The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 08, 1907, Image 1

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Elmwood, Alvo and
in the Midst of
lias One of the Prettiest Parks in the Great and
Growing Nebraska.
Last Tuesday the writer took a jaunt
over the west iKrtior. of Cass county,
visiting several of the most beautiful
towns in our county, and also had the
pleasure of viewing some of the most
beautiful country that lies out of doors.
Tuesday evening we arrived at the
growing and prosperous little city of
Elmwood, where we put up at one of the
best regulated hotels in the county, con
trolled by that master of good fellows,
has. Hart and his most estimable lady,
,ne latter who is now sojourning in the
mountains of Colorado, taking a much
needed recreation trip. After a splen-
did night's rejiose in a most comfortable
bed room, creditable to cities much
larger and perhaps greater pretentions,
and a most excellent breakfast, we
started out on a tour of the town.
Our first stop was made at the estab
ment of that prince of merchants, L. F.
Langhorst. It was rather early for the
business men to get around, but we
found Lou at his post and all clerks be
hind the counters equipped for the day's
work. Mr. Langhorst carries a very
large assortment of goods, divided into
their proper departments dry goods,
clothing, boots and shoes, groceries and
provisions. The building in which he is
situated is disadvantageously arranged,
but we were pleased to learn that he
had purchased the opera house block
across the street, where he will soon
have plenty of room to spread himself
in a manner to show his goods properly
and as he justly deserves, as he is un
doubtedly one of the most successful
merchants in Cass county.
We called on our friend Dittman,
farther up the street, who also carries
a stock of general merchandise. He is
situated in a large and comfortable room,
and carries an excellent stock of dry
goods, clothing, millinery and groceries.
Mr. Dittman is a genial, wholesouled
gentleman, and we were pleased to learn
is enjoying a good business.
While up in that part of the little
city we called on our newspaper friend,
J. A. Clements, and as he was going
out to pick blackberries, we did not de
sire to detain him at such a propitious
time for that purpose. His foreman,
Mr. Clark, reported business very fair.
This was our first meeting with the lat
ter, and found him to be a very clever
We had the pleasure of meeting John
Geary Starks, cashier of the American
Exchange Bank, and who is one of the
enterprising citizens of Elmwood. Mr.
Starks and Mr. Langhorst are a whole
four-horse team within themselves, and
if the chautauqua, which opens up in
their beautiful park next Saturday, is
not a success, it will not be because they
have not done their duty in the direc
tion of making it so.
On Wednesday evening through the
kindness of Mr. L. F. Langhorst, we
had the pleasure of visiting the fine
residences in Elmwood, and also the
beautiful park in which the chautauqua
is to be held beginingon Saturday next,
and we were most agreeably surprised
to know that the little city could boast
of such a beautiful pleasure resort. We
can say, without fear of successful con
trodiction that it is one of the finest natur
al parks in the state. Already much
work has been done in the way of ar
ranging for the chautauqua. The prin
cipal pavillion will have a seating ca
pacity of 3.000. They have a dining hall
that will accomodate 100 people at one
time. Arrangements have been perfect
ed by which fresh cold water will be
conveyed to the grounds through under
ground pipes from the residence of
Charley Clopp, on whose land these
beautiful grounds are situated. No
teams will be allowed on the chautauqua
Murdoch Situated
Fine Country.
grounds proper, but excellent shady
grounds nearby have been secured to
accomomdate all teams free of charge.
No one need not fear of being properly
cared for, as these Elmwood people are
known for their liberality in caring for
visitors. Those who do not care to camp
on the grounds, rooms can be secured
at the private homes of the residents.
So there need be no fear on this score.
The parjv association is composed of
the principal citizens of Elmwood and
especially those who have the vim and
energy and grit to advance money, not
only to improve the park but also to se
cure the attractions and put up the
buildings for the chautauqua.
This is the first chautaaqua ever held
in Cass county. It is to be held in the
prettiest town in the county, where the
people are throughly up-to-date in every
thing, i They have one of the prettiest
local parks in which to hold these gather
ings, and are amply provided to take
care of an immense crowd of people.
Plattsmouth should send a large delega
tion to the chautauqua every day dur
ing its session. If you can't go to re
main the entire week, attend two or
three days, but if you can't attend but
one day go, and encourage the under
taking by your presence. Elmwood is
one of the pricipal towns in Cass county,
and we reiterate that it is the first
chautauqua ever held in the county and
should and undoubtedly will be a grand
success creditable upon the part of the
gentlemen who have the matter in hand.
