The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 30, 1907, Image 3

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bcL to JUCE eth
r v V . .Vk4' i . W ,
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3 T
15 gallons of water '.'J
heated to the point Oi ij
boiling, while breakfast ,1-
is cooking. When water
gets too hot reservoir
can be moved away
from firejy shifting
the leaver shown.
Where prsssurs water is usai
this malleable iron fin-extension
water front, which has more
heating surface than any
other, supplies abundance
of hot water to
all parts of the houss It takes the
place of reservoir. Ii. $
. ij&i
rr ;-!
We heartily invite our friends to call any day during the above mentioned week and we will demonstrate
the superior qualities of the
OOewBOajesiDcliSalllleable amid
hanrcoal hon Inlsuniges
The MAJESTIC MALLEABLE and steel range as formerly turned out by the Majestic people has been considered throughout the
country a3 par excellence, and far ahead of any other range made. Hut with the NEW CHARCOAL IRON RODY in place of steel,
making it double its value, and the fact that it is the only range in existence made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron, you can readily see
that ir quality is considered, the Majestic leads by a big margin. WE WANT YOU TO CALL at our store during next week, and let
us explain this new feature: CHARCOAL IRON BODIES: let us explain why it is the best meterial for range bodies, and incidentally
why it is not used cn other ranges. We want you to call if you intend to buy or not, as the information gained wiil serve you in the future
Hot Coffee and Biscuits Free
Come any day during this week and have buttered hot biscuits and hot coffee. Baked biscuits
on a Majestic in three minutes while you wait.
Handsome Set of Ware Free
With every range sold during this demonstration we will give absolutely FRICB one set of Ma-
jestic ware worth every cent of $7.50. This ware will be on exhibition at our store. ICvery thing useful, 1
ornamental and durable. Come in and see it, and you will agree with us that it cannot be bought for
a cent less than $7.50 and is cheap at that.
Come in any day. You are Welcome whether you
- intend to buy or not.
iiJ li J ifl
1 Platismouth
pMrf SI
Lawn Mowers
14 inch Drummer
1; inch li
1 1 inch Liberty . .
1(5 inch
U inch A ppoi... . .
1U inch '
10 inch Cupid ball bearing S5.-2"j
It; inch Liberty ball bearing -S7.C0
It; inch Stratferd --7.j
ir inch Kingston $11.50
17 inch Kingston S12.50
Gasoline Stoves
J burners self generating $:i.oo
:) burners, self generating 81 100
2 burners and step. New Process. I. ."jo
li 11 " .2i.r,o
2 " " single generator Sl.'J.o
" " ' " sit; :,o
4 ' li cabinet Slu.oO
Gasoline ovens $1.25 and up
Ohio Steam Cookers for gas or gaso
line stoves, saves .yu half the fuel
large size $5.75
A Full Assortment of
Wagner and Wear
Ever Aluminum Wear TfAcujncb
Watch our Windows for Special
Saturday Bargains
No - ! py
Eye in Bad Condition.
Geo. M. Porter and wife are in Om
aha today, where Mrs. Torter is hav
ing an operation performed on her
right eye. She has been troubled for
some time past with it, and was in
Omaha some two weeks ago, and has
since been kept in a darkened room
for fear of injury to the sight. For a
time Mrs. Porter could not see with
that eye, but is able to see some now,
and that after the operation which is
to be made will recover the sight as
Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil, cures toothache, ear
ache, sore throat. Heals cuts, bruises,
scalds. Stops any pain.
Looking for Fine Cattle.
Robert Richards of Overton, Seb.t
was in the city over night awaiting
for a train home. He had been at the
home of Mr. Countryman, near Xe
hawka, looking at his fine cattle, of
which Mr. Countryman and sons are
breeders. They handle a very fine
strain of Ilerefords, and it was one of
these that Mr. Richards was wanting.
Xo purchase made as he had not made
up his mind as to whether he would
take the cattle offered by our Cass
county breeders or look farther.
S. II. Shoemaker was business visit
or in the metropolis today.
Seriously Irjured.
Switchman Jacob Denson, who has
been engaged in Council Bluffs for
some time past, was the victim of a
very painful accident day before yes
terday, sustaining a very severe rup
ture. While at work switching, he
was on top of a box car, and when the
cars which were being thrown togeth
er, struck, Mr. Denson was thrown or
fell from the car and at this time re
ceived his injury. He will be laid up
for some time.
Ladies, now is the time to secure
your hats before my milliner leaves
Plattsmouth. M. Fangeii.
f ' .
1 r
j llsf
7 viC3)
Copyrighted 1300 17
Wiaotc Joaeaot Boston.
