The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 09, 1907, Image 5

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If &Tf c - '
" "y
ANY" remedy that Itenefits digestion
htrem;thens the nerves.
The nerve centers require nutrition.
If the dit:etin is impaired, the nerve
renters lieeome anemic, and indigestion
in ;h result.
t Pervna is not a nersine nor a I
stimulant. It benefits the nerves by i
T benefiting digestion.
I'eruna frees the stomaeh of catarrhal
i-onestions and normal digestion is the
In other word.-, I'eruna poes to the
bottom of the wliolo ditlieulty, when
the di.ay;reealIe symptoms disappear.
Mrs. J. Jamison, ;i Marchant street,
Watsonville, Cal., writes:
I was troubled with my stomach for
ix j-ears. I tried many kinos of medi
ci:i , also was treated hy three doctors.
' They said that I had nervous dys-
pep-ia. I was put on
ihree mnntl-.s.
a liiiuid diet for
How to Run a Newspaper.
When a man pes astray
Keep it out.
When the critic roasts a play
Keep it out.
When two men in anper clash:
When a merchant goes to smash:
When the cishier steal the cash
Keep it out.
When they quarrel in the church
Keep it out.
When a teacher wields a birch
Keep it out.
When nine women fair to sea
Whisper something over tea
Print it? Goodness, gracious me!
"Keep it out!"
When two statesmen make a deal
Keep it out.
When another tries to steal
Keep it out.
.Stories tbin and stories tall;
Good and bad and big aud small
Anything that's news at all
Hear 'em shout:
"Keep itout!"
Snowed 32 Years Ago.
In conversation with Judge Archer,
he tells us that he distinctly remem
bers that on the 2nd day of May, thirty-two
years ago, Cass county was vis
ited by a heavy snow storm, at which
time he was residing near Rock Bluffs,
which was the only time until yes
terday that snow ever fell in Cass
county in May, since 1875. It was on
Sunday and will be remembered by
many of the old residents.
Have to Use Ladders.
The other day we met one of our
lumber dealers going down street with
a ladder on his shoulder. We asked
him what be wanted with a ladder
and he stated that the price of lum
ber had gone so high that he bad to
have a ladder to show customers his
Tor all Co'jsM end assists in
mxve'.L-.r.g Coids from tha sys
The Ret
Clorer Blo
eomand tb
Honey Be
is on every
tem ty ser.Jiy moTir.j tas
bowej. a ceram
relief tor croup and
liear.y ft.I ctner
eou;h cures are
cciv those
co rttaintr.ff Opiates?
Kennedy s Laaati
Honey U Tar moes
do bowels, contains
Be Gpxes.
KENNEDY'S laxaiwe
F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggist.
1 Zf AW'JiV.
"I Am
Glad To
Write My
Of The
I Do So
Julia Marlowe,
yFi "
"I improveti under tlie treatment, but
as soon as I stopped taking the medi
cine, I got bad again.
'I took the medicine for two years,
then J got sick again and gave up all
hopes of getting cured.
I saw a testimonial of a man whose
case was similar to mine being cured by
Peruna, so J thought I would give it a
"I procured a bottle at once and com
menced taking it. I have taken several
!ottles and am entirely cured.
J ' have gained in strength andl
L feel like a different person. I oe
I eve Peruna is all that is claimsd
J for it."
Nervines, such as coal tar prepara
tions, are doing a great deal of harm.
Sleep medicines and headache powders
are all alike, heart depressants, and
should not be used. The norves would
all riiriit, if tlse digestion were good.
I'eruna corrects the ingestion.
Howell Smith in Politics.
The Ledger has received a copy of
the Thomas (Okla.) Tribune, on the
first page of which we find the famil
iar face of our friend, Howell Smith,
who for many years resided near Mc
Paul. Iowa, and was known to numer
ous people in this vicinity, being a
brother of Mrs. I. S. White of Rock
Bluffs precinct. Mr. Smith is a can
didate for the Oklahoma legislature,
and the Tribune "boosts"' him as
"Elder Howell Smith has been per
suade by his friends all over Custer
county to become a candidate for the
state legislature and he has finally
consented to make the race. As a
democrat he will command a good
strong vote, and on general princi
ples as a good moral citizen, be should
have a hearty endorsement from all
of the people. Mr. Smith came to
Oklahoma In 1893 and for the past
fourteen years be has dwelt among
the people of Custer, Blaine and
Dewey counties. He is an able man.