Go, the Journal says, and take a day or
two of solid comfort at the Elmwood
One of the Prettiest Towns in
the State of Nebraska.
Situated seven miles northwest of
Elmwood, where tbe eye of man can
view the broad prairies with its growing
corn and yellow fields of shocked wheat
and oats, and in either direction fine
farm residences, well built bams and
the grazing herds of fine cattle, is Alvo,
one of the most beautiful little hamlets
in the great state of Nebraska. This
was our first visit to Alvo, and we were
surprised to see such an evidence of
thrift and prosperity among the people
of that little village. Beautifully locat
ed on the Chicago, Rock. Island & Paci
fic railroad, and right in the midst of
a very wealthy farming community,
no doubt accounts for its prosperous con
dition. The town proper contains several gen
eral mercantile establishments, hard
ware store, drug store, confectionery,
barber shop, livery barn, hotel, black
smith shop and one of the nicest little
bank buildings in Cass county. ;The
bank is one of the solid financial in
stitutions of the county, and is under
the management of a most gentleman
and efficient cashier, in the person of S.
C. Boyles, who greeted ye scribe with
open arms and a good-natured smile on
ins countenance. While we have met
Mr. Boj-les but once before, and as this
was our first visit to that beautiful lit
tle town, he took great pleasure in in
troducing us to the people, and through
whom the Journal's list at that postof
fice has been nearly doubled.
Among those whom we had the
pleasure of meeting were E. M. Stone,
dealer in hardware; Frank Tappan,
dealer in confectionaries and A. I. Baird,
the village blacksmith, all of whom are
proud of their beautiful town. Mr.
Stone is a son-in-law of Aunt Sabina
Kitzell, and a most excellent gentleman.
He not only runs a hardware depart
ment, but he also carries groceries and
provisions in connection. Mr. Stone,
we are pleased to learn, enjoys a good
We were also pleased to meet C. K.
Jordon and A. F. Skiles, two of the
early pioneers of that section of Cass
county. Mr. Jordon is a very prosper
ous and well-to-do farmer; owns several
good that vicinity, which he
has obtained through hard work and in
cessant energy. Mr. Jordon has served
as road overseer in his district for sev
eral terms, and one of the county com
missioners told us last Saturday that
the roads in his territory were the best
in the county, and that it would be well
for other road overseers to see how well
it is kept up. Mr. Jordon is the demo
cratic candidate for county commissioner
and his experience in the road business
shows that he is just the man for the
place. He owns and resides in a resi
dence in Alvo, and if he is the choice of
the people for the position, they can de
pend upon having a member of the board
who will always be on the elert for the
interests of the farmers of the county.
A. F. Skiles is a gentleman after our
own heart- a rock-ribbed democrat, but
a clever gentleman along with it. He
is the father of Judge Skiles, of Butler
county, and has grown gray in the ser
vice of his party. He has retired from
active farm life, resides in Alvo, where
he enjoys a comfortable home, with
plenty of this world's goods laid up for
the inevitable rainy day. It was indeed
a pleasure to converse with Mr. Skiles,
but of course perhaps we enjoyed his
company more because he yet retains a
warm spot in his heart for Old Mis
souri, the same as we do, because it
was many years ago his home.
Besides the many fine store rooms
and bank building, Alvo can boast of
many handsome and up-to-date resi
dences, that would be creditable to any
city or town in the land. Not only this,
but many of them are surrounded with
fine cement walks. The walks on the
main street are also concrete and the
crossings the same. This is another evi
dence of a prosperous and up-to-date
We cannot conclude this article with
out returning our most sincere thanks
to Mr. J. M. Campbell, who manifested
great interest in making our visit to
Alvo a pleasant one. He is the fortu
nate possessor of a handsome high-bred
goer and a fine buggy. In the evening
he conveyed us for several miles around
the town, where we noted many fields
of wheat and corn that had been cut to
the ground by the recent hailstorm that
passed over that section. With all this
there are many fields of wavy corn and
golden wheat shocks and stacks that tell
us that the people of Alvo and surround
ing country have plenty yet to "keep
the wolf from the door," and to spare.
The next morning when we were pre
paring to depart for Murdock, Mr.
