ALL HAIL r PE-RU-HA. STOMACH CATARRH. 94 1 .-wsss.-.-. s'y'-sssSjtf' n am. smmtxi Mary OGrien Mien Mary OM'.rien, VH', Myrtle Ave., lin-okly n, N. Y.. writes: "Peruna cured me In five weeks of catarrh of the stomach, after buffering for four yearn ami doctor ing without effect. In fommon with other grateful oncii vlo have been lxneflt' by your discovery, I say, All hall to Peruna." Mr. II. J. Ueiuicm-iii, Oakland, Neb., writes : "I waitrl befor wrttinR to you aront my sii'knps, catarrh of the stomach, which I had over a year ai;o. "Thc.'e wre people who told me it would not stay cured, hut I am sure that I am cured, fr I do not feel any more ill effect 4, have a Rood appetite and am jret t i hit fat. "So 1 am, and will say to all, I au cured for Rood. '1 thank you for your kindness. "Peruna will be our house medicine hereafter." Catarrh of the stomach i aim known in common parlance a dysjiepsia, s?as triti.s and indigestion. No medicine will be of any permanent benefit except it removes the catarrhal condition. . Nervous Debility. Miss Irene Smith, 10 Minnesota Are., Handle Highland, Washington, I). ('., writes : l'eruna cured me of catarrh of th- head and stomach and nervoiM dehili ty from which I suiTered for two year." Meets With Bad Accident Will Kuhne, whose home is at Elm wootl. awl who is employed by C. H. Warner, met with a very serious accident last Saturday evening, which came near proving fatal in its consequences. It seems that Will was driving along the road and another team coming up be hind him, frightened his horses which became unmartageble and ran away, throwing Mr. Kuhne out of the wagon dragging him for some distance before he became disentangled from the fright ened horses. When he was at last disen tangled he was in an unconscious con dition ami had numerous bruises all over him. The left arm was broken and the left foot badly bruised and mashed, and a long cut which required five Btitches to close, behind the right ear. One of the horses was somewhat injured, and the harness was broken. Will, who was eighteen-years-old, was brought to town by Mr. Warner and Dr. Livingston reduced the fractures and the patient was removed to the Plattsmouth hotel, and Louis Kuhney was delegated to care for him, as Mr. Kuhne was suffering from the effects cf the injuries and the drugs which had been given when the operation was in progress, ami it was thought that he should have an attendent. Mr. Kuhney who had been working hard, dropped asleep for a moment and Will got up and walked out and went to the home of his employer, Mr. Warner, where he is at this time, feeling pretty sore from the effects of the injury. The bites and stings of insects, tan sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are re!ie.ed at once with Pinesalve Carbo lized. Acts like a poultice and draws out iuflammation. Try it. Price 25c. Sold by Gering & Co. NEBRARKA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY : POSITIONS FOR ALL WHO EXCEL : Indorsed by everv bank and business man in Ne braska City. The To land Schools are noted for the success cf thsir graduates in hitfh grade positions. Send for Prospectvis DO IT NOW! Address NEBRASKA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Nebraska City. Nebraska PLATTSMOUTH'S I SELF nlACE MEN i j Mm ; I t-.i jtifii! niorv i:. May in the I year ti.cii- -stepped oir the train at i thin plac- a crei-ii ditch youth, ju.-t :. j tcring into manhood, with :i' knowledge ' of the way things were !n:i'.' i". America ! and no capital, except :. disposition to work anil an aiiniitlo'i to maKe a Home, a fortune and a life of success all his own. To t his green dulchman. nothing glowing offered, but what was at hand he accepted with a hearty thank you. in the shape of driving a delivery wagon for Peter .1. Hansen, w hich position he occupied for four years. During this interval he learned to speak English, and became acquainted with the way thing-) were done here. Peter Hansen sold his store and went west, and our dutch friend. Melchoir Soennichsen, stayed with the new firm, Bauer & Wohlfarth. for another year. In 1S87 having saved some of his hard earned money, he went in partnership with George B. Lehnhoff, buying out his late employers, and this marked the begin ning of business for himself. In this capacity, as had been his practice at all times, he was a hard worker, always