The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 27, 1906, Image 2

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t-rt.ii, KriiUy'i Oulljr.
Perry Mru umde busine tilp to
Omaha i n N. tKly.
Mrs. Umry H- rn m visiting In the
metropolis this aturuoon.
Miss Garnett Lee of Greenwood was
visiting in the county heat today.
Mrs. Geo. A Kaflenberger was visit
ing In the metropolis this morning.
Geo Rhoden of Murray M looking
after business In the county seat
Tom Fulton, the blacksmith of Ne
hawka, was transacting biiKlness In
the county seat today.
l'hlllp Nrlsbln, from the vicinity of
Murray, was transacting business In
the metropolis today.
Ex county Commissioner W. H. Ban
ning, of Union, was In the city today
looking after some business matters.
John Jlarver, wife and child, ar
rived today from Ocama, S. I., for a
visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
ti. A. Harvey.
Mrs. l'at McCallen.who has been en
joying a short visit with friends In
this city, returned to her home In Oma
ha thlt morning. Mrs. Spader accom
panied her home for a short visit.
Mrs. Troop departed this afternoon
for Denver, Co)., where she will visit
for a month with her niece, Mrs. Lulu
Joy, and on the trip home she expects
to visit with a sister at McCook.
Mr. and Mrs Hay Core, who were
united in marriage yesterday held an
Informal reception and dance last
evening In Sayles' hall at Cedar Creek.
A large crowd was In attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cummins were
very delightfully surprised last even
lnu, by receiving a postal card written
by their son Hean, who Is In the St
Joseph hospital In Omaha. The little
fellow writes that he Is getting along
nicely and that he expects to be home
In three or four weeks.
Miss Hello Taylor, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Will Taylor residing several
miles south of town, was taken quite
sick yesterday afternoon while doing
some shopping In the county seat. A
few moments after leaving Dovoy's
store, she was suddently stlckeo un-
conclous and fell to the walk. She
was carried Into the store and a pby
slclan summoned, who after several
hours work restored the patient so
that she could be taken home last
Mr. and Mrs. Homer McKay and
family are enjoying a visit from their
daughter, Mrs. W. E. Maxon, who has
come direct to this city from the
1'anama canal region? Mrs. Maxon's
home Is In I'ensacola, Fla., but for the
past several months she has been
employed In the schools In Lo
baco, Panama, near which place
her husband has charge of the
water system. Her visit lo this city
will tie a source of much enjoyment to
her folks and friends In this city, who
are Interested In tho "Nig Ditch"
that the government has undertaken
to construct across the Isthm us.
went to Glen-
From Paturdiij'i I!ly.
J. W. Parker went to Omaha on the
morning train today.
Joe Woster was visiting In the
metropolis this afternoon.
Tom and Will Smith were Omaha
passengers on No. If today.
J. I). Wampler and family were vis
ltlng in Omaha this morning.
Mrs. Joseph l'hebusand son, Drury,
were visiting in the metropolis this
Henry Uuthman came In last even
inir from Lincoln, to spend the holi
days with home folks.
Antone Koubek and sons, Joe and
Antone, Jr., were among the Omaha
passengers this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Pirle of Alliance,
Neb., are In the city to spend the
holidays with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shopp.
Miss Helen Travis, who has been
attending the state university, re
turned home last evening to spend
the holidays with her parents.
William A. Robertson, who has been
attending the state university, came
in from Lincoln last evening to visit
. with homo folks during the holidays.
Grover RufTner returned home
Thursday evening from Omaha, where
lie underwent an operation for appeiv
dicltls. Although rather palb and
weak, Grover Is recovering nicely,
J.L.Smith and wife of Nehawka,
accompanied by George Edison and
wife of Fort Collins, Colo., who have
been vlsitiug In this county, tcok the
fast mail today to Greenwood, where
they will visit with relatives.
Fred Wcldruan, who was operated
oo at the St. Elizabeth's hospital In
Lincoln about a week ago, returned
Mrs. Harry Narthold
wood this morning.
Mrs. Ed. Kates was a passenger to
Omaha this morning.
Miss Gertrude Hart man went to
Glenwood this morning.
Mrs. Wash Smith was a passenger to
the metropolis this morning.
Mrs. C. S. Forbes was visiting In
the metropolis this morning.
