OF INTEREST TO ALLl Next Week Will Be Church Week at the Old Reliable Department Store of M. Finger. FIVE PER CENT OF ALL PURCHASES Will Bi 6iven to the Church Yoo Name Bj Depositing Your Coupons. A new and novel purchas ing inducement will be install ed at the popular trading place of M. Fangernext week. It is what might be termed church week and five per cent of the entire sales in all de partments will be given to various churches of our city. Right here we wish to state that this is no contest of any kind. It is not a voting or premium contest of any sort. You simply purchase the goods at the regular price, whereupon you are given a coupon stating the amount of your purchase and to which church you wish the 5 per cent to be given, and a blank line for your signature if you choose to do so. The coupons are then deposited in a sealed box by the purchas er, the key to which is held by some disinterested party until the close of the week, then, if possible, three of our ministers will be asked to count the coupons and ascertain the amount due each church and Mr. Fan ger will give his check to the parties authorized to re ceive same for the full five per cent. Remember this is no con test of any kind, and in order to demonstrate that all prices reduced in all departments as the prices quoted below will show: We will sell during this week 10 vards of goodCQp Outing Flannel for wJ The best granulated 01 flfl sugar 18 pounds for. . OliUU We will also offer special bargains in our Millinery De partment, which will pay you to investigate. In the famous Wooltex gar ments our prices will be at the bottom, and all we ask is for you to call and examine the extra quality and neat ness of fit found in these gar ments. The full fall line is now on display. We wish to call your atten tion to the fact that the heavy purchasing season is now on. Every one needs winter gar ments, and our line is com plete in new and up-to-date styles and can clothe every member of your family from head to foot. Our prices and goods will bear the very closest inspection. Remember that five per cent of your purchase oes to the church of your choice. Call early. Plattsmouth Department Store, M, FAN6ER, Proprietor. Sold Livery Stock. A trade was completed today by which Q. Tarmcle becomes tho posses sor of the stock and vehicles of the livery barn owned by Ed Fltzgarcld. Mr. Parmole will carry on the business at the old stand for some time, or un til he can make arrangements to re move the old Patterson barn on Sixth and Pearl streets. 10c Batts 8c: 15c Batts 10c atcloslng out sale of Herold's stock. ManZan relieves Instantly the pain caused by those blind, bleeding, Itch Ing and protruding piles. It Is put up la collapsible tubes In such a way that It can be applied where the trouble originates, thui stopping the pain Im mediately. Try one bottle, and If you are not relieved, your money will be refunded. Try our free offer. Sold by Gerlng & Co.' drug store. Ntw Naturalliation Law. The new certificates of naturaliza tion required by the law recently passed have been received by District Clerk Robertson. The first applicant, Karl Hofacker. has posted a notice, bearing his name, place of birth, resi dence, date of landing, names of his to witnesses and their place of resi dence, ninety days previous to secur ing this final paper, which looks very tunch like a stock certificate, and has a duplicate which is sent to Washing ton, while a triplicate is retained by the clerk, who Is subject to a tine of $50 should any of the papers be lost through carelessness. BRAKEMAN WON THE SUIT John Beber Lost Three Fingers ud Se cured Payment For Whole Hand. The Lincoln Star of yesterday gives the ending of a long contested case in the district court of Lancaster county as follows.wbich may prove of Interest to the railroad employes In this city: "After a long contest in the district court and the supreme court, John A. Beber, a brakeman, was today victori ous over the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, which paid htm the amount he asked. "Beber held a policy in the organiza tion when, on May 10, l!i02, he cut otT three lingers of his left hand while he was chopping kindling. Hut the Brotherhood refused to pay him, as serting that his policy was payable nly when he lost a hand complete at the wrist or above it. For the loss of three fingers there was no provision in the policy. "Beber brought suit in the district court on November 23, 1901!. The case was tried and decided in favor of the defendant. An appeal was taken and the supreme court reversed the deci sion and remanded the case to the district court for another trial. "Today the defendant paid Beber the amount in full together with the court costs." Will Stadetman Resigns. Will J. Stadelman has resigned his position as manager of the Independ ent Telephone company and disposed of his holdings in the association and is now a free-footed lord of creation. Mr. Stadelman has had this in view for some time, having disposed of his property interests in Kearney some time ago. He has bad in his hands a more desirable proposition, which will give blm a broader field of operation. He has accepted a proposition to take a trip around the world In the inter est of a number of telephone organiza tions to demonstrate to the foreigner the advantages of their several sys tems of telepboney at a very tempting salary. Kearney regrets to lose Col. Stadelman. He is one of the most en ergetic and wide awake young men that has ever made Kearney bis home, and he will always hold a warm spot In the hearts of his Kearney country men, and the well wishes of all will follow both him and his most estima ble wife. Kearney Democrat. Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil Instantly relieves the pain quickly cures the wound. A Pleasant Party. A party was given at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tucker, about six miles west of town, Saturday even ing. Tbe evening was spent In playing various games and the music was fur nished by Forest l'hllpot and Otto Sbaefer. After spending a most en joyable evening all departed for their homes, wishing the host and hostess many more such happy events. Those present were Misses Cbrlstloa Shaefer, Clara S wad Usher, Fannie Wills, Ada Mast, Louisa Virgin, Lizzie Anderson, Gertie Jenkins, Jennie Gregory, Edith Dill, Dorena Anderson, Ella Virgin, Mildred Tucker, Liddle and Ethel DDI; Messrs. Earl Jenkins, Otto Shaefer, Ray Dill, Henry Urlsh, Fhlllp Shaefer, Forest l'hllpot, Guy McGIll, George Phllpot, Albert Jones, Pearl Long, Green Pickett, Grover Urlsh, Troy Shrader, Fred Rice, Gold Rice, Frank Dill; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wills, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Rhoden, Mr. and Mrs. Tu rner Swltzcr, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tucker. Had a Close Call. "A dangerous surgical operation, in volving the removal of a mamoth ul cer as large as my hand from my daughter's hip, was prevented by the application cf Buckleii's Arnica alve." says A. C. Sitkel of Miletus, W. Va. "I'eJslstcnt ust; of the salve coniplctly cured It." Cujcs Cms, Burns and In juries. 2"c at F. G. Frlcke & Co. drug gists. I can sell you lands In South Dakota in the best part of the state as cheap as anybody. Sec Falter. Poultry Wanted. The Clarlnda Poultry Company will pay " cents per pound for nice yellow legged chickens, weighing four pounds or more, and 61 cents for either grades, to be delivered at ZuckwellerJc Lutz's store, Tuesday, a. m., November 13. GETTING ALONG VERY NICELY Conductor "Stubbf Walters Will Recover More Particulars About the Affray. In speaking of the shooting of Con ductor "Stubby" Walters yesterday, the Omaha World-Herald of this morn ing says: "An unknown man on Burlington passenger train No. 4, easttound be tween Ashland and Gretna, Wednes day morning, shot and seriously wound ed Conductor K. Walters, then placed the muzzle of the revolver in his own mouth and tired a shot that will cause bis death. "When the train pulled Into Mem phis, this man who had bought a ticket for Ashland, boarded the train. When his ticket was taken up by Con ductor Walters, he expressed a desire to go to Excelsior Springs, Mo. He was told that he could buy a ticket at Ashland to his destination. Reaching Ashland he bought the ticket and again boarded the train. This ticket was Inspected by Conductor Walters and the Omaha coupon torn off. "After working hlstraln, Conductor Walters went Into a coacli that was being brought through deadhead and sat down. Shortly after the stranger entered the car walked to where Con ductor Walters was sitting and with out saying a word pulled a revolver ami commenced tiring. One bullet struck Conductor Walters In the left shoulder, another passed through his left side, just below the arm pit and a third went wild, lodging in the roof of the car. Then, almost Instantly, the stranger placed the muzzel of the revolver in his own mouth and tired. The bullet passed slightly upward and lodged at the base of the brain. "At Gretna, Conductor Walters was taken oil and sent to his home at Lin coln. The stranger, who was un conscious after the shooting, was brought to Omaha and taken to the General hospital. "The shooting occurred in Sarpy county and that county has an ar rangement at the hospital by which all of its cases are sent there. "While it Is not known who the stranger is, it is thought that he is a laborer in the ice house at Memphis, and that he was crazy. On his person he had over $100 In bills. This money was taken from his pocket and given to the station agent at Gretna for safekeeping. There were no letters or papers about him to lead to an identification, save a slip with the name J. Kramer, with a Wisconsin town as address. He Is a large man, about .'(0 years of age, dark hair and smooth shaven. While dressed in the clothes of a laboring man, they are practically new, except his shoes, which are considerably worn. He had a light colored soft hat." Special Notice. Tho social to be given by tbe Young People's Society of the St. Paul's church on Friday, Nov. 9, has been postponed until Tuesday, Nov. 13. We hope this change is satisfactory to all, and cause them all to come on Tuesday. You are very cordially In vited. Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Cures toothache, ear ache, sore throat, neals cuts, bruises, scalds. Stops any pain. The Telephone Victory. The overwhelming vote by which the people of Omaha granted a fran chise to the Independent telephone company is a complete justification for the fight made by tbe World-IIer aid. This fight was begun last year, continued In the spring campaign, car ried into the city administration and culminated In the battle of ballots on Tuesday. Tbe verdict of the people Is that the telephone monopoly In Omaha shall end, and that competition shall begin. Also that Omaha shall not be longer Isolated from the surrounding country, but shall be given the best connection. The World-Herald has made this fight for tbe people not only In Omaha but surrounding Omaha. No recent achievement of a western newspaper Is more notable than this victory won In the face of powerful opposition and without the slightest assistance of other city newspapers. The triumph was due to the fact that the World- Herald was able to unite In the move ment the progressive men of Omaha atid the most representative citizens outside of the city. Omaha has spoken. Now let the new ctcrprKc proceed. World-Herald Sells More of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Than of All Others Put Together. Mr. Thus. George, a merchant at Mt. Elgin, mtarlo, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain s Cough Remedy ever since It was In troduced Into Canada, and I sell as much of it as I do of all other lines I have on my shelves put together. Of tho many dozens sold under guarantee I have not had one bottle returned. I can personally recommend this medi cine as I have used It myself and given it to my children and always with the best results." For rale by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and D'Ment't drug itorci HOLD QUARTERLY MEETING Nebraska Woman's Auxiliary to Board of! Missions of Episcopal Churcti. HAD INTERESTING PROGRAM YESTERDAY Many Delegates and Clergymen From Over the State In Attendance it the Enthusiastic Contention. The quarterly meeting of the Ne braska Branch of the Woman's Auxil iary to the Board of Missions was held yesterday at the St. Luke's Episcopal church In this city. There were pres ent many delegates and clergymen from various parts of the state, and the entire day was devoted to tho convention, for which many Interest ing addresses and reports had been prepared. The meeting commenced at it o'clock yesterday morning, when Holy Com munion was administered by Rev. Canon Burgess, assisted by Rev. Col lar, who comes from Kansas to take charge, on December 1, of the church at Schuyler, Neb. The business ses sion was then opened with an address of welcome by Rev. Burgess. Among other interesting numbers was a let ter from their missionary, MissCruni mer: a report of their treasurer, Miss Barbara Goring, which gave a cheer ing account of the funds: and reports of women's united offering, supply box and its needs, and of general mission work done during the past year. Mrs. Wise of Omaha gave a very interest ing paper on "Summer Mission Work for Children in the United States," touching briefly on the various ways In which children are being helped so that they may become good as well as active citizens in the future. After hearing several encouraging talks by Dr. Palmer of Ashland, Rev. Chandler of Nebraska City and Rev. Collar of Schuyler, the convention adjourned to the Hotel Riley, where dinner was prepared for them. At "J o'clock the meeting reconvened at the church, and a rousing talk was made by Bishop Williams, who ex horted his listeners to continue the work, that they had instituted. Rev. Chandler, on behalf of the ladles of St. Mary, invited the dele gates to hold their next convention in February at Nebraska City. This was accepted, and after extending a vote of thanks to the ladles of this city for the entertainment provided, the con vention adjourned. Croup. A reliable medicine and one that should always be kept In the home for Immediate use Is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attack if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy croup appears. For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co., and D'Ment's drug stores. A Year of Blood. The year l'.H)3 will long be remem bered In the home of F. N. Tacket of Alliance, Ky, as a year of blood; which (lowed so copiously from Mr.Tackett's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me to death's door, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, with the aston ishing result that after taking four bottles I was completely restored and as time has proven permanently cured." Guranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at F. G. Frlcke & Co s. drug store. Price .10c and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Funeral of J. S. Lindsay. The last sad tributes to tbe late J.S Lindsay were observed this morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the son, Pete Lindsay. The services were con ducted under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, In which the deceased was an active member, A short obituary conveying sympathy to tho grief stricken relatives was dc llvcred by Rev. J. E. Houlgate. After thes services at the home, the remains, accompanied by a largo cor tege, were convoyed to the Oak Hill cemetery, and Interment made. Famous Strike Brokers. The most famous strike breakers In the land arc Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver anil bowels go on strike they quickly settle the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best euro for constipation, headache and dizziness. 2.1c at F. G. Frlcke & Co. druggists. Here Is our condensed opinion of the Original Laxative Cough Syrup: "Nearly all other cough syrups are constipating, especially those contain Ing opiates. Kennedy's Laxative (con talnlng) Honey and Tar moves the bowels. Contains no opiates. Con forms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng & Co. BIG TIME AT 6. A. R, HALL Eiergreen Camp No. 70 Woodmen of the World Enjoys Social Supper. The members of Evergreen Camp No. 70 Woodmen of the World and their families enjoyed a social evening last night at the Grand Army hall, when that order entertained at a sup per. The affair was attended by many who had the pleasure of hearing brief addresses by Hon. R. B. Windham, Senator-elect Jesse L. Root and the sovereign lecturer for the Woodmen of the World, Iter. (!. 