The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1907, Image 2

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("rem Friday's I:il!y.
Koy Holly went to Omaha on No. 7
this afternoon.
C. A. Kawls went to Nebraska City
on legal business this morning.
Khece Walker departed this morn
ing for Norfolk, Neb., on business.
IL C. Lverettof Union was looking
after business in l'lattsmoutii today.
C. M. Miubert of Council Mulls was
looking after business in l'lattsmoutii
Jo; Iladraba was a passenger to Om
aha on bu-)ii;iv on the afternoon train
Sheriff C 1. uinton went, to Llm
wood and Weeping Water today on
legal business.
W. A. and .1. F. Campbvil .f Mur
ray were busineis visitors in the coun
ty seat, last evening.
J. II. Waterman. Hurling L'li store
keeper in Omaha, was in the city on
railroad business today.
J. A. .Sc'iiafer, one of Cass county's
thoroughbred young farmers, was do
ing the county seat todiy.
Mrs. A. (I. ;rcen, who was in the
city for a short visit with friends, re
turned to Havolock this afternoon.
S.T. Graham of Lincoln, superin
tendent r.f the Luriington'sscmaphore
system, was i:i the city on company
business today.
County Superintendent J. W. (wim
ble went to Lincoln this morning to
attend the Leading Circle, which will
be in session today and tomorrow.
The funeral of ' I 'ne'e" Ned Laker
lias been postponed until tomorrow af
ternoon, in order to give relatives in
Chicago suuieicnt time in v.hich to
reach this city.
William Tcitelbaum, th-.; state or
ganizer for -'Fcderat ; n of Nebraska
Retailers."' went to Murray to visit
the merchants of that place today.
W. L. Panning, o.' t'p.ion. came up
this m r r . i t ; r :oid wiil attend the Ma
sonic (! i:.!i-'" tmiht. lie was a
pleasant caller at .Tournal head. par
quarter. Tomorro.v is grund-ho-r day. Re
member, if the little animal comes out
of his hole and sees his shadow, he
goes back and remains six weeks.
This means six weeks more of winter.
J. R. Ienson, who is holding down
the p sit;on as assistant doorkeeper of
the senate, came down from Lincoln
last nLrht and will remain over Sun
day. It is rumored that there have been
several cases of diphtheria in the city
the past week. We cannot vouch for
the truth of the report, we have
heard of no quarantine.
Tho. L. Wiles of Weeping Water,
referee in the Wetenkamp partition
suit, is in the city on business in con
nection with the sale which occurs to
morrow at the court house.
Mr. Thomas Darnall of Lincoln will
speak in this city on Sunday.February
3. A union meeting will be held at
the Methodist church at Z o'clock p.
m. and at the Presbyterian church in
the evening.
A. L. Cox, formerly postmaster at
Mynard, w here he was also engaged in
business, has rented an empty store
building in Nebraska City, where he
will conduct a oc and 10c store. Mr.
Cox is in Chicago at present purchas
ing a stock of goods.
Miss Marie KauiTman, daughter of
the landlord of the boarding house
near Cedar Creek was taken to the St.
Joseph hospital in Omaha this morn
ing to undergo an operation for chronic
appendicitis. Dr. E. D. Cummins ac
companied the patient to the me
tropolis and will assist in the opera
tion. From Saturday's Dally.
Francis E. White of Omaha was in
the city today on business.
D. L. Amick of Murray was looking
after business in Plattsmouth today.
W. II. Puis, mayor of Maple Grove,
was in the county seat on business to
day. Ern Carroll of Murray was in to at
tend "The Pit" at the Parmele last
John McNurlin went to Omaha this
morning to meet his wife, who is re
turning home from a months' visit
with relatives in Stanton, Neb.
J. L. Smith of Nehawka was in the
city last evening to attend "The Pitt"
at the Parmele.
Phillip Ilild, one of the hustling
young farmers of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, was a Plattsmouth visitor today.
