The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1907, Image 7

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State or NrniiAXKA. i . .
t Attn Cor ntt. ("" l""'ity(onrt.
In IK.-mnll. r ..f tl,- .-Ian- .f William W-st-Inkc.
Not ! N lit-rt tv irlvi'ii tliat tin- -r-ltort .f
uil J---a- will iiK-4-1 Hie Almiiiit rator of
-unl ilat.-. I f,,rv in,.. ,,tii,i y .1 u(lk-.. ,f as
( 'niiily. .Ncliraskn. ;tt i oinit y ( urt
in I'latlsiiKiuili. in s;il.l ( i.uni -.Zt li n the ilay
"f Mar. li. 'r. an. I on tl,.- lay i.f .i.-m-lr.
I!7. at Hi ,'. A. M.. H. liihiy. forll.i-
li.iriMM- ,f ir--nt Inir 1 1, i r -laimn f..r exami
nation. al m-.i ni.nt ami allow aii. c.
Mx iiiiiiitlis. from Man-li I!7. aif ul-
1'iwi il for I Ik 'r'liiors of saiil li-. n- i to
(M-st-iit 1ln-lr flaims. anil one year ami six
month for the Ailinl lit-. I raior to M-ttle salil
-ale. from the day of .lamiary. t'.7.
Willit-ps my haml ami seal of -aiil 4'ouiily
Conn, at riattsinouth. Nehraska. this J.nh day
of .1 unitary, l!7.
IIaicyi V l. Thavi.
lr.l.. County .ludire.
In County Court,
of I ill Brandt,
the i-ieilllors of
administrator of
State or N.riiaska
'ash Cor; sty
I n the matter of 1 1 estate
Notlec Isherehy (riven that
said deceased will meet tin-
stld estate, liefore im-. I'oiiiit v juilt'c of Cass
ouni v..N l.i aska. at Hie i-ounly i-ourt room In
I'lat tsmout h. in saideounty. on t he :mt h day of
Mar'-li. A.l., I'.mT.and on the i.'d da v of Auiriisi,
A. I. I!i7. at 10 oVIi-k a. m., earh day. for the
iuriNse of present Inir t heir claims for exami
iiutioii. al iust ment ami allowance.
Mx mout hs are allowa-d for Hie iTeditors of
said di-i-eased to iiresent t heir elaims. ami one
year for t he admlnist rat or to veil I.- said estate,
from lh l.'ilh day of I et.ruary. I'm7.
Witness my hantl ami seal of said county
i-ourt. at I'lai tsmout h, Nehraska. t Ids IJlli day
of I el.iuary. l'.7. II aiivkv I . Tkavis.
f-r.l. County . I mitre.
(Ity li. A. IaIh.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & T.iol,
who pay the highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Springs heavy.
Mirimrs liirhl..
Cream .
No. I.
. .tl-'i" and
it't.mj to
. .7c
. . Tn"
li. 7 J
Corn .
Oats. . .
JS and 3.V
Notice to Creditors.
Stale of Nehraska.
ass County. t I n County Court.
! ri the mat ter of I In- est ute of Km ma I'.Walli-
r. deceased.
Not ice is hcrehy triven that tin- creditors of
said deceased will meet the Executrix of said
est ate. Ix fote me. Coui.t y .1 udt'e of 'ass Coun
Iv. Nil.ra-.ku. at the County Court room in
I'lattsmout h, in said count .v. on the S7tli day of
.''el-mat y, I'.m7. and on t he 7th day of Auirust.
I'.HC at IU o'clock a. in., each day. for lie ur
! of present injr their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present I lieir claims, and one
year and six months for the Kxecutrix to settle,
sjiid estate, from the i.lh day of January. I.i7.
Witness my hand ami seal of said County
Court, at riattsiuotitli. Nehraska. lliisUMlii day
of January, r.M7. IIakvkv l. Tkavis.
scai. County J uilt-e.
J n t l.e mat ter of the estale of Harriet Kiscr.
Notice is lien-hy triven tliat liy virtue ami in
Pursuance of an order of license made in said
matter hy the county court of Cass county.
Nehraska. on the 2d day of I'ehruary. A. !..
