The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1906, Image 6

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    Murray Department
If oiiv of Hit muh ft of the Junnnil kwnr of a i't( ci
Wi iciiit nil Hum oii.tu'tf. Kilifar Jvumul.
t or (in Hun ofiuttitut in thin riVuity mid trill until ime to tM offu-e it will utenr umhr thU hcatintj.
With a Check System is One
of the Greatest Devclopmnts
of the Modern Business World
An account at the bank is a sign that you are
methodical in business; it handles your business in
a systematic manner, and gives you a peculiar busi
ness education not gained elsewhere.
Checks are more convenient than money. The
checks answer the purpose of receipts and can be
kept on file for reference. Only thoe who have
tried it know the advantage of a checking account
at the bank. Your balance does not need to be
large, but just sufficient to meet the demands.
Instead of paying your bills by cash the next time,
deposit the money in the bank, and check against
a bank account. We are equipped with the best
safe deposit vaults, and represent the best fire in
surance companies.
The Murray State Bank
C. S. STONE, Cashier. MURRAY, NEB.
Special Sale at Holmet s Smith tall Wicked "Richednets.
Next Week. , "An Idle brain Is the devils work
tw.M.n t,.. .tin rrtL. . i -i - w.. M
A aiwlal fille Mill be held at tlieP"" uuvsim worse, aub iuio uiaiu
store cf Holmes & Smith In Murray all of the Idle rich Is the crimson Inferno
nt wppIt v.fprv artlclo In the store ll8er- "eroert in. parsons, me
. in ..m .t . roduced nrlce in order of a millionaire of New York, has
. ... wvlffAn tTh LVm11 mitVi HTbe
mnlA WW, f- thA JlflTft tl)Iln!LVI A UO lOUiilJ, TfibU AMU
. I ti a i ft i i i 1 1 4 a,
twk on th road. The store Is we BUU ir,al "inme, u wuc wu
mind with hrirht new merchandise. "ai 'ae!-- uisimskinaor putnaity
ht. a mi.Kt. have room for the exceo- "'at Is sweet to the plutocratic tribe,
tlonally large holiday line that will be dog rolls In carrlcn rot, and comes
placed on sale In a few days. Hear In home thinking that he Is perfumed
mind that this Is not a sale of cheap about right, and no doubt Is envied by
shoddy goods, but every article Is sta- 1118 ao '"enas; nice tne guaea wast
nin,t ni v.nnr m oinspiit Insiwrf inn. wun nis minions, roiis in immoral
r I it I t 1. .1 I 4 I 4,- J I I .1.. ..-I-
The prices that we are going to make utm, ami is loieraieu uyauimais uuiy
will surel v move the goods, so call ear- 01 1118 K,na-
iv m ti.n wopk and lot. us show von xne - piuiocraiess reiusea io care
.j ... ..- ... j
what we are doing. This sale will last ior ner ouspring, ana turnca ner ai
one week only. We offer you la pounds lenuon 10 uie pooaie aog; men, De-
of best granulated sugar for $1.00. coming urea oi mis, sue toca turned
to tne diseased, degenerated nooiuty
a now airi hahv nrrivpd at tliflhnnip. oi me oia ccuniry, ana nere rouna
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
weak lungs, bronchitis, con
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
Th bait kind ol a taatlmonlal
"Sold tor OTr sixty yaara."
Had T O. Ajn C.. Lowell,
uiilMttmi f
Wt h BO ucnu t W publUh
tkt. foraulu of til our mtdiotuM.
Will Be Liberal Patrcns cf Newspapers
Locate!! la Cities oo Its Li.:;,
The Burlington lias just announced
Its attitude toward the interstate
commerce commission's rulings, and
the law, relating to newspaper adver
tising, in a circular to publishers now
being mailed, and bearing the signa
tures of Passenger Traflic Manager
EustlsandGeneral Passenger Agents
Francis, Wakelev and Lalor:
"The Interstate commerce act, as
well as other laws, seems to make dif
ficult, if not prevent the Issue of pass
es and tree tickets to newspapers,
and as it Is businesslike that the rail
road should pay cash and the newspa
per publisher should receive cash for
his advertising space, we have decided
to follow that plan. Commencing
January 1, 1507, we will pay cash for
all advertising and Issue no pass or
free tickets whatever to newspapers.
