The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1907, Image 7

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w-t. Voting man! 1'ollow tlit fnotMm
of your father, liny Horiu: rlioli't- fiiriiiliiK litixl
while It I yet rhetp It will nmke you rlrli
In ulcwymrv Vdu will find the liest In Keith
-oiinty. fhritHkH. Inquire of I'uxtoii Kenlty
Co.. I'MXtou. Neb. Write them totluy. .-IJt
lk you witnt nlisolutely relliilile Information
rei;rlliiir the oprlunit Ii-h for in ventmenl In
IiiikIh In western .Nelriisku unci north eastern
Colorado You ran ifet It from thoxt who for
fifteen yearn have l -n rltNl v ivmnwtcd with
the farming I merest h of that Heetlon ly writ
Inir to the old rellalile. Juleshnrj; l.kinl '..
JulesburK. Colorado. 3-4t
The Land of Wheat. Corn. Alfalfa. Fat
Ho and Cattle
We Iimvk Home Hpeelally Httntrtlre propohl
tloiiN for the Investor or the speculator nulli
fy tiiiikln iiroMllions In Keith and Perkins
I'ounlleti. There t itmmI money In It for the
man who rets In now prleett are irolntf up. A
lance list of Irrigated I'latte Ik t torn lauds at
t:Ci per wm and up. Also unimproved table
lands at ?1 er arre and up. Crops on and
'If tothlti land are making around 40 bush
el to the ai -re of fall wheat. Come and see us
or write for full description and price.
'M-il L.AMO & Sexhon, Brule, Nebraska.
Look Here! Now's Your Chance!
Mt up and take notice. Tlie lest land the
sun hlncs on. I'lent v of rain. No bad storms.
Maitnlticent crops. ICIchest kind of soil. Land
ffolnR et in ticfore cheap homes are
r)ni. I'rlces ran ire from 1 10 iter acre u. un
improved land. Improved farms at prices
ranging from 35 to per acre. Further par
ticulars call on or write Carter .V Sex son I .and
company. ;rnt. Nebraska. 3-4t
If you want to conserve your Investment
and at the same time Ihcrease your Income
from farm or ranch property. Lincoln or Keith
county lands lylmr alonir the main line of the
I'nlon I'aci tic railroad will please you. I'rlces
on this land are ranlni! very low. less than
one-half what they should or III sMn le so
far the advance has lieen steady, we look for
a stiff raise soon. The soli Is a heavy, rich
black loam from 3 to 5 feet deep: underlaid
with an excellent clay sultsoll -free from rock,
alkali and hard pan: yields easily to the plow
and is well adapted to the raising of corn. train
and stock, i Hie man and team can cultivate
at least twice us much acreage as In eastern
Nebraska. Fall wheat and alfalfa do finely.
There Is no other section in the state where
you can so easily and cheaply (trow such heal
thy hotfs. Not a pauper in these counties, tax
vertr low. climate unexcelled, .lust to get ac
quainted, three rare bunrains IHo acres six
miles from irood markvt. 50 acres under plow,
all koo1 farm land, the crops prove it. tier
man settlement. Price for quick sale, tjifiii.
ItW acres SI miles from good railroad town, all
level and subject to cultivation, now in grass.
School house on corner. Price "OJ"0. ltW acres
all good farm laud, price lsjo. t'.otne and let
us show yo-i these lands, or write us for more
detailed 'information. Pii:ksonV Hchtdx.
3A-lt Sutherland. Nebraska
Mr. Homeseeken
If you want a farm where at least the tirst
two crops will pay for your land, buy a ticket
to (.rant, the county neat of Perkins county.
