The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1907, Image 7

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    Does thSs oDdl Weaitheir KlemDmidl You
thut the Heavier Clothing Season is almost here? It it does it remains our duty to remind you that Holly's is the place to buy them. How about
that New Suit or Overcoat, Winter Weight Underwear or Shoes? Wa have a complete line both for men and boys. Call and let us show you the
many new things we have in Winter Wearing Apparel.
Moiiy'g 5c Huskers, the Best in the State,
WM. COOLLY, the flo-Mer,
j wt-st. young man! Follow th fnottt-i
of your father. Buy omrhol' farmliiK land
wdllf It I y-t flit-up. It will nmke you rich
In nfrw year. You will find tit liost In Keith
county. a. Inquire of I'uxton Kealty
Co., fax too. Set). Write them today. 3-lJt
PtHVAV.K. Vallry 4-bunty. N orasku. Lands.'
Write Kv-rly & Co.
North I ami p. N-l.
CHKYKNNK oiuity land for sale. I.imxI rich
level land for from ten dollars to Mxteen
dollars per aTe. Land wn iii uutontobtles
Call on or write Koilman-Ixos lieii Land Co..
Sidney. Neb. 40-4
F(K SAI.K I'ICK. Si u:ire ,-,i,,ii ihmhI
northeast Nehaska land. elKlit miles from
County M-sit, partly Improved, with running
water. I'rlce JI5 er luTe. For particulars
write F.J. IMhhner. O'Neill. Neb.
fIIOICK orii and alfalfa farms and ranches
in the eorii lielt. for sale cheap or lease.
IC A. Hunter .V Co. Hp. ken How. Neb.
LIsi'I'KN: corn, wheat and alfalfa lands In
southwestern Kansas from J.i to mt
a4-re. Cnie and see. Wayne Iaiitl Co.
(ireensburi;. Kansas.
FA K.MS for sale. Clark county. South Iakot:t
none any better. I 'rices kdIhh up. Come
now. Sharp Harris. Clark. S. II.
WK have M-veral clioice farms close to town
for sale in Itoyd county. Nebr.. i5.U0 to
$'5.(10 mt acre. No liettcr land in Nebraska.
Write us. or ls-ttcr still, call and see for your
selves. American K.xHiiwiKu Hank .
Itristow. Neb.
acres, smool h farm land, excellent soil,
miles of railrotd. !' per acre.
40-4 K. .1. Woolworthe.
Kearney. Neb.
IMI'Ki 'KI farms in Fillmore county. 0 to
1 " p,.p acre
None l-tlT.
Write Atherton
Ac Kvans.
tienev:. Neb.
CAKMS. FA KM . FA I J MS. Anv size tract.
level. sil to 5 feet deep. priMiiicin forty
biislielsof wheat per acre. Write for lxok!ct
ami price
White & Sears.
4i -4
Holyoke. Colo.
A Snap, i Jim mI one mi l rii r hay land. 4 miles
from Norfolk, only ?4xm.w "
4 '-4 .1. H. Condy. Norfolk. Nebr.
Ft IJ SA I.K very cheap all or part of fourteen
quarter sect ions in lUtx Unite county. Neb.
north of Alliance. As line b!ak loam land as
then- Is on earth: no sand, no travel ami lest
of crops. Will trade for -.rood lii;;li priced land
40-4 .1. II Conley. Norfolk. Neb.
BI'M I'F.i: crop this year for Cheyer
u l. We are harvesting the
line coun-
i-st Top of
small ;rrain in Nebraska. Th' opiKrt unities
are greater here for the man with limited
means than any other section of the vest.
ome out ami liHk this country over, and it
will verify our statement. Land from s to
1) per acre. Write for circular etc.
Western Ileal ty Co.
4c-l Sidney. Cheyenne Co. Neb.
W II F.N purchasing Western
tfet the liest. There a
rn ?cbr:isk:t lands.
are yet plenty of
choii-e farm lands with deep, rl.-li soil, to le
hail at from ten to fifteen dollars per acre, in
Keith county. Nebraska, surrounding I'axton
No drouth in t Ids section: I'.hiT crops are jrood ;
have had siirtici.-nt rainfall in this section to
srow crops the past ciirht years. These lands
will ;xn.v any kind of crops :iiupi-l to the
Mate of Nebraska, and w ill advance rapidly
rapidly in price. and s-e for yourself,
or write tiiay I'axton Kealty Co..
