The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1906, Image 6

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    Murray Department
(my of the rciiiJ'i'j of the Journal know of a tutfial event or
B'f ii ii'it nil w of inh Journal.
anitun of intercut in thin vicinity ami trill mail mime to ihi otficc it trill ttjnar umhr thin lumiinij.
The Average Man
Is not a Man of Wealth.
He has an Income, while he re
tains strength of mind and body,
upon which he and his family are
able to live with comfort,
It is to this average man that
the advantages of a bank account
should appeal with the greatest
force. The time to save money is
early in life the earlier the better.
A bank account helps a man to
save and gives him a safe place for
his money. Men can save some
thing out of their earnings if they
resolve to do so.
Save a little to-day while you
i c. s
The Murray State Bank
STONE, Cailtlor.
Chris. Miller Is now cngaircd at the
Jonos elevator.
Ed. Wort's family, living near Rock
Bluffs, Is down with Lotislllt Ih.
iMr. Gregory, of Ml. Pleasant pre
cinct, was In Murray Saturday.
Mr. Sans, from east Rock Bluffs, was
attending to business In Murray Friday.
T. W. Vallcry returned from Kansas
Citv Saturday, where he went for
Mr. and Mrs. Ilrown returned from
their trip to LaCrosse, Wis., Thursday
Chas. Colo and family, living four
miles southwest of town, are all sick
with sore throat.
Miss Margie Walker went to Wyom
ing Friday, where she attended the
Davis-Woolsey wedding.
Thus. Campbell was taken very suit
denly sick Sunday night and at last
reports he Is still very sick.
Chas. ChriswIsNcr and wife attended
the stock show at Nebraska City last
week, returning Sunday evening.
Chas. 1 ill has moved from his place
west of town to the Mindford place in
Mt. Pleasant precinct, where he will
gather his corn crop.
Mr. George Hansen, one of the old
est settlers in Cass county, passed
through here Sat urday on bis way to
l'lattsmouth. His son, George, accom
panted him.
Intho phalanx of politicians that
has taken our town, we have friends,
Vm-tlir wliolc !
Cass. She reports that all Ncbraskans
who moved Into the Grande Ronde
valley several years ago, are doing
Mrs. L. Rusterholtz has been quite
sick for the past few days.
Dr. Tracy, dentist, of Union, will
make Murray every Tuesday.
Tliero Is still room for a number of
gqod corn buskers in this locality.
Justus Lilly returned home Wednes
day morning from a business and pleas
ure trip to Oklahoma.
Ed Krugar and wife were In Platts-
mouth, Tuesday evening, returning
home Wednesday morning.
Thos. Campbell, one of tbc oldest
residents of Cass county, is quite sick
at his home cast of Murray.
John Hostettcr will depart on Mon
day next for Pasadena, where lie will
make a short visit with our old friend,
W. J. Hasser.
IJultca number of Murray people
attended the Shallenbcrger meeting
In l'httsmouth, last Saturday even
The Hot Tamale supper given at
the church last Saturday evening was
very well attended, and the ladles
will net for the benefit of the
Addresses i Very Small Audience Id
That Village List Night.
M i ft it a v, Neb., October 2 3-(Spcc!al
to the Journal.) Congressman Poll
ard addressed an audience here last
night, not to exceed "5 in number, all
told. Ills reception was a sort of
"frost," and his speech caused no en
thusiasm. ' Several county republican
candidates were present, and among
them was Martin L. Fredcrich, can
didate for county commissioner, who
recited the little speech prepared for
him by the' l'lattsmouth republican
ring, which created some amusement
for the younger persons present. Ta
ken all in all, the meeting was de
clared by many an entire failure as to
attendance and enthusiasm.
Reunion ot Virginians.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Copnnhavcr, who reside one mile south
of Murray, a good old fashioned din
ner was enjoyed Sunday, when the
Irglnians and their descendants
ere entertained in honor of Mr. A.
