The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1907, Image 7

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    Damages Being Repaired.
Kill Inn) il from second I'uirt.)
present. The walk in front of Perry's
restaurant is not repaired but will In?
noon, while in front of the Stadletnan
huildine? it is restored as before.
In the loss that these merchants have
sustained, and the hustle that they have
made in order to et things fixed up and
Koinjr Hain, is something that should
apIH-al to the customer who has money
to Hend, and to his love for the appre
ciation of the efforts that have been put
forth, and when they have purchases to
make, Kive these people an opxrtunity
to do business. Ilo not K to Omaha to
make your purchases where they have
fire and water Kds to sell you in corn
petition with the fresh up-to-date floods
offered by our merchants. Remember
the merchants here help make this town,
and tx om1 is their interest; they are
working for the betterment of the city
and community; and when they are do
inn; this, they are helping every one w ho
claims this place his home. They have
manfully taken this loss and are hust
ling for a better day for all who live here.
Now show them by your patronage,
that you appreciate their efforts, and
our town will be a by-word throughout
the state as a rustling o-ahead com
munity. Fred Osliorn. rM Cumin, .1. II. Marsh
and Frank Covrie of Lincoln, Ii. A. Wil
liams, M. L. F.vans and I. i. Kerr of
Hastings, all carpenters, came In today
to work on the rebuilding of the shops
at this j-oint.
Death of Mrs. Herman
The remains if .Mrs. John (5. Herman
arrived in this city last evening from
Ienver, where she passed away Wednes
day after a linerinn illness with con
sumption. The remains were accom
panied by her husband and their two
sons, and they w ere taken to the home
of Mr. Herman's sister, Mrs. Joseph
Warjra. where the funeral services will
be conducted this afternoon at 2 o'clock
by Uev. J. T. Iiaird. after which inter
ment will be made in Oak Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Lida Sage Herman was a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Htkrvey Sae and
a sister of Will Sae and Mrs. Ivan
Taylor. After her marriage to Mr.
Herman they resided near Uncle J immie
Hodert's, and he was employed in the
Hurlinton shops, until about four years
ajfo when they removed to Denver.
She was highly esteemed by all who
knew her. She was alxut years of
Lyda (Sae) Hermann was the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Safje
of this city; was lorn August :', 1870,
in this city where she was reared to
womanhood. Living with her parents
until March 24. lS-SS, on which day she
was married to John G. Hermann. This
union was blessed with five children:
Johnnie Lelioy. born January 1.
diet! July 14. l.vW; Everet, born April
3, IS'.; little sister. lorn October 24.
1S12. died November 2i. 1S92; Carl Cur
tis. lorn May 10, l'.'.'J; Iioy, born Jan
uary 1. 1!. died Janury 8, 1SKI-1. Be
sules a husband and two sons, a father
and mother, three brothers and one
sister. Mrs. Ivan Taylor of this city,
survive her. Lyda was loved and re
spected by all who know her. Mr. and
Mrs. Hermann made this city their
home up to four yenrs ago; moving to
Denver in the hopes of benefitting Mrs.
Hermann's health, who was suffering
from throat trouble at that time, where
they have made their home until her
death, which occurred on July 3. 1W.
Mrs. Hermann held a policy in the Met
ropolitan Life Insurance company of
New York.
Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind
piles yield to Doan's Ointment. Chronic
cases soon relieved, finallycured. Drug
gists all sell it.
For Sale.
A few good milk cows, by John Berg
man, four miles west of Mynard.
it's a sifcrn of coal satisfaction. Warn
to hear the music In your kitchen?
Easv order coal from this office and
yard. The output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we'liandle has no su
perior anywhere,' its equal in few
'DUnUC PUttsmouth No. 2i
A Square Deal
Is ansured you when you buy Dr. I'lerre'f
family medicines for all the Ingredi
ents entering Into them are printed on
th Imttle-wrappers and their formulas
are attested uiiiler oat h as being complete
and correct. You U now just what you are
paying for and that the Ingredients are
gathered from Nature's lalmratory, being
elected from the most valuable native
medicinal roots found growing in our
American fores OTswdjvh lie potent to cure
re perhTti harralYia to the most
delicate woineafcrfTidluTrtTr Net a drop
of alrrihol enters into thlr ronuHfsitt.,r
A much better aiti 1,1 is nse.i In'th" or eji
nUliy iiiiiL vivTVlnu trie meii, jrofl
iriui-it.Te iuwi u, them, via. imrc trim
rejln-l glycerine This agent posse
cate woiiiiNiji wTmldFe'll. N
Intrinsic memcliiai properties of Its own.
neitig a most valuable antiseptic and anu
ferment, nutritive and soothing demul
cent. (ilvrerine playn an important part in
, Dr. Tierce's (ilien Medical Discovery in
tho cure of indigestion, dyspepsia arid
weak stomach, attended by sour risings,
heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue,
' poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stom
ach, biliousness and kindred derange
ments of the htomach. liver and bowels.
