DEHOCRATS COG3VGGrnOG3 HBST Democratic National Committee Plans to Break Precedent and Assume Initiative. THE MEETING'S Opinions Expressed That More Can Be Gained by Inaugurating Issues Before the Re publican National Convention. A sM't-iaI from r rench Lick, Indiana, i where the democratic national commit-) tee met, under late of November 2.r, says: After several members of the j Democratic National Committee had left for their homes, anl Thomas Tag- j gart. national chairman, was congratu- I latino himself that he had got the best j of the newspaper correspondents, the secret surrounding the reasons for call- ing the committee together at French J Lick at this time, leaked out. j The real reason, it now develops, was . to secure the sanction of the National j Committee to a plan to hold the Demo- I era tic National Convention at least two, j and perhaps three weeks in advance of the Republican Convention, and to put j the Democratic party strongly on the offensive on all national issues, instead f on the defensive; in a word, to have the Democratic party take the lead in the campaign and force the Republicans ; to follow. I The sixteen members of the commit- i tee who were well in favor that this . should de done. Enough of them car- i ried letters from absent members to clinc h the plan. If the Republican Con vention is set for along about June JU, j nthe Democrtic National Convention: will probably be held not later than : June 10. Information to this effect came from j a member of the National Committee. ! This member said: i Is Vital to Party. "It is vital to the Democratic party j whether we lead or follow in the next campaign. For years and years it has been customary for us to wait until the .Republicans have named their ticket and then for us to follow and name ours. The same was true of our platforms. The result was that we have suffered by being put on the defensive with the voters of the country put in the atti tude of being afraid to act until our op ponents had acted. "The question of breaking that pre cedent has been agitating the National Committee for a long time. The drift of public sentiment is our way now, and is getting stronger all the time. We reasoned that now or never is our great opportunity. We must take the initia tive and drive the Republicans, instead of striving, as in past years, to keep the Republicans from driving us. So we came to French Lick at Chairman Taggart's invitation, to talk it over. Reason for Meeting. "We knew that the Republican Na tional committee would meet in Wash The Stork Visits Two Monies. Yesterday morning at the home of John Kreager, southwest of the city, the family was made happy by a visit from the stork, who made them a pre sent of a fine little girl. There is great rejoicing on the farm these days. At the home of John Claus, in this city, another visit was made, and a little boy was left, who called John "pana" and wakes him up in the night - and says, "let's take a walk." While John does not approve of that he will not argue long, but takes the walk, you bet. A Bargain in Land For Someone. Does it Suit You? 120 acres, SO acres of first class bot tom land that does not overflow, 20 acres of good upland, 20 acres of timber and pasture, improvements consist of 7 R. house, stables, comcrib. granary, hen house and well, also some fruit trees. Located 1 miles from elevator and store ' . j miles from a good town, less than a rr.ile to school. R. F. I), and telephone. Price is 557. 50 per acre, will carry ?4,0.O. far 5 or 7 years at G per cent optional payments. Its a bargain; come and see it and if it isn't as I represent. I'll pay your ex penses, the same kind of land is selling from ?5. up. Call or write R. B. Casper, Hubbell. Neb. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetite and make you weak and sick. Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the appetite, drives away disease, builds up the system. 35 cents. Tea or tablets. UfflT REAL OBJECT ington on December l and 7, and at that time would set the time and place for holding the next Republican National Convention, so in order that they could not set their convention earlier than ours, we decided to meetithere on De cember 12, after they had acted. That is the reason for our meeting on the 12th. instead of the 1st or 2nd." This explanation, coming from a member of the committee, will make many things clear to Democrats who have been puzzling their brains for a reason for the French Lick conference. Most of the onlooking Democrats here, while they have no explanations to offer, laughed at the idea that Chair man Taggart would call some of the