12552S3JO P gLO fZtlSSSl JSSSD CTN, ii u j'kki'ai:!;!) in Tin; intkuksts or tiii: ri:orLi: or mi-kkav ANI) VI CI MTV KSl'KCiALLV I-'OIl Till! JOT JIN A L liKA DKl'S. If ii ,. ' f tin. f'tih.rs of Hit. .fi.n iikiI ki.t'H of ,, f-i,r','il tf nt in, W ir tint nil ' nt.i of in'., ri.vf. ijiliior J,ii, (".'. ii.i:i of iiit'.rtsf in lhi. cirinit ' '? nt(i ,1 xn :itc to ojlici; it iriil ,i)p'.nr i,:nl,,r thi. linnliiiij q Department Murray ! 1 Ski L I r J 12). ro We want the people of Murray and vicinity to tin U i sland that this bank was established for then" con venience and that we render ever service, consistent with joort banking, to the community and especially to our patrons. We have lire and burglar proof -vaults, in addition to which we carry ample insurance. The responsibil ity ami individual wealth of our stock" holders are lar in excess of our deposits and every means is taken to safeguard the money ami interest of our depositors. Don't think' you are too poor to have a bank- ac count the man on dailv v.atrc.-. or small salary can derive nrotx rtionate! v more benefit from a ban! connection than a wealthv man can. ikui! $ Kern em be r A .-') don't iVci i rt M u tnat u e are l:iv hesitanev ier- to accommotiate u :bout calling on us j .John Cook, o;n-p.j,ular harness dealer j is .siilicring with a severe attack of the j !iium; this week. i Dr. Urendel went to Omaha with j Mrs. Linta McVey, where she under I went an operation as will he seen else where in this issue of the paper. Mr. and Mrs. (Ilen Uhoden are rejoic ing this week over the arrival of a new ha by boy at their home last Thursday. Both mother and child are doing nicely, and (ilen is the happiest man in all these parts. Mrs. Albert Queen who has been in the hospital at Omaha for the past few weeks, returned home last Friday. She is recovering rapidly but is still very weak and it will be some time before she fully regains her health. Miss Grace Fenn, a young lady of Omaha, but (juite well known in and ..car Murray, died m I'hoer.ix, Arizona. o;i iast Saturday, ar.d was buried in Wyoming on T'.-e-dav. Miss Fenn was a niece of Mr. i-.vA Mrs. Mont Kobb. visits in thi:; THE WHITE GLOVER BOOT! aj a niece of ?.Jr. i-.vA 2v: 9 ! ar.d has made numerous i Dr. Eier.de! and fr.miiy hvj the roi:d- est pc-i.ple in this part of the country, vast cau?e Several Head of Gaiiie Die From Ealing Si Dr. Barnes was called to the home of Miles Standish last Friday to see some cattle that were sick, and Mr. Standish was unable to determine the cause. Several head had previously died very mysteriously, and Miles thought it was about time to call in someone who could tell the cause of their death. A few weeks ago the. Journal cau tioned the farmers to keep their stock off of fields ef white cloer, as there were many cattle dying from the effects of eating it. Now, we have an incident closer to home. Dr. Barnes says i he white clover did the work, ar.d he thinks it a good idea to again caution the farmers. Several head of M Star.dish's cattle were afflicted when j Dr. Barnes arrived at his farm, and he El n l 0 ls the most useful article for traelin you ever saw. Our full leather, linen lined Travcline liaesare use ful for short trips and ti carrv with von on a Ion one. Ladies find these very u-eful on a lon trip, anil men find them indispen.-ible either on a lonor a short trij. r i' anil we believe thev have- found Miles considera'';k- wc-rried. MURRAY, WSBRAKft J! their beautiful Murray home. The j t:ut i house- has just been treated to a new j I coat (f raint. and. can trulv be classed i 11. C. Bon ast Saturday. J. W. Kdmunds made a D'.mb.u- Tii'jrsihiy. .i k i!au.v::s was in : car f h.'