Itesides curing all the alovo distressing
ailments. the "Golden Medical Discovery"
Is a specific for all diseases of the mucous
membranes, as catarrh, whether of the
nasal passages or of the stomach, liowels
or i-lvic organs. Even In its ulcerative
stages it will yield to this sovereign rem
edy if its use lie persevered in. In Chronic
Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it is well,
while taking the "Golden Medical Dis
covery" for the necessary constitutional
treatment, to cleanse the passages freely
two or three times a day with Dr. Sage's
Catarrh lleinedy. This thorough course
of treatment generally cures the worst
In coughs and hoarseness caused by bron
chial, throat mid lung affections, except run
nunption in its advanced stage, the "(iolden
Medical Discovery" is a most efficient rem
edy. esiK-cially in those olistinatc, hang-on
roughs caused by irritation and congest ion of
the bronchial mucous membranes. The " I ls"
covery " is not so trood for acute rnuehs aris
ing from sudden colds, nor must it le ex
Iierted to cure consumption In Its advanced
Hages no melii'ine w ill do that but for all
the obstinate, chronic coughs, which. If neg
lected, or badly treated, lead up to consump
tion, itia the best medicine, thai can betaken.
An Omaha dispatch yesterday after
noon stated that the Burlington railroad
would apply the two-cent passenger rate
between all points on its system within
ten days.
L. W. Wakeley, general passenger
agent for the Burlington lines west of
the river, with headquarters at Omaha,
said last night over the telephone:
"There is no truth in that story. There
is neither fact nor foundation in the
statements. The two-cent fare proposi
tion is just where it has been for sever
al weeks. We have no announcements
to make, other than that the despatch
referred to is false."
And the Papers Were Served
on Kim Tuesday.
Says the Lincoln Journal: "Rev.
Wilhert P. Ferguson of University
I'lace. against whom charges were filed
last week with Presiding Elder Kemper i
of the Lincoln district, returned to his
home yesterday afternoon from Chicago,
and during the afternoon was served
with a written r.otice of the filing of
the charges. It was the first official
notice he had received of the matter.
Kev. Mr. Ferguson started away about
a week ago on a month's vacation.
When he was in Chicago he learned that
the charges had been filed against him.
He returned at once to his home.
"The charges were filed with Presiding
Elder Kemper, but as he has gone away,
they have been turned over to Presid
ing Elder George K. Wright of the Ne
braska City district, who will conduct
the investigation. Presiding Elder
Wright was in the city yesterday after
noon and he personally served Rev,
Mr. Ferguson with notice.
Rev. Mr. Ferguson was communicat
ed with last evening but he stated at
that time he had no statement to make,
but would make one later. Although
the date for the preliminary hearing is
believed to have been set, no announce
ment of it has been made. ;Rey. A. C.
Crosthwaithe of University Place- will
conduct the prosecution of -the case."
Very Quick Work
Julius Pepperberg, when he found that
his tobacco was damaged by the flood,
immediately telegraphed to New York,
direct to the importer, for a new supply
of the famous tobacco of which the
"Buds" are made. Last evening he re
ceived an invoice of the shipment of the
goods, and as soon as he is ready to go
to work again, will have new, fresh to
bacco to make into the famous "Buds."
Knowing that he would have to have a
shipment made for future stock, he
made the best of the time, using the tel
egraph in order to have the stock here.
The invoice shows shipment of July 9.
Card of Thanks
To our many friends who have show
ed such kindness, and have done so much
to make the sorrows and grief, coming
from our loss in the death of our hus
band and father, more possible to bear;
and have rendered such assistance since
the death and at the burial of our loved
one, we wish to extend our most sincere
thanks and appreciation. And especial
ly to Miss Martha Rupely do we owe a
debt of gratitude for her incessant at
tention to our needs during our deepest
affliction. -
Mrs. Ed Grassman, Children
and Relatives.
The Democratic Central Com
mittee to Meet in Platts
mouth, July 20.
Notice is hereby given that the dem
ocratic central committee of Cass coun
ty will meet in I'lattsmouth at 1 o'clock,
p. m., on Saturday, July 2, 1507, for
the purjKise of consultation and the
transaction of such business as may
properly come up. It is very imiiortant
that every member be present, ami al
so all other democrats who feel like do
ing so. Under the primary, election law
it is very imtxrtant that all should un
derstand the manner of proceedure. Let
every committeeman insist on others
coming with him.
W. B. Banning, Chairman.
M. A. Hates, Secretary.
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
James Mason and family of I'latts
mouth, were guests over the -2th, of N.
Halmes and family. They were former
neighbors, and enjoyed every minute of
the visit.
Prin. John Opp of Avoca has conclud
ed to come out as a candidate for the
office of county superintendent. Mr. Opp
is the possessor of a life certificate,
which he secured at Fremonf. He is
new visiting different portions of the
c:utity getting acquainted with the
Mayor fjorder and family went to Col
umbus, Neb., to visit Mrs. (border's
uncle, John Kauffman and family, and
celebrate the 4th.
