THE CITY. 'mm Irhlajr'a Dally. A. A Hyers, postmaster at Have lock was In town today on business. J. K. Mason and wife were among the passengers fur the metropolis on the fast mall today.' J. D. Evans and John O'Neill of Council Bluffs, la., were business visitors In I'lattsmouth today. A marriage licence was Issued today to Thomas C. Janda, aged 21, and Miss Mary Woostcr, ak'cd '-, both of riatts mouth. Mrs. Wm. Cole went to Lincoln this afternoon to visit with her daughter, Miss Lillian, who Is attending the stale university. Misses Carnett Lee and Alice I ycr of Greenwood are In the city taking fxainlnatliins at County Superinten dent Gamble's oMce. Mrs. S. I!. Hall, who has been en joying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Godwin, returned this afternoon to her home in Omaha. Mrs. P. 11. Guthmau went to Lin coln this afternoon to spend a few days with her sou, Henry, who Is tak ing an agricultural course in the state university. A case entitled Anna Fryc vs Clara Fryc, et al, petitioning Hie court for permission to sell lots 1 o (i Inclusive, of block M of the city of I'lattsmouth, was tiled In dlstrlctclerk'sulilce today. M Iss Mary Troop who has been teach ing school near Farnam, Neb., came In last evening for a visit, with her brother Charles and other relatives In this vicinity. Perry I'tterback went to Council Bluffs, la., this afternoon to consult with the attorney for the, Omaha & Council RluffsStrcct Hallway company in hope of settling the case against, that company for damages sustained by Mrs. I'tterback. Gus Knollicek and Herbert Sher wood, B. & M. painters from 1'latts mouth, Neb. , who have been for the past four weeks decorating the Bur lington's possessions at Dead wood, departed for home this afternoon, after making their friends in Lead a abort visit. Lead (S. 1.) Dally Reg lster. From Saturday' Dully. The Wabash correspondent of the Kim wood Leader -Echo ways. "So many trains arc being run on the M. 1. that it keeps the section men busy getting out ot the way." Martin llouk and wife, who have been visiting In this city, returned to Omaha this morning where he Is em ployed as switchman by the. Burling ton. F. M. Maj-sle, of Mt. Pleasant pre clnct. late demcratic candidate for representative, was in the cICy today Frank takes his defeat good-naturedly and says it might have been worse. He was a caller at the Journal head quarters. II. T. Richards, from the vicinity of Kim wood, was in the county Rcat on business today. Mrs. James Allison and daughter Miss Carrie, from the vicinity of Mur ray were county seat visitors thlsafter noon. Joe V. Sans returned last evening from a business trip to Colorado. lie visited several sections of that state and was very favorably Impressed with the real estate In the vicinity of Fort Collins, where he contemplates moving his family In a short time. Ex-Senator Thomas cime In last evening from Akron, Colo., for a brief visit. He brought with him several sample ears of corn raised on the Will Fight ranch near Akron, and also a sample of wheat. These samples would denote that the soil lit that section of Colorado was very productive. Sena tor Thomas also owns a ranch near where Mr. Fight lives, and he says everything looks prosperous for that country and that farming will Increase next season. from Mourtay lnlly. Mrs. Geo. F. Koehnke and son, Marx, arrived Saturday evening from Tlalnvlcw, for a visit with relatives In this city. Miss Anna Weldman went to Have lock Saturday, In response to a mes sage stating that Mrs. Fred Kroehler, sr., was very 111. Miss Fannie Adams, of Ilavtlock, who spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Spader, went to Omaha this morning, where she will visit a few days before returning to her home. The Journal's old friend, Henry Lehnhoff, living near Louisville, Is making arrangements to remove In a few weeks to Lincoln, where the fu ture home of his family will le made. Fred Helnrlch and wife returned to Havelock yesterday afternoon, after a brief visit with relatives in Plaits mou U PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. Tom Moore, who was formerly with the Journal publisher when he con ducted a paper In Silver City, la. .came In this morning