r The County Exchanges Ittas if 6eoertl Interest Selected frei tti Column if Centecponrles Elmwood From the Leader-Echo. Dr. Munger reports a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamble Thursday, January 24. Mrs. S. D. Eells entertained on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Bicknell, of St. Taul, Minn. II. O. Miller and wife returned last week from an enjoyable five weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Iowa and Illinois. Mrs. Kittle Heck, who has been vis iting friends in this vicinity for sev eral weeks, left for her home at Grant, Neb., Tuesday morning. J. G. Stark and Wra. Deles were at Lincoln Monday. It is said they went to ask Governor Sheldon if he had seen anything of Stark's calf. R. P. Railey, with a large force of men, commenced putting up Jce the first of the week. The ice is of fine quality and good thickneess. Wm. Hottle moved last week onto the eighty he purchased from Matt Williams. Wm. Harley will move onto the farm vacated by Mr. Hottle. Miss Jessie Creamer suffered a re lapse Saturday and is again in a very critical condition. A nurse came from Lincoln Tuesday to assist in caring for her. The Grip. "Before we can sympatize with oth ers, we must have sulTered ourselves." No one can realize the suffering at tendant upon an attack of of the grip unless he has had the actual exper ience. There is probably no disease that causes so much physical and mental agony, or which so successfully defies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoided by the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that lias resulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T." Fried. Union John Pierce. John Pierce of near Greenwood died at Omaha Wednesday morningof heart trouble, aged about 55 years. He leaves a wife and two children. The body was brought to Ashland Wednesday afternoon and immediately taken to his late home, where the funeral ser vices were held. Interment in Cedar Hill cemetery. Ashland Journal. Out of Fire Into the Pan. Food don't digest? Because the stomach lacks some one of the essen tial digestants or the digestive juices are not, properly balanced. Then, too, it is this undigested food that causes sourness and painful indigestion. Kociol I-'ir Indigestion should be used for ro'.wf. Kodol is a solution of vege tar e :o : is. I: digests what you eat, atifl -. ' ' r s t :i" )e;iciit:cies of the fli- From tbe Ledger. Miss Jennie Craig gave a party last Saturday evening at the residence of Mrs. Lydia Todd, In honor of her sister, Miss Luella Craig of Green wood, who was visiting her. Gates Parker returned Monday from Guide Rock, Neb., where he had been to close a land deal. He has purchased a fine large farm in that vicinity and will move there in time for tbe spring farm work. John Thacker and wife and their daughter, Mrs. Lute Crawford, left Sunday for Burlington Junction, Mo., to try the health restoring qualities of the mineral waters at that famous sanitarium. Misses Ada and Grace Porter of Seven Mile Ford, Va , arrived recently to visit Cass county relatives and this week they have been the guests of their brothers, Blair and Wade Porter in this village. Ruf us Taylor, a Union boy, who has been an assistant in the depot at Ne hawka, was in Omaha Tuesday and passed a successful examination in telegraphy at railroad headquarters. He is now ready to take a position as station agent as soon as there is an opening. O. J. Smclser, Missouri Pacitic night agent here for some time, bade his Union friends farewell on Monday evening and left for Lawrence, Kan sas, to join his wife who went there last week, and after visiting their parents awhile they will go to their new home ia Colorado. Miss Esther Luce reached the age of fifteen on Monday, and she invited a number of her youngfriends tospend the evening at her home and assist in celebrating the event. The visitors were royally entertained with music aud games, one of the new and novel features being a ''Dutch Wedding," with Miss Delia Applepate and Harry Graves as the principals, Miss Jennie Craig being bridesmaid and Prof, Hod app groomsman. A nice luncheon was one of the nice things on the list, and the guests showed their appreciation by giving Miss Esther a number of handsome presents. WHY IT SUCCEEDS Because It's ror One Thing Only, and Plattsmouth is Learning to Appreci ate This. Nothing can be good for everything, Doing one thing well brings success. Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing only, they cure sick kidneys, they cure back ache, every kidney ill. Here is Platts mouth evidence to prove it. Mrs. James Hodgert, living at 1102 Main street, Plattsmouth, says: "When I have backache Doan's Kidney Pills are tbe doctor. I first used this re medy about two years ago and it brought me such quick and positive relief from hackache that I have al ways since depended upon it in case of recurrence and it has never failed to give most gratifying results. Prior to using Doan's Kidney Pills, I suffered a great deal at times from adull heavy pain in tbe small of my back, especi ally so, when I stooped or brought any strain on the muscles of the loins. The fact that Doan's Kidney Pills have saved me a great deal of suffer ing and have never once failed me, givts me cause to value them highly. My husband has also used them for pain in the back and found it true to its representations We never mean to be without Doan's Kidney Pills on hand. I procured them at Gering & Co.'s drug store." For sale by all dealers. Prices 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uuited States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the su perintendent of cart service at King ston, Jamaica, nest Indies Islands, says that she has for some years used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for Nehawka From The Ketrihter. Walter Wunderlich, who has been sick with lung fever, has recovered. Mrs. DelesDernier, of Zion City, 111., is visiting friends in Nehawka this week. Genevieve, the l'.ttle daughter of Mrs. Carl Stone, is on the sick list this week. A littie child of Mr. and Mrs. Nor man DelesDernier has been quite sick but is better now. F. P. Sheldon has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late Lawson Sheldon, and the estate will be settled as soon as the law will allow A son and two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rough are very sick with lung fever. A son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pollard is also sick with the same disease. The condition of J. W. Magney has so improved that tbe nurse has been sent home and he is able to sit up part of the time. Mr. Andrew Pittman is also some better than he was last week. Loviisville From the Courier. It is reported that Dr. M.U. Thomas I has purchased a drug store in Mem phis, and that he has moved his fam ily to that place. Jesse Twlss left Monday for St. Louis, where he went on business. He expects to return here before depart ing for his home in the mountains. Mrs. Wolf, who has been making an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Wood, left Wednesday, for her home in Nauvoo, 111. She was accompanied as far as Omaha by Mrs. Wood. We are glad to be able to report that Mrs. George Schoeman is recover ing rapidly from a severe illness which has kept her bedfast since Christmas. George expects to move onto the Lehn hoff farm next week. Ira Glasgow, blacksmith at the Na tional stone quarry, has manufactured a new whistle for tbe large crusher engine, fashioned after the whistle at the Union Pacitic shops in Omaha. The whistle can be heard for miles. Uncle Thos. Shryock met with a painful accident one morning recently. lie was carrying out a bucket of ashes when he stumbled and fell, the ear of the coal hod catching him under the chin and cutting a gash an inch long and to the bone. A tramp entered the house of a Mr. Finch, living east of the school house, Wednesday, while Mr. Finch was ab sent and stole a pocketbook containing No trace of him could be found, although neighbors saw the fellow leaving the house. BISHOP HOLSEY SAYS: "PE-RU-NA ! BLESSING. 9J He Declares Pe-ru-na to Be a Triumph of Medical Science, A Magnificent and Sovereign Remedy. Having Tried Many Reme dies and Failed to Find a Cure, Tried Pe-ru-na and Was Promptly Relieved. After Twenty Years Bondage to Catarrh He Is Relieved By Pe-ru-na. coughs, croup and whooping cough and has found it very beneficial. She has implicit confidence in it and would not be without a bottle of it in her home. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. gl-s' I' !l ti..f;::: 1" . hcr- t y I ... (-. . ; . f Nearly every person who is subject to attacks from the stomach suffers from a morbid dread of a dietetic treatment for relief, that is three fourths starvations, and one-fourth toast and milk. On the other hand you can eat as you please and digest the food by the aid of a good digest- F.m: Sale-2) acres, well improved, ant, thus giving the tired stomach with plenty of fruit. Good T-room equally as much rest. Eat what you house: good large cistern: barn and nicase and take a little Kodol For ln- j :ns city j digestion after your meals. It digests irt et. In-i what you eat. Sold by F. G. Fricke quire of S. C. (;h::;iam . -. Co. c.Mifor.iis to the Na-(,tllCr improvements. A i -".(I Img Law. sold N'mits on North Eighth i c l i- & Co. vm An r- r-- 2sr :s. - sg- Sr v m Hm 1? In England and France the Sale of Alum Baking Powder is pro hibited by law because of the in jurious effects that follow its use. The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum in food. You may live where as yet you S vjgl have Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them. .More fatalities nave tneir origin in or result from acold than from any other cause. This fact a'one should make people more careful as there is no danger whatever from a cold when it is properly treated in the beginning. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine inuseforthisdisea.se. It acts on na ture's plan, loosens the cough, relives the lungs, opens the secretion and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by F. G Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. no protection against Alum The only surs protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is to Si EL U& ROYAL is made frcrr. Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar, a pure Grape product. ias digestion aaos 10 tne neaitniuiness oi lood. mm Alvo Alvo is on the boom. Quite a num ber of new buildings have been erect ed this winter, and several more will be erected before spring. J. P. Rouse sold his Cue team of brood mares a few days since to J. J. Gustin of Murdock. Consideration $3S0. John Weichel purchased of Herman Roenan a tine span of colts, paying 8400 for them. John is one of the best farmers in Cass county, and knows a good team when he sees them. Your article on the political history of Cass county of 1ST0, was very inter esting to your correspondent, as I was one of the boys that helped make that history. It was in that campaign and the following session of the legislature lhat I saw the Hon. Lawson Sheldon "tried and not found wanting." And if his son, George L . who was then a babe in his mother's arms, and now ifoverri"r of the great state of Ne-! braka. will prove as true to his trust.- I and promises to the people as did hi venerable father, tliey will have made no :ni-,f hi their cY f-..-r chief executive. Cured cf LuriS Trouble. It, is now eleven years since I had a row escape from consumption, tes C. O. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, S. C. ""1 had run down in weight to Tjo pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and con tinued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were en tirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thous ands of persons are healed every year. Guaranteed at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. 50c and 81.00. Trial hot tie free. gril iff m v'''VfY il t i The Bhop-5 Strom Tribute to rV Mi I' Pe-ru-na. nVTl ': Church, Atlanta, tia., wrlteB: , i, ' dL A mFw 1- 1 ' iavo f"lind lVruna to l.o a TVVr,K4 jrfA; r- great remedy for catarrh. I have? !; ,; '- .'ri 1 1 mm-rod w ith this U-rrlhlo liHtaH) ;tX( tfP$t LC J' for more than twenty y arH, until i I i 'VSj' I I'll SiL hince 1 have x--n upin lVruna, i 'feVJi',' Uli'li 7, which has relievt'd mo of Iho t V f.v' a!'' i(f i "l ,iave lriod rnany rem'(Ii and ySV4-'1 7'7 ppent a great deal of hnrd-earned Jn- P y 1 jfftkfC money for them, hut I found noth- ( VS) -V;' yr vXvx SingKo effectual in tli cure of ca-J t vh. X tarrh BS groat remedy I'eruna. S - 00lZ:tiX- 4I feel M,ro Uiat ,'"runa u noi i , friz's' 'JTL' '.'fcv-yi only a triumph of medical ficience, "' lut it is also a blessing to Fullering I humanity. Ji "Every individual who suffer h (' with respiratory diseaRes will find S I'eruna a maprnifleent and sovereign ' remedy."