Mrs. II. I). Travis and daughter Helen,
of I'lattsmouth, spent the Fourth here,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs I. N. Wood
ford. Mrs. II. B. Wolcott, and Lloyd Wol
cott and wife leave this Thursday for an
extended trip to Ohio, Pennsylvania,
New York, and where the notion takes
Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Lane, on
Wednesday, July 3rd, a girl. Also, to
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Caygill a girl was
born last w eek, but the little stranger's
visit was only for a short time, death
followed in a few hous,
There were 252 tickets sold to Elm
wood passengers the 4th, but about one
third of the crowd got on without tickets
and occupied every inch of available
space from the steps of the coach to the
engine. As usual the Mo. Pac. prepar
ed for the crowed with their usual gen
erousity, and without extra coaches.
We Like This Kind
T. J. Hennessey, of Missouri Valley
Iowa, came in last evening, coming on
account of the report of the flood reach
ing him, and that his father-in-law, N.
Schultz, had suffered loss. Mr. Hen
nessey is an undertaker at Missouri
Valley, and comes to see what the con
ditions are of the father of his wife
after the waters have rolled away, and
to render what assistance he could in
the alleviating of his wants. This is the
kind of son-in-law to possess, and as to
that, it is the characteristics we admire
in relatives of any kind. When this
spirit animates the breasts of the people
we are arriving at that point where we
realize that all men are 'akin.
or THE
Of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on the
:50th day of June, lfOT.
First niortriife loans
. ..$sO..Vs !'l
... 5.ii73 Nl
Stock loans
I eliiMivient interest, premiflms and
tines dues
ther assets, Keyl estate contracts..;. .
3 25
2.5 44
t"uiet 79
Insurance and taxes paid and'ad-
va-ed 1.0a5 92
Tot al
Capital stock paid up.
Keserve fund
I'ndivided profits..
I Mvidemls declared
?7;i.740 00
tui Nl
2.:h: i;
17.142 !.
Total SiaHCC li
for the year endiwr June HO.
Halanre on hand July 1. HlKi
I Hies
Interest, premiums and tines
Loans repaid
Memhership fees
... II
Transfer fees
Ileal estate font raets
Insuratn-e and taxes il and ailvaiK'
I leliiKiuelit dues, interest and tines
... 1
ed 1.
. .?4t'.iHis n:i
H'k redeemed
Cash on hand
Ileal estate eontrai'ts
Insurance and taxes paiil and ad
vanced ...$2ii.l2 so
. . 1.M12 12
.. 1t;.4:i7 23
7s3 2."
1is5 57
s4r. r5
. 4fi.lXs 33
Cass County i ' " ,
I.Henry It. (ieriiitf. Secretary of the aliove
named Association, do solemnly swear that
the foi-eiroinp statement of the condition of
said Association, is true and correct to the
lest of my knowledire and lelief .
Henry K. Oekino. Sec'y.
I. B. Smith, f
C. A. Mak.shai.i, -Directors.
II. M. Soksvichskn.
Sulscritied and sworn to before me this 1st
day of July lit7. Thomas Walmxg.
Notary Public.
My eommissson expires, February 13, 1V13.
Classified -
Fine Stock and Grain Farm
I'or sale MO acres. S miles from good town,
i half smooth farm iaud. balance tine rolling
pasture land, lust of soil for all grains it ml al
, fill fit. n-rHim house, (rood barn, double cribs,
j liftl feet of c. title sheds, two jrood webs and
I wind mills, plenty of fruti. This farm Is real
ity worth double the price asked. Price for
I short time mil y l." r acre. Sieclitl reasons
i for selllmr VVrlte for our list of special har
j gains. Pi.attk V Al l I V K. K. .V Com. Co .
I Lcxlnjrton. Nebraska.
Ilest land bariralns In central Nebraska. Jjn
to ?75 r acre. Se'l your tine lilk'li-priced
farm and buy two just as jfood of us. in the
tireat Piattr V;illey. near the I'. P. main line.
A sample; :r,'il acres level valley land. IM
acres a Ira I fa. !i acres cult Ivated. rest pasture,
house, barn, sheds, chicken house, corrals, all
fenced. 4 miles from county seat. Will divide
this at iX. Write your wants or see us.
VanIIoh.n.V Tipton.
Lexington. Nebraska.
bill acres .'I miles from (J rami Island, all fenc
ed, all Krass. part alfalfa, rich soil. C(l tier
so acre farm west of (irand Island, house.
bam. ifranery. alfalfa. itM tier acre
Over "J! acre ranch In I fall county Jlo.llOO.
Write Hill & Huston. Crand IsIatid.Nt braska
4 wks
Choice Inside s Anpeles residence proper
ty for sale or will trade for eastern Nebraska
land. Kiiiht room house, all modern conven
iences, ten minutes from down town. located
tin one of the finest residence streets. Larsre
lot containing palms and tropical fruits.
Price l l.(HH). This Is not a trading property.
