The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1907, Image 8

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the '
1 WsM
Pains at the waist, back, front, or side, are nearly sureproof of female trouble.
Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, restless
ness, cold limbs, nervousness, etc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced
and the womanly functions regulated by the use of
The County Exchanges f
t Rii it benefit Interest Selected troi tfaa Colamos if Contcmporenes f
From tbe liwW-Kcho
Willis Bartlett and John Eidenmiller
last week completed a fine new barn
for Waldo Willitt. The structure is
24x32, lfi foot posts.
W. H. Hay leaves today for his old
home in New York. He will visit the
state fair at Syracuse and other points
of interest before his return.
J. E. Worley and family came down
from Lincoln to spend Sunday and Mon
day at the home of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Worley.
Miss Pearl Woodard was operated on
at Omaha Wednesday by Dr. Gifford
for catarrh of the throat, from which
the has been a sufferer for some time.
Mrs. C. S. Hart returned Sunday
from Ft. Collins, Colo., where she has
been the past three months for the
benefit f her health. We are pleased
to learn that her health is much im
proved. Mrs. Ueardslee, of Troy, I'enn., Mrs.
Thomas, of Canton, I'enn., Mrs. Chas.
Williams, of Corning, N. Y.. and Joe
Williams, of Wellsbougheri I'enn., are
visiting at the homes of Philander
Williams, L. F. I,anghorst and Harry
Williams. Joe Williams is an uncle
and the rest of the party are cousins to
Harry Williams and Mrs. Langhorst.
Lost and Fonnd.
Ixxst, between p. m., yesterday
and noon today, a bilious attack, with
nausea and sick headache. This loss was
occasioned by the finding at F. C.
Fricke & Co. drugstore a box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the guaranteed
cure for biliousness malaria and jaundice.
rom i ti t.-ii!t-r
Mrs. Henry Born and children, of
Plattsmouth came last Saturday to
make a few days visit with L. G. Todd
jr., and family.
Mrs. Moss McCaroll departed Monday
night for Lawrence, Kan., to spend
several weeks visiting her parents and
other relatives.
Mrs. W. B. Banning and son, Hollis
arrived home Wednesday afternoon from
Dubuque, Iowa, where they had been
visiting the past few weeks.
Andrew Lynn arrived last Sunday
night from Ohiowa, Neb., in response
to a message notifying him of the ser
ious condition of his mother, Mrs.
Sarah Lynn.
Mrs. Barbara A. Taylor recently pur
chased the Carraher residence, one of
the finest and best in town, and yes
terday she and the family began the
task of moving. They will have a very
fine home and we are pleased to wel
come such additions to the village.
J. W. Pittman and daughter, Miss
Josie, arrived home last Tuesday after
noon from Burlington Junction, Mo.,
where they have been the past few
weeks for their health. We are glad
to note that they are both much im
proved in health.
Misses Blanche Mougey, Hattie Tay
lor and Jennie Mark' went to Platts
mouth on Monday to commence their
studies in the high school of that city.
They are delighted because they will
have for superintendent their former
teacher. Prof. J. W. Gamble.
Wto of C&irdtai
Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "Cardui saved me
from the grave after three (3) doctors had failed to help me. It is a good medicine
and I recommend it to all suffering women." For sale at all druggists, in $1 bottles.
llnTC IIC A 1 PTTPD Writ today for a fre copy of valuable 6-pa llluitr.ted Book for Women. If you need Mrdlral Ad-
It I I L. II J f LLl I I LlV vice- 4cribe your symptoms, stating ace. and reply will be sent in plain sealed envelope. A4dres :
" " Ladies Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. J .17
(rutin lli- KftrisMT. )
A Humane Appeal.
A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind.,
Mr. U. D. Williams. 107 West Main St.,
j says: I appeal to all persons with
' weak lungs to take Dr. King's New
j Discovery, the only remedy that has
i helned me and fullv comes ur to the
Charley Snyder, the human skeleton proprjetor's recommendation." It saves
from the east side, is rejoicing over the more ,ives than a, other throat and
arrival of twins. They belong to the remedies put together. Used as a
most famous jersey cow in the precinct, j a coujrh and co,d cure the worl(, oyer
J. M. Stone accompanied by Mrs. D. j Cures asma, bronchitis, croup, whooping
C. West and Gladys left for Cherokee, j cough, quincy, hoarseness, and phthisic,
Okla., on the midnight train Tuesday. ' stops hemorrhages of the lungs and
They will be absent about two weeks. builds them up. Guaranteed at F. C.