40-4 Paxton. Neb.
Ft Hi SALK -Tc'.'t acre stock farm I's miles
from railroad town in Klkhorn Valley. Is
home farm of an old resident: line condition;
13') acres crops. 100 acres hay. 150 acr-s of tine
alfalfa land, blue grass bottom pasture for 300
cattle.plenty of runnins water, tine hui'.dinus.
plenty of ash timber. Owner is old and re
tired. "r..V per acre. No trade. Keasonable
payment; longtime on balance Hurry.
3"J0 acres one mile from town. 141 acres crops
balance pasture and hay. in Klkhorn Valley,
fenced, no buildings, lays level, all alfalfa
land: black loam; foP.OU per acre. fnxl terms;
come and investigate.
TheOuaranty Title and Trust Co
4'-4 Nelisli. Neb.
Cheyenne County Kansas.
7o ncres. adjoining the town of Wheeler:
4S cultivateiL fenced to pasture. Frame
house. li'.vJf.: addition 14x14; stable, jrranary.
sheds :nd hog lots: is acres fenced with wov
en wire: 10 acres alfalfa. .Well, windmill and
tanks: younz orchard r one-half mile from
ood sch')ol. ffixxi grain market and store. 5
nd'.es from St. Francis. rJi.oo per acre. .7 ad
joining. 17! cultivated. All fenced with three
wires. ?I5 per acre. Can be sub-divided.
Travis W. Benjamin
1 St. Francis. Kansas.
Farms for Everybody.
:tS) acres seven miles from town, a.l fenced.
4i acres fine alfalfa partly fenced hoi: tlht;
over ?J acres under cultivation. Iialance fin
est pasture ami hay land, good welj and wind
mill, very fair buildings. I'rit'e f 40.00 per
SJ0 acres l'i mile from town, ail under fence
33 acres alfalfa, fenced hoi; tLtht. ares
-uItivatel. remainder In hay and pasture:
twood wellsand windmill; veryuool house
and other fair Improvements; two small
jrroves; will divide nlce'y into two farms.
I'ri-e fW.OO per acre.
There is no sand, irravel. rock. alkali or hard
pan any where In this locality ; all tine black
loam with clay sulisoil. Fine alfalfa and corn
iand. We can almost let you make your own
terms of payment on either of these farir.s
I A!t us correspond witli you alxjut them or
show them to you. Uradley & Matheisou
40-2 Waltiacli. ;reeley. Co.. tft-K
We Sell Land
Where corn is Kim;: where alfalfa Is Ouecn ;
In Ifuchols county, the creat corn, small
jrrain and alfalfa county of Southern Nebras
ka. Write for our land list.
i. I. F!mcr & Son.
4-l Nelson. Net.
Well Improved Ranch.
Io acres t wo miles from railroad station
about 3c0 acres under cultivation, remainder
in prairie, all fenced. 1'i ktory frame nine
r turn house, one good sod house: barn 3Jx0:
two granarys. cattle heds etc.. five wells and
two ritili. S1I rh-li Mack loatn. tmtotIi. Will
sell all or half. Price f'i ,. if taken at nmv.
Terms and particulars . West's Iii:d 1
Agency. Heminuford. Neb 4J-4
No Joke About Logan County:
Iid you think that I was Joklnjr when I
told you in my ad last month that one crop of
tieets would ay for the land In South Platte
ValleT near Sterling? I will prove just what
I say if you will come lie hliuwn. Now is the
time to see what we have produced in 1907.
There is no such thing as failure under Irriga -Hon.
C. M. Morton. Sterling. Colo. 40-3
Alfalfa, corn and wheat lands for sale, (iood
rich alfalfawMjat an oom.'lJid,iu.tae.
rreat long grass Ixiup Valley country In cen
tral Nebraska, on long time and easy terms.
Address P. II. Marley. Mason City. Neb.
Stop at Sidney. ehraska. and look at our
choice buriralns in lamls. Write for lists.
Agents wanted. Sidney Land Co.
Til I more county snap. li-t acres.
well Im
proved, adjoining town. ?s.."iU0. Other bar
gains. Write BalK'ocic Land Agency.
