THE GITY. from Fridays DkIIv. Will Becker was a visitor in the city this morning" from near Eight Mile Grove, looking after some business. Mrs. A. F. Seybert, of Cedar Creek, came in this morning and is visiting with friends in this city during the day Mr. Murray and wife of Mynard de parted for Lincoln this morning where they will visit with relatives and attend the state fair. Herman Kleitch, of Weeping Water, of the firm of Kleitch & Halmas, the millers, came in lasteveningandis look ing after business matters in the city. and visiting old time friends. Miss Hazel Hanesberger, of Elm wood. who has been visiting with the children of County Clerk Kosencrans for the past few days, departed for her home this afternoon on the fast mail. George P. Barton, the tonsorial artist ,from Union was a visitor in the county Beat today. W. II. Newell was a passenger to Cedar Creek this morning and as he had a stone jar with crawdads in it, it look ed to a man up a tree as though he had some intention of catching some fish. Miss Mayme Kelly, of Greenwood, came in this morning, and will teach the schol at District No. 28, better known as the Stull district, for the coming term. Miss Kelly comes well recommended and it' Is confidently ex pected that she will make a success of the school. G. I'. Meisinger, two sons and Louis Brudenbush, while at the state fair yes terday were relieved of fifty dollars by gome of the light fingered gentry known as pick iockets. It is also reported that one of the Fornoff boys who had only one dollar left loose in his jwket was relieved of it. From 'uturUay's llaily. A. B. FornolF, from Cullom was a visitor iu the county seat today. Jacob Meisinger was a business vis itor in the city today from near Cedar Creek. I. M. Mc-Vey. of below Murray, was a visitor in the county seat this morning. Levi IiusterhoUz, from west of Mur ray, was a visitor in the city today look ing after business. Alex Graves and srn, of Murray, were in the city this morning looking after some business matters. W. II. Seybert. member of the demo cratic central committee, came in this morning from Cullom to meet with the lxys. Henry Kraeger. from west of My- nard, was a business visitor in the city j this morning, where he had some busi ness matters to look after. C. E. Metzger. democratic candidate for district clerk, came in this morning. Christie is feeling pretty good, and if he ain't elected it won't be his fault. Mrs. Chauncy Doty, of Pacific Junc tion, was a visitor in the city this morning, and while here called at this office and made us happy by advancing a dollar of the subscription to her "fire side companion," the Journal. John S. Smith of Nehawka, and his mother, Mrs. J. C. Smith, who have been visiting at Havelock and attend ing the state fair, returned this morn ing and are visiting in the city at the home of W. T. Smith, and will return to their home at Nehawka this evening. Our old friend. J. W. Pittman, of near Union, was in the city today, ac companied by his son, James. They drove up which denotes that Mr. Pitt man has improved wonderfully from his long seige of sickness. He has just re turned from Burlington Junction, Srings where he spent several weeks, and feels much benefited by its curative iowers. Weare trlr.d to see our old f riend looking so well. from Monday's Daily . Frank Bovd was a visitor in the city this morning. C. E. Metzger of Cedar Creek, who is a candidate for clerk of the district court, was an over Sunday visitorinthe city last evening, returning home this morning. D. C. Bhc den of Murray, the li'ery man at that place, was a business visitor in the county seat this morning. Will Sutton and Claude Tignor from near Bock Bluffs were in the city today looking after some business matters. Mike Bys of Louisville, was a busi ness visitor in Plattsmouth this morn ing, returning to his work this after noon. George Sho.n:;in and wife, who have been visiting at Springfield and Louis ville for the j as t "Tew days, returned home this morning. C. S. Polk who moved to Boise. Idaho some time sincel returned Saturday eve j and will be m the cuy and