PUTS menud Yy eat tier k that the- Heavier Clothing Season ir, almost here'? It it does it remains our duty to remind you that Holly's is the place to buy'them. How ataou that New Suit or Overcoat, Winter Weight Underwear or Shoes? Wa have a complete line both for men and boys. Call and let us show you tin t e many new tmub we nave in winter wearing upparej. Holly's 5c Hisskei-Sj the Best in the State. Plattsmouth Nebraska. W J U V U n UU vr l&na Sa U n ta u zzr u w y u u y D cod REAL ESTATE Classified ..-.!. vi .ii ii mi ii ! I'.ill.iw the f..t.ti-p-cf y hi r f :i t in r. Ilu v nni' -l m-i- f :i rm iiiif l.iii'l a hi It U y t !': M uil n..il.f you r ! -1 in ;i fi'W iiiir-. ..u will lin-l I In- I ! In Kill li oiiin v. Nrlir i-fc:i. 1 1 i;ulr-if K-:ilt V Co.. l'iMi.. W flir I lnlil lixl:ty. iH.-l-l D lirvln'. lti- mill Iiii-Iiii-xn I li.-ivr :i il:iiry f.irin th:iivvill m.iUf ! :t forluiMt In l ii )'fr. U'riii'invm r A .1. iur!ainl. w i ti ti I. tu rnl 1 1 -f ir "'I iiily m f:irrns tn N. Iir.ir-U i -..ri r;ii-f- I'-r i,:i r i :-ul:irs writ- W. . riyiit. li:tt .r"i-k T-:i. S:i-riIi'-- S:t.f. I r:iil'li ll nnty. ii.-ri-. Iiiijiplvii . ' '' Mii-tM-ll till-f ill, -."ii i r Arllnir I". MulU ii. iZU ill. N-li. SUTiill-J'. ip;. In. I.:t-.-i- lfit 'irral li-r- fniui N-Ir:ik m ! !:. .M-a lamls r.' l- ?M i p :n-pf. frri.iil ;;fi'l- up. H- t Miirar f:u-l..ry i-uniinc Si-mi- f:nin-rs ret t1m t :nr- f"P I liK ar'- pup. Ivt tKliii: fr-i-. jilali-im-ti' srii:ir;iiit-l. Write us tiMlay. t'liau.lu p nf ' " n ri.-r---. Mrrlinz. Colo 4-:t t For Salt- . frw iiiiprovi-il. prMliii'tiv- xili lc I farm- m :ir lUlalioiii i utt v.mhiI Ii !nv.-ti;::it . Itrai.l. Kitukt-r. Mnrr. ikI:i. 4-14 Inv- youp tiiom v I" Tlioina" minty ls) lainl. tin tiniotli-i oiiii'y In the Mat-. wlth:!'',.i'" ii to ln-:i. 1'rii-f rain'w fnmi ?r." to?::'i n r u rr. ow K tin- t iiiit- to plan your in. ini y. I. .V I i!.-. t'olli.v. Kans 4:i4 Whv pay " :m :u-r.- t--r l-m.l lu ll you can iMiy ju-t a- HMl fi-p !;:! :ria-p -i n;i! fr'-iri o" S t'i l-v-l prairie miimprrtveil. -xmI "Miil. iut a'Tt--'ml iMitioin. I ' . iiiiimprovt il. 5 11. lies from 'N ii!. j r a. -re. I. a. re- s mi:. - fr r-i 'Neiil a little rotl inif. running ualer. inii.ur-vel -l'.."0 4.t4 I". '. ;!. !.-n. "N. i'l. Nel. The Postmaster of Iitsconade, Mo,. Daniel A. Mu-h. says of the DeWitfs Kiilney and IJIa.M.-r Tills. "I am doirff so well, and in.Tovir: o fast in health, that 1 cannot say to nvJeh for your Kidnes fc I'.ladder Pills. I feel li:e a new man." DeWitt's Kii.ey& Bladder Pills are sold 1-v FC. Frirke & Co. Why the Dr. Faeti CuslilGn:nscls5ho8 is the eastest s.n.e 11 earth II Wfi!u- rl, !!- 011 14 -ntirtlv T:r.!ike av. otltr rtr fale. t 1 .. t-:. . u SX and consols t; a r i re vumi ion. is Pi'"alie ai.i! a N'on-Con-ductor of i."o",; Hi'.d lianijness. RECCC V.MEOtQ K P.iYiiCmS fl ShervoaJ S Son fl - c '.-.11 j '--; . v re !- .,' Ca,s .. : -rw-1 ;ib:e. na1!;:,'- ' wm: t. r t vou v.-; ; 1 Vv.-:!y -i.u'.- . 1 flcil I.-.' kin- J ... 5S w .1 i ! n F. W. Schleiferr, one of the rock rihhed demoerats of Louisville, was in the city today, and of course called on the Journal. Mrs. Sthleifert accom panied her husband. It is deliriously palatable, agrees with the weakest stomach, contains the most soothing, healing, strenthin"; and cura tive element. Makes you well and happy. Hollister's liocky Mountain Tea. '.i cents. Tea or Tablets. (lerinj? & Co. D. S. (libson was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon, where he y;oes t' replenish his stock of records and talking mac'iines, of which the firm are selling a large number. A. Karlham, of Friedland, Mich., came in the other day and has been visiting with his brother-in-law, Mr. A. Howrick and wife, for a few days, de parting this afternoon for Oakland, California, where he will make an ex tended visit. The Presbyterian ladies will be ready to receive rummage Thursday at the Leonard building rooms, formerly occu pied by Mauzy & Murphy. Send in your donations early, or notify commit tee where to call. Anything will he acceptable. Donations for the