LEGAL NOTICE. T KM K LI A LAI': You will tak.- l.kt on tl.- .ml l;,v of .January. M7. Wllllmn i.lalntirr. tiled ,K iM-tillon in the IHstii. t ourt of I'mi County. N.-I.riiska. airalnst you. It. .l.j'--t nn. I prayer of u.-l, ix-tltton Istoot.-lulnaillfim-cfrciin juiKin the t' .f .- M TI IOII. on arr r-.iii r-l t0 answer salil i t It ion on or x-forc tUt- lllliUy of K-li-iiary. Hm7. or JiKiirincnl or il)v.i.-.- will Irt- ent.rxl nralnt you. anil In favor of Mild plaintiff, ns .rayl lor in ham M-llMoii. Iat4-1 this :irl day of January. 11M7. W i i.i.i am Lai I. O. iwy-r. Attorney for I'lalntlff. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. In the County Court of Cans County. M-anka. In tlicinatt r of t Ik-fstate of Knuna All - i . ... ijrrsoiiH mimtcm.-u in ail cstato arr nrei,y notltt.u tliat a IHtitlon lias Ih- ii til in naiu court, pray Ink' for tlif itrolmtf of a cit- lain inmmmciii now on flic In .said i-ourt. iur- lortlnir tola tlie last will ami U'stamrnl of aiu HWrasHi. aiil that a lu arlnir will Ik had on Naio iwi it ion l-ror- salil i-ourt oiitlw iwh lay of January. A. I.. 1.W7. and that if th-y rail to aiMar at said court on tin- I'.ithdayof .anuary. iwi,. at Id orlork a. n.. th court may allow and probata said will and irrant. ad- minisirailon or said rstat' to for M. Walker. or soni oth-r s-iiilahlf jwrson. and proi'ei'd to a M icicnn-nt tnrcor. tlAKVEr H.'-Tkavid. l"EAl..l County .luuVe. LEGAL NOTICE. All lM'i-sons Interested are lien-by notified on tlx- tit It day of iH-ecmlH-r. A. !.. I'ni;. .lOM-iihlii- Wt'M. aslhi. 'Xit!t rlx of the last win ami testament of and wiitow of John West. late of ass eoijiity. defeased, tiled her M-t it ion with thei-oiinty nmrl of Cass i-ounty. prayiiu.' -or a ii 11 a I sett lenient or lur u miits as stu-h exeeutrix and t he assignment hy t his com t of I t he residue of said est ate to siieh iiersons as ail' entitled hy law thereto. That a hearint.' will i e had on said iet it ion in the eon lit. v ourt at l lattsinoiith at In o l k a. in., on t he -Jth ilav or .laimary. Hi7. anil judgment iendered tl.eit-on. Jy the Court. IIaiivky l. Tkivk. r-EAI.-l County. I tid'e, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. C ass i Virvrr, Nebraska, i In County Court. In the matter of the estnle of John I . Sum ner, defeased. Not if e is herehy t'iven that the :r'iiioisi or said deceased will ni-et the Kxe iifor of said estate. Ixfoie me. Count v J udiri of Cass County. Nelnaska. at tlie County Court room in ciat isinout h. In said County, on the :th day of January. A. !.. lm7. and on theilli day of July. A. I .. l'.7. at loo'rlot-k a.iii..earh day. for the ninos of prt-x-ntint; t heir f laims lor examlnalioii. adjustment, and allowaiii-e. Mx months, from .Inly... I'.7. are allowed for I T he -r'ditors of said dM'easel to present their naims. and one year for the Kxecutor to s'tt le said estate, from the Aitli day of Octocer, A. I. i '.t. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at riattsmouth. Nebraska, this Villi day o. lN-emoer. IIAKVEV I . J KA VIS. Iseai.I County Judt'e. LEGAL NOTICE. In tounty Court of CassCounly, Nebraska. 1 n re estate of James i . ,.. Allison. de. eased. S Noti' ' to C -"lu's- notice is nereny trtien that there will le a hearint; on claims against the estate of James Allison, deceased, at my otlice In the City of I lattsmoutli, ounty of t ass. Neliraska. on January aitli. 