committeemen more than 2,000 miles merely to help him decide when he should call them together. Bryan Favors Plan. Washington, Nov. 24. Talking on the subject here recently, William J. liryan expressed preference that the Democratic National Convention next year be held a week in advance of the Republican Convention. The Bryan following, very generally is said to be in favor of this move. They agree that the Democratic party should propose or initiate instead of guiding its course with reference to what the Republicans do at their convention. Much more is reported by what are known as the Roosevelt policies, and, therefore, are responsible for the great popularity of Roosevelt, consist of policies long advo cated by Mr. Bryan and incorporated in the last three Democratic platforms. It is argued that if the Republicans be allowed to hold their convention first in 1908, the Democrats, when they meet and adopt a very similar platform in connection with trust matters, will have difficulty in evading the charge of copy ing the Republicrn's; whereas, they have, in fact, the prior claim to the policies In question. The general opinion here is that too much importance has been attached to the meeting of a few Democratic Na tional Committeemen at French Lick Springs. It is pointed out that the meeting is in no sense a formal gather ing, and only fifteen of the forty-five members of the committee being pres ent, could not represent the whole com mittee. Many Democratic Congressmen think the Democratic convention should be held first. Champ Clark, of Missouri, is very strongly of the opinion. Do You Earn Enough. What is your earning power? It certainly depends upon the condition of your mind. With the decline of your health will decline your earning power, because you are not able to do as much work as usually. You should know that by using Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine you can stop this de clining of your health and bring it back to the normal condition. This remedy makes the digestive system to perform its duty, to accept and digest all food, to absorb and to convert it into new, rich and fresh blood and into new strength. Whenever you will notice that you do not eat as much and with such a delight as usually and that even your favorite dishes do not agree with you; that you do feel tired without any cause, use Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It is a very good remedy for the stomach and the intestines. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 799 S. Ash land avenue. Chicago. 111. No home is so pleasant, regardless of he comforts that money will buy, as when the entire family is in perfect health. A bottle of Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup costs 50 cents. It will cure ever member of the family of con stipation, sick headache or stomach rouble. F. G. Fricke& Co. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought j Bears the Signature of A PLEASANT EVENING AT 37 A Number of Friends Gather To Assist in the Celebration. Sunday evening being the thirty-sev- j enth birthday of Mrs. Josej.h I liber, a number of her menus gamereciioce.e- i .... i - . ..i oraie me event in proper ,..,;. J he nrst intimation oi me merry crowd of people who surrounded the place was a serenade b3 the Janda or chestra, which rendered a very pleas ing number, entitled "In the Evening by the Moonlight," after which the vis itors were invited into the house and made to feel at home. Everybody made merry, and instrumental and vocal music was the order of the evening. Miss Anna Janda, sister of Mrs. Hiber, gave a good selection on the piano, and Frank Janda and Thomas Swoboda, played solos on the trombone. There were a number of beautiful and useful gifts presented, and on departing all declared themselves well paid for the part they had taken in the evening's entertainment. Those present were: Joseph Hiber and wife, Miss Anna Janda, Frank Janda, jr., and wife, Frank Janda, sr., Stuart Janda, John, Charlie, Fred and Anna Bird, Mary and Tena Petacak, Mrs. Bird, Thomas Swoboda and John Swoboda, sr. Are Moving to Missouri. This morning Mrs. M. W. Thomas and daughter, Marguerite, departed for Firth, this state, where they will visit for a few days with relatives and spend Thanksgiving, after which they will continue to Jasper, Mo., where they are making their future home. Mr. Thomas departed today by the way of the Missouri Pacific with an emigrant car for Jasper, having to accompany the stock which were included in the car load. They will make this place their home in the future, where Mr. Thomas has a brother living, and where they