market for Saturday solicited. Babies and children need prompt at tention when suffering from coughs and colds. The best remedy for mothers to use is Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. It tasts nearly as good as maple sugar, it contains no opiates, and it is laxative and drives the cold out of the system by gently moving the bowels. Sold by F. G. Fricke and & Co. Dancing Proves Fatal Many men and women catch cold at dances which terminate in pneumonia and consumption. After exposure, if Foley's Honey and Tar is taken it will break up a cold and no serious results need be feared. Refuse any but the genuine in a yellow package. F. G. Fricke & Co. NO LOCAL CALL FOrt LABORERS. Neither Manufacturers Nor Officials Answer Circulars Sent Out. Uncoln "Something of a curiosity from the sociological viewpoint is this recent flurry in the metropolitan pa pers about the new 'bureau of informa tion," of the Department of Commerce and Labor," saiil Deputy Labor Com missioner Ryder. "Judging from some articles recently carried by the Asso ciated Press. Nebraska and other states where laborers and domestic help are reported to be scarce are to" at once be supplied with all the help they need from among the aliens who are arriving at New York and other depots for immigrants. "Some two months ago the Nebraska bureau of Jiabor took up this matter with T. V. Powderly, head of the bureau of information; to ascertain juist what his bureau contemplates do ing. We received a bunch of blanks which were self-explanatory, and the idea looked so feasible that a ciicular was at once prepared and sent to every county clerk in Nebraska. A copy was f ent to 50 editors of the state also, ac companied by a second letter ad dressed directly to the editors, 'ihese letters of the Nebraska bureau set out that information was wanted as to scarcity of labor, the kind of workers needed, business chances, etc.. and we promised, if such information came to hand, to collate it and forward it to the bureau or" information at Wash fngton. "Up to date no notice has been tureen of the circular to editors, and but two county clerks have taken the trouble tc wite this depatment elative to the matter. We have had one call from a Iancaster county manufacturing firm, for Mr. Pov.derly's blanks. That firm wanted a bunch of workers, mar ried and single, at gcod ray, and with cheap house rent as another induce ment. I have not heard that the re quired workers have been stcured as yet. "Tiles' farts taken together, espe cially th !ack of irtor'.-t among coun ty ofHcials and ii!'jr: indicate to me that tln fhc-rMge cf Inlior is generally acute an.l net c"' runic. That is. there are r.M-tnin t::r.e? whn there is a de n:'V.'l in s;. ciiV lection- for a certain kind cf lri')"r. r.s v.i harvest time and corn fhuc'.un.-r tin--. Taken the year round, however, the fchoria?? i more an;v.r.'::t. than iw.1. P-.i::ic V.'lia t!:e r.i.l of several : ; i f'ln Tm.'.o sufecedt d I :n recoveriii.T a r.iuv.l;r-r of articles that j br. i been s?ie:i from the fr.rra of F. II. ; Wan tit rf.ee. '.! her.?: of this city. The !nro-'e:ty crT'i.-istt'd cf several over- r-c.i's and Willis which had been taken : ff-ri carriage.-; ; .li.Tcreiit tiroes. The I flog follow -'I the 1 cent to a farm i where a nuilif r of r.:r:: were at work shcT.ini ccrn. r.n;! by a lit.'? question-L-ij ?. .man r:;.v.v.l C ;c: ?3 s.iH to lv?. admit tr-u fx' -.'1:5 the suu: wUl? intox ARE YOU WRETCHED BAD WEATHER Keeping the Kidneys Well Has Kepi Many Plattsmouth People Well Many Plattsmouth people find that bad weather brings on a dull pain in the back or rheumatic aching, neuralgia, nervousness, irritabil ty and weakness. If, when you get wet or take cold, it "settles on the kidneys." and there is a shivery, chilly sensation in the back, it shows kidney weakness, which is often the beginning of disease. Doan's Kidney Pills should be used persistently until the chilly feeling is gone, and the flow of urine is natural. Doan's Kidney Pills have saved Plattsmouth people much suffering. Mrs. M. E. Hartman, living at 780 Rock street, Plattsmouth, says: "My father was greatly benefited by the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. For years he did not have good health. Pain in the back owing to kidney trouble caused him considerable suffering and parti cularly so when on his feet. Learning about Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured a box for him at Gering & Co. 