Reuben Foster, jr., of Union, was
visiting the county seat last evening,
and also attending the play at the Parmele.
Herman Smith and wife from the
vicinity of Nehawka were in town to
attend "The Pit" at the Parmele last
The public sale held by Thomas L
Wiles, as referee in the WetU-nkamp
estate, resulted in the property being
bid in by the heirs.
A. R. Tompson of Sheridan Wyo. ar
rived this morning to be with his fath
er, who U confined at the home of his
son, J. L., and who is about the same
as he was yesterday.
Christ. Parkenings, one of the Jour
nal's staunch farmer friends, was a
caller at these headquarters today for
the purpose of renewing for the old
Reliable another ear.
Rlair Porter of I'nion, arid sister,
Miss Grace of Seven Mile Lord, Va.,
and niece, Miss Clara C'openhaver of
Murray, are in the city today visiting
at the home of the former's brother.
G. M. Porter.
At the public sa!e held on the south
steps of b- court house this morn
ing. Chas. L Martin, referee in the
estate of Andrew ('. Fry, deceased,
sold forty acres located in the Platte
bottom toC. W. Stoehr, for the sum
of -5 1,-1 while six lots, situated north
of the Masonic Home, was purchased
by George W. Lininger, for the
Masonic Home association for the sum
of s.VJ.i.
I r 'I I M n;;t y I :i :i y .
Miss Anna Meisinger was visiting at
the home of Michael Ilild Sunday.
Pearl Weldy of outli Omaha was in
the city to visit with friends Sunday.
Miss Ida Pearl man and brother. Ike,
were visiting in Murray this afternoon.
Prof. Eddie Schulhotf wns over from
Glenwood Sunday to visit home folks.
Joe Klein of Lincoln was visiting old
friends and acquaintances in thjseity
W. 11 C
ml was among the busi-
ness visifers to the- metropolis this af
ternoon .
Sam McCailen of Omaha made his
semi-monthly visit to friends in this
Storekeeper W. L. Cooper and wife
were anion: the Omaha passengers on
the fast mail today.
Thomas F. Farmcic departed Sun
day afternoon on a business trip to Los
Angeles. California.
Fred Tcodorski of Omaha wasamong
those- to attend the dance at Coates'
hall Saturday evening.
Dr. Chas. Kennedy was down from
Omaha Saturday evening to visit his
mother, who is il), but. not seriously.
J. D.MeCride came down from South
Omaha to spend Sunday with his fam
ily. He is well satisfied with his po
sition. Leslie Hall, assistant cashier of the
Murray State bank, and Glen Rawls
were up to attend the dance Saturday
A marriage license was issued today
to Henry Meisinger, aped 2o, and Miss
Blanche Vallery, aged 17, both resi
dents of Mynard.
W. C. Urown and wife were in from
Murray Saturday evening to attend
the farewell hop, complimentary to
Miss Ida Pearlman.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner, who were
in the city to spend Sunday with her I
parents, returned this afternoon to
their home in Haveloek.
Dr. A. P. Barnes went to Omaha
this afternoon to be on the defense of
Dr. Turner, against whom an action is
brought for using the title of veteri
narian. The ladiesof St. John's congregation
will serve an oyster supper Wednesday
evening at Coates'hall given by Messrs.
Lorenz Bros, for benefit of St. John's
Superintendents J. W. Gamble and
E. L. Rouse returned last Saturday
evening from Lincoln where they
attended a banquet of "The School
masters' club."
II. F. Swanback, the oldest con
stable in the United States, was look
ing after business in the county seat
today. Mr. Swanback is 92 years of
age, and resides in Greenwood.
A. B. Smith of Denver was in the
city yesterday "to visit with his nephew,
Baxter Smith. He departed this morn
Piles of people have Piles. Why suf
fer from piles when you can use De
Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve
and get relief. Nothing else so good.
Beware of imatations. See that the
name is stamped on each box. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Everybody Cordially Invited.