Come and see what we kavp for you. get in
touch wit lit he actual conditions here Hnd get
our prli-e. Mursoil is deep rich, black loam,
clay siiImoII and is adapted to the raising of
corn, wheat, oats. :ilf:ilf:i, etc. No rocks, sand
or alkali, i'lenty of pure, sparkling water
and an Meal c imate. The crops that are lie
Ing raiM-l from year to year in Perkins coun
ty give a practical demonstration of the real
value of this land. While laud Is rapidly sd
vancing. present prices an1 less than one-lialf
this real value. Here are some snaps you will
e unable to duplicate liio acres three miles
from town, smooth, level land, every foot till
able at sii.V) er acre: :tS acres five miles from
county scat, every foot of it perfectly level, a
genuine snai at t?I3 per acre: live quarters ad
.'o Hing towi .ight at SI2.50 per acre, will sell
separately or all together. Farms ad joi ning
these lands are uroducing crops that will net
the full price of the laud this year. We have
may others, both large ami small tracts, and
can certainly please you. Call and see or
write for further information to Orvlll K.
Lamb. Grant. Nebraska. .'iti-4t
For Sale Fifty l.ulTalo county farms locat
ed in Wissl rier valley known as the finest
alfalfa, grain and stock country in NehrasKH.
Come, invest Igtte while the prices are low.
Homes from fi'i an acre tip.
Kiverlale. Neir.
Notice of Probate of Will
A t jr. Nebraska.
In the matter of estate of Henry Spangler.
To A l.l. I'eusons (dsi t:itEi:
You are lM-r'l.v not itietl that a in! it ion has
been tiled to probate a will pill i t inir to ls
the last will of Henry Spangler. ami for the
appointment of the executors named therein.
There will Is- a hearing uimui said jictit ion at
my office in the city of Plat tsmout h.( 'ass coun
ty. Nebraska, at l' o'clock a. m. on the 14th
day of septeiiils-r.lii'7.aiid all obj'ct ioiis there
to must In- tiled by said hour, and at said time
such orders will lie made as are just ami imi
erln the premises. IIakvky I. Tkavis.
I sea i. I t'ount.v Judge.
I. Pwyer. Attorney.
Notice to Creditors
jX TIIF.t'tH'N'TY t ol'KT 'F CASS CtM'N
t v. Nebraska.
In the matter of tlie est ale of FmelineTrapp.
All creditors of said ik-ccascd will nns-tthe
exwutors of sail estate, tiefore me. con nt y
jndge. In said court at Plattstiumt h in said
count v and si ate on the 4tb day of ti-toH-r.
IMC 4t b dav of IV-emtwr. IM'7 ami 41 b day of
February. IM. at 2oVli-k p. m.. each day. for
the puriiose of present ing tlieir claims for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance.
Creditors have until the :id day of February.
lM's. but not longer, in which to tile claims in
this court against this state.
Iiatedat Plat tsmout li. Nebraska. August iti.
Hurt. Harvkv l. Tkavis.
I sea i. I County Judge.
Notice to Creditors
STATE tK NEBRASKA ,,, ,.ounty l ollrt
Cass I ounly
In the matter of the estate of Harvey M.
Kounsavell. deeeasel.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, tic fore me. county judge of Cass
-ouiity. Nebraska, at the county court room in
Plattsmouth. in said count on the ilst day of
eltemier. l!7. and on the 21st day of March.
lM's, at 10 o'clock a. m..each (lay. for the pur
pose of prese nt ing their claims for examina
tion, adjustment ami allowance.
ix months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year for the administratortoscttlesaid estate,
from thetli day of August. lOtC
Witness mv hatid and s-al of said county
court, at Plattsmoutli. Nebraska, this tb day
of August. IMC Hahvey I. Tkavis.
IsbalI County JmUre.
Notice of Administration.
In the County Court of Cass County. N't -brasku.
In the matter of the estateof Kachel Froh
lifh. ds-ceased.
AH persons Interested in said estate are
hereby notified, that a petition haslieen filed
in said court, alleging that said deceased died
leaving no last will and testament, and pray
ing for administration upon her estate.
A hearing will fe had upon said petition on
theSsth dav of Seleiiif x-r. A. I. IM7. at the
county court room at Plattsmouth. Nebraska,
at lo o'clock a. m- and that all persons having
any protest or objection to such petition, will
lie heard at that lime, otherwise the court
may grant said petition, ami grant adminis
tration of said estate to Paul Frobltch.orsoroe
other suitable person, ami proceet! to a suita
ble settlement thereof.