"As heretofore we ex Beet to be lib-
All vegetable and gently lanative. eral patrons of the newspapers, espe
cially those in cities and towns located
on our road; and as quickly as details
can be arranged we will present for
consideration a cash advertising con
tract for the year 1907. With this in
view we request, prompt return of en-
Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular.
The following Items intended for
our weekly edition were dropped In
the Plattsmouth postolllce, as the
stamped envelope shows, at one o'clock
of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Clincburg In Te- seething even more rank than her- Thursday afternoon, and did not reach , d ,
Will Smith was In Mynard Tuesday.
Mrs. M. 0. Churchill Is reported on
the sick list.
Miss Gusslo Boiib went to Omaha
Tuesday evening.
Jl.MsIlk waists at $:t.00. Holmes &
Smith's. Next week only.
'Win. I'hllpot of Mt. l'leasant pre
cinct, was a Murray visitor this week.
Laundry soap, eight bars for 'J."c a
Holmes kSmlthM. Next week only.
Dr. B. F. Brendel made Ills brother,
Dr. Will of Avoca, a visit Friday and
Miss Florence McDonald spent a few
days with Uie family of Dr. B. F. Bren
del this week.
Mrs. Klelm. residing four miles
northwest of Murray, lias been quite
sick for the past few days.
Win. McClocd, the painter, received
quite an injury to his eye Monday
while at work for George Bay.
Men's all-wool sweater?, I1.5J value,
will be sold at We, next wei ek t nly , at
Holmes & Smith' Murray store.
Nick Klaurcns has Just completed a
new building which he calls his "shop,"
I'flng the head olllce for Jack-of-all-tiades.
F. II. Cunningham, the genial livery
man from Nehawka, drove Into Murray
Tuesday morning to take the luXi
train for the county seat.
J. F. Welble, special agent for the
Columbia Insurance company of Oma
iia, was In Murray this week looking
after tho Interests of the company.
Mr. Wm. rhllpot. living six miles
west of town, lost a valuable horse
Monday evening from lock-Jaw. The
disease resulted from a small null be
ing run In the foot.
J. M. Stone, president of the Ne
hawka bank and of the Murray Slate
bank, was transacting business In our
village Tuesday, and making his son,
Cashier Stone, a visit.
Mrs. Ben Bcckman and daughter,
Mrs. Frank Llntcr, came In Tuesday
evening on the train from Omaha
where they have been visiting Mrs.
Tony Augustine and family for the
past week.
Rev. A L. Zlnk, pastor of the Chris
tian church of riattsinouth, dellveted
Best salt $l.::o per barrel at Holmes
Si Smith's, next week only.
cumsch on last Monday morning.
Mrs. Chas. Berry and baby were
quite seriously poisoned last Saturday
from eating canned salmon. Mr.
Berry did not partake of a nulllclent
amount of the tainted food to Injure
him, but Mrs. Berry and the baby ex
perienced quite a serious time, and it
required prompt medical attention to
rescue them.
self and turned away with the .air of
mo "injured Innocent." ow comes
the climax for their perverted ap
petites In "The Time and Trial Mar
riage" A woman writing under the
name of "Rose Marie" brought out a
small book six years ago, "The Mor.-
ogamic Marriage Law, Amended by a
Trial Expiration Clause," with the
same Idea. These moral monstrosi-
the Journal's postotl'cs box until ten
o'clock this (Friday) morning. This
will account for their non-appearance
n the Murray department of last
week's issue. Editor Journal.
our rates.