L. C. Tdd too: a shipment of cattle ; Fricke & Co. druggstore, 50c and" $1.00
antl hogs to Omaha Tuesday his own I Trial bottle free.
raising and feeding that sold for a ,
fine figure, the cattle bringing 6.40. Tfje Lumber Trust
The who'.e shipment amounted to ;
sjj .?yi , ' The cost of lumber is high and hurts
nearly every one curecuy. x ne excess
i Daid on building a small cottage would
more than balance the excess paid on
coal oil for the average family
''Vis. Lindville, a daughter of Z. W.
Shrader. who has been here on a visit
for sjme time, left on Saturday for a
visit with relatives in Nodaway county
Missouri. From there she will return ,
to her home in Furnas county.
Charles S. S, of Mtray, who
from his looks never had an unhappy
moment in his life since he outgrew the
twenty-five years. Last winter con
gress authorized an investigation which
has been had, and the report says the
cause is excessive freight rater.
With this report made public, Messrs
Hill and Harriman have announced an
"sorrowings" of the paternal slipper, increase in rates of ten cents per hun
came ciown irom me - city on tne mu
that cannot be hid" Tuesday evening.
dred pounds, effective October 1st,
whirh will add to the cost of lumber
He was wearing the same old smile just 3f) per 10(M) feet in all territory
that has made him famous with well, . east of the Rocky mountains. except
you know. j Nebraska and Kansas, where the ad-
Miss Ruth Murdoch left on Tuesday i vance will be five cents per hundred
morning for Ogderi. Utah, where she pounds, or $1.65 per 1,000 feet. You
will teach school for the coming year. an remember what a great splurge
Miss Ruth grow to womanhood here, congress and the administration made
graduated froji th'.s -school and for the ; -ASt year regarding the railway corn
last four years has been a successful mission. This commission gets big
teacher in the intermediate department. ( salaries, long tenure of oifice and all
Her work has been t;f a high character the assistance they need. What have
and we r cs-peak for her abundant success they done, or what do they intend to
in her now field. She was 'joined at do? Comparatively nothing. Thev may
The Missouri Pacific May
Have Troube in One
Branch of ihe
The diirerences between the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers and the
Missouri Pacific railroad, which may re
sult in a strike of 3,000 enineers em
ployed on the system, were explained
from the standpoint of the employes by
a Missouri Pacific Engineer who lives
o:i the west side, says the Kanrs City
Times cf Monday.
"The engineers are asking for noth
ing they have not had for the last twenty
years," he said. "In that time a con
tract has been signed by the engineers
and the company every two years and
we have always worked under it. Several
months ago our board . of adjustment
met in St. Louis to renew this contract.
M. W. Cadle, of Cleveland, Ohio., as
sistant chief engineer, was told by the
company that no such contract was in
existence. The company then asked
the engineers to sign a new contract
which is different in several respects
from the old one.- For twenty years
the company has allowed the engineers
coming in from their runs to turn their
engines over to hostlers to be taken to
the roundhouse. The new contract re
quires the engineers to take their en
gines to the roundhouse themselves and
allow them an additional mile on the
run at four cents a mile. To get the
engine into the roundhouse requires all
the way from a half hour to five hours.
Some of the runs are sixteen hours
long and an engineer is pretty tired
when he gets in. In Omaha, for in
stance, the roundhouse is three miles
from the terminus. Yet under the new
contract the engineers would only be
allowed one mile for making the trip.
All the engineers want is to have the
old contract renewed."
A vote on the question of calling a
strike is now being taken.
