I'KKl'AKUI) IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY iy of the rentiers of the Journal know of a social event or an item of interest He want all items of interest. Editor Journal. .Jos. lSurton was in IMattsmouth last Saturday. Mrs. Phillip HiJd has been tjuitesick for the past few days. Chas. Troop, of IMattsmouth, was in Murray Wednesday. I. I,. Amick lias been numbered with the sick the past few days. Chas. Phi I pot was in Murray last Friday enroute to IMattsmouth. Mrs II. Reck spent Sunday with friends and relatives at Elmwood. Will Joiner of Nebraska City was visiting Murray relatives Saturday. Mrs. Mary Rennard, who has been quite sick for the past few days is im proving. Park Chrisweisser was looking after some business matters in Murray Wed nesday. F. C. Furgescn of Wyoming1, lias lcen visiting his sister, Mrs. J. W. Edmunds. Mrs. Ottis McNurlin has been suf fering with a severe attack of tonsilitis for the past few days. C. S. Stone, Less Hall and Ernest Carroll attended the play at the Par mele last Friday evening. Jos. Cook has sold out his livery barn at Dunbar, and is removing back to the old home place near Murray. II. L. Oldham shipped a car load of hay from South Omaha to Murray this week and it is being sold out at $10 50 per ton. Uncle Jimmie Root finally received his car the latter part of last week and his goods were loaded and started ror Lincoln on Monday of this week. Wm. Renner and wife are rejoicing this week over the arrival ot a new baby boy at their home Tuesday night. Roth mother and little one are doing nicely. The sale of Theo. Ruck was well at tended Tuesday and all property sold high. Mr. and Mrs. Ruck will suon move to their new home in Wyoming, where they have purchased a farm. H. (J. Adams will appear in Murray on the niv'ht of March 14th, in one of his favorite lectures, under the aus pices of the Murray Lecture Course. This is the last number of the season, and one of the best, and should be well attended. Chas. Schwab and Nick Klaurcns ; have returned from their northern trip, and while they report a line trip -and like the country very well, they j ay it is nothing like old Cass, and are willing to remain here. Have you visited John Cook in his new home? If not do so at once and you will certainly rind an up-todate line of harness, buggies an wagons. He certainly has a line room and his line is in keeping with that of towns much larger than Murray. Murray Business Directory The following business men of Murray take this method of soliciting- your pat ronage in their various lines. You will find them ever ready to give you fair treat ment and 100 cents for every dollar spent with them. HOLMES & SMITH ( Th Big Corner Storm) Always carry an up-to-date line of General Merchandise Get their prices on all goods before buying BRENDELL & BREIIDELL Physicians and Surgeons All Calls Promptly Attended to C. S. STONE TOotarp public Dr. Hayes Gsanfner DENTIST OF OMAHA IN MURRAY 1st AND 3d WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH At the office of DRS. BRENDEL & BRENDEL Murray Departmnienil, Jell Rrendel and IMattsmouth today. mother were in Mrs. Jas. Loughridge was a Platts- mouth visitor last Saturday. W. W. Hamilton was a business vis-' itor in the county seat Friday. W. H. Virgin renews his subscrip tion to the Journal for another year. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferris were vis iting IMattsmouth relatives Sunday. I). J. Pitman was looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth, Fri day. James Loughridge attended the Ma sonic lodge in Plattsmouth Monday evening. J. W. Stones, was in Plattsmouth Tuesday and enrolled his name for the Journal. Mrs. James Holmes was in Omaha last Friday to visit with her sister, Miss Keenan. Geo. Nickles and Miss Gertrude Long attended the play in Plattsmouth Friday evening. Mrs. Wm. Rice and little daughter have been on the sick list this week, suffering with an attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Grace Mellinger returned to her home in Ashland, Oregon, last Mon day. Mrs. Mellinger has been visiting her mother and many friends here for the past few months. Dr. Cook, of Plattsmouth, was called to Murray Wednesday in consultation with Dr. Brendel over the condition of Matthew Midkiff, who has not been so well for the past few days. Jesse Lowther is preparing to move to his new home in Cedar county this week, where he purchased a farm a short time ago. He looked for his car