The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 23, 1907, Image 8

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The County Exchanges J
Ilea: of Beneril Interest Selected froi the Columns if Contemporaries J
(From tlie IlfjlsU-r. )
W. II. Porter and family spent Sun
day with his brother, John, near Mur
ray. Born to Ilobert McQuin and wife on
Wednesday the 15th, a daughter.
Born to Benjamin Noel and wife,
Monday, the 13th. a son. Mother and
son doing nicely.
Born on Monday, May 13th, to Mr
and Mrs. C. A. Duckwortn, a son.
Mother and son both doing well.
M. G. Kime went to Omaha Tues
day evening to be present at the lect
ure of Senator Tillman of South Caro
W. II. I'orter Js building an addition
to his residence. He has his house
pulmbed for gas and when completed
it will be as cozy as can be.
Joseph Malcolm was summoned to
Weeping Water to attend the bedside
of his mother who is dangerously ill
Monday evening. Tuesday evening
her condition was no better and Mrs.
Malcolm went up to help care for her.
Frank Boedeker was working away
in the bank Tuesday when the stove
pipe that has been slowly overdrawing
its account, separated and fell to the
floor with a crash. There was a fire
in the stove at the time, and J. M.
Stone and the assistant cashier were
compelled to move a red hot stove.
Dust add ashes over the bank was the
only damage done, but for once the
assistant cashier earned his salary.
When jour back aches it is almost
invariably an indication that some
thing is wrong with your kidneys.
Weak, diseased kidneys frequently
cause a break down of the entire sys
tem. IJeWitt's Kidney and Bladder
Pills afford prompt relief for weak
kidneys, backache, inflammation of
the bladder and all urinary troubles.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Changed His Mind.
Fred Voughtman, who Monday
thoucht that he was not in a state of
intoxication at the occurance which
took place in Happy Hollow Sunday
afternoon, and so plead not guilty
when arraigned, has, after due consid
eration, changed his mind. He now
sees where be was mistaken and comes
to Judire Archer savine that I was
leally drunk and will pay the penalty,
therefore, rather than try to prove
the contrary. Then probably it is
When your food has not been prop
erly digested the entire system is im
oared in the same proportion. Your
stomach needs help. Kodol for indi
gestion and Dyspepsia not only digests
what you eat, it tones the stomach
and adds strength to the whole body.
Makes rich, pure blood. Kodol con
forms to the National Pure Food and
Drug Law. Sold by F. G. Fricke A Co,
Ask the Judfie About It.
The Burlington pile driver which is
driving some piling in a little bridge
near the coal chutes, has such a charm
ing little whistle which sounds, Oh! so
much like that which is one of the
chief characteristics of the merry-go-
'round, that many of our citizens were
seen wending their way down along
the track, as if in search of something.
No doubt they had a ride and the
merry tunes which the organ plays, in
their minds. Just who they all are we
cannot say but you can ask Judge
Archer, he can tell you.
DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve does not merely heal on the sur
face: it penetrates the pores and
promptly relieves pain, coused by
boils, burns, scalds, cuts and skin dis
eases, it is especially good for piles.
Beware of imitations. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
rf in food causes .jmfe
t etnmnnYt r1iorr1rs -Trs con Tliiliiiiiliiiilliillill;!;!
causes e. . -inm
1U V,VJ11
injury to nealtn.
Wl passed
Following the advice of medical Jig
scientists, England and r ranee nave .jji
laws prohibiting its use
in bread making.
American housewives
should protect their house-
I m
I holds against Alum's Wrongs
1 by always buying pure Grape
Cream of Tartar Baking
I I Powder.
I I C Pure Graoe Cream of
I Tartar Powder is to be had
I I for the asking
fc - - - 1
kM -
Many a Plattsmouth Reader Will Feel
Grateful for this Information.
hen your back gives out; becomes
lame, weak or aching; when urinary
trouoies set in, your kidneys are in a
bad way." Doan's Kidney Fills will
cure you Here is local evidence to
prove it:
Mrs. L. A. Newcomer, of C.0i) Gold
street, Plattsmouth, says: "As soon
as 1 would lie down my back would
commence to ache and I could hardly
lie still. I would try one position then
another and another and was all the
time changing to find some way in
which I could lie and find relief.