41-4 Ohiowa. Neb.
Homeseekers Come to northwest Arkansas.
Fruit, stock and grain farms. I have tried
17 states, this heats them all. Particulars and
price list frt;e. Write today. J.T.Oswalt.
41-4 tiravette. Ark.
For Sale by owner, liny direct, save commis
sion. Two improved Colorado irrigated
farms liiultivatiou. tiood ditch and reser
voir water rights. Prices and terms on appli
cation. Address H. N. Llnebarger.
41-4 .lulesburg. Col.
Renters wanted for Minnesota farms. Klglit
good farms adjoining towu with creamery
to rent for one. three or five years. Cash or
part of crop rent. Also farms for sale on crop
pa incuts with small cash payment down, or
you might want to trade a small farm for a
larger one. or exchange some village property
in part payment on a farm. In either case,
would like to have you write me and see what
I can do for you. John Powers. .Murdock.
41-4 Swift Co.. .Minn.
Northeast Nebraska improved farms, buy
from owner. 1 am oiiering four tarms in
northeast Nebraska at 10 per acre less than
actual alue. terms easy. Address owner. P.
M. .Moodie. West Point. Kciir.
tock and grain lands, good soil, low prices.
l.vmau Waterman. I 'mill. xiii.
Did you know that the In'st black loam com
lands can still Ik- bad Hi 'I liurstou county.
IiO miles southwest of Sioux Ciiy at from i0 to
sr-i Rr acre ! Write A. L. Krause A. Co.. West
Point, for particulars.
Iowu :M acres bottom land li miles from
Cliappell, Heiiei county. ei.. tH per acre.
Have other tirst class lauds. ItW fine land 5
utiles from Cliappell. Tll.30. A large number
of choice nuarters. half sections, at "rock ljt
tom prices Write me for further informa
tion. 1. . Pf ITer. Cliappell. M-li.
Cifl acres ill Kimball county. Neb... level
OHU olack loam soil at r per lu-re. casu.
balance time. A bargain. Investigate it. Other
bargains in farms.ranclies and homestead re
linquishments. Write or call on American
Land ,V Immigration Co.. Sidney. Neb.
Otter Creek valley. 4s i acres best alfalfa land
close to town. "miiOer and living water on
place. Best bargain in Kausas at per acre
omVe in Stale bank. Whitcmau A;
Wl'iteman. Lacrosse. Kan.
Land ten to t.venty dollars, produces splen
did crops, too. ref this country and ou'il
buy. Sidwell Bros, or I. T. Bonner.
41-4 . Imperial. Nell.
Sunny Idaho, no blizzards, no cyclones. Im
proved and unimproved laud under best
Irrigation systems. Jackson A: Trenatn.
41-4" Weiser, Id.
Farmers and young men. 1 have over 50 good
quarters of laud a number one from 10 to
$50 an acre. Kansas. Nebraska, south Dakota,
from Lincoln. Neb., to Denver. Col., and isuo
for eo pT acre. Cail on or write Henry Hum
mel. Mai'on. xeb.
Homeseekers. Investors, let me tell you about
the great F.lkhorn valley country. My
bargains will make you big money. lKD't de
lay, write W. 1 Lowe. Atkinson. Neb.
A good home. SCO acre farm. 24 acres in timo
thy and clover, Iialance under plow, no
better land in Nebraska, fair improvements.
i mile from Gresham. Vork county. $75 per
acre, one-half cash, balance ten equal annual
payments. Inquire of Jones National bauk.
41-4 Seward. Neb.
rite First National bank. Wisner. Neb., for
choice In proved Cummtng county farms.
For Sale Best ranch in eastern Nebraska.
W ill take 160 acres of good laud, write for
particulars. 1 am closing out my land and
offer bargains. A. .1. Durland. Norfolk. Neb.
Deal F-state Bargains A half section of nd
5 miles from North Platte. .O acres In val
ley. Si30O part time.
40 acres extra good grass land, part in sec
ond I!ey. ?4 per acre. Bratt & Goodman.
41-4 North Platte. Neb
Just what you want ItiO acre farm. 1 10 acres
smooth land, balance rolling, growing buf
falo grass, all hard black soil clay subsoil
good wheat or corn land, two miles from
church one mile from school. miles to mar
ket, a acres native timber, trees 12 years old.
good water obtained anywhere on place, s
per acre, two-thirds cash, balance to suit pur
chaser. Write' today to Druliner Bros.
