The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1907, Image 6

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Ifnifj of the renders of Uic Journal know of a nor.ial event or an item of interest
We tcunt all items of interest. Editor Journal.
Ii S THE easiest
thing in the world
to make a firepot
WRONG so easy
thai you'll find most
all of them wrong
wrong construction
wrong principle.
For 70 years there
has been no improve
ment on the actual
n Business End" of a
stove until this two
piece revolving fire
pot was placed in
That's to allow the air to pass into the fire instead of all coming in at the bottom
At the outside edge instead of the middle, where you get liiila radiation from it.
Jusi put the crank on, give it a turn, and the firepot h as clean as a whistle.
Billie Troop was in Plattsmouth Tues
day evening.
C. S. Stone was in Omaha a couple
of days this week.
Miss Karrie Allison and Mrs. V. C.
Brown were in Omaha Tuesday.
Dr. Gilmore was looking after some
business matters in I'lattsmouth Tues
day. Wm. Long was looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth Tues
day. Mrs. H. C. Long and daughter, Miss
Gertude were shopping in Omaha Tues
day. Mrs A. L. Baker and Miss Etta
Nichels were attending the play in
Plattsmouth last Friday evening.
Frank Moore is gathering his apple
crop this week, which will be a pretty
good yield. He will have about 500
Now is the Time to Buy That
We have a few left, that were
purchased at the old price,
and a 10 to 20 per cent raise
will soon arrive, just as soon
as our present line is closed
out. This raise in price will
come from the manufactur
ers, and was placed on every
vehicle made by the Auburn
people, but as long as our
present stock lasts the pre
sent price prevails.
IBuay Now2
Murray Depariment
Sold by
Cha3. Chrisweiser was in Plattsmouth
Mrs. Fate Davis was visiting with
home folks Monday.
Harve Manners was here from Weep
ing Water Tuesday.
Phil Prisber. has been on the sick list
for the past few days.
Park Chrisweisser and wife were in
Plattsmouth Wednesday.
Mrs. Geo. McReynolds, of Nehawka,
was in Murray Wednesday.
Roy Burton was attending to some
business matters in Plattsmouth Tues
day. Mrs. Daniel Kiser went down to Mis
souri last Saturday where she will
spend a few days visiting friends.
A baby boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Allen land near Mynard
on last Saturday. Both mother and
little one are doing niceiy.
Hurray. Neb.
in thi vicinity and trill mail same to this
Dr. Brendel was in Plattsmouth Tues
day. O. D. Marks was a Plattsmouth visi
tor Monday.
Grace Lintnor is on the sick list for
the last few days.
Charley Davidson visited his brother
at Cedar Creek Sunday.
M. G. Churchill and Steve Wilcox
were in Omaha Wednesday.
Thomas Sheehey of South Omaha
returned home after several days visit
with J. R. Vallery.
Geo. Conrad, of Nehawka, was look
ing after some business matters in
Murray Wednesday.
Peter Gruber, of Nehawka, was in
Murray Tuesday visiting with his
daughter, Mrs. Nick Klaurens.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mead are rejoic
ing this week over the arrival of a new
baby boy at their home on last Friday
evening. All concerned are happy and
doing nicely.
The drug store building of B. A. Root
is being treated to a new coat of paint
this week. Guy Burton, the boss paint
er is doing the work.
It is rumored that the Murray home
talent will soon put on a new play.
This news if true will be received with
open arms by all as they were well
pleased with the last one.
Mrs. G. W, Rhoden returned home
from Burlington Junction, Mo., last
Saturday, where she went to take treat
ment for rheumatism. She is much
Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Boeck,
Albert Wheeler, F. M. Young Jr.,
Olen Cole and daughter, Opal, and
Mrs. W. D. Wheeler visited Joe Cook
and family Sunday.
A. L. Baker was in Omaha 'Wednes
day, accompaning his sister Mrs. E. A.
Burton, who has been here visi
ting for the pasttweek, on her trip over
in Iowa, where she goes to visit with
a sister, before returning to her home.