1!7. at !t o'clock, a. m.. and on .JuiieSttli. I'm., at !ioclock a. m.. and that all claims not hied liefore J line Jn h. 1W7. will U' iiarreu rrom participatlntr in said estate. I ated this l.tth day of IH-cemlier. A. 1 .. litxS. Hy the t ourt. IIahvet I). Thavis. !eai.. 1 County Judt'e. LEGAL NOTICE. I n County Court. Cass County. Neliraska. I ii the matter of the estate of Andre Welter, deceased. All iiersons interested in said estate ;.! herehy notitied that a IH-tition has hcen tiled in said court allcirinir that said deceased iiied learimr no last will ami prayintr for ad ministration niton his estate, and that a hear ing will lie had upon said itetilion liefore said ourt on the 7th day of January. I'.hC. and that 'f they fail to apiK-ar at said court on tlie said 7th day of January. A. !.. l'.KC. at !t o'clock a. m.. to contest said etitioii. the court may irrant the same and irrant administration to Mary WetM-r or some other suitable iierson and proceed to a settlement thereof. Hy the Court . HauvetT). Travis. 1-eai.. County J udtre. Time Table Plattsmouth, Neb. Trains Leave as Follows: No. 2 Local express, to Iowa points. Chicago and the east 4 :ii pm No. 1 Fast express, daily, from Lin coln to St. Joseph. Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago, and all points east and south 8:30 pm No. 2rj From Omaha 4 :05 pm No. 30 Freight, dai y except Sunday. 4:00 pm No. 6 Through vestioulwU express for all points east 7:57 am No. 20 From Omaha. 4:40am No. 14 Local express, daily. Omaha. Lincoln. Denver and intermediate nations 7:57 am No. 7 Fast mail, daily, to Omaha and Lincoln 1 :ie pan No. 33 Lcal express. Louisville. Ash land. Wahoo, Schuyler, daily ex cept Sunday 3:30 pm No. 13 Lincoln. Grand Island. Black Hills. Montana and Pacific north west. 10:18pm No. Si Local freight, to Cedar Creek. Louisville and South Bend, daily except Sunday 7:00 am No. Ik Parltic Junction 2:55 pm No. 4 Local mail and express east... 8:49 am Pally except Sunday Missouri Pacific Time Table TKAINS GOINO NORTH. No. 105 Omaha Express 5:34 am No. 102 Nebraska Mall 4:42 pm No. 193 Local Freight 3:47 pm TRAINS GOINO SOUTH. No. 103 9:42 am No.l0 11:59 pm Bound Over to District Court. Tbe preliminary hearing of C. Law rence Stull, who was arraigned in po lice court on a charge of feloniously assaulting Jesse Green, was had today before Judge Archer, who after hear ing the evidence of the several wit nesses, bound th? defendant, Stull, over to the district court under a bond of 1.0 The defendant was repre sented by Judjre Sullivan, and the greater part of the day was devoted to hearing the evidence of the princi pals to the trouble and tlie witnesses. Your money refunded if after using three-fourths (S ) of a tube of MacZan, you are dissatisfied. Return the bal ance of the tube to your druggist, and ycur money will be cheerfully re turned. Tade advantage of this offer. Sold by Gering & Co's drug store. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE W5TAI5I50 HONEY AND TAR WHEN THE KETTLE SINGS It's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want to hear the music in your kitchen? Jbasy order coal from this oriice and yard. The output of the Trenton mine the fuel we handle has no SU' perior anywhere,. Its equal In few places J. V. EGENBERGER, 'PHflWP riattsmoutli Xo.i.'. PLASTTMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. Mvirdock Hy G. A. I,eis.) I'KODITE MAKKETS Corrected weekly by Martin Si Tool. who pay tlie hitrhest prices for uroduce ana guarantee satisfaction: flutter isc f ir.'! Ltic liens.... 7c Hprincs 7c Cream No. 1. tk; : No. L. k; Hoirs -vi to s.1 Cattle 1... $1.50 and 4.00 iUAIN MAKKETS. Corn .31c Wheat.. Oats Rock Island Time Table. Murdock Station. AVE ST BOUND. No, fi, man :io a. m. No. 75, local. 8:55 a. m. No. 5. mail. . . 3:00 p. 5:53 p. m. m. No. 37, mail. . EAST BOUND. No. 90, freight ..12:30a. m. No. 38, mail .w-.bii a. m. No. 76, Local No. 6, mail . . 1:14 p. m. . 