Campbell drove up to the hotel with his
stepper and invited us to step into the
buggy and away we went to Murdock.
It was an enjoyable trip, through as
fine a country as a bird ever flew over,
and the cool morning breeze brought
roses to our cheeks equal to those on the
face of a sixteen-year-old maiden in the
enjoyment of excellent health. We owe
much to Mr. Campbell for his kindness,
and believe that if a man in the great
hereafter is punished according to his
deeds here upon earth, he will be safe
in asking admission at St. Peter's gate.
Another Pretty Little Town of
Considerable Importance.
The Journal man arrived in Murdock
about 10 o'clock, where Mr. Campbell
safely landed us. This was also our
first visit t the thriving town. Mur
dock, liko Alvo, is on the C, R. I. &
Pacific railroad, and is up-to-date in
many of its business houses and fine
residences. We were very much sur
prised at the beautiful surroundings.
Beautiful country and well-to-do far
mers makes Murdock quite a business
center, and the town can boast of sev
eral up-to-date mercantile establish
ments. We first dropped into the establish
ment of Martin & Tool, where we met
our friend, Geo. A. Leis, who is the
principal clerk in the store. We also
met Mr. Tool, the junior member of the
firm. Here we found one of the neatest
establishments of its character that it
has been our pleasure to note in the
great and prosperous county of Cass.
This firm carries everything usually car
ried by a first-class mercantile house,
such as dry goods, clothing, shoes and
groceries. Their building is large and
commodious, with the clothing depart
ment on the second floor. We did not
meet Mr. Martin, but if he is anything
of the nature of Mr. Tool, and his effi
cient clerk, George Leis, there isn't any
wonder in the success of the firm. They
are thorough business men and right
up-to-date in everything they handle,
besides being nice, clean gentlemen.
Langhors & Ruge is another mer
cantile establishment that would be
creditable to many larger towns. The
senior member of the firm is a brother
of L. F. Langhorst, Elmwood's popular
merchant and seems to have attained
many of Lou's business qualities, while
Mr. Ruge, whose former home was at
Avoca, is an exceeeingly clever young
man. These gentlemen have a large
and spacious room in which to do busi
ness, and are enjoying a good trade.
They carry a general line of dry goods,
clothing, shoes, groceries and such other
goods as are kept in stock by merchants
in towns the size of Murdock. They are
both up-to-date merchants and while the
junior member of the firm has been a
resident of Murdock but a short time,
he has made many friends by his genial
manners. The firm of Langhorst & Ruge
are enjoying a good trade as they justly
Of course we met our old friend, H.
E. McDonald. Harry has the only drug
store in the town, and keeps a neat
stock of goods in his line. Harry has
one of the finest little drug stores in
Cass county and is right up-to-date in
everything that usually can be had in
any drug establishment. He is a nice,
sociable gentleman, and is enjoying a
good business.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr.
Jacob Geohry, the village blacksmith,
who is one of the rock-ribbed democrats
of the town, and we were very much
delighted to make his acquaintance.
Mr. Geohry has been a resident of Mur
dock for many years and enjoys the dis
tinction of being one of Murdock 's best
Our stay in Murdock was compara
tively short, but we took time to call on
the Union State Bank, under the man
agement of Mr. P. S. Crink, a young
man who bears the appearance of every
inch a gentlemen, and were very much
pleased to make his acquaintance. The
Union State Bank has not been estab
lished at Murdock but a short time, and
the business of the institution is grow
ing rapidly. As a financial institution
the farmers around Murdock have great
confidence in it, and also the gentleman
ly and officient cashier, Mr. Crink.
We also had the pleasure of meeting
two rock-ribbed democrats Milt Moore
and William Law, both prominent citi
zens in the vicinity. Nearly every dem
ocrat in Cass county knows Milt Moore,
and they know him to be one of the most
genial gentlemen in Cass county. We
wanted to say that we had ridden on the
Rock Island railroad, and from Murdock
to South Bend was our only opportunity
to do so. But Milt Moore approached
us a few moments before train time and
suggested that he hitch up Mrs. Moore's
driving horse and take us across, and
would not take "no" for an answer, and
away we went across another beautiful
portion of Cass county, and arrived in
South Bend just before the supper hour.
Here we bid our good friend good-bye,
and here is where he had to take the
Burlington for home. We are under
many obligations to Mr. Moore for his
kindness, and trust that his "shadow
may never grow less."
