mm H I -m Necfcuear! Spring Summer S Gi ti l t Eclp;e Yalutets ixL Spring Clothin at the Reliable Purchasing House of WClfl. HOLLY .11SO, a COmjJieLe lllie Ul 'JCIlLS) UIIU JJU wllll nuu. wjuiuui- - iiiiuij-in mi inc Iltn SLIC UUU luiue:-? i num. We suggest that you call early and examine all departments. Price and quality will compare with any in Cass county Fine Shirts, ike. CLOTHING , ) 6, s 'i Legal Notice. FTATKoK Nr.IlKASKA. "a.vH County. t I n Comity Court. 1 '-s 'omit v. Nelrala. I ri It uiatK-r of tlif Maw- of J. il. Moor-, ! Hi nt All iTons lnlr-t-l In said st ate arf li-r ty notltit'tl that a lltloii lias l--n t1l-l Insalil t'ourt itraylnir for lli irlaic of a wrtaln In st rniiK'iit now on tilt In ail rourt. iin"riliitr to waii iiili-nt l.-an-ii i'oii.v f tli last, will ami tst aiiK-iit of sall !--eas4l. aixl that If they f all to aii-ar at sahl ourt on tlx' 4th day of May. A. It7. at IOorlm-k a. rn.. to ont-st. It irohat of said aut Ik-iiI liaat'l oy of said will. th- court may allow and inlat said oiy and trrant administration of said t-statt and iro-''d to a s-t 1 1 ri i- 1 1 t ln r-of. IsrAi.l II AllVTT l. Tkavis. 4'Oiuity .ludirc. Notice of Administration In Count V Court of Cass County. N-hraska. I ii th mainr of tin- -st at- f Matlifw M id k I IT, !--f-asfd. All iHTsons lntT-st-d In said -M al' arf lu-rf-t V not iti-d that a x't it ion has U--n tih-d In said court alh'iriiii; that saii l - as-l difd li-aviiiir i.o last will and tfst anient and ira vlnir for ad ministration u in n his-stat-. and that a h-ar-Intr will lw had on th- 4tli lay of May. A. r.'". at tin-county i-ourt room at 10 oVl-k a. in., and that if th-y fail toaii-ar at said court, on said date to conu-st sall iN titioii. the court may irranl l lie same and irrant letters of ad ministration to W. F. Tracy ami iiruviil to a sett lenient, of said estate. Iseai.I II AltVKT I. Thavis. I:ticon Ci.aiik. Attorney. County .ludt-'c. Attachment Notice. .John t'Connor will take not Ire. that on the Uli day of April. Iim7. M. Archer, a justice of t he ieace. of I'lattsmont h city, Cass County. Nehraska. issued an order of attachment for the Hum of ill. "0. in an action itemlintr Itefore him. wherein I.. H. F.jrcnlierirer Is idaliitltT and John O'Connor, defendant, that iroiert y Qf the defeiulant. consist imr of money in the pos session of the irarnishee. has liwn attached un der said order, said cause was cont inued to tin .'dof May. l'.7. at MoVlurk a. m. I. 15. KliENBElMiEK. Plaintiff. License Notice KOTICF. OF APPLICATION OF F. W. Kuhtrc whoou tlie i:;tli day of April. 1!7. Med his iM-tition witli the clerk of Avoca. vil lage, in Cass County. Nehraska. as required ly statutes of the state of Nehraska and ordi nance of Avoca villain, prayiiur for license to sell malt, spiritous and vinous liiiiors in the huiltlinsr located on w'i of lot .. hlock I .'I. in the said village of Avoca for tlie tiscal year ending April Ill's. Any h.ject ions thereto must Ik' Med on orln fore April -V.. V.7. April IS 11 '7- F. V. IM IK.E. Apidicant. Legal Notice. 7NTIIF IUSTK1CT CtU'KT WITHIN ANI - for Cass County. Nehraska. In tlie matterof tlie estate J of -ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE iarhara .lones. ileceased. S Now on this "th lay of April. l'.H7. tliis rausc I'umcon for heariiur at ChamU'rs. upon the. letition of Frel Kt'enlx-rtrer. alministrator of tlie estate of Harhara Jones. ieceasHl. prayintr for a liceiiM- to M'll the follow in;.' lercriled real estate situated in Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty. Nehraska. to-wit : Ixts one (1 ) and eisrlit v) in hlock nnieteen li) Vounr& Hay's Addition, and lot one (1 ) in I. lo-k twenty-one (-1 ) Vountr & Hay's Addi tion. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or a sufficient amount of the same to lii imr tlie sum of twen-ty-tive I hi nd red -?i-)ni) dollars, for the pay ment of deots allowed air a Inst said estate and the cost of administration, there not lieinsr any lersonal proierty t pay the said dehts ami exiK'n-s. It is therefore ordered that all jiersons In teresteil in said estate apjM-ar Itefore me at the office of tlie Clerk of the IMstrict Court of Cass County. Nebraska, on tlie i"th day of May, 1!H7. at one o'clock P. in., to show cause, if any. why a license should not lie jrranted to said admin istrator, to sell tlie altove described real estate or so much thereof U'loiiirinsr to tlie deceased as shall Ite ne-essary to pay said debts and e. ! ruses. Service of this order shall ! made itersonal lv uion all persons interested, or shall le made by publication in tlie Plattsmouth Journal for four successive weeks prior to the "th day of May. 11'7. Pati. .1 essen. Judt'e of the IMstrict Court. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ' . Cass County. t I n County Court. In the matterof tlie estate of Joseph Ora l:tm. dH-eas-d. Notice Is hereby jri veil that creditors of said let-eased will meet tlie Executrix of said estate. Iiefore me. County Judreof Cass County. Ne braska, at tli County Court room in Platts mouth. in said county, on the 3'th of April and on the :ilst of ictolter. lJt7. at lUo'clock A. M.. each day. for the purp;se of pres-nt inir t heir claims for examination, adjustment and al lowance. Six months from April C7. 1!0.. are allowed for the creditors of sahl lcoeased to pres'iit their claims, autl one year and six months for the Executrix to stile said estate. fm the Jinit day of March. l".'7. Witness my haml anl seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this Stthday of March. I.ii7. IIakvey l. Thavis. Iseai.I County Jmltft'. C. E. Tefkt. Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement TN TIIECOI'NTV COI'KTtiF CASS Col'N ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Henry Wolfe, sr.. deceased. Notice tif final settlement and distribution of residue of estate. To all persons Interested in the estate of Henry Wolfe, sr.. deceased: Notice is hereby t'iven that on the P.nli day of April. A. I.. 1H07. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. at the office of t he County Judire of Cass County, in the Court house in Plattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska, tlie following matter will lie heard and consid ered: Tlie examin'ion. adjustment ami al lowance of the tinal account of tlie executor of said estate. Koltert II. Frans. ami the assign ment of tlie residue of said estate to such er sons as are emit led thereto under the laws of Nebraska and the terms of the will and testa ment of said deceased. Iseai.I IIahvetH. Travis. C. A. IIawia Attorney. County Judire. License Notice VOTICE IS 1IEKEUV i.lVF.N THAT THE undersigned lias filed his petition as re . : ti i r 1 by the statute of the state of Nebraska, with the city clerk of tlie city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, nuitest imr a license to sell malt. iritous and vinous lienor ior me coming munic , vear il tlie buMdnitf sit uateu on the i.if ". of l.t tlii-cec; in block thirty- tiiree CCi in t lie city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. A:ril 1 .;. i i..i .-i r.v i. Applicant. License Notice "VOTICE IS HEKEHV MVEN THAT THE undersigned has tiled her petition as re .niired bv the statutes of the state of Nebraska with the fit v clerk of the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. reiuestiiir a license to sell malt, spiritous ami vimus lit mors for tlie comuijr municipal year in the buildinjr situated on the west half (wS) of lot six (f.) in Itlock thirty four in the city of Plattsmoutli. Nebraska. OKA K. t I r-r.. April 10. l!t'7. Applicant. Gold Crowns and Eridce Teeth j. 50 cp. P?rce laia Crowns ti-so UP- Fillines soc cp. eeta zuacted Painless. New set same day. J3IlsE'VtTtie Dontlot, EiiUblUhed iS88. Paxtoa Blk. OflAHAj Mvirdock (lly G. A. Iels.) PKODUCE MAKKETS Corrected weekly by Martin 8c Tool, who pay the highest prices for produce and guarantee satisfaction: flutter 1NO EififH l'.'HC Hens HC Springs heavy .rC Sprinrs llirht 7tr Cream No. I. -'7c Cattle f 4.'4i to 5.fi0 Hot's t.w to 0. (iliAIN MAKKETS. Corn 3:t'i and 3.V: Wheat '1C Oats 34 Sc Rock Island Time Tahle. Murdock Station. WEST ISOUND. 