think they will make a good home. NINETY-FIVE VS"AR fill fl j I fLf-tlaO Un-ltf i Claimed to Be the Oldest Citizen in Mills County. i The Glenwood Tribune, in speaking of ; the death of the oldest citizen in Mills county, says: "David Hershy, the old est man in Mills county, died Friday af ! ternoon, Nov. 22, 1907, at the home of i his daughter, Mrs. W. F. Wilson, re ! siding the second house north of the ! Armory in Glenwood. Had he lived till j December 3 he whould have been ninety j five years of age. j "He was born in 1812 in Bedford coun j ty in the southwest part of Pennsylvania. "James Madison was president and ! the war of 1812 was just starting; it j was two years before the battle of New ! Orleans had been fought, j "The deceased had lived under 22dif i ferent presidents which was all of them save three. He lived during the life time of all of the presidents save Wash ington. He was a boy about 14 years old when Jefferson and Adams died. The population of the United States when he was born was 8,000,000. When when he died it s 80,000,000. In his life time the nation has grown from an infant to a giant." May Become Too Popular The Omaha Examiner points out two cases where it believes too much popu larity resulted in political defeat. ; It refers to Judge Paul Jessen and Hon. Jesse L. Root, as follows: "That men may become too popular seems to have been manifested in the case of Judge Paul Jessen of Nebraska City. His political success has been so marked that he presumes. That's what beat Jesse Root of Plattsmouth for district judge in Cass and Otoe. Root is a state senator and also popular, but the fact that Judge Paul Jessen was his ardent backer - was his undoing. People re sented Jessen's activity to control other destinies than his own. Depart for Florida. Frank Johnson and wife, who have been visiting in the city for some time with relatives and friends, will depart Friday for their home in St. Augustine, Florida, where Mr. Johnson is an en gineer on the Florida East Coast rail way. They will spend their Thanks giving day with friends in the city and depart Friday for the land of sunshine and flowers. Will Feed Cattle. Yesterday the Slater-Fitzgerald Stock Company shipped two cars of cattle to Omaha, where they were put on the market, and in return brought back with them three cars of feeders, which they are putting on the ranch, north of the citv. It is deliciously palatable, agrees with the weakest stomach, contains the most soothing, healing, strengthing and cura tive element. Makes you well and happy. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co. The Susana Society Congregate From the way the sun rose this morn- j ing ami the smoke went to the ground j and the ring around the big dipper, we : felt as though the "Amanda" club had j been in session, but meeting many of the people who should know we were j assured that all the signs were mislead ! ing atid that there had been no meet j ing. So the shortest way around the i matter was to take their word for it. . meeting rt- We are nut hnrizcri tnHnnonnci. t tinui'-h that h convening of the " Susana society, who took up the unfin- ished business of the other order, and have things well in hand and by proxy will see to the welfare of each other. GOES BACK TO THE OLD HOME John V. Outright Leaves to Take Up newspaper Work at Peoria. Illinois In speaking of the departure of J. W. Cutrignt from Lincoln, the Evening News of Monday says: "John W. Cut right, one of the best known and most capable newspaper men in the west left Saturday to assume the reins as city editor of the Evening Journal at Peoria, 111. Peoria is Mr. Cutright's old home, where most of his relatives live, and when the offer of a more lucrative position, with no repertorial work came to him, he accepted, although very loth to leave his friends in Lincoln. He did his early newspaper work on thePIatts mouth Journal, under C. W. Sherman, and first came'to Lincoln in 18X9 to take a job on the city side of the Call, when Bushnell, Fairbrother and Cox were its owners. Later he was city editor of the Journal. In 1892 he first became con nected with the News, resigning to go south to Texas. He later represented the Associated Press during Bryan's first canvass for the presidency, travel ing with the democratic candidate, whose private secretary he was when Mr. Bryan was a member of congress. Later he served on the Omaha Bee, and returned five years ago to take his old place as city editor of the News. "Mr. Cutright has a host of friends a11 over the state. His capability as a newspaper man, his fealty as a friend. his general all round good