P.'7. t he nndersitrued I . J. Tit man. executor of
of the last will and testament of Harriet Wiser
ileceased. will on the
15th Day of March, A. D., 1907
lt one o'clock p. in., at the soutli door of the
court house in t lie city of I'lattsmoutli. Cass
county. Nehraska. offer for sale at public
jiuct ion, the following ilescribfil land situated
in the county of Cass, to-uil: Tliesoutli one
half of the southeast iiuarter. section :tl. town
ship -. ranire l' coni aiiiiiur eitrlity acr-s: also
the south one-half of the north one-half of the
southeast iiuarter. section :C. rant'e lu', town
ship IX
Terms of Sale: Cash. Said sale will Ik' held
o;-nfor one hour. 1'. J. PITMAN.
Kxeculor tf the last will and testa
ment of Harriet K is-r. deceas-d.
Puted litis 1-th iay of l'elniury. 1!H'7.
The unersinned will sell at public auc
tion on the Lockwood farm, sj miles
west and 2 miles north of I'latts
moutli, and 4 miles northeast
of Cedar Creek, on
the foll'jwin property, towit:
" TTpnrl nf IlnrsP-i 1 wpiihinkT 1200. S
years old: I mare weighing loo, 10
years old, 1 bay horse weighing 1100,
: years old; 1 cow, will be fresh in
about : weeks. Farm Implements
"J rarm wagons, nearly new, iop uungy
nrlr npw 3-;prririn harrow. Western
Bell riding plow, disc, Avery walking
. . . II.!
cultivator, stirring piow, waiting
ninw ect. rlfitihlp liampss. nearlv new.
cor cintrlo harnpsi; Ilnusphold COods
and many other articles too numerous
to mention, fcaie to commence at one
nvwt sliarn l-'ree lunch at noon.
tf.t?Ts Aiisiimsof $10 and under
cash in hand, and all over that amount
a credit of nine months will be given
purchaser givinn good bankable paper
bearing eight per cent from date. Two
percent off for cash, au property
must be settled fori before being re
SAX Harry L. Kruger
Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed,
while wintry winds whined weirdly
Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed
wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win
ter winds work wheezes, therefore
we write, "Use Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup." Nothing else so good
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Write for our free rata
loirueof liee liives.boney
lnrs, ln-o smokers, and
all kinds of liee supplies
at lowest prices.
irr.4-. ;.. in a St. umiii. Nu.
Ec.'scn Cold-
R ecords Are
Hock Island Time Taiilk.
Murdock Station.
41, frail
75, local
T. mail
37, mail
kast isovnu.
freight 12:30 a. m.
3, mail 10:5."a. m.
7, Local 1:14 p.m.
G, mail 2:35 p. m.
8:15 a. m.
8:55 a. m.
3:00 p. m.
5:53 p. m.
Xo one thing will furnish
so much amusement for so
many people, so many times
and in so many ways as the
Harm It Fr mt
Phil Smafr'i. PJstttmoatb. Nib.
Miss Martha Lau is on the sick list
this week.
Chester Moomey transacted business
in Omaha Saturday.
II. K. Neitzel transacted business in
the metropolis Monday.
Will Rush transacted business in
Lincoln the forepart of the week.
Theodore Thimgan and wife made a
business trip to Elmwoon Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Streich are vis
iting relatives In Lincoln this week.
Miss Mayme Schewe is spending the
week at Ralph Morris', near Green
The ladies of the M. E. church gave
a dinner at the Murdock hotel Wednesday.
Ernest Backemier came down from
Creston Tuesday to visit relatives for
Mrs. A. J. Tool Sunday ed in the
country the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II.
P. Long.
O. II. Eggleston is laid up for re
pairs this week, owing to a siege of
S. A. Wood hands us another dollar
for one year's subscription to the Old
The great flight of ducks during the
past week has furnished some good
Raymond Westlake acd Geo. Moom
ey transacted business in Weeping
Water Friday.
A license to wed was issued Monday
afternoon to Floyd N. Cole and Miss
Alice Sherman.
Our local R. R. agent informs us
that the two cent fare goes into effect
Thursday morning.
Mrs. W. C. Monroe is entertaining
her brother, Lewis Million of Arling
ton, Neb., this week.
Emil Kuehn attended to his affairs
In Murdock Sunday, returning to Lin
coln Monday morning.
Still there is more to follow, C. F.
Lau hands us a plunk for a year's sub
scription to the Journal.
II. A. Tool attended the retail mer
chants meeting held at Lincoln Tues
day and Wednesday of this week.