ties mean to tell us that a clause tie
If any one dOCS not think that nlgbt attachefi t0 thP. marriage .-nntrant o
services are a good thing at the depot, tnat lf tnprB ,. dlatlsfactlon
"All of our agents have been in
structed under no circumstances to
place orders with any of the newspa
pers tor advertising in any form to be
carried for account of this company
Theo. Amlck's children are on the after December 31, except pursuant to
sick list this week. . terms of new contracts
The old time traveling drug man, "iou are therefore respectfully no-
Reed, was In Murray, Monday. ti&ed not to carry any advertising for
Mro. f'h&rlM Dill has heen nultesick account with this company after De-
for the past week, but Is able to get cember 31, except In accordance with
ahnntnuain terms of our written contracts. The
Remember the reduced price sale at just let them stand around our depot "u, Col. J. B. Seybolt went to South S'X'ZtoSZ'M
Holmes Smith's all next week. for .lcvcn hours some morning or un- by boih partleS, the contract becomes Omaha Thursday to look after the Jjf f " ' SVte lZ
11.50 silk skirts will go at M.25. til you are discharged from the rail- Dull and vold) cach have anotner h0rse market. Sin Lh -'
Holmes & Smith, next week only,
Mrs. Will Shera of Rock BlufTs Is re
ported among the sick this week.
J. W. Burton was transacting bus! iu I'lattsmouth last Saturday.
Miss Mae Vallery Is spending the
week with the family of I.M.Davis
Best granulated sugar, 1'.) pounds for
1.00 at Holmes Si Smith's next week
J. W. Edmunds was looking after
some business matters in Dunbar this
Dr. B. F. Brendel made a profes-
road premises for vagrancy. Our stock
man, Dave Amlck, stood in the chilly
blasts one morning and watched 'stecn
chance at the matrimonial lottery,
and thus save the divorce nuisance.
"The Family" and all of Its lilt Uie.
trains going south when he wanted to Lalllv Dractlce iust, what, thftV nrpafih.
i n - t,u . I, i.. I " w 0 '
go nuru;, uuu us a resuit oi uia diiu.K ston at a nlaln house In the countrv
i a l a. l .1 t a. U ti. . I
ne nas almost oeen uown wiui uie u ta iiTTnmo ,ianj f,,h.,,nj mA.hol.
I w u ivutv) waui awwuvi wtiu iuuviivi
wuooping cougn. live there as also brnthpr and sister.
There has been numerous reports of Love reigns supreme, and their kind-
corn husking records this rail, but ness and hosDltalitv knows no bound.
none can excel the record of Misses There vou have law and order, and a
Anna and Matlc Puis, the daughters fear of the Creator of the universe. In
of Mr. Wm. Tula, living three miles that family you have the essence: the
west of Murray. They have averaged very foundation of good government.
80 bushels per day during all weather It has been through the most strenu
that would permit husking. After ous efforts on the part of honest otll-
finishing at home they shucked for cers of our government to prevent the
Mrs. Wm. Brown, sr., has been un
der the weather for tbe past week at I
her borne here in Murray.
Dr. A. E. Walker was up from Union
Sunday to spend the day with his par.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker.
chas phiipot brought in two cars of preparations Being Made to
feeding cattle tne last or last weeK.
He got them In the South Omaha "'SB WHimer.
maruet. Thn datps for thA rnm!
Wm. Lewis Is wearing a smile that Institute to be held in Plattsmouth
won't come off. He has a ten pound on Friday and Saturday, December 7
girl at bis house. Mother and young and 8, should not be forgotten, and
lady are doing nicely lest the farmers should forget, Mayor
Mr: Ezra Murohv and family moved Gerln8 has sent out 1,500 invitations
i i 4-i- 4,1. 4 : - rn
P ' twodlfferedt brothers, making, their wrecking of our republic by the plun- toOtoe county last week. He has t0 tneyoemanry.glving the program of
. . $2.40 per day at the rate of three cents derbound plutocracy, and not belnir rpntPd a farm nf 240 acres and will lav each day s proceedings,
Remember the Big Clearing out sale per busheK By those WD0 have iMed. in this they now strike at down the hammer and saw for airrlcul- This Is an occasion that every far
at Holmes & hmlth's Murray store all 0verthe county It Is thought that at the very foundation of ourffovernment nnrRnit9fm- a par mer who desires to be advanced In his
nfltf nnnL I . a . . I I
tw"vtr. neat ten per cent or ine corn snucKers me home.
C. F. Harris, the mule king from this winter have been ladies. The But why waste a gray cell on them
had business In our vll- scarcity of men has compcled many to as their Influence docs not extend be-
near Union,
lage Tuesday
A new eleven pound boy arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Craves
last Saturday
R A. Young was In South Omaha
this week looking after a bunch of
feeding cattle.