Lincoln by
teach there.
who will also
Com .(it..;
recently, " it
to pun h:. :
farmer. I.. I
Duff Grain '
at that j r'ci; i
of oats :s:
son why .; ''
tO I!
ly Prospering
tM becoming kingly
i'kf' :i rour.d half dollar
of it from the just ::o'd to the
r. i-r; thf.u.-r.nd bushels
! Jour thou.-;::::d bushels;. '1; cio is a rea-
change the classification here and there,
they may reduce the rate on articles
where tariff is light, but on lumber and
grain where people are interested, they
are very slow to act.' Nine-tenths of
the reform propaganda sent out by the
administration is buncombe. What
benefits is it to the general public to
fine a corporation? None whatever.
If the courts would modify their meth
ods of extortion, then the public wou'd
be benefitted.
Fifty Years ihe Standard
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Made from Grapes
A Good Curfew Law
"Every lamily," says an unidentified
paper, "should have a curfew which
should positively 'ring tonight' and
every night if needed. These curfews
are inexpensive and are home made.
Take a piecu of siding two feet long
and whittle one end down to a handle:
take the child that needs a curfew and
bend it over a barrel. Now take the
siding in hand and use it as a cla per.
Put it on hot, divide the strokes evenly
and see that none miss. Good for a boy
or girl up to the age of lo and three
applications are warranted to cure the
most pronounced case of street loafing
that exists. The music is said to be
finer than singing "Where Is My
Wandering Boy Tonight?"
Sick Headache.
This disease is caused by a derange
ment'of the stomach. Take a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab--;
lets to correct this disorder and the
j sick headache will disappear. For sale
i by F. G. Fricke and A. T. Fried. .
Celebrates 44th Birthday.
On Thursday, September 5, C. A.
Gauer, one of the most estimable citi
zens of Cass county, was 44 years of
age. He thought nothing about the
matter, until in the evening, when a
number of the neighbors and friends
dropped in at his home to help him in
celebrating the event. It was a com
plete surprise to Mr. Gauer, but he
joined the guests in having a good time,
which all enjoyed. Dancing was in
dulged in until a late hour and at the
proper time refreshments were served.
After several hours of real pleasure the
guests repaired to their various homes
with the wish that Mr. Gauer may live
many years and each .one of his birth
days may as enjoyable as this one.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Inhelder, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Con
Sears and family, Otto- Spreick and
family, Geo. P. Stoehr and family,
Adam Meisinger and family, Mrs. Sutz
ami two sons, Eddie and Willie; Willie,
Allie, Emil and Louie Meisinger; Henry
and Adam lleil, Henry Fornoff; Louie
Keiser; Jeff Ralberg; Philip Theirolf ;
John Drides: Jerry Frey; Frank Kroeh
ler; Joe, Peter and Otto Sitzman; Chas.
Kust, an uncle of Con Sears, Misses
Nettie and Mary Meisinger; Ellen
Fender: Elsie Inhelder; Lillie Shaeler;
Anna, Emma and Laura Gauer.
One Who Was There,
Crooks on Rock Island Near
Alvo Rob Passengers and
Try to Stab Conductor.
Omaha World-Herald says: "Three
armed crooks, who had picked the pock
ets of a number of Rock Island passen
gers at the station in Lincoln and at
tempted to continue their game on the
train, engaged in a desperate encounter
with Conductor Henry Duval on the
Rocky Mountain Limited, near Alvo
station about 1 o'clock Friday morning.
"After standing off Conductor Henry
Duval with a knife, the men leaped from
the moving train over a slow piece of
track about eight miles west of Alvo
and escaped in the darkness. Two Rock
Island special agents have been sent to
the vicinity of their escape with good
descriptions if the men. The last heard
from them they had npt struck the trail
of the robbers.
"Passengers missed their money and
reports of the theft were made imme
diately, but the crooks, who were evi
dently professionals of the smoothest
character, threw the police completely
off their track. Later they attempted
to rob the sleeping passengers in the
chair car, and were caught in the act
by the conductor.
"They had been suspected by the con
ductor, who was instructed by the Lin
coln police to keep an eye on them. He
attempted to keep them on the train
and bring them into South Omaha, to
deliver them over to the officers, but a
poor stretch of track foiled his plans and
gave the crooks an opportunity to leap
from the train.