surrounding PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. towns two weeks where he has some business to look after. Mrs. T. J. Khoden and little daughter returned this morning from Greenwood, where they have been visiting with Mrs. Rhoden's parents for some time. T. J. was here to meet them, and called and renewed for the Journal another year. r ' John D.' McBride who is working in Umaha was a visitor at home over Sunday. A. C. Cary of near Union was a vis itor in the city today having business with some of our citizens. Miss Nannie Monroe, of Jacific Junc tion, who was operated upon at Omaha for appendicitis last Friday, is getting along as well as it was hoped she would. and is expected to have a speedy re covery, as at the present time her con dition is very favorable. From Tuesday's ltily . II. M. Long and daughter, Mrs, Rob ert Shrader of Hensley, Neb., were in the city from Murray this morning. Paul Frolick of Alvo was a business visitor in the city this morning, where he has some legal matters to attend to. E. Swarts and .wife, the clerk at the Coates block drug store, were called to Silver City, Iowa, this morning by a telephone message stating that a niece, Miss Ada Swartz, was very ill. William Burkel, of Cincinnatti, Ohio, who has been visiting at the home of his brother, Val Burkel, of this city for some time, departed for his home this morning on the early morning train. ' Visitors at the Masonic Home yester day were: Mrs. A. T. Smith of Wheaton college, Chicago; Miss Ger trude Stenner of this city. The electric light, which has been out of repair for three weeks, has been turned on again. Kroin rt ednesclay's daily James Lambert, of Rock Bluffs, was a county seat visitor today. John Fredrick came in today from Pekin, Illinois, for a visit here. Emanue! Kline, from Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city today. The E. A. Wiggenhorn estate paid in to the treasury of Cass county the sum of $172.49, as the portion of the in heritance tax coming to this connty. Saunders connty will probably get some thing like $2,000. Mrs. George M. Porter departed this afternoon for Weeping Water, where she will visit for the remainder of the week. Adam FornofY and wife, Miss Emma Holmes, Phillip Fornoff and Phillip Fornoff, jr., came today from Pekin, Illinois, for a visit with friends near Cullom Miss Bessie Tyson, of Elmwood came in this morning and is visiting in the city with friends and relatives, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Q. K. Parmele. Mrs. James Irwin and son, Clement, of Racine, Wisconsin, who have been at Mrs. Chas. Morrison's for the past week, enroute home from Los Angeles, California, continued on their way home today. Mrs. Nicholas Volk, mother of Mrs. Jacob Tritsch, and Mrs. John Horn, her sister, came in this afternoon and will visit with the family of Jacob Tritsch and other friends and relatives west of the city for several weeks. Mrs. Sarah Goolsby, of Omaha, who has been visiting at the home of her son, Ellis, for the past few days, de parted for home this morning. Mrs. Ellis Goolsby accompanied her and will visit at Omaha for a few days. Lafe Nelson and his brother-in-law, J. E. McCarthey, of Enfield, Illinois, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Nelson, went to South Omaha this morning where they will view the stock yards. Mr. McCarthey will pur chase about five hundred sheep for his feed yards in Illinois. He intends to feed a large number of head of stock this year. Gebrge II. Woods, of Louisville, was a business visitor in the city this morn ing, going to Omaha this afternoon, where he will look after some business matters, returning home this evening. Torturing eczema spreads its burning area every day. Doan's Ointment quickly stops its spreading, instantly relieves the itching, cures it per manently. At any drug store. G. L. Kreager was a passenger to South Omaha, this morning, going to at tend the horse sale which is in progress there at present. Kittie Cummins, teacher of piano. Fail term begins- Monday, September loth. . ."t Wm. Peters, from near Avoca, came in this morning and was enroute for Pacific Junction, whore he has a farn. in the hail district and he goes to see what is the condition of things there. VV mle in the city he made tnis office a j KKl'OJ.T OF THE CONDITION Of THE i B&nk of Cass County. of riuttsmouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. I ikdi'Ikii nt-l in t lt hiui of Xeliruska, at tlie close of luili'ss Aiik'uM 31, H7. KESOI'KCF.S Ixans anu discounts ?i":2.7!'l Is overdrafts, utiuirrd and unsecured.. 