To the annual free dance and oyster
supper, which will be given on Friday,
February 8, by W. M. Sayles
hall in Cedar Creek. Everybody is cor
dially invited.
ing for Omaha, from which place he
will return home this afternoon.
Dr. Roy Dodge came down from the
metropolis Sunday to visit his parents.
Mrs. Dodge has been here for several
days on account of the sickness of her
mother, and returned home in the
evening with her husband.
Dr. Wilson was called to Union yes
terday afternoon to consult with an
other physician regarding the condi
tion of Mrs. George Everett, who re
sides near that place and w ho is dan
gerously il!. Nebraska City News.
M iss Lillian Cole is expected home
from Lincoln this evening, where she
has completed the required four years
course in the state university. The
commencement exercises, at which she
will receive her degree, will be held in
the spring.
On account of the snow and slippery
tracks, traffic on the railroads was
somewhat retarded yesterday. Bur
lington train No ',, from Denver to
Chicago, was over four hours late,
while the other passenger trains ran
about an hour behind time.
Miss Helen Travis came in Saturday
evening from Lincoln to it-main at
home a week visiting with her folks,
after which she expects to return and
attend the mid-winter commencement
exercises cf the state university, in
which she has just . completed four
years of study.
John Ilabschcidt, who recently sold
his so-acrc farm, near Murray, for
7,Ui, has made up his mind to re
move back to P!attsmcut! and will
work in the Rurlirgton shops. A num
ber of years ago Uncle John w as an
employe of the shops, and went from
here to the farm.
F. II. Stande; W. G. Erhart and C.
E. Mockenhaupt, three j . 1 1 v fanners
from the vicinty of Wabash, are in the
county seat, today on business, and of
! course called at Journal headquarters,
where they will always tind the latch
string dangling on toe outside. While
here they renewed for the o; q Reli
able. Miss Myrtle Sanders, who has been
teaching in district No. id, has been
transferred to district ;i to fill lhati
position during t lie illness of the J
regular teacher, .diss Grace i-ake.
Mbs Vesta Eaton, who was compelled
i to give up her school on account of
; sickness assumes charge of
! left vacant by Miss Sander:
i Mrs. John Hasenvager
the place
I hom
eek, after a two weeks
! visit, with her mother, in Murray,
! Neb .!olm has been baching during
! all this time and looked both cold and
hungry when we saw him. Mr.
Mrs Ilasenjager will move to one or
... .... i
R. A. Mnuart s farms one and a. baa
mi es m town toe urst .iarc!i. i
Tecu i r. sch T c i ' u n r. 1 .
V 1 )
Mi.-s Pern e Ruby of Mynard v. ps vis
iting in the county seat Sunday.
The thermometer at the Burlington
depot registered ten below ;:cro at 7
o'clock this morning. j
Gus Holmes of Union was in the!
county .seat on business today, taking
the afternoon train to Omaha.
A delightful social evening is prom
ised those who attend the Grand Mask
Ball to be given by the Plattsmouth
Turnverein at their hall Saturday,
February 1(5, 1007.
Lee J. Mayfleld of the Louisville
Courier was down today on business,
and of course paid his respects to the
Journal force. Lee is always welcome
at these headquarters.
The second of the series of lectures
to be delivered before the members of
the Y. M. B. C, occurred last evening
at their rooms in theMethodist church.
C. S. Polk was the speaker, and gave a
very interesting address.
Alfred Gansemer, living west of My
nard, was in the city today, enroute
for Omaha on business. Mr. Ganse
mer is a prominent young farmer, and
while in the city called and renewed
his allegiance to the Journal.
The sheriff is in receipt of a card
from the chief of police of Indian
apolis, Ind., offering a reward of $1,500
for the capture of Jesse Coe, a colored
man who is wanted for the murder of
policeman Cbas. Russel on September
30, 190ti.
