The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 04, 1907, Image 6

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any of the rentiers of Hie Journal
We trant all items of interest. Editor Journal.
Less Hall was an Omaha visitor last
James Loughridge was in Omaha
Homer Shrader was on the sick list
this week.
Mrs. A. L. Baker was in Platts
mouth Monday.
A. M. Holmes is visiting Platts
mouth relatives this week.
Mrs. Joseph Sbera of Rock Bluff, was
an Omaha visitor Thursday.
M. ;. Churchill and wife visited
with relatives in Plattsmouth over
Ernest Carroll, Elmer and Roy lioe-
dekor were in Plattsmouth Monday
evening to attend the play at the
Mrs. W. II. McDaniel and children
returned from Lincoln Tuesday even
ing, where she has been spending a
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Root.
Mrs T. D. Buck is in Murray this
week visiting her numerous friends
before starting for her future home at
Rivcrton, Cola.
Dr. B. P. Brendel, A. L. Baker and
wife and Carroll Quinton, took .Easter
dinner last Sunday at the homepf Mr,
and Mrs. II. Beck.
Fred Shroder, of Nebraska City, was
a Murray visitor Friday evening. Mr.
Shroder is bookkeeper for the Morton
(train Company at Nebraska City.
W. E. Dull, who has been suffering
with lumbago for the past few weeks,
is some better at this time. He was
in Murray Wednesday feeling greatly
A. P. Stafford, of the Morton Grain
Company, came in from Nebraska
City Friday evening to transact some
business in connection with -his eleva
tor at this point.
Alvin Ferris of near Murrav, was in i
. . . i
Plattsmouth last
.saturaay looking
after some business matters. Mr. Fer
ris and family have recently moved
from down near Nehawka to the Hol
scheidt farm, recently purchased by
Mr. N. Slocum.
W. II. McDaniel is making some
very substantial improvements in his
store building this week in the way of
raising the rear portion of the build
ing to the same heighth as the front
room, putting on new roof, and in this
manner he is gaining mere floor space.
Frank Grauf and James Hatchett are
assisting him witli the work.
The following business
ronage in their various lines.
ment and 100 cents for every
( The Big Corner Store)
Always carry an
up-to-date line of
General Alerchandise
Get their prices on all
goods before buying
. Surgeons
All Calls Promptly Attended to
THotnrp public
Dr, Hayes Gsantner
At the office of
This Space for Sale!
know of a social event or an item of interest
Mrs. (ueen has been quite sick for
the past few days.
The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Cook has been quite sick fo the past
Dr. G. H. Gilmore was looking after
some business matters In Plattsmouth
Mrs. G. D. Connally and daughter,
Miss Nettie, were Nebraska City visit
ors Wednesday.
H. L. Oldham and wife were in
Plattsmouth, Sunday, visiting with
their brother and sister. ,.,,
' Mrs. J. W. Berger went to Nebraska
City, Wednesday, where she was call
ed owing to the sickness of her son,
M. C. Baker of Nodaway, Mich., is
in Murray this week visiting with his
son, Postmaster A. L. Baker and fam
ily. He expects to leave Saturday for
Surprise, Nebraska, where he will
make a risit with his daughter, Mrs.
E. A. Burton.
Mr. and Mrs. Linta McVey are the
proud and happy parents of twin ba
bies, arriving at their home Wednes
day of this week. The little strang
ers, one boy and one girl, and the
mother are doing nicely, and Linta is
the happiest man in the precinct.
W. C. Brown has been appointed as
manager of the Morton Grain Co 's
elevator at this place, made vacant by
the recent resignation of Mont Robb,
who has looked after this end of the
company's business for many years.
Mr. Brown will fill the position like
an old grain man and will hustle for
his share of the business for the com
pany he represents.
M. G. Churchill, our tonsorial artist,
has concluded that he can make a suc
cess out of the poultry business, so
(found an old hen) purchased a very
j valuable Piy mouth Rock (or Birk-
i !iire her ht:r rinrlinir that, thp. old
. . . rr
hen had ret vet decided to go to set-
!Mn. ,,a trior1 t nnrriI,o1 Hor t M,
! against her own free will. So he pur
j chased a setting of high-priced eggs,
j placed them in a nest and the hen in
with them and railed up the nest so
.she could not get out. The next morn
ing Mack went to see how the old hen
and eggs were getting along and to bis
disappointment theold ben had broken
every egg in the nest. Mack sair": "I
will not give up. but I will send for
: Moxie, the Hindoo hipnotists and have
! him hipnotise her (at the same time
1 get his money back) and see what he
I can do."