B. A. Root, James Boot, Minnie
Woods and Rev. Hush were In Omaha
Monday evening
Misses Edith and Bertha Shoemaker
of near Nehawka, were visiting In
Murray Tuesday.
Mrs. O. V. Virgin, who has been
quite sick for the past few weeks, Is
getting along nicely.
Men's heavy fleece) I ned under
wear at 80c per suit: former price
91.2.. Holmes & SmlthN. Next week
Chas. Phllpot received lo cars of
cattle at this place Tuesday that will
be placed on feed at his farm this
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hatt of
Plattsmouth were visiting at the
home of Herman Beck and family
Mrs. Will Berger, of Nebraska City
is In Murray this week, the guest of
nnKla talllnif chmiM tabu mMa
Less Hall drove out to Mr. Charles "iUD
I aA11 M (T1 n(T nir nlo flrtannqnAA n J aIiii
Phllpofs place Tuesday to see his 7 "Zirri
uw i M Alio wnvi VJ tlTC UIO UC1(I1
help In the fields and women that have vond their own miasmatic atmosnhere o..j. . - ,n. i- boring farmers to come also. The able
. . , I OULJtluT IU U wvl U OUCUCI i
4 1 -.14 L....A1. .nakHA4AiKl. 14.-A. - .1 I I J . A . 1 I
the grit to hustle this way are to be
Drs. Newell & Tracy will
Murray on Tuesday of each
Office with Dr. Gilmore.
be in
tod to try and lift them to a level of
good men and women, and good citi
zenship Is fruitless, "As a dog return-
eth to bis vomit, so does a fool to bis
What surprises one most Is when one
these plutocratic perverts have run tbe
entire category of crime, by tbe aid of
tbe devil they spring something new;
A r la or a.
rkW iaaii 1C cnaaUra that tut II a Vaa l
"... uiv iuhuj OUUJCVka IV uia-
People should not forget the Jubilee cuss that will be instructive to all
Singers that will appear at the Fres- who attend. The Journal believes
by terlan church on the night of De- that If the farmers take more interest
cember 7th. This will be one of the In such affairs that it would give en-
finest entertainments of the season, couragement to their sons and daueh-
Our station agent, Jas. Martin, was te" who expect to do the farming
long after they have passed away.
r.u.rind Out su tne flevu tney sorinir somethlnir new: transacting ousiness inumana wen-
to prepare for spring stock commcne- and Poor old satan has surely made a nesday. W. II. McDaniels, an old inere are uuers or the soli, no
m stake oy runninir with tne id e. ad- time operator, was auenainff to Jim s uuuui, "uu "1IU uou worin
dle-bralned, crime-seeking rich, for dutle9 at the depot during his ab- while to come to these meetings be-
when he takes them home, thev will sence. cause iQe already done their
lng October 12. Prices reduced on all
buggies and surreys I have on hand
until sold. J. II. Cook.
Chicken Thieves at Mynard.
A special to the Journal from My
nard conveys the Information that
sneak thieves broke into Charles L,
Jean's chicken house last night and as
a result of this visit Mr. Jean is mourn
ing the loss of several dozen tine chick
ens. Only four chickens were left, and
run his "sneoang" and win set such a
hot pace that they will make his place
very unpleasant for him.
Sells More of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy Than of All Others
Put Together.
Mr. Thos. George, a merchant at
Mt. Elgin, Ontario, say 8: "I have had
the local agency for Chamberlain s
Cough Remedy ever since it was In-
Ttnht.. A. Ynnnu and John T,. Yonna 8nare ot tn,s wrk. ey Should
went to South Omaha Tuesday even- honor the gentlemen who come here,
log to buy feeders. There is going to free fha;Be' especially In the inter
be more cattle fed around Murray this est of the farmln class- s lay &slde
year than there lias been for many
years prior.
A movement is on foot whereby we
have a positive guarantee of night
services at the Missouri Pacific depot.