If interested and mean business, write for
photograph. KanImii.i-h Cahtek,
- wks I.e.vinKUiD. Nebraska.
1 lon't miss this. Do you want a jrood stock
farm? I have 4s'l acres only 6 miles from jr. md
town in Nance county. Nebraska, well Im
proved, into acres tillable laud, oalance rouirh
past tire land, stream of water runs through
t he fa rtn f urnishinir plenty of water for stock.
Price ,,f the farm is s40 per acre, jrood terms.
Have I2MJ acres of tine land III miles nori h of
( ha niiel. count v seat of Duel count v. all fenc
ed, no belter land In the state, is all level and
line jrrass. price 13 ht acre: have all kinds of
improved and unimproved lands oth in eust
ern and western Nebraska and Kansas. Write
for price list ami information.
.M. 1 1. Hain-ox.
Central City. Nebraska.
Best stock f;trm in Daxvson county. Sixteen
buildings all painted. First -class condition.
Fenced and cross-fenced. l.0 acres in wheat
aul i-orn. jrood alfalfa. 3 miles from county
seat. All line level land. Fine li i-i h I r I n m I .
Close lo s.-hool. teleilioii. line. Well worl h
r." an acre. Improvements cost over ft.'iotl.
Price f-iu per acre. Kcasonahh- terms.
I. K. Powki.i..
Lexington. Nebraska.
lMi-acre farm 2 miles from Lexington, no
improvements. ir acres of jtimkI alfalfa mead
ow. Balance of land in cul ti va tion and level
asatloor. in crop this year. Price s42 per acre
.1. L. .M i n li KM. IJkai. Fstatk Co..
Lexinjrtoii. Nebraska.
('40 acres of uplands. 2.iO acres under culti
vation. 7-room house, new barn for twenty
head, all fenced and crossed at only f 15 -r
acre for short time. .More jrood bargains.
Farmers are prospering here. Write or come
to see me. list. ( i Sll r M A.
lw Le.xinjrton. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska
County of Cuss t
In county court
To all liersons interested in the est alt'
Benjamin Kannard. late of said county.
You are hereby untitled that on the 21st day
of.lune A. D.. Ism". louis Kannard tiled his
IK'tition in the county court for the apiHiint
meiit of David .1. Pitman, as administrator of
t lie estate of Benjamin Kannard. late of said
county deceased, and that the same will be
heard at the county court room in the city of
Plattsmouth. In said county, on the 13th day of
July A. D. 1!H7. at the hour of in o'clock A. M.
All parties Interested in said matter will file
their objection to said iietition on or before
nine o'clock A. M. of said 13th day of July !'.m7.
or the court will srrant the prayer of said iieti
tion and trrant letters of administration to
DavidJJ Pit-man. or some other suitable er
son.auaLi'Oceed to a settlement of said estate
II a iivkt I . Travis.
M. Archer, County J udye.
Attorney. Iskai.I
Legal Notice.
The Nebraska Commission company, will
take notice, that on the l!thdayof June l;m7.
M. Archer, a justice of the peace in and fort lie
county of Cass and state of Nebraska, issued
an order of attachment for the sum of sI'.'.tHi,
in an action iiendintr liefore hlmwherein Oscar
Wilson and Richard Hale are plain! ill's anil the
Nebraska Commission company are defend
ants. That property of thedefendantsconsist
iny of money on dejiosit lias been attached
under said order. Said cause was continued
to the "ith day of Autrust t:m7. at i a. m.
Wilson & Hale, plaintiffs.
By Allen .1. Beeson. their attorney.
Joseph A. Bortenlansrer of (ilenwood. Iowa
hereby applies for the riant of a franchise to
install and oierate an elect ric system to furnish
lisrlit and heat and jntwer in the city of I'latts
mouth. also to oix'i ate a central heatiiur plant
Anyone having objections to the jrranlinjr of
such franchise may tile same with the city-
clerk on or liefore the sth day of July. 1".HT. on
which day the franchise shall lie granted at
the retru 1 a r council meetiiur.
Hknhy K. (iEKixu. Mayor
W. B. Klstek. City Clerk.
Walt Holmes at the Flood
Among the Havelock items in the Lin
coin Star of last evening we clip the
following: "C. W. Holmes has just re
turned from Plattsmouth, haviug been
there during the flood of Sunday morn
ing. He says he does not care to see as
much water again for a while and de
clares that he waded wTater neck deep
trying to get to high ground. "No per
son," said he, "can imagine the real
condition-in. which the : city found itself
a short time after the rain when the
waters rolled down the street in great
volumes. Stores were flooded several
feet and damage amounting to thousands
of dollars was suffered by the mer
chants." ,' .' v-'
We carry a large stock of Vic
tor and Edison gold-moulded
Records. Hear them free.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Final Notice
I n 1 he dlsl i li-l eiiiii t of ( 'tiss count
I he Mate of i luiisUu, PlallltitT.
