The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1907, Image 6

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I If any of the reader, of the Journal
We tcant all item of interest. bddor Jourivxl.x
M.G. Churchill was a Sunday visitor j
at Nebraska City.
Cecil Murphy is supporting a bran
new hat this week.
Less F. Hall left Tuesday for Indian
Territory on a business trip. j
Dr. Jake Brendel made a business;
trip to Union Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. II. F. Brendel made a profes
sional trip to Omaha Monday morning.
A. L. Baker, our genial postmaster,
made a business trip to Omaha Mon
day. Miss Mae Vallery, from Eight Mile
c;rove precinct, was la Marrar Tues
day. Miss Daisy Buck is visiting at the
home of Dr. B. F. Brendel and family
this week.
Dr. Hayes Ganaster, the dentist
Trom Omaha, made his regular trip to
Murray Wednesday.
Mrs. T. J. Brendel and Miss Ina
Miller were doing some shopping at
the metropolis Saturday.
F. P. Sheldon and Forest Cunning
ham, of Nehawka, were transacting
business in Murray Tuesday.
Mr. Russel Davis and daughter came
down from Lincoln Sunday morning to
spend the day with bis parents.
BenDill returned home from the
county seat Friday, where he has been
serving on the regular panel jury.
Dr. R. L. Newell, the popular den
tist Trom Union, was in town Tuesday
to attend to those in need of dental
Mr. and Mrs W. U. Brown returned
home Monday evening, after spending
a few days with Mrs. Brown's parents
at Viliisca, Iowa.
B. A. Root was called to Lincoln
Satuvday evening, to be present at the
operation on his daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Ren Root, lor appendicitis.
Postponed The chicken pie social,
whic'i was to have been given at the
Presbyterian church Friday night, the
'22nd. has been post pone 1 until a later
Ott ) Puis and bride uave a dance to
their friends in Manners & Laugh
ridee's hall Saturday evening. Tnere
wa a jolly good crowd present and all
seemed to have a most enjoyable time.
Music was furnished bv John I'.ish
and Mr and Mrs. Fred Schafer.
Vr r?nrl M rs. I M. YOUI12. sr.. l V-
novinir their household goods in from !
the farm this week into the Jame:
R(.ot house, which they recently pur-j,
chased and will soon brcDme perman j "
ent residents or Murray. Dir. l ourg ;
. -
gotrg to retire from active farm j
work. We are glad to see Mr. and
Mrs Young move to our village, as
they are among the finest old peeple :n
this neighborhood.
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
I have some extra tine seed potatoes
for sale. See me for particulars.
J. T. Poktki:.
Murray Business Directory
The following business men of Murray take this method of soliciting your pat
ronage in their various lines. You will find them ever ready to give you fair treat
ment and 100 cents for every dollar spent with them. ,
( The Big Corner Store)
Always carry an
up-to-date line of
General Merchandise
Get their prices on all
goods before buying
All Calls Promptly Attended to
Ittotarv? public
Dr. Hayes Gsantner
At the office of
Murray Beparilmni(3imt
kno: of a s:ial erent or an item of interest
sipp 1 U UniMFS DEAD
Passed Away at 8:15 Last Eiening After
Lingering Illness at Her Home
Unrrn. Nebraska.
After a lingering illness of tubercu
losis, with which she has been afflict
ed for over a year, Mrs. A. M. Holmes
one of the well known and early wo
men pioneers of Cass county respond
ed to last summons which came at 8:15
o'clock last evening at her homer
Murray.' The end although not unex
pected, came as a great shock to the
relatives and friends.
Martha Swain Holmes was born in
Bristol, Ohio, on the 9th day of May,
1S43, and at an early age she removed
with her parents to Nebraska, set
tling near Nehawka, where she grew
to womanhood. There she met and
won the love of A. M. Holmes, with
whom she was united in marriage in
the year ISRti, The young couple,
with two little girls, now Mrs. VV. S.
Smith of Murray and Mrs. C. A.
Rawls of Plattsmoutb, by Mr. Holme's
first wife, resided on his farm 4 miles
east of Murray for many years, raising
a family of six children. The child
ren are George, deceased, Mrs. Nellie
Churchill of Burwell, Neb , Cora, de
ceased, Jas W. Holmes of Murray,
Troy of Chicago and Arthur of Wyn
cote, Wyo.
The nolmes family for a number of
years resided in Plattsmoutb, where
they have many friends. During the
spring of 1!)C3, Mr. Holmes sold his
residence property in this city and re
moved to Wakarusa, Kan., where they
resided on a farm until about a year
ago, when Mrs. Holmes' health began
to fail and a trip to Colorado was taken
in hope of benefiting her. After a
few months in the west without im
provement, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes re
tamed t Cass county, locating in
Murray, wheie the end come after
many months of patient suffering.
