i The County I fcU Generil Interext Selected Loviisville jj From the Courier. Born, to Mr. aDd Mrs. Henry Itohr- ianz, December 2;, a jtirl. Lor's, the fifteen-year-old son of C 3. Mayfield, Is down with diphtheria. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Britten, December 14, lJKtfi, a 11-pound girl. B. G. Metzger sold his dray business this week to August Ossenkop. Mr. Metzger will move on the T. T. Ball farm, in Sarpy county, in the spring. Mrs. John Givens was attacked by a number of dogs at the home of John Twiss, Saturday evening. But for the arrival of assistance she would have been severely injured. Hugh Murphy, accompanied by party of surveyors, came down from Omaha this morning. This would in dicate that there is something to be -done In the stone quarry line in the near future. Word was received Friday morning from Omaha announcing the arrival of a girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs Chester Merriam. Mrs. Merriam is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. May- feld. The many Louisville friends of Miss Nellie Hubert will be pleased to learn of her happy marriage on December 20, to Mr. Grant Shadfolt, of Lincoln The ceremony occurred at the home ot her brother, R. C. Hubert, 2743 Dudley street, Lincoln, Rev. Carter, of the Evangelical church, officiating, A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. of Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the su perintendent of cart service at King ston, Jamaica, West Indies Islands, Bays that she has for some years used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, croup and whooping cough and has found it very beneficial. She has Implicit confidence in it and would not be without a bottle of it in her home. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co A. T. Fried. and Nehawka From The Kejrister. Jennie Loberg is seriously ill at her father's home on the east side. Mrs. Mary morris oi -riausmuum spent Christmas with her father, Jno. Murdock. Daniel McClary of Hastings has been making a holiday visit with friends in Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stone started Monday night for Cherokee, Okla., to spend the winter with their sons, Les ter and Bruce. Mrs. Young of Omaha, formerly Miss Mildred Gillespie, spent Christmas with her parents here, returning home yesterday. L. F. McCarthy is taking a vacation Irom his duties on bis ranch near Hemingford, and is having a good time with his friends. Mrs. Chas. Harter was knocked over and badly bruised and cut by a cow which she was milking, Tuesday even ing. A horse ran up and frightened the cow. Mr. and Mrs. Herman August and son, Eddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl August and family, left yesterday morning for their new home in Cedar county, Missouri. They have been residents and good citizens of this neighborhood for many years, and will be sadly missed in social and church circles. Tne best wisnes or everyone goes with them. $lOO Reward $IOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundations of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up thecenstitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so mu.")h faith in its curative powers that the' offer One Hundred Dollars fur any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address F. J. Chkxey &0. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 7oc. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Use the Best if it Costs no More. Kleitsch & Holmes have just shipped a car load of flour from Weeping Water to our city. There Hour is of a high grade, and will make every house wife happy about her pood bread, that uses it. Do not fail to ask your grocer for the Weeping Water flour. Exchanges tria tti Coins., tf Contenporirlts Elmwood From the Leader-Echo. A handsome baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCartney Friday of last week. Geo Stoehr and family spent Xmas with Mrs. Stoehr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coon Meislnger, near l'latts- mouth. Two cases of smallpox have been quarantined in the country. Mrs. Baker, south of town, and Clyde Hoover, four and a half miles south east of town, have the disease in mild form. The infant babe of Mr. and Mrs James Wall died Monday evening, and was buried in the Elmwood cemetery Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wall have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Hog cholera is reported to be tak ing off a great many hogs in the vicinity of Murdock. Among the heaviest losers we here of Henry Mei erjurgen, Noah Swacker.G. W. Swack- er, Frank Zoz, John Earl, Fred Stock, John Campbell, Bion F. Dill and John Deming. Percy McAllister met with quite an accident while skating at Wabash park Friday. He fell on the ice break log his left leg just above the ankle, and dislocating bis ankle. Willie Langhorst and Paul Current brought him up to Dr. Munger's office where his injuries were attended to, and he Is now getting along nicely. Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them. More fatalities have their origin in or result from a cold than from any other cause. This fact ane should make people more careful as there is no danger whatever from a cold when it is properly treated in the beginning, For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy lias been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine in use for this disease. Itactson na ture's plan, loosens the cough, relives the lungs, opens the secretion and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by F. G Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. Union. From the Ledger. Mrs. Joe Marshall of Plattsmouth was here Tuesday to spend the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young. Miss Jennie Craig, intermediate teacher in our schools, departed last Friday for Greenwood to spend the week's vacation at home. Mrs. Ohie Fickering and Miss Ellen Watkins of Sloan, Iowa, arrived Mon day to visit relatives and friends in and near this village. Three of the jovial Frans '-boys," James. Duke and Charles, went to St. Joseph, last Saturday to spend several days visiting some of their relatives. Misses May Larson and Lulu Sutton, teachers in the schools near here, went to Plattsmouth last Saturday to spend the holidays with their relatives. Dr. R. L. Newell went to Omaha Monday evening to meet his wife, who returned frcm several weeks visit with relatives at her former home in Michigan. Mrs. Haynes of Seymour, Iowa, ar rived Sunday to make a visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Garrison and other relatives and friends in this village. Andrew Lynn and wife came in last Saturday from Wymore for a holiday visit with their relatives and numer ous friends in this village. Joseph Lynn and wife, accompanied by two children, arrived on Saturday from Hartington to make their Union relatives and friends a visit of several days. This is their first visit here since they moved away, and of course they enjoy it. Nearly every person who is subject to attacks from the stomach suffers from a morbid dread of a dietetic treatment for relief, that is three fourths starvations, and one-fourth toast and milk. On the other hand you can eat as you please and digest the food by the aid of a good digest ant, thus giving the tired stomach equally as much rest. Eat what you please and take a little Kodol For In digestion after your meals. It digests what you eat. & Co. Sold by F. G. Fricke Mortgage Record. The record of mortgages filed and released during the month of Decem ber shows that the number of instru ments, involving the amountopposite, were filed. FA KM PROPERTY. Filed, 11. Amount $16,270 Released, 15. Amount 24,897 CITY PROPERTY. Filed, 8. A mount $3,498 Released, 11. Amount 5,525 DIPSO LAW IS A FAILURE Superintendent Hay of the Hospital Ad mits He Cannot Comply Witb Law. PATIENTS AND INSANE KEPT TOGETHER Which Was Not the Intention of Law When Before Enacted. the The World-Herald of December 12, contains the following: Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 11. After two years of effort under the provisions of the dipsomaniac law, Superintendent J. T. Hay has reported that the asy lum is not the proper place for the treatment of dipsomaniacs and advo cates their removal to some other in stitution. Dr. Hay admits that he has failed to carry out the statute di recting that the patients be kept apart from the insane. He says that overcrowding has caused this. He re ports that 277 men and ten women have received "dipso" treatment. Dr. Hav classifies his dipsomaniac patients as follows: NumlxT of inHiriaU's iii'i'UK iitl.v iMiic(i ' NunitHT much I K-n-tii ! 17 NumlM'r rvr-ivinr no Ix-nt'tit 'Mi I'liknown 4 NumlxT of 1oih' li-nls apparent ly cui'l - NumlxT iM'itetited ! NumlHT unknown 7 In view of the above facts, a few comments and computations may in terest the taxpayers. The dipso maniac law was passed by the last legislature and went into effect June 28, 1905, so that it has been in force less than eighteen months. Under this law a complaint may be filed with the commissioners of insanity, charg ing a person with being a dipsomaniac, an inebriate or the excessive use of cocaine, morphine or other narcotic drugs. Upon this complaint a war rant is issued by the clerk of the dis trict court and the accused arrested and taken before the insanity board, before which a trial is supposed to be had. A conviction generally results and a commitment to the so-called hospital is issued, under which the sheriff takes the accused for treat ment. This commitment is supposed to contain the findings of the board as to whether the accused is a dipso maniac, an inebriate or addicted to the excessive use of cocaine, morphine or other narcotic drugs. The matter contained in this commitment is sup posed to be all the information the su perintendent receives for his guidance in tne treatment or a patient. But soon it may be discovered by the su perintendent that the patient is afflicted with some other disease. It may be tuberculosis, epilepsy, oph thalmia, lumbago, Bright's disease, syphilis or some other disease. Under the law, "such patient shall be given such treatment as is deemed best." Hence, under the law, the superin tendent must treat other diseases not specified in the law in order, as the law says, "to build up the system physically and mentally." The patient, after conviction of the charges preferred in the complaint and commitment is, by the sheriff. taken to the so-called hospital and in plain violation of law, as admitted by Dr. Hay, placed in a ward of the so- called hospital and there locked up with insane patients! Here, in con stant association with the insane, the patient is kept until "apparently cured," "benefited" or "unknown,"' to quote from Dr. Hay's report. Under the law, all expenses