At South Bend.
We had but a short time at the Bend,
although we remained in the village
over night. This was our first time in
the town, and it did not take long to
take in the business portion. It con
tains but one store, one hotel and one
saloon. We feel grateful to our young
friend, Jerry HcHugh, for the interest
he manifested in our behalf. We met a
number at the store in which Jerry
clerks, among whom were M. S. Zaar
and S. Long, the former for years a
patron of the Journal and the latter be
came one. Both of whom are excellent
gentlemen. We found Mr Hansen, the
saloon man, to be a gentleman in every
respect, and the people of the village
say he keep a very orderly house. His
countenance would denote that he is a
man who will look after his own affairs
and abide by the laws in every respect.
Exhibit Car at Omaha
The exhibit car was taken to Omaha
Thursday and is being dressed for the
trip to the east where the products of
west will be shown to the people of that
portion of the country. John Weyrick
and K. Barakram from the local shops
went to Omaha this morning where they
will make some slight alteration in the
car to accommodate some of the exhib
its which could not be shown to the best
advantage as the car was when sent to
H. D. Barr Files
Last Saturday evening, just before
the closing of the connty clerk's office,
H. D. Barr filed his intention of be
coming a candidate for the position of
justice of the peace for Plattsmouth
precinct, subject to the ratification of
the voters at the primary election to
be held September 3'
Death of Henry Spangier,
One of Cass County's
Best Citizens
After a long illness which was attend
ed with an almost untold amount of suf
fering, Henry E. Spangier passed away
at his late residence about three and a
half miles south of town Monday at
about six o'clock, of acute inflammation
of the bladder.
Mr. Spangier was born in Lancaster
county, Pennsylvania, March K, 1K.'55,
and was seventy-two years old last
spring. He has been a sufferer from
this last attack for about one month,
and the suffering has been so intense at
times that opiates have had to be ad
ministered in order that he could get
any sercease from the terrible ordeal
which had beset his pathway during the
last sickness. His relatives and friends
have done all that could be done to make
peaceful his last hours, as they have at
all times, but all that could be done was
only in the way of alleviating the terri
ble pain wich was a part of the malady
that at last claimed him for its own.
On February 6, 1859, Miss Mary Wad
el and Henry Spangier were united in
marriage in Pike county, Ohio, and in
1865 with his family, he moved to Platts
mouth, living in town one year. After
which he moved to the place where he
has made his home ever since.
Having gained a competence and made
provision for his family of children, he
with his wife, expected to move to town
where they could take easy the remain
ing days of their life, and he had pur
chased the residence in which F. M.
Richey lives and was to have moved as
soon as Mr. Richey had completed his
new home and moved into it. This last
sickness came and the consumation of
the plans for the spending the latter end
of his life with his beloved wife were
frustrated by the messenger of death,
which called him to a home more fair
and enjoyable than could be built by
mortal hands or conceived by the human
To. the union of this noble man and
wife were born eleven children, five
daughters and five sons, nine of whom
are living. One daughter, Mrs. Mary
E. Cole, wife of Ransom M. Cole, pre
ceeded her father to the other world
about six years, having died in 1901.
There remains to mourn his demise his
wife, the sharer of his joys and sorrows
for the many years which they spent
together, and ten children, Wm. Spang
ier of Weeping Water, Geo. A. Spang
ier of .Lincoln, John H. and Charles D.
Spangier of Murray, Mrs. Stephen A.
Wiles, Mrs. Joseph E. Wiles and Mrs.
Luke L. Wiles, living at Plattsmoath or
having that as their postoffice address
and living in the neighborhood just out
of town. There remains at home one
son, Edward, and one daughter, Miss
Elizabeth. The funeral was held
from the United Brethern church south
of the city Wednesday afternoon at 2:30,
of which he was a member at the time
of his death. Interment was made
in the Eikenberry cemetery.
Will Enter the Race
A letter received from Hon. H. D.
Travis of Plattsmouth, this morning by
E. D. Marnell of the News, states that
he will enter the race for district judge
on the democratic ticket. Judge Travis
is one of the strongest men in this dis
trict and will make a good race and be
elected by a handsome majority. He is
a clean, conservative gentleman and one
of the ablest attorneys in this part of
the state. The News is pleased to hearti
ly endorse his candidacy and realize that
the good people of both Cass and Otoe
county will look to their best interests
when they go to the polls in November
and cast their votes for one of the best
fitted men for the bench in this district.