Miss Tillie Scheel went over to Elm
wood Monday, where she will take a
course of iustruction in dressmaking.
Word from our old friend, O. C. Rush,
states that they have a bright-eyed
baby girl at their place since Feb. 20,
Dave and Matt Thimgan departed
for Sutton Monday, where they ex
pect to bag a few ducks during the
week .
A wolf hunt is in progress out north
east of town as we are writing these
notes, but as yet we know not the re
sults. A 'phone was installed into Dr.
Lewis' new residence quarters Wed
nesday. When wanting the doctor
call No. 27.
Dr. Lewis has rented the rooms ov
er L. Neitzel's hardware store for a
residence, and will move his family
there in the near future.
Cards are out announcing the com
ing marriage of Miss Etta E. Cremer
to Ralph K. Hays, to take place on
March 12th at the Cremer.
The whist club was entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Col
bert Thursday evening. Mrs. Wm.
Gehrts and Mrs. Wm. Tool were prize
If you don't think the rural mall
carrier is earning his money these
days, why you just take your team and
follow him for a week then give us
your opinion again.
John Lonam was in our burg trying
to buy some draft horses Tuesday, but
our farmer friends are aware of the
value of good horseflesh, so Mr. Lonam
failed to make any purchases.
While Conrad Wirth was doing some
painting at the farm home of Mrs.
Henry Bornemeler, he was quite se
verely bitten by one of their dogs, but
no serious results are anticipated.
The village board met at regular
session Tuesday evening. Among oth
er business, the resignation of G. A.
Leis as clerk of the village board was
accepted after some discussion, and
J. G. Gpehry was elected to fill the vacancy.
Mrs. Fred Kucstemeyer and Mrs.
Wm. Knauo departed for their new
homes near Hitchcock, S. D. Monday.
Fred Wilken accompanied them, and
will spend about two weeks viewing
the country up there.
Mrs. Herman Roseno and children
left for Clay Center, Kansas, Thurs
day evening, where they will make
their future home. Herman has
bought a farm there and preceeded
his family about a week ago.
The U. S. S. Connecticut made a
hurry up run from Guantanamo bay,
Cuba, last week to the Brooklyn Navy
Yards, and when they landed at
Brooklyn they had thirty-hve cases or
typhoid fever aboard. It was a race
between life and death.
Work was commenced on the M. W.
A. hall in Murdock Tuesday anernoon.
The building will be a frame structure;
dimensions 24xbO, one story, and will
be located directly east of J. II. Smith's
general store. A large force of work
men is busy and the building will be
completed in very short order.
A number of our local M. M. A.
jouaneyed over to Alvo Saturday eve
ning and took with them W. C. Mon
roe and Theo. Thimgan, who were in-
iated into the mysteries of Woodcraft.
The members of the Alvo camp are
royal entertainers and we long for the
time when we can visit them again.
About seventy Modern " oodman were
present from Eagle, Alvo and Mur
dock: also Neighbors II. P. Long and
O. D. Zaar of South Bend.
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
The First National bank has pur
chased $50,000 in 2 per cent govern
ment bonds. The bank now has in
vested $02,500 in bonds that mature in
Bert Dunn says he has quit the dia
mond, and thissummer h;s ball playing
will be done in the Dietz lumber yard
Omaha, where be can make a home
run every night.
To Mr. and Mrs. Dixie Kirkpatrick
at a very early hour Sunday morning,
March 3, 1007, a boy. Dixie says he is
red headed, and will help do the milk
ing this summer.
Frank Towle jr. loaded his goods in
to a car last Saturday, and Sunday
left for Pierce county where be will
make his home. Mr. Towle invested
inland there some time ago and he
believes the west has a future that he
wants a part in.
Mrs. F. W. Fowler slipped on the
icy walks last Thursday, and fell
down, striking on her right arm,
breaking the bone near the wrist.
Mrs. Fowler is getting along in years,
and the injury will go hard with her.
Dr. Butler reduced the fracture.
On last Wednesday, in Lincoln, Roy
M. Coatman of Avoca, and Miss Jessie
F. Ingwersen of Weeping Water, were
married. The bride is a daughter of
Henry Ingwersen of Humphrey, Neb.,
and has been making her home with
her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Ingwer
sen. The groom is a son of Wm. Coat
man, residing south of town. The
wedding is a surprise to their many
friends. They will reside on a farm
south of Avoca.