clever, courteous and always keeping his thinking machine in good running order. This partnership continued for one year when a new partnership was formed with M. Shirk, and they built a five-cornered store room where the A. O. U. W. hall now stands, and after two years sold the same to Henry Zuckweiler and E. P. Lutz, under the name of Zuckweiler & Lutz. During the next four years he was out of busi ness but during this interval he was al ways a hard worker. This period covered the last years of bar ! times, which began in 1S'.):3. In 1 Melchoir bought Henry Hempel's coa! business and moved the yards to their present location. In 18'JT, a new parhr.ership was formed, whereby he consolidate'! his coal busi ness with that of the A. H. Weckbach grocer, and the firm became A. H. Weckbach & Co. In this partnership Melchoir conducted the coal part ot the business during the day, and helped in the store in the evening, always doing his portion of the work, and al w ays will ing to do so. In June I'J )4, Henry Weckbach was taken sick and after a short sickness died. Melchoir conducted the business, now having to assume entire charge of both places, but shortly after the death of his partner bought the remaining interest. Since then he has conducted the business himself, look ing after lioth places. In 192 the many friends cf .Mr. Soen nichsen induced him to become a candi date for city clerk, and after the smoke of battle had passed, it was found that he had been elected by an overwhelm ing majority. Two years later he was re-electei almost without opposition. 5 . ' mm -.';4--;.''-". Henry M. Soennichsen So efficier.tlv and faithful:v did he dis charge his orF.cia! duties thathis frier.ds insisted upon his car.iida.y for the third time but without ava!i. He refused to serve longer. Four years ago he was thi democratic candidate for the office of county clerk and only needed ten otes to secure for him the coveted prize. And here we offer you a result of what can be ac complished by simply keeping at it, working away, and using your earnings and what is of more consequence, your intellect to good advantage. We are glad to number H. M. Soennichsen as one of the factors which is making Plattsmouth the best city of its size in the west. Dilapidated Sidewalk Causes Fall A Matous. while walking along Sixth street, between Rock and Marble yester day, caught his foot on a loose board which tripped him throwing him to the ground, striking his face on the edge of the waik, cutting and bruising his face and r.ose in a very pairfnl manner. The board was loose and in walking near the edge, the board Hew up causing the ac cident. It would not take much to make a gord concrete walk, and pro perty owners are carrying a very heavy risk when they do not look to the mat ter of keeping the walks in good con dition along their property. Man Zine Pile remedy comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where soreness and in carnation exists. It relieves at once blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Get it today. Sold by Gering & Co. 2 I 1 WELL DESERVED The Praisa that Comes From Plattsmouth People. j (::e kiili'.ey reif.i-dy never fails. Piatts j mouth people re! upors it. That remedy is linan s Ki!t:cy I l lis. riaiwiiouin testimony prove it always reliable. J. i:. Pat ridge, living "ii Eighth street, bet ween Oak and Locust streets, Plattsmouth. says: "I never before had any remedy that did me so much good as Doan's Kidney Pills, which I pro cured from Gering & Co.'s drug store. Uefore using them I was pretty nearly broken down with my back. I could hardly straighten and suffered almost constantly from pain across my loins and kidneys. My first experience with this kind of trouble dates back a long time ago and I believe I know what misery and torture kidney complaint brings. At times I have been so crippled up that I could not get around without the use of a cane. The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills did me so much good that I got the second box. This brought me out all right. It did the work thoroughly There is no expression I can give that overestimate the value I place on Doan's Kidney Pills." Eor sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Injured While Boarding Train. Last Saturday, Newton Russell, in company with some more of his friends and neighbors from across the Big