac Johnson. Kearney. Neb. For Information concerning Irrigated lands address The Iletitcli Land Co.. Scott's muffs. NeU 4i-4 Northeast Nebraska Improved farms, some genuine lutrgains In Dakota and Dixon counties. Twenty years residence enables inetu-Kli'e customers best deals. Write for list. W. T. Hartlelt. Jackson. Neb. 4H-t Land -Fine Improved farms In Central Fast ern Kansas. J.'IS to ii'A per acre. Write for list, come and look them over. Ill 4 Nonken Ac Fuller. Pealmdy. Ks. Good farms In Ked Willow county. hiVK 2.'o in cultivation. House and well. Price .. 000. one-third cash, balance : yrs. Itox 28 4Ci-i IleiKlley. Neb. CAR acres, deedi-d. and long lcaseon rtacres UU school land. 2'i miles from town. l0 acres in cultivation: 4-room house, stable, well, windmill, pasture fenced: price .?!2 Mr acre. For further information call or write 4i"i 4 II. P. Kunion. Iteiikleman. Neb. Put vour money in land. Can sell a 2.000 acre Trai't at a figure that will insure a hand some profit in the natural advance In land valnes alone. Write for particulars. MassuereA: Simpson. 4U-4 Starkweather. N. I. Choice farms for sale In the liest agricultural district in the northwest. Hardware busi ness for sale a money maker. Write Mas suere A: Simpson. Starkweather. N. I. 4i-4 Good old farmer, you have worked hard for your money. Think once, think twice, think three times. and then say 1 would rath er have some western land, than all the banks for my surplus money. McKibbin A: Son. 4i-4 Sidney. Neb. Ten years time on the entire purchase price of our Colorado lands. Pay the interest. that Is all. K:istern Colorado Land and Im provement Company. Century Building. 4t-4 Kanhas City. Mo. Special bargains in Oklahoma Farm and City property, write tieo. II. KeimAcCo. 4ii-4 Walters. Comanche Co.. Okla. Excellent stock ranch. Antelope county. 520 acres. Ml acres in town limits. Creek through part. Cheap corn for feeding. Hood house, large barns, wind mills. Price Wi.OO per acre. State Hank of Clearwater. 4i"-4 Clearwater. Neb. Fine ranch for sale or trade. 340 acres, t wo miles from railroad town, mi miles from Denver. Abundance never failing water. Some rich valley alfalfa land, good house, good sheds and corrals, water piped to house and sheds. Well fenced, price SIO.OCO. Will consider good clear procrty to amount of fl." 000. Will carry SlieUU on ranch at C per cent . K. A. Trimmer. Limon. Colo. 414 0 wners price, farms left. Commissions, if earned. Hank drafts or checks line ood as gold . Kx-iiscs alioweil purchaser. A. J. Durlaud. Norfolk. Neb. 4'tl I handle tow... city property, business houses and business opportunities. If you want to buy. sell or exchange, communicate with me. Lists and information on reipiest. A. II. KosenlKinrn. 32l-:CI N. V. Life Itld. 4st4 Omaliri. Neb. Fine Hurt county farm near Tckamah. will lie sold at Kef'eree sale. lilieral terms. Sat urday. Dec. 21. '07 Address P. K. Taylor. 4st4 Tekamali. Neb. Ftrms for very UkIv -we have .lust Issued a new land list with descriptions, terms, etc. of many farms. Write today Hradicy v Mathicson. Woibach. Neb. 4t4 Graham county. Kansas, is one of the lct counties in the state, for diversified farm ing r!5 to wi'.l buy gxsl wheat and corn land. Writ." me. D.J Haiina. II ill City. 4-t4 Kansas. Grain ranch- 17-ii acres cheap. rl'. Lands ad joining selling ;2i. to .'. Ct'inmissi'n paid if earned. Drafts preferred to gold. Kv -M-iises allowed pt:rcha-er. A.J. Durland. Norfolk. Neb. Notice for Final Settlement All lH-Ion ir.'e.eted :ne hereby notified th.it Cora M. Walker, as. executrix of the last w ill ami li st anient f I'mina I". Walker, mii'svil. has h l'il her final account with the County Court of Ca county. Nebraska, and her iietition for final settlement of said ac count, and the diMrihulioi. of the residue of said est ate. real ami personal, to the liersons bylaw and the provisions of the will of said deceased entitled thercti. That a hearing will lie hal n said n-port and iietition in the county court room in the city of I'lattsmou'ii. Cass county. Nebraska, on the I4tl. day of De cemlier. A. D. lnV. at : o'clock, a. m.. at which time the said account u ill ! allowed and the prayer of said et!tion allowed, if objections lie not made thereto. IlAItVET D. Travi. (Seall County Judge. Corn Shelling. I have just purchased one of the latest improved Ottawa com shellers, and would like to figure with all parties desiring corn shelled. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Tele phone from Murray or Weeping Water. Leslie Gregory. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Notice to Creditors STITV 11V N'KllltlSKI. I I.. 4i . I , . 'ssi'i i iMiniy v on. i. III the matter of the estate of Ham.a K. Calkin, deteased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said de eased will meet the administ rator of said estate. In-fore me. county judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at, the county court room in Plalts.i.oi.th. Iiisaliliiiiintv. on the 7th day of I ccciiiher.l!07.and on the M Inlay of June. I '.. at 10 o'cliM-k. a. in. each day for the puniose of presenting their claims for exainin at ion. ad justment ami allowance. Six months are allowed for the c fed i tors of said deceased to present their claims, from the ;th day of Novemlicr. I'.n". and one year for the administ rator to set t le said est ale, from the llth day of Noveinlier. I!u7. Witness my hand and seal of said Count y CoiirU at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 12th day of Noveu. 1st. Hahvkv D. Tkavis. Iseai.I County . I udg'. 4714 Notice of Sale IN THF. DISTRICT COPKT OF CASS rol'N'TY. NKHUASKA. In the matter of the est ate of ' - s Patrick Shields, dei eas.-d. , -Dee of Sale. Notice Is hereby given, that In pursuance of an order of Paul J essen. judire of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the tit li day of Noveinlier. It '7. for the sale of real estate herelnliefore described, there will lie sold at the south door of the court bouse at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the 14th day of De ce. ntier. I!n7. at one o'clock, p. n... at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing ilescrllied real estate, to-wit: The un divided - of lots ten (in), eleven (II) and twelve (12). In block sixty (t'.0). of the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, subject however to the homestead anil dower rights of Cat herine Spader in ami to said premises. Said sale will remain oiien one hour. Dated thisiith day of Noveinlier. I ".HIT. Thomas Wai.i.im:. D. l. Dwyer. Attorney. (iuardian. 4;u LEGAL NOTICE I n t he mat f erof the estate Jin County Court, of Andre Welier. deceased, rt 'ass County. I Nebraska. All persons interested in the almve estate are hereby notified that the administratrix has tiled her final report and Ktition for final settlement and for an assignment of said es tate to t lie persons ent it led thereto. A hearing will te hud ukii. said reiMirt and fietition at the county court room at Plattsmouth. Ne braska, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the 12th day of Decemlier. A. D.. l'.i'T. and all liersons inter ested w ill file their object ion. if any they have, to said leiKiit and iietition on or In-fore 10 o'clock a. n... of said 12th day of IMs-emlier, A. !.. I'.'7. Hakvey D. Travis. Seal County Judge. II. C. Wellensiek. Attorney. 4st2 Legal Notice I n I he mat ter of t he estate I I n County Court, of Matthew MidkitT, - 'ass County, deceased. l Nebraska. All iersons interested in the aliove estate are hereby notified that the administ rator has tiled his final report . toget her w it h his pet it ion, praying that said reiKirt lie allowed, his air counts finally settled and for a decree assign ing the residue of the estate to the parties entitled thereto and that he lie discharged. A hearing will lie had on said iietition on the 12th day of Decemlier. I'.H7. at the county court room in Plattsmouth. at 10 o'clock a. m.. and all liersons interested will file their object ions, if any they have, to said reiKirt and Iietition on or lie fore 10 o'clock a. m.. of said 12th day of December. IW7. Hakvey D. Tkavis. Iseai.I County Judge. Hyron Clark. Attorney. 