41, mail 8:15 a. m. 75, local 8:55 a. m. 5. mail 3:00 p. m. 37, mail 5:53 p. m. east bound, !K), freight 12:30 a. m. 38, mail 10:55 a. m. 76, Local 1:14 p. m. 6, mail 2:35 p. m. No. NO. No. No. No. No. No. No. .Supt. Gamble visited our schools on Wednesday of last week, Aug. Reick and wife and Mrs. Otto Dettman of Primrose, Neb., are vis iting relatives in this neighborhood this week. Mrs. S. A. Wood and daughter, Miss Helen, departed for Mason City last Thursday, at which place they will live for the coming year. II. Westlake and "E. Rogers each shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha last week. John Scheel and son Rennard were sightseeing in Filmore county this week. Wm. Neilsen made a business trip to Lincoln Saturday in his auto. Bert Hunt visited with relatives in Omaha Sunday. A bouncing baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. O, D. Zaar, Sunday, Ap ril 14. Mrs. Jas. Crawford and son Clyde visited relatives in this burg Sunday. Miss Mayme Schewe accompanied her to Lincoln Sunday evening. Miss Conrad Wirth transacted busi ness in Omaha Monday and Tuesday. II. V. McDonald visited at various points of'the state the forepart of the week. A party of young people composing Jake Goehry, Misses Anna and Mina Goehry and Amy Westlake visited in Louisville Sunday. The school board in district 85 are up against a pre'ty tough proposition, as there is a disagreement of patrons in regard to the primary teacher. Mrs. Garries and son returned to Flumboldt Monday, after a week's vis it here. Ilarry Zabel went to Lincoln Wed nesday for a few days visit with rela tives. C. J. Leis commenced a barn for Ax el Zaar Monday. While Alvin Bornemeier was doing the milking Sunday evening, a gentle old Jersey kicked him completely over and another cow in the next stanchion stepped in his face, cutting quite a large gash under the cheek bone. lie was taken to Elmwood and Dr. Xeely took three stitches in his cheek to close the wound. Wouldn't this jar yor? Bro. Hicks, astronomer, tells us that during the recent earthquake at San Francisco we were jarred about four hundred miles farther south. Now, on Satur day, April 13, we had ice three quar ters of an inch thick, and Wednesday it snowed, so we think Mr. Hicks is entitled to another guess. Havelock Gets a Slap. Also. According to the Lincoln Journal it is expected that an order will be issu ed in a few days transferring the sup ply department of the Burlington at Havelock to Lincoln, putting it under Storekeeper J. II. Waterman, and mak ing Storekeeper Ellis at Havelock, a general foreman, probably in charge of distribution of supplies at that place. This is to follow the change which took the supply department from Omaha, moved part of the forces to Chicago and part of them to Lin coln, and put the distribution of fuel in charge of the Lincoln storekeeper. Whooping Cough. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedies in my family in cases of whooping cough, and want to tell you that it is the best medicine I have ever used. W. F. Gastox, Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggists sell it. Weeping Water From the Herald. A sure cure for "knocking" Is for the knocker to try regular doses of "boosting." Miss Johanna Sogard has been very sick at the home of E. K. Norton the past week, but is improving at this time. Mr. Nickerson, who was kicked by a horse some time age, sustaining in ternal injuries, is in a very critical condition. Cbas. Lyman left for Vivian, S. I)., Thursday morning, wher be will take charge of the railroad station for two or three months. Gordon Shanklin and Mrs. Grace Moranville packed their goods and shipped for Nebraska City last Friday. Mrs. Moranville has a position as bookkeeper with the Singer Sewing Machine company. Word was received the latter part of the week from Kansas that Mrs. L. D. Hunter, who left recently to visit Samuel Coglizer, was very sick with erysipelas, and is in a dangerous con dition. Ex-Congressman E. J. Hainer of Lincoln, has been secured by the G. A R. to deliver the Decoration day ad dress. We believe the members of Post have made a good selection. On Saturday evening, April 20th, Butler Camp M. W. A. members will take a vote ou the proposition of buy ing or building a hall in Weeping Water, and to elect three trustees to take charge of the matter. Last Friday night was very cold, and fruit buds that could withstand such a freeze, ought to be classed in the hardy iist. Not many we talked with Saturday morning held out hope for a big fruit crop, but it being so dry is favorable for a part of a crop. Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. Wm. Henry of Chattanooga, Tenn., had rheumatism in bis left arm. "The strength seemed to have gone out of the muscles so it was use less for work," he says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and wrap ped the arm in flannel at night, and to my relief I found that the pain gradually left me and the strength re turned. In three weeks the rheuma tism had dssappeared and has not since returned." If troubled with rheuma tism try a few applications of Pain Balm. You are certain to be pleased with the relief which it affords. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T, Fried. "The Girl of the Golden West." Among a number of other charac ters that have rarely, if ever, been put upon the stage, "The Girl of the Gold en West," which comes to tbeParmele April 23, numbers one that is especial ly distinctive because of the absolute perfection with which it is drawn. This character is Billy Jackrabbit, an Indian hanger-on of the camp. Because he is true to life, Billy Jackrabbit is anything but the "noble red man." His one ambition is to exist without labor, and in the least troubltsome way. The Indian is present in the cast of characters because Billy Jack rabbit is a real Indian and not the hero-worshiper's ideal aborigine, and the picture he draws is in some ways a shock to those whose ideas of Indian character have been taken from books in which he is credited with numer ous virtues. In using a cough syrup, why not get the best? One that comes highly rec ommended is Bees Laxative Cough Syrup, contains Honey and Tar and is superior to other cough syrups in many ways. Children always like it because it contains no opiates; is a lax ative and is guaranteed to give satis faction or your money refunded. Try it. Gerine.fc Co. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE wsTAxsiso HONEY AND TAR No one thing will furnish so much amusement for so many people, so many times and in so many ways as the EDISON PHONOGRAPH Her It Free at Phil Sa titer's, Plattsmouth. Neb. BRAINSTOM AGAIN ATTACKS Don Despain Makes More Threats Against His Superior Officer. A special from Lincoln to the World Herald reports that Don Despain has relapsed Into anotber.brain storm, and Is making more threats. Don is one of those Smart Alecs, who think that business would stop at the state bouse capitol.ifit were not for him. The special continues: "The second brainstorm of Don C Despain, clerk of the bureau of labor, took place in the state house this afternoon. With his face white with anger he went into the office of Dep uty Auditor Cook to protest against the removal of the labor commission er's office to the third floor. "If I have to move I will fix you when the proper time comes," he de clared. "Better put that complaint in writ ing," twitted Cook, alluding to brain storm No. I, the McMullen episode, when Despain wrote a letter to the representative which caused a legls tive row. "The altrecation ended in the with drawal of Despain after he accused Cook of "using his influence" to have the labor office relegated to the third floor. The secretary of agriculture will use the room to be vacated by the labor commissioner. "The legislature eliminated Des pain from the salary list. His activ ity today was taken to mean that he had hopes of succeeding to the office of deputy labor commissioner now held by Bert Bush of Omaha." Filth Brings Poultry Disease s Avoid sickness among fowls by makintr housings and surround- A ings sanitary. A little Zenoleum ia the white-wash pail will work wonders. The surest cure for scaly legs and like troubles Is ZENOLEURfl A single quart wtil rid 100 liens of all lice, mites, fleas, etc Spraying roosta and houses once In 80 days will keep