The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 16, 1907, Image 6

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    Murray Department.
tin; of the readers of the Journal knom of a t.r,i! ercut or an ikm of interest in this vicinity and trill mail same to this office it will appear under this heading.
IVc icnnt all items of interest. Kditor Journal.
in I5ox Butte county, northwestern part of the state,
level land, rich soil, considerable portion cultivated; a
country uneiialed in possibilities, a truly grain coun
try, as well as grasses of all lands. Easy to water,
splendid markets, schools, churches, and a home
among refined and prosperous people.
land has
advanced 10 percent, in the 1:1st VI) days. Join us,
and look the ground over; we run daily excursions
and furnish free sleeping cars. Railroad fare refunded
to purchasrs. Any information you may wish in re
gard to these lands will be cheerfully given to you at
the Murray State Hank, Saturday. May 18. A speci
al representative from the grounds will be here. Come
in; lets talk it over, and we will ix a date for you to
ro out with us.
Write or See
Murrav State Uank, Murray, Xcl.ra.ska U. S. Land Co..
20. Xeville Elk, Omaha, Nebraska
John Cook was in Plattsmouth Wed
Mrs. A. L.Baker was in Plattsmouth
The Murray schools will close on
Friday of this week.
Miss Ina Miller and Miss Ona Young
were in Omaha last Thursday.
The Phil pot boys shipped two cars
of cattle to South Omaha Sunday eve
ning. James Ilatchett was in Omaha
Sam Lindsay was a Murray visitor
Less ! . Hall was a iattsrr.cutn vis
itor Saturday evening.
Notice the ad of dhe Murray State
! bank in these columns.
! Glen Ilawls and Prank Smitn, of
i Plattsmouth were seen on our streets
Sunday evening-.
Mrs. W. C. Brown went over to Yil
lisca, Iowa, Monday lor a few days vis
it with her parents.
A. L. Baker and Hon. Phillip Bris-.
ban were attending to business at the
county seat Monday.
V. M. Young sr., wife and daughter,
Miss Isabella, departed Tuesday for
Madison, Cal., where they will spend
a few weeks visiting among relatives
and friends.
. .... ...... ...... !
.irs. jueen is sun quite silk.
). A. Davis was a Plattsmouth. vis
itor Monday.
I)r. B. F. Brendel was an Omaha
visiter Monday.
Mrs. M. G. Churchill was a Platts
mouth visitor Monday.
Chas. Schwab and Phil Prisben were
in Plattsmouth Monday.
?.Ir. and Mrs. .1. W. Edmunds were
in Nebraska City Monday. j
Mrs. T. V. Fiemi::. and her mother j
and sister-in-law were in Omaha Tues- i
day. ;
A. L Baker was looki::r after seme j
business matters in M(.n- j f
day. j
Je'T I'rendel and wife attended the!
funeral of Miss Bessie Rallance in i
Plattsmouth Tuesday. j
Mr and Mrs. Ben Knole are rej"ic-
ing this week over the arrival of a r.ew ;
baby b y at their home Sunday. j
Hay koi: Sai.k Another car of baled hay just received. Fori
particulars see II. L. Oldham.
Mrs. G. D. Coonally departed Mon
day for various points In Idaho, where
her daughter has been for the past
few weeks.
Mrs. H. L. Oldham and daughter
Fay, were iniOmaha Thursday. They
were accompanied by Mrs. John
Lloyd, who went to the city to con
sult a specialist.
CKeckirs Account
Aids Yoir Memory
It is necessary to remember every small
bill you pay, when you keep a checking
account. Your checks are a record of your
'Each check has written on its face the
date and amount of the bill paid, the par
ty to whom it was paid. In addition, each
check is a receipt for the obligation can
celled. Don't try to remember the bills you can
cell. Pay by check file your checks for
reference. It's the surer method.
Murray Business Directory
The following business men of Murray take this method of soliciting your pat
ronage in their various lines. You will find them ever ready to give you fair treat
ment and 100 cents for every dollar spent with them.
HOLMES & SMITH T A -1 Do You Know
Tb Big Coromr Storm) U. J. AlTAlCK LOSS F HclU
Always carry an th.u Writes Insurance in the best
up-to-date line of who pays the Top Price at All Companies and at the best
General Merchandise TimS3 Use Your Phone Rates H
A . . . 1t and get the best w
Get their prices on all pRICES ,
goods before buying
breiidell & brendell jonn Cook DR. G. H. GILMORE
Phandlan DoSS Harness Man Physician and
Surgeons Get My Prices Sirgcon
All Cam Promptly Attended to Before Buying Prompt Attention to All Calls
Pitman & Davis D. C. Rhoden
HOtar? PUbllC Implements Good Turn-outs and Prompt
Buggies and Wagons Attention is Our Hobby
Lightning Rods 0ive Us 0 Ca"
Dr. Hayes Gsantner wm. Mcleod
IN MURRAY 1st AND 3d This Space for Sale! THE BOSS
At the office of 0
DRS. BRENDEL & BRENDEL Orders Left at Edmunds & Brown's
For Sale A good second handlpiano.