4st2 Notice to Creditors STATSSA!SKAf -countycouit In the matter of the estate of Martin Henccke. ileceascd. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said diseased will meet the executor of said estate, before me. county judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the 2tit h day of Decemlier. H07. and on the 27th day of June, lirns. at 10 o'clock a. m..eacl. day. for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims, and one year for the executor to settle said estate, from the llth day of t ictolier. 11107. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at riattsmouth. Nebraska, this 2:d day November, toi'7. Hakvky D. Tkavis. Iseai.I County Judge. 44t Notice for Druggist 's Permit. Not ice is hereby given that J. K. Wiedeman tiled his iietition as riimired by law with the clerk of lireeuwood village, on the 2it I. day of November. I!7. praying that a druggist's per niet lie issued to him for t he sale of malt, spirit -oi.s and vinuous for medical and mechanical puriMises in t he brick store room, on lot '.WU. I ii-ccnwood.t 'ass county. Nebiaska. for the en suing fiscal year. Any objections thereto must le tiled on or before Decemlier Kt. I!i7. .1. K. Wkihemax. Notice of Probate of Will. STATF. l IF NEKKASKA Cass County. I n County Court. To all icrsons interested John D. Theirolf. deceased: in the estate of Whereas. Anna Elial-th Thierolf. widow, and of said county, has tiled in my office an instrument pu riHitt i ng to be the last will and testament of John D. Thie.xilf. deceased, late .f said county, with her petition praying to have the same admitted to probate, which will elates to lioth real and iiersonal estate, and you are hereby not itied that I have apiiointcd i he 2;wl day of December. ll'7. at 10 a. in. at my ortice in said county, as the time and place you and all concerned may aiM ar and contest the probate of the same. It is further ordered that said iet itloner give notice to all in-rsons interested in said cm ale of t he IH'tidency of the iet it ion and the time and place set for healing t lie same by puMi'-at ion of this order in the Plattsniout li Journal, a newspaiier published and of general cii'ctilat ion in said county, for three weeks consecutively next previous to the day set for sa id hea ring. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set hand and official seal at l'lattsmout h. in said con nt. . t his 41 h day of 1 eccm!cr. 1'.'7. Hahvky D. Tkavis, -eali County Judge. Notice to Creditors STATE F NEHMASKA In County Cas County. !N Court. In the matter of the estate of James L. Dewey. deaeased. Not ice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administ rator of said estate liefore me. County Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the County Court Koom. bi i'lattsmou'.h. in said comity on the 4ll. day of January, lii's. ami on theOth day of June, l:"s. at in o'clock a. m. of each day for the pur 1nis of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. r-ix months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims from January 4th. Vx7. and one year for the administ rator to settle said estate from the 2lt h day of Novemlier. IKI7. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 30th day of Novemlier. Itur Harvey D. Thavis. Iseai-1 County Judge. 4;n4 Highest cash paid for poultry, deliver ed at Mynard any day in the week. Tel. 3 O. W. F. Richardson. Mynacrd (Siiccial Coriesiwu. deuce) Miss Lillian Wheeler of Plattsmouth visited with Elza Stokes last week. Florence Vallery and Ella I.ong spent Thanksgiving vacation at home. Nelson Jean and Edra Kiser left for Nebraska City Saturday where they will enter a business college . at that place. Rev. Wachtell began revival meet ings at Eight Mile Grove Sunday. Ray Lloyd of Lincoln visited at the home of C. L. Jean Sunday. Miss Fannie Will and Eleanor Todd of Plattsmouth visited at the Will farm last week. Miss