Mrs. J.A.Murray was visiting In
the metropolis this morning.
Mrs. L. H. Petersen and daughters
were visiting in Omaha today.
Mrs. Geo. 1'olsal was a passenger to
the metropolis thin morning.
Mrs. J. Helner was a passenger to
Pacific Junction this morning
Miss Etelle Hal rd was a passenger
to Omaha on the fast mall today.
Mrs. Geo. Craig was an Omaha pas
sengcr on the morning train today.
Mrs. Roy Dodge of Omaha Is In the
city to spend the holidays with rcla
A.H. Earhart and son of Green
wood were visiting In the county seat
Fred Dawson came In from Lincoln
Inst evening to spend the holidays
with home folks.
Ole Roman and nephew Ed. depart
cd this afternoon for Sioux City where
they will visit until after the holidays.
S. L. Cotton and family left this
morning for Hlue Hill, Neb., where
they will visit during1 the holidays
with his folks.
Mrs. Harry Northcutt and daughter
came In from Omaha this morning to
spend Xmas with her mother, Mrs,
R. P. Kennedy.
Mrs. J. E. Douglass and two daugh.
ters, Misses Vesta and Marie, and Miss
Helen Clark, were visiting In tho me
tropolis this morning.
Dr. A. P. Names and son, Leandcr,
departed this afternoon for Burr, Neb.,
where they will spend several days
with the former's brother, Dr. C. S
Mrs. II. R. Neltzel and children
came In lastevenlng from Murdock to
spend the holidays with the parents
and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R
Andy Campbell and wife departed
this afternoon for Thayer, Neb., where
they will enjoy a visit during the boll
days with their daughter, Mrs. V. E,
W. F. Gillisple was In from Mynard
today and reports hlselevator In order
for business, after several days' sus
pension of business on account of a
disabled engine.
Miss Lucille Hates returned from
Lincoln last evening, where she has
been attending the University Schools
of Music. She will probably remain at
home for the balance of the year.
A deal was closed yesterday through
Col. J. II. Thrasher, whereby, P. C
Petersen becomes the owner of the
Wm. Brantner residence property,
situated on Lincoln avenueand Granite
Tom Moore, of the Journal force,
departed this afternoon for Denlson,
la., where he will visit with friends
He will return to Silver City to spend
Xmas with his parents.
P. G. Williamson was oer from
Glenwood today to prepare the equip
ment of the Work Ladles' Tailor
school, which closes January I, 1907,
tor shipment to Malvern, la., where
they will open up a new school.
Mrs. John Schlappacassc, who hss
been taking treatmcut for rheuma
tism at the Mineral Springs Sanltar
turn, near Hurllngton Junction, Mo.,
returned home yesterday afternoon
She has been down there for several
weeks and feels greatly Improved
V. E. Terry, a prominent young far
mer of near Mynard, accompanied by
his wife, was In the city today, and
while here called and enrolled his
name for the Journal. It Is coming
to that point that the Old Reliable Is
one of the essentials In housekeeping,
A quiet social gathering occurred
yesterday aftenoon, when Mrs. D. C,
Morgan entertained the club composed
of Mesdamcs F. A. Murphy, Sue Mor
ressry, Frank Morgan, Jas. Donnelly,
and L. . Cook, l he afternoon was
pleasantly spent in various social ways,
and after partaking of a nice lunchon
the ladles took leave of their hostress.
Oulte a number of tho members of
the W. 15. C. and the G. A. R. sur
prised Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Carter last
evening by unexpectedly assembling
at their home to spend tho evening
with the Carter's before they leave on
a several months' visit to Hlalr and
other places. The evening was very
much enjoyed by all, and a delicious
luncheon served during tho evening
assisted materially In promoting the
social time that prevailed. After
wishing the host and hostess a pleas
Miss Loretta Scotten went to Omaha
tbls afternoon.
Mrs. J. L. Root was visiting In
Omaha this afternoon.
Miss Aurel Hngg, of Elmwood, was
In town today.
W. L. Atchison, from Elmwood,
was In the city today on business.
Harry Narthold was a business visi
tor In the metropolis this afternoon.
Jas. Skoumal and son were among
the passengers to the metropolis tbls
Mrs. J. II. Decker and Miss Harriet
Fight were visiting in Omaha this
Misses Alice and Gladys Sullivan
were among the passengers to the me
tropolis this afternoon.