.;s Tues.'.ay. J. A. Walker and wif !..;:(!'. visitors Tuesday. C. ('. I'armeie ar'd Je iere l;".s!!ios.- Ttai-sdav. vas a I'lattsmouth visit.u- -J ' b business trio h Stor.e of Mehawka, w; , and. also : i t Business trio to Plattsrr.ou acie tioned him to in. the hite clover. future be I . - ,i? . i . . . . . . . l ' .i. r i i ! j. ls h"re ! o':e ei ti:e i'ifu:fsi i:: tiiis pti L tne couniv. of .aha ith del:" Lewis ; It m if-. was !o4 were Flat tw itter seme ; Mrs. James Lou.xhride, who lias been ir. Mil ford for the past two months ta!:?n;,- treatment at the hosjital, re turned home M-.n.dav fetdir.ir irreatlv 1! th:.- i.usiness matters in Omaha Tuesday. Sam Fitman and Ora Davis shelled and :i;arketed their e rr. t!;is week. I'ni le Tom Smith of 11 ck B'.uli's h.as ecn (iU'ite sick for the j.a-t few weeks. Mrs. A.-cli is enjoyin.ic a vNit frt.m a number of Omaha !:;Jv fr!e;u!s week. ; sai.l t'aat most eveiy ho lv ':v:i r.ouse atlv..".e on the F , ear. . i. 11. St.;ne and Mrs. F of Neliawka. were v:s'tii '-j; . y rric::.0 M-vA:-:.. - tie Hutt htso.- !t keif tl:i Levi F.u..ttiha":tz went down to Burl-inyte-n Junction,, Mo., last week where ht will take a course of treatment at I tr.e popular tr.ir.eral spnr.rs. Mrs. lienry Lou.iT. who has for thc-par-t week bee: visiting with her daugh ter out in Furnas county, returned home on Friday of last wee!:. She re ports a very pleasant visit. j I take pleasure in announcing" the j promptness of the Royal Hiprhlnnders in j settlhur the claim of my daughter's i death. They acted with p:-omptr.ess oavd. Mia E. j Miss Eva Allison returned home from j Guiherie, Okla., luesdav, where she has been teaching school for the past winter.' She will remain at home for the summer vacation and return in the fall. Miss Allison has taught several terms in (lutherie, and the best recommendation for her success is that she has been em ployed for the coming term. urtn ! :!ftt-r the meetir.ir f the a i.'. AinwJV Xer Mc' ;as. Uali in Murr ? ;f;:s. v : her .1 :d wife f Iiaz7.ard.Neb., - a i v" ihivs ajr" visii nds. der-arted Tucsdav !irouu"ii ivau.-.as. wnere T NEW HOOLHOUf A Su it Care ;vr;otiier cn vesiient a; trie to iiae '.vith yen on a trip. Vj'i would be .-urpri-ed at vhat vou can car-v in o'-.e o: thi-e. We l:ae the : est. ::- fi:!i cov-hi'ie Suit Case. Ask- to . t n-.1.1 ;- i e: iter .:. . ..i:-:ju::!s . . (. Bn.vv:: : .c:' ;;::i:i.- a!ters;i:.e ii:.m.c-s ; ma L- : ' ' i'.:. i-i t;-e ct:r.t .-.. r. i raa.y. - I :aie i ... Bvnsop. of IlaiZr.rd a::;! thev were here : :i::ess and jilcasure trir. i:e , ".-.MTieCi I ':i MS t j on a J i i We submit for your considcrcixon trie following stetisticak.! Box Butte County Land at S10 to SIS per Acre A vt-i : li::-.i:t-!s ;.rr Ari f,.;- l:th'. Corn 27.5 Wheat IS. 7 Oats 35.6 IJarlcv 32.7 Rve.'. 27.0 Alfalfa 2.7t 1'otatocs 9S.0 peltz 35.0 Wild hav 1.0 1 8 Cass County Land at 573 to StSQ per Azrj Averaire Mus'iels w Acit for '...' Com 37.0 Wheat 16.4 Oats 2S.2 Barley 25.0 Rye 20.0 Alfalfa 3. St Potatoes 80.0 Speltz. 23.9 Wild hay . .1.5 Ics Cream Social. The camp of the Modern Woodmen of America of Mynard will give an ice cream social at their hall on the evening of July f. A nice time is expected and preparations are being made for a large crowd. All are invited. OB, G. H, GiLMORE Physician arvel Svirgeon Prc;::pt Attention to All Calls D. C. Rhoden UYEnY AND FEED STABLE Good Ti:r:i-outs arid Prompt Attention is Our Hobbv GIy2 Us c CnH District Ho. 7 Voies $1,800 for That Purpose i The parents of district No. nave sending their HARNESS John Cook Boss Harness Man Get My Prices Before Buying- evidently got tired children to school in shell that is hardly suitable to stable I