Witness my band and the seal of said court
at PlaitsiiMi'uth. .Nebraska, this loth day of
septenitier. A. I- I 'AC
sbaI.I Harvey I. Travis.
I. i. lwyer. County Judge.
J. G. Richey and O. D. Marks, of
Murray, departed for Broken" Bow,
where they will look after some lards,
which they have in view.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notlisj; h hereby given that u corporation
Ims been formed as follows:
I. The name of the corporation Is the "S-F
Sl4-k Co."
i The principal place of business Is In the
city of Plattsmouth. .Neb.
3. The business Is for the raising, buying
and Helling of livestock, and for the buy lug.
selling, mortgaging and leading of real estate,
rights and all kinds of property necessary or
used in connection with said business
4. The amount of authorized capital hUm-k
Is divided Into s tin res of tloOcach.
none to tie Issued until fully paid. 4o M-rceut
must Is subscribed and paid is-fore the alxive
shall commence business. The commence
ment of the corMrallon will tie Octols-r I. l!o7
and continue for a period of twenty lie -j)
.r. The highest aiuountof IndebMslness mt
mlttetl Is four-fifths (4-&) of the amount of
capital stxx'k Issueil.
ti. The affairs of the corporation shall lie
conducted by a board of directors who shall
elect a president, vice-president, secretary
and treasury, and provide for such other em
ployes as may Is- necessary.
In witness whereof, we. the undersigned In
corixirators. have hereunto set our hands this
"th day of Septemls-r. A.I). I'JO".
Frank K. Schlater
Kd Fitzgerald
.lames A. Fitzgerald
S F Stock Co. by Flzgerald
tsKAl.l its President.
Attest: Frank K. S-hlater.
4l Secretary.
Legal Notice
In the mutter of tlie est ale of Ivan House,
Inthe County Court of Cuss county, Ne
braska. All itersons Interested In sall estate ate
hereby notified that a tietttlon lias lieen tilel in
said court alleging that said deceased died
leaving no last will and praying for adminis
tration upon bis estate, and that a liearingwill
he hnd on said petition licfore said court on
Hie i;th day of lictober. A. I. 1M7: that if they
fail to appear at said court on the said litli day
of Octolicr, A. It.; IMC at. 10 o'clock on said
flay, to contest said iH-titlon. the court may
grant letters of administration to fieorge
Pearson, or some other suitable im-i-sou and
proceed to a sett lenient t hereof.
Harvey 1 1. Travis.
IsiCAI.I Count)- Judge.
I. K. Ha it. Attorney.
(Hy O. A.i els.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool,
wbo' pay ttie .hljfbest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Rck Island Timk Table
Murdock Station.
No. 15, local H:52 a. in.
No. S5, local freight 8 :.) a. m.
No 6. mail 2:30 p. nv
No. 37, mail 5:53 p. ra.
No does not stop for passegers east
of Ienver.
No. 94. freight 12:30 a.m.
No. 304, local passenger 1 a. m.
No. 18, Local 1:27 p. m.
No. 0, mail 3:00 p. m.
No 8t. local freigntf 1:14 p. m.
No. does not stop for passengers
west of DesMoines.
As we were unable to pet a corre
spondent to take our place during our
vacation, we had to let our readers find
out the news through other sources
than the Murdock items in the Journal.
But will endeavor to keep you informed
in the future.
M. W. A. Camp No, - 1S4'., of this
place, are preparing to give an oyster
supper in their hall on Saturday even
ing, October 12th. Their lecture course
commences October 7th; better get a
season ticket and be assured of a seat.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Heier died Monday afternoon and was
laid to rest Tuesday afternoon in the
German Calahan cemetery.
H. R. Neitzel and wife returned Satur
day from a visit with relatives in Platts
mouth. George Leis and family returned Fri
day after a month's vacation which was
spent in South Dakota, and Northwest
ern Nebraska,
The following clipping from a Lincoln
paper discloses the facts in the case of
the "scare" at Alvo: "Fearing an
epidemic of Beri-Beri in Cass county,
the commissioners are eager to declare
a quarantine, bat the health board of
the state has informed them that there
is no danger." The affected Japanese
are kept in a car by themselves at Alvo.