The several parcels of land lun linif ter de
scrllied and all n rvin and i ih m n ut Ions
huv loir or claluiiiit.' I il le to or any Interest.
I i.lit or claim in or lo such pmeels of reu!
estate or any I'm t t hereof. I M-fendaiits.
Tract No. 302
To unknown heirs of K. II. Laton. deceased,
unknown heirs of W. D. Meiiiam. deceased.
A. K. A lexander and ( ieoi ve lehr ami wife,
now I .eoive l-ehr.
Notice is hereby M en I hat under a decree of
t he dlst rlct court of said county. M-nilereii In
t he st ate t a suit for t he year I'.'1!, t he follow -liar
descrlUil real estate sit uated in the coun
ty of Cass and stale of Nebruska. towll :
lt live (."). block t wo hundred and twenty
four (224). Platlsmouth.
Tract No.2SO
To Mrs. M. Slaughter.
Not ice Is hereby en t hut under a decree
of the district court of said county tendered in
the state tax suit for the year l!'4 the follow
ing uescrioeti reuiesiaie siiuaietl In I lie coun
ty of Cass and si ate of Nebraska to-w it :
Iit ten ( In), block one bundled inn I eleven
(III). Plattsinouth.
Tract No. 255
To Abljah Harris, unknow n heirs of S. N. Mer
riani. deceased, and A. K. Alexander.
Not ice is hereby t'i ven that under a decree
tif t he dlsl rlct court of said coin it y rendered in
the stale tax still for the year I'.mt the follow -ilU.'
desc i ll ed real est ate sit uated in t he cou li
ly of Cass and state of Nebraska, lo-w it:
Lot one ( I ). block one hundred and twenty
two !:.':.'). Plat I sun ut h.
Tract No. 481
To Frank Tomas and wife. Mis. Frank Tomus.
Not ice is hereby jriven that under :: decree
of the (list I Id court of said count y rendered In
the state tax suit for the year I'.m4 the follow -in).'
dcscrilH'd real estate situated in the coun
ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-w it :
Lots I hree and four ( .'i-4 I, block twenty tjn).
I bike's add it ion to Plat tsinoui h.
Tract No. 458
To unknown heirs of W. I . Merriam. deceased.
unknown heirs of K. II. Faton. deceased. A.
K. A lexander. Charley ll.Ciktaiil.
Not ice is hereby t'jven thai under a decree
of t he tlisl rict con it of said cou nt y rendered in
t he st ate t ax sii it forthcycur I'.m the follow
i nr described real est an- sit uated in t he cou n-
t V of Cass and st ate of N
braska. to-
wit :
. alditi
Lot two (-.'). hi
s), Duke"
to Plattsinouth.
Tract No. 449
To Bridget M.-F.t it
heirs of W. I . M.
A . F. A le x a mil r. u nk m w u
rriam. d ceased.
Not ice is hereby -rive u thai under a decree
of t he dist rid cou rt of said count y rendered in
tin-state tux suit for the year I'.m4 t he fol low
inj.' desc til h-I real est ate sit uated in t he coun-
t y oi ( ass and st a t e or Neb
Lot live (."l. block t hlee (
'asla. to-w it :
I). Duke's addiiio
to Plat tsinoui h.
Tract No. 354
To Frank Calle.v and wife. Mrs. Frank ('alley.
Nol ice is hereby j.riveu that under a decree
of t he dist rid court of said count y rendered jn
the state tax suit for the year l'.1'4 t he follow -iuir
dcscrilH'd real estate situated in the coun
ty of Cass and st ate of Nebraska, to-w il :
Lot s one a nd t w o ( 1 - J), block foil r 1 1. Yoiin;.'
.c Hays' addition to Plattsinoiuh.
Tract No. 335
To n nk now u hei rs of Thos. ( .union, deceased.
No! ice is hereby Ki veil 1 hat under a decree
of t he district court of said count y rendered in
the stale lax suit for the year Itm4 t he follow
hu; dcscrilied real estate situated in the coun
ty of 'ass and state of Nebraska, lo-w it :
Lol eit-'ht (s). bliM-k thirteen ( 111). Tow nsend's
addiiion to Plattsmouth.
Tract No. 254 J
To A. K. Alexander, .lames A. Donelan. M. W.
tireen. unknow n heirs of s. N. .Merriam. de
ceased, and F. II. Faton and his unknown
Not ice is hereby t'iven thai under a oectte
of t he (list rict court of said count y tendered in
t he state tax suit for t lie year l!u4 t he follow
ing descrilied i-al est ate sit uated in 1 he coun
ty of ( 'ass a nd st ate of Nebrask a. to-wit :
Lot ten ( lu). block one hundred and twenty
two (l'--.'), I'lattsmouth.
Tract No. 253
To (ieorjre F. Schrydcr and w ife. Mrs. (ieot-e
I". Schryder.