2:35 p. m. Emil Kuehn was down from Lincoln Sunday on business. II. v . McDonald made a business trip to Omaha Monday. J. W. Shank of Lincoln visited friends here over Sunday. Otto Eickhoff is up from Oklahoma this week, visitirg relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool visited in Omaha Saturday and Sunday. J. J. Gustin shipped a car load of hogs to South Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. J. J. Gustin is entertaing her father, Mr. Gilmore, of Omaha. Chas. Cole and family returned to their home at Murray, Wednesday. Emil Reick or I'.oone county, visited friends here the forepart of the week. C. Miller and family are entertain ing relatives from Hastings during the holidays. Mrs. Kitzel and daughter, Mrs. Ed. of Alvo, visited in our burg last week. G. C. Meierjurgen, of Omaha, but formerly of this place, visited friends here Thursday. After a week's visit abroad Wm. Neilson returned Thursday, looking quite natural. Jim Rogers and family are visiting relatives in this neighborhood for a short period. Miss Maud Gorsage returned Tues day evening after spending a week at her home in South Auburn. Mrs. Jacob Goetary is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. P. Stewart, of Farragut, Iowa. Wm. Gerdes and wife are visitingat the home of the former's parents, in Murdock, for an indefinite period. Mrs. MacArthur returned from Omaha Wednesday, afe which place she has been visiting during the holi days. Mr. Chas. West was on the sick list Monday but Dr. MacArthur has the patient up and around at present writing. Quite a number of our local nimrods luuk pari, in me won nunt over near Wabash Friday, and report that two coyotes were killed in this hunt. Mrs. Dr. MacArthur entertained the Murdock whist club Monday even ing. The honors were carried oil by Misses Rertha and Martha Goehry. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Xeitzel's little boys were on the sick list Sunday, but their family physician. Dr. Mac Arthur, lias brought the little one out O. K. Dave Thimgan has purchased the fine young driving team from Conrad Wirth. Now, girls, pet busy. Dave is a good fellow and is prepared to show you a good time. A genuine old-fashioned wolf hunt will take place at Murdock on next Tuesday, starting from the first sec tion north of Murdock, at 8 a. m., and proceed in the direction of South Bend. Conveyances have been provid- ed for all those who wish' to join in j the hunt. .So make up your mind to I be on deck. "Suspected" Case of "Diphtheria." The fact that we did not mention a "reported" case of "suspected diph theria" in our little village last week is simply because we did not think it diphtheria, and only thought some un scrupulous individuals were running a bluff on some of our peaceful citizens, and therefore we waited for results which has confirmed our belief seems that on Dec. 18th, the little three-year-old daughter of Mrs. IJurk holder caught cold and Dr. I. D. Jones was called and be gave her some medi cine. He was again called on the 20th and this time be pronounced it diph theria of the most malignant type The village board of health was noti tied and the village physician Dr. II J. MacArthur was sent to make an examination and report which be did Immediately. He diagnosed the case as an ordinary cold. To prove this he called the next day and found the little one about the same. This you can bet didn't please Jones, so they sent for Dr. J. B. II ungate of Weep ing Water, in consultation with Jones and of course it had to be diphtheria of the worst kind. Then to be on the safe side and quiet the fears of the timid the village board had the house quarantined, but kept close watch on the little one and when the patient continued to improve they took down the card and quarantine on the morn ingof the2th.: I was up to the house personally nearly every day ana the little one wasn't bedfast for a single day and never had more than