horses, and at the annual meeting re- j cently held voted to bond the district ! in the sum of :1,S'.'0 to build and fur- r.ish a new house. There was onlvi three votes against the proposition. j The Journal is pleased to learn that this j district is to have a new house, and we are also pleased to note with what uni nimity the voters declared in favor of it. There has been talk for some time of condemning the old she1.!. District No. 7 is one of the largest districts in v. ass county, anc: ac present nas one or i the poorest (if not the poorest) school houses in Cass county. W. ZT. Dull. George V. Shrauer and ing committee, weand understand they will proceed to erect the new house immediate-!;.- and endeavor to have the same in readiness before co!d weather again arrives. In the judgment of the Journal there are three things essential to a commu nitygood roads, good school houses av.d churches. Some of the more ener getic farmers of district No. 7 have been dragging the roads to some ex tent, which has done a great deal of gooci. itn a httie more sucn work, together with their new school house, they can boast of being right up-to-date. trip ai'M lotx'i" cioti.es :.'tr. r.ot t: alonr w itlintit a trim;:. V- h;n ctiV hot and at the most rc'iM- O: anv Ii nr. Jicn yo;; ncl rea:y :o talcc-vi.:r in and id u. lit vou out. J rave lint; 1! !;1 lllr T t county. :) coir.e $l.).(!i i ru v. Ii! risatiquariefs lor Trunks, afs5 14 STORES (Si.,-c:al C( WAGONS UUGG1KS BliENDELL & BBENDELL Physicians and Surgeons Jill Calls Promptly Attended to In addition to the foregoing comparison of the producing qualities of the respective counties: of Box Butte and Cass, all garden truck is grown very suc cessfully many new crops unknown to Eastern Ne braska are grown in Box Butte county. Are you fair minded? If you are, 3'ou cannot but be convinced that we are offering you the ONE great opportunity to buy this land at the present cheap prices. If you return dissatisfied, you will be the first of a very large number who have recently been on the ground and bought. Our customers are the best ad vertisements we satisfy them all each gets a "square deal" and are pleased with what they hy they wouldn't buy unless they were. Mr. Anybody; here's your chance! Buy a quarter section of tbis land now and make more money dur ing the summer on the increase in value than you'll make at home working hard every day. Do it now! Four inches of rain has fallen in Box Butte coun ty in the past ten days that means big crops of small grain. This land is going fast don't wait go now! LESS F. HALL, Murray. State Bank, Murray, Nebraska U. S. Land Co. 203 Neville Blk, Omaha, Nebraska HOLMES & SMITH Tfio Big Corner Store) Always carry an up-to-date line of General Merchandise Get their prices on all goods before buying Pitman 6c Davis Hardware and Implements Buggies and Wagons Lightning Rods A Most PJeasanl Affair. The following account cf a social event that occurred at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Nickels on Thursday, June 20th, which came sev eral days ago, and should have appeared in the weekly edition .of the Journal last week, but was mislayed. The event was given in honor of their cousins, the Misses Ethel and Lucy Owens of Kan sas City, Mo. : One of the most enjoya able features of the clay was an ele gant dinner consisting of all the good things imaginable, which had previously been prepared by the hostess, and to which it is needless to say all did ample justice. The afternoon was spent in music and social conversation, and pass ed entirely too quickly for those present and when the hour of departure arrived it was with considerable regret that the guests repaired to their various homes. Those present were: Mesdames Rob ert Good. George Kay, R. R. Nickels, Frank Albin, Misses Bertha Nickels, Elizabeth Oliver, Edith Albin, Esther Ray, Lucy and Ethel Owens, Mrs. J. D. Wordeman, Leigh, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Nickels and family. 