This was my condition every now and
then for three years or longer. During
the day or when on my feet the trouble
was not noticeable. The trouble
would oome when I was trying to get
some rest. Friends told me that my
kidneys were undoubtedly affected
which was the cause of my suffering.
Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills so highly
recommended, I got a box at Gering &
Co.'s drug store. I used about one
half of them and my back ceased to
ache and I have not been bothered
scarcely at all since. My experience
with Doan's Kidney Pills warrants me
in saying they are true to their repre
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
ents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Indorsed by everv bank
and business man in Ne
braska City. The To
land Schools are noted
for the success of their
graduates in securing
high grade positions.
Send for Prospectis
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Unfair Treatment.
Now that the supreme court has de
cided that it is discretionary with the
county commissioners whether or not
they shall repair the Platte river wag'
on bridge there seems little chance of
ever having the structure put in re
pair by the commissioners. Louis
ville takes its defeat gracefully. It
feels, however, that it has been treat
ed shabby by the commissioners in the
matter, but this defeat has not damp
ened our enthusiasm, and as the
Courier goes to press there is strong
talk of organizing a stock company
and putting in a toll bridge. This,
the Courier believes, is the proper
thing to do. We believe that it would
not only be self-supporting but would
pay a liberal dividend to the stock
holders. Louisvilee Courier.
Gocd Words for Chamberlain's Cough
People everywhere take pleasure in
testifying to the good qualities of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs.
Edward Philips of Barclay, Md., writes
"I wish to tell you that I can reccom
mend Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy.
My little girl, Catherine, who is two
years old, has been taking this remedy
whenever she has bad a cold since she
was two months old. About a month
ago 1 contracted a dreadful cold my
self, but I took Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and was soon as well as ever."
This remedy is for sale by F. G. Fricke
Co. and A. T. Fried.
For a cough or cold take Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup. It is better
than any other cough remedy because
its laxative principle assures a healthy
copious action of the bowels and at
the same time it heals irritation of
the throat, strengthens the bronchial
tubes and allays inflamation of the
mucus membrane. Contains Honey
and Tar, pleasant, to take. Children
like it. Conforms to the National
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Ask His Attorney.
Judge Sullivan of Plattsmouth, was
in the city yesterday. A Press man
asked him if be came down from
Plattsmouth over the Missouri Pacific
railroad. He replied: "I will have to
consult my attorney before answer
ing." When further pressed regard
ing his pass over the Missouri Pacific,
he replied: "I will have to ask my
attorney." The judge was feeling
fine. Nebraska City Press.
Chambrlatn' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
There is probably no medicine made
that is relied upon with more implicit
confidence than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur
ing the third of a century in which it
has been in use, people have learned
that it is the one remedy that never
fails. When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T.
Extend Congratulations
The Journal received information
today that Mr. and Mrs. Ws II. Pitzer
of Nebraska City, arc the possessors
of a bright-eyed little beauty of the
female persuasion. The many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. FiteT in Plattsmouth
join the Journal in extending con
gratulations. Ecth are well known
in this city, especially Mr. Pitzer, who
was for several years a teacher in the
nigh school.
It's too bad tos tepecple who
from day to day suffering from phys
leal weakness when Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea would make them well.
The greatest tonic known. 35 cezt6,
Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co.
The Truffle Season.
People who like tiufflles cannot be
too careful in selecting them. We
learn of one or two who have been
poisoned by eating them this spring
If you are not good judges of truffles,
you had better let them alone, or get
someone who knows how to gather
them for you.
Sore Nipples.
Any mother who has had experience
with this distressing ailment will be
pleased to know that a cure may be
effected by applying Chamberlain's
Salve as soon as the child is done nurs
ing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be
fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many
trained nurses use this salve with the
best results. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co. and A. T. Fried.
Balance of Trip on Bicycle.
C. W. Timmons, whose home is in
Bloomfield, Indiana, but who has
been in the west for the past five years,
came in last night from Denver on the
late Burlington train, and stopped at
me l'erKins. lie lerc ror nis nome in
Real Estate Transfers.