A Special in
Children's Clothing
We just received seventy-five Boys' Knee Pant
Suits which we purchased at about 75c on the $1,
from the manufacturer, it being late in the season.
You can purchase these boys' suits while they last
at less than wholesale price. Come in look them
over for we can. in buying in the numerous quan
tities for our twelve stores, save you money.
$7.00 to $25.00
$5.00 to $18.00
1.50 to S7.QO
A Little Child Dies.
May, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Godwin, died yesterday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Loomis, the mother of Mrs. God
win, in Omaha. Little May had had
the measles, and it was thought that
she had entirely recovered. She with
her parents, went to Omaha to visit
with Grandma Loomis, and in some
manner contracted a cold, which gave
her a relapse. Mrs. Godwin, her
mother, has been a constant watcher
at her bedside during her sickness and
her father has been with her a good
deal of the time as well, trying to
work in the intervals, when ib was
thought that the little one was im
Yesterday when May grew rapidly
worse, her father was called to her
bedside by telephone. He hastened to
his little daughter, and everything
that medical science could do was
done, but to no effect.
With the fading light of the after
noon the soul of the little one took
flight for that better world, where
sorrow, suffering and parting of
friends are never known.
The funeral will be held from the
home of E. M. Godwin tomorrow
(Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Rev. J. E. HouJgate officiating.
The sympathies of a host of friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Godwin are with the
parents of this little one in this their
hour of sad berevement.
Horse Disappears.
James Gilmour of Ulyses, shipped
his father, Wm. Gllmourof this place,
a horse, which came in last night, and
which some one else took. Mr. Gil
mour came in town to receive it today
but it is no where to be found. As we
go to press they have not found it, but
are still looking for the animal.
Study the Flowers.
The botany class of the high school
went out yesterday and looked at the
flowers and the growing vegetation,
gathered specimens, and had a general
good time. They were accompanied by
all the high school teachers with the
exception of Miss Gass. After study
ing the flowers in their native state,
and gathering all the facts in regard
to the growth and construction of the
various kinds of flowers and plants,
they all wended their way to the
bridge. Here in the pleasant cool of
the evening they gathered together
their well-filled basket3 and spread a
cloth and enjoyed a delicious supper,
after which they returned home all
saying that the day had been well
Refutes the Slander.
Plattsmouth, ;Nep.., May 29, 1107
Editor Journal: An article in the
Union Ledger of this county, of May
17, relative to the misconduct of some
young men at the M. P. depot toward
Prof. Ilodapp. has been called to my
attention that part of the article to
which I desire to enter an unqualified
denial so far as it refers to me is as
"Such conduct is no credit to the
city of Plattsmouth, much less to the
night operator at the depot, who ap
peared to be in league with the toughs
and took no steps to quell the disturb
ance." A statement of the facts will show
the injustice done me. I have been
the night operator since last Decem
ber and the article must refer to me.
I opened the ticket window fifteen
minutes before train time on the night
of the occurance referred to and dis
covered that a window was open. A
lady was sitting in front of the win
dow. From the temperature cf this
night I believed some person had open
ed it to annoy persons lawfully in the
depot, so I immediately shut the win
dow down and went outside of the de
pot to ascertain who opened it. I saw
a gang outside in the dark but could
recognize none of them. I warned
them not to repeat their misconduct
in opening the window.
I then went in the ticket office and
when the train arrived I brought the
baggage to the car and did not see
ony of the disturbance referred to in
the article of the Ledger.
I have no acquaintance with the
parties making the disturbance and
am no more to blame for it than the
writer of the article in the Union
Ledger, whoever he may be.
Very truly yours,
RicnAiti Hale.
J. M. Teegarden of "Weeping Water,
came in yesterday in the work rela
tive to the office of county assessor.
Special for Next Saturday.
nandsome 8-inch solid dish,gold lined
beautiful flower patterns, regular 2-jc
value, sale pric 10c: also brooms 10c
each, limited 1 only to a person. See
them on display in our window.
The Variety Stoke.
In the treatment of piles it be
comes necessary to have the remedy
put up in such a form that it can be
applied to the parts affected. Man
Zan pile remedy is encased in a collap
sible tube with nozzle attached. It
cannot help but reach the spot. Re
lieves blind, bleeding, itching and
protruding piles. 50c with nozzle,
guaranteed. Try it. Gering & Co.
ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle
attchment so that the remedy may
be applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Gering & Co. Drug
gist. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for
years. No appetite, and what I did
eat distressed me terribly, liurdock
Blood Hitters cured me." J. H.
Walker, Sunbury. Ohio.
If you want them
RIGHT buy our Clu
ett or Monarch
makes at
SI. 50 and SI. 25
C. E.
"Whf Quality Ountt." j