from Defiance, la., to accept a position with the Journal. Mr. Moore's home Is In silver City, where he learned the printer's trade. Mr. W. A. of Newklrlt, Okla., came in Saturday evening from Union for a visit with her brother, George Thomas, and family. Mrs. Cog Iler was formerly Miss Cay Thomas" of this city. Mrs. Jennie R. Wells, who has been enjoying a visit with her daughter, Mr9. Warren Hemming of South Bend, returned t) I'lattsmouth this morning. Ceo. J. Melsingcr from the vicinity of Mynard, was in town today on busi ness. George Horn of Cedar Creek was In the county seat on business today. Wm. Deles Dernier of Kim wood was looking after legal business In the county scat today. From Tui'Mlny'M Dully The Weeping Water Herald Is not very well pleased with the running time of the new trains on the Lincoln branch of the Missouri 1'acltlc. It gives the people living along that line a line opportunity to go to Lin coln and buy goods and return in a few hours time. WeaJeuscd to such business In I'lattsmouth. D. W. Foster, W. B. Banning, J. K. McCarroll and Chas. Morton, all of Union, were county scat visitors to day. They are all well pleased with the running of trains on the Missouri. (J. II. Manners of Weeping Water was In the county seat on business to day. He took the afternoon train to Omaha. Mrs. W. II. Seybert and Mis. John McNurlln wcnttoOmaha this morn ing to spend the day. Will Kear.from the vicinity of Elm- wood, was In the city on business to day. Among the marriage licenses Issued in the metropolis yesterday, we note the following: "Fred Haschenburger, Jr., Weeping Water, and Ella Moscll. Dunbar, Nebraska. Oounty Commissioners Marshall and Swlter came In from Union this morning to attend the regular meet ing of the county board today. John McNurlln returned yesterday from a week's visit through the county. Miss Amy Oliver departed yester day for her home in Bock Springs, Wyoming. We are pleaded to learn that our friend, Mike Swartztlsher, has In herited a neat little fortune of fi3,000 marks (about 11.1,000) from a wealthy uncle In (iermany. This gift of his uncle was a delightful surprise, to the nephew and his friends. The county superintendent is busy sending out circular letters to the teachers of the various districts, urg ing them to be present at the Instl tute, which will be held at Weeping Water, Saturday. Miss Helen Chap man is assisting with the office work. from Wednesday'! dully. Joe Wiles went to Omaha on bus! ness today. Miss Edith 1'ltz was visiting In Omaha today. Will Vallery made a buslnesstrlp to Omaha on No. 7 today. Martin L. Frledrlch, commissioner elect, was In the city today. Earl Lcesley is assisting with the work lu the county Judge's otllce. Charles Kurtz and Will Hill went to South Omaha on business today. Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Aycr's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best kind of a testimonial -"Bold fur over sixty years." BU4 t. O. tf'T O., Lowll, Hut. f SAKSAPARILLA. yers I'll I S. UiUKY I'UTuRAL. My Hair is Extra Long Head Ache Sometimes? If so. it will interest you to kiiuw that it can he stopped with Dr. Miles Anti-lVm Tills ; ami without any bad after effects, and this without dan ger of forming a drup habit or having your stomach disar ranged. They positively con tain no opium, morphine, co caine, chloral, ether or chloro form in any form. Dr. Miles' 'Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain, and leave only a sense of relief. The reason for this is explained by the fact that headache comes iVom tired, irritable, turbulent, over-taxed brain nerves. Anti Pain Pills soothe and strength en these nerves, thus removing the cause. They arc harmless w hen taken as directed. uki Dr. MiW Anti-ruin rill fur till cur nf heixhoho, mill we think Hint there Is nothing tluit will niiiiil them. They will cure the HrveivKt mI1 of nervous or Blik lieiiihii lic In ii very few minutes. 