Muddy, wa3 in the city until rather late and essaying to board a train in the yards missed his footing and fell under the wheels of No. 20, a train passing through here for Pacific Junc tion at about ten o'clock at night. Engineer Julius Neilson, who came as near witnessing the accident as anyone, says he was on the shop lead track and had received a signal from night yard master Reynolds, to pull down to the station after the passage of the freight going east and that he saw the man run across the track and as he ap proached the freight train, throw up his hands. As Mr. Neilson was on the right side of the engine he crossed to the other side and looked to see if he could see where the man had gone. He saw him throw up his hand again and go down. On the passage of the train, he went behind his engine and found Mr. Russell lying in the middle of the track with one foot broken and the other one crushed. Had Julius not have took pains to go look, his engine would have passed over the unfortunate man, and we would not now be record ing the accident as it is today, but a one of far more grave consequence. The unfortunate man was picked up and taken into the station where his in juries were dressed as best they could. Afterwards he was taken to the home of a relative living in the south part of the city. Yesterday a brother-in-law-took him home to Pacific Junction. Boy Drowned The following was received by Mr. Lester Burrows and hsnded to us for publication: Lester Burrows: Please k'eep look out along bank of the Missouri river for the body of Harry Price, drowned in river at Sioux City, June 17th. Age 14, light hair, blue eyes, slim build, dressed in black" shirt waist and knee pant Wire information. E. G. Dilley, Sheriff, Sioux City, Iowa. Another Pretty June Wedding Miss Anna Jochim, who is well known ro the Journal peaple, and a daughter of our old friend, Stephen Jochim, was united in marriage with Mr. George Vogler, on Wednhsday, June 26, 1907, and the Louisville Courier gives the fol lowing particulars of the happy event: "A very pretty wedding occurred Wednesday at I o'clock at the German Lutheran church, three miles south of Louisville, when Mr. George Vogler and Miss Anna Jochim were united in the holy bonds by Rev.H.Baumgartner. ."The groom wore the conventional black and the bride was attired in a beautiful white taffeta silk dress, trim med in chiffon lace and applique. "After the ceremony a sumptuous din ner wa3 in readiness at the home of the bride, of which about three hundred relatives and friends partook. The groom is a son of Peter Vogler, a well-to-do farmer, and the bride is the highly esteemed daughter of Stephen Jochim, also a well-to-do farmer. "They were the recipients of many beautiful and expensive presents. The Courier extends congratulations." The bride is a very beautiful and ac complished young lady, and the Journal congratulates the goom upon his wise selection of such a ladv for his wife. and trusts that their pathway through life may be strewn with the choicest of flowers. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from the blood. Try them for rheu matism, kidney, bladder trouble, for lumbago, and tired worn out feeling. They bring quick relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures constipation Doan's Regulets. Ask your druggist for them. 25c a box. Red Sox Redeemed. The players f Pa Schneider's led i Sox team redeemed themselves last Sat Thankflil I urday when they defeated the Townsend I Gun club of ( )maii;: by the score of 1-1!. ('apt. P.ixuit" Heatheiington. tried out a new name, wh for a new player at third. Moore by played very satisfactorily man. Droege, the reliable center fielder, and Micin back in the left garden, took everything in the lly line. In the second inning Moriarty. the visiting pitcher, tool; a hot one from off the bat which knocked a couple of fingers out of place on his right hand. The Red Sox had the game won from start to finish. The score: RED SOX AH R H TO A II SB Schneider rf T 2 0 1 O 0 U Wilkins p 4 2 2 4 .5 0 4 Fitzgerald c 5 2 4 14 1 Heatherington lb. 5 0 2 12 o 1 4 Butler ss 5 0 0 2 5 1 0 Micin If 5 0 1 1 0 0 4 Ramsey 2b ...... 5 :$ 1 41 li 5 Droege cf .! 