-. 11. Holey, ftp. '. H. J E. Church. ( A public speaker cannot afford to have catarrh. Even a slight catarrhal hoarseness of the throat becomes In tolerable. This is especially true of the minister who is called upon to preside at re ligious functions of all torts. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP For all Coughs and assists in eipeliinr Coids from the sys tem by eent;y movir.g th bowels. a certain relief for croup and whooping-cough. Nearly all other cough cures ara r,.vfj const i pat ing.J especially thosefc2' containing Opiates" Kennedy's Laxative Honey St Tar moves the bowels, contains Bo Opiates. KENNED -ONTAININ Tbe Red Clover Blos omand the Eooey Bee is on every Doiue. YS 'Traie Kjrt tfjfsttrtt) LAXATIVE Matrimonial Ventures. In the county court a marriage li cense was issued last evening to Emory Clark, aed 24, and Miss Ella M. CofT, aged 18, both residents of Oakland, Neb. The ceremony was performed by Judge Travis. The proper papers were also made out to Clarence A. Anthony, aged L'7, and Miss Grace E. Colwell, aged T.t, both from our neighboring county seat across the river. The knot was made secure by Judge Travis and after spend ing the day in I'lattsmout li,t lir: couple returned to Glen wood thi afternoon. PREPARED AT THE LABORATORY OF C DeWITT U CO., CHICAGO, U. B. A. LC I ;r..'i;'.s vi' ,.r ' Use t!is Best if it Costs no More. Jvl:iCM--!t a car lovi tlT t , (M .v:fe b;i .--V - - jr. D i i,.,t f t;, to or tl.e eepipg - v.l t: II, I : i . ) : i f Tlte R iii! it Name. Mr. August She !('. 1 he or, seer of 1 he poor, at I V Mv says: "lir. King's N:w rightly nan.'. 'fl: they a'L n.. ably, do it:' if: gf.-o'J a.o-j n :. better than ;;nv ' ; . , .;. anteed t' ...!- h-il.-. .- pation. nt I'. . drug .it.- vcr . Ia.. ar ig r:e- f- e) 1 . . :i r- f I - :.). 's o j;. br ft-1 nai wri Curios From Holy Land. Among a number of curios and sou venirs received recently by Mrs. Louise Cooper from her son, Lemuel, who is attached to the United States battle ship Glacier, which was stationed nea tbe Holy Land, is a beautifully finished gavel, which is made of four kinds o' wocd and has a Masonic emblem upt . one side. The gavel was given to V. V. Leonard to present to the lecal or der of Masons. Another curio in the coot ct icn is a stone from King Solomon's KmpV the Holy Land. A boautifu' si uve::: album, containing photographs of the buildings, people and waterways of that noted land, was also received by Mrs. Cooper, who says that Lem been transferred to Cuba, and wi!l soon be nearer home. Clear up the complexion, cleanse the liver and tone the system. You can best do this by a dose or two of De Witt's Little Early Risers. Safe, re liable little pills with a reputation. The pills that everyone knows. Rec ommended by F. G. Fricke & Co. Ion't let the baby sutler fn.uj eczema, sores or any itching of t.'ie skin. Ioan's Ointmenc gives instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly s'-tfe for children. All druggists sell it. K Adj:id; .. I : i , district tb t. and ad . i r.J J n't: ! of ed As to .villi til insanity today exi i.io" Geo. S. Jtuby, of Mjiuinl, ;i ;it subject for treatment at th as I urn. Sheriff (Juinlon and Martin Ruby, a son of l', 'j p.i' i r. i :. . i ; (i ' Un co' i. ' ii ! ,i : i :!:: :i i' day. b lb In "I wrote you for advice," writes Lelia Hagood, of Sylvia, Term., "about my terrible backache and monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. I had suffered this way nine years and five doctors had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that Cardui saved my life." It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female diseases, such as peri odical pains, irregulari ty, dragging down sen sations, headache, diz ziness, backache, etc. FREE ADVICE Write us a errr desr ribint all your s rr.rtor-s, an i e renj voj hree A-'..ce.in plain seaieJ emeiore. Aiiress: Lad es' A ivisory Ipar?ir.rnt, TheChar-.ar-.ooia y.eim intUi.,CI:i',a. nooi'a, Tenri. JlJ At Every Drug Store in $1.00 bottles. Try it. WIHE nw 0 II fill I OF