's drug store. He used them as directed and the pain was relieved, his back and kid neys stengthened and there was notice able improvement in his general health. It is needless to say that the results which he obtained gave him cause to value Doan's Kidney Pills very highly." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Mrs. George S. Lampman was a pas senger to Glenwood this morning, where she was looking after some business matters. Mrs. Dr. Corley, of Omaha, a daugh ter of Mrs. M. Archer, came in this morning and is visiting with her mother during the day. James Rebal, jr., son of the proprie tor of broom factory, has accepted a position in the coach department of the Burlington shops. A. C. Carey was in the city today with a load of nice apples, which were very fine specimens. He will have a load in the city Saturday for sale. "I suffered habitually from constipa tion. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since. " A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Texas, Big Sale of Trimmed Hats. All the Newest and Most Up-to-Date Shapes and Styles; Street Hats BELOW Cost. Fancy Feathers of every de scription for trimminhs on bargain tables. 10 and 25c. MRS. JULIA G, DWYER OPPOSITE P. 0., PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. If You Haven't Already Ordered Tt r. ' I- 1 o !1 rM! 1 Iiai HlHHUtiHllPfi now is the tiir.e to . r-:r.e :? and make; the selection before the holid ay rush be- j gins. We are showing all the popular sizes and styles of tht-?e instruments ; the best hoir.e enterli'iinrv.ent that any ' family could po?t We b-.ive a com- jilete stock of the latest records. Let i us play your favoiiie To:" yo-J when you ; call, which no; e will l- soon. HeSraska Piionoin Company: ilUMRY JESSE PEP.SY, Pr:prietcr. GUPiD GUTS MORE GAPERS Marriage of John R. Beeson of this City and Miss Pearl Huffer. The cutest of the cute cannot always keep the secret which they wish, but for the successful eluding of the pub lic's gaze and inquiries, John Heeson j and his new bride have been very suc cessful. Late last evening John slipped over to the court house after the papers had gone to press, to get the necessary papers which would allow him and his winsome bride to marry. At the pleasant home of the parents of Miss Pearl Huffer last evening, were gathered only the immediate relatives of the families of the contracting par ties, and proceeding into the parlor, which had been decorated with pink and white, the color scheme, and fol lowed by the maid of honor, Miss Lillian Wheeler, came John R. Beeson bearing on his arm Miss Pearl Huffer, and pausing before a canopy of pink and white chrysanthemums, were united in marriage by the Rev. F. W. Brink, of the United Brethren church, south of the city. . After the congratulations and good wishes had been offered, and the many presents, tokens of the love which the friends held for the contracting parties, they all adjourned to the dining room, where every preparation had been made for the whole party's delectation in the way of a sumptuous supper. Here, as in the other room, the color scheme was presented, pink and white, with four streamers of white ribbons decor ated with pink chrysanthemums, and as Judge Beeson aptly said, reminded one of a may-pole all ready for the dance to begin. The ice-cream and cake marked the same colors, pink and white. It is reported that during the celebration that 79 boys and 13 girls, all friends of the young people, came and serenaded the party, extending good wishes, and were called, and John in an outburst of eloquence, responded, in the greatest oration he had delivered this year. Those present and to partake in the joys