Wednesday but it failed to arrive. Fred Linville arrived in Murray Tuesday evening on his way home out in Furnas county. Mr. Linville has been visiting friends and relatives down at his home in Missouri, and will spend a short time here with friends and relatives before going home. W. A. Lewis was loading his house hold goods and farming implements Wednesday and will depart this week for his new home in the northern part of the state. Mr. Lewis has lived in I this county for a good many years, 1 and has hosts of friends who wish him all kinds of happiness and prosperity in n js rew location. Mr. Lewis has t.oiht a farm in Thurston county, Xiv tnn,. oh!,riTP flf f.h.Mnr. ray mail route Monday morning, and will !. ok after the same until the new man is appointed. While no appoint ment has been made from Washing ton, Mr. Nix has been notified that his grade ar. -r-e recent examination was the best: i-ing 96 per cent, and from this it was thought that Mr. Nix will be the lucky man when the ap pointment is inane D. L. Amick TK Live Stock Man Who pays the Top Price at Ail Times. Use Your Phone and get the best PRICES HARNESS REPAIRS John Cook Boss Harness Man Get My Prices Before Buying- WAGONS BUGGIES UNION DENTISTS Drs. Newell and Tracy Murray Everv Tuesday Cass and Oxygen for Painless Extraction Mil Work Gaaraofd) Office with Dr. Cllmore Every Tiesdak.y AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY in this vicinity ami trill mail name to this ! John McNurlin of IMattsmouth was : in Murray a few days last week, visit- j in? witu his mother, ; MissMargery Walker went to Platts- mouth last Friday evening to attend ! the play at the Parmele, returning Saturday accompanied by Miss IJazel Dovey, who visited at the Walker home until Tuesday. Iver Standish loaded his car of goods last Friday and departed for his new home in Western Kansas. Iver is an excellent young man and has a host of friends here who wish him a world of prosperity in his new location. While in Murray Wednesday J. T Porter gave us a big dollar inpayment for the paper he sends Amanda Crab tree, out in Lewiston, Idaho. John is one of our best patrons, one who be lieves in keeping his relatives posted of the happenings of the old home by sending them the home paper. Mrs. J. T. Forter, who returned home from the Lincoln sanitarium a few days ago, feeling much better than for many months, suffered a re lapse a few days ago, and for a few days was very sick. At this time she is improving again, and the many friends and relatives hope that she may continue to do so. Walter, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Reed, living east of Murray, was injuren in chopping wood this week. The boy and his brother were engaged at the same work and the ax of the brother glanced from the log and struck Walter on the knee at the joint, inflicting quite an ugly wound but nothing serious will result. The statement of the condition of the Murray State Bank will be found elsewhere in this issue. It shows an increase in business, and is considered one of the reliable banking institu tions of Cass county. C. S. Stone, the gentlemanly cashier, and his able as sistant, Less Hall, are genial in all their business transactions, which no doubt accounts for the general pros perity of this bank. A very pleasant social affair was given in the Manners & Loughridge hall on last Saturday evening, the oc casion being a social dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Philpot, who were married a short time ago. The affair was given to their friends only, and as the hall was small a limited number of invitations were sent out. A good crowd were in attendance and all re port a most pleasant time. The Avoca orchestra furnished the music. The winds of March have no terror to the user of De Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It quickly heals chapped and cracked skin. Good too, for boils and burns, and undoubtedly the best relief for Piles. Sold here by F. G. Fricke & Co. Do You Know Less F. Hall Writes Insurance in the best Companies and at the best Rates DR. G. H. GILMORE Physician and Svirgeon Prompt Attention to All Calls D. C. Rhoden LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Good Turn-outs and Prompt Attention is Our Hobby Give Us a Call (Vacant Place are for Sale) FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. office it trill appear under this heading. FROM AN OLD PATRON One Year in His New Home in Furnas County, Nebraska. (To