1. urn i'f a mrvmm temperament, nml (MM'itxIon.'illy have nix-UK when wv ner.eK he, in to tin completely f-xhniiHt-ol, mill I tremhlo en 1 run eonrcely (dill, nil mvHlf. At thexe. times 1 nl w.ivh t.ike tho Ahtl-I'iilll i'lllx, lind they quiet nif rlKht Hwny. It Is re riiinkahli! n soothing effect they 1 1 : i v i- upon t'ic nerves," AMIS. K. KAIU.. Detroit. Mich. Dr. Mites' Antl-Paln Rills are sold by your riruunUt. who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If it fails, he will return your money. j doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind K. M. Cliase of Nebraska City was In town today on business. Mrs. A. L. liakcr of Murray was vis iting In I'lattsmouth today. Chas. S. Stone was In . the county scat from Murray yesterday. T. J. Khodcn from the vicinity of Murray, was transictlntf business In town today. Kvcry farmer should make arrange ments to brintf their families to the Farmers' Institute on December 1 and s. Lloyd Gancn, a prominent farmer of near Murray, was a county seat visi tor today. Mrs. Will Krlskey who was In the city to attend the Janda-Woster wed ding, has returned to her home in Ilavclock. Sam Patterson came in from Arapa hoe this morning for a few days' visit with relatives In this city. The church folks will soon be ar- ranKlnjf their Christmas programs. In Nebraska, there seems to be everw reason to bellleve It will be a clad Christmas. D. O. Dwyer and Ami Todd went to Omaha this morning to attend the federal conrt, where the several cases against the land barons of the west are In progress. John Tutt departed this mornlni: for Kansas City, where he will enjoy a visit with the family of his daughter, after which he expects to join his son, Ed, who Is located In Washington state. The Rummage sale held by the la dies of the Presbyterian church closed last evening, but will be opened aualn on Saturday In connection with the market which is held on that dav. A neat sum, which will be used to re duce the Indebtedness of the church, was cleared from this sale. Out of all the delegates selected to attend the Trans-Mississippi congress at Kansas City, but two went-Krank Schlater and Ed Fitzgerald. Some people like to bate their names appear In print as delegates to such gather ings, but when It comes toactlntr the? are not there with the goods. The families of Henry and William kautTman have been eo joylni: the oast three days entertaining several of their old schoolmates and friends from Storm Lake, la. Their guests, Au gust Nolte and wife and Fred lllat t gcrste, August Sanderman and Wm Groenwald, departed this morning for thctr homes In Sac county. Iowa where all are prominent and well-to-do farmers. The latest reports from Mrs. Fred Kroehler, who recently received an other stroke of paralysis, are to the effect that she Is about the same as reported In the Journal of Saturday The many friends of Mrs. Kroehler It this city, where she lived so -nanj years, hope for the best. She i i excellent lady and loved by all who knew her well. Mr. and Mrs. Kroeh lor are resi ling in Havclock at present Frank Krccek came in from Have lock this morning. 11. E. Weldman went toomal.a this afternoon on business. Ir. E. W. Cook made a profession visit to Omaha today. Mrs. Anna Itrltt was visiting Omaha this afternoon. Mrs. Antone Trllety went t.i t metropolis this afternoon. J. I'. Falter was transacting hu nt ss in the metropolis tuday . I'r. MacArthur made a profissioi call tn mth IVivl Wednr lay. REIDRT Or' THE CONDITION tirTHt Plattsmouth State Bank of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Charter NaTO lik'nitxriiMil in the -tnteof Nehraska. at tin lose of IhisIih-ss Novtiiiivr li, I tut: KKstU lK V I.huiin mm iii-'iviint T'.4.'7 ;;i I Henliafis. Mviliv,l all,l uiexvmetl ..." .ms liankliik' laiusp, furniture anil fixtures ;i4 j Mlwr n al eMail- a,iif,; im rum-lit -a-iie ami luxes iahl .:mi Is lusli Iu-iii ;U till hue fiiuu national, Male ami -iUle hanksaml hanker li.l.T Hi Chs-ks anil It, in., of "Iiauire ?1.4IW 31 "-i' :t.iii i:t 'lolaK ashon hand ... 4.sM .4 Totul ". M.m Ti l.lAltll.lTIKS Capital Mini iahl in Suriiliisfiiiiil I iiillvliliil iirolli ... i,o;i Individual ileiHisit Mihje,-t to i-hei-k .'ii.l.'S Mi la-maml t-cilltl.