7t Konds tiui tm Hankintr house furniture an1 fix tures KjMI X Other real estate U.tittt 35 Current exienses and taxes paid :i,743 12 Cash Items.... 4kI 0. Due from national, state and private. hanks and hankers W,0."i! 4.1 Checks and items of exchange iHtl (Kt Cash , J4.41& 7 j Total !jct2,l70 -M LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in M,a0 00 Surplus fund.... ,ai,uu 00 Undivided profits jt.lov 14 Individual deposits sub ject to check 140.0i". 43 Demand certificates of deposit Z.7' M Time certificates of de posit VM.KA) Cashier's checks out standing s,.V.! 77 Due to state and private hanks and hunkers... . k,riKi 1" Total State or Nebraska. ' County ok Cass j .'-, 170 '".) I. T. M. 'atterson. cashier of the ulxive named hank, do herehy swear that t he aUive statement is a correct and true copy of the reMrt made tot he St ate Bank ijitf Board. T. M. I'attkkson. , ,, ., . J Chas. C. Pakmei.k. Director, .Musi. f j. I'attkkson, Director. Suhscrilieu and sworn to lefore me thislltli day of Septemlier. I7. - L. K". Hasse. Notary l'uhlic. I Seal My commission expires Wt. mli, 11. Miss Nettie Meisinger departed this evening for Pekin, 111., where she in tends to visit with relatives and friends for several weeks. Henry M. Long, of Murray and his grandson, Chester Schrader, of Hend ley, Neb., were visitors in the city this morning, where they were looking after some business matters. George Smith, of Rock Bluffs, ac companied by his daughter, Miss Nettie Smith, were passengers to Omaha this afternoon where they will lo,ok after some business. Mrs. L. Nelson and family and Mrs. J E. McCarthy and family were passen gers to Glenwood this morning where they will visit the Institute. Miss Gretchen Naigle of South Bend came in this morning and took the Missouri Pacific train for St. Louis, where she will visit for some time. Don't use harsh physics. The re action weakens the bowels, .leads to chronic constipation. Get Doan's Regulets. They operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE Plattsmouth State Bank of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Charter No. 7 I iicorporatcri in t lie st ate of XehrasWa. a) 1 " dose of liusiness Ausrust ill. I!t7. KESiM'UCES Loans and discount r2.4sr ts i verdrafts. secured and unsecured.. . l.iNi;i,:.'l Banking house, furniture and fixtures . 714 ."(' Current exienses and tases paid I.i"! !t4 Cash items ." !H Dun from national, state and private hanks and hankers ? 44.."mK 3 Checks and items of ex change ."04 si Cash j.i's !H Total Cash on hand ;0.:iH hi Total liV.Ti; 7 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Sw.tMiO 00 Surplusfuud ."H) ot 1'ndivided profits 3.K-3 I'D Individual tleiKisits subject to check ?7S0!'l is Demand certificates of de- ixisit l.lio (k Time certificates of deposit HMUJ 41 - W.VZi l Total li".77C 7s Statu ok Nebraska, .. Coi-ntt ok Cass t L.I. M. KoU'its. cashier of the atnn-e named hank, do hereby swear that the ntxive statement is a correct and true copy of the reixrt made to the State Bankiiii.' Board. .1. M. KOBEBTS. Cashier. it . i ' w- Nkwei.i.. Director. iiosi.( , j, i.AjTEK. Director. Suliscrilied and sworn to fietore me this 7tli day of August, l.7. U. H. Winpham. ISeall , . Notary l'uhlic. WHEN THE KETLTE SIHGS it's a siirn of coal satisfaction. Waist to hear the music In your kitchen? Easy order coal from this ullice and yard. The output of the Trenton mine the fuel we handle has no su perior anywhere, its equal in few places J. V, EGENBERGFR, 'PUflNE Haitsmouth No.22. . Hell No. 3 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA (fil. . 