Nebraska City News.
Improvements For Masonic Home
The state committee of the grand
lodge of Nebraska Masons met yester
day at the Masonic Home and decided
on the location of the addition which is
to be made on the Home, for which
there was an appropriation made at the
last session of the grand lodge of Masons
of $2(r,000, also the location of the
chapel was also decided upon. The in
tention is to build from the north end
eastward, eighty feet now, and later
eighty feet more and then build from
there southward, which would enclose a
court, and in this place they expect to
build the chapel. George W. Lininger,
who recently died gave $5,000 for the
erection of this chapel, and Mrs. Lin
inger was present yesterdaj as an
interested party as to how the funds
which her husband and herself gave for
this purpose were disposed of.
Strength Is Failing
A card received today from t tie bed
side of Mrs. Salshury, from her son.
Rev. Salsbury, states that the aged
patient is failing, and has been since?
last Saturday. With the age which she
has to carry, the continued warm
weather ami her long spell of sickness,
a complication is effected which it is
difficult to overcome. While we all
hope for the best, should she snreed in
convalscing, it will be a cause for
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wiles Nar
rowly Escape Serious
While returning from the funeral of
Nicholas Todd yesterday afternoon, Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Wiles had a very seri
ous runaway, which bruised them up
pretty badly and cut a gash in Mr.
Wiles' forehead just over his eye, which
required two stitches to close. The
horse which was being driven was one
which they considered very gentle and
safe, as the woman folks hail driven it
for a long time. It is supposed that a
bee or an insect of some kind bit or
stung the horse, and as they were driv
ing down a hill and had to make a turn
where the road was washed out, and go
ing at a rapid rate, the buggy crushed
when the bottom was reached and went
all to pieces, precipitating the occu
pants at the road side in a tangle of
broken wheels, shafts and other parts
of the vehicle. Mr. and Mrs. Wiles be
ing well advanced in years, and rather
heavy, the sudden shock bruised them
considerably and cut Mr. Wiles' face on
the jagged end of a broken part of the
buggy ko that the wound was closed
only by the aid of the surgeon's needle.
They are feeling rather sore this morn
ing, but thankfui that under the cir
cumstances the accident was not attend
ed with worse results. The vehicle was
completely shattered into pieces.
Mary E. Foster for Superintendent.
Miss Mary E. Foster Saturday filed her
intention of becoming a candidate for
the position of county superintendent,
subject to the ratification of the demo
cratic party at the corning primary,
September 3. Miss Foster is well qual
ified for the position, and if elected
would fill the place to the credit of her
self and the welfare of the patrons of
the schools in the county. School work
is her strong point and she is well fitted
by reason of natural endowments and
the training which has been her good
fortune to have.
Corn Prospecfs Good and a
Heavy Hay Crop in Sight
Division Freight Agent J. J. Cox ha
made his report on crop conditions to
August 2, for the territory under hi
jurisdiction. The report is a pleasing
one, showing the corn prospects good
and a heavy hay crop in sight, The
wheat yield has been fair. The oat crop
will not be a heavy one. The quality of
potatoes raised is excellent but the
yield is not large. Some few agents
on the lines of the Burlington told of the
need of rain, but since they made their
reports heavy showers have fallen over
the greater part of eastern Nebraska.
The report is compiled from report
made by agents at the stations on the
lines of road mentioned. Mr. Cox says;
Lines east of Lincoln and Schuyler
line Wheat harvest is all over and
threshing is is progress. Wheat in
averaging from twenty to twenty-five
bushels per acre, and generally is of
good quality. Some little wheat dam
aged on account of hail and heavy rain
but in most places crop is first class.
Oats are about all cut in the shock.
Some threshing has been done and yield
is fair. Corn is in good condition and
growing nicely. Some of it is tasseling
out and ears are starting. General
prospects good. Potatoes fair crop.
Will be about enough for local use. Are
good size but few in the hills. Soil in
good condition. Have had plenty of rain
fall in most localities during the past
two weeks. Pastures and hay land
good. Alfalfa is being cut the second
time and is making a good crop. Fruit
will not amount to much, except some
late apples.
A first-class well improved 1G0 acre
Cass County farm for sale. Inquire of
J. M. Leyda,
Plattsmouth, Neb.