the F.iitor of the .Journal ). Hoi.imooK, Nebraska, March 1 1907. I thought I would write a few lines to the Journal. Just one year ago tonight I arrived in Hendley Furnas county. The weather at, that time was not much like it is at pres ent, as we have been enjoying summe weather for the past three weeks. Farmers have disposed of most o their grain at a fair price, there bein a large crop. Corn made from 40 to 55 bushels per acre. There was large crop of fall wheat put in last fall. Some spring wheat and oats will be sown this spring. Farmers generally put in about one-half corn and small grain each. I have 105 acres of fall wheat that looks line, with prospect of a large crop, and have 150 acres left to put in corn. Will plan a few acres in cane and millet for hay The ground is in good condition for another excellent crop. One man can do more in Southwest Nebraska than two men in Cass county. I, for my part, think Southwest Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas the place for a young man to make money, although neither is the place for a lazy man. I am well pleased with my first year in the west, and expect to go farther southwest before I settle. Find in closed the price for a year's subscrip tion to the Journal. I would not do without it for double the price. Wil you please change my address from Hendley to Holbrook, Neb., R. F. D No. 2. Hoping this will miss the waste basket, I am, Resyectfully Yours, R. M. SlIKADKK REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Mvirrevy StaLte Bank Of Murray, Nebraska, Charter No. 573 I n;-or;oratcil in the State of Xehraska. at the. lose of business February !. l'7. KF.SOUKCF.-; Loans and discounts :)3.:(t'.:i .T3 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... :Ms i: Kankmsr house, furniture and fixtures l.M) .x Current exiH'nses and taxes irniu i.sK) u Hue from national, state and private hunks and hankers. l -.'.OJs l 4.:!72 7 Total cash on hand Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ".0ii. oo urplus fund .tit I'ndivided profits l.'.:U :!4 Individual dvitosits subject to check ?.-4 Time certificates of detosit. ti.'.r: 7A Kue to state and private banks and hankers 1.-17 lJ-4.".0r.4 'M Total 54.or. lt State of Xerkaska. ' Count v of Cass. I I. Chas. S. Stone cashier of the aiove named bank, do hereby swear that the aliove statement is a correct and true copy of the reiort made to the State Hanking board. Chas. . Sto.vk. Attest: Cashier. Mits. KatieS. West. Director. J. A. l'oi.t.ARD. Sit.. Director. Subscriled and sworn to tefore me tins 4th day of March. l'.toT. Chas. L. i ravks. Notary Public My commission expires April lit. l'.'lO. A MOST WORTHY OBJECT Art Exhibit for the Benefit of the Public Schools, April 24, 25, 26 and 27. A number of art supply houses have inaugurated traveling exhibits which have been exhibited in many of the larger cities and some of the smaller ones. The originators of the plan are the Horace K. Turner Company of Boston, Mass. We have made arrange ments with this firm to send one of the exhibits here for the week of April 22 27. This is a collection of two hun dred reproductions in original colors of the world's master-pieces. These are large pictures and not an inferior one in the two hundred. The exhibit will be held iu Coates' Hail. A small admission fee will be charg ed, catalogues sold, orders taken for pictures, and many other ways used to secure a fund with which we expect to place one or two of these beautiful pictures in each school room in the city. The only expense we are to in cur in bringi".? the pictures here will be the freight from Auburn, 2seb, to Plattsmouth. The only condition im posed by the firm is that we spend the proceeds with them for school pictures. We are planning to hold a school work display at the same time and place, and are now collecting material for that purpose. We are planniug to give the patrons of our effort the most value for your money you ever receiv ed, and will later announce the full plans. We ask all the other organiza tions in town to keep our dates in mind and in that way help us. City Teachers. Are you tired, fagged out, nervous, gleepleis, feel mean? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea strdngthens the nerves, aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co. - Nehawka (Special Cot TeiKndcnrc. ) Fred Schoroaker, sr , made a Hying trip to Nebraska City, Tuesday, re turning the same evening. J. O. Wunderlich visited In Nebras ka City Thursday of last week. Mrs. Jim Dysart and Mrs. Shepard- ! son of Weeping Water, visited with Mrs. Keltner Saturday. John Knabe and family visited at Gust Hansen's Sunday. Gust Hansen took his little girl to Weeping Water Saturday, to have some dental work done. Mrs. Henry Sturm was on the sick list last week. Miss Clede Appleate visited friends in Nehawka Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Hansen was not afraid of the frightful roads, but drove to Ne hawka Saturday morning and got home all right, too. Edith Schomaker was down to Union last week to have some dental work done by Dr. Tracy. She says he does fine work. Herman Stoll was a Weeping Water visitor one day last week. "The Miller's Daughter" is to be played In Xehawka in the near future by the Rebekahs. Will give ful 1 par ticulars in next week's paper. The Misses Wunderlich boarded the morning train Saturday to visit inti mate friends near Union, returning Sunday. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Edward Knabe this week Hopes are entertained for his speedy recovery to resume his school work. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tucker spent one day last week at Earnest Young's. Walter Wunderlich thinks that kill ing "two birds with one stone" is the it, and was successful enough to shoot two ducks with one shot. A number of this section could not resist the temptation in seeing so many ducks and getting the numbe they wanted they picked up Tuesday morning and went to the river to camp for a week. We wish them good luck and will be ready to assist them if any assistance is necessary. (From the Ketrister) A large two-story boarding house is being built at the Opp quarry. The company operating there begin as if it meant business from the start. Bev. Davis, who will take the place of Rev. Saymour in the pulpit of the Methodist church, arrived Saturday from Cambridge, Neb. His family will not come until about April 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler wil leave next week for Stockton, Califor nia, where Mrs. Wheeler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.st live, with a view to making there future home there. Frank Massie brought in a load of hogs Tuesday and took back a pocket full of money. He got $0.40 for his porkers which is certainly a good price although they have been up to $6.80. The price of bull pups has "riz.'' F P. Sheldon bought one a short time since for ten dollars, and now he is offered fifteen for the same animal. Better take it Frank, its thirteen dol lars more than the brute is worth. As soon as congress adjourns, our congressman, Hon. E. M. Pollard, is going to join a party of about sixty other Imembers, who will go to the Isthmus of Panama to see the condi tions as they really exist and be the better enabled to vote intelligently on all matters effecting the canal. He will cross the istmus much easiei and quicker than some of the old settlers of Nehawka did. S. M. Kirkpatrick, Isaac Pollard and Lawson Sheldon all walked across in the 50's. Avoca (Special Correspondence.) O. Tefft had a carload of cattle on the Omaha market Tuesday. Mrs. James Dunbar spent several days this week at Auburn. Chas. Ruhge and family left the first of the week for Nuckolls countv, where they will reside in the future. Rev. J. C. Jacobs had business at Omaha the first of the week. Jno. Seabloom left Tuesday for Stockton, Kansas. Jacob Conrad and family now reside on the Trudeau farm south of town. JohnRuge, of Murdock, spent the first of the week with relatives and friends south of town. W. A. Hollenberger is having an ad dition built to his residence. C. M. Rowland had business in western Nebraska last week. Louis Goesch made a trip to Weep ing Water Tuesday. D. Fleshman and family now reside on the farm recently vacated by Chas. uhge. KODOL digests what yoa eat and quickly overcomes indigestion, which is a forerunner of dyspesia. It is made n strict conformity to the National Food and Drugs Law and is sold on a guarantee relief plan. Sold bv F. G. ricke & Co. The ladies of the W. R. swap social at the G. A. C. will give R. Hall Sat Admission uraay evening, March 9. 10 cents. Supper free. ROOT IDEA DEVELOPED Beveridge Cive3 an AmpIi.iDAt'M of ths Premier's Centrali zation Vi2W3. THINGS THE STATUS CANNOT DD Consequently Undo Sam Hea to Do Them Himself. Old Ouesiloii Ajjaln Vcl,icr v . Calhoun; National I'uHir h. Stat? ltiilits Constitu tional Interpret at ion. New York. .March 7. What th" presided, James 1!. Curtis, describe I as "tin largc-t number oi Iloos;.