, Porter of Seven Mile Ford, Ya.,
who Is here on his first visit to his
live sons in Cass county. The true
western hospitality was manifested
uring the day especially In the
abundance of the wholesome viands
which were placed upon the festal
board for the disposition of the gath-
Those to enjoy this long-to-be-re-
membcred event were, Messrs. and
Mesdamcs J. T. Torter, J. C. Snavely,
S. W. Copcnhavcr, Murray; W. II. and
Wade Porter, Nehawka; D. B. Porter,
Union; G. M. Porter, l'lattsmouth,
and thirteen grandcbldren to Mr. A
T. J. Doyle at Murray!
T. J . Doyle, democratic candidate
for congress, will address the people
ot Murray and surrounding country at
the hall la Murray on
Saturday Evening, October 27, 1906,
at 7:30. Let every one who desires to
hear the gentleman who is abundant
ly able to look after the Interests of
the people of the First congressional
district, as they should be looked after,
come out and hear him.
"I'd want to iimmotliili'
dm In' llolW.
lii'inhi' fnwi Nun the tuimMn ami llio
dor's In tlm uliin'k.
Park Chrlswelsscr passed through
Murray Wednesday evening enroute
to l'lattsmouth, where he spent the
evening with his father and went to
Omaha the next morning.
Chas. Nlckles and family arrived
from Little Rock, Arkansan. Chas.
is a son of Wiu, Nlckles, and Is at
home on a vacation. He has lots of
friends who were glad to see htm.
The Journal oftlcc acknowledges the
receipt of some mighty fine apples,
which were brought all tbc way from
Oregon by Mrs. Scott Ham. They
were Indued beauties, In both sl.e and
J. C. Smith, who was quite seriously
Injured In a runaway a few days ago,
Is getting along quite well at this
time. Aside from a few bruises re
ceived he was not as seriously Injured
as first reported.
M rs. Scott Harn, who for many years
was a resident of Murray, came In from
Union, Oregon, Saturday night to visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Tom Lind
say. Mrs. Barn likes Oregon very
well, but has a stronger feeling for old
Tom L'ndsay was in l'lattsmouth
Monday evening, going up to sec his
father, who Is gradually sinking with
the cancer, that he has been troubled
with for the past few months.
Two of our leading republicans were
heard discussing the present congres
slonal tight on the streets of Murray a
few days ago, when the leader of the
argument made the remark: "Yes
wo know our candidate Is a weak sis
ter, but let us stick to him anyway
Now what do you thhk of that? We
know he Is not the man but we will
vote gor him anyway.
Frank Moore returned from Madl
son, Neb., Wednesday morning, where
he went last week with a cur load of
apples. The bad weather caught Mr,
Moore while he was in Madison, and
consequently the apple market was on
the decline, aud he sold the entire car
to a dealer for (m cents per bushel
which figure Mr. Mocrc says netted
him a little better than 40 cents.
Miss Gertie l'lttman was In Mur
ray, Wednesday, completing arrange
mentsfor her return to California
and will depart Monday for Pasadena
Miss Gertie will have company on her
western trip, as the two sisters Misses
Bertha and Lora will return with her
to make their future home, also Mrs,
Henry Banning and Mrs. Henry Da'
vis and daughter, Ina, will take the
same route, and on the same day to
Los Angeles, where they will visit
few weeks with friends.
Drs. Newell & Tracy will
Murray on Tuesday of each
Olllce with Dr. Gllmore.
be In
For Sale
Two mammoth Jacks, black with
mealy spots, weighing about 800 and
1000 pounds each respectively, and are
four and seven years old. For partic
ulars call on or.wrlte to J. L. Younu,
Murray, Neb. 8-23111-1
Good Men Climb Up.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bcrger received
a letter from their son, Will, who has
for some time been manager of the
Dull Grain Co., branch house at Law
rence, Neb., stating that he has been
appointed auditor for the company
and will be located at Nebraska City,
the home of the company's main office
This Is an excellent position for Mr.
Berger, who Is In every way capable of
looking after the Interests of the
company, and we venture inc asser
Hon that no one knows this fact bet
tcr than the Dutf Grain Co., who have
favored him with one of the highest
positions at their command. Mr. Bcr
gcr is what may truthfully be termed
a self made man, and has worked bis
way to his present position by faith
fully performing every duty entrusted
to his care. The many Murray friends
will be pleased to know of Mr. Bcrgcr's
good fortune, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W
not only rejoice over the promotion
but also the fact that they will have
their son located closer to the old
are, as usual, at the front
with a fine and full line of
Fall and Winter Merchandise
A fine line of all kinds of
goods arc arriving daily.