Manota Perry entertained a few friends Thanksgiving day, among those present being Misses Elsa Stokes, Edra Kiser, Lillian Wheeler, Fannie Will, Messrs. Clare Thomas, GroverWill, and Frank Cook of Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. Dean of Michigan are visiting their daughters, Mrs. Will Jean and Mrs. Oscar Gapen. Literary next Friday night at the M. W. A. hall. Mrs. Tom Will and Miss Dora Will entertained a few friends Saturday at a "knotting" party. Those present were Misses Eleanor Todd, Manota Perry, Fannye Will, Bernice Barker, May and Low Vallery. C. L. Jean is remodeling his house. Maple Grove (Siiecial Corresiiondence) Mrs. W. .11. Puis and children visited with friends near Avoca last week. Chas. Chriswisser purchased the Mrs. McVey farm for the sum of $80 per acre. Lewis Young visited at the home of John Perry, near Wabash last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Puis Monuay. John Albert and wife of Cedar Creek, passed through our village Wednesday. J. R. Cathey and son, Cameron, of Weeping Water, spent Thanksgiving in our community. Quite a number from this section at tended the dance at the Jenkins hall at Murray Thanksgiving night. Mrs. Lewis Young made a trip to Weeping Water last Thursday. Will Wehrbein shelled his this year's corn crop last week, Henry Creamer done the shelling. William Puis made a btsinass trip to Plattsmouth Saturday. P. A. Hild and family visited at the home of W. H. Puis Sunday. Corn husking is all finished up in this locality. John Urish shelled corn Monday and delivered it to A. S. Will & Co. August Engelkemeier and family visited at the home of William Puis Sunday. Leslie Gregory purchased a new corn sheller last week, and is now ready for ' business. NOTICE. Sealed proimsals will Ik- received by the county clerk of Cass county on or before noon lanuary 1st. Hits, for furnishing the following ISooks. Blanks and Stationery for said county clerk during the year lWs; CLASS A- KOOKS 1-s nuire mcd. Commissioners Uecord (printed head) :i-siuire med. Deed Kccord (printed page) 1-ti iiuire med. Index to Delinuuent Lands (printed head) 1- Siiuire med. Deed Kecord (printed head) 2- siuire med. Mtg. Records (printed page) 1- s inire med. Miscellaneous Deed Kecord (printed head) 2- s nuire med. Mtg. Records (printed head) 1-s nuire med. Apfiearance Docket (printed head) 1-0 unite med. Court Calendar (printed head) l-4iuire med. Fee Ikxik (printed page) 1-s.iuire med. Probate Fee Hook (printed page) Canvas Covers each l-siuire med. Court Journal (printed bend) Patent Hack lier iiuire 1-Miuire med. Trial I locket (printed head) I ndex iter luiok All records to lie extra liound of No. 1 Linen Ledger paper. Hyron Weston's Iedger Paper or Whiting Ledger pain-r. CLASS B -STATIONERY Ruhlier Hands No. 11 lier gross Penholders No. 327(5 per do.en Wilting Fluid Blue-black ( Diamond Brand) Iht Muart (iillott's No. 5tU Pens. ier gross Erasers No. b sr E. Faber's. iht do.en Rubber Hands No. !:. per gross Estet brook's No. i'4s liens. t'er gross Congress Tie enveloiies No. Hi?4 " thick l-r 10 Erasers No. b'so K. Faber's. ier do.en Red Writing Fluid (Diamond Brand) iter pint Esterbrook's No. ?'J Pens, per gross Congress Tie enveloiies No. li'-l-'j " thick, lier PHI Congress Tie enveloiies No. 10-2 " thick. ier li0 Mucilage. Carter's Arabian, iht dozen quarts Congress Tie enveloiies No. 10-1 " thick, iht loo Denison's Notarial Seals No. 21. per loo Congress Tie enveloiies No. lo-1 " iht 100 Pencils No. 7'H Tiger Copying n?r dozen Penholders No. Crown iht dozen RuMht Hands assorted 1-A iht box tiillott's No. 501 Pens, per gross Congress Tie enveloiies No. 10'4 " thick iht IiM Pencils No. blti Elnrhard FbIht, iht dozon (iloln Reversible enveloiies No. 10, iierloO Ink Wells. Safety No. 1. per dozen Steel Erasers. Joseph Rogers No. lsU'.i A. iht dozen Ink Stands, Safety No. 3 iht dozen RuIiIht Bands assorted No. 100. per k Red Writing Fluid (Diamond Brand) per (ju art Separate bids must lie made on each class of supplies in the