P. II. Mill to J. II. Heneger, r.J of !
the uwi :il!-3 1-12. Consideration $:.;00. j
V. L. Stine to P. C Kngall, part or '
nei of the nwj IV-IO-I.'!. Consideration
Clayton Mitty & Co. to W. W. Coates, '
partofswjof the rivf 1-1:M4. Con-!
sideration $o(0. i
I. N. Beaver to Long, lot !
6, block 22, South Park, city. Consid
eration $.
Soloman Long to II. 11. Gering, lot
G, block 22, South Park, city. Consid
eration $200.
George Myers to J. I. Austin, sec
tion 0-11-1. Consideration $41,000.
Mary A. Went worth, et al to Isaac
Wiles, nwi 24-11-11. Consideration
George I. Ada i s to Harvey W. Bea
ver, lot 7, block 3, Ferguson's addition
to Elmwood. Consideration l,04.r.
A. M Ferguson to Harvey W. Bea
ver, lot , block 3, Ferguson's addition
to Elmwood. Consideration $80.
T. T. Fessler to C. E. Frank, part
lots 12-3, block 00, Weeping Water.
Consideration $1,000.
Kansas Land & Town Co. to August
Panska, lots l;-l7-. block !t, Mur
dock. Consideration $180.
C. C. Parmele to M. V. Livingston,
lots 11-12, block 11, city. Considera
tion $10."i0.
J. H. Lowery to J. P. Falter, lots 1-2,
block 172, city. Consideration $1.10.
E. Muster to John janda, part nwi
swi 12x14x11, sej ptsei 12x12x13. Con
sideration $3500.
J ohn Janda to E. Muster, lots 5 to 10,
block 21, Duke's addition, city. Con
sideration $1200.
mm mohey
A Narrow Escape.
G. W. Cloyd, a merchant of Plunk
Mo., had a narrow escape four years
ago, when he ran a jimson bur into his
thumb. He says: "The doctor wanted
to amputate it but I woul notconsent.
bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve and that cured the dangerous
wound." 25c at F. G. Fricke Co.'s
all you save
know people
That isn't
either. You
who have drank Arbuckles
ARIOSA all their lives?
Look at them. They like
it and they haven't had to
quit drinking it.
Don't let any man sell
you something instead,
which may ruin your
stomach and
CofDiie with all
requinemroU of the
National Pure Food
Law, Cuaraoloe No.
2041. Lied .i UW
in gum.
Notice to Tax Payers.
The County Board of Equalization
will sit for the purpose of equalizing
the assessments of Cass county for the
year 1907, in the commissioners' cham
ber at the court house, Plattsmouth,
beginning June 11, 1W7, at 10 o'clock
m. and continue from day to day
up to and including June 20th, 1907.
All persons owning real or personal
Indiana this morning, and will make property subject to taxation should
the trip on a bicvcle. Dassinc through fca11 and examine their assessment
Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, and into his
own state near its southern extrmity.
Mr. Timmons says he was in San
Francisco from September to the first
of April, and that on his arrival there
everything was in ruins, and that dur
ing the six months that he remained
there, that a new city sprang up so
quickly that it would even astonish
an American who was accostomed to
such magic changes.
A little Kodol taken occasionally,
especially after eating, will relieve
your stomach, belching heartburn. J.
B. Jones, Newport, Tenn., writes: "I
an sure three one dollar bottles of your
Kodol positively cured me of dyspep
sia, and I can recommend It as that
was three years ago and I haven't
been bothered since with it." Kodol
is guaranteed to give relief. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Relief From Rheumatic Pain.
"I suffered with rheumatism for
over two years," says Mr. Holland
Curry' a patrolman, of Key West, Fla.
"Sometimes it settled in my knees and
lamed me so that I could hardly walk,
at other times it would be in my feet
and bands so I was Incapacitated for
duty. One night when I was In severe
pain and lame from it my wife went
to the drug store here and came back
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. I was rubbed with it and found
the pain had nearly gone during the
night. I kept on using it for a little
more than two weeks and foud that it
drove the rheumatism away. I have
not had any trctble from that disease
for over three months." For sale by
F. G. Fricke & A. T. Fried.
"Here's to your health and happi
ness" DeWit's Little Early Bisers
famous little pills. Nasty, sick head
ache or billiousness may come on any
time: the cure is an Early Risr, sold
by F. G. Fricke Jfc Co.