qualities at tached and retained them, and they all are sorry to see him go. Mrs. Cutright and their son will remain until spring until the latter finishes his sc hool year at Wesleyan. " Prefers Donkey So Elephant. Mr. Bryan in his speech at Washing ton, Tuesday night, in reference to the emblem of the two parties, said: "This was impressed upon my mind when I visited other countries, I found that the donkey is a resident of every coun try, and that everywhere he is serving the people, and that, too, the common people. He is not an aristocrat. Wheth er you visit the mountains of the west, the densely populated regions -of the orient, the fertile valleys of the Nile, or the sacred soil of the Holy Land, you will find the donkey patient, persistent, aud always at work. The elephant, on the contrary, is only to be found in cer tain latitudes, and is seldom seen ex cept on dress parade. If greatness is to be measured by service, instead of by size or appearance, the position of honor must be given to the faithful donkey. As the democratic party is becoming a universal party, and is everywhere justifying its claims to the confidence of the people by the service it is rendering them, it is entirely ap propriate that they should prefer the donkey to the elephant for an emblem." Celebrate Birthday Anniversary. Day before yesterday being the anni versary of the birth of Mrs. Chas.. Freese, a large number of their friends gathered at the Freese home to appro priately celebrate the event, and it goes without saying they did so. Through an oversight we neglected to make men tion of the pleasant affair in yesterdays paper. Among the interesting features of the evening were a number of piano selections by the Misses Alvina and Hat tie Hoffman, and also some beautiful solos by D. C. York. Many presents, tokens of the friendship of those gath ered on this occasion, for the lady whose birthday they were celebrating were given. One feature which was produc tive of a good deal of merriment was the riding of the "goat" by L. V. Copenhaver, which produced one con tinuous roar of laughter. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. L. V. Copen haver and Miss Mable Freese, of which all partook and greatly enjoyed. Those present and to add to the occasion were Messrs and Mesdames W. H. Freese, W. H. Lair, Aaron Anderson, L. V. Copenhaver, Mrs. Jennie Whalen, Misses Alvina and Hattie Hoffman, Mable and Violet Freese, Jerdie Peterson, Nellie and Jessie Whalen, Mabel Copenhaver Messrs Don York, Chas. Carlson and Master Paul Anderson. En? lish Spavin Liniment removes Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses: also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Gering & Co., druggists. DOCTOR'S ALL AGREE THIS TIME. The most eminent writers on Materia Mnlun, whose work nrf ronfiilfed km authorities and puidea in prescribing by physicians of all the different m-IiooIs of practice, extol, in the most positive terms, the curative virtue of each and every ingredient entering into Dr. Pierce'; iolden Medical Discovery. In fact it is the only medicine, put up for wale through druggists for the cure of all dis eases of the mucous surfaceH, as nasal catarrh, tlnoat, laryngeal, and bronchial affections attended by lingering, or hang-on-couglis that has any mch jitiifismonal endorsement worth more than any amount of lay or woM-professional tet-tiiiioiiialn. Do not expect tooTuuch from the use of Dr. Pierce'n Golden Medical Dis covery. It will not wk miracleSjt will not cure consumption in its ad vanced Btages. No uftdicinejviHT Nr is the "Discovery" so good for a sudden attack of acute JURh, h.Kt for thelingerinp. ohstinatcf bang-fin-conch ac companying onrarrhai, tyroatf lftjyng'a r digestion with d are apt to lead onderfolly successful in effecting Kesldes curing all the abova distressing Is a specific for all diseases of the mucous merprne catarrh. Whether of IfiTT fTal uassajTcS yfjiT the" srom.i.-h T or u-mc organs. Even In lis ulce ratlve stages u win yind to this sovereign rem edy If Its us be persevered In. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages. It Is well, while taking the "Golden Medical Dis covery " for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the' passages freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course of treatment generally cures the worst cases. If you have bitter or bad taste In the morning, poor or variable appetite, coaU-d tongue, foul breath, constipated or irreg ular Intwels, feel weak, easily tird, des pondent, frequent headaches, pain or dis tress in "small oi uack'," gnawing or distressed fHling In stomach, perhaps nausea, hitter or sour "risings " In throat after eating, and kindred symptoms of weak stomach and torpid liver, no medi cine, will relieve you niore promptly or cure you more iermanent!y than Doctor Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery. Per haps only a part of the alxtve symptoms will he present at one time and yet point to torpid liver or biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all hot bread and bis cuits, griddle cakes ami other indigestible food and take the "Golden Medical Dis covery" regularly and stick to its use until you are vigorous and strong. Foul, impure blood can be made pure by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It enriches and purities the bloml thereby curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions ami other cutaneous a (Tedious, as ec.ema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives ana other manifestations of impure blood. In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old sores, the"( iolden .Medical Discovery " has performed the most marvelous cures, in cases of old son s, or open eating ulcers. It is well to apply to the open sores Dr. Piente's AU-lfealing Salve, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores in con junction with the use of "Golden Medical Discovery " as a blood clean -iiig consti tutional treatment. If your don't happen to have the " AIM leal ing Salve" in stock, you can easily procure it by enclosing lifty-four cents in xMage stamps to Dr. 11. V. Pierce, ;",:t M;::u St... Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to y jii by return post. Most druggists keep it as well as the "Golden Medical Discovery." Not only does the wrapfier of e-e"ry bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, the famous medicine for weak .stomach, torpid liver or biliousness and all catarrhal diseases wherever located, have printed unon it. in, iliiu Kinilih. a full and complete Jistot all the lngreui- ents composing it, but a small book has GAR ROBBERS PLEAD GUILTY One Taken to the Penitentiary and Three to State Reformatory. The Glenwood Tribune, in speaking of the four car robbers, who recently plead guilty to the charge, says: "The four robbers, apprehended about a month ago for plundering a freight car at Pa cific Junction, plead guilty and were given their sentences today by Judge Macy. He gave them an excellent talk, counseling them to lead better lives when they should be released from prison. He declared that idleness and whisky are the greatest of all curses in this world. He urged them to avoid both. Three of the men were under thirty years of age, hence by the law must be consigned to the state refor matory at Anamossa. The three are Emil Kuwitzky, aged 21; Geo. Callahan, aed 25, and Wrri. Brocman, aged 29. "Albert ' Palmer, " aged- 48, will be taken to Ft. Madison. He is familiarly called "Whisper'' on "account of a weak voice which prevents him from speak ing much above a whisper. "All the men are given indeterminate sentences. The court specifies that the two youngest men shall not be confined longer than ten years. "The officers believe they have landed a bunch of notorious car thieves." Her Sixth Birthday At the pleasant home of George M. Porter yesterday was celebrated the sixth birthday anniversary of their little niece, Exa Critchfield, of Lincoln, who is visiting with her aunt. Games such as delight the little folks were in dulged in, interspersed with music, to the enjoyment of all. Delicious luncheon was served by Mrs. Porter who had taken especial pains to decorate the table in a pleasing manner, the fantastic arrangement of which greatly amused and delighted the children. Those to add joy to the occasion were Clara Mae Morgan, Esther Godwin, Margeret and Laurine Benfer, Helen Roberts, Myra and Leta Stenner, and the guest of honor, Exa Critchfield. This Is Worth Remembering. As no one is immune, every person should remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. F. G. Fricke & Co. I ain't feeling right to day, Something wrong I must say; Come to think of it, that's right. I forgot my Rocky Mountain Tea last night. Gering & Co. nvcacioiisVemed v. Infc weak twijtmXjprp I k.ji.. . rrr. rctiry usr ubuiv weate Drowrw qnil tiri-nchial infection?, 't. is n H'f'V ases accompaincd with wasting of Uehh. night-swrata. faulty assimilation, and which, if ng- to consumption, the " Discovery " baa cures. own compiled from numerous standard medical works, of all the different school of practice, contalnVin very numcron extracts from the vrltlntf'wJ leading practitioners of medcine, eti0orn Htrotujent ihhUiU'. rrm, fci ai Jl every