41-4 Benkelman. Neb.
Splendid opportunity, fine ail round farm,
liest of pasture and tame hay. 0 acres good
plow land, fair buildiugs. 40 A. .1. Durland.
41-4 Norfolk. Neb.
Homeseekers. investors, come to northeastern
Nebraska where the climate is delightful,
the soil extremely productive, the'
abundant, the water pure, the Deople Intelli
gent, sociable and generous. The priiwip-il
crops a? com. oats, wheat, rye. barley and
potatoes, which grow in abundance The prin
cipal grasses are blue ji int. timothy, clover,
alfalfa. Tame grasses grow bountifully.
Dorses, hogs, cattle are raised In great nuiu
Ihts. Farms can ie liought for 50 to jy per
acre, aciording to improvements, location
and quality. For farms write or see
Cnmpliell liealty Co.
41-4 Crelghton Neb.
Sedgwick County Table and Irrigated
Mr. Land Seeker, lie wise and buy your Col
orado and Western Nebraska lands of Flora
IiroK they can save you money on anything
you want. Write for our special propositions
Sedgwick county, farms and ranches. We
We have the only diary and garden farm on
the market; come out and see. Flora Bros..
Jules burg. Colorado. 40-2
One mjllion acres Irrigated laud lu the I'pper
" FnaVe Klver valley, Idaho, land S23 per
lu-re up. easy terms, most abundant water
supply on the entire continent three Beet
Sugar Factories in the valley, an Ideal fruit
country, an unsurpassed climate. Idaho Falls
Is destined to lieeome the greatest railroad
enter and the largest city in the state. For
particulars address Idaho Falls Development
Co , Idaho Falls. Idaho.
Dairying, the coming business. I have a dairy
farm that will make you a fortune in ten
years. Write owner A. J. Durland.
Fred Plerson. the Land .Man. sells good graz
ing land from ?." to 4 ier acre, good farm
ing land from I0 to SIS ier acre. For quick
sale I quote the following pieces gixid heavy
loam with clay subsoil ; Hij acres 10 miles from
a good town, schoolhouse on the land, price
$2. 330: 172 acres ti miles f roui town, in firnd
thriving nciglilxirhood. pricw ?2.3'n. S20 acres H
miles from town all nice land, price $11.30 per
acre. liiO acres four miles from town, all in
cultivation, price -2. 400 This is only a partial
list of the land I have for sale, if these do not
suit write for the latest price list ai.d terms
or better yet. come and let rne show you the
land! . Fred Picrson.
41-4 - Sutherland. Neb.
Bargains in farms, for list of corn, alfalfa
and winter wheat lands write J. T. Camp-
tiell. Litchfield. Nek
Must lie sold ?!i.tio0 buys a good I'M) acre farm
located 7 miles southwest of Pawnee City.
House Jtix24 barn 3rft square, good wagonshed
and corn crib, all newly painted, in good re
pair. Whole farm fenced 3 wires. ( J ood or
chard, woven wire hog pasture. 13 acres tame
hay. Wind mill and tank, forty acres pasture
iialance cultivated. I'nion Central holds
$4,000 mortgage, fi per cent. (Never loan over
33 per cent of value.) Terms $l.u00 down, iial
ance easy payments. Mortgage optional.
Address Box 4ri4. David City. Neb.
Best land in the west at from $1" to $20 per
acre. Information free. West's Land
Agency. Hcmingford. Nebr.
A New Cure for Consumption.
Dr. Wright, a great scientist, an
nounced to the world that he found a
new cure for consumption and that it
will be possible both to prevent and to
cure the disease by vaccination. We
hope the experiments which are being
made now in ail parts of the world will
be successful, but even then it will al
ways be of the utmost importance to
keep the body strong. The only way
to do that is to keep the digestive or
gans strong and in perfect working or
der. As soon as the digestion is irregu
lar, Triner's Elixir of Bitter Wine
should be used. It will make the diges
tive organs strong and able to accept
and digest and food and convert it into
rich blood, the foundation of life and
health. It is beneficial in all cases
where appetite and strength are need
ed. By keeping strong you cannot get
consumption. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, 799, S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago,
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, cause chronic constipation.
Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone
the stomach, cure constipation. 25c.
Ask your druggist for them.
In the District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska. C Walter A. Laughlin.
i Administrator of t lie
i estate of Keulien A.
; Chapin, deceased:
J Albert D. Welton. .
I I ra Chapin
i Jesse O. Chapin.
Edward Chapin.
Florence B. Chapin.
Oscar W. Lang-hlm.
, May K. I hapin.
, I Joy M. Chapin.
i Tacie Lauirhlin.
i Kate Heeler, and
Walter A. Laglilin.
! Guardian of
I Florence B. Chapin.
! May F.. Chapin.
' lio.v M. Chapin.
! Minor heirs of Iiev.lioii
t A. Chapin. deceased:
To Ira Chapin. Edward Chapin, and Kate
Beeler. non-resident defendants:
You will take notice that on the 3d day of
Octolier. i07. OscarW. Lnughlin plaintiff hen
in. tiled his lH'tition in the district court of
Cass County. Nebraska, against you impleaded
with W alter A. Lauichlin. admistrator of the
estate of Bueben A. Chapin. deceased, and
guardian of Florence B. Chapin. May E.Cbapin,
Boy M. Chapin. -minor heirs of Kuelien A.
Chapin. deceased, and Alliert 1). W elton. I ra
Chapin. Edward Chapin. Jesse O. Chapin.
Florence B. Chapin. May E. Chapin. Boy il.
Chapin. Tacie Laughlin. and Kate Beeler. as
The object and prayer of which are to fore
close two certain montages executed and de
livered by Kutien A. Chapin and Tei-esa O.
Chapin. to W. A. and G.L. Woodward, upon the
North half of the Northeast quarter of section
thirty-three (33) township No. twelve 12(
range nine . east of the Sixtli (ith principal
meridian, in Cass county. Nebraska: one to
secure a kind of eight hundred dollars ($st)
dated June sth. 1J7. payable June 1st, V.C ex
tended to June 1st. 1.12. at 6 imt cent interest
ptr annum.
And a certain mortgage of date of May 14.
r.'l. given to secure the payment of ten notes
of $s.(H each, of which tive are yet unpaid, said
notes one lieing payable each year on and after
I June 1st. 1!'2.
That said notes and mortgage have for a val
uable considerat ion k-en assigned to Oscar W.
Laughlin. the plaint iff herein, who is now the
holder and owner t hereof : that there is now
due uiKiii said notes and mortgages the sum of
(ssis.;ij) eigbt hundred nin-ty-eiglit and 32-l4'
For which sum wit li Interest from this date
plaintiffs pray a decree that defendants lie re
quired to pay the same or that said premises
lie sold to pay the amount found due with cost.
You are required to answer said ih i ition on
or ln-fon-the llih day of November. 117.
Dated this 2d day of t ictoU-r. p.n'T.
Gscar W. Laughlin. Plaintiff.
(By G. A. i els.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool,
who pay the: highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Cattle ..
. 20c
..t3.Su to.00
.$4.30 to ?.'i.2."i
Corn . . ,
..30 and 31c ;
s2c 1
4 2C I
Rock Island Time Taulk
Murdock Station.
west hound. ;
No. 15, local ;:52 a. m. !
No. 5, local freight b:'M a. m. !
No K. mall 2:30 p. nrj
No. 37, mall 5:53 p. m.
No 6 does not stop for passeers east i
'f Denver. I
No. 94, freight
No. 304, local passenger. ..
No. 18, Local
No. 6, mail
No 85, local freight
.12:30 a.
...9:11 a.
.. 1:27 p.
3:00 p.
. 1:14 p.
No. (J does not stop tor passengers
west of DesMoines.
Miss Anna Goehry and Miss Amy i
Westlake transacted business in Oma- I
ha Monday. j
Mrs. Henry Gakemeier and son, Her- j
man, departed for Chicago Tuesday to
be present at the marriage of Mr. Wm. j
Gakemeier. , !
Mrs. George DeFord of Lincoln is 1
visiting friends here this week.
Some of our base ball team went over
to Elmwood Saturday to assist the Elrr- 1
wood base ball team to defeat Green- :
A pure food inspector visited our city
on Thursday of last week, but as he
found everything all right, there was
no arrests made.