A petition has been presented to Gen-
pral Pajuenser Acent Tnwnspnrt at
these were unable to tell the tale, as traduced Into Canada, and 1 sell as st. Louis, who will take action at
their necks had been broken by the mucn oi ii as x no oi an otner lines I once.
w ruv WBWICI. vl f.-lr fKiiirnhlll r,A mill. n..n
Ih. Xing dATon. mill nn4..n v. iiuivuiii ttuu u.w(ouivu
e - www 4--1, a fi ob nt 9 eta Af f ha onnw lalfl oMa
your cares for these two days and
come to tbe county seat on Friday and
Saturday, December 7 and 8, and vie
with your neighbors in matters per
taining to your occupation. And by
all means don't fall to bring your wife
and the boys and girls.
A Year of Blood
The year 1903 will long be remem- c11 personally recommend this medi
be red In the home of F. N. Tacket of cine as l have used it myself and given
iwwtbto Mr Berger's parents, Mr. and II J. Alliance, Ky, as a year of blood; which it to my children and alwaya with the enlngmuV worn out
cVurch here ,ast Friday to a very good . er. flowed so copiously from Mr.Tacketf. best resut' For sale b, F.O. Frlcke JTinSS
sized audience, his subject entitled; Dr. J. W. Brendcll of Avoca, passed lungs that death seemed very near. & Co. and D Ment a drug stores. was the fault of the gun
"The Top Notch " tnrougn nere xucsaay enroute from I lie writes: -aevere oieeaing iroin tne
It has been reported that one of our Omaha where he took a patient to see lungs and a frightful cough had
.vm.,i !. Dr. Allison. brought me to death'i door, when I
.iM, tnr th .... Mrs. James Allison was called to began taking Dr. King's New Dlscov
The best treatment for indigestion
and troubles of the stomach Is to rest
the stomach. It can be rested by
for a rabbit hunt Wednesday after- cn wm digest tne iooa
noon. They returned late In the r ",D "u uo
without any SWJU1C"' At ie proper temperaiure,
nilllP said It 'ugio bcupuumui oi &.0001 will
UIUW MIU II . .. .... , . . . . .
fault of the gun on bis part, 7 "'e8b B1C3 looa- "
and Mack said that he shot four oi BUBTW 6110 present annoyance, puts
Death at Avooa. flv. dft7en. hut. thP u wftn the stomach In shape to aatlsfactorliy
I ' ' w M ww I 14. J.. 4 1 j-i a
Fred Knnekak, of Avoca, died Sun- Pieces, and he couldn't find enough to m"-'cwom. uooaior ina
' I . . I Inn rjAII (if A m m aV m a ..I a & mm'
Mrs. James Allison was ca led to i'"K I'iscov- ,,.,,.,,.. ...,.. hrina hnm. m r.
110UUUv. v .-v- .w. .... . . - ...(IWnmnhnn lfV h. u vw " iiiucm ui o '
thcntlclty of this sUtemcnt as the iccumsen monaay tome Deas,ae ot r.. several weeks with consumption. Tbe
' . ... .... .. 1 ...nti. r nr tmiw.. I lsnlnff result mat arter taklnu fmirl . . r
deceased was oorn in Germany in ISTrt,
farmers mleht start to shelling, think- her daughter, Mrs. W . A. Kllneburg,
lng the car famine had broke. w" quue bick.
nrt. Jampsnn. living six miles west Mr. ana Mrs. l. c. lodd visited at
of town, was In town Monday distrl the home otj. w. Lowther near My
butlngsate bills announcing his sale "'"")'. w wc serious in
I..r the 5th ot December. On account "ess oi uranuma aiarK.
of the poor health of his wife he has Mrs. Lou Crawford, one of Dr. Bren
been compelled to quit iarmmg ana del s patients from near I nlon.accom
nmve to a higher altitude. panled him to Omaha Tuesday to con
The committee on the lecture course suit with Dr. Allison.
have made arrangements for tho Dixie Every line of new and up-to-date
J uoliee Singers on the "th of Decern- merchandise will be sold at greatly
ber. It is understood that these seven reduced prices at
Ishlng result that after taking four
bottles I was completely restored and
as time has proven permanently
cured." Gurantecd for Sore Lungs,
Coughs and Colds, at F. G. Frlcke &
Go's, drug store. Price 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free,
and tame to this country when but a I
Ismail boy. He is survived by his wife
ana tnrcecnuaren. me runcral was
held there this afternoon. The de
Always After a "Snap."