According to the views of the old
rivermen we are to have plenty of high
water during the coming spring, for
there is lots of snow up north. One
or two of them are inclined to the be
lief that we will have more of a flood
along the Missouri river than we have
had for many years. Nebraska City
The Journal failed to note the re
turn of Mrs. John McNurlin from
Stanton, Neb., in yesterday's paper.
She has been visiting her daughter for
nearly two months, and came in Satur
day evening much to the delight of
John, who has been roaming over the
country at will among his friends or
any old place where he could get a
square meal.
Z. W. Shrader, from near Murray,
drove to the county seat to meet the
early train from the west on tbe Bur
lington, as he expected to meet Mrs.
Shrader this morning, who has been
visiting In Furnas county for several
weeks. His wife failed to come on
that train, however, and Mr Shrader
decided to wait until the evening
train, as he feels confident that she
will arrive today.
From WVdiM-vl.iy S!y.
A. S. Will departed for his Colorado !
ranch t his afternoon. ;
Mrs. E. A. Wurl was a passenger to I
the metropolis on No. 1!) today. j
Mrs. J. N. Wise is on the sick list to- j
day, suffering from a had cold. !
Father Ilancik was among the pas-i
sengers to Omaha this afternoon.
Robert L. Mauzy was a business vis-
itor in the metropolis this afternoon. :
Mrs. Val Burkel was a passenger to j
the metropolis on the fast mail today, j
J. C. Moosehead of Falls City, was j
looking after business in Plattsmouth J
today. j
M. Ranger went to Omaha on the
morning train today to look aftersome j
business matters.
County Attorney ('. A. Rawls went j
to Lincoln this afterm on to look after !
some legal mat ters.
In the district clerk's onice. Adolph i
Rieke, a native of Germany, has made ;
application for naturalization. j
Flora, the little daughter of Senator j
and Mrs. J. L. Root, was taken ver j
sick yesterday with convulsions. j
Wrintp'! Cborr(r to cut in ."i !
r ,
cords of wood in the cily limits. An -
ply to J. C. Petersen immediately.
D. C. Woodriug of Lincoln, superin -
tendent of bridges for the Burlington.
was in the city on railroad business
this morning.
Wanted A good gentle hr.-e for
buggy. Will lay lilenil price for one
that suits. George Tarns, U miles:
south of Plattsmouth.
The local high school is preparing for
the basket, ball game, v
played with the Nei.ra
basket ball team on '!;.
lich will be
a City girls
"f l cb-
il v . King, the new matKU'er o toe
Coates Dry Goods Co.. is making some
very vAlunb-; changes in the store
siiOir. rind .-as i;c is going to maxc. toe
irpas-s the or.e at. yomtng.
M i s . Ivl ; t h W 1 1 ! e 1 1- , , . . i- o f Randol p ! i
7eb.. grand mat. '"or: ..f the ( ). 1-'. S. w:.s !
in tie city to a---i:-t in the initiatory !
work i l" the iii'ine chapter last "Vi'ii-1
i ng.
'VI ,i
ii-'re sn.: was the gU'.Sl CI
miec ?,. II :):::' i.iMian
Mrs. V.
:.:i-.--s ;
! Ti! ri-.ov ,:,..i-o; r.fl t!)' -i !' t . r -.,-: n f.-.r
j ...,.. .., ....... v .. ..... .. .....
! Wvmo-e. Neb . when- t hcv will visit.
fnv.ii.r'sQktpr Mrs. SN.-.vir t
On the )
:urn trip they w il! stop oil' in
Lincoln for a few dav' visit.
George W. Wert, of Schuyler. Neb..
who represents the Louisville people
j in the bridge litigation, was in the city vicinity, were among the passengers
today to sign up with County Attcr-jto Omaha on the Burlington this
I ney C. A. Rawls tiie stipulation of i morning.