Business Directory
men of Murray take this method of soliciting your pat
U V!i
find them ever readv to grive vou fair treat
dollar s;nt with them.
D. L,. Amick
The Live Stock Man
Who :ays the Top. Price at All
T:ues. Use Your riione
and get the hesr.
John Cook
Boss Harness ' Man
Get My Prices
Before Buying
Drs. Newell
Murray Every Tuesday
Cass and Oxygen for
Painless Extraction
(All Work Guaranteed)
Office with Dr. Gilmore
Every TviesdaLy
Pitman & Davis
..General Hardware..
Get Our Prices on Lightning
We Can Save Yea Money
when Quality is considered.
in this vicinity and tcill mail same to this
"Brother' Josiah
Brother Josiah" is the name of the
home talent play to be produced at the
Manners & Loughridge hall in Murray
on Saturday evening, April 13, under
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid socle
ty of the Christian church. "Brother
Josiah" is a very interesting play and
should be well attended for many rea
sons; first, because you will be . wel
paid for your time, and second, be
cause it is given for the benefit of the
church. Below we print the cast of
characters as they will appear in the
Josiah Armstrong, a wealthy farmer
W. n. McDanie
Wellington Armstrong, a wealthy
broker . : ; W. C. Brown
Benjamin Butler Armstrong, Josiah's
son Chas. S. Stone
William Le Blanc, a. wealthy broker
D. L. Amick
( H'y Newcombe, rising young author
- Hiram Penstroke, Wellington Arm-
strong'sconndential man L. F. Hall
James, Wellington Armstrong's butler
Harvey Johnson
Mrs. Wellington Armstrong, wife of
Wellington ...Mrs. W. C. Brown
Jemmimy, wife of Josiah
Miss Grace Graves
Gladys Armstrong, daughter of Well
ington : Miss Ina Miller
Edith Le Blanc, daughter of Le Blanc
Miss Margre Walker
A number of couples in evening dress
to represent the guests.
Adults 3oc - - Children 25c
Mrs. Chas. Creamer, who has been
quite sick for the past few weeks, is
some better at this time.
Frank Oliver, who has been in the
hospital at Omaha for the past few
weeks, where he underwent an opera
tion for appendicitis, returned home
Wednesday afternoon. After the op
eration Mr. Oliver gained strength
rapidly and today feels like a new man
For Sale.
I have a number of good brood sows
for sale at the right price if taken
soon. Also a few good shoats.
T. L. Amic k.
ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle
attchment so that the remedy-may
be applied at the very seat of the trou
Dle, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Gering & Co. Drug
gist. Do You Know
Less F. Hall
Writes Insurance in the best
Companies and at the best
Physician and
Prompt Attention to All Calls
D. C. Rhoden
Good Turn-outs and Prompt
Attention is Our Hobby
Give Us a Call
Painter I Paper Hanger
Orders Left at Edmunds & Brown's
This Space for Salel
office it will appear under this heading
Mr. Warren Wiley United in Wedlock with
Miss Viola Young, Daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Young, Sr.
A very pretty wedding occurred at
the home of the bride's parents, at 8
o'clock Wednesday evening, April 3
1907, at which hour Miss Viola Young
was united in marriage to Mr. War
ren Wiley. At the appointed hour
the bride and groom entered the room
as Miss Isabella Young, sisteVof the
bride, played the Lohengren wedding
march. After which the beautifu
words that united the happy couple
was said by Rev. Roy Young of Beth
any, Nebraska.
The bride was very neatly attired at
wool taffeta, while the groom wore
the usual conventional black. After
the ceremony and congratulation, ele
gant refreshments were served.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Young sr. of Murray, who
are among the pioneers of Cass county,
where she was reared to womanhood.
She is a very popular young lady and
was the recipient of several useful and
pretty tokens to bear testimony of the
esteem In which she Is held, The
groom is a most worthy young man,
and also has many friends in the sec
tion where he is well known.
The happy couple will make their
home on the farm of Mr. Young, east
of Murray. . The Journal joins the
many friends of the bride and groom
in extending congratulations, attend
with our best wishes for their future
happiness and prosperity.
To My Former Patrons.
MiititA , Nki;., March 30, 11)07. I
wish to thank each and every one of
the patrous of the Morton Grain Co
of Murray, who for the past nine and
one-half years have sold their grain to
us, and only trust that yuu wili still
continue to give them your patronage
in the future as you have heie'ofore.
I sincerely believe that W. C. Brown,
who is my successor as agen t, will treat
you right in every respect. Wishing
you all many happy and prosperous
years to come. Yours very respectfully,
Mont Roish.