Jake Goehry, jr., returned from
Waterloo Thursday, in time to attend ;
the school meeting.
Supt. Farley was in attendance at
the special school meeting Thursday
evening. E. T. Tool was elected to
fill the vacancy made by Geo. L. Col
bert. AT THE
where your dollar will purchase more genuine values than any other house' in Cass
county. Never in the history of our store have we carried as complete lines Ladies,
Gents' and Children's fall and winter wearing apparel. Largest line of the popular
Wooltex Coats and Tailored Skirts,'
not manufactured from sweatshop labor, but under all government approved
sanitary conditions. Many diseases lurk in the goods manufactured by sweatshop
labor, and Mr. Fanger does not believa in placing such goods in his store, thus en
dangering the good health of his patrons, family and clerks. When you buy the
"Wooltex" you buy the best.
Mr. Fanger has just returned from New York where he visited for three weeks
the great style centers of the east, purchasing an immense stock for his fall trade,
in all lines of wearing apparel for every member of the family. In the
he purchased quite heavily for his store here and in Omaha, a city where competition
is the strongest, and meeting with great success, pleasing every customer who buys.
Why should he not be in an excellent position to fit the ladies of Cass county out in
stylish head wear at prices that will bear the strongest competition. All we ask is
call and see, you will appreciate the immense line we have this season.
There are no middleman's profits here: We btry
direct from the greatest markets.
You will be the looser if you fail to visit our Gents' Clothing and Furnishing
Department, where we have greatly increased our line in many of the. New Styles of
garments for men and boys. We will be pleased to show you anything you might
need in this line for either fall or winter wear. Call and see us for the Biggest 1907
Bargains in Cass countv. j
H. A. Gillespie and wife departed for
Denver Tuesday.
Roy C. Moore has had a Murdock tele
phone installed in his residence.
J. M. Leis has added some needed re
pairs to the restaurant building by put
ting on some steel roofing.
H. C. Neilson, wife and daughter
visited in Council Bluffs the forepart of
the week.
Mrs, Albert Streich returned from
Lincoln Sunday.
Mrs. John Rohrdanz visited relatives
in the capital last week.
Our new minister has arrived to take
chaage of the Methodist church at this
place. Rev. DeCius will leave soon.
The entertainment given by Elizabeth
DeBarrie Gill, under the auspices of
the local M. W. A. drew a full house
Monday night. About one hundred and
seventy tickets were sold.
Wm. O. Schewe succeeded in win
ning second prize at the horse fair in
Ashland last week.
Chas. Rager and Mrs. C. J. Leis
transacted business in Omaha Saturday.
About ten days ago Ralph Rager and
John McCarty took a desire to see more
of the world. So they went to Omaha
and entered the U. S. navy and depart
ed for San Francisco Saturday. These
boys are two of the most promising of
our young men and are line specimens
of our young American athletes. If
given half a chance the boys will de
fend and honor whatever ship they may
be stationed on.
For rent an 8-room cottage, close in.
Windham Investment Co.
& The effect of .' so
fci pale childrc.i r- nia;r al.
It maker, ti, '-;: Ii:.:r:p, active, happy.
It cents 'rs .... 1.:" Oi?, I -ly pophosphites
and Glycer ie, io iva .e u t, h'oorl a:id bene,
and so pu'c to-e'':cr i:;:r.- ic rz cjicl!y digested
by little foil:.
ALU UliULiOia . -i : ;
UililDinery Line
Ho! Smokers!
Are you ready for
a New I'ipe?
Herman Spies
has the Latye and Mot
Complete of
ever seen in I'lattsmouth, from
the Low Triced to the Very Best
on the Market.
1 Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never faila.
j Sold by Gering & Co., druggists.
' Loom Ends of 8 1-3 Cent Calico
I 4c a yard. Three to ten yards lengths,
i Coatls Dky Goods Co.
Out of Sight
j "Out of sight, out of mind," is an
old saying which applies with special
i force to a sore, burn or wound that's
been treated with Bucklen's Arnica
. Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind
and out of existance. I'iles too and
chilblains disappear under its healing in
fluence. Guaranteed by F. G. Fric ke
, and Co., druggist. 25c.
r .mtiiion on thin,
,-.IJll S '..OvJ