Besides being a strong exponent of
the gospel he is a lawyer of ability
and excellent business man. It was
mainly through his efforts that the
beautiful Christian church was built
in Thomas. Democrats of Thomas
and vicinity are pleased over Mr
Smith's candidacy and they will make
a mighty effort to elect him. Union
Several Narrow Escapes.
The runaway accident in which Mr.
Bryan figured in Vermont the other
day, in which he immediately mount
ed the wreckage and made a happy
speech to the hundreds of people who
swarmed about him, reminds us that
he has had several close calls, when It
seemed only providential interference
saved him. He was once nearly killed
by the falling of a platform in Florida.
He narrowly escaped death in a rail
road wreck four years ago. and about
two years ago, in the grand canon in
Arizona, the Bryan party became lost
in the darkness. By cautious driving
tbey finally reached home, and on the
following morning the hosts discover
ed that the wheels of the wagon con
taining Mr. Bryan had passed within
five inches of the very brink of a preci
pice more than 1,000 feet straight
down. Fremont Herald.
Try It. Girls.
Say cirls, if your best fellow or any
other fellow overstays his time when
calling on you, spring this on him and
if he doesn't "take a tumble," he is
too stupid to ever call on you again.
Here it is: Take any number between
one and nine, add one, multiply by nine
cross out the left hand figures, add
fourteen, add the number you started
with and then watch the young man's
Doan's Iiegulets cure constipation
without griping, nausea, nor any weak
ing effect. Ask your druggist for
them. 25c per box.
Timely Suggestions that Shold be Accept
ed by Every Property Owner In
The Journal endorses every word of
the following from the Lincoln Trade
Ileview, and we hope many of our
readers will do tlie same and act ac
cordingly: "No resolution can be tak
en by a community that will be more
beneficial individually and collectively
than a resolution to get together and
make one's town more attractive,
more cleanly and more desirable in
which to live. This is the time to not
only resolve but to act along these
lines. Tnere is something in the prop
osition that if a town is looked after
in this way it will draw more people
to it, but there is infinitely more in
the proposition that work of this kind
should be done for the good of the
whole people now living in it. If your
town has a population of two thous
and you can benefit every one by im
proving the cleanliness and appearance
of the place entire. At best you could
not reach nearly so many new people
no matter how much you do. No
where can work be done that will ac
complish so much for little outlay as
can be done in our prairie cities. Ne
braska towns can be made attractive
at a minimum expense, practically
with no expense if each individual
property owner does his part. Let a
city get right on sidewalk construc
tion and half the battle for a pretty
town is won. Let there be a system
of town cleaning that will clean up
filthy and filled up alleys and another
long step is taken in the right direc
tion. Neither of these requre addition
expenditure of money, they simply re
quire something that has to be done
right and thoroughly. In no way can
a commercial club organization do a
more appreciative work than by join
ing hands with its local government to
make their town clean and attractive."
Against the Executrix and Heirs of the
Estate cf Frederick D. Lenhoff.
In the district court Friday a peti
tion of suit was filed by the First
National Bank, through their attor
ney, airainst the heirs and the execut
rix of the estate of the late Frederick
D. Lenholl, deceased, and all of the
following parties are made defendants
in the suit: Katherine E. LenbolT, as
executrix of the estate of Frederick
D. Lenhoff, deceased; F. W. Lenhoff,
Geo. B. Lenhoff ahd Matilda Lenhoff,
as heirs of the deceased, to recover on
a note given by deceased to the Platts
mouth Brick and Terra Cotta com
pany, of which corporation said testa
tor was a stockholder, and was for the
sum of $666.40 with interest, which
claim was allowed at the time the es
tate of the deceased was probated in
the county court. Later.executrix ap
pealed the matter to the district
court of Cass county, where said judg
ment was confirmed and said claim or
dered paid in the sum of $703.75 with
interest and costs which amount is
still unpaid.