incident to arrest of patient, trial before insan- ty board, conveyance to the hospital, so-called, and treatment there, must be borne by the taxpayers of the county where the patient resides Now, as to these expenses. A few days ago a patient was taken from Cass county for treatment. Two bills were allowed in this case by the county commissioners one for $38.70, presumably the costs of examination before the insanity board and costs of sheriff conveying patient to the hos pital, including patient's transporta tion. The other bill allowed ($45) for the hospital at Lincoln. These two bills aggregate $83.70. Dr. Hay says 277 men and ten women patients have been received for treatment a total of 2S7. An average of $3.70 for each pa tient for first commitment, makes a total Of more than twenty-four thousand lollnrs of the money of the taxpayer expended in less than eighteen months! But this average expense for each pa tient is believed to be far below the actual cost. The farther from Lin coln the patient resides, the greater the expense: fees of oflicers and wit nesses at the trial tefore the board may be, and doubtless are largely in excess of amount stated, as a general rule. The extreme western counties of the state are about 400 miles from Lincoln. The sheriff's mileage and per diem in bringing a patient from those counties would be, say $50, and patient's fare added would make at least $00. To this add expense of trial before the board of insanity and $45 to hospital and it is safe to conclude that a fair average throughout the state would not be less than $120 for the first effort to get one patient "ap parently cured!" Now take the num ber of patients reported by Dr. Hay 287 and on this computation more than thirty-four thousand dollars have already been expended, and that too, in less than eighteen months! But Dr. Hay gives the number of "ap parently cure," "benefited," "no bene fit" and "unknown" as 184, and of this number only thirty-one "appar ently cured!" How much has it cost the taxpayers to "apparently cure" one patient? The cost of these 184 pa tients at an average of $120 each is $22,000 in round numbers, and the cost of each thirty-one patients "appar ently cured," $700 in round numbers! Again, take the estimated cost of 287 patients for their first admission to the so-called hospital $34,000 and who are the most "benefited?" Forty five dollars for each patient advanced to hospital or $12,900, and the bal ance 21,000 in round numbers, to in sanity boards, sheriffs, witnesses and transportation! And yet with this enormous expense on the taxpayers only thirty-one patients are "appar ently cured less than tkrm per cent of those received for treatment! STRAIN TOO GREAT Hundreds of Plattsmouth Readers Daily Toil a Burden. Find The hustle and worry of business men, the hard work and stooping of workmen, the woman's household cares are too great a strain on the kid neys. Backache, headache, sideache, kidney troubles.urinary troubles follow A Plattsmouth citizen tells you how to cure them all. P. M. Lindsay, living on Marble street between Sixth and Seventh streets, Plattsmouth, says: "Off and on for about two years I have had pain in my back and at times was much annoyed on account of it. While at work being on my feet most of the time, it was then that the dull per sistent aching distressed me. I had reason to believe that the trouble was owing to a disturbed condition of the kidneys and though I tried several kidney remedies, I derived no benefit until I was told of Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box at Gering & Co.'s drug store. The results obtained from its use proved to me that it was just the remedy and Igot a second box. Improvementjfollowed its use and to that extent that I can unhesitatingly and with pleasure endorse the claims made for Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Married On New Year's Day. The necessary papers were made out yesterday New Year's Day to Albert F. Dill, of South Bend and Fannie E. Conley of Weeping Water. County Judge II. D. Travis was secured to tie the matrimonial knot. The bride and benedict departed on the afternoon train on a pleasure trip through northern Nebraska, after which they will return to South Bend, where they will be at home to their friends. The groom is employed in the Farmer's Co-operative elevator at South Bend, of which his father, Bion F. Dill has charge. The best wishes of the Journal go with the young couple. WAS VERY FAIR EXAMPLE A Big Day for Chicken Breeders, and They Were Here in Large Numbers Tuesday New Year's day brought to town a large number of farmers, and about noon Main street presented a most lively appearance; and some of our citizens felt disposed to say that it ap peared as in days of old.; The coming to town of these farm ers was caused by the Clarinda Poultry company receiving chickens, for which the company had largely adver tised, and resulted in the payment to them of over $600 for poultry alone. The Journal calls attention to this fact, simply becaused it demonstrates what could be made of Plattsmouth as a market town with the display of tne proper enort on tne part or our business men. There are many things that could be accomplished that would bring farm ers here, the principal one of these is to give them a market for their pro duce, which is not as good as many other towns. Another thing that could be put in operation with a small outlay of capital and that is to estab lish a monthly Saturday for horses, cattle and everything else that a far mer has to sell. This is the way to advertise Plattsmouth, and it would cost each business man but little com pared with the benefits derived. Think of It! There were farmers here with chickens Tuesday from twenty miles distant simply because the market was here for their surplus produce. Let us establish a monthly salesday beginning with the dawn of early spring. Now is the time to agitate the scheme. A VILLAGE MOME Where Peruna Is Used As An All-Round Reliable Family Medicine. There Are Thousands of Similar Hornet In ' S , - Which Pe ru na Is Iiein Used With the ptfL Same Excellent Results. 