2 0 3 0 0 2 Moore .'Jb 5 12 0 I5 1 1 Total .42 12 12 25 15 7 2! TOWNSEND GUN CLUB AB R H PO A K SB Winslow lb 4 1 0 7 0 4 0 Dangherty )h 4 0 0 0 3 1 1 Eastman p G 0 1 6 3 0 3 Shestak cf 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 Moriarity p 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 Quigleyc 4 1 0 1 7 1 1 Young If 4 0 1 I 0 0 0 Plaste 2b 3 1 0 2 0 1 0 Learrf 3 0 0 111 2 Total 33 3 3 24 13 8 7 Earned runs Red Sox 6, Omaha 1; Base on balls off Moriarity 1, Eastman 2; Left on bases Red Sox 9, Townsend Gun club 3; Two base hits Moore, Fitz gerald; Struck out by Wilkins 3, Mori arty 3, Eastman 4; Double plays Butler to Heatherington; Hitby pitcher Plaste, Wilkins; Time of game 1 hour and 42 minutes; Umpire Ballance; Attendance 150. The Second Game Yesterday afternoon the team sojourn ed across the "Big Muddy" where they had quite a tussle with the "web-feet" at Pacific Junction. The Junction team had strengthened themselves with a new pitcher and a left fielder and removed some of the weaker players, and let the visiting team know that they had to play ball. Graves pitched an extra fine game. While he did not succeed in striking out so very many men, his hits were scattered so that they were not very effective. Moore made three errors but not one cost a score, but these were easily executed on account of his being forced to do a barefoot stunt. Droege had his batting eye with him and out of four times to bat secured four hits, two of which were good for two bases. Capt. "Biscuit" did fine work both at bat and at first base, as did Billy Fitzgerald who caught a fine game. Graves, the reli able, pulled the Sox out of several holes when the bases were full and a hit would mean a score. On the whole they play ed an excellent game. The score: RED SOX AB R H PO A E SB Micin If 40 1 111 0 Schneider rf . ... 5 0 1 10 0 1 Wilkins 3b 5 12 2 11 1 Fitzgerald c 4 2 2 2 1 1 0 Heatherington lb . 5 1 3 10 0 1 3 Graves p 4 1 0 3 4 1 2 Butler ss. 4 0 0 0 3 1 0 Moore 2b 4 2 2 2 1 3 1 Droege cf 4 1 4 2 0 0 4 Total 33 8 14 23 11 7 12 PACIFIC JUNCTION AB R K PO A E SB Collins c 411 06 1 0 Anderson p 5 2 2 5 5 0 0 Mulicay lb 5 1 2 10 1 1 0 Reed 2b 5 11 2 2 1 2 Delashmutt 3b ... 5 1 1 131 0 More ss 5 0 1 4 0 1 1 Crippen If 5 0 2 1 0 0 1 Waile cf 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 Allis rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 Total 44 7 12 25 17 5 4i Earned runs Red Sox 5; Pacific Junc tion 4; Bases on balls off Anderson 3, Graves 0; Sacrifice hit, Butler; Two base hits Heatherington, Fitsgerald, Droege (2), Moore (Red Sox), Ander son, Allis, Delashmutt; Struck out by Graves 3, Anderson 5; Double play3 Graves to Fitzgerald to Heatherington, More to Reed to Mulicay; Hit by pitch er Allis, Anderson; Time of game 1 hour and 30 minutes; Umpire Minner of Glen wood; Attendance 200. In Police Court For hearing in Justice Archer's court this morning were the cases of James Jones, Bert Elege and Arthur Jacobi, all charged with fighting and disturbing the peace. The two former with being drunk. James Jones pleaded guilty and was assessed a fine, while Bert Elege pleaded not guilty and his trial was set for the fifth but afterwards he changed his pleas to guilty and was assesed a fine of fifty dollars and costs, as per the fine of James Jones. Agreement was made that they should work on the street at $1.75 per day, al lowing one dollar to go each day to live on, and they to board themselves. Arthur Jacobi, showed that what he had done in the matter was in self defense and that he had tried to avoid the fight ing, he was discharged. A Very Successful Social At the pleasant home of Mr. arvl Mrs. Eddie Todd, five miles north of the city la.-.t Saturday was held a most success ful ice cream social. There were about two hundred there and even oncof tho.-,e two hundred were enjoying themselves. The social was given for tin- purpose of securing funds to make up for a deficit in the .