"Near Alvo station there is a stretch
of track where the grade is being
changed. The track at this point is soft
and all trains slow down while crossing
it. While one man ran into the toilet
room and dropped from the train
through the little window, the other two
drew knives on the conductor, backed
to the vestibule and dropped off in the
darkness. !
"At Murdock the conductor wired
ahead to the Albright agent and pre- j
parations were at once made to trace
the fugitives. '
"The train leaves Lincoln about 12:35
and is due in Omaha at 2:35. The en
counter caused no delay in reaching
"It is said that the men got in the
neighborhood of $600."
Pounds of Best Cranu- fl 00
lafed Sugar for.. ylln
Great Introducing Grocery
You can save $3.G0. We gain a customer. This Great
troductory Grocery Olfer cannot be broken. Jffl.OO in
CASH to accompany order. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded:
40 pounds granulated sugar ?1
8 pounds P. & G. coffee 2
10 bars Diamon "C" or White Russian soap
1 Mason pint jar strictly pure honey
1 Mason quart jar sweet piekels
12 cakes snow flakes castle soap
2 cans strictly pure baking powder
1 pound extra blend green tea
1 pound pure foxl black pepper
1 package cow brand backing soda
1 sack Blue Jay Japan rice.
2 bottles 2 oz each extract vanilla
1 quarter gallon can syrup
1 cake Enoch Morgan's sapolio
Orders filled same day received. All mail orders f. o. b.
cars, Plattsmouth.
1 MDpi ail Store 1
I Wh
TVi Rtst of Goofls
A full line of the newest Fall Street
Hats are now on sale at Florence Anderson's
at Fair Prices are what are most desired.
O For something appropriate in the line of Birthday, Wedding or any
ifc Anniversary Presents we have a line that is Unsurpassed.
Our Silverwear
is unique in pattern and design and surprising in quality and price.
V rami0 I The Jeweler.
Sells Kis Cattle
A. S. Will shipped all of the remain
ing of his summer's feed of cattle to
South Omaha yesterday, where they
went on the market. There remained
about one hundred head from the ship
ments of the previous times. They
found a good market, getting six and a
quarter cents for them. They will soon
fill their feeding yards up again for the
coming season's feed. . Thomas Will,
who has charge of the farm at present,
was a passenger to Omaha this morn
ing, where he goes to be present at the
big horse sale which is to open today.
At this sale it is claimed there will be
offered for sale about five hundred cars
of horses.
Torturing eczema spreads its burning
area every day. Doah's Ointment
quickly stops its spreading, instantly
relieves the itching, cures it per
manently. At any drug store.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gregg of San Fran
cisco is in the city visiting at the, home
of her friends, J. M. Leek and wife.
Plenty Kfore Like This in Plaits
Scores of Plattsmouth people can tell
you about Doan's Kidney Pills. Many
a happy citizen makes a public state
ment of his experience. Here is a case
of it. What better proof of merit can
be had than such endorsement?
J. B. Patridge, living on Eight street
between Oak and Locust streets, Platts
mouth, says: "1 never before had any
remedy that did me so much good as
Doan's Kidney Pills which I procured
from Gering & Co. 's drug store. Be
fore using them I was pretty nearly
broken down with my back. I could
hardly straighten and suffered almost
constantly from pain across my loins
and kidneys. My first experience with
this kind of trouble dates back a long
time ago and I believe I know what
misery and torture 'kidney complaint
brings. At times I have been so crip
pled up that I could not get around with
out the use of a cane. The first box of
Doan's Kidney Pills did . me so much
good that I got the second box. This
brought me out all right. It did the
work thoroughly. There is no expres
sion I can give that would overestimate
the value I place on Doan's Kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Remember the name -Doan's and
take no other.
For Sale
A six-room house with cistern, half
block. Price ?S00. C. L. Martin,
Corner 10th and Pearl streets. -
We are showing some fine Diamonds in both single settings and
combination with Genuine Rabies.
Makes Photography Easy
Come in and let us slio-.v von some of the
You can have the i enefit of our exper
ience in selecting n kodak for ordinary
or special work. We have some manu
als on developing Velox. Also, seed's.
"The art of negative making." which
are distributed ckatis.
Prescription Druggists