of the occasion, were, the family of the bride, her brother, Harry Huffer and wife, of Havelock; the groom's mother, Mrs. Allen Beeson, and his sis ter. Miss Gertrude Beeson, who lent zest and added joy to the occasion by her rendition at the piano, the inspiring strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march; A. J. Beeson and family, N. H. Isabel and wife, Chas. Jean and wife and daughter, Edith; Miss Lillian Wheeler, ! Ed Spangler Bnd wife, M. Fanger and family, and August Richter and family. The newly married couple will not j take a wedding trip, but will remain in j the city and will live at the Latham j place on North Sixth street. I The Journal with the many friends of j the contracting parties, who have grown ; up in our city, and who every one knows but to love, extends the warmest wishes for their future welfare and happiness. ' It is the desire of this paper to see the acquiring by the happy pair the acme of their desires and the consummation i of their most cherished wishes. Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with bilious ness and constipation, which made life miserable for me. My appetite failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and cathartics only made matters worse. I do not know where 1 should have been today had I not trieu Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the ill feelings at once, strengthen the di gestive functions, helping the system to do its work naturally. Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Ala. These tablets are for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. George Dovey was a passenger to Omaha this morning by the way of the Missouri Pacific, where he is looking after some business matters. axafiyeraswon PJeasant to take The new laxative. Dees not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Rsfuse substitutes. Price 50o. FOR SALE BY F. G. FRICKE A Sweet Faced Girl This Time During the married life of John R. Denson he has received many visits from his majesty, the stork, but on each occasion heretofore the kindly bird has never had a little girl baby to spare until last evening. The Densons have waited long anil patiently on the queer capers of his storkship, but were abundantly rewarded when they were presented last night with a sweet faced little girl w'eighing about eight pounds. bringing joy to the household, and promises to be an abiding cause of good feeling within the sacred pre cincts of their home. You may easily guess what makes Mr. Dehson look so pleased, you may see his smile half a block away, and it seems to stay with him. A MILD WINTER IS IN SIGHT Old Reliable Prophet Gives an Assur ance that Goes. Weather prophets are entitled to public praise for their consideration and courtesy in predicting a mild winter. Whether they are right or not, it is comforting to know that they agree in the prognostication that nature will be bland during the coming months when the warm sun will be far away. How do they know? Ijy a thousand signs. Any one of the weather signs of the genuine prophet is a sure sign. Added together they make proof as strong as Holy Writ, says the Washington Post. Muskrats have not even begun to build their winter quarters. This is a sign that has never failed, from the time that Adam first observed that muskrats were weather sharps. Ducks have been slow in migrating. Is not this convincing to anyone but a calloused skeptic? Deer have their thin fall suits on; the beavers have not begun cutting their winterwood supply; the owls have not yet withdrawn to the forest deeps; the songbirds have not all sailed south ward ; toadstools have few or no wrin kles; cornhusks are not thick; the 'pos sum has not one curl in his tail this fall; the swamps and bogs are low; the wild geese are still sojourning on northern lakes; jack-rabbits have not yet begun to drum on hollow logs; there is no thick down under the chicken's feathers, nor any bony growth on its feet; the whis kers of Jersey farmers are straggling and of slow growth; black cats have no whites under their eyes; the