1 ' ' srfllir j va vc m Fountain v ilk', l"u S. 15. Hartman, M. I). Dear Sir: I have iteen thinking r writing to you for some time to let you know what Peruna did forme. I am 67 years old. 1 lost my health alx)Ut pix or seven years an. I first had dyspepsia and employed different doctors. Last year I injured one of my kidneyp. I had one of the best doctors for that. J le put me to bed, not to move for two weeks. I 6lowly recovered, but was bo weak and prostrated that I could walk but a phort distance. In fact I had to keep quiet. I took several remedies, but obtained no relief, l also iiau catarrh in some form. My wifa ad vis' d me to take Peruna, and it is with pleasure that I can say that by taking one and one-half bottle of your Peruna, it cured me and I feel all right. I send this with many thanks to you, as I enjoy life again. My wife has also been taking your Peruna for asthma and it helps to re lieve her. We keep your Peruna in the house constantly. Again I say I thank you for Peruna. Sincerely yours, PHILIP KRATZ. Fountainville, Pa., Nov. 9, 1903. Dr. S. 1$. Hartman. Dear Sir: I have good health now and your valuable medicine gave me good health. I have had no doctor for some j Gets Caught Under the Lid. For violating the state law prohibit ing the sale of liquor on Sunday Adulph Giese, who conducts a saloon on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, was assessed a tine of $200 today. This offense was also a violation of the agreement entered into by all the liquor dealers several monthsago, who at that time held a meeting and de cided not to sell or giveaway liquor on Sunday after that date. A notice of the agreement was published in the Journal some time ago. The Grip. "Before we can sympatize with r. til ers, we must have suffered ourselves " No one can realize the suffering at tendant upon an attack of of the grip unless he has had the actual exper ience. There is probably no disease that causes so much physical and mental agony, or which so successfully defies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoided by the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has resulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. Notice. The undersigned is ready to skin horses and cattle on short notice; or any other dead animals. Artiu:k Jacohk. , Feb. 10, l'JO. : tiiiw, a I do not tors and medicines without obtaining relief. J at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer- A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles. WINE WRITE US A LETTER describing fully all your symptoms and we will send you Free Advice in plain sealed envelope. Ladies' Advisory Dept.. The Chattanoora Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tena. JO OF need any. When I take rolil I taki 1'eruna anil in a short time I am all right. My wif in subject to asthma. She takca Peruna at that time, and she has had no need for a doc tor for some time. With many thanki for your medicine, we remain, Sincerely yours, PHILIP KKATX. Fountainville, Pa., April 1(1, I'.MJ. Dr. S. IJ. Hartman. Dear Sir: We have Peruna In the house all the time and when we think we need It, we take it. We are about sixty years old and have not called a doctor to our place for some years. We go out in all kinds of weather and sometimes when we go on a t ri t we take Peruna along. A preventive is better than a cure. That has been our experience. I had poor health some years ago and when I found your medicine I hit the right tiling. We loth thank you for your good medicine. Sincerely yours, PHILIP KKATZ. Witness to Signatures. I, John Donnelly, Mayor of Doy Ion town, Pa., have been acquainted with Mr. Philip Kratz for 25 years. I know him to be an honorable and useful citi zen. He, in my presence, signed the above statements concerning Peruna, which I have every reason to believe are true in all particulars. kiun1. JOHN DONNELLY, L.sy. Don't allow money to lie around, is easier to spend it and easier to lose it It SUE MONEY bj keeping it in a safe place such aft The BanH of Cass County Capital Stock .jO,000, .Surplus 515,000 Chas. C. I'arrnele. Pres., Jacob Tritsch, V-P. T. M. Patterson. Cash. You can give a check for any part of it at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. When you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to it rather than spend from it. Don't you want to know more about it. Knrlnl For Indigestion. v- Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digests what you ei I l. Mitel c- z.-rz- -. 'J - : 7 do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs.' Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. Va. "Because, after suffering for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc CAB 0 I