Purchase Red Polled Stock.
J. J. O'Hara and Henry Huff, two
prominent stock men of Spalding,
Neb., who have been inspecting the
divers breeds of cattle raised in this
vicinity, departed this morning for
their homes after purchasing two of
the celebrated Red Polled bulls from
the herd belonging L. L. Wiles, one of
the most successful stock raisers in
Cass county. The section of Nebraska
about Spalding is a great dairy as well
as stock raising country, and for this
double purpose, it is claimed andprov
ed, through good sales at the South
Omaha market, that the Red Polled is
the best double purpose breed of cat
tie to be obtained. The gentlemen
from Spaulding were highly pleased
with their purchases and with the ex
cellent bunch that they had been se
lected from on the Wiles place.
The qualified electors of the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, are hereby
notified that an election will be held
in the said city on the 2d day of April,
1907, for the purpose of electing one
Councilman from each of the five wards
of said city. Also two members of the
School Board for the district in which
said city is located.
Also the electors are requested to
vote for or against the following prop
position: Shall the city council of the
City of Plattsmouth contract for city
lighting for streets, and publicgrounds
in said city? Those voting for the
proposition will vote "yes:" those vot
ing against the proposition will vote
Tolling place in first ward, in public
library; second ward, Turner hall;
third ward, A. O. U. W. hall; fourth
ward, Council Chamber: fifth ward,
Bach's store. The polls will open at
9:00 a. m. and close at 7:00 p. m.
By order of the City Council.
attest: Hexry R. Gerisg,
W. B. Elster, Mayor.
City Clerk. 3-5
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Good wages. Apply to Mrs.
T. H. Pollock.
Xi trs.
r I Wis
Back to ihe farm !
That's where ycu
get pood coffee.
None of that "free-h roasted loose
by the pound " store stuff from
nobcdv!:r.v. - - here, full of dust,
alrr.:;;. ,J :..!ed hands, but
the rcc! ci j ' .-1 egg and sugar
coated Arbuckles' ARICA
Coffee, which the folks keep in
ihe original package and grind in
the kitchen.
That'; Coffee!
vY.aif.ic; with til rcouircmcnts ci the Nalior.iJ Pure
Food U, GuerLjxce No. 2041. fcd tl f..lJnlon.
Death of Mrs. Geo. Stander.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon, Mrs.
George Stander passed away at their
home two miles west of this city after
a lingering illness of several months
duration, caused by appendicitis. The
deceased has been very low for several
days, but nevertheless the news of her
demise comes as a great shock to the
many friends of the family. Mrs.
Stander was formerly Miss Clara Clark,
and besides a brother narlow of this
city, and her parents who reside in
Minneasota, she is survived by a hus
band and eight young children, the
eldest being about fifteen yeargeof age
while the youngest is barely fourteen
months old. The deceased was about
thirty-rive years of age and has many
friends who will regret to learn of her
death, and who extend their entire
sympathy to the bereaved family.
Arrangements for the funeral have
not been completed at this date, but
will be announced in tomorrow's issue
of the Journal.
Enormous Machines.
The world is building larger ma
chines every day and their proportions
are indeed enormous. We are looking
at them in astonishment, noticing
their beautiful, uniform and punctu
ous work, managed by one mechanic
only. All at once a little screw
loosens and the whole giant machine
will stop, waiting for a skillful hand to
set it in motion again. Did you ever
notice the wonderful machinery of our
body? How admirably it works! But
nowj the ctomach refuses to work, and
the whole organism will stand still.
The quickest and only way to start it
going again is Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine. It acts direct
ly on the stomach and on the whole
digestive apparatus. Whenever your
appetite will deviate and your strength
fadeaway, when your tongue will be
coated, your complextion turn pale
and your eye loses luster, Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine will
quickly restore you. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, 799 South Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, Illinois.
Look! Look!! Rag carpet weaving
10c per yard. First door west of jail.
Plattsmouth. Mrs. Wartben.
itr's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this office and
yard. The output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal in few
'DUflllC T'lattsmouth No. 22.
i num. 1
Do You Want
Now is the time to get it. It will pay you
to investigate Trrge county Kansas land. I
have some good bargains in improved and un
improved farms. You can buy a farm, make a
small cash payment and get long time and easy
terms on balance. With proper cultivation
wheat will yield 2) to 40 bushels per acre, corn
35 to 50 bushels per acre, and crops are reason
ably sure.