For further particulars call or address
C. S. Stone, Murray, Neb.
Minford & Klaurens, our genial
stock buyers, shipped two car load of
fat hogs to the Soctn Omaha market
F. II. Hamilton of Omaha, agent
for the Smith Premier Type Writing
Co., was attending to business in Mur
ray Tuesday.
Z. W. Shrader shipped two car load
of fat cattle to South Omaha market
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown spent
Sunday in Nehawka, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. West.
Little Mabel, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Theo. Amick has been quite sick
this week, at the home of her grand
parents, D. L. Amick and wife.
C. S. Stone and W. F. Moore went
to Omaha Tuesday as delegates to
the grand lodge meeting of the A. O.
U. W., which is being held there this
Miss Florence McDonald, who has
for the past year been suffering with
consumption, is very low at this time,
in fact she is not expected to live but
a very few days.
Mont riobb, of Norfolk, was Murray
Sunday evening, and in company with
Mrs. Iiob'o and daughter, Miss Eessie,
went to Omaha, Monday where they
attended the funeral of a relative.
W. II. McDaniel, D J. Pitman, J.
A. Walker, James Loughridge, D. C.
Rhoden and Dr. Gilmore were in
Plattsmouth Thursday evening to
attend the Masonic lodge.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore went to Omaha
this week where he accompanied Al
fred Dean to the Immanuel hospital
where be underwent an operation for
a diseased bone, brought on by an
ulcerated tooth.
Because the midnight train doesn't
stop at this station is no reason why
you can't pack your grip and go to
Box Butte county where you can buy
GOOD BLAOK SOIL for $10.00 per
acre. We run daily excursions, and
furnish free sleeping cars for Omaha
Let's talk it over. Less F. Hall.
The early morning and the midnight
M. P. passenger trains have ceased to
stop in both Murray and Mynard
This change makes a pretty sore lot
of passengers at both of these stations,
who will now be compelled to drive to
Plattsmouth if they reach the me
tropolis earls in the day.
Miss Nora Standish experienced
quite a serious runaway while coming
to Murray last Saturday. She was
accompanied by her younger brother,
and when the team got beyond their
control, both were thrown from the
bugggy, and Miss Nora was quite ser
iously injured, and while no bones
were broken, she received numerous
bruises that have caused her consider
able pain, and has been confined to
her bed since. The brother was not
My Hair is j
I Do you like it? Then why I
1 be contented with it? Havel
I to be? Oh, no ! Just put on I
I Ayer's Hair Vi"2or and have 1
I long, thick hair; soft, even
I hair. But f:rft or a!l, stop jjj
I your hair fronv coming out.
Save what you have. Ayer's
1 Hair Vigor will not disappoint
I you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; S
makes weak hair strong.
9 The best liin'I oJ a testimonial 1
I Sold for over BiJtty years."
4 M Zlaaa b ' C A yrr Co., Lowell, Mi. 1
BA. Jti!Lf,'3 7 Cil'-RXY PECTORAL.
Sensation in the Grafr Trial at
San Francisco Surprisss
tho Prosecution.
Says He Pleads Guilty to Siva th J
Live3 of Helativc3.
.Strain Too Ilcaiy on Mis I'af Jit r. 3.t!-t-raixl
Sister lint lr'!ar-s JI:nl
BcH Innocent I'aj woi.tTr
Grand Lode A. O. U. VV.
In jesterday's session of the rand
lodje, A. O. U. W'., in Omaha, the fol
lowing o'licers were elected on the
first ballot: A. M. Wallinj,', David
City, grand master workman; .Silas It.
Barton, Aurora, grand recorder (re
elected): Ellis K, lrway, Chadron,
prand guide: V, A. Gruenwald, Falls
City, grand receiver (re-elected): II.
M. Miller, Central City, grand watch
man; E. A. Policy, .Seward, and II. M.
Warring, Omaha, members law com
mittee. A second ballot on the remaining
ollicer was taken later, the result of
which was net announced till this
morning. By almost a unanimous
vote a resolution was adopted declar
ing 'Nebraska has agreed with the
rest of the low-rate jurisdictions to
join in and pay the present indebted
ness of the several jurisdictions now
in distress." The resolution was un
der discussion most of the afternoon.
