r The County Exchanges item of General Interest Selected froa tbe Columns if Contemporaries J Loviisville From the Courier. M. N. Drake aud wife, and son, Charles, left Wednesday for an ex tended visit to California and Oregon. Eddie Drake of Omaha is in charge of the business here in M. N's. abence. Louisville is dry; very, very dry. Qn the eve of the last day of tbe open sa loons some of the boys feared that there might be some of it goto waste, so in the goodness of their heart they just concluden to save it by drinking it. As a result some of them have that tired feeling even yet. Adam Miller, a South Bend passen ger on the Burlington local freight TJo. to IMattsmouth Monday, was quite severely injured about tbe head by being thrown against the stove. Dr. Worthman attended the Injured man, after which he continued on his journey to IMattsmouth. There has been quite a number of farmers in town this week, dry as it is. George, Fred and Amelia Stohlman were B.- & M. passengers to Omaha Tuesday. E. Palmer has purchased a forty acre tract of land just west of his farm of the Oleking estate. C. W. Sprinkle has installed a new 2-borse power steam engine in his blacksmith shop with which to run his machinery. Relief From Rheumatic Pain. "I suffered with rheumatism for over two years," says Mr. Holland Curry4 a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Sometimes it settled in my knees and lamed me so that I could hardly walk, at other times it would be in my feet and bands so I was incapacitated for duty. One night when I was In severe pain and lame from it my wife, went to the drug store here and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found tbe pain bad nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and foud that it drove tbe rheumatism away. I have not bad any trctble from that disease lor over three months." For sale by F. G. Fricke & A. T. Fried. Bangle (From the Beacon.) Ross Crabtree came down from Lin coln Thursday and remained until Sunday evening with his brother Travis, who is very sick. Travis Crabtree is slowly improving but is not past danger yet. Conrad is absent from bis school this week to attend to his father. Leon Burdick arrived Wednesday evening from North Platte where he has been confined in tbe hospital for jsox? time with a light attack of small pox. Miss Luclle Minford has been secured to teach the Benz district. While up from Elm wood Wednesday she was the guest of Miss Ethel Adams. . Charlie Renner moved his family to town the first of the week and left Tuesday to take charge of a section near Omaha for a few days. Charles Burns has accepted an offer from Mr. Frohlich to farm the place vacated by Mr. Renner, and moved Wednesday. Guy Adams was taken to the sani tarium Monday to take treatment for rheumatism. Owing to the nearness of the disease to bis heart, serious de velopments were feared the first of tbe week but pleasing reports as to his condition have been received the last few days. Ills mother has been attend ing him this week. My Best Friends. Alexander Benton, who lives on T1 1 . 1 T T?A nm A "V "V says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is my best earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also per formed a wonderful cure of incipient consumption for my son's wife. The first bottle ended tbe terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symp toms left one by one, until she was per fectly well. Dr. King'sNew Discovery's power over coughs and colds is simply marvelous." No other remedy has ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed by F, G. Fricke & Co., druggists. 50c and 91. Trial bottle free. Union From the Ledser. E. B. Craig of Greenwood, visited here last Saturday and Sunday with his daughter, Miss Jennie Craig. Dr. J. W. Brendel of Avoca, passed through here yesterday, taking Harry Marquardt of that place, to Omaha for an operation. Miss Agnes Kennedy, teacher in the Sciota school, returned Monday after noon from Plattsmouth, where she had been to attend tbe funeral of her uncle. Joe and Emery Bauer and C. W. McKeen are engaged in building a fine new farm residence for John Larsh on his farm northeast of here. When completed Mr. Larsh will have one of the nicest and most comfortable resi dences in Cass county. Another change in Missouri Pacific agents took place here last Friday, when L. R. Black went on duty in place of F. W. Vallereaux, who recent ly resigned. Mr. Black is a very ac commodating agent and a sociable gentleman, and we think we will let him stay as long as be wants to. The City restaurant changed owners yesterday morning, Joseph Young sell ing out and moving into tbe section house to devote his whole time to his duties as section foreman. His suc cessor in the restaurant is Moss Mo Carroll, who is getting things in shape to run a first-class place, and no doubt he will make it win. Nehawka Si '(! al Corn'!