goosebone is fair and unspotted; vermin under logs and old planks are more numerous and lively than ever before; fish worms are near the surface; in fact, nature, with myriad voices unanimously attuned de clares that the winter of 1907-1908 will not amount to shucks. New Baggage Rules New baggage rules and regulations will go into effect on western roadsJDe cember 1. The new rules provide that no single pieces of baggage exceeding forty cubic feet in measurment or weighing more than 50 pounds will be accepted for checking. For each full ticket 150 pounds of baggage will b'e checked, and half that amount on each half ticked. Explosivds will not be car ried in baggage cars. The changes in the rules are not radical in anv instace. Rev. W. F. Bradley departed this afternoon for Howells, this state, where he goes or some business connected with the church at that point. o 0 Wall Paper adds m 1103511 he appearance of the home, so much so that it is the cheapest decoration that can be put on a house, not that it makes the room warm and keeps out cold, but saves the coal bill, and above all brings a brightness that cheers up every one around the houce. Try it. paper one room and sec the eflect. I5rii; us the size of your room and we will tell you just what it will cost .aud furnish you a first-class paper hnri.'er to put it 0:1 not a wall paper ped dler. Wall paj cr from 5c to $-t.00 per roll. fpaeg.'Trna.vvor.air! twt'bfj Lrmnsstxttnmt. mill iwnui GEARING CO, UG g 3 Mvirdock (Ity (. A. i -N. ) l'UllDI'CK M A It K K I'S Corrected weekly by Martin T.kj'. who pay the highest prices lor product and guarantee satisfaction: IllltttT Kjjks . Ileus Springs Crt'.'iiii Cut tie I lot's " ... I.V. I .' t;r 1 if . . :u- . ';. .Kl Ill-Hi.!!) . in ti.ihi (MiAIN MAKKKTS. Curii ... Wlii ut . . Outs... . 4 i iiml 4i le . . :lh- Rock Island Timk Tahi.ic Murdock Station. WKST IMU'ND. No. 15, local !:52 a. tn. No. i5, local freight m.;w a. m. No r.. mail L':.'lo p. n No. .'". mail 5:5.'5 p. in. No i does not. stop for passeyers east of Denver. KAST HOUND No. !). freight 12:. 10 a. m. No. .'104, local passenger !:11 a. m. No. 1 Local 1:27 p. m. No. ft, mall :: p. m. No Hi. local freitMit 1:14 p. rn. No. does not stop for passengers west of DesMoinps. Rev. Howard Tool and family are visiting relatives here for a few days. A show was hilled to be at the Ml W. A. Hall on Wednesday night of last week but the promoters failed to ap pear so the crowd went borne disap pointed. H. A. Tool had business in Omaha Thursday, and while there purchased a car load of very choice northern grown Early Ohio seed potatoes. If in need of good seed potatoes we invite; your inspection. While examining a shot gun 1 lie other day, Harry Gillespie succeeded in shoot ing a hole through the fioor acndentlly. A. J. Tool has been entertaining a brother-in law by the name of Fisher, from Chadron. The families of J. C. and Chas. Sli oy transacted business in Omaha last I Thursday. A Rock Island engine set fire to a corn field belonging to Henry Meier ; jurgen last week and burned about five ! hundred bushels of corn besides burn ing a cattle shed. Some local sneak thieves entered the back door of L. Neitzel's hardware ! store Sunday evening but took little or nothing of value. When they departed they left both rear doors wide open which might make one think they had' formerly lived in Omaha. Miss Kate Amgwert is visiting rela- tives near Council Bluffs this week I Wm. Gehrts visited in Omaha Mori ! day. ' J. R. Funk was in Omaha Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Leis and daughters are ; visiting relatives near Louisville this ' week. Dr. Brendel and wife of Avoea were i in this burg Monday. A. E. Frascher transacted business 1 ' in Omaha Tuesday. ; Arthur Reibe is on the sick list at j present. I Arch Rager and wife and Mrs. C. J. I Leis are visiting relatives in Kansas at I present. ! Lost A heavy black Galloway lap ! robe between Plattsmouth and Mynard. Finder will please notify Cun i ningham Bros., Nehawka, and receive i reward. 9 GISTS FIT. 4 1 ; fi I if V ir