-.alary of the minister, and the ones who had it in charge were very successful, as $30.15 was realized as the clear results of the social not counting the worth of the good time which every one present had, ami which cannot be estimated. Those who worked to bring about this much desired result were Mr. and Mrs. Todd and the entire family of Will Baker, w ith the assistance of other members of the Christian church. Frank Benfer Injured. During the noon hour today intersection of Sixth and Main as he was riding south, having at the streets gotten on the horse in front of the Hotel Riley, Frank IJenfer was thrown from the ani mal and very severely bruised, although no bones were broken or internal injuries inflicted. The horse was not the gentlest, though thought to be gentle enough, and Mr. Benfer had gotten on him with out a bridle, having only the halter Frank had gotten on the animal at the corner and had not gotten across the street, when the horse pitched and threw him off, he lighting on his face and shoulder sliding along over the pavement. Dr. J. S. Livingston dress ed the wounds and bruises and made the patient as comfortable as he could, but he will not be entirely free from pain for some time to come on account of the accident. A Benefit for St. Mary's Guild UTicc-u FfV-l .jL'i.J ..oov-o -...v.. nie-.- '"--jr by local talent will appear at the Par mele theatre in the near future. Mr. F. Marsh, of the Cleveland Leader, will act as stage manager. Through the influence of Mr. Marsh, Miss Dovey has secured permission from the well-known playwright, George MJ Cohen, to head the entertaining bill with his fetching one-act play, entitled, "The GoAernor's Son." The crowded houses which have al ways greeted the Misses Dovey at home fully expresses their appreciation oftheir splendid worth and the announce ment that the pronounced favorites will appear again gives the home folk3 an opportunity to manifest their delight. A Wind Fall That nice refreshing breeze which sprang up late yesterday after noon, picked up a ladies hat from its resting place on train No. 2 of the Bur lington, as the train was going over the river and wafted it afar out over the bosom of the "BigMnddy" and as hovers the twilight over the departing day gent ly deposited it on the swiftly running water. George Mann, who was below the bridge, a in boat, immediately went after it, but was not able to secure the "Dream" until he had gone amiledown . ... , and tram were making time towards . T x-ii-u i eastern Iowa. Now do not be surprised at any new style of masculine head- J gear. . Get Uniforms An Indian was seen to board the fast mail this afternoon for Omaha, and in con-ersation with John Nemetz, he said i that he was going to Omaha to secure regalia for a team that the red men are ; to use when they transform pale faces ; into redskins. When the uniforms ar rive we may expect to see one of those conper colored sons of the forest behind : , i v a c -ji every uiet: 01 ruse uumi. j.ow uie iiiniu people had better stay in after the moon goes down or take Herpicide. Has Finger Poisioned Engineer E. B. Thrall has been having some trouble with one of his fingers lately, which resulted from being poison ed, whether from the bite of an insect or otherwise is not known, but the finger wa3 verv sore and had to be lanced. n., , . . i sT TL ..j . 1 hOUgh very painful Mr. Thrall did not Stop work, as it was a Very busy time won as practicable after the period of redemp f ' j j Hon has expired, and you are hereby notified with the engineers The finger is im- proving nicely at present Brought Back a Shaft Jimmie Jones, the horse trainer, took ouv Frank Benfer's young colt yester day o train it and in about an hour afterwards came back with one of the shafts of the cart which he was using. The colt having gotten away with the cart and was not to be found anywhere. Immediately he started out again to look for the horse and during the night found it and with the exception of the experi ence and the costs of repairs everything is in as good shape as before the train ing went into effect. Have a Merry Time Sunday The Sons of Herman had a merry time Sunday at a picnic given by the members of that order in the pleasant grove of Theodore and Wm. Starkjohn, at their home some six miles northwest of town. There was a larce number of oo-oU from tKo citv- o-n-r uV-rt nln from 1 r, 1 , . 7 J rrV V 7 ! the rural districts, lhev had games, refreshments and a general good time. Heartache and inn-;tinatinn rlisnnnear suc" confirmation will te entered in th neaaaene ana constipation disappear popnrmation m.orti ket y,y the CPr of when Dade's Little Liver Pills are used. aiJ court, on or liefore the 7th day of Novem . ., , . tier A. I). 11V7. Vou will examine said confir- They keep the system clean, the Stom- , mation record to ascertain the time of such ach sweet. Taken occasionally they j keep you well. They are for the entire They are for family. Sold by Gering & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice I .. ..