-ionf-r)t. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fleshman are entertaining a new arrival at their home. He weighs 8 pounds and was born Saturday the 27th at 12 m. Will Porter broke into our sanctum Wednesday to tell us that he had dis posed of two thoroughbred Duroc Jer sey sows for tbe neat sum of $55, which was not so worse. State Superintendent McBrien and Rev. Davis visited tbe school on Fri day. Mr. McBrien talked in each one of the rooms; the enthusiasm of the little folks was splendid. L. C. Todd went to Omaha Wednes day morning to visit tbe employment agencies in hope of getting a girl to assist Mrs. Todd in her word. Wages he says are no object if he can only get line ulfs. Grandma Barnum was among the old pioneers to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lawsou Sheldon. She is still very active both in mind and body and has many reminiscenses to tell of I the pioneer life. ' Word was received at this office this (Thursday) morning that Henry Buch- holtz, who was so badly injured by a horse knocking him down and tramp ing on him, is making rapid progress toward recovery. Chas. S. Stone, who in the daytime plays the title role of cashier of the Bank of Murray and in the evening stars with the Murray Stock Company as "Brother Josiah" in a play of that name, passed through Nehawka last Saturday evening enroute to Avoca where his company filled an engage ment Saturday night. Gocd Words for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure in testifying to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Philips of Barclay, Md., writes "I wish to tell you that I can reccom- mend Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy My little girl, Catherine, who is two years old, has been taking this remedy whenever she has bad a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago x contracted a areaarui com my self, but I took Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever. " This remedy is for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. NEBRARKA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Of all tbe fruit there are in the land That grows on bushes or trees, I would give up the choices ones For Hollister 's Rocky Mountain Tea. Gering & Co. Elmwood From the Leader-Echo. Two cases of measles are reported at the Capwell home east of town. A. B. Dickson received a slight in jury while working at the park Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bogenrief are the proud parents of a new baby boy, born April 29. Mrs. John Osborn and family of Yiall, Mont., are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Henry Clark drove over from Pal myra Saturday afternoon. lie was broken out with what was then sup posed to be small pox, but later indi cations proved it to be measles, we are glad to state. He is now rapidly convalescing. Elder Cyrus Alton is very busy building a new house. He has moved the old one back fourteen feet, made a beautiful cellar and added fourteen A C3 MJm DC3 IP Alum M In England and France the Sale of Alum Baking Powder is pro 'hibited bylaw because of the in 1 jurious effects that follow its use. The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum .in food. You may live where as yet you have no protection The only sure projection against Alum in. your Baking Powder IS to against ROYAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar, a pure Grape vprouuci. uas digestion aaas to tne neanniuiness ot lood. " m. mmmwm ii mm mm m in - POSITIONS FOR ALL WHO EXCEL Indorsed by everv bank and business man in Ne braska City. The To land Schools are noted for the success of their graduates in securing high grade positions. Send for Prospectvis DO IT NOW! Address NEBRASKA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Nebraska City. 'Nebraska feet to the front. This will make him a house 22x32 besides porches. It wil have four gables and from present in dications Mr. Alton will have a lovely little home of which he may justly feel proud. The residence of Geo. Frisbee, east of Elmwcod, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Sunday, April 28 rne nign contracting parties were our well known Elmwood boy, Earl West, and Miss Maude Newkirk of Alvo. The ceremony was performed by Elder Cyrus Alton of Elmwood. The wedding was a very quiet affair, only a few of the nearest friends being present. A Narrow Escape. G. V. Cloyd, a merchant of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a jimson bur into his thumt. He says: "The doctor wanted to amputate it but I woul not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the dangerous wound." 