C. II. Gibson and R. W. Ellis, of
Weeping Water, were business visit
ors In Plattsmoutb today.
Misses Nellie Cockrell and Eva Can-
aday of Weeping Water were visiting
In the county seat today.
Senator S. L. Thomas came In from
Akron, Colo., last night to spend a
few days with relatives In this vicinity.
Geo. Grebe and family departed tbls
afternoon for Mllford, Neb., where
they will spend a few days with Fred
J. M. Fitch, from the vicinity of
Nchawka, and L. F. Fitch and wife of
Rock Bluffs, were visiting in the
county scat today.
W. M. Wiley from the vicinity of
Murray was in town today on business
and found time to make a pleasant
call on the Journal.
John Knabe of Nehawka was trans
acting business in Plattsmouth today.
While In the city he called and re
newed for the Journal.
A. A. Hcrtzler departed this morn
ing for Grlswold, la., where he will
spend a week with his mother.
J. II. Neltzel and family departed
this morning for Treston, Neb., where
they will spend Xmas with relatives.
Mrs. R. J. Ritchie and baby have
gone to Omaha, where they will spend
the holidays visiting with her parents.
P. E. Ruffner, who has been work
ing under Hugh Murphy, near Mur
dock, has returned home to spend the
M Iks Minnie Will, who has been at
tending the university, came In last
evening to spend the holidays with
her folks near Mynard.
Wm. McCauley and wife departed
tbls morning for Arapahoe, where
they will spend the holidays with Sam
Patterson and children.
Ra'pta Godwin was visiting lo Omaha
last evening. , . ,
Henry Donat went to the metropo
lis this morning.
Chas. Relhart was a business visitor1
In Omaha this morning.
Ex-Senator S. L. Thomas went to
Omaha oo business this morning.
D. W. Foster of Union was trans
acting business In the county seat to
Chas. Petersen Is home from nave-
lock to spend the holidays with bis
Miss Myrta Kenner went to Council
Bluffs yesterday afternoon to visit
with her ulster.
Chas. Nellgh and wife of Wlsner
are in the city to spend tbe holidays
with relatives.
R. W. Hyers departed this after
noon for Basse tt, Neb., near which
place he has a claim.
A. M. Franks departed this morn
Ing for Hamburg, Iowa, where he will
visit until after Xmas.
home this morning. Fred is looking
as healthy as ever, and hli friends are ant time while gone, the gathering
delighted to see him at borne again, bide them good night
Krom Monday'iDally.
Miss Claire Coleman was a passenger
to the metropolis this afternoon.
W. II. Pulsand sister, Mata, of Maple
Grove were visiting In Plattsmouth
J. M. Robinson, wife and daughter,
went to Omaha this morning to spend
the day.
Miss Florence Cory, who has been
visiting In Lincoln, returned home
Frank Mlcln came in from Denver
last evening to spend the hollidays
with home folks.
Chas. Patterson, of Arapahoe, came
In last evening to visit with home
folks during the holidays.
Mrs. J. G. Richey and son, Living
ston, came in Saturday evening from
Lincoln to spend tbe holidays.
Chas. Teacock departed this morn
ing for Fllley, Neb., where ho will
visit with bis uncle, John Wright.
Geo. W. Llnlnger, president of the
Masonic Home association, was in
town from Omaha today on business.
Mrs. Lillian Caldwell came In this
morning from Glenwood to spend
Xmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kauble, sr.
Henry Kauble came In from Omaha
last evening to visit home folks.
Henry's many friends failed to recog
nize him on account of his facial deco
W. S. Harnhart and wife, who were
In town to spend Sunday with the
family of the former's sister, Mrs. J.
C. York, departed this morning for
home In Peru.
Geo. Oldham and Mrs. Dora Moore
departed this morning for Fairfield,
Iowa.where they will spend their holi
days with the family of their niece,
Mrs Henry Snyder.
Henry Phillips of La Porte, Ind ,
accompanied by his bride of a few
weeks, Is visiting In the city, the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Cum
mins. Mr. Philips Is a nephew to
Mrs. Cummins.