Mrs Burton resided here for years, and
of course has many friends with whom
it is a great pleasuse to visit,
J. L. Gilmore, of Hay Springs, Neb.,
was here last Friday visiting with his
brother. Dr. G. H. Gilmore. Mr. Gil
more years ago was the Murray banker
and has host of friends here who are
always pleased to see him.
office it mill appetir under this- headhuj.
Adam Cook was a Murray visitor
W. S. Smith has been on the sick list
for ihe past few days.
Ernest Richter is building a new ad
dition to his farm residence..
Miles Standish, wife and daughter
were in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Misses Ida Boedeker and Leona Sans
were in Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. W. S. Smith was in Omaha
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
D. J. Pitman has finished shelling his
orn. Pete Campbell has been doing the
work. -
H. F. Gillispie returned home from
a business trip in Chicago Wednesday
Chas. Stone went to Nehawka Wed
nesday to attend the McCreery-Pollard
J. A. Davis returned home Saturday
from Balkow, Mo., where he has been
visiting with his mother.
Mrs. James Stone, who has been
visiting here for the past two weeks
returned to Nehawka Monday.
W. J, Kellison has returned from the
hospital in Omaha where he has been
taking treatment for a nervous trouble,
greatly improved.
Mrs. Fred Kunsman and daughter,
Mrs. Roy Boyd were in Murray Wed
nesday visiting with the daughter of
Mrs. Kunsman Mrs. Burton.
The lumber is being hauled this week
for the erection of the new school house
in distiict No. 7. When completed this
will be one of the finest houses in this
part of the county.
M. G. Rhoden was operated upon at
the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha last
Saturday morning, since which time she
has been resting quite comfortably, and
the prospects look bright for her speedy
Dr. Gilmore took Mrs George Graves
to the Immanual Hospital in Omaha
Tuesday, where she was operated upon
for tuberculosis glands of the neck. The
operation was preformed Wednesday
and she is getting along nicely.
A. M. Holmes departed today for a
few days visit on his farm near Waka
rusa, Kansas. He says the corn crop
in that locality is one of the best in the
history of the country, and his atten
tion is called to look after building more
We are informed that John Murray
held a sale of his personal property at
Alvo, Okla., last Saturday, and will
soon return to Cass county, where he
will make his home for the present at
least. He did not sell his farm. He
will be accompanied by his brother
Leonard, who will reside for the winter
on the Frank Davis farm.
Mrs. Maria McDonald will depart in
the near future for at least an extended
visit in the west. She will first go to
Kansas for a short stay, after which
she will go to Oregon where she will re
main for some time and perhaps make
her future home, which depends upon
how well she is pleased with the country
Mrs. McDonald has many friends here
who regret to see her lesve their midst.
but at the same time wish her a pleas
ant trip in the west.
It is not often that we listen to a
telephone call when the message is not
intended for us, but on last Sunday
morning we were endeavoring to com
municate with a friend in Union, when
we were placed in connection with a
familiar voice, that said, "hello, when
you come down again I will have a new
man to drive you. ' ' The voice was of
a very nervous nature, and demonstrat
ed the fact Jhat the heart was filled
with joy, and when we learned the na
ture of the message, it was Blair Porter
talking to a horse buyer over in Iowa,
who had been driving for the past few
days and he was breaking the news to
him that he had a new baby boy at his
home, and he thought he would be able
to drive the rig for him on the next trip
to Union., Both mother and the little
one is doing nicely, and Blair is the
proudest man in Liberty precinct.
English Spavin Liniment removes
Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses; also Blood
Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring
Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure.
Sold by Gering & Co., druggists.
Closing Out
I have decided to close out my entire
line of day goods, boots and shoes and
all furnishings just as soon as possible,
and discontinue carrying these lines of
goods, and place in a larger line of
staple and fancy groceries. In order to
do this I will make some of the lowest
prices ever offered in Murray on this
line of goods as long as the present
stock lasts. Everything will be sold at
or even below first cost. Call in and
let us prove this to j-ou.
W. H. McDaniel.
Just a Little Late.
For reasons known to several parties,
including the Journal publisher; we fail
ed to make mention of the party given
at the home of Mr., and Mrs. G. W.