1S)I1Y &i MOM g SOME OF 0 Sanitary Carpets Mattings Ingrain 2 -ply Carpets Ingrain 3-ply Carpets Moquett Carpets Smith's Axminster Carpets Wilton Velvet Carpets Brussels Ca.pets A Question Solved A leading newspaper asked its reader to answer this question: "V hat is the ; foundation of success?" Among the hundreds of answers the following re- : ceived the prize: "Integrity, judge ment, stamina and health." This seems i to solve the question, but many claimed j that it is not in our poverto enjoy al- ways good health, but those of sound ! judgement know that Triner's Ameri- ; can Elixir of Bitter Wine, if taken in ; time, will keep their health and stength. ' These are absolutely necessary to those . giving all their physical vigor and men- tal energy to business or occupation:) they will notice that their digestive sys-j tern is the first to suffer and, soon : after, the whole body. To keep your j digestion and with it your whole system ' in perfect working order, you cannot j select a better remedy than Triner's J American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It strengthens the muscles of the diges tive system and brings the body to equilibrium, that is to the harmonious action of all organs. Use it in all mal adies of the stomach and of the intes tines. At drugstores. Jos. Triner, 799 S. Ashland Ave. Chlcego, 111. "Learning to Skate is a corker- Pa mele tonight. - J. E. McCarthy went to South Omaha this morning to look after the shipment of 700 head of sheep, which he pur chased yesterday and will send to his feed yards. He will return this evening and with his family will depart Satur day for their home in Fnfield, Illinois. Come to the Parmele tonignt. 60 min utes of fun, lOo. For Sale: 20 acres of farm land, 2 miles from Plattsmouth; 20 acres be- j tween Chicago and Lincoln avenue; 11 ; acres adjoining the city on the north- I west; 6 acres on Chicago avenue; 5 acres on Lincoln avenue; three Cass ; county farms, one of 200 acres, one of ' 90' acres and one of 46 acres, all im- j proved; a farm of 280 acres, well im- i proved in Garfield county, Neb., a bar gain at $35.00 per acre.; 320 acres of grazing and hay land with 60 acres ; under cultivation, near the Calamus river in Garfield county for $1800: a 640 i acre well improved ranch on the North Loup in- Garfield county for $25.000; ! lands to exchange for town property j and town property for land; 10 cottages in Plattsmouth with from 4 to 6 rooms j for sale at two-thirds of original cost, ! $o0 to HMjaown,. remainder in mommy, quarterly, or annual payments, and we ' have others. Call at our office for par ticulars. Windham Investment Company. Who read this are Kointf to buy a new carpet this fall, and to you and others that are interested in carpets, we will say this Our new carpets are bejinnintf ts, arrive and ue are getting them in shape as fast as we can. We have a good stock to select from and the tjuality is the very best that money can buy. We buy direct from the mills for cash, thus securing the lowest possible price. - It is a j,rreat pleas ure to us to show car pet knowing that we are in a posi tion to show yoi: a gnater variety of. patterns than' any carpet house it thjs vicinitv. It does not make any differ ence what you want to covr-r our ilo r with, we have it So let us figure with vu. Call up the carpet man. Inde pendent'No. 70, Bell 153. He will be right there to ive you the desired information. Tell him to rome and tal e the measure of vour room ;,nd oi v iil be -tire of a nice fit. Floor Oil Cloths Linoleums, in 6 wide Inlaid Linoleum Rus9xl2 in Brussels Moquetts and Velvets. M The "Stay Satisfactory'Range r, C A T LT D 7" OTT T A XT t A T T C V V J K. oLlL I rlllVIiN CC D f X lO, j j- fciy , Neb I'll - Kit. . IXTHE, I907 SEPTEHBER1907 5UN.I MONTUE5.WED.THint3J FRI. 5AT. 5530 rTTi yifrft OCTOBER- SUN. M0N. TULi WED. TUE.5DAY Grand file. cfritLal Paracte- WEDNE5DAY -u.t.. ftu . Loronarion ana vjrana tsai 1 - i FRIDAY NIGHT , OCT. 4. M-5AR-BEK i CARNIVAL , DAY5 a J YOU' 0 0 0 and 12 feet OTHER! It iUi:?. G233 THURS fRI. 5AT. NIGHT. OCT. 1.1 NIOMT, OCT. 6. rrkmk m -T X ' 0 - VvvvsP I 0 pleasant call. t