No new cases have developed.
Monday, Sept. 30
Eiler's Big Production
"King of the
Cattle Ring"
A Western Melodrama in Five
Acts by Hal Reid
At Base Ball Park
3 O-PEOPLE-3 0
16 acting parts; 14 Musicians.
One Hight Only!
Curtain rises at 8:15; Street
Patrade and Band Concert at
3 c
"A Rally Day-Excursion," will be
given by the Methodist Sunday School
at this place next Sunday. Ample pro
vision has been made for the care, en
tertainment and passage of upwards of
350; so all who are members of the
Sunday school are expected to Uring as
many friends as they can, for all who
come will be insured an excellent time.
The train will depart from the Union
Station at the corner of Seventh and
Main streets promptly at 9:30 o'clock,
and all will be expected to be there by
9:25, that during the rush which always
is a part of the well patronized excur
sion services, you may be inconvenienced
in receiving the proper ' accomodations
and attention. Ample provision has
been made for the care and comfort of
all who may desire to go with us, and
in order to get the full benefit of the
fine appointments of the excursion and
the general good time which all are sure
to have who go with us. In advance
of this excursion we would ask those
who expect to attend to go to Wes
cott & Sons, and get as many tickets
as they may wish to use, in order that
the hurry of procuring one at the time,
will be out of the way. Of course if
your arrangements are so you cannot
well do so you can procure your ticket
at the office, but be sure and come
The ticket agent will furnish you with
a ticket if you have none, and the por
ter and brakeman will assist you in
boarding the train and see that you are
provided with a good comfortable seat
and other accomodations; while the
switchmen will certainly look to your
comfort and safety, by the care that
they will exert in keeping the track
clear, and the signals all right for the
straight track. The train will be pro
vided with one of the best and most
experienced engineer, who have passed
the proper examination and have proven
themselves competent for the duties
assigned them. Let us say to you that
unless you are at the station by 9:30 a.
m. promptly, you will have to take the
accomodation express, and we urge you
all to be sure and get there, for we
want you all on the regular excursion.
Special arrangements have been pro
vided for the entertainment of those
who go. in the way of excellent music,
while the decorations will consist of
railroad lanterns, which shall be a
symbol of the light into the good things
of the future you will receive by com
ing and joining in the trip and also in
attending our school throughout the
year. The flags which are those used
by the flagmen and others working on
and around the ti-ack, also symbolize
the provision which is being taken to
warn all people of the dangers of taking
other trains than the ones run by some
well organized Sunday school, for any
Sunday Bible school will take you to
your destination in first-class shape.
The whole trip will be made during
daylight, and xin abundance of time
given for dinner. There will be no
sleeping errs attached to this train, but
a lively time will be had from the start
to the time that the jonrney is complet
ed. In the instructions which are printed
on the tickets is a caution against
standing on the platform, and not at
tempting to get off the train while the
excursion is being made. Privilege is
given of retaining the tickets as a re
minder that you are entitled to take a
similar trip with these people on any
Sunday, starting from the corner of
Seventh and Main streets at 9:30 any
Sunday. This excursion will include all
the points with its beautiful and en
trancing scenery on this wonderful
Sunday School Railroad line, and will
make. ''Beginersville, " where all the
little folks are taken into the school,
and where their every want is antici
pated and the proper instruction given
that they may take part in the excur
sions of the future. The next place
will be "Primary Junction," where,
after the period of instruction has been
completed for beginers, they are given
instructions in the primary departments
which is thoroughly organized and well
equipped for the work in hand. Then
will come the interesting point known
as "Junior Town," where, after the
ones who have entered at two other
stations, and with the additions here,
will make an interesting asemblage,
who knowing well the lessons taught
and the instructions given at the other
points will enter more eagerly in the
acquiring of further instruction of the
operations of this scenic railroad Sun
day school line. The next place will be
the touching of "Senior City, " where
all who have been attentive to learn
and diligent to observe will have a good
thorough knowledge of the ideas meant
to be conveyed in the scheme of these
excursions. Of course all intermediate
points will be touched, at which any
and everything pertaining to the ar
rangements of future excursions will
be made known.