1. r.rc) has een C. S. STONE 'fnctnrp Spnblk Of, Hayes Gssiiiner DENTiST OF OMAHA IN MURRAY 1st AND 3d WEDNESDAY Qf EACH MONTH At the office of DRS. ERENDEL & EEIENDEL Married By County Judge This morning at about the hour of 10 o'clock occurred tho marriage of Mr. James Tilson, aged 21, of Murray, and Miss Grace L. Rice, aged 18, of Ne hawka. County Judge H. D. Travis pronounced the magic words that bound them for life. Both parties are and have been residents of this county for many years, and have a host of friends in southern part of the county where they are best known. The ' companied them. Mrs. MeAlian. of Omr.h visiting at Chas. Loveil's. V. B. Porter ti-.d wife were in Oma ha the first of t'r.o wee!:. Mrs. J. C. Cummin? has been visiting the family of Will Richardson. Jesse Perry, First District Sunday school superintendent wa? out Sunday in the interests of Sunday school work. There is to be an ice cream social at the M. V. A. hall at Mynard, Saturday evening, July f.th. A good time is ex pected. Come. Mrs. J. A. Kiseris visiting her mother, at DesMoir.es. Iowa. Thayer Propst and bride have return ed from their wedding tour through the mountains ar.d are preparing to live at Mynard, for which we are all giad. Herman Thomas, too!; a day o.T from his railroad work ar.v! went to Wabash. Will Streight, wife and little daugh-! ter, were visiting at Will Richardson's Sunday. 1 The Royal Neighbors organized a camp at Mynard last Saturday evening, j A good time and a successful meeting i was reported. Grandma Calkins, we are pleased ti learn, is feeling somewhat better, she having been under the doctor's c::re; for the past month. i John and Lo. Valkry went to Oma- : ha Sunday. A cleansing, clear!, cooling, soothing, ' healing household remedy is DeWitt's ; Carbonized Witch Ha;:el Salve. For, burns, cuts-, scratcher-., bruises, inset! bites, and sore feet it is unequal -?d. I Good for Piles. Beware of imitations. Get DcWitt't;. It is the best. F. G. Fricke Co. Burjington Mi'ssge Books Ine Ivr.i iingto;- now has on s.-de l.("0-rr.:!e '-bearer" mileage books. The new state law rnkes it mandatory hat all railroad-? .--eli these mileage books on and after. July The book, like the Northwestern, is good in the hands of the hearer, for any number of i eri (.?;. Mrs. Ed Dor.at -..;d children departed this afternoon for Schyler, Xt-b., where they will visit with friends fr a few I wt-;;. Sold by j I J. McCreary, of Percival, Iowa, came in last evening and stcr.ped over right on his way to LaPlatte, to spend the Fourth. I Opportunities That Will Not Last I FOR. SALE: -The following prop, erty; payments S20 to S25; bivl- ance S10 pr month: A six-room cottage in tine repair vmiii .. iv- iui ud a l-aif $800 A ti.erof.n; cottage with city a(tr, in good repair ith brick tarn and other l improvement $875 A good four-room cottage vi tii two jot 57CO A IIlc live room cottage wit It one Jot. city vsater. .$725 Two good nve-ioorn cottag e vv i tK lot and hai.e cac'i near the shops $8C0 One nine-room house w;t.l; of,a acre of ground and improvements $200 One six-room cottage, one acr of gr t.nri $6C0 On'.- l;v. roo:i' cottage with four lots $650 Five, six, tcti nr.: twenty acre improved tracrs for sale: one Jourth down, rrcainder in sums to suit purchaser Trices furn ished at oJoC. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY i i t".jrr rwn.r ?