Notice is hereby jriven that under a decree
of the district court of said county rt iidcrcil in
t he st ate t ax suit for tin- year l'.4 t lie follow
ing descrilied re ill est ate sit 11 il ted ill t he coun
ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-w it :
Lot two (:.'). block one bundled and Iwenty
two( l:.')PI;it tsinoui h. Nebraska, were on t he Tl h
day of Novemlier, l'.m4. duly sold at ijublic ven
due by the county I reasurer of said county in
t he manner junvided by law and the iieriodof
redemption from such suf will expire on the
7th davof Novemlier. lviif.
Vou are furt her not iti d that the owner of I
the certificate of tax sale issued by the treas
urer will make application to the court in the
a'Kive entitled causes for confirmation of such
sale as soon as practicable after the jm-rind of
redempt ion has ex pi red aul you are notified
that the t ime and place of the hearing uihui
such continuation will be euteied in the con
firmation record kept by the clerk of said
cou rt on or liefore t he 7th day of November.
!!H7. You will examine said cof.fii ina' ion rec
ord to ascert ain t he t ime of such hearinjr and
may be present, if you desire, to make any ob
jections or show cause why the sale should not
lie confirmed. W. W. Cimtes
A .1. Bccskij. Atty. owner of Certificates.
Final Notice.
In the district court of Cass county
The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff
The several parcels of land hereinafter de
scrilied. and all persons and corporations
havnuror claimintr title to. or any interest,
ritrht or claim in or to such parcels of real
estate, or any pan thereof. I lefendants.
Tract No. 280
To Anselins B. Smith and Syluira K. Smith, hi
Not ice Is hereby jriven that under a decree
of the district court of said county rendered in
the st ate tax suit for the year l!m4 t he follow
ing descrilied real estate situated in the coun
ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit :
lot one ( 1 ). block one hundred and sixty-six
(It.). Plattsmouth.
Tract No. 283
To John Frederick, unknown heirs
Merriam. deceased, and A. K. Aiexi
Not ice is hereby jriven that under
of S.
a dei
of the district court of said county rendered in
the state tax suit for the year 1S4 t he fol low
injr described real estate situated in the coun
ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit :
Lot eijrht (s). block one hundred and sixty
si.x( lt!'i). Plattsmouth, were on the 7th day of No
vemlier. l;m4. duly sold at public vendue hy the
county treasurer of said county in the manner
provided by law and the jieriod of redemption
from such sale will expire on the 7th day of
Novemlier. Ism7.
You are further notified that the owner of the
certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer
will make application to the court in the above
entitled causes for confirmation of such sale as
soon as practicable afterthe iieriod of redemp
tion has e.xjiired. and you are hereby notified
that the time and place of the hearintr ujxn
such confirmation will be entered in the
confirmation record kept by the clerk -of
said court, on or N-fore the 7th day of Noviin
lter A. D. 1!U7. You will examine said confir
mation record to ascertain the time of such
hearintr and may lie present, if .vou desire, to
make any objections or show cause why the
sale should not le confirmed.
Allen. I. Beeson. I. P.
Attorney. Diunr uf Certificates.
Notice of Final Hearing
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
In t lie matter of the estate of Nicholas and F.l
len Trook. deceased.
Notice is hereby jriven that on the l tition of
the administrator for final settlement and dis
tribution, a heariiur will tie had at my office at
!i o'clock A. M.. July ti. l'.7. A. I .. by which
hour all objections thereto must lie riled and
at said time a decree of distribution will lie
Dated this S'th day of June. 1;7. A. D.
pealI By the Court.
Harx-kt D. Travis.
Byron Clark. Attorney. County Judjre.
Notice is hereby jjlven that John H. Schmidt
of the villajre of Avoca. Cass county. Nebraska.
has hied a petition on the 1st day of .1 uly. I!i,,
as reouired by the statutes of the state of Ne
braska and the ordinances of the said villaire
of Avoca. to sell malt, spiritous and Tinous
litjuors for the municipal year endinjr April .'to,
IK, in a buildinjr situated on lot live (5). block
thirteen (13, frvntinjr on House street in said
Tillage. L. .1. MabwCARDT.
illae Clerk.
Final Notice
In t he (list rlct court of Cuss ci mi lit , Nebi ask a.
The stale of Nebi iiska. Plaint I IT.
The sevetul loi l t Is of l iiid heielnufter de
s. rlled itnil hII im'Isoiis and i jm i ut Ions
hut liuf r clatiiilui.' I II lc to oi au Interest,
rithl or i laliii In or to such juticcls of n ul
est ale oi any full tin leof. I iifend ant s.
Tract No. 523
To WIJIIbiii S. Ise i.i.d wife. Mis. Mllhuis.
Not Ice Is hereby fc-l en 1 1 mt under a decree of
I he dlsl t lc com I of said count x t. iiil. n d In
I he st ale t a x suit for I lie eai I' . the follow
liur desc 1 1 bed real est ute sit u ale In I he count y
of Cass and slate of Nchtaska. lo wit:
lit foul teen ( 1 4 I. hi. k elc en (III, 'I In 1 1 1
sou's adilit Inn to Plat Mm .ml,
Tract No. 524
To ( hnrllf I-:. urd and w Iff. Mis. Charlie F.