The funeral will occur from the
Presbyterian church in Murray at 2
o'clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon,
the services being conducted by Dr. J.
T. Balrd, assisted by Rev. J. II. Sals
bury of Piattsniouth. Interment
will iv mad? in the Young ceme
tery. Bailed Hay for Sale,
..ave a fwton3 0f good prairie
Ti,js nay is of pood
. ra! and w me.
Hud u a;.u v--
H. L. Oldham.
Vi!ir wa:d and Winnie wheezed,
while w;t-frv winds whined weirdly.
Willie Tfii-'i while Winnie wheezed
wretcherflj. Wisdom whispers, win
ter winds work wheezes. Wherefore
we write, "-"-e Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup." N.'thinz else so good.
Sold bv F. G. Frtcke & Co.
D. L. Amick
Tfe Live Stock Man
Who pays the Top Price at All
Times. Use Your Phone
and get the best
John Cook
Boss Harness Man
Get My Prices
Before Buying
Drs. Newell
erid TrLcy
Murray Every Tuesday
Cass and Oxygen for
Painless Extraction
Mil Work Guaranteed)
Office with Dr. Cllmore
Every Tviesda.y
in this vicinity and icill mail same to this
Otto H. Puis and Miss Anna West United
in Wedlock at 8 o'clock List Eien
ing By Rei. Zink,
At 8 o'clock last evening at the
Christian church, a pretty, but quite
unostentatious weddding occurred
when Otto II. Puis and Miss Anna
West, two of Cass county's popular
and well known young people were
united in.marriage by Rev. A L. Zliiks,
pastor of the above church.
Promptly at the hour disignated, to
the strains of the wedding march play
ed by Miss Moilie Godwin, the con
tracting parties advanced to the by
menial altar, where the magic words
joining them as husband and wife,
were pronounced by the minister.
The young couple were acoompaQie.1
by the best man, Wm. Puis, a brother
of the groom's, and the bridesmaid,
Mary West, a sister of the bride. Be
tween fifty and sixty relatives and
friends of the contracting parties were
present to witness the happy event.
The bride, who is a daughter of
Mrs. Lizzie West, has been reared to
womanhood in this county, and has
many friends who will be pleased to
learn of her happy marriage. The
bride was gowned in a dress of Persian
lawn and carried a bouquet of sweet
peas and canations.
The bridesmaid wore a white India
linen dress, while the groom aad best
man were attired in the prevalent
The groom is one of Cass county's
prosperous young farmers, who has
been reared to manhood in this vicin
ity. After spending today in this
oitv. Mr. and Mrs. Puis departed for
their home on the farm of the bride's
father, the late John West.
During this happy hour the Journal
wishes the youDg people a life that
will be replete with peace and prosper
ity. Union Well Represented.
A large number of people from Un
ion and that vicinity were in the city
today to hear the road case, Taylor
vs Austin and Cass county. Among
those in the county se"at were noticed
D. W. and N. D. Foster, J. W. Tay
lor and wife, and Geo. Everett, Al and
Syl Hathaway, Jno. McCarroll Edgar
Morton, E. A. Hunt, Dan Lynn and
W. L. Taylor.
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative influence, originated
with Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup con
taining noney and Tar, a cough syrup
containing no opiates or poisons.which
is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
if not fully satisfied with results, your
money will be refunded. Sold at Ger
ing & Co's drug store.
Do You Know
Less F. Hall
Writes Insurance in the best
Companies and at the best
Physician and
Prompt Attention to All Calls
D. C. Rhoden
Good Turn-outs and Prompt
Attention is Our Hobby
Give Us a Call
Painter I Paper Hanger
Orders Left at Edmunds & Brown's
office it will appear under this heading.
(Special Corresixjiitlent.)
Mr. Fred Bey, from near Syracuse,
who attended the funeral of his uDde,
Fred Schomaker, returned to his
home Saturday.
Jim Looker of Nehawka is doing
some work for Henry Schomaker this
John Bey and daughter, Bertha,
boarded the train for Berlin, Monday
evening to visit relatives.
Hans Stoll put up a neat little cot
tage west of his home for his son,
Altert; who.; will take possession soon;
Chulmer Switzer is going to rush
the season by working in the fields
this week.
George Hansen and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Wulf, visited at Gust
Hansen's, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Todd were
transacting business in Plattsmoutb,
George Hansen and family were
guests of Nels Robinson and family
Charley Lyman of Weeping Water
is enjoying a pleasant visit with Will
Davis and family.
(Special Correspondence.)
Mrs. Wm. Knabe was up from Ber
lin, Tuesday.