Plaintiff further alleges that said
testator prior to May 5, 1903, was the
owner of one-half of lot 6, in block 34,
on which is situated a two-story brick
building in the city of Plattsmouth,
and that on said day for the purpose
of defrauding and cheating said plain
tiff a deed therefor was placed on
record conveying the same to his son,
Geo. B. Lenhoff in whose name it now
appears on the records, and further
alleges that said Geo. B. Lenhoff paid
no consideration, the son being
charged in conspiracy with the father
and mother.
Fred W. Lenhoff and Matilda Len
hoff are both made parties thereto as
heirs of the deceased. The plaintiff
asks that said deed be set aside and
adjudged fraudulent and subject said
property to the payment of plaintiff's
claim, or any other relief as may be
equitable in the premises.
Some Fine Hogs.
August Gorder received two fine Po
land China brood sows from Union
this morning. They came from the
herd of E. M. Smith, and are indeed
fine ones, and contain the best strains
known to the popular Poland China
Mortgage Record.
The following is the mortgage rec
ord for the month of April, as shown
by County Recorder II. A. Schneider's
Filed $13;3."0
Released 20,600
Total ..S23,9."0
Filed $10,905
Released 4,895
Total $15,800
There were five farm mortgages
filed and fifteen released.
Itching, torturing skin eruptions, one wild. Doan's
Ointment brings qoick relief and last
ing cures. Fifty cents at any drug
M''tf" frtM-ilom t,, ,ir, t hat wmiM n-a'l.
Hfi-'s fii-cilom to liirn that wuuM wtiu-.
TIu-it's rii!u ever f-aivil the truth Mio'iM In
Ill'UI 1
Hut th.-y who'ii tin-t rulli woiiM linlli-t.
Kobrit Jliirns.
Having smashed the breweries,
there is nothing but trouble brewing
in Kansas now.
The Smith family should all go to
Jamestown this summer in honor of
their founder, John.
The Chicago dog that inherited the
$20,000 the other day is dead. Not all
men or dogs can stand prosperity.
Now, if a July snowstorm doesn't
come along there'll be watermelons
enough to enrich the suffering rail
roads. In the matter of wearing spring
hats the women would govern them
selves by the calendar, even were the
snow a foot deep.
Flames burst out in a Missouri
church while the pastor preached of
hell. Such realism must have caused
the wicked to quake.
The women are vindicated. It is
drink, and not food unlike that which
mother used to make, that heads the
list of divorce charges.
A Wall street financier's time is
largely divided between wishing the
president would say something and
then wishing he hadn't said it.
Mr. Henry Watterson says Mr. Roos
evelt could not get a third term if he
wanted it. If this nagging keeps up,
Mr. Roosevelt will get into the next
race yet.
A scientist says that the hammer is
the oldest tool known to man. It is
used as much as any other and always
has been. Yes, arid the knocker goes
with it.
Ilondurian rebels, being unable to
find any country which will knock the
chip off her collective shoulder, have
gone to fighting among themselves.
There's nothing like keeping in prac
tice. A Kentucky grand jury has indict
ed a milkman who delivered milk with
minnows in it. Don't be too hard on
the poor man maybe he was just
trying to show the Colonels how bard
a fish can drink.
Housewives have an excellent op
portunity to prove the truth or un
truth of the theory that thunder sours
milk. The point can be settled by
keeping tab on the Alton cow which
was struck by lightning and lived "to
tell the tale."
A Lousiana railroad president re
signed because he could not get an an
nual pass over his own line. Hard
times for the magnates.
The ground hog limitation expired
six weeks ago but that pestiferous lit
tle vermint seems to be wholly unen
lightened upon the matter.
The city campaign is on at Lincoln,
and a very dirty fight is being made
against Mayor Brown: Brown ap
pears to be really too good for that
Railroads in the United States killed
or injured 20,894 persons in the three
last months of 1906. Sane speed, safety
devices and intelligent supervision
would materially lesson this awful
Some lecturer on health says that a
man ought to be ashamed to show his
face in heaven before he is 70. The
late Josh Billings said that everybody
wanted to go to heaven but nobody
was in a hurry about it.
An old maid who edits a depart
ment of an exchange gives warning to
the girls that "when out riding with
a gentleman friend, when he buckles
the lines together there is going to be
something doing." This is the voice
of wisdom speaking from age and ex
perience. Under the new primary law it is an
offense to sign the petition of more
than one candidate for the same of
fice. After while the people will get
over the habit of signing every paper
brought to them where it costs noth
ing. This law will be a good teacher
along that line.