Ingredient contaied In !. Vu-rJf-' medi cines. One of Lflese llttW Mok will b mailed free tojniy one Vndinir address on postn ostal card orby fetter, fo Dr. it. V. Pierce. Buffalo. NY.. and rencsilns the same. r rorn tl that D le bookIt will lx( learned nidlclnes contain no a I co I freotirsiriicral agents or other (()S( or Injurious agents and that made from native, medicinal they root-fof great value. Some of the most, valuable fngred lent contained in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription for weak, nervous, over-worked, "run-down. " nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years ago. by the Indians for similar ailments affect ing their sipiaws. In fact, one of the most valuable medicinal plants entering Into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription was known to tlm Indians as "Nijuaw-Wced." Our knowl edge of the uses of lint a few of our most valuable native, medicinal plants wan gained from the Indians. As made up by improved and exact, nrf cesses, tint "Favorite Prescription" is a most eflicicnt remedy for healing ulcera tions, regulating all the womanly func tions, correct ing displacements, as prolan sus, antevcrsion and retroversion, over coming painful periods, toning up the nerves and br'nging alout a perfect staUi of health. Sold by all dealers in medicines. It's an Insult to your Intelligence for a dealer to endeavor to palm off upon yon some nostrum of unhnnu a torn pusiti'in in place of Dr. Pierce's world lamed medi cines which an? or known omi-ohi-tiov. .Most dealers recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines because they know what they an? made of and that the in gredients employed are among the most valuable tha t a find icj ne for li Ue pur puses can Ixi made of. The sa me is true of lead ing physicians who do not, hesitate t recommend these medicines, since they know exactly u ha t t le-y ennta i u ami that their ingredients are the very best known to medical science for the cure of the several diseases for which tli'-v are rec ommended. With tricky dealer. it l.s different. Something else that pays them a littlo greater prolit will be urged upon you as "just as good," or even better. You can hardly atTord to accept a, sub-titutc tf ii iiI.iuihh ti mi HiHil inn and without any particular record of -vires in place of Dr. Pierce's medicines which are fir knowx composition" and have a record of fortu yriirs nf i n rin behind them. Yuu know what voM want and it, is the dealer's ness to supply that want, limibt mni it. SANK THIRTY YEARS AGO Portion of the "Mary McCee" Discovered at the Head of Speck's Island Last Sunday John McDanial discov ered an object near the head of Speck "h island which attracted his attention as looking very peculiar, and with hi brother investigated it. He has lived here for over forty years and is well acquainted with the river. At that point the "Mary McGee, " a transfer boat, used by the Burlington before the big bridge was built, struck a snag and went down, on the Cth of April, 1877. Upon examination of the object in the river which is not far from shore, it proved to be the hull of the transfer boat which had sunk over thirty years ago. Mr. McDaniel made a close in spection of it, a portion of which pro trudes from the water, showing parts well preserved for the time it has been in the water. He Fought at Gettysburg David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: "Elec tric Bitters have done me more good than any medicine I ever took. For sever al years I had stomach trouble, and paid out much money for medicine to little purpose, until I began taking Electric Bitters. I would not take $500 for what they have done for me." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weakness. Great alterative and body builder; sure cure for lame back and week kidneys. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke druggist. 50c. Was Operated Upon at Lincoln. Mrs. Peter Halmes departed thi.s afternoon for Lincoln, where she will visit her son, George Halmes, who went to the hospital at that point a few days since and underwent an operation for the cure of an affectation of bones of both his legs. It was thought for a long time" that he had rheumatism, but as the disease did not succumb to the treatment, a more thorough investiga tion was made and the operation was found necessary. The affection seems to be located in the marrow of his bones. Since the operation the patient seems to be somewhat improved, but it will require some time to determine as t what extent the improvement will make. A portion of the bones of each leg were removed near the ankle.