25c at F. G. Fricke Co.?s druggists. Lorton Went Dry. There has been considerable trouble over at Lorton regarding the grant ing of saloon licenses and owing to the fact that neither of the applicants bad sufficient signers on their application no license was granted them last week and since then the town has been dry. Friday night to cap the climax, some one removed the handles from all the pumps in and about the town and there was no water even, in the town, until new pumps and pump handles were rigged up and many of the wells and cisterns are yet without pump handles. The town was absolutely dry for one whole day. Nebraska City News. "Here's to your health and happi ness" De Wit's Little Early Risers famous little pills. Nasty, sick head ache or billiousness may come on any time: the cure is an Early Bisr, sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Surveying is Started. The crew of B. & M. surveyors have returned to Plattsmouth and this morning they started the surveying in order to ascertain the actual cost of track laying, and the advisablity of the company laying their siding to the newly proposed stone quarry. The crew was headed by T. L. Phelps, ac companied by A. B. Cooley, J. A. Gauie, Wm. Crissman and E. L. Moon. Tomorrow is the day for General Sup erintendent of Bridges Cartiledge to appear in the city, and after the qual ity and quantity of stone is ascertain ed, we may look for something doing in the stone quarry line if everything looks good. The stone is needed and needed badly, and tbe company will soon lay its tracks to the point of operation. Miss Ballance Dangerously III. The many friends of Miss Bess Ballance will regret to learn that that popular young lady lies dangerously ill at the home of Mrs. Spader, on South Sixth street. Miss Ballance was taken ill Sunday night, and has remained in an unconscious condition since. The best medical skill of the city has been called to attend her, who pronounce tbe disease spinal meningitis. Miss Bess is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ballance, living south of town, but the young lady has been employed in M. anger's store ana ooaraing with Mrs. Spader. Miss Ballance is a most estimable young lady, and while her life is almost dispalred or, tne Journal joins her many friends in hop ing that see may speedily recover. HOME ENDORSEMENT Hundreds oj Plattsmouth Citizens Can Tell You All About It. Home endorsement, tlie i.ut.iic x pression of Plattsmouth people, should be evidence beyond dispute for every Plattsmouth reader. Surely the ex perience of iriends and neighbors, cheerfully given by them, will carry more weight than the utterances of strangers residing in faraway places. Bead the following: E. M. Buttery, engineer, living at corner of Tenth and Walnut street, Plattsmouth, says,: "It did not re quire a long treatment to prove to me that Doan's Kidney Pills have merit. Pain would catch me in tbe hips so that I couid hardly raise a shoel of coal. There was also at times a lame ness across tbe loins. I had reason to believe that these troubles were caused from a disordered condition of the kidneys and hearing Dons Kidney Pills so highly spoken of, I sent to Gering &Co.'s drug store for a box. The quick and effective relier I obtained from its use warrants me in speaking of the remedy in most favorable terms." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fobter-Milburn Co. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. f'W XI 'jjm'ijr' W7 Aft !3I All We Need Is Power. While in Omaha Monday on busi ness .Mayor Gering visited several manufacturing establishments, and among them was one large one that contmplates putting in a branch house somewhere, in the event that suffi cient power could be obtained to run the machinery. They spoke very fa vorably of Plattsmouth, and made the statement that they preferred Platts mouth because it was so near Omaha and that in the event that the Inter urban road would come, there was no doubt that its coming would settle the power proposition. In the course of the conversation, one of the firm remarked that if it were possible for them to come to Plattsmouth they would furnish employment for two hundred people. The people of our city will hail the coming of the Interurban with much joy, because with its advent to the city means the sure coming of several manufacturing establishments, and the increase of at least several hund red people to our population. A little Kodol taken occasionally, especially