J. C. Zimmerer had business at Om
aha last week.
II. G. Wellensick and J. W. Bren
del were Lincoln visitors, Sunday.
J. W. McDermed was down from
Weeping Water, Monday.
Several of our people were at Ne
hawka, Saturday evening.
L. F. Dunkak made a trip toOmaha
the first of the week.
Henry Franzea arrived home from
Lincoln, Saturday.
Miss Hillman of Weeping Water
visited Avoca relatives this week.
L. Hupp had busines at the metrop
olis, Monday
Mrs. J. M. Dunbar and son spent
Sunday at Nehawka.
Robt. Wilkinson was up from Dun
bar, Monday.
Mrs. A. B. Lewton enjoyed a visit
from Elmwood relatives, Sunday.
R. O. Hutchins and wife, northeast
of town, are the parents of a baby boy.
Karl Schroeder made Nehawka a
visit, Saturday.
M. G. Keedy and wife enjoyed a
visit from Auburn relatives, Sunday.
Arthur Ward is working for the
Missouri Pacific at Lincoln.
Miss Elsie Opp has resigned her po
sition as teacher in the Alvo school.
Rev. J. C Jacobs made Omaha a
visit, Monday.
Geo. Heebner, north of town, is
having an addition built to his resi
dence. Jos. Sherfey and family, of near
Talmage, are now residents of Avoca.
She Has Been One of the Principal Donors
ot the Omaha Seminary.
Apropos of the trial of Harry Thaw,
it is of interest to Netraskans, and
especially to Omaha Presbyterians,
that his mother has been one of the
principal donors to the Omaha Theol
ogical seminary, though she has never
been able to make a trip west to carry
out her expressed wishes to visit the
institution, says the World-Herald.
Mrs. Thaw and Mr. Thomas Mc
Dougall, a prominent Presbyterian
layman of Cincinnati, jointly bought
the old Cozzens house, George Francis
Train's famous hotel for the use of the
seminary in the early days. Upon the
death of Mr. McDougal in ?899, it was
found he had given his share to the
seminary outright. Mjs. Thaw deeded
her share to the seminary perhaps a
year later and this gift enabled the
seminary trustees to sell at advantage
after relocating and building in
Kountze Place.
Mr. William Thaw was a strong
Presbyterian and generouscontributor
to its missions and institutions, and
his wife has been liberal also, giving
perhaps each year to the seminary and
doubtless to other educational insti
tutions in the west.
For. Sale 160 acres of land three
miles from Murray, Neb. Most of it
under cultivation, good pasture and
hay land, three-room house, barn, dou
ble corn-crib and an all around good
farm. Price $75 per acre if taken at
once. Will give possession this year.
See J. P. Falter, Coates Block, for fur
ther particulars.
Signet rings, signet hat and stick
pins at Crabill's jewelry store.
Here's freedom to Itlm that, would reail.
Here's freeilom to lilm that would write.
There's none ever feared the truth should !
Hut they whom the t rut h would InddM.
lloliert Hums.
Easter hats, rents, groceries and
smoke are all going up.
General Booth is willing to take
money without regard to its color or
previous condition of servitude.
O ne difference in Government Sub
treasury banking and private bank
ing is that a bank always knows who
got the money.
A couple were married in New York
the other day, neither of whom could
understand the language of the other.
What a lucky, lucky man.
Either a man is fool enough to spec
ulate in the stock market or to try to
have a vegetable garden.
Brother Rockefeller says: I think
I talk too much." Then, let him take
a recess aud let money talk some.
Having escaped the smallpox, the
Nebraska legislature should have vac
cinated against the lobby long ago.
"What is a man worth?" a writer
asks. Depends on whether he is a
plain voter or a member of the legis
lature. Why should Anna Gould Castellane
pay $175,000 for a divorce in Paris
when she can get one as good in Chi
cago for $2.97?
Vice President Fairbanks will soon
have so many booms he can't tell
them apart. And none of them make
enough noise to be distinguished by
Senator Foraker is seeking the pres
idency by a photograph campaign.
Two thousand dollars' worth of pic
tures is his initial order.
"Arimexico" is proposed as the
name of the forty seventh state. It
is about as sensible and euphonious as
"Mexizona." Try again.
II. M. Bushnell has yielded to the
earnest solicitations of his many
friends and will run as a candidate
for mayor of Lincoln before the re
publican primaries.
When they get down to a dollar a
day time, its marble to chalk that
Lincoln will not be able to bold mem
bers of the legislature very long.
That time is about here.
If John D. Rockefeller, who is ex
periencing such difficulty in making
his will, would only give the hint,
there are thousands of persons who
would volunteer suggestions.