-. iic V M. i .ill. I. f. ii. Urn' Vi.ii 1 1 1 i .i l.- i. .1 1. I h:ii on i he Mill .Ii v of Inn.'. I'm.'. .Itill;i M. I all. . 11 1 nl ! 't . Iiiirin. til.. I In-1 im-i II !..ii In I In 1 1 1st I ! 't .' I ..f ;i,-. Co; i n iv. Ni In ask a. u.-alnsl sal. I .1. 1. ii.linl . tin- ol .'i' I nml it ii i-i of h !-i Is to si'i'iiii a ilrrrvii of lioii'f riimi sal I iii'fi-iiiiiitl 1 1 j ii t ti v i .ii ml l ivtriiiic i'iinl;y ami m m -sn tumil . a m I I sin- Im- i est oral 1 1 1 1 In i ma 1. 1 - ii innu on a o- o-.j ii I ri'.l 1. 1 a lis wit sai.l I 1 1 It n on or l.ili .i i- tin- :.-.n 1 1 iia v of .1 ii I . I .1 1 l.i Mil All.. I'll1 Ml I If. Legal Notice Not l. i- is In ii l. l'I i ll I lial al I In- Ii. in- of I I o'clock. A. M . on i In sth ilay of .Inly. A.M. I'.nr. In I In- old if l In- county jii.Ii- In I tin i oil It In mi si- I ii t In- i-It y of I I it 1 1 slm nit Ii. In i 'x-v, count y. Net nasi, a. u In-a rl mr 1 1 1 U hail on I till H I I 1 1 1 ' u 1 ion of N anccy I.Uil.'li lo iiimmiIiiI Will. I;. Iiavls as ailinlnisl ralor of tin- i-slalc of Harvey M. Komisavcll, ilei enseil That ul Hiilil I line iv l.len.e will lie hi-a nl on su hi a I iil leal Ion ami If not contesteil sal.l Hlll.'al Ion will I hi alloweil ami t In sal.l Win. K. I'avls uiniIiiIhI us such ailinlnisl t utor unit l. i lets of a l;iilnl -i-I rat ion Issue. I to him on sal.l esl ate. l'ateil .1 uiic I -tli. I'.mT. Iskai.I HAitvr.r l. Timvii .Icsnc I.. Knot . A I loriiey. t 'oinity I u.Jifi!. Final Settlement STATU or M. Hi: ASK A. ' I'as-i 'on nl y, I " I II I lie ina! let of t lie est al e of Mary Minn in ! farmer, ilei-easeil. ! A II H-rsi)iiM nt el esl eil In ali I est ntc a in hci'H- hy not itit-il I hat a lieai liuf will li-e ha. I in final , sell lenient In sal.l estate on the lilh ilay of : July. A. If.. r.7. at II o'clock A. M . at llni county court room at I'lal I siiiout h ; t liat all oil -' Jed ions lo the allowance of the final re tort of ,111c ailmlnist ralor anil the tlllon llle.l hy ! sai.l in I in in 1st ralor In- tileil In count V court, on I or In-fore 10 o'clock. A. M., of sal.l ot Ii i:iv of .Inly. l'.oiT. or the iirayer of I he H- It Ion will Ixt krranteil ami sal.l reiMirt tiasse.i ami aiirovil ami the ailmlnist ralor ill-harifei. Iskai.I llAiivtcr It. Tkavih, Win. I H-IesI ternier. Att'y. Coiinl y I inlifn Final Nolice 1 Tract No. I li I he dlst rid court of ( 'ass con nl y, Nelu a-ska. The Staleof Nebraska. Plaintiff, vs The several parcels of land hereinafter ili-i -scrilicd ami all iM-rsons and corporal Ions i ha v 1 11 or claiming til le to or any intere-Mt., I rhfht or claim In or to su.-li parcels of nia.1 estate or any part thereof. I tefeiidant s. i To Michael I la tin In and unknown heirs of John I'ltJL'eral.l. deceased, owners: : Notice Is herehy iti veil that umler a ilocreii of . (heilislrlct court of sai.i county rendered in the st ate tax suit for t he year l'.4. t he follow ing descrili-ed real estate situate in the county of ("ass and st ate of Nebraska, towit: I)t seven " in block eiirht y-clirht !) In I ho city of IMat tsmotit h. was on the "th (lay of No vember. l'.K)4. duly sold at public vendue by t ho county t reasuier of said count y in the manner I provided by law and the iierlod of redemption ! from such sale will expire on the 7th (lay of Novemlier. 1;7. You are further notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale Issued by Hie t re an il re r will make ai! i.-at loll to t he con it In t.hii alxive ent It led cause for continual Ion of said sale as soon as pra.-t icalile after the period of redempt ion lias expired, ami you are hereby notified that t he time and place of the hearing upon such continual ion will be entered In tho confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court on or before the 71 h day of November, I'.W". Vou will examine said coiitlrmaf Ion rec ord to ascertain t he t ime of said heat inif and may lt present, if you so desire, to make any objections or show cause why the r,al should not be continued. IIkniiy IC. (jmiiMl, Allen J. iJeeson. Attorney. Owner. Final Notice. Trad No. iJii. I n the dist rid court of Cass count y. Nebraska, The State of Nebraska. Plaintiff vs. The several pa reels of land hereinafter describ ed and all iicrsousami coriorat ions hnvintc or claiming