r The County exchanges i M-- .f r ..... I 1.1.... r .l.atai ! ft a fn I l PantaaBNr rla II OCaCIII IIICIOI dCICblll WUIUtuaa VI VVUISMpwiBII- Union FrtunlliK lifdter. I). W. Foster ami wife and Miss Minnie Shoemaker arrived home last Saturday from a two weeks vieit with relatives ami friends in Ohio. Mrs. K. I). Clarke arrived home Monday evening from Thomas, Okla., where the sjient about three weeks visiting with her son, Will Clarke and family. Mrs. Milt Clarence departed on the Saturday evening train for Lincoln, where they will make their home, Milt having secured a position as fireman on the Turlington railroad. Fish stories are alweys 'fishy," hut we uan prove this one. Joshua Katon brought two cattish t town Wednesday which he caught on hooks in the Mis souri river. The "animals" were beauties, one of them weighing W ftounds and the other 4 iK)unds. J. W. I'ittman one of the Ledger's staunch friends, went to Plattsmouth last Saturday to look after some busi ness. While there Mr. I'ittman pur chased a fine black driving team from Jas. Sage, and while he paid a neat sum for the team he is justly proud of them. The Union schools opened Monday with Miss Elizabeth Countryman prin cipal, Miss Louise Mickle intermediate. Miss Kose O'Donnel primary.. The total enrollment is !.", 2o are in the principal's room, ."55 in the intermediare and 7 in the primary. The attendance ; at this time is a good per cent of the number shown by the school census and 1 will increase the coming week. The teachers are all competent and they . as well as all the pupils are"' taking a great interest in their work, and no doubt we shall see excelent resuluts. Loviisville t rum U Courier. The Free Methodist tent meetings are not as largely attended as in former years. Miss Hertha Goehry returned Wed nesday from Greenville, 111., where she has sjent the summer. Charley Kuthbun happened with a very painful accident Monday afternoon, he being unfortunate enough to step upon a nail. Little Elizabeth Brodine has been quite low with choleramorbus this week. She was considered out of danger at time of going to press. Miss Jessie Spence left one day last week for Chicago, where she will spend the winter with her sister., Mrs. ('has. Housel, and attend school. Grandma Volk, of Pekin, 111., is here visiting with her grandson, Dr. M. Tritsch. She will leave today for Fierce county to visit with relatives. Someone said a fellow who would hold up a bank in broad daylight in a thickly settled community was a crank. Perhaps so, but the fact that he suc cessfully evaded three hundred men on a hundred and sixty acre farm would lead one to believe that he was not so crazy as he might be. Little Viola Nichols, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Nich ols, fell from a second-story widdow, at the Nichols residence on upper Main street Thursday evening. No bones wene broken, but it is feared by the at tending physician that the little one may have sustained internal injuries. titoe Waist Pains at the waist, back, front, or side, are nearly sure proof of female trouble. ' Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, restless ness, cold limbs, nervousness, etc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced and the womanly functions regulated by the use of Wm of Cardtai Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "Cardui saved me from the grave after three (3 ) doctors had failed to help me. It is a good medicine and I recommend it to all suffering women." For sale at all druggists, in $1 bottles. liffllXC IIC A I ETTCD Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-pace Illustrated Book for Women. If you need Medical Ad II Kl I r Ul t I ll I lr.lv vice, describe your symptoms, stating age. and reply will be sent In plain sealed envelope. Address: ,,IM,U -- - Ladies Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. J7 DIRE DISTRESS A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind., Mr. U. D. William?, 107 West Main St., i says: I appeal to all persons with weak lungs to take Dr. King's New piscovery, the only remedy that has ' helped me and fully comes up to the proprietor's recommendation." It saves, more lives than all other throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a a cough and cold cure the world over. Cures asma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quincy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at F. C. Fricke & Co. druggstore, 50c and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Elmwood Mrs. Hitchcock, So was sev-had t'roiD tbe Leadvi-KuhO. A line bov was lirn to Mr. and Fred Huestmeyer, of Dak., last week. At the state convention of the fourth class postmasters held at Lincoln last week Roy B. Cox, of Murdock elected secretary. Mrs. H. A. Dunkle, who resides eral miles southwest of Elmwood, the misfortune to fall last week, break- i ing her right arm. Mrs. . Blanche Kuehn underwent a ' a very critical operation Tuesday by Dr. Everett, of Lincoln, and Dr. Mun ger, of this place. At last report she 1 was doing nicely. Clarence Viol Lewis, aged one year, eight months and thirteen days, young est child of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lewis, j died Tuesday, September 10, after an illness of several weeks, from summer complaint. Mrs. H. L. Clapp was quite seriously injured one day this week by a hom mock rope breaking, causing hertofall. She was under the doctor's care for several days. Mrs. Ben Hoffman, who has been at Grenada, Colo., nursing her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Hoffman, who has been very sick with the typhoid fever, returned home last week with her son. Fred, who is now very sick with the fever. Miss Anderson, a trained nurse from Lincoln, is caring for him. For Rent - A five room cottage, one block south of Masonic Home. Enquire ' of Jacob Heinrich. Lost and Fonnd. Lost, between 9:30 p. m., yesterday and noon today, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by the finding at F. C. Fricke & Co. drugstore a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the guaranteed cure for biliousness malaria and jaun dico, . 