Judge and Mrs. Samuel Llpplncott
and daughter Miss Sadie of Ashland,
Herman Kylcrs and wifeand Mrs. J. F.
Clouso and two daughters Misses Alice
and Lena of Memphis Neb., will take
Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Miller In this city.
Mrs. C. T. Miller came in last even
ing from Akron, Colo., where she wa
visiting her father, Mr. Wesley Cher
ry. Sho was enroute to her home near
Nchawka, and while here this morn
ing called and ordered tho Journal
sent to her brother, Frank Cherry, at
Akron, and also ordered la copy sent
weekly to her address at Nehawka.
Miss Lillian Cole, who has been at
tending the state unlversty, is home
to spend the hollidays.
The Wahoo and Plattsmouth High
schools are endeavoring to arrange for
a joint debate in the new future
E. II. Booth and wife took No. 19 to
Lincoln today, where they will visit
with relatives during the holidays.
Roy repperberg, who has been at
tending tbe state unlvcrscty, is at
home to spend the holiday vacation.
Miss Vena Elliott arrived this morn
ing from Ilavelock to spend Xmas
with her friend, Miss Blanch Pol sail.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Loucks de
parted this morning for Lorlmer, la.,
where they will spend Christmas with
Eugene Tlghe came in from Lincoln
last evening to spend Xmas with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
John Schlater . came down from
Louisville this morning to spend
Christmas with his brother, Conrad,
and family.
Mrs. Matt Dougherty went to Om
aha this morning to look after a res
taurant that she recently purchased
In that city.
Wm. P. Ramsey, who has been tak
ing the law course In tbe state univer
sity, has returned home to spend hol
iday vacation.
Mrs. C. C Miles departed this morn
ing for Spring Ranch, where she will
spend the holidays with her daughter,
Mrs. J. M. Coombs
Mrs. Grace Walker Johnson arrived
this morning from St. Augustlne.Flor
Ida, to be with her mother, Mrs. Terry
Walker, who Is very sick.
Mr.andMrs. M. Wood and daugh
ter, Miss Helen, of Florence, Colo., are
visiting in the city, tbe guests of tbe
family of J. C. Tetersen.
Mrs. John McNurlin departed this
morning for Stanton, where she will
enjoy a several week's visit with rel
atlves. John accompanied his wife as
far as Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kates departed
yesterday for McCook where they will
spend Xmas with her parents. Mr.
Campbell, who came In Saturday ac
companied them home.
An Immense throng of Christmas
shoppers was in town Saturday, and
it could easily be seen that the adver
tlsers done the business. Teople in
variably go where they are Invited.
Frank Moore andCbas. Herren from
the vicinity of Murray were business
visitors In the county seat today. Mr.
Moore orders tbe Journal sent to his
brother Chas. In Frulta Colo, and in
forms us that they are enjoying a visit
from Charlie's wife
George II. Stoehr, of near Elmwood,
was In the city today, and called and
renewed for the Journal another year.
Mr. Stoehr Is a son-in-law of Coon Val
lery, and he and his wife are over to
spend Christmas with the "Old Folks
at Home. .
After working but a short time this
morning, Miss Agnes Thrasher, who
.'.'Fund TV.edwsUin'f )llj.
Mrs. P. F. Goowand children went
to Omaha this afternoon. i
Will Smith went to Lincoln this af
ternoon to spend a few days.
Chas. Vallery of St. Joe was In town
to spend Xmas with relatives.
T. II. Pollock made a business trip
to the metropolis this afternoon.
J. E. Douglass made a business trip
to the metropolis on No. 19 today.
Gus Rhode was visiting with rela
tives in Greenwood Christmas day.
Milliard Klein was In town from
Lincoln to spend Xmas with friends.
Miss Zelma Natt of Omaha spent
Christmas at tbe borne of Harry
Sam McCallan was down from
Omaha to visit with friends Christ
mas night.
Carl Humphrey of South Omaba
was in town to take Xmasdinner with
bis mother.
John Marquette and wife of Lincoln
visited with relatives in this vicinity
Christmas day.
Superintendent E. L. Rouse went to
Lincoln this morning to attend the
teacher's institute.
Dr. Chas. R. Kennedy was down
from Omaha to spend Xmas with his
mother and sisters.
R. B. Windham went to Omaha
this morning to attend a meeting of
tbe Herold creditors.