estimate. The Commissioners reserve the right to re ject any and all bids. Bids will be addressed to County Clerk and marked proposal for Hooks. Blanks and Sta tionery. Bidders must file good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of tlieir contract. Bids will tie opened the first meeting in January. w. t icoskscrass. County Clerk GIVE THE DEVIL HIS DUES. Results Achieved By the Nebraska Railway Commission. What has the Nebraska railway commission done since it was organ ized the ninth day of last April? A re port comprising seventy-two pages to be filed with Governor Sheldon tells the story. The Lincoln News says it con tains a historical sketch of the creation and organization of the commission, statistical matter compiled from annual reports filed by railroads with the commission, applications filed by the railroads, formal and informal com plaints against railroads and no ac count of their disposition suits in court in which the commission is inter ested, and a statement of the com mission's finance?. The members of the commission are H. J. Winnett, J. A. Williams and H. T. Carke, jr., Clarke Perkins, secre tary; U. G. Powell, rate clerk, and Mrs. Gertrude C. Wells, stenographer. Eighteen formal complaints have been filed with the commission, some of which are still pending, awid five of which were dismissed, some by agree ment. One hundred and twenty in formal complaints were filed, forty eight of which are pending and the balance adjusted, withdrawn or dis missed. Five orders and 113 special orders were issued. After giving a history of the creaton and organiza tion of the commission, the report con tinues. RECOMMENDS NIGHT SCHOOL The Superintendent of the Nebraska City Schools Favor Same. In speaking of the recent report of Superintendent Sinclair of the city schools, the Nebraska City News says : "The truant officer is looking up all children that are under 16 years of age, who are not attending school. This is hard work, as it is necessary to go over the census list and compare it with the list of those attending school. There are something over a hundred working at various employments about the town. These people should be in school. One of the necessities of the school at the present time is a free night school. There are a large number of parents who have large families. This is, as all know an era of high prices, and most of these people must have the help of their children during the day in order that they may assist the par ents in providing food and clothing for the family. These people are in the main taxpayers. They are unable to get anything out of the public schools. If there was a night school these chil- dren could work during the day and attend school during the evening. This matter should receive the attention of the board before the opening of another school year." The same conditions exist in all cities and large towns. They exist right here to the extent that the truant officers are kept pretty busy. Now, where children are compelled to stay out of school to work in the day time, why not assist in arranging for a night school? Notice to Our Customers We are pleased to annonnce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National pure food and drug law, as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. F. G. Fricke & Co. trie sOuan This is enc reason why Aytr's Cherry Pectoral is so valua ble in consumption. Ir stops the wear end tar of useless coughing. But it does more it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soother, heals. Ask your doctor about this. Tho best kind of a testimonial "Sold lor ovor sixty y2ars." A Kmde by .T. C Ayr Co.. T11. Mam. SARSAPACiLLA. PILLS. HAIK VIUflR. yers We luve no KC-ml Wo publish the formulas of all our metlicices. Hasten recovery dv Keeping the bowels resular with Ayer's Pills. In ti 3 1 U. J. Hiln ra on The Nebraskan Sees Some Good Things in II; Wife and Daughter Bound for Europe. BOND ALLOTMENTS WITHHELD Policy of Secretary CorteEyou Said to Cause In convenience in Business