Rhoden on Saturday evening, the 21th
of September. The occasion was writ
ten up, or rather the names of those in
attendance and given to a friend of the
Journal, like the letter to mail for his
wife, it remained in .his pocket for
a week, and was later handed to anoth
er friend, who in turn gave the letter
to us, and when we arrived home we
found only a list of names and could
not publish the same owing to the fact
that we knew nothing of the occasion.
Now, it is better late than never and
here we wish to state that affair was
a very pleasant one, being planned by
Mrs. Glen Rhoden and Miss Louise
Shepardson, and given as a complete
surprise on Mrs. Rhoden's fourty-sev-enth
birthday, and it was a genuine
success in every particular. The visit
ors arrived at an early hour, with well
filled baskets, and completely took pos
session of the Rhoden - home, and held
full sway until a late hour, and before
departing for home a collection was
taken up for the purpose of purchasing
a present for the host and hostess,
which amounted to $14 and was present
ed to them in cash to make their own
selection of a gift.
The following were present: Messrs.
and Mesdames Geo. Rhoden; Jake
Smith; Henry Long; Levi Rusterholtz;
Ben Dill; E. Oaks; K. Shepardson and
son; D. C. Rhoden; Galen Rhoden; Har
mon Beck and daughter; Bresben;
Seabolt; Dr. and Mrs. Brendel; Mes
dames Gregg; Carrol; Z. W-. Shrader;
Grandna Rhoden; Roy Shrader; Gold
Rice; Clara VanCleve; Louisa Shepard
son; Harvey Gregg, and Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Rhoden. .
Lecture Course.
On Friday evening, Oct. 18, you will
have the pleasure of seeing the first
number of the Murray Lecture Course,
which will be the Beilharz Entertainers.
This is an excellent number, and should
be well patronized. Let everybody at
tend. Notice.
All parties having subscribed for
tickets for the lecture course this sea
son will please call at the Murray State
Bank and pay for the same as early as
possible. This course promises to be a
successful one, and a little help from all
along this line and in this direction will
insure a most satisfactory and success
ful end. If you have- not ordered your
tickets yet do so now.
Public Sale.
I will sell at public auction commertc
ing at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Thursday,
Oct. 17th, at my farm 2 miles south of
Rock Bluffs, the following described
One brood mare, 1 yearling colt, 1
last spring colt; 1 span horses, w't 1400
each, 6yrs old; 30 head feeding cattle; 5
bull calves, all high bred; 20 heifers one
and two years old; 15 cows all giving
milk; 20 last spring calves; one regis
tered bull; 60 shoats about six months
old; 1 set double work harness ;"2 listers;
2 wagons; 1 spring wagon; 2 stirring
plows; 1 sulky plow; 2 mowers, and
many other articles.
Lunch will be served at noon.
Terms: Under $10 cash; 12 months
time will be given on all accounts over
$10 with 6 per cent, approved security
known as bankable note.
W. D. Jones, Auctioneer.
T. M. Patterson; Clerk.
Maple Grove
(Special Correspondent.)
Quite b number from this locality at
tended the electric parade at Omaha
Wednesday night
Mrs. Medie Fleming and children re
turned to their home at Coleridge, Ne
braska, last Saturday after a two weeks
visit here.
Joe West returned from Loup county
last week.
J. A. Davis returned Saturday from
a few days' visit with relatives in Mis
souri. William Philpot is putting up a new
barn on his farm this fall.
Chas. Engelkemeier, of Kildare,
Oklahoma, came in last Saturday and
will spend the winter in Cass county.
Chas, Philpot left Sunday for the
western part of the state. ,
Louis Puis and wife visited at the
home of Adam Hild Sunday.
Quite a number of friends and rela
tives gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. August Engelkemeier, jr., Sunday.
Mrs. W. H. Puis made a business
trip to Murray Tuesday.
Corn shelling is now the order of the
day. Among those that are shelling are
William Puis, David Murray, Jake
Smith, Herman Beck and Kay ShepeY
son. Julius Sprieck and wife of Stanton,
Neb., visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. August Engelkemeier, jr., Sun
day. W. H. Puis and Adam Schafer at
tended C. J. Gaebel's hog sale Wednesday.