25c Nehawka (Tiom tlie Kfirlster.) Miss Elanor Welch of Coleridge, Nebraska, a sister of Mrs. Isaac Pal lard, is here on a visit and will remain a month. Jessie Pittman, of Oklahoma, who has been here on a visit to her grand father, Andrew Pittman, for some time went to Nebraska City for a visit with relatives Thursday morning. She will return in about a week. John Whittman came hi contact with the business end of a small mule the other day and he is walking with a sort of stringhalt movement in his left limb. The mule is still alive and looking for another victim. We are pleased to announce that Rev. H. N. Hulse has decided not to accept the work to which he has been assigned, that at Fairbury, and will remain here next year and farm. He and his fam ily are just the kind of folks we like to keep. Henry Behrtis and wife were spying around town the first of the week, evi dently sizing up their new home- to-be. Mr. Behrns is one of the best citizens ot Cass couuty, and we can stand a lot more like him in Nehawka. Untie William Tucker is building quite an addition to his house in the shape of a big wash room. The pump to the well and the pump to the cistern will both be in the wash room, and with drainage pipes and other conveni ences Mrs. Tucker will have the most convenient place to wash in town. Word has been received from Miss Ruth Murdoch and Miss Moon, that they nre settled and assigned to their schools. Miss Ruth will teach the 7th grade in the Madison school, and Miss Moon will teach the kindergarten in the Quincy school. They like the place very much and will enter active work next Monday. A lazy liver leads to chronic d3-spepsia and chronic constipation weakens the whole system. Doan s Regulets (2oc pjr box) correct the liver, tone the" stomach, cure constipation. US It Is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Plattsmouth Readers Don't neglect an aching back. Back ache is the kidneys' cry for help. Neg lect hurrying to their aid means that urinary troubles follow quickly, dire distress, diabetes Bl ight's disease. Mrs. B. E. Gallagher, of Wintersteen hill, Plattsmouth, says: "Kidney trouble was all through our family. My father and an uncle died with Bright's disease, so in my case there is no doubt about kidney affection being hereditary. Ever since I had the rheumatism thirty years ago, in fact, all my life, I have been subject to pain in my back and drop sical tendencies. " On account of the misery in my loins I have at times hard ly been able to get up or down. I could tell in dressing how badly my body would be swollen and than my limbs would be bloated and my hands pulled up. A friend of mine gave me part of a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. iThe strong praise she gave for the remedy gave me some hopes that it might do me some good. I used it and it did prove true to the claims made for it. Of course, I could not expect a permanent cure from taking half a box, but to say that it brought me much relief from the pain and dropsical symptoms is not ; exaggeration by any means. I procured ; Doan's Kidney Pills at Gering & Co. 's j drug store." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. i Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole : agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and j take no other. ; Flight of Time Arrested. Yesterday morning with a booming re- ', port like the opening of the day of doom, 1 the heavy weights, which give power , for the propelling of the big clock at the court house, caused the cable to part which held them. They weigh ; about eight hundred pounds and their i dropping jarred the court house until it ! shook like there was an earthquake. : The occupants of the court house were ! startled and turned pale, fearing some catastrophy was about to happen. One ; day last wenk Commissioner Marshall while down here took his little boy up , into the tower to see the sights, and on ; returning told the janitor that the cable had to be repaired, he in turn reported '. the matter to the one in charge of the ' clock, but as there had been no oppor tunity to make the repairs, it had not j been done. The cable which had been in use since the installation of the clock, j had become worn at the point where it fastened on the drum oh which it wttS , wound. It hardly seems that it should ; be the business of the one in charge of the clock to make these repairs, and as ' the commissioners had not met since, it ; had not had an opportunity to receive j the attention. NORMAL TRAIN ING SECTIONS Many City Schools Maintaining This Aditiona! Department. Normal training as a special depart ment of high schools will be a leading feature of the year's educational work in Nebraska, says the Lincoln News. The legislature having appropriated $50,000 for this purpose, each high school that meets the conditions out lined in the law and imposed by State Superintendent McBrien will receive a bonus of $375 per year, or $750 for the biennium. This will not be sufficient to pay the full salary of an instructor, but it will be a large help in that direction. Superintendent McBrien learns that J about sixty cities and towns in the state j will take advantage of the law this year j to comply with the terms laid down and I secure the benefit of state aid. One j condition is that a normal class of t j least ten members must be organized . and maintained. The information which I i ii i a . . - 4.1 4- reacnes me state snpei niLeiuieiii, it lhuc half a hundred high schools will have classes of ten to twenty-five members each. Beatrice will have fifty students j in its normal training department, while sixty will prusue the same course in the Lincoln high school and seventy-five at j Omaha. Hebron reports a class of j thirty and Blair one of eighteen. Au rora, Grand Island, Hostings, York and Fairbury are among the cities where good-sized classes have been or being organized. 