them clean and insure perfect health. "Tha Great Coal Tar Carbollo I f l A nin fw press prepaid, $1.50; 6 gallons. Ireipht prepaid, $6.25. Two Zenoleum hand booka, "Veterinary Adviser and 'PiKKie's Troubles" Bhow Its power for good with poultry and ail stock. Both free. Write for them. . F. G. FRICKE & CO. Ssmtiie canon or ipnoreuui uy v- THE IN RUiTrWOOf 1 Ferris Waists Pnr T.arlip! and w Misses at $1.00 75C Corner Sixth and Main St. DRY DC jm u Funeral of Mrs. Frank Janda. The last sad services over the re mains of Mrs. Frank Janda occurred this morning at 10 o'clock at the Bo hemian Catholic church, Ilev. Hancik officiating. Many friends and relatives were in attendance, and by their beau tiful floral offerings evidenced the es teem in which the departed was held during life. After the services at the church the funeral processian convey ed the remains to the Holy Sepulcher cemetery, where Interment was made. The pall bearers were Frank Janda, Omaha; Frank Vihlidal, Morse Bluffs; Thomas Janda, South Omaha; Charles Vitousek, John Jandaand Cyril Janda. Torturing eczema spreads its burn ing area every day. Doan s Ointment quickly stops its spreading, instantly relieves the itching, cures it perma nently. At any drug store. Schiele-W eber Nuptials. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weber was the scene of a pretty wed ding last evening when their daugh ter. Miss Clara, was united in mar riage to Frank A. Schiele of Omaha, at 8 o'clock by Rev. W. F. Bradley. The ceremony was a very simple one, and was witnessed by only a few inti mate friends and relatives After a few enjoyable hours in this city, Mr. and Mrs. Schiele departed on Burlington train No. 13 for Omaha, where they will be at home to their friends in a short time, and where the groom has a lucrative position with the Union Pacific railroad company. The Journal joins the many friends of the young couple in wishing them a happy wedded life. Send us your picture and $1.00 and we will make you 25 genuine photo graph post cards. Olson I'iioto gkaph Co., 225 Coates Block, Platts mouth, Neb. PERKINS HOTEL PLATTSMOUTH. RATES Sl.OO PER DAY First House West B. 5c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City i I T5he Perkins Hotel No fuel famine No waiting for the railroad to haul more coal ! Acres of fuel on your lift; own land; and rifrht Close in to four splendid cities; railroads, schools, churches, fine soil, pood water; land never on the market be fore; the chance of your life to own your own farm and stop paying rent. We are waiting-to tell you all about it. We will build a bouse for you If you ask us. Land tj.oo to f 15.00 per acre. Write today, tomorrow maybe too late. Address: AMERICAN COLONIZATION COMPANY Chippewa Bide.. Chippewa Falls. Buy Railroad Ticket toHayward, Wis. Wisconsin DOC BEST CORSET WARNER'S RUST PROOF THE DIFFERENT LENGTHS Long nips and four hese supporters. Every pair warranted at $1.50,51.00, 50c R. (Si G. CORSET CO., of New York. We are agents for this popular cor set. We guarantee them to wear better than any you ever had. at $1.00 and 50c ' GOODS AND GROCERIES Woman loveH a clear, rosy complex ion. Burdock Blood Hitters purities the blood, clears tlx; skin, restores ruddy, sound health. In the treatment of piles It he comes necessary to have the remedy put up in such a form that It can n. applied to the parts affected. Man Zan pile remedy Is encased in a collap sible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help but reach the spot. Be lieves blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. "c with nozzle, guaranteed. Try it. (Jerlng & Co. 61 WHEN THE KETLTE SINGS it's a sinn of coal satisfaction. Want to hear the music in your kitchen? Easy order coal from this office and yard. The output of the Trenton mine the fuel we handle has no su perior anywhere, its equal in few places J. V. EGENBERGFR, 'PUntlP I'lattsmont li PLASTTMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA' NHBRASr Give Us u Call A in Northern Wisconsin 3C MADE! 4 Ferris Waists For Ladies an Misses at Sl.OO 75c fcusT-po&r! Plattsmouth, as ka. DC J , 1 RUST -PROOF X& rj km f i ( .