-ules of tlt- lKlt 4M i Ttim-i-eTlifti-un-Hnfilciioftli ,wl ;o - I'm- to Mate anil pilvaK- hanks und hankers ."M..'I7 llllls pajHlile ;,,ii,j Total !ll.mi Ii Statk of khimk a. i I'nr.vrv f('ash i,s 1..I. M. KulH-rts. i-nhlei nf the hIkivo uunieil hank, ilo solemnly sweiti tlmt the iiUivt- siulemenl Is a i-uirerl anil line i-o,y of ihe i-i'x.i nimlt-tii the Slate liiiiikhiL' Itiiuiil, .1. . Ki illKH'I's, 'ashler. A'O sk ' ''-' I'livtor. ' .1. I'. I AI.TI.U. IMtl i-lor. Suhsi-i ll-d nml sworn to hefore nit- this Hull tiny of Novemls r. Iiml. Kuii.k ( i.akk. Notary I'lihll,-. Isenl My i-oiiiiiiK,oii ein-s .Inn. ;,, nni. Jesse Terry was looking after busi ness in Omaha this afternoon. Mrs. C. A. Hawls went to Murray yesterday to spend a few days with relatives. Adolph Giese and Henry liurrows were among the business visitors In Omaha todav. S. L. Thomas and A. S. Will de parted this morning on a business trip to Akron. Colo. W. C. Kerr of the Kerr Investment Company of Central City, Neb., was in town today on business. Mrs. F. 11. Guthman. who has been visiting in Llncjln for several days. returned note last evening. Mrs. Lester Vivian and children went to Louisville this afternoon for few days visit w Hh relatives. W. II. Puis, of Maple Grove, accom panied by his sisters, Misse Nadie, nna and Laura, were In the city to day. Ralph W. Whits was a passenirer to the metropolis this afternoon, where he will attend the Ranker's conven tion. Cool hats on sale at Weldman & Co.'s, ranging tn price from 25c to $1.00. Mrs. R. E. Sbcehan of Oalesbure. 111., Is visiting. In the city, the guest or ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith. We regret to learn that I r. W. II. Schlldknecht Is very low, and that slight hopes are entertained for his recovery. W. H. Wynn returned last nlirht from a visit with relatives In Wash ington, Oregon and I'tah, and re por a pleasant trip. C. A. Welsch, who has been home on account of the stormy weather the nrst part of this week, returned to Bellevue this morning. Mrs. Tom Stanafortb. who has been visiting with friends In this citv. re turned to her home In Ilavelock this afternoon. Miss Margaret Dovey went to Lin coln this afternoon to attend the IM Beta Phi dance, which will be held this evening. Dr. M. M. Rutler of Wceplne Wa ter was In town today to call on Dr. W. II. Schlldknecht, who Is not ex pected to recover. Mrs. II. R. Neltcl and children canio In from Murdock last evening, for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Guthmann. Col. J. C. Seybolt and wife from the vicinity of Murray, were among the passengers from this station to the metropolis this morning. County Clerk W. E. Rosencranswcnt to Omaha this afternoon, to meet sev eral friends who are attending the Banker s convention In that city. Jim Miller and Chris. Smith, who have iK-eii shucking corn for farmers near Murray, departed this morning for their homes near Des Moines, la. James Palling, one of the few sur viving old settlers of tbls country, was In town from Greenwood today to make lus)i'ariy visit with friends In the county seat. Farmers should not forget the Farmers' Institute to be held In this city, Friday and Saturday, Icccm bcr T and I. These meetings are held especially for their benefit. The Wautlful piece of battenburg, wbli h was donated by Mis. Mantcr naeh to the St. John's Altar Society, was won by Louis Kroehler. Tho lucky n u in t)e r "so" of the drawing wass.)ld by Mrs. Joseph Drooge. Croup. A reliable medicine and one that should always be kept In the home for Immediate use IsChanibcrlaln's Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attack If given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the crotipy croup appears, i or saie ty r. . i rleke . Co.. and I I'Mcnt's drug store. 0 2 ISO On account of the County Teach er's medio at Weeping Water I will not be lo my otllce, Saturday, Novera bcr IM. J. W. Gamble, County Super intendent. DOC 0 An Extraordinary ranlDiiinieirv Sale! U Such u Sale hus never occurred in'Platts mouth, but we desire to decrease our large stock of Winter Hats, so we are,able to of fer at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES our Hats, Caps and Fancy Work Materials. Don't miss this rare opportunity of a Good Bargain. ; H. E. WE 0 Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, aborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Takes the stln? out of cuts.burns or bruises at once.? rain cannot stay where It Is used. DOC o &C0. 0 3QC Mm t