-r evci together in .WW York,' alien. Id the hist dinner ot the Indian. i Ass tiatioii of New Yuri; at the WaMori .'istoria. I hc speakers included Sen t tr licvi'i-i'li', who responded ; i 'i liasl "I iHlian.i." He said in part: i 's:.-i!i-" I'Ja in Imliaii.i. "We American eiiieiis living i:i Ii:ii':i. Ii i'o:-iii:i law on on;- sl;il i'" ixioks, I:. no ii J iim'iI In rei-omi i any 'stale' thm. IJy act of oi:r .'uislatep the only Hair c know Is the tlair of the nation. Ax the stale.-, .n iiny; sc;i.i. rate!., conl. not enl slavery in lsiil, si the states, acting separately, can not eiul th" piracies of capital ii 1007. What I lie Slate oul.I Not !. "The states eonl.I not make internal improvement, so the nation ma. I them: the states could not prevent th scattering uf ohseene literature- s th" nation lil it: the states eoiil.l not sup press lotteries so the nation ili.l it; the states tinilil not eml the poison llltr of the people hy adulterate.! food so the nation is ending it; the state eonl.I not compel the sanitation of packing houses. tin-inspection of ineat-i so th" nation I compelling it; th" states could not preserve the coun try's forests so the nation is prcserv in? them; the states could not irrigate the arid west so the nation is work ing that glorious. and heautifu! miracle; the states cannot end the niurdero't Infamy r;f child labor so the nati')!i is froinir to end it; and this for the sav lri;r of the nation. C .VSTI 'IT Tl OX S I ' I ' 1 1 1 'OS i : Interpretation Itcvci-iil ; l'av 'ent rali .a I ion. I- Is f r The states cannot control the ,; ejMieer.s of lu siness--st the nation is oin: to control them; and this for t'i benefit of tie- enormous majority of ii! business men who are not buccaneers. The constitution is our 'ordinance o:' national life.' and not the aitiIes ;f our national death. It was meant t free the hands of the American pe.:- pie, and tiot to shackle them. Marshal; so Interpreted it iu the courts; Lin coln so Interpreted If in the council chamber: (Jrant so Interpreted it on the battlefield. And today JJooscve't is following in their footsteps. an 1 tints obeying the will of the American people. "The other day at a banouet In this city a voire from Massachusetts de nounced 'the danjrers of nationality. Xo such voice can ever speak for Indi- ai!a without misrepresenting Indian.). Cotmif ssuian McCail warned -:s iffainst the 'danirers of centrallzati .n ' pot down my Calhoun and read the same thins from that irieat secessioni st and ablest'stat"s rights' doctrinaire the country ever produced. It is so oM Mr. McCail is able, but ancient. "Calhoun said all that McCail said: ays. of Massachusetts, the Jirvt rebe' against nationality in our history, act ed all that McCail said: Ouiney. , Massachusetts, declared in congress that the Louisiana purchase 'dis solves the T'nion.' Itut none of the::) rttered the real sentiment of Massa chusetts. Tlie true soul of Massach'i- setts has been voiced by her Adamse-, her AVebsters. her Suinners. her Hoars ind her Lodges. I prefer them to h r Sliays. her Ouincies and her McCalU "We Americans are a nation of brothers. Mutual interest and mutual love hold us together, c; raves where sleep our soldiers from those w!i fell at Lexington In New England t those who fell at San Jn.in In Cuht or In the jungles of the Philippines are the gmves of American soldiers and not 'state soldiers. Those soldiers in battle never thought of state, bet only or the nation: thy did not die tinder the banner of any state, but un der the stirs and stripes of the repi:') lie." His Conscience I-Vels TSetter. Minute, ind.. March 7. A man r.-:t!i rtn uneasy conscience sent the foil v.'-ir-s letter to Charles Curtis, of IJee i tation. inclosing in the envelope a fJ. hi!!: ''Fourteen years ago when yo-i were running a huckster vag:i. you paid me a dollar more thai, was rp;. me. I knew it shortly after, but st.:!: kept It. I now inclose the .! an Interest. Mav C.od bless vou and he!s on Is the prayer of one that want to be rizht with ;0;1." The letter v.-1 unsigned. Vhere John Smith Was Kduratec!. London, March 7. A bust of John Smith, founder of th colony of Vir ginia, was unveiled In the gramnnr school at Lonth. Lincolnshire. ,y Charles W. Kohlsaat, special commis sioner of the Jamestown exposition. The work was executed by (general Baden-rowell, and presented by him to the school where Smith was evirated.