one degree and a fraction of fever at any time, which didn't look dangerous to us and both Jones and H ungate said the child would die in a a very short time, but which proved to be untrue. Aow what we want you to do is to take these facts into consideration, be honest in your verdict, and see if you don't agree with us. Live Poviltry WANTED! BY THE GLARINDA POULTRY, BUTTER AND EGG GO. TO BE DELIVERED AT THE STORE OF ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ PUTTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA TUESDAY, JAN. 8 ONE DAY ONLY FOR WHICH WE WILL PAY IN CASH: CRAWS TO BE EMPTY Hens, per lb Springs, per lb Fat Turkeys.. Ducks Geese Old Roosters, per doz. ...7c ...7c ...10c . . . 7c Sc $2.40 Wafer Proof o m i or low- tops. It certainlv dosen't pay to court a cold with wet feet. "Drv Feet or Doctor's Bills?'"' You have no other alter native. Ours are differ ent from others, for we insist on special leathers which makes them prac tically WATER PROOF SHERWOOD & SON HIGH CUT BOOT THE MARKETS Chicago rain. Clii;io. J;m. 2. Following were the quotsitions oa tho i'UU-mn, ISoartI of Trale toduj : W lieut Tjim. Mr.y ... July ... Corn Jan. May July . . . Oats Jan. ... May ... July ... Pork- Hili. Low. ("lose. .77,, .7,1; .7;i, .704 .7.'b .70 .so8; Wz .:'.;v2 .43 .4:1 AWi .44 .4.J-, .44 .34 .H4 .CGU AW, MY .33 .33i8 .238 .4.".Mj .'M Jan. 1 G.or 1G.70 1G.75 0.37 ..J7 ir..8o 1.37 10.02 1,4 0.20 0.35 0.40 10.00 May ...lo..V7 July ...H.i'2'2 Lard 10.02 10.02 Jan. ... May ... July ' Short .Ta n. May July . . . 0.30 !t.3. 1.40 o.r.7 Ribs s.r74 8.776 s.r.7i H.07 o. l 8.82 O.OTi 8.07 0.17 8.07, 0.10 cash Fairs v inter wheat liv sam ple: No. 2 red. 73573c; No. 3 red. 7K73-: No. 2 hard. 72(T74e: No. 3 hard. r.772e. Sprinir wheat I!y sample: No. 1 northern. SOtfiSle; No. 2 northern, "GtfiNOe; No. 3 siniii:. 72f) 70r. Corn I!y sample: No. 2. 30?4c -o. , .ii"i- , -o. . wuiie. .i.'2 i.;0e: No. 3 yellow, 30iao4-; No- 4. .',-( Oats Hv sample: No. 34 lie; No. 2 white. 3:vri 30-; No. 3. 34 e; No. 3 white, 34r3."e; No. 4 white, 33fi34e: standard. 34fif3.-i,4 L.ive Stock Poultry and Hay. Chicago, Jan. 2. Hors Receipts 32,000. Sales ranged at $0.32! 2 C 0.40 choice to prime heavy packing sows, $0.32ftiG.42 choice to prime heavy shipping barrows, $G.276 0.3o medium light barrow butcher's and smooth sows. Cattle Receipts; 20,000. Quotations. rangeu at t.w good to prime 6teers, $3.G.Vi.Y00 coodto fancy cows ana heifers. $." good to choice yearlings. $7.25(5iS-riO good to choice calves. Sheep Receipts 22,000. Quotations ranged at $.".(i0fti.r.00 good to prime ewes. $..;iO(u.00 native wethers, $7.25 (ti." good to prime native lambs, $2.00(fj4.r0 bucks and stags. Live poultry Turkeys, per lb, 10ffl lie; chickens, fowls, lie; springs, 10c; roosters. 0e: geese, $r.00'',7.0O; ducks 10 (f 11c. Hay Choice timothy. $lfi.r0r,i lG.r.0; No. 2, $14.ri0 l.'.OO; No. 3. $13.00? 31.00; choice prairie, $10.00 10.50; No. 1, $13.00ni.00: No. 2, $10.no7 12.00; No. 3. $0.00710.00; No. 4. $8.5079.00. Kast lIiifTalo Ijive Stock, Kast Buffalo, N. Y.. Jan. 2. Dunning & Stevens. Live Stoc k Com mission Merchants Kast Buffalo, N. Y., quote as follows: Cattle Receipts 2 cars; steady. Hogs Receipts 40 cars; slow; pigs, $0.75; yorkers and heavy. $0.05. Sheep Receipts 3() cars; best, $7.S07 S.00: yearlings. $0.25 0.05; weth ers, $0.25IT5.G5; ewes. $4.75j5.15. Calves Strong; best, $9.50. Terre Haute "Wants to CJrow. Terre Haute. I ml., Jan. 3. The Coinmereiad club will make a system atic canvass for subscriptions to the $150,000 guarantee fund to be ued in bringingindustries to the eity. When siieh a fund was suggested a few weeks ago doubt was general about raising the amount, but unsolicited sub scriptions amounting to $4.mwi. of which SOmm i came in last