Nol Ice is hereby ci eu t hal under a decree of
I he (list rlct cou ft of said counlv tendered In
the state tax suit for t he yeat l'i4. I he follow -injr
( lest-1 ibed real est ate situate In t he count y
of Cuss and st ute of Nebraska, low It :
lot fifteen, sixteen, se i-ntff u and f ii.-htffii
I.V 1 1 1 7- Is I, h4M'k - If -u ( 1 1 I. Thorni'sou' ad -
I II ion to Phil I sinoiil h. w ei e on the 1Mb day of
November. I'.m4. dul.v sold at imbllc enduebv
I he count v t reasii tei of said cou i it In tin- in nil -nerjirovlded
by luw and the m-i lod of ledeiiiii
I ion from such sa le w 1 1 1 e x i i e on I he in h day
of November. I!'7.
N oil are f u li her not Hied I hat t he ow tier of t lu
ce rt I Ilea If of I a x sa If Issued by I he I if usiirci .
will make aiil icat ion t o t he con 1 1 in I he a lx ive
enl il led cause for conli rinat Ion of said sale a
soon as jiract lea bit- it f t i-r t he cr!od of redeinie
thai has e x i t -l. a nd , oil are hei eh. not Hied
that thetime and lace of the heaiini.' iiimiii
such conlii inat Ion will hi- enlfti-d in the
conti rinat ion tecoi il ket bvthe clei k of said
con rt . on or bt fore t he IM 1 1 day of N o eiul ter. A .
D. I!H7. You will examine saiil i-onlii mat Ion
record to asccrt ain I he I ime of said hearltiif
and tna.v be present, if on desire, to make any
object tons ir show caiisi wh. the sale should
not lc continued.
A I len .1 . Iteesi n.
A I torney .
.). P.
lu net .1 (
I ' a i -i r it.
i t Hi. ale
Final Notice.
Tract No.
I n t he dist rict cou 1 1 of ('ass count.
Ni In ask
The M ate of Nebraska. Plaint ill
The se et a I pa I ce l i if la nil In 1 1 in:; f I er descri li
t-d and it 1 1 pei sons a nd cot pot a i ions h a i iil.' or
chiiminr tille to. or any inti-tci i ichi. oi
claim inortnsiich parccKof leal estate, oi
i anv part tlieieof. I it-p-i nl a ut
ii I To Henry II. Nelson. Mrs. IIciiia II. Nelson.
I il n k now ii hei is.i l i.ri s and ii.-n .is in in
! le test of said N I-., us. a. F. Alexamlei. Mrs.
.I.W. Shit key. .1 . . si i i i I, " . a ml ( has. Mori Is.
f Xeciltol s ot t i.f Will aillt lestaillflll of Klltb
( '. Merria in. deceas d. ami in 1 1 persons iiii-
k now n w ho ha e ii c a i in i.n intiiesi nilln
leal estate di'scrihei In-low :
Nol ice is hereby uix en I hat under a decree of
the district court of said county rendered in
t he si ill e t ii suit fol I lie , ear I '.'), t he fol low -i
ntr desc i i bet I rea I est al e si I ual e in I he ci in lit
of ( 'ass and si a! e of NcLrusk a. lo-wit:
Lot eleven (II). bl.H'k i-l;'hl -li mil l I. in t he
cit y of PI ill I sun ii. I h. v. as n t In- ; I h day of No
veniber. I!m4. duly sold at public einlui- by the
t he cou lit y I If as 1 1 1 et if sa id cou lit v i n I he in a n
tier provided b. law and t he pei iod of ledemp
t ion from such sa le w i 1 1 e pi t e on I he 71 h l;iy
of Novemlier. I!'7 .
Vim m. fill t her notitiid that the owner of
t he cert iticiili" of 1 ii sa le issued by tin I reas
ii I el w i 11 make itpp I icat ion I o I he court in I he
above ent il led cause for cont! rinat ion of said
sa le as soon :is pract ic;i I ile ;if i er t he iicriod of
redempt ion !ias ex pi reil. and uu are heteby
not Hied 1 hal t lie t ime it mi t dace of t he hearlnc
UP in such conli ruiiil ion will be enl e red in I he
continuation record kept hy the clerk of said
cou rt on or liefore the ;th day of November.
I!H7. Vii'J will examine said conti rinat ion rec
ord to ascei I ain t he time of said heiitiiurand
niii.v bt- pii'sent . if A'ou so desi i e. to make any
object ions oi' show ca use why the sale should
not he confirmed. Ih'Miv M. Siikxmi ii-kn.
'. net i if 'ei I ilicale.
Final Notice
I n I he dist rict court
f Cass county. Nebraska.
The SI ale of Nebrask
:i. Plaint ill.
The several parcels of land he teinaflcr de
scrilied ami all person and coriiorut ions
havinjr or cliiiiniutr title to o." any inteiest.
rijrht or claim in or to such parcels of real
est ate or any part thereof. I lefendants.