Watch this Space tor Announcements
Will Attend Golden Wedding.
Mrs. Frank Moore and Mrs. Myria
McIonald departed Wednesday even
Ing for Narka, Kansas, where they
will attend the golden wedding of
their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
L. W. Patterson, which anniversary
occurs on Sunday, October 2. Mes
dames Wm.Gllmour and B. W. Living
ston will also attend. Mrs. C. R. Moore
from Frulta, Colo., and the daughter
living in Kansas City will be present,
and everything points to a most en
Joyablc occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Patter-
'son were married In Cass county at
old Book BlulT, fifty years ago, where
they still have hosts of friends who
are unanimous In wishing that they
may live to enjoy many more years of
happiness and prosperity.
Mrs. A. L. Baker and Miss Etta
Nickels went to l'lattsmouth, Wed
nesday evening to attend the wedding
of Miss Rose Batten.
Miss Marie Berger Is spending a few
weeks at the home of her brother,
George, out In Right Mile Grove, dur
ing the busy corn picking season.
Lee Allison who has been quite sick
at his home east of town for the past
tew weeks, is still confined to bis bed,
with very little change In his condl
Itrms Uk late for yesterday's Ksut'.
Win. Nlckles shelled and marketed
his corn, Wednesday.
Uncle bam Latta is having a new
coal and wood house built.
Mr. Roerbeck and wife were visitiag
In Murray and vicinity, Monday.
II. G. Todd was transacting busi
ness in the county scat, Wednesday.
F. M. Massle, candidate for repre
sentative, was In Murray, Thursday.
Mrs. J. P. Brlsbin went to Nebraska
City, Thursday, to attend the stock
T. Y. Shanklin, the champion ap
ple picker of Nehawka, was In Mur
ray, Monday.
Miss Mabel Dccring of Grand Is
land is here visiting her sister, Mrs.
L. B. Underwood.
Adam Cook, from Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, was attending to business In
Murray, Tuesday.
L. C. Todd of Mt. Pleasant precinct
passed through our village, Wednes
day enroute to l'lattsmouth.
L. C. Todd, from near Nehawka,
drove through here on his way to
Plattsmoutb, Tuesday evening.
Mr. Elson of Omaha is here this
week In the interest of the Midwest
Life Insurance company of Lincoln.
Mrs. Chas. King came In from
l'lattsmouth, Wednesday, to spend
several days at the home of Dr. Gll
Mr. Frank Moore shipped a car load
of apples to Madison, Neb. Frank has
5,000 bushels of apples this year, and
of the finest variety.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bayless, who
have been visiting with Art Bayless
and family, returned to their homo in
Custer county, Tuesday.
Jas. II. Donnelly of l'lattsmouth
was In our burg, Thursday, In the
Interest of the Guarantee Fund Life
Association of Omaha. Come again,
Jim, we are glad to have you come.
The Ladies Missionary society of
the Presbyterian church will serve
dinner and supper at the church on
election day. If you want a good meal
go to the church on that day.
Mrs. J. W. Holmes of Mynard, and
Miss Nellie Kccnan of Rapid City,
South Dakota, came down from My
nard. Thursday to spend the remain
der of the week visiting friends and
John Farris and family arrived home
from a month's visit to the old home
In Virginia. They reported a very
pleasant trip. Mr. Porter, the father
of the Porter boys who are well known
through this country, came out with
We are instructed to state that the
parties wbo entered the cellar of Mrs.
Bcrger one night last week, was seen
by two different parties, and it the
stolen goods are returned nothing will
be said, but If not trouble may follow
for the guilty ones. It is an old say
ing "a word to the wise Is sufficient."
Men Wanted." Tbls is the cry ot
the farmers. Corn buskers cannot be
obtained. Many farmers living west
of Murray have requested the Journal
to announce that they are paying
three cents per bushel, and good corn
to husk. Anyone wishing a good Job
can be directed by anyone In Murray
to a farmer who Is anxious for help.
Your Nerve
It is nerve energy that runs
the organs of your body. The
storage battery is the nerve
cells in the brain anil spinal
cord, and from this battery
nerve force is sent out through
the system of nerves. To keep
the body healthy you must
have plenty of nerve force; if
you have not, the organs work
imperfectly, the circulation is
sluggish, digestion bad, appe
tite poor, kidneys inactive, and
aches, pains and misery are
the penalty.