title to. or any interest, rltflit or claim in or to such parcels of real estate, or any part thereof. Defendants. To V. S. Wise, owner: Notice is hereby ifiven that under a decree? of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year l;4. the follow ing described real est ale sit uale In the county of Cass and st ate of Nebraska, to-wlt : Sub lots one and two (1--) of lot fourteen (14) in Porter place addition to Plattsmouth wis on the inh day of Novemlier. IW4. duly sold at public vendue hy the county treasurer of said county in the manner provided hy law and tho Iieriixl of redemption from such sale will ex pire on the tHh day of Novemlier. r.)7. Vou are further not i tied t hat the owner of tho cert ideate of t ax sale issued by the treasurer. i will make applicat ion tothecotirt in the alnivn ! em it led cause for confirmation of said sale an soon as pract icalile after I he p-erl.wi of reilermi- ; th.a expired, ami you are hereby not itie ! lti:if t'f1" a'1 "la,T, f ''"'' "' j such confirmation will In- entered in tlm con tit-mat ion record kept. iv the clerk of : court, on or he fore the lit Ii day of Novemlier. A. 11.1117. l on will examine said confirmation record to ascertain the t ime of said hearing and may he present, if you desire, to make any objections or .show cause why the sale should not lie confirmed. Allen J. I'.eesoll. H K V it V I i B H NO. Attorney. Owner. Final Notice Tract. No. i:4:.. I n t In- dist rid court of Cass county. el)' The .-late of Nebraska. Plaint vs. The several parcels of land liereinaf'.er J- scribed and all pers havinir or claiminif tit ins ami corporations itle to or any intnfst. riifht or claim in or to sm-h parcels of real ' est ate or any part thereof. I lefeixiarits. i To Nellie .-coU. owner. i Nol ice is hereby sflven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in I the state tax suit for the year 1 .. the follo-w- inir descrilied real est ate sit u ate in t lie cou nt-y 1 of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit : Lot twcti, block forty-six 4ii) in the city of Plattsmouth. whs on the 7th day of Novem tier. I'.W. duly sold at public vendue by thii ; county t reasuier of said county In t he manner ' provided by law and the jieriod of redemption i from such sale will expire on the 7th day of Novemlier. l'.7. I Vou are further not ified that the ownerof the; certificate of tax sale issued by the t reasu rer ; will make application tothecourt in the altovrt entitled cause for confirmat ion of said sale, as that the time and place of the hearing urxin sucii conni mauon win oe eniereo in liic con firmation record kept by theclerk of said court on or liefore the 7th day of Novemlier. l'.W7. Vou will examine said confirmation record to ascertain the time of said hearini-r and may lie, present, if you desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not lie con firmed. llt.Mlr K. tiEKINO. Allen J. Beeson. Attorney. Owner. Final Notice. Tract No. -Jii). In the district court of Cwwinty. Nebi a-ska. The State of Nebraska. I'laintirT vs. The- '.everal parcels of land hereinaf lr de scl in-d. and all jiersons and corporations havvnirorclaiminir title to. or any interest, riirht or claim in or to such parcels of real state, or any part thereof. Iefendants. To M. P. Sundell. owner, and C. H. tilover and M. K. Mortran. niortiraees: Notice is hereby t'iven that under a decree of the dist iict court of said county rendered in t lie state tax suit for t he year 1:4. the follow ing descrilied real estate sit uate in the county of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lot twelve tl-' in block one hundred and seventy-two (17J) in the city of Plattsmouth, was on the 7th day of November. I:i4. duly sold at public vendue by the county treas urerof said county in the manner provided by law and the iieriod of redemption from sucii sale will expire on the 7th day of Novemlier, l:'7. You are further not Hied that the owner of the certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the above entitled i cause for confirmation of such sale art soon as practicable aftertiie iieriod of redemp tion lias expired, and you are hereby notified that the time and place of the hearin-? uDon hearing1 and may be present, if you des:re, to Ynyobj tions or show cause why the sale should not lie confirmed. Beeson. Hbnrt R. Gerino. Owner Attorney. f - 77