John Dutton, wife and son, Glenn,
were In town to spend Xmas with her
mother, Mrs. S. E. McElwaln.
Chas. Rutherford and wife and Mrs
John Rutherford and Mrs. Baumeis
ter spent Xmas with Mrs. W. E. Dull,
near Murray.
Will Pirle and wife, who were in
town to spend Xmas with her parents.
departed tbls morning for their home
in Alliance.
Miss Helen Hrandeis, who has been
visiting with the family of Julius Tep
perburg, returned this morning to her
borne in Omaha
Albert Dutton and wife were down
from South Omaha bo celebrate Xmas
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Osborn
Mrs. Florence Ryas and little son of
Cripple Cretk, Colo., are visiting In
the city, tbe guests of her parents, Dr,
and Mrs. J. B Martin.
0. A. Brown and wife of Kansas
City were in town to partake of an
Xmas dinner at tbe home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ccleman.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos Tigbe of Lincoln
sons, Eugene ana rea, were in town
to spend Xmas with Mr. and Mrs,
Conrad Schlater and other relatives,
Mrs. Eva Reese and Chester Bayler
and wife, and Mr. McMahon and fam
ily were in town yesterday to take
Christmas dinner with Col. II. C. Mc
George Lloyd, who was In town to
spend Xmas with his parents, re
turned to Lincoln this morning, where
be Is employed in a large wholesale
Mr. and Mrs. Duke liulger came
down from Omaba to spend Christmas
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. V. V. Leonard
Jay E. Worley, wife and baby, of
Lincoln, spent Christmas with the
parents of tbe latter, Mr. and Mrs.
V. V. Leonard, and other friends.
County Superintendent and Mrs. J
W. Gamble and children were in Oma
ha to spend Xmas with Miss Vesta
Eaton, who Is In the Clarkson bos
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Snider, of Ne
braska City, spent Christmas with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Sullivan, and other friends in Platts
Johnny Fltzpatrlck came down from
South Omaha Monday evening to
spend Christmas with home folks,
Johnny always receives the glad hand
In Plattsmouth.
II. II. Tartsch and wife came In
from McCook yesterday to spend a few
days with the old folks at home. The
Is employed In Weldman's store, was Journal regLct!! to,learn lh "enry
Anmwnllort t.n fnf nrn ryA . lia UCCU BUUCrilJK lUf BUIIIC UU1C WU1II
bed on account of another attack of eumausm.
peritonitis, ner many friends regret C. M. Seybcrt and family and Otto
tn learn of this news, hut hnnthnt. Sprleck and wife accompanied Mrs,
she will recover In a short time
O. P. Munroe spent Christmas day
In Omaba. ' '- , ... .
Oliver Edmunds was a visitor in tbe
state capital yesterday.
Judge II. D. Travis departed last
evening for Broken Bow, Neb.
J. P. Falter departed lastevenlng
on a business trip to Blair, Neb.
Ralph Towle, of Kansas City, was in
towo to spend Xmas with friends.
A. P. Churchill came In from Cen
tral City, Neb., last evening on business.
Mrs. Alice Collins and three chil
dren spent Xmas with relatives near
Luke Vallery of nutchlson, Kan.,
was In the city to spend Xmas with
Thos. Jeffries, of Lincoln, was shak
ing hands with his Plattsmoth friends
Christmas. . . .. ,
Frank Herold came down from Lin
coln Monday nlgbt to visit a few days
with friends.
Casper Thygeson came in from Ne
braska City last evening for a visit
with friends.
Robt. Windham came in from Arapa
hoe Monday night to spend Christmas
with home folks.
John Vallery and wife of Denver,
Colo., were in the city to spend Christ
mas with relatives.
Miss Alma Larson returned to
Omaha this morning after soending
Xmas with her folks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. White Und son,
Vallery, of Omaha, spent Christmas
with Tlattsmouth relatives.
WillTruelson and wife of Omaha
spent Xmas with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Murray near Mynard.
S. L. Will, who has been visiting
with his parents, near Mynard, re
turned this afternoon to Akron, Colo.
Mrs. Henry nerold and son, Robert,
went to Wyoming, Illinois, Christmas
day to spend a few days with Mr. nerold.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Everett came
up from Union to spend Christmas
dnn ofltV. Tllattc,mt.,il. I J - t .
u; Him xiauisuiuuiiu iriuuus, return
ing home today.