,You can keep the system
strong w ith Dr. Miles' Nervine.'
It assists in generating nerve
energy; it strengthens 'the
nerves and makes the whole
system strong and vigorous
"I take ploasure
Pr. Mill's'
ploasure in rpcommfnamK
Ni-rvlrm to those BuftVrlnif
nervous prostration, insomnia
ini'lunrholy. After Kcveral
months mirfwrlnB from above dixeases
I tried this mcdidn and found imme
diate relief. It soothf-s and Rtrentcth
ens the ncrvM. chases away the
gloomy and depressing thoughts and
ItU'ea the nufferer renewed HtrenRth
and hope. It la a superb nerve re
Madi.ion, Wisconsin.
Dr. Miles' Heart Curs Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benelit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Two Arrests Made by Police on a Charge
of Enticing Young Girls Away
From A.oca, la.
Through Information received from
the sheriff of Avoca, Iowa, two young
fellows, Fred Schlltler and Henry
Wave, were arrested near Mynard,
yesterday evening by the authorises
of this city, and their companions,
two young girls about 1.') and 17 years
old respec.lvely, were detained pend
ing the arrival of Deputy Sheriff Grace
from Avoca, Iowa.
The charge on which the young fel
lows were arrested Is a serious one of
enticing the young girls from their
homes In Avoca, Iowa, one week ago
last Sunday. At that time the four
were followed to Conncll Bluffs, Iowa,
and from there it was thought they
had gone to Fremont, Neb., but In
stead It seems that they came to this
county and secured work husking corn
for Albert Shaffer near Mynard. The
young girls have remained with them
for the past week, until they were ta
ken Into custody by the authorities,
who placed the fellows in the county
bastlle, and here they together with
the girls were turned over to Duputy
Sheriff Grace who arrived from Avoca,
Iowa, today, and who will return with
them this evening.
Magpie Grove
Six'tflal Corr'SiK)H(lenoo.
Corn husking Is now the order of the
day. Corn Is pretty good In this sec
tion; averaging from 40 to f5 bushels
per acre.
R. A. Young threshed his small
grain last week being the last job In
this locality.
Otto Tuls made a trip to l'latts
mouth last Friday.
Miss Helen Hlld Is staying at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Puis this
W. II. Kloepplng made a trip to
Murray Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Beck made a
business trip to Plattsmouth Saturday.
.J. R. Cathey from Weeping Water,
was calling on friends in this vicinity
F. A. Hlld and family spent Sunday
evening with William Puis and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis ot Lincoln
are visiting relative) In this section
this week.
John Albert and wife of Cedar
Creek, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. August Engelkemeier Sunday.
iSiH-olal Correspondent.)
Mr. Wiu. McCoy was killed by fall
Ins from a box car Omaha, Tues
day the liitli. IIU remains were
brought here on the 10::w train, Wed
nesday morning for burial at Mt.
l'leaxant cemrtery. Mr. McCoy was a
brother of the oi.e killed a short time
Charley St. John of Nehawka
shelled two thousand bushels of corn
for Fred Schomaker, sr., Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carsten of Avoca,
transacted business in Nehawka, on
Tuesday afternoon ot last week.
Mrs. George Hansen and Grandpa
Hansen were Weeping Water visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peters visited
with Mrs. Jake Ilild one day last week.
A number of farmers are losing
many hogs from cholera In this local
ity. Mrs. Corbett Is visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Andy Corbett, In Elm
wood. The D. of H. gave an open meeting
Tuesday evening of last week. The
grand master of Omaha, was present
and gave a tine lecture. After the
lecture all participated In light re
freshments. One and all bad an ex-'
cellent time.
L. G.Todd, Jr., is rapidily recover
ing from his sick spell, and Is able to
resume his school work again.
Mr. Troop shelled corn for August
Hansen, Thursday, delivering it to
John Knabe.
Mrs. Henry Sturm and children vis
ited in Weeping Water. Saturday.
Henry Knabe, who met with what
might have been a serious accident
last week, is improving slcwly. Dr.