Voluntary Petition in Bankruptcy.
The Lincoln Journal of this morn
ing contains the following: "A volun
tary petition in bankruptcy was tiled
bv II. D.Travis of Plattsmouth for
William M. Divine, a merchant of
Greenwood, in federal court yesterday.
It was said tlie property of Mr. Divine
will more thin pay the claims, if pro
perly handled; that iiis business con
sisting of a $7,ooo stock of goods, is in
ood shapt and that ill health causes
him to takt. this step. His debts are
scheduled at i,122.'JJ,of which amount
tlie sum of $3,23' is secured. Judge T.
C. Muner entered a order in bank
ruptcy and refferred the case to
Referee J. A. C. Kennedy. It is said
that Mr. Divine is ailing from con
Not a City in Nebraska That Can Show a
Better Financial Standing
A Decrease of Fifty-five Per Cent on City
Taxes in Three Years.
There is not a city in Nebraska that
can claim right now a brighter future
than Plattsmouth. In the first place,
the city is in the best financial condi
tion she has been for many years and
many of the older inhabitants say in a
better shape as regards taxation, the
town has ever been. Another thing,
our business men are becoming more
congenial with each other, and are
more disposed than ever to "all pull
together" for Plattsmouth.
It is with considerable pride that
the Journal points to the excellent
condition of our city. There has been
a gradual decrease of taxation in the
past three years, and today the records
show a total decrease of 55 per cent in
that time. Not only this, but there
is not a single over-draft or registered
warrant, with $23,104 in the city treas
ury. This is certainly a record of
which every taxpayer should feel
proud. While we can thus boast of
such an excellent financial condition,
it is but justice that due credit should
be given to Mayor Gering and the
members of the council, who have as
sisted him in the engineeringof public
affairs. It is indeed a record they can
point to with pride.
There is not a city, town or village
in the state of Nebraska that can
show a better condition financially,
and we very much doubt if there is
even one with as good showing. Such
a state of affairs has much to do with
inducing new comers and manufac
turing establishments to locate here.
No one wants to locate in a town that
is head over heels in debt and the
rate of interest and taxation beyond
that of other cities of Plattsmouth's
Under present conditions people are
coming to Plattsmouth every day, buy
ing property and locating here, manu
facturing establishments have an eye
in this direction with a view of loca
ting in the future, and with the com
ing of the Interurban road, we may
expect big things for Plattsmouth.
But with all these things in view, let
our business men and merchants gen
erally continue to pull together for a
"Greater Plattsmouth," and success
is bound to crown our efforts.
Artists have no trouble in securing
models. The famous beauties have
discarded corsets and have become
models in face and form since taking
Hollister's Rockey Mountain Tea. 35
cents, Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co.
One of the Ablest in the State.
In speaking of the result of the dam
age suit of Mrs. Jennie Burns against
G. H. Johnson, in which Mathew Ger
ing was attorney for the plaintiff, the
Beatrice Sun says: "The defendant
and his attorneys, Hazlett & Jack and
Samuel Rinaker, received many con
gratulations on the successful issue of
the trial. The case was a hard fought
one and the victory was gained from
one of the ablest damage lawyers in
the state, Matt Gering."
Send us your picture and SI. 00 and
we will make you 25 genuine photo
graph post cards. Olson Photo
graph Co., 225 Coates Block, Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
News from the "Omaha."
The Kansas City Times of May 2, in
speaking of the steamer "Omaha,"
formerly the "Lora" says: "Ten tons
of confetti and live tons of fireworks
were delivered in Kansas City yester
day by Captain Alex Stewart of the
river steamer Omaha. The Omaha
left St. Louis a week ago Tuesday and
is bound for Omaha, where it is to be
used as an excursion boat. Ten tons
of farm machinery was delivered in
Jefferson City. There are fewer snaes
in the river now than ever before, said
Captain Stewart."
Assessors Finish.
J. W. Reasoner of South Bend pre
cinct, Wilson Gilmoreof Mt. Pleasant,
and I. W. Teegarden of Weeping Wa
ter city, all appeared at the county
assessor's office with their complete
returns for the present year's assess
ments. They are coming In from the
various precincts quite rapidly now.