: facts, which will be submitted to the ! Miss Hazel Dovey departed this af
; supreme court on the otii of March. ternoon for Lincoln, when- she wiil
The transfer was made yesterday by j enjoy a visit with friends, the guest
! County Treasurer W. I). Wheeler j of her sister, Miss da ire, who is at
jwheiein J-hi.oro of the county bonds ' tending the university.
i were taken up. This leaves OuO in
I bonds, which w ill likely be taken up
during the next year and place the
county in an excellent financial con
A tissue builder, reconstructor,
builds up waste force, makes strong
nerves and muscle. You will realize
after taking Holiister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea what a wonderful benfit it
will be to you. .'" cents, Tea or Tab
lets. Gering & Co.
Use a little Kodol after your meals
and it w ill be found to afford a prompt
and eflicent relief. Kodol nearly ap
proximates the digestive juices. It di
gests what you eat. It is sold on a
guaranteed relief plan. Sold here by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Miss Rose Schall went to Omaha this i
afternoon, where she will enter a large
wholesale millinery house for several
weeks, to secure the spring styles, af
ter which she together with her sister,
Miss Laura, will conduct the retail es
tablishment in that city recently pur
chased by M. Fanger.
In our rush yesterday we made
several errors in our local happenings.
We stated that John Kauffmau bad
called at this office and renewed for
the Daily Journal for another year,
when it should have read John Kaffen
berger. Mr. Kaffenberger is one of
our staunch friend and has been a
patron of the daily from the start.
Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed,
while wintry winds whined weirdly.
Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed
wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win
ter winds work wheezes. Wherefore
we write, "Use Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup." NothiDg else so good.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Valuable Lesson.
'Six years ago I learned a valuable
lesson," writes John Pleasant of Mag
nolia, Ind. "I then began taking Dr.
King's New Life Pills, and the longer
I take them the better I find them."
They please everybody. Guaranteed
at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s. druggists. 25c
tSt Teeth S5
Si- .. - " i
Gold Crowns and Bridge Teeth $3. 50 Bp. Porce
lain Crowns op. Fillings 500 op. Teetb
Extracted Painless. New set same day.
BAILEY, The. Dentist,
EUbUsb4 1M8. Paxtea Blk. OflAHA
ineiiatured Alcohol
This product consists of a good juality of grain
alcohol to which is added, under government super
vision, enough wood alcohol and benzene to re nder it
unlit for internal use. It, however, can he used for
all art and mechanical purposes just the same way as
grain alcohol and is far superior, besides being cheap
er. We can t:ote the following prices:
'. 1 pint, container included
j 1 (piart,
gallon, container extra
I 1 gallon.
5h wvn
KM 11 i .
i y ,T8
j -
j John U. Pope of Greenwood wis in
1 the city on business todny.
; W. R. Banning, of I'nion
j Plat tsmouth today on bus; ness.
postmaster 1 'aimer of Nehawka was
' looking after business 1:1 the county
j scat today
B-vstoi- went to Omaha, this
i morning to attend tin
j ers convention.
hardware deal-
S. . G reens
ate !,::s rcturi.c'1 home
if (;u,inVflI,
wmere be was e::i!. i
jon account of the dath . f his
! .los'j'.h Dus'nek. who has be.
ing sevens' days with Janus Socnor,
foP;irt(.(1 lhi, horning for Fremont,
' '((
-1 i s.
i :ar:
t hcut
is oeen
visiting with h'T mother,
i r
Kennedy, relume'
'..'! a i
I' 1 ' ! U i !.: '
ack Hills,
last few
.' n ; o
r Vou-
! he
; ( ) ; i r.
Rhece A. Wai
from the !
! has tn en for to
j business trip.
1 bjo. Shrader.
residing -.-u. A of
! ray w
in t! ie city on b
is: ness today,
that he is r -
i C .C pi'JAs
to note
nice iv from a .siege of s:ca-
! Mike
! vvart .:isher and George Ilild
j two prosperous farmers residing in this
Ryron Clark departed la-t. veniug.
for Charleston, West Virginia, where!
he will argue the case of the State vs.