C. W. Abel Dies.
C. W. Abel, for the past few years a
resident of Wood River, Neb., died at
his home a few days ago, and the fun
eral was held Friday of lost week. Mr.
Abel for many years resided in Murray
but left here about ten years ago, mov-
ng to Elmwood, where he lived up to
the time he removed to Wood River,
some three years ago. The deceased
has been suffering with Bright's dis
ease for the past year, which finally
resulted in his death. He was seventy
three years of age. Mrs. Joseph Bur
ton of this place is his daughter, who
n company with her husband, attend
ed the funeral Friday. Joe returned
home Sunday evening, and Mrs. Bur
ton returned Tuesday evening.
A Parcel Shower!
Mrs. B. F. Brendel gave a parcel
shower at her home Monday after
noon, in honor of Miss Viola Young,
who was married Wednesday - evening
to Mr. Warren Wiley. Each and every
ady present brought a parcel contain
ing some useful article, which was pre
sented , to Miss Viola as a token of
friendship. The afternoon (was spent
n a social and musical way until about
five o'clock, when refreshments were
served, consisting of ice cream cake
and coffee, after which all departed
for their respective homes wishing
Miss Viola a married life of bright
ness and sunshine. Mrs. Brendel was
assisted by Miss Bessie Brendel and
Miss Daisy Buck.
Cured of Rheumatism.
Mr. Wm. Henry of Chattanooga,
Term., had rheumatism in his left
arm. "The strength seemed to have
gone out of the muscles so it was use-
ess for work," he says. "I applied
(Jnamoerialn's Pain Halm and wrap-.
ped the arm in flannel at night,' and
to my relief I found that the pain
gradually left me and the strength re
turned. In three weeks the rheuma
tism had disappeared and has not since
returned." If troubled with rheuma
tism try a few applications of Pain
Balm. You are certain to be pleased
with the relief which it affords. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T.
Improper action of the kidneys
causes backache, lumbago, rheuma
tism. "Pineules" is a kidney remedy
that will relieve these diseases. Pleas
ant to take and guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. "Re
lief in every dose." Gering & Co.
Eyes tested and glasses fitted at
Crabil's. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Except, of Course, Chauncey De
pew, Aboutthe Roosevelt
Harriman Dispute.
Says He Would Not Have Accepted
an Ambassadorship.
Bllaa Object to Digging Into "Ancient
Miatorjr" Irenld"nt KouHvlt
M a k m a Few Ki plana tory
New York. Anrll 4. While the
controversy which has arisen between
President Roosevelt iind K. II. Hani
man. following the miblieation or a
letter written by Harriman to Sidney
.Welwter regarding the collection of a
campaign fund hv Hairimaii timing
th" nr sidential campaign in UiOI. N
attracting widespread attention poli
ticlans and others w ho were el' se'.y
connected with the campaign do not
show a disposition at this time to di
ciw the subject. Senator I cpew was
the onlv one who would add anything
to the letters and statements made
bv the president and Hariiman. !!
is quoted as saying:
Was r .t irMrnt ion .Money.
"My knowledge of the .$20n.OoMam
paign fund was gained after the ccur-
rence to which Mr. Hariiman refe s
I knew nothing about it at the tim-,
and it would be improper for me to
mention any names in any way. I
may say, however, that the money did
not come from corporations, neither
from individuals whose e )rp oration af
filiations were such that they had any
thing to expect from the administra
tion in return. They were men ;:'
wealth, who necessarily had tcrtain
corporation connect ions, but the did
not move them in contributing tli
That Scnatorwhip Matter.
So far as the mention or my name
for the post of ambassador to Franc
is concerned I will say positively fiat
that matter was not broached to in;
until December, alter the opposition t
mv re-election as senator had civ
i.ed. I heard nothing at ail ahoiit if
back at election time. I will not say
through what sou re the j-uygrs! io:i
came that I should lake Ihe p st. ex
cept that I wa3 asked if 1 would not
accept such an appointment and with
draw from the senatorial contest. I
replied that I would not considt r it;
that my whole training and inciinati'iu
impelled me to continue my service ai
enator. and that so far as I was con
cerned it was the senatorsh'p or noth
ing. Sot long after that the r..y
tion wr.s withdrawn."
Millionaire Yachtsman Is Slow lit Pay
ing Alimony to Jlis Wile, Suing
tor Divorce.
DetrolrvApril 4. T'nle-s Commoclor
Merrill '. Mills, the millionaire yacht
ing enthusiast, who is a member of the
Chicago Yacht club, pays his wife. I.ila
Mills, by next Monday $1.''iO back ali
mony allowed by the court more than
a year ago he will be sent to jail for
contempt. This order was made by
Judge Mandall, of the .Wayne county
circuit court.