11. Schleh. The latter gentleman took as his subject, "Perfected Woodcraft," upon which he made an Interesting, as well as edi fying, discourse producing Instruc tive statistics that evidence the good that societies of this kind have done, and will continue to do. Ills prophecy, that the day was not far distant when the W. O. W., llko tho Masonic order, would employ some of Its large reserve fund to build homes, where old and disabled members could be cared for, was shared by his audience. After enjoying these addresses, the latter part of tho evening was de voted to the supper, which had been prepared by the ladles. Prof. Beck and Miss Cook furnished music during the evening, which was highly appre ciated. The entire affair was a most enjoyable one, and proved that the or der understands how to please and entertain their guests. Great Bargains In Rummage? The time of a life for those who participate. Lot everyone who has rummage call Plattsmouth telephone No. 2X1 and next Wednesday and the material will be called for. We can sell apples, hay, corn, oats, canned goods, clothing, hardware, meats, crockery, anything from a toothpick to a threshing machine. Hero Is a chance for you to help yourself, tho church and someone else and never feci it. Like mother used to make at tho market. Pincsalve cleanses wounds, Is highly antiseptic, uncqualed for cracked hands. Good for cuts. Sold by Ger Ing & Co. 's drugstore. Made Happy for Life. Great happiness came Into the home ofS.C. Blair, school superintendent, at St. Albans, W. Va., when his little daughter was restored from the dread ful aomdlalnt he names. He stys: "My little daughter had St. Vltls' Dance, which yielded to no treatment but grew steadily worse until as a last re sort we tried Electric Bitters; and I rejoice to say three bottles effected a complete cure." Vulck, sure cure for nervous complaints, general debility, female weakness, impoverished blood and malaria. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co. drug store. Prlve rOc. For Rent SO acres, one mile and a half west and one mile south of My nard, Nebraska. Inquire of W. D. Wheeler, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Havelock Items. The following Havelock Items are taken from the Lincoln Star of last evening: Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bates have gone to Plattsmouth, where they will spend several days with friends. - Charles Martin has left the service of the Havelock shops and has moved with his family on a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trllety.of Have lock, are visiting with relatives for a few days at Plattsmouth. H. B. Kepner, general piece work Inspector of Burlington lines west, visited at the Havelock shops yester day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carruth, of Havelock, left Sunday for Chicago, where they were called by the death of Mrs. Carruth's father. DOC 0 An Extraordinary OfflillineiTf Sale! Such a Sale hus never occurred inJPlatts mouth, but we desire to decrease our large stock of Winter Hats, so we are able to of fer at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES our Hats, Caps and Fancy Work Materials. Don't miss this rare opportunity of a Good Bargain. H. E. WEIDIMUCO OCDC DOC o: wl' wouldn't ask for " the privilegeof show ing; yon our New Winter ( Hcrcoats if we did not be lieve that a comparison of our Styles, (Jualitics and Values wouldcoiivir.ee you that this is the place to htiy. It costs us something to gain your attention, but we have enough confidence in our merchandise to believe that you will buy our"Quol Ity" coats if you compare them with others. Prices $10 to $30 C. E. Wescott's Sons "Whin Quality Counts." o :Q A Little Encouragement. Sir William Napier, In his descrip tion of the battle at Vera, sa)s, that the center of ttie Spanish army was defeated and turned to Might, not lis tening to the words of the officers. Then Havelock, a young oilicer, Jumped forward and called on the Spaniards to follow. Like a Mash he was in the midst of the French soldiers and tbe Spaniards after him. The surprised enemy threw away the arms and lied. The battle was won. Can you compare this with our dally life? A little en couragement drives a dlsea.se away. The disease usually attacks your cen terthe stomach. If you can save tills organ, you have saved the whole body. Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine Is such an encourage ment which makes the whole digestive apparatus to work. 1 1 creates a whole some appetite, it warms up Jthe Intes tines, makes new blood and strength ens the nerves. In all disturbances of the digestion it Is the only safe rem edy. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner.iw So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. We wish to announce that Miss Lynnc Plerson, tbe expert trimmer at Fanger's Department Store, expects to leave for her home Thursday, No vember I.j. Remember that there la only one more week. Any lady who desires to have a have a hat made will please call as soon as possible. DOC o DOC