0 DOC DOC o n o Nothing will please your wife as much as a box of OWNEY'S or Proctor's and White's Chocolates! it reminds her of the days you were courting her, and it is the little things in life that make life worth living. The only place to get them is at GERING CO., DRUGGISTS o 0 0 u o n 0 DOC DOC Watches Returned Friday. That it pays to advertise, is a fore gone conclusion, and a fact that can not be controverted. Henry Born who j lost two watches about ten days since ' advertised the matter in the Journal. ! These watches were taken from his ! home during the absence of the family, j with the intention that they should never be returned. But when Mr. Born j advertised the fact, challenging the j public attention to the markings on the i cases, which would lead to the identifi- j cation of the stolen goods if any one ; should try to negotiate them. The ; thief, whoever he ' was, seeing this, saw the only way was to return them to the rightful owner, and thereby save j trouble. Had Mr. Born not have had , the description whereby he could iden- . tify them and have made the fact known through the Journal the timekeepers Would Still be' missing. It is unneces nry to say that the stolen property was returned when no one saw the par ty who brought them back. Great Introducing Grocery i ) Offer! j A Wholesale Arrest The couuty attorney yesterday morn ing filed complaint against twelve per- sons for violation of the anti-treating j law, known as the Slocomb law, with Judge Archer. Upon this, warrants j have been issued and three arrests have ! been made, a portion of which were ; given a continuance, and the others j were bound over to appear at the dis- j trict court, which convened yesterday. ' The other nine have not been appre- ! hended as we go to press. This was ! done under sections 31 and 32 of chapter 50 of the criminal code. This law has ! been on the books for a long time, and ; was then known as the Slocomb law, I and was section 1 and 2 of chapter 62. j We had this article prepared for yester- I day's issue but it was crowded out by j news of more importance. Today there ! has been four more complaints sworn j out, and the entire list now amounts to . sixteen. i Gone to Old Mexico. Will Noxon and W. L. Thomas de parted this afternoon for Sarinta, Mex ico, where they go to look at lands, as well as along the lower coasts of the gulf in Texas, with a view of purchas ing. This portion of the country is claimed to have the climate of southern California, with an advantage of about fifteen hundred miles nearer the eastern and northern markets. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the great system tonic and builder. You can save $3.60. We gain a customer. This Great In troductory Grocery Offer cannot be broken. $6.00 in CASH to accompany order. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded: 40 pounds granulated sugar $1 8 pounds P. & G. coffee 2 10 bars Diamon "C" or White Russian soap 1 Mason pint jar strictly pure honey 1 Mason quart jar sweet nickels 12 cakes Ecliph Cocanut oil 2 cans strictly pure baking powder 1 pound extra blend green tea 1 pound pure food black pepper 1 package cow brand backing soda 1 sack Blue Jay Japan rice 2 bottles 2 oz each extract vanilla. 1 quarter gallon can syrup 1 cake Enoch Morgan's sapolio 00 (Kl 25 25 30 30 40 5 28 (r, 25 27 LO 05 WW. Orders filled same day received. All mail orders f. o. b. cars, Plattsmouth. IT Jl ps ash The finest in the world When ordering ask lop Dr. Price's by name, else the grocer may forget the kind you are accustomed to. Banquet Postponed. According to a special from Lincoln J the democratic state executive commit- j tee has postponed the date of the ban- J quet to be held in the capitol city Sep tember 24th, for the reason that it wishes to have two gatherings of demo crats in Lincoln before the close of the present campaign. The state conven tion will be held September 24 and the banquet will be several weeks later. The banquet will be made a representa tive gathering, democrats from all sec tions of the country being invited. Sick Headache. This disease is caused by a derange ment of the stomach. Take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets to correct this disorder and the sick headache will disappear. For sale by F. G. Fricke and A. T. Fried. O nirniniio nnriTCOT IIITIIDAI IICniPIMAI ft AMCnlUA 0 UnCHICOl MHIUUHL iiiluiuiuml X SPRING WATER THE FAMOUS B, R. MINERAL WATER NATURE'S INFALLIBLE CURE FOR: You Keep An Exact Record of expenditures and a receipt for each item if you have a checking account with us and make the merest memorandum on your stub. Don't have to think, don't have to remember it's all there in black and with the money bal ance (which you can tell at a glance) is here in security. In terest on certificates by special arrangements. THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. f!nnHnntinn. Kidney Troubles, Q Stomach Trouble, Rheumatism, Q Indigestion, Nervous Trouble Q Gastritis, ond Q Liver Troubles. Loss of Appetite. A trial will convince you that this is tbe most helpful S Natural Mineral Water on the market Pleasant to take Odorless. V SILVER MEDAL and Diploma awarded at the St. Louis In JlJ ternational Exposition, 1904. sj FRED EGENBERGER, Plaitcmntith.- Nebraska COUNTY AGENT. 8 J IV ii- .-'( j- I