To insure the comfort ofjall, trust
worthy and well qualified employes
have been secured, such as the engi
neer, fireman, conductor, ticket agent,
switchman, brakeman, porter, auditor
and news agent. The news agent will
furnish you with the latest and most
approved and up-to-date Sunday school
literature that money can buy of dili-
To The Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival. Make Your Headquarters At I
nnAivirkiPif rviicnA ctahcI
Make yourself at home. Free wailing rooms with every convrairnce. Free
telephones. Your baggage or parcels checked free. Cberks on all banks cashed
free at our bank. We will gladly extend eveajr possible
courtesy, see me two great tunnels under Douglas Street
New store is eight stories high, one block long, a half bVock
wide. Eight and a half acres of floor space. 1200 clerks.
You Can Buy Fall and Winter Goods at Big Bargains-Save Money
Rtmtmbcr 2
cent rat Into
krlne this ad
with you I
Brandeis Boston Store is known all over the west for itr great bargain sales.
Omaha people profit by these sales every day. It is to give oar out-of-town
friends the equivalent of these bargains that we make this offer.
If you bought the articles in this outfit separately they would cost you $1.5.40
If you bought them anywhere else they would cost you still more.
Not inferior goods but just the kind of good, up to date clothes you would se
lect for your boy yourself. Outfit contains:
One boys knee pants suit Our regular price. .$4 00.
One boys hat or cap Our regular price 1 00 "
Two handkerchiefs Our regular price 25
One boys shirt Our regular price 1 00
One boys linen collar Our regular price 15
Two neckties, bow or 4 in hand Regular price 25
One pair boys suspenders Our regular price. . 25
One pair gloves Our regular price 75
One suit Underwear Our regular price 1 50 '
One pair boys hose Our regular price 25
If you bring this ad
One pair shoes Our regular price 2 50
One pair cuff battons Our regular price 50
One Ingersol watch Our regular price 1 00
One watch chain or fob Our regular price .... 50
One pocket knife Our regular price 50
One umbrella Our regular price 1 OO
Worth 15 40
Attend the great Ak-Sar-Ben festival. Come to Boston Store and outfit your
boy complete for less than one half what you ever paid before.
Two CenJ
Is Brandeis Biggest Bargain OMAHA
gence of the management select.
An invitation is extended to all to come
and join in the Excursion, assuring you
that everything is entirely completed
for your comfort and welfare.
Wm. Keil, of near Cedar Creek, was
a visitor in the city this morning.
Maple Grove
(Special Correspondent.')
Mrs. Mede Fleming and children, of i
Coleridge, Nebraska, is visiting with her
folks, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz,
this week.
Alfred Gansemer visited at the home
of W. H. Puis Thursday evening.
Maple Grove was well represented at
the Nehawka fair last week and were
well pleased with the time spent.
Will Kloepping are enjoying a visit
from the former's sister from Minnesota.
Fred Krough is spending a few weeks
visiting relatives in Iowa.
August Engelkemeierand wife visited
at the home of John Albert Sunday.
Quite a large crowd gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hild Sun
day to celebrate the former's birthday
Geo. Hild commenced to build a new
double corn crib Monday.
Born September 20th, a baby boy, to
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker.
Louie Puis made a business trip to
Nehawka Monday.
Quite a large amount of fall wheat is
sowed in this locality this fall.
Ho! Smokers!
Are you ready for
a New Pipe?
Herman Spies
has the Large and Most
Complete of
ever seen in Plattsmouth, from
the Low Priced to the Very Best
on the Market.
Oct. 9, '07
Duric Jerseys and Poland China.
This will include my entire herd of
Poland Chinas
35 Males: 30 Females
Three Short-Horn Bulls
Send for Catalogue to