Snyder, et al., which is on for rehear
ing in the supreme court of appeals.
The tenth annual tournament of
the Nebraska Checker Players' associ
ation began yesterday morning in Lin
coln. Among the list of names pres
ent, we fail to note that of our friend,
Herman Restor, who hardly ever
misses a meeting and is generally con
sidered one of the best players.
Itching Piles.
If you are acquainted with anyone
who is troubled with this distressing
ailment, you can do him no greater
favor than to tell him to try Chamber
lain's Salve. It gives instant relief.
This salve also cures sore nipples, tet
ter and salt rheum. Price 25c. For
Sdla by F. G. Fricke Sc Co. and A. T.
Hk dd n y m
Having purchased Mr. H. E. Weidman's
good will and interest in the Millinery Store,
formerly known as II. E. Weidman & Co., I
wish to announce that I will continue the busi
ness at the same place as heretofore, one door
east of Dovey's Dry Goods store. When in
need of anything in the millinery line, would
be pleased to have you call.
Successor to H.
15 c
Consider Well.
II not er was one of tl.e most indus
uas in 1 trious men in the world and he always
succeeded in all his undertakings. "My
ru!e ls-" ,M! sai'b "deliberately to con-
I w -iilf.i. 1 ..,(,..... I . . i . . .
I . . ominenc e, v nei nei i ne
ining win i,e practicable. IF it is not
: pract icablc. I do not a! tempt it. If it
! b practicable. J begin nod never stop
tillt he thing i-,done. J loliowthis rule
uoiiM certainly -ave money, time and
energy, but. many people I ,iy even
mcdicou- wit Imni ! ,,..,;,.,, ,. t.;,.
;i bout. them.
Lvery !a m;!y ; ho ever
usmJ Triner's American Lii:ir(.:' Ibt
ter Wine in maladies of tl.e stomach
nbd the intestines will te ify tliat. it
is "idy re m d v f. r ma Ii cases.
f.'on.-ie.-r m H: it. pi,! s t In.-digest irm in
woi. mg i; r and the l.eait.h of tl.i.
.i em means t he i.r
i v. 1 f 3 on ea n no'
st jour fomi.
'l i t i 1 and even i ,
Ji of t he wl.oe
: ' or ea ni.ot d j
s! i "ng h, y u:'
hf" A soon
ft :n
' o i no. I s- V; in. i - A !-;eri-
r il' I ; : t
el v.
1 r V.'ii.e as '. 'on as
i i' e on i n egi, Ja r.
J ' i . 'i ; i ne r. 'i S.
a i '
' ; ; , ; ! ( , s .
!.(! . ve.. (
i . ,e o;, si '.-) - u
e r - ( r v I by tin !a -
s of I he Sr. John'
t ion, at. ( ,'oa t e" ha
church onngri -ia-.t
well att Mid d c.iisii
ring t lie cold
, a:
er with whi.
1 .very one (
of go.vl thi;
i i a oca t nm
t bey 1o eOll-
i i ed a hnuntcon-,
:. and t ) ia'li
- a p-stii:. of tie ir
i cm
I e !''-. rts. Th" 03 st is and crackers for
'the occasion were furnished by Loren.
lire to wlio-n ;h'- ";'!: s are .!'
gra' eful.
iv C Vi
You lint yt
be uis.'mo ' 1
c st:j 110 I:j'.re
remedy, and y
Lest wlji-ii '. on
.!; f. r i:
Kemp's J5al.-;.ca wi.l : I ;,
thut ran he ?1 pt;d 1 y a.-.y
i?r' c .11;
m-'ii' : :.
arid cure coughs thut c::i :-ory h ; tun-:J
by any other ir.edidno.
It is always the Jt.-t Cough Cure.
At all druggists, 2-V:., 50c. and .1.
Don't accept anything f Isc.
c mm e on i
E. Weidman & Co.
: 1