Circles. Pittsburg, Dec. 4. W. J. Lryan, en route to his home in Lincoln, Neb., ar rived here today from Washington and met his wife and daughter, who are bound for New York, whence they will sail for Europe Saturday. Mr. Bryan commented on several of the issues treated in President Roosevelt's mes sage and credited the president with introducing an original proposition in suggesting the appropriation of cam paign funds by the government. "I hope," he said, "that it will be enacted into a law." Mr. Bryan is strictly in accord with the president concerning postal savings banks and guaranteed banks. Said he: "The money hoarded in hiding places, if it can be drawn into the banks and thus put into channels of trade, will relieve the stringency more effectively than anything else. The postal bank will do this to a limited extent, but not completely, for in the plan proposed the depositors will be limited as to each person and no checking account will be allowed. "The system of the guaranteed banks contemplates the absolute guarantee by the government of such banks as may voluntarily enter into the system. In entering the system they agree to re imburse the government in proportion to their deposits for any losses incurred by the government in payment of de positors in failed banks. During the last forty years the average loss among national banks has been less than one tenth of 1 per cent deposits, and, as we have passed through two panics in that time, it is not likely that the average loss will be greater during the next for ty years. To sum up, the depositors need security and this must either be given by the postal savings banks which will grow until it has absorbed the de posit banking of the country, or it must be furnished through the guarantee of New Records (j .PHONOGRAPHS and records IB 3 fof ti.e White Sewing Machine 8 (Successors to Phil. Sauter.) Removed to North 6th Street Sold on Ecsy if li n A s vannornauo.,. 3c -v : j existing banks." Bond Allotments Witheld. Washington, Dec. 4. Secretary Oir telyou continued his policy of nil m e today regarding the awardu of Panama bonds, to be made on the bids submit Ud last Saturday. On Saturday, afti-r IIk bids were opened and tabulated, Mr. Cortelyou issued a statement in which additional information was promised mi Monday. Yesterday, it was announced that the important news as to the dis position of the bonds would be forth coming today. This afternoon woid was sent out from the Secretary's offi that nothing would le given out t day and no time of probable action was t t. The delay is causing serious ir.t n venience in those business centers whi-h have not been awarded 'i per cent m -tificates and which are nov relyiiig upon securing the bonds to increase the circulating medium. On the occasion of the la.st ii-sue of Panama bonds, under Shaw, the results were known a few moments after the bids were opened. It is pointed out in Mr. Cortelyou 'k behalf, however, that the Treasury im.w desires to do more than sell the .h.iIr at a good figure. The purpose is al:-o, the price received being the .same, to ; place the bonds as to best assis t I he business of the country. In his advertisement of the 1 miIs Mr. Cortelyou reserved the right in his discretion, to give a bidder such uan tity of the bonds above the arneunt named in his bid as he (the bidder) may desire. According to the advertiserient, the bidder could not change his price, but he could take more of the bonds. There fore, it is being said here that the Sec retary is probably using this clause ii his circular to place the bonds a?, he considers best. High Lace Boots For sloppy weather our High Cuts make perfection footwear. In Black or Tan with Chrome Tan Waterproof Uppers and out Soles, from S3. 75 !o $6.00 See our Waterproof IIand-M;n!e Work Shoes $3.41 Sherwood & Son SCHOOL 3 RUBBERS Orvce sv MortK I Edison Gem .?12 50 Edison Standard. . . Edison Home . 2'j 00 .. 35 00 . . 55 00 .. 40 4) .. 30 (0 . . 22 f 0 Edison Triumph.. ictor 3rd Victor 2nd Victor 1st H MliTtl .1 VJ.-- Pymenlt. ' X