Legal Notice
I u the matter of the eft ale of Ivan Koiise,
In tin County Con it of CiisH county, Ne
All ersois
hereby not 111) '
said court mI
Interested In. said estate are
tlUH lM-fll li It'll l-i
Mllll itllTIIWll died
I ji v 1 1 1 tr mi la
jriiylnir for adiiilnls-
I nit Ion uihiii I
iitc, ami I hut a ln-itiing w ill
l I i : 1 on sal
I loll Id-foil- said court on
tin- 17th day
vtoix-r. A. I. iw7: ihur If tin y
fall ti MiiM-ur at sulci conn on tin- said 17th iliiy
of October,-A. I.. I!i7. nl hi o'i'liN'k on Mali!
day. to contest sall petition, the com t may
grant letters of administration to Ocorge
Pearson, or Mime other Mill utile im-isoii ami
proceed ton Nl'tt li'llll'lit thereof.
Harvey 1 1. Travis.
Ipkai.I ton nly Judge.
I. K. Itnrr. Attoi ney.
Notice of Incorporation.
Not lee Is lierehy given Unit a t'ororulloi
hurt lieen formed as follows:
1. 'J'he name of the corporation Is I lie "S-F
Stock Co."
2. Tin principal place of Inislness is In the
city of I'liittsinoiltli. Neb.
3. The business Is for the raising, buying
anil soiling of live stock, ami for the bu lug.
selling, mortgaging and leasing of real estate,
rights and all klmi of property necessary or
used In connection with said business
4. 'I he amount of authorized capital stocn
Is ?IOu.UU).lO. divided Into shares of $iuu eucli.
none to lie issued until fully paid. ! crceiit
must Ix- subsrrHx-cl and paid iieforu the above
shall commence business. The commence
ment of the corporation will Im October I. VM?
and continue for a period of twenty live (2. )
.". The highest iwnountof Indebtedness M-r-mltted
Is four-(If His (l-i) of the amount of
capital stock Issued.
ti. The a Hairs of the corporation shall lie
conducted by a hoard of directors who shall
elect a president, vice-president, secretary
and treasury, and provide for . such other em
ployes us may Is- necessary.
In witness whereof, we. the iinilel signed In
corMii alor-. have hereunto mi our i.amls this
7th day of September. A. H. i:7.
I rank K. Schlaler
Ed h ltgcraid
James A. FH.-rcl a Id
S t' Stock Co. by
Kd I'igeriild
i iKA l.l Its President.
Attest: Frank K. Schlatcr.
4t Secretary.
in tiiecofntv cofkt of cass chi n-
A ly. Nebraska.
Ill the in.-itterof t he est ate of . I nines E.Hcwey
All -rsons Interested III said estate are here
by not ilied that a -lilltion has been filed in
said court allcgiyg that said deceased died
leaving no last will and testuuienl and praying
for adminlst rat ion ujioii Iww est ate. and I hat a
hearing will be liid opaid s-t It Ion lie fore said
court on the :.'lsj1Tiiy of Octoitcr. I'.ii7. at In
o'clock a. m: liiTT If thev fall to aniiear at said
court on said r.'lst day of October, l!H7. at M
o'clock a. ni.. to contest said lietltion. the court
may grant the same and grant let tcrs of ad
ministration to A. I. Welloii. or some oilier
suitable im-isoii and proceed to a set t lenient
t he lis if.
Harvey I . Travis
Iskai.I 'omit jr Judge
o. H. Folk.
Attorney. tilw.'ll
-- ty. Nebraska.
Ill I he mat ler of estate of Cli list lue .lolnix.ii.
A II persons Interested in tin- above i si ale i e
hereby not i tied t hat a hearing w i 1 i be had ill n n i
t l,e final reimii of the admiiiNl i uior filed in
said mat ler and niton his s-l it ion pi a. lug f ot
itic ad just incut of Lis final account and lor l In
assign n lent of I heesidiie of said est ale to I be
m rsons cut It led Uierelo IjHhia : :i liem-in-
lx- had uihiii said KjjWTand ix-iitlon on
day of OeuXr. A. I). I!i7 at tlii-Coiinly
i on it Kixim at I'latismoiii h. Nebraska.
al PI
oclocka. in. All im-isoiii. iiiieresled In
estate are rcijuieed to iH-ar or file t heir ob
ject ions if any I hey ha ve I o said rciiorf and m--t
it ion. on or before '.i oV x-k of said .'Ist day i.f
October. A. I. I!m7. or the court will gram I he
prayer of said ix-lil ion and iiimui c amimit ion
approve and pass said reixn t ami discharge t he
said admiuisl rator.