For Full Information, Write or Call on
F- r- i.t.
;-' '
A Kthorlzeil l I'lironlc. NerToas itnl Surrliil I i-:ii..
Alt iiitdii iiiK luruinliru rmily fur un. .Nn mrciiry or luju- i
rlti lriit o dctteiit ton f roiu ItusliioRM. n
ut u irraied by mail nnl -preH. Medicine V
F-i.. ,nc (r..'i:i ;..zo or tirfaWgf. Charges low. Our record llioti I
i-i iwiru ct.-t-n. ..luic your cant? iuaj auu bcuu lor lerui.
.laln.n Irtc m3 runliUeutial.
Nervom ItaMlItr orcitiatisllon.
t . fcu::
' t'f '"-'. ,V VV'Ql' Mnriiriir linn '"
S i"- V ':t' --" Nt!P.j UGlltiUJ OlCll Wkitinc Wkm-M Willi early do. -line In jf.nti
a ..rv'v - ''' Oi:r lr( ti :. i.t will restore yuu u what nature lou-iitled. a hale
t fi' ?--T'- ' !-eaitl v l.a-ry i:ia:!. wV.h all jowera !goruu and perfect.
i'&m Privets Diseases eSV..r0frf
) .jXVm Hydrocele, Phimosis, Stricture ZZVTS&r
?- m i - fh. Amm rttnr,erfi. (tores In niiutb
..1 in Ihrmt tnnrilA. Hair ItllinK uu I. ,
r) no is-i.:..r ,..MVrnm work. OnCiV Containing full description of aboTe
r r,-.A n: cMirednuickrr than fltTTot UUUIX diHeasen-tne meets unu
wiiy(J r.iiUr! Rnrlnps. At once every I free. In plain envelope upon application.
DR. SEARLES & SEARLES, Specialists,
" .v,, no..o. ac rt - - - OMAHA. NEB.
First House West B. 6c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
75he Perkins Hotel
A guarantee civen in every case taken undertreatment by DR. W. C. MAXWELL,
524 Bee Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Maxwell has hod 29 year experience
trPRTi n 17 (imPHHim ut hi a ibuluiiu
ri nr. Phnns Douslss 1424. Cut this out for refer
in Sawyer and Bayfield Counties in tracts of 40 acres or more, with or
without a house at from $5.00 to $15.00 per acre. Good soil, running
water, plenty of timber for fuel, fine climate, no blizzards, no drouth,
close to markets, Minneapolis and St. Paul on the south, Duluth and
Superior on the north. Best of railroad facilities, schools and churches
already established, an ideal dairy country. If yoa want a "square deal"
Bay R. R. Ticket to Hayward, Wis. Chippewa Bldg.. CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS.
Will Attend in a Body.
A special from Nebraska City says:
"The Elks of this city will go to Platts
mouth on Friday afternoon to attend
the meeting of the lode of that city
and assist in confering the degrees on
twenty new members. The lodge here
will attend in a body.
"Bell No. 331.
Worked Like a Charm.
Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that
spicy Journal, the Enterprise, Louisa,
Va., says: "1 ran a nail in my foot
last week and at once applied Buck
len's Arnica Salve. No inllammation
followed: the salve simply healed the
wound." Heals every sore, turn and
skin disease. Guaranteed at F. G.
Fricke & Co. 's, druggists. 2oc.
Saved Her Son's Life.
The happiest mother in the little
town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. Ituppee.
She writes: "One year ago my son was
down with such serious luntf trouble
that our physician was unable to help
him; when, by our druggist's advice I
began giving him Dr. King's New Dis
covery, and I soon noticed improve
ment. I kept this treatment up for a
few weeks when he was perfectly well.
He has worked steadily since at car
penter work. Dr. King s New Dis
covery saved his life.' Guaranteed
best cough and cold cure by V. G.
Fricke & Co., druggist. GOc and l.oo.
Trial bottle free.
For Sale. 120 egg incubator,
quire at the Journal onice.
I E30GIE7 am 111
The Orieintl Laxative Cougn ayrup containing noney ana ir. n improvcnicm uvcr u wu6u,
Lun and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All cough
cvruns containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar move the bowel
S? contain? io opiates. Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY, CHICAGO. U. S. A.
Sold at 6ERIN6. Dre