Judge Jessen Interprets the Rights
County Commissioners to Bid
A special from Nebraka City says:
"Judge i'aul Jessi'ti hai.dd down ati
important decision on Uhmu'w revenue
law. It was In the city of W. V. Hair
vs I'. M. Cook, county treasurer. The
suit was instituted some time since to
test certain portions of t he law. Thn
county commissioners had gone Into
the treasurer's olllce after the treasur
er had made ills sales and raised the
bids on a large amount of property
which had been bid on below its actual
value. Tlie commissioners increased
the bids over $10,000 and they consid
ered their bids were low, when the act
ual value of the property was taken
into consideration. The first question
raised was if tlie commissioners iiad a
right to go to the treasurer and bid on
any property on which there was de
linquent taxes save on the days of sale.
The next was if they did where were
they going to get the money, which the
law says must be put up by any one
biding over another. All of the mem
bers of the bar were present, and di-
cussed the matter with Judge Jessen
last week and he took tlie case under
advisement. Yesterday he iianded
down a decision in which lie held the
commissioners had no right to bid at
any time save at sales, only as individ
uals and ordered tlie treasurer to ac
cept the bid of Mr. Hair, which had
been offered prior to that of the com
missioners. All of the property in this
city and county on which there were
delinquent taxes had been sold last
year and the buyers of the certificates
ure well pleased with the decision, but
it will lose to the county many thous
and of dollars when if the commission
ers were able to have carried out their
idea and bought in the property and
sold it at private sale. The commis
sioners may instruct the county attor
ney to take the matter to the supreme
court and have that body pass upon
the questions raised."
Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Peterson.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah
Peterson occurred Sunday afternoon
at 2:30, the services being conducted
from the house by Rev. Swanson, of
the Swedish Mission church of Wahoo,
assisted by Rev. Houlgateof this city.
Quite a large number of friends and
relataves were in attendance t o pay
their last sad rites to a noble pioneer
lady, a most dutiful wife and loving
and affectionate mother. Tlie services
were very impressive, the Swedish
ladies aid society contributing several
very beautiful and appropriate vocal
numbers. After the servies the re
mains were conveyed toOak Hill ceme
tery followed by a large number of
sympathizing friends, where inter
ment was made. Many out of town
friends were here to attend the funeral,
among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Nels
Ilawkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Cba.s.
Bong, of Havelock, Mrs. A. K, Carlson,
and daughter, Miss Esther, and the
Misses Mayme and Edith Johnson, of
Omaha, and Miss Josephine and
Sigrid Anderson of Lincoln.
The pallbearers were composed of
the following gentlemen: L. C. Ander
son, John Holstrom, L. G. Larson,
August Anderson, Chas. E. Ryberg
and A. Piestrupt.
The deceased was a most excellent
lady, and being among the pioneer
citizens of Plattsmouth was widely
known for her many fine traits of
For stomach troubles, billiousness
and constipation try Cbamberlanin's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many
remarkable cures have been effected
by them. Price 25c. Samples free.
For sale byF.
T. Fried.
A Cold Spring Kills Grasshoppers.
F. M. Timblin of Weeping Water
relates an incident showing one pe
riod in the history of Nebraska when
a freeze toward the end of April was a
blessing for the state and saved the
country from the gassnoppers. The
first grasshopper raid occurred in 1366,
the arrival being so late that little
damage was done to crops and tbey
left their eggs, however, and did much
damage the following year. The sec
ond raid occurred in 1874. Then they
came in August and cleaned outevei -thing
and also did much damage t&
following spring. The third and Iaal
raid was in 1376, when considerable,
damage was done to crops and the
ground was filled with eggs for the
succeeding spring. About April 1,1877,
the eggs hatched and millions of hop
pers swarmed over Nebraska fields,
threatening every growing thing. The
farmers were disheartened and it be
gan to look as if the country was never
to be free from the pests. A cold rain
killed off the first batch but the hop
pers were up and coming again when
a snow about the middleof April killed
more. On the night of April, 2'J, the
ground froze hard and finished the
goo work.
When you need a pill, take a pill,
and be sure its an Early Riser. De
Witt's Little Risers are safe, sure, sat
isfactory pills. The pills with a repu
tation. They do not gripe or sicken.
They are sold here by F. G. Fncke &