Grant Owens, who went to Clarlnda
Saturday to spend Christmas with his
mother, returned borne last evening,
and Mrs. Owens went to St. Josepb,
Mo., wbere she will remain a few days
to consult a specialist in regard to the
nervous condition of their little daugh
ter.Zella, who has thusly been troublerL
for some time. Mr. Owen'a-fmittiPr.Vf"
. - : . fa .
who visiteu nere aooui two years ago,
suffered a stroke of paralysis some
time since, and has since been almost
we care not now you suffered, nor
what failed to cure you. Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea makes the puni
est, weakest specimen of man or wo
manhood strong and healthy. 3 cents.
Gerlng& Co.
King of all Couth Medicines
Mr. E. G. Case, a mall carrier of Can
ton Center, Conn., who has been In the
U. 3. Service for about sixteen years,
says: "We have tried many cough
medicines for croup, but Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Is king of all and one to
tic relied upon every time. We also
find It the best remedy for coughs and
colds, giving certain results and leav
ing no bad after effects." For sale by
F. G. Frlcke & Co. and George D'Ment.
John McNurlin to Stanton Monday,
where they will spend a week or ten
days. Otto and bis wife will visit
with his parents, while tho others will
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Sprleck, the latter the foster daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. McNurlin.
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
clean tbe system, good for lazy livers,
makes clear complexions, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. Sold by Gerlng
Cj'sA- Btre.
Dave Hawksworth. jr., who Is with
the Detroit Car Works lu Detroit
Mich., Frank Hawksworth, who Is an
engineer for tho Hurllngton In Lincoln
and Fred Hawksworth who Is a sales
man for the Standard OH company In
Omaha, were In town to observe the
Xmas festivities with their parents.
The home of Mrs. Kate Oliver was
the scene of a merry gathering Christ
mas, when her daughters and their
sons assembled to partake or tne
bounteous dinner that had been pre
pared by the mother. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ilallam and
son of Omaha; Chas. Eads and family
of Omaha, and D. C Morgan and fam
ily of this city.
D. O. Dwyer was looking after legal
business in Omaha today.
Miss Etta Kiakead was a passenger
to Omaha on No. 19 today.
Sheriff C. D. Qulnton went to Om
aha on business this afternoon.
E. J. Richey was a business visitor
to tbe metropolis this afternoon.
Miss Alice Downing Is visiting In
the city, the guest of ber sister, Mrs.
J. II. Salsbury.
W. B. Mays, wbo has been visiting
the family of John Jess, returned this
afternoon to Columbus, Neb.
Miss Emma Tresbam went to Lin
coln this afternoon to attend tbe
Teachers' association meeting.
Ed. Egcnberger and Frank Benfer
were among the business visitors in
the metropolis tbls afternoon.
Miss Mary Martens, who has been
visiting with relatives in this city re
turned to Omaba this morning.
Mrs. L. L. Atwood and Mrs. Anna
Brltt were among tbe passengers to
the metropolis this afternoon.
Dr. W. U. Schleldknecbt Is reported
to be somewhat worse today, after
having passed a restless night.
John Cox, who has been visiting
with the family of John Brady return
ed tbls morning to Hamburg, la.
S. W. Thompson came io last night
from Alliance for a visit with the fam
ily of his brother, J. L. Thompson.
Mrs. W. II. Lair and son, Leonard,
departed this morning for Hamburg,
la., where they will visit with rela
tives. Mrs. F. D. Burgess and three chil
dren arrived last evtnlng from Cedar
Rapids, Neb., for a visit with rela
tives. Lost A silver machinist pin at
Coatcs' hall, Monday evening. Finder
Leave same at this ofllce and receive
Bryan Waugh arrived last evening
from Lincoln for a visit with friends
In this city, the guest of Matthew
Clinton Tottcn, of near Murray,
was In the city today on business, and
while here called and renewed for tho
Henry Hastings and wife came In
from Council Bluffs, Iowa, this morn
ing to Bpcnd the day with C A. Rawls
and family. , :
Abe Rupley came down from Council
Bluffs last evening, wbere he has been
to consult with Dr. Dean, an eye and
ear specialist.