S.m Fr;:n-i-cn, M.n
r.m f. l.'-ttr;- :.:i'v:i :
:ickni.v!iMl-ri ;i i i
Scintiitz. 1 ;, tli
tnt'ii- l' :nr.:ii ;il'J
Cir), - i!c:h!i ,1 r.'ll.
!' ct or! inn i: .Iki!''1
Iilclit )!' 1'ic si;;pi vU-v
)' ('"!! ( !
Everything in the line of gent's fur
nishings at Holly's. See our goods
and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
Any and all persons holding unpaid
bills, notes or other evidence of debt,
against It. D. Appleman, late of Cass
county, Veb., deceased, will present
the same to Harry Appleman of Alvo,
Neb., and all legal debts will be paid.
Hakky Appleman.
Farm for Sale.
A 160-acre farm one mile and three
quarters west of Murray, improve
ments fair; 140 acres in cultivation;
and the balance in pasture with run
ning water through the pasture. For
further particulars call and see W. M.
Wehrbein, at the farm.
For Sale.
I have seventy-five bushels of good
potatoes for sale at 75c per bushel.
W. H. McDaniel.
It would be worth any woman's
while to travel many miles to see a
new idea and a pretty idea in the
new spring styles of millinery but
such will not be necessary unless she
lives many miles from the popular
trading house of M. Fanger, where
everything in this line can be found in
up-to-date styles.
Everyone knows that spring is the
season of the year when the system
needs cleansing Dade's Little Liver
Pills are highly recommended. Try
them. Gering & Co.
Red Sox at Ashland.
The Red Sox returned last evening
aud while they feel their defeat, it
might have been worse. The result
was (i to 2 in favor of the Ashland
team. Snyder, the Plattsmouth
catcher, injured his hand in the sixth
and had to retire from the game. The
Ashland 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
Plattsmouth 00000110 02
Batteries Ashland, Connors and
Copple; Plattsmouth, Wilkins, Snyder
and Jacoby. Umpire Sears.
V.. Al.r.i!'.:i:n
Al.f KiH'l'. t!:"
,: of M.iy-i:'
i- r. ( fj;i :'ii dii'
;:irs in S.m Fi:wi
l!y t tli- !i:ir,'s
1m:i:i"'s !"pMt
,-i.i:i-t. Alter :i
tli lis tour iitf r
!.)';.. ti- chain
with.iiMwn -r. ,.f the ns!t:
from r-i-i l.ivat:
li.iii in- !;i'l t t.i i-I'iui-' !i:s J'!'' I
nil. I :i!i.l iiii!. 1 1 1 1 - S" t. tli.- ImI.v
:is j i -! : i -i 1 1 ,. tli.. ;.i-.-ci Ui io.'i. ;ir s
In i-orrt :i!!I .innoinn-cl In
'li'lcnioiio'l to ,vi;!.,!!Mv I -.i of i:o'
.vri'.ilty :iinl i t - f a j I -; oi' ni
Mk!'d t!:.!t tli" jury I c!i
tin tr;:)I !on"!.
Unci' SJioivs I) -. j IJmolioii
Ilut-f i'i-.kI slafi'iiifiii li'iiii :i
:m:mmisi i I j . t '. 1:" li.ol rc .hi 1 in
t!;t' )n Si m-" of his :it ! ..nii'.vs ' ;i fev
moments l.cfoii' Jiuii; ' lnmin's linrn
licrs .:irni'.I. II" s!io -.l in Lis v i
ill til" c.vjir.v--inn i n Lis f;lrr, ill Li 4
onict :iii1 jrcsti'rfles :ittitu!, :ii)'l by
tin- tears tliat ;iu;!in jiikI .Mirain ovT
llowi'il liis eyes, the great "motion and
ntter IminilLition that lie snl'fcwd. I'll"
Iatlios of the s'-eiie was eomiiniiiieatf.T
to the ciuwil tliaf. tliionel ILc court,
room. Tears sprang 1o th" yes o"
veti'ran new spapcr iuc:i w ho li:i e !
life-Ionir :ic(ii;untances. aii'l whose pa
iers liae condueteil against Llin Jind
nis jiolitical associates a loii and Lit
ter campaign for 1 1 1 - iiiriliation o
rimnicijia 1 'affairs. T!n accused i:i::;i
was secral times all ovi-rroinc !;,'
Slill lie Sajs Uc Is Irmocciil.