Some time ago two ladies of this
city, who are old enough to have
known better, bit at a snap of getting
ceased was well known here and for something for nothing, and ordered
Funeral ot Infant.
The funeral of the four-montlis-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Walllngren,
occurred at 2 o'clock this afternoon
from the family residence on Winter
Holmes Si Smith's stcen Hill. This Is the Second time
several years worked for Tuelle
Fastcnau. Nebraska City News.
Ashland vs. Plattsmouth.
In the football game tomorrow be
tween the Ashland high school and
thA Tnripnpnriont. fnnthall tpam of thla
u'l-d" ladles and gents can make all next week. Call early and get within two months that the an;cl of ctty the fuiiowintr Is the llnctiD of the
tun tinesi music mfc ec uicw y pim-H. lueum nas viaueu mcit uuiuc, uie nrsi latter team
f rom Nouth lana. . . new wu iuuu w, arrneu at uie oi uie vwiu mi, win iakcu irora vuii oac( Leonard, right half
11.. a T ....I. V1..1- 1 14 1. 1. - 4 4. 4 41 J 4 1.- .1 I
T E Fulton, the well known black- u" ue Wl " r' "ur -nrs- u"mo,1 n?e "" '" oiner MapM. ,cft haif, Ileal; center, Schlap.
. . . i.l m riwesi ui .iiurrar. on lut Miur. oi twins unnir reinuvLHi irom iiipih j ... .j
mlth who used to run a oiacmmiin - I...,.;. .' . . w.'.r. . . . : pacassc; icn guara, isooi saa xaimer;
,hnn three miles west of Murray for a uy:, " . , " ,,,U0UDB m. nmmj u,a' au" 1 Dr,CI left tackle, Minor; rlghtguard, Bates
n .mber of years but now of Nehawka, cll," " u' ,nncs8' and Murphy; right tackle, John Mau
a in town Tuesday afternoon shak-l Dr. Gilmore and Simon Hansen went I Inevcry cllrailts calori ara unfjrhd rer; left end, Travis; quarter, Frlcke;
tnir hands with his many friends. Come I to Omaha Wednesday to consult with It's fame has spread from sea to sea I right end, Fitzgerald.
sjrain Tommlc: we are glad to have you a specialist In regard to Mr. Hansen's Be not surprised If In the other world,
with us once la a while If we can't stomach, which has been giving him a You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. Locis ot Half Prici
have you all the time. j great deal or trouoie or late. f Gering& Co., druggists. I at cloMng out sale of Ilerold's stock.
some handkerchiefs from a New York
firm, paying ten cents for each hand'
kerchief, and they were to soil so
many handkerchiefs to pay for them
Judge (joH this morning received no
tice from New York that the hand
kerchiefs bad not been paid for and
wanted him to bring suit against the
parties, but he wrote back and In'
formed the firm that he was not that
kind of a collecting agent. The wo
man could have saved money by buy'
lng the articles at homo. Nebraska
City News.
gestlon, sour stomach, flatulence, pal
pltatlon of the heart and dyspepsia.
Kodol is made In strict conformity
with the National Pure Food and
Drug Law. Sold by F. G. Frlcke A
Co. andGering Sc Co.
Thanksgiving Rates.
The Burlington announces aThanks-
glving rate of a fare and one third
minimum rate 25c) to all destinations
on their lines west of tho Missouri
river. Tickets on sale November 28
and 20, return limit November 30 and
December 1. For further Information
see the agent, W. L. Pickett.
A sour stomach, a bad breath, a
pasty complexion and other conse
quences of a disordered digestion are
quickly removed by the use of Rtng'i
Dyspepsia Tablets. , Two days' treat
ment free. Sold by Gerlng Si Co's
300 Good Warm Coati at 98c
for ladles and children's style little
"Doan's Ointment cured me of
ecrema that had annoyed me for a
long time. The cure was permanent."
Hoo. S.W.Matthews, Commissioner off but 15 to 115 quality at closing out
Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. sale of Herold'i stock