Tracts No. 881 and 883
To Fphriam B. Kid. I. II.
Nol ice Is hereby jri en 'hat under a deciee
of t he (list t id couit i if s a jd cou nl y lendend in
I he si ate lax suit for t he year P.M. t he follow
ing' descrilied teal est al e sji u a I ed ill I he cou n
ty of Cass and st ate of Nebraska, lo w it :
Lots i:';-'S".'-'.'A-.A in i he villr.fe of Louis
ville. Tract No. 907
To N. C. Cuiininirh.nn ( tiisl name unknown).
Notice is hereby jriwn t hat under a decree
i of the district court "f said county rendered In
I the stale tax suit for t he year P.M. the follow-
!inir i described tea I est ale situated in I he coun
t v tif ; and st a'e. of Nebraska, to-wit :
' Lot ((il'.') in the villat'e of Louisville.
Tract No. 905
To L. .1. I'exton (fiist name unknown.)
Not ice is hereby jri en that under decree
of t he (list rid c. iiirt of said count y ii-ndeied in
t he st ate t ax suit for l he year P.M. I he follow -injr
described rea I est ate si I uated In t he coun
ty of Cass and soate of Nebraska, to-w it :
Lot (1.17) in the v iliajre of L mlv i lie.
Tract No. 863
To Whitman Brothels.
Notice is hereby t--i x en i hat i.ndej- a necree ol
t he dist t ic cou rt of said county rendered in
t he state tax suit for t he year P.M. 1 he fol low -i
n jr descrilied real est ate - it u:i ed in t lie coun
t y f Cass a nd st ale of Nebrask a. to-w :1 :
Lot ( l.'s) in t he vi I lajrc .f Louis il le
i Tracta No. 9II. 9I3 and 9I6
To Tina H uber.
Not ice is hereby jrixen thai under a decree
i if t he (list rict ii iiiit of said con nt y rendered in
t he st ale tax suit for t he year l'.'"4. t he fol In w
injr descrilied i-ealestafe siiuaied in the coun
ty of Cass and st ate of Nebraska, to-w it :
Iits (t."i--'i;:i-ri."i4-i'i7ii-i'.71-'; in the villa-re of
Iouisville. were on the ;ith day of November.
P.M. duly sold at public vendue by the county
t reasmer of said count y i n t he in aimer provid
ed by law and I he iieriod of redemption from
such sale will expire on the !" h day of No
vember, lim?.
You are f u i t her not Hied t hat t he owner of I he
certificate of tax sale issued hy t he t reasii rer
will make applical ion totln- court in t he alovi
eni it led causes for continual ion of said sale as
soon as practicable after t he jH-riod of redemp
tion has expired, and you are hereby notified
that the time and place of the heariiur ui in
such conrirmat ion will lie entered In the con
firmation record kept by t he clerk of said con rt.
on or l-efore the !(th day of Novemlier. V7.
You will examine said confirmation record toast-en
ain the time of said hcarinii and may be
present, if you desire, to make any object ions,
or show cause why the sale should not lie con
firmed. .Iamk Staxokk.
D. O. Dwycr. Atty. Owner of Certificates..
Notice to Creditors
Statu ok Nbbkaska.
Cass Coi-.vtv
I n the mat ter of t he est ate of peter Peter-son,,
Not ice Is hereby jriven that the cicditorsof
said deceased will meet the administrator wit h
the will annexed of said estate, before me.
county judjre of Cass county. Nebraska, at the
county court room i.i Plat tsnxrit h. in said
county, on the tit h day of July. I : .7. and on
t he -Jt'pfh day of January. l'.'. at In o'clock A.
M.. each day. for the puri-ose of present Injr
t hei r claims for ex a m in at ion. ad just men t and
Six months aie allowed for the ur editors tif
said deceased to present I heir claims, anil one
year for the administ ratoj to set f le said est ate,
from the Ji.tii day of July. 1'.'7.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, t his i.thla.
of June. pt'7. Haiivey D. Thavi.
IsKAI.l on nt y Judjre.
Notice to Creditors
Statkof Nkbkaska. I
CAsS COt'.NTV. I ''
Intiiemattei of the estate t.f Sarah petrsruju
Notii-e is hereby jriven 1 hat the creditors of
said (le-eased will meet the administrator will
the will annexed of said estate, liefore me.
county judjre of Cass county. Nebraska, at tht
county court room in Plattsmouth. in. said
county, on the Sit h day of July. I!m7. and on
the -ith day of January. P.d'. at lu o'clock A.
M.. each day. for the purpose of Jiresentiiur
t heir claims for examination, adjustment and
Six months a re allowed for the r red! tors tif
said detreased to present their claims, and one
year for the administrator to sett e said estate,
from the day of July. limT.
Witness my hand and seal of said cjinty
court. at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this STtfc day
of June. 1M7. Hakvet D. Thatiji,
Iheai-I County Judjre.