Next Monday Mis. Mills will also
ask the court to compel her husband
to pay bills amounting to s:!.r,(Hi that
she has incurred in obtaining dep si
tions in various parts of the country
to prod in e when her divorce suit comes
up in two weeks. Of this sum i?2.Ht
is for private detectives and the taking
of testimonv in several cith s. '1 he
ease will be sensational.
Guaranteed alarm clocksat Crabill's.
"Watches carefully repaired at Cra-
A fine line of solid silver and plated
ware at Crabill's.
Spring wind chap, tan and cause
freckles to appear. Pine salve Carbo-
lized applied at night will relieve that
burning sensation. Nature's own rem
edy. Acts like a poultice and draws
out infiamation. Gering 8c Co.
Coughs and colds contracted at this
season of the year should have Imme
diate attention. Bees Lazaties Cough
Syrup; containing Honey and Tar and
is unequalled for hoarseness, croup
and cougns. Pleasant to take; moth
ers endorse it; children like to take
it. Contains no opiates. Moves the
the bowels. Gering & Co.
No one thing will furnish
so much amusement for so
many people, so many times
and in so many ways as the
Mere It Tree at
mi Senior's. Plattsmeatb. Neb.
Hut It cannot make a I air Skin or a
(ilu.y Cuut.
V. iinfti with u"ol
con: 'l-xi"li:i cituiiol
be homely. Ciiu'ih,
li(tioa, w.'ihIh-s and
pnUil'TH Cllllliot initku
a f.iir skin. Kvery
hor-jt in.iu knows that
the satin coat of liM
thoroughbred come
from tht u a haul's
"ull-riht" condition.
Let tho liorst get
"off hirt fetid" urid hU
coat turnn dull. Cur
rying, brushing and rubbing will give
him a cleuu cout, but cannot product)
the coveted smoothneMti uud glo of
the bora' akin, which in Lin com.
plexion. Tho ladies w ill tee the point.
Lane's Family
Is the best preparation for Indie who
desire a gentlo laxative medicine that
will give the body perfect cleanliness
internally and the wliolnsomenesa
that producer such bkim a painter
love to copy. .
Install Account Register.
The firm of Kunsman and llam;i
received yesterday a new up-to-date
account register, which will soon be
installed in their meat market. The
register is manufactured by The Mc-
Caskey Account Register company, of
Alliance, Ohio, and for a great labor
saving device, it is hard to beat. Tin;
register consists of two patent indi
ces under a glass plate, where the
names are placed in alphabetical order
opposite an assigned number, which
compares with that in the tile, where
SOOnamescan be placed. The tile con
sists of IS light metal sheets, upon
each of which are fastened 20 clips for
The sheets or leaves work upon a
hinge, and to refer to them is very con
venient. With the register 300
small tiles were received, each of the
patrons receiving one, where they can
file the bill which is brought with
the order. The greatest advantage of
this device is that everytime an order
is delivered, a bill containing the
amount charged, together with the
balance of their standing account, is
also sent the purchaser.
A Woman Tells How to Relieve Rheu
matic Pains.
I have been a great sIIcrer frf-rrr
the dreadful disease, rheumatism, for
a number of years. I have tried many
medicines but never t'ot much relief
from any of them until two years ago.
when I bought a bottle of Chamber
lain's I'ain Iialm. I four.d relief be
fore I had used all of one bottle, but
kept on applying it and soon felt like
a different woman. Through my ad
vice many of my friends have tried it
and can tell you how wonderfully it
has worked. Mi:. Sakaic A. Cot.i:.
140 S. New St., Duver, Del. Chamber
lain's Pain Balm is a liniment. The
relief from pain which it affords is
alone worth many times its cost. It
makes rest and sleep pesslhie. For
sale by F. (I. Fricke vt Co. and A. T.
Signet rings, sicnet hat and stick
pins at Crabill's jewelry store.
There are many kidney remedies
but few that accomplish the result.
"Pineules" is a kidney remedy that
contains no alcohol or opiates of any
kind, complies with the National Pure
Food and Drugs Law, guaranteed to
give satisfaction. Thirty day treat
ment for SI. 00. Inquire about "Pine
ules." Gering & Co.
afft save the animals. U
di apii ennino I
Used and endorsed
everywhere that black
leg is known.
Call on us for circu
lars describing the dis
ease and telling how to
prevent it.
F. G. Fricke
6c Co.
' 4