II A I! vi- v 1 1. 'I n vis
I SKA 1.1 County Judge
I., i ion. Attorney.
Notice to Creditors
l ass County
In the matter of
s I ii county I 'ourt.
estate of lleifry
Spangler. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executors of
said est ate. before me. county judge of Cass
county, Nebraska, at the county court room In
I'lattsmouth. in said county, on the 'I'.th dayof
OctoU-r. I !". and on the Tth ly of April.
I WW. at IOo'cliM-k a. ii..each dujtr 'or the pur
pose of presenting heir i-lrfs for examina
tion, adjustment atid ajr?vaii-e.
Six months are dlox'ed for the creditors of
said deceased toriK-iit their claims, and one
year for the excutors to settle said estate,
from the 1st day of ctol-i-. P. 17.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this 2nd day
of Octolx-r, l'J07. Hauvkv l. TitAvm.
Iseai.I County Judge.
I. O. Iiwyer. Attorney.
Notice to Creditors
Cass County. C
In the matter of the estate of Kachcl Froh
lieh. decceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the adml nist rator of
said estate I 'f ore me. County Judge of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the County Court Koom,
in I'lattsmouth. in raid county on the 2nth day
of Octolx-r. isi7. aiyi on Hie irrth dav of April.
I!), at 10 o'clock ai m. of eacU day for the pur
lioseof presentim tbeiriifcniiis for examina
tion, adjustment fandafowaiu-e.
Six months at- aifllw ed for the creditors of
said deceased uwflesent their claims from the
AUh day of X-tol;r. l'M. and one year for the
administrator to settle said estate from the 1st
day of October. 1UU7.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 1st day
of Octolier. l'Ji"
LskalJ Harvey I. Travis.
1). O. Dwyer. County Judge.
Attorney for Estate. 40w4t
Legal Notice
In the matter of the estate t Order to Show
of Patrick Shields, deceased. ( Cause
This cause came on for hearing upon the pe
tition of Thomas Walling, guardian of Francis
H. Shields, John P. Shields, and William J
Shields, who are heirs at law of the estate of
Patrick Shields, deceased, praying for a license
to sell the undivided three-fourths (SO of lots
ten (10). eleven (11) and twelve (12). in block
sixty (iiu) in the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska,
subject to the honesteailAffu dower use arid
Interest of Catharine rfier. mother of said
children, in and I to ytm lots, forthe reason that
it Is for the lie- lTe rest of said minors that
such property Mfould lie sold. It Is therefore
ordered that all persons inteiested In said es
st ate apix-ar liefore me at t he office of the clerk
of the district court at the court house at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the ttth day of o
vemtier. I!i7. at 1 o'clock, p. in., to show cause
why a lk-ense should not le granted to said
guardian to sell the above dcscrilwd real es
tate of said deceased.
Hated this 7th day of Octolier. V.7
(Signed) Pai i. .Iksskv.
H.i Judge of the IHstrict Court.
I). O. Dwyer. Attorney for estate.
Notice to Creditors
State ok Nebrke I
Cass Cwstt (
fssln County Court.
I n t he mat ler svt t ln ant 1 ji 7
ceased. .
Notice is Iien by rirerf that lUreditor of
aid deceased will meft tbtflTecutor of said
estate, lie fore m&. couqfjfGdtreof CasM county.
Nebraska, at the counf court room in Platts
mouth. in said county, on the 2d dav of Ni
vember. l'.toT, and on the 4th day of May. I Mm
at 10 o clock, a. m. each day for the pm niVe of
. 04U1I, ior examination, ad
justment and allowance.
I;xr7. are allowed tor creditor ul ,u
ceased to present ulirtr claims, and mh rear
i"i s-ai 01 saiu county
Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this Nth dav
October, inc. Harvey Ii. 1 i'avi".
414 ' C"u,Hv -Hidw.
Lthat a pel UUfT
l-glng. Ilia!''
tfivill irrn
is fr,
J jr" I I