Thouuh ALrali.-iiii K:i. f Las':'
declared himself to Le L'llil!'." of t!rl
!iar" on -whii-li L" was aLoiit to
tried, lie nevertheless proclaims his in
nocence, lie confesses that h" is rr.III'r
of Iiavinir connived in the coniijtio:i
in municipal affairs, Put he denies with
all the omphasis a man in his unhappy
position can command that he j not
guilty of the crime of extortion chary I
Bjrainst Iiim. He decjai-es that his so'"
motive in accusing himself in open
court "was to save the lives of thosi
who are nearest and dearest to him
Lis acred fath'-r and mother, his maid
en sis'i'er and a niece.
oeuu us yuur picium auu i.ui aiiu i jjoiSK liAWYIMIS
we will make you 25 genuine photo
graph post cards. Olson Photo
graph Co., 225 Coates Block, Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
This is the biggest season in the
history of our store, especially in the
millinery department. Some may ask
why this is the fact, which is easily
explained. We never carried such a
fine line before, and the designs this
season are the very latest. We still
have a large variety left, and would
suggest that you call now and look
them over. M. Faxgkr.
in th
Amateurs Challenged.
Here is an opportunity for the local
amateur ball team to show what it is
made of. The Magic City base ball
club of South Omaha wants to cross
bats with whoever may come. Here
is their challenge:
"The Magic City base ball team of
South Omaha would like to challenge
any team in Plattsmouth under 19
years of age. Address all letters to
Ben Cissna,
70, Howe Printing Co.,
South Omaha, Nebraska,"
For Infants and Children.
Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Delegates to Grand Lodge.
Hans Seivers of A. O. U. W. lodge
No. 81, Henry Ofe and John Benfer,
both of No. 8, were passengers for
Omaha this morning where they are
in attendance at the grand lodge of
the order. They report about 1,000
very enthusiastic delegates gathered.
Today's session will be taken up in the
consideration of the old relief question
which has been lingering in this grand
odge since it was set off by itself.
The amount of the relief claim which
this state is asked to pay will bring
3124,000 and which if apportioned to
each member would insure the pay
ment of fifteen cents per month for
five years from each member. The
general fund in the state grand lodge
is now something like $300,000, which
could be drawn upon for the payment
and that is the question which is ex
pected to be settled today.
Senator E. J. Burkett, who is a mem
ber of the order, will deliver an address
in honor of Grand Master O. J. Van
Dyke, who was called to work in the
Grand Lodge above, a short time
Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil, cures toothache, ear
ache, sore throat. Heals cuts, bruises,
scalds. Stops any pain.
ltoosevclt's Name Conies Up
Trial of Haywood.
IioLso, Ida., May 1. The unexpect
ed uncovering of a vein of prejudic;;
iainst Harry Orchard and his testi
mony during the further examination
of talesmen in the SteunenLei; mur
der case led to the tirst sharp wrans'i
between counsel, and involved tho
name of President Iloosevelt in an
acrimonious discussion. Tho day and
the incident began with Samuel Win
prate, the eleventh talesman, in th
hands of the defense for exn ruination-in-chief.
Questioning had pror-eeded
a short distance when it developed
that Wingate was biased against Or
chard and unwilling to accept the tes
timony which it is expected ho will
give against the prisoner.
The defense naturally tried at one-
t- show that Wingate's state of min i
on the subject was not such as would
warrant his removal from the box, but
when the talesman repassed to th
bands of State Senator IJorah quickly
drew from him the flat-footed state
ment that he could not under nny cir
cumstances give credence to Qrchard'ii
testimony. WIngate was upon thi
excused, the defense excepting to tu
court's ruling, and from thenceforward
the state was particular to test all
tale?men on the point.
It was when Borah asked a question
Intended to test a talesman on thi'
point and Darrow objected that Borah
said: "After the Immense latitude that
the defense has taken In regard to Sfe-
Partland, Taft and Roosevelt I do not
think they would stick on any techni
cality at this late day."
''We did not ask as to the effect of
McPartland's testimony," said Darrow
nnd Richardson together. "If Roose
velt Is to hf brought here to testify
we might have something more t
say." went on Richardson.
"Roosevelt can take care of liimelf
wherever he is," retorted Rorah. "Well.
I don't know about that," said Dar
"I will be glad to eliminate Roose
velt If you will," replied Rorah. "lis
was- brought into the case by the dv
fonse." "He came in himself," said
Richardson. "lie is 2.000 miles away
and lie writes letters." "He wai
brought In by his own butting-in," ad i
ed Darrow. The judge overruled tho
objection to the question.
Two Inches of Snow at Ashland.
Ashland, Wis., May 1G. Twoincbe-i
cf snow has fallen and the storm still
continues. A northeast gale liaa pre
vailed for three days, the storm being
the worst of the season.