The St. Louis Republicsays: "Ne
braska girls who have an antlwhisker
society, the members of which are to
shun bearded men, will probably get
a rake-off from the barbers."
The Beatrice Sun Says that "when
the members of the present legisla
ture returns to their homes they will
probably get off at the water tank and
come up the alley." Wonder why?
Both the jury and public sentiment
will unite to acquit Thaw for killing
White, but public sentiment has al
ready convicted beyond hope of ap
peal the mother who sold her daugh
ter to a libertine.
In honor of the Jamestown tercen
tennial the face of John Smith is to
appear upon our 1-cent stamps, but
that other idea, to have the reunion
of all the Smiths at Jamestown had
to be abandoned.
The Baltimore Sun is of the opinion
that Wall street picked the wrong
time for a panic. The country at large
was too prosperous to pay any atten
tion to it. The Sun m'ght have ad
ded, also, that if the railroads in
tended the panic for a "blui!." they
picked the wrong man.
The negro soldier who made the
confession that it was the colored reg
iment discharged by President Roose
velt that "shot-up" Brownville, Tex.,
may have rendered a service to his
country and vindicated the action of
the administration. But think of
what he has done to Foraker after
all of the Ohio senator's tears, toe:
Now that a preacher has said that
uriUK, I, LUt-'Uirc aim nimvu
are to be found In hades, Isn't it about
time that some of tha attractions of
heaven were made known.
Weeping Water
From the ller;tld.
Born Sunday, March 17th, a hoy to
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McCready.
Two cousins of Mrs. Chris Johnson
arrived from Denmark last Sunday,
and they havejeome to make their
home in America.
Jacob Madson, who left last fall for
i i . I If a 1 . . . . .1 . I . i .
Denmark, concluJcd that America Is
the best place and Is on his way back.
Dr. Hungate reports Walter Philips
as sick with diphtheria. Tiie case de
veloped Sunday, and was quite serious
but anti-toxin is reducing the temper
The G. A. R. Reunion committee
met last week and disposed of the sur
plus funds left over last year. The
dividends amounted to a little over GO
percent. It was a grateful surprise
to all. .. " ' 4
Mrs. Scott Davis and daughter Ade
laide, and Mrs. Chas. Chandler went
to Omaha, Thursday, to consult Dr.
Allison In regard to Miss Adelaide's
health, which has been rather poor of
Elmer Woods, conductor on the Wy
oming and Northwestern railroad
came in Monday night to visit his par
ents. After remaining a few days he
will go to Norfolk to visit his brother.
There is a possibility that the depot
to be, will be lighted with gas. Mr.
Calkin lias been asked to submit a
proposition to the company, and the
same has been sent in. When the de
pot gets fixed and people can take the
train out or return home without
wading knee deep in mud or water,
there will be general satisfaction on
the part of the traveling public.
The qualified electors of the City of
Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, arc hereby
notified that an election will be held
in the said city on the '2d day of April,
1!K)7, for the purpose of electing one
Councilman from each of the live wards
of said city. Also two members of the
School Board for the district in which
said city is located.
Also the electors are requested to
vote for or against the following prop
position: Shall the city council of the
City or Plattsmoutb contract for city
lighting forstreets, and public grounds
in said citj? Those voting for the
proposition will vote "yes:" those vot
ing against the proposition will vote
Polling place in first ward, in public
library; second ward. Turner hall;
third ward, A. O. I. W. hall; fourth
ward, Council Chamber: fifth ward,
Bach's store. The polls will open at;
9:00 a. m. and close at 7:00 p. m.
By order of the City Council.
attest: IIknky R. Gkkino,
W. B. Elstek, Mayor.
City Clerks
Birthday Surprise Party.
The hospitable home of Mr. acd
Mrs. C. A. Marshall was the scene of a
jolly surprise party last evening, the
occasion being in honor of Miss Gladys,
who was celebrating her eighteenth
birthday yesterday. The allair which
was planned by a number of her friends
was a complete success, and several
hours were enjoyed at music and a
general social time. A line supper,
which had been prepared and brought
by the merry invaders, was not the
least enjoyed, and with many regrets
that such happy events did not occur
more often, the participants took leave
of their hostess at a late hour.
Those to take part in the enjoyable
evening were Misses Ruth Johnson,
Gladys Sullivan, Gretcben Donnelly,
Helen Chapman, Ellen Windham,
Margery Agnew and Frances Weld
man. ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle
attchment so that the remedy may
be applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Gering & Co. Drug
gist. No one thin will furnish
so much amusement for so
many people, so many times
and in so many ways as the
Hero It Free ot
Phil Sauter's. Plattsmoutb. Neb.
K rr1 nl For Indigestion.
M. Vft J M. Relieves sour stomach,
palpitation of the heart. Digests what you tae