week, reas sures the club ollicials. A New Amcliibiau. Several examples of a zoological paradox a fish which would be speed ily drowned if placed in deep water have .iust been added to the collection at Regent's park. This is the African walking fish, which spends the greater part of its existence upon the mud banks of tropical rivers. Its method cf progression lias been described by naturalists as of the "hop. skip and Jump" variety, and when journeying iniaiid. as it does over long distances. It climbs by means of the breast fins over the roots and even into the boughs of trees. These curious crea tures, which belong to an important group known as lung fishes, form a connecting link with the higher forms of life, the air bladder being con verted into what is practically a lung. When the rivers dry up in the hot sea son they bury themselves in the mud. breathing in the air like a frog or a newt. In Australia there are several varieties of lung fishes, one of the largest sometimes attaining a length of six feet. Daily Graphic. The Same Old Trouble. "Why don't you quit worrying be cause other people are making more money than you are aide to accumu late? Haven't you found out that it isn't money nlouo which brings happi ness? If you make up jour mind to do it you could find just as much hap piness in your income as some man who has dollars to your cents finds in liis. Why net look at it In that light? Why don't you make the most of what have and quit thinking so ninth about Wiint other people have?" "My wife won't let mo." (."hlcago Record-Herald. Ilykcr Smiley ela-nis to Lave been driven to hy a woman. I'jkor So pid she refuse l;i::s or rcarry him.' Ini ing the lifetime of a healthy hen she will lay from 3X to r' eggs. Her best laying c; second vear. parity is during her "Do you think Dauberwill ever make a successful artist?" "Impossible. He can't even draw a decent conclusion." When the Vatican recently received a thorough cleaning and some re painting was done the wcrk employed 5,700 ueot'le. THE PALACE MARKET I'luttsmoutli '1'lione No. '4.' LORENZ BROS., Proprietors. Groceries, Provisions and Meeats 1st Prize KDISON Phonograph and 12 Records $30 00 2nd Prize Century Camera and Out fit 15 00 3rd Prize Imported Japanese Vase. . . 5 00 Total amount.. $50 00 Contest will open November 1st, 16, and close May lst.107. Coupons will be given with cash pur chases only. Every $2.50 worth of coupons gets one draw number. Begin when the contest begins, per haps you will be the lucky one. Cost vou nothintr to try. lLorenz PlOLttSITlOYlth, TfilFS TO KILL A JUDGE St. Louis Woman Shootsat Judge MrDnnlH in tho rirr.nt Court There. HER BULLET MISSES ITS MARK Ilatt Planned a. Triple Killiiic lie tausc, She Alleges, She Could Not CJet Justice. Ft. Louis. Jan. 3. "I ought to have got him." That was the remark coolly made by Miss Rosa Weil after firing a pistol at Judge J. A. McDonald as he sat on the bench in the circuit court here. The bullet missed the judge and Fhe was disarmed and arrested. Miss Weil was a litigant in a case concern ing a disputed Inheritance that was tried before Judge McDonald two months ago. I B. Wetzel, a witness sitting nearest her, seized the woman before she could fire a second time, and several other persons wrenched the re volver from her hand. Did Not Scare the .lodge. Judge McDonald did not arise from his seat during the excitement. "Take that woman out of the court room." he said to Deputy Burns, and when sh" Jiad been led from the room and order had been restored the judge turned to several attorneys who were waiting to make motions, an said: "Proceed, gen tlemen." Accompanied by lier Sister. Rosa Weil, accompanied bv her old er sister. Clara Weil, entered the court room a few minutes before court