Guy McMaken is now the proud
possessor of a boat, which is a beauty
in design and finish. It ts about
twenty feet in length, and Is capable
of Carrying ten to twelve people.
Should anyone be desirous of a boat
race they will do wll to interview
Guy, and it is probable they can get
their wish.
A. S. Will is erecting a barn at the
place he recently purchased from Jas
per Young. It will be 32x32 and with
a capacity of holding about eighteen
to twenty tons of hay and sixteen
head o'f horses. F. E. Brown has the
management of the construction.
When through Mr. Will will begin on
his residence which he expects to
erect on the same premises.
Everyone knows that spring is the
season of the year when the system
needs cleansing Dade's Little Liver
Pills are highly recommended. Try
them. Gering & Co.
that any errors as to valuation may be
adjusted by said board as the law pro
vides. W. E. EOSKXCRANS,
County Clerk.
Don't Pay Alimony.
to be divorced from your appendix.
There will be no occasion for it if you
keep your bowels regular with Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Their action
is so gentle that the appendix never
has cause to make the least complaint.
Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co.,
druggists. 25c. Try them.
Pass a Milestone.
As a fitting celebration of the ar
rival of James Lindsey at the sixteenth
milestone in the journey of life, a
number of his friends gathered at the)
residence of his parents on Granite
street and made merry, with him and
each other. Many mirthful games
were participated in and all went as
merry as a marriage bell. Many useful
and beautiful presents, tokens of their
esteem, were given him. Those
present were: Misses Stella Tyler,
Helen Foster, EdnaHild, NoraRosen
crans, Edna Saffer, Ellen Saffer.
Masters Glen Edwards, Ernest Brown,
and Blithe Bosencrans.
That Will
Not Last
FOR . SALE:- The following prop
erty; ptvynrtcnts $2Q to $25;bvl.
ttncejSlO pr month:
A six-room cottage in fine
repair with one lot and a
half $800
A five-room cottage with
city water, in good repair
with brick barn and other
improvements $875
A good four-room cottage
with two lots $700
A fine five-room cottage
with one lot, city water. .$725
Two good five-room cottag
es with lot and haue each
near the shops $800
One nine-room house with
one acre of ground and
improvements $9O0
One six-room cottage, one
acre of ground $600
One five-room cottage with
four lots $650
Five, six, ten and twenty acre
improved tracts for sale; one
fourth down, remainder in sums
to suit purchaser. Prices furn
ished at office.
Artists have no trouble in securing
models. The famous beauties have
discarded corsets and have become
models in face and form since taking
Hollister's Rockey Mountain Tea. 3-
cents, Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co.
Situation Wanted.
By a boy of twelve years of age, to
work on farm. Good boy for farm
work. Call or write. Frank Vander
beyden, Plattsmouth, Ninth and Gold
Mr. Tonkery, who is living at the
Masonic Home, is reported as being
very low, having been confined to Vils
bed for some time, and being well uo
vanced in years, not a great deal of
hope is entertained for his. recovery.
Mr. Cockran of the Home is also very
sick. Uncle John Duke who has been
suffering from a very painful boil on
the back of his neck is somewhat
better, and the neck is improving.
'I wrote you for advice," writes Lelia Hagood,
of Sylvia, Tenn., "about my terrible backache and
monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. I
had suffered this way nine years and five doctors
had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook
Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains
and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that
Cardui saved my life."
It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female
diseases, such as peri
odical pains, irregulari
ty, dragging down sen
sations, headache, diz
ziness, backache, etc.
Write us a letter describing all
your symptoms. and you
Free Advice, in plain sealed envelope.
Address: Ladies' Advisory Department.
The Chattanooga. 'edk.ineCo., Chatta
nooga, Tenn. J13
At Every Drug Store in $1.00 bottles. Try it.