after eating, will relieve your stomach, belching heartburn. J. B. Jones, Newport, Tenn., writes: "I an sure three one dollar bottles of your Kodol positively cured me of dyspep sia, and l can recommend it as that was three years ago and I haven't been bothered since with It." Kodol is guaranteed to give relief. Sold by G. Fricke & Co. You will do better work for a cup of fragrant delicious ARIOSA Coffee end you will rest better c-flcrwards. Cuts your coffee bills about in half. Sold in one pound packages only, sealed for your protection. Loose coffee isn't the same it may be dusty, dirty and bad for your stomach and nerves. Complies willi all requiremrnu of tlie National Pure Food Law, Cuarantec No. 204 1 , filed at Watliingloo. TEACHERS FOR NEXT YEAR Big Function for Riha. In speaking of the big entertain ment to be given in Omaha next Sun day by the Tel Jed Sokol society, tbe Bee says: "Omaha Tel Jed Sokol so ciety Sunday afternoon and evening, May 12, will give an athletic and mu sical entertainment in its hall at Thirteenth and Dorcas streets. This event will be in honor of Frank Riha, who will leave May 19 for Prague, Bohemia, to represent the Nebraska Bohemian turner societies at an in ternational athletic meet. Unusual preparations are being made for tbe program to be given on May 12. Turn ers societies from Plattsmouth and South Omaha will join the Omaha so cieties, making a total of 200 persons to take part in the program." It's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from phys ical weakness when Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea would make them well. 'be greatest tonic known. 33 cents, 'ea or Tablets. Gering & Co. The Board of Education Met Last Night Night and Selected Teachers for the Coming Year. The board of education met in reg ular session Monday night for the pur pose of transacting such business as might come before it. Two of the most faithful members of the board retired Messrs. I G. Fricke and George Dodge giving way to J. M. Roberts and II. M. Soennichsen, who were recently elected to take their places. Mr. Fricke has served nine consecutive years on the board, and Mr. Dodge seven, and their services have been very valuable and it was with a feeling of deep regret that members who have served with the retiring gentlemen were compelled to part with them. But with their many years of service they felt that they had done their share in looking after the interests of the public schools of tbe city. While these gentlemen have proved most faithful to the trust re posed in them, the Journal believes that their places will be as equally well filled by Messrs. Soennichsen and Roberts. Among other matters that came up before the board was the election of officers for the ensuing year, which re sulted as follows: II. N. Dovey, pres ident; C. A. Marshall, vice-president; D. C. Morgan, secretary. V. M. Mul lis and William Freese were elected to their positions as janitors. The following is the assignment of teach ers for 1907-08: W. G. Brooks, principal high school; Gertrude Coon, English language; Patty Matthews, languages; Pearl Nichols, sciences; Mae Darling, histo ry; Verna Cole, Bertha Kennedy, Amelia Martens, Josephine Graves,. Mable Freese, Harriett Fight, F.una Towle, Mae Morgan, Emma Tresham, Anna Heisel, Maud Mason, Nellie Wilson, Anna Kanka, Nettie Hawks worth, principal Columbian school; Estelle Baird, Nellie Whalen, Verna Whisler, Lettie Smith, Delia Tartsch, Hilda Barwick and Christine Hansen. Many teachers were given an in crease in salary, and the monthly pay roll was Increased to the extent of 875.00 per month. FOR SALE. A good twenty-two ribbed mando lin cheap, also a good brass cornet at a sacrifice. Inquire at Journal office. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve does not merely heal on the sur face: it penetrates the pores and promptly relieves pain, coused by boils, burns, scalds, cuts and skin dis eases. It is especially good for piles. Beware of imitations. Sold by F. G. do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs. Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. Va. "Because, after suffering for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief. at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ' iiis, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache,, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women, suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles. WINF mm I I fill 0 WRITE US A LETTER describing fully all your symptoms and we will send you Free Advice in plain sealed envelope. Ladies' Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. J 9 OF CM Fricke & Co.