con vened and quietly took a seat on the second spectators' bench, back of the railing. Tlieir appearance attracted no attention, and they sat quietly watch ing the proceedings as Judge McDon ald entered from his private chamber and took his seat on the bench. Mo tions were offered in a pending case, and an attorney had started to address tlie court when Rosa Weil stood up with a leveled revolver and fired at the judge. Had Planned a Triple Crime. Rosa Weil is the daughter of Mrs. Elise Weil anil the late August I.. Weil, arid was displeased with Judge McDonald's adverse decision on Nov. 2, in the case in which her mother nought by raising a question of legi timacy of her first horn child to de prive her grandchild, son of a de ceased daughter, of a share in the es tate of her husband, the late August B. Weil. At the Tour Courts Clara Weil, delegated by her sister to speak for both, said: "Rosa and I first planned to kill ourselves. Then we decided to kill Judge McDonald and commit sui cide together. Says They Couldn't Get Justice, ".We couldn't get justice, so we thought Tve Would take the law in our ovra hand?. We Ttere beaten out of our property, worth $30,000, by the manipulations of certain men. We tried, to obtain information charging thom "with forgery, but we could not. W e were advised to bring a partition suit. In tLtt suit we did not get jus tice. So we decided .Tudcro McDonald should die." Roth girls are held on informations issued by Circuit Attor ney fsiger charging each with assault with intent to kill. When court re cessed at noon Judge McDonald said that he had no personal feeling against the young women, and would not per sona Hy prosecute them. Two days' treatment free. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges tion, impure breath, perfect assimila tion of food, increased appetite. Do not fail to avail yourself of the above offer. Sold by Gering & Co's drug store. Nebraska 'I'liom No. II. S a uter, (listrlluitor of the Kill MOM I'liono trraiili unl ICrr ordi.l'lat thiiioul Ii. eliraska. Nebraska. Notice to Stockholders. The regular annual meeting of tlie stockholders of the Bank of Cass County will be held at the otlice of the hank in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 8, 1!W)7, at 4 o'clock p. m. Chas. C. Pakmklk, President. Notice to Policyholders. Notice is hereby given to all policy holders, that the annual meeting of the Platte Mutual Insurance company will be held at the oflice of Judge M. Archer, in the city of Plattsmouth, at 10 o'clock a. m. January 12, 1 907. W. J. Whitk, President. Hknky R. Gkkinu, Secretary. 12-29, 1-4, 1-11. on the Plattsmouth telephone calls the upholstering rooms. Place your order today for anv work you have in this line. All work will be called for. Mattress renovating a specialty. A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspep sia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan.s Kegulets (25 cents penbox) correct the liver, tone the stomach, cure constipation. HOMESEEKER'S EXCURSION RATES Frequently each month to home seeker's territory. WINTER TOURIST RATES To Colorado, California and all Southern resorts. Personally conducted California Excursions. CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO SALT LAKECITY,: JANUARY 15 16, 17. TO DENVER: JANUARY 20, 21, 22. FREE LANDS Write for folder describing how to obtain free -640 acres of govern ment land in Nebraska for mixed farming and dairying. SEND FOR FREE FOLDERS "A Good Dairy District." "The Pig Horn Pasin." "Irrigated Lands in the Pilliugs District." Eastern Colorado," "Personally Conducted California Excur sion." and "To the Great Northwest." INQUIRE FOR DETAILS l. PICKETT, TICKET AGENT, PUTTSMOUTH. NEB. 1. W. WAKEIET, 6. P. 4.. Omtki, Rtk. 1!!v Phil