Wilcox was out Sunday giving him
Mrs. Henry Sturm was kicked by a
calf, Monday morning, striking both
feet in her face. She was taken to
the doctor at once, and a few stitches
was taken on her forehead. Quite a
bruise on her cheek was also attended
to. Mrs. Sturm's many friends re
gret to learn of her misfortune.
The farmers are wearing a big
smile because of the nice rain that
visited this section, Sunday, for fall
wheat was In great need of it.
Mrs. Henry Bebrns, daughter and
little grandaughter, boarded the train
for Omaha, Saturday.
Charley Hebner will have the roads
all worked oy the time cold weather
sets In.
Sick Headache Cured.
Sick headache Is cured by derange
ment of the stomach and by indiges
tion. Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets correct these disorders
and effect a cure. I!y taking these
taklcts as soon as the tirst Indications
of the disease appears, the attack may
be warded off. Get a free sample and
try them. For sale by F. 0. Frlckc &
Co., and at D Merit s.
5 Furs at $11.35
at Closing out sale of Herold's stock.
50 per cent Discount of Dress Trim's
at closing out sale of Herold's stock.
$5 anil )6 Dress Skirts ot $3.98
at closing out sale of Herold's stock.
Clearing Out Sale
to prepare for spring stock commenc
ing October 12. Prices reduced on all
buggies and surreys I have on hand
'until sold. J. H. Cook.
True and tried friends of the family
-DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Best
for results and best to take. Rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes follow the
uso of these dependable little pills
They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co. and Gering & Co.
Wounds. Bruises and Burns.
By applying an antiseptic dressing
to wounds, bruises, burns and like in
juries before Inllamatlon sets In, they
may be healed without maturation
and In about one-third the time re
quired by the old treatment. This Is
the greatest discovery and triumph of
modern surgery. Chamberlain's Pain
Balm acts on this same principle. It
Is an antlccptlc and when applied to
such Injuries, causes them to heal very
quickly. It also allays the pain and
soreness and prevents any danger of
blood poisoning. Keep a bottle ot
Pain Balm In your home and It will
save you time and money, not to men
tlon the Inconvenience and suffering
such Injuries entail. For sale by F.
0. Fricke & Co. and Gerln &
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
W. II. Pool purchased the Harry
Mason residence on the South side.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Moore of Platts
mouth, came In Friday to visit with
Dr. and Mrs. Shannon.
R. S. Wilkinson has been on the
sick list for the past week, unable to
attend to bis duties at the store.
Leo, son of John Tlghe, was taken
to Omaha, Monday, to be operated on
by Dr. Allison for apendlcltis.
Geo. Askew left for Ashtabula.Ohio,
Tuesday morning where he will spend
a couple of months visiting relatives.
Ed Norton last week sold his forty
acres of land Just south of town to W.
R. Cole. Mr. Cole sold a forty to
Henry Ash, the latter paying $73 per
Mrs. L. J. Doane and little daugh
ter of Western, Neb., came in last
Wednesday and visited at the Amelia
Cllzbe home until Monday morning.
Mrs. Doane is a niece of Mrs. Cllzbe.
James Sailing Is well pleased with
the way his com is turning out. He
expects 40 to 45 bushels per acre. He
says he will feed about all his crop as
he Is fattening 100 head of hogs.
Dave Clapp, an old timer. and known
to many Cass county citizens, Is a res
ident of Weeping Water. He came In
last week from Clayton, Ind., where
he has lived for the past few months,
but previous to that he spent several
years in California. He has rented a
room over C. V. Hay's cafe, and will
dine below. Mr. C. Is only 93 years
old but you wouldn't think It, for bar
ring rhumatism, he Is in good health.
Died of Hunger.
It seems Incredible that a man re
cently died of hunger. Incrediole be
cause we see everywhere a senseless
squandering, masses of meat, general
welfare. We hear and see constantly
haw the majority of the people Is af
flicted with different maladies of the
stomach and of the Intestines as the
result of eating too much meat.
Even to children meat In great quan
tities are given and they grow un
with a ruined digestive system, con
stant slaves to pills and other cathar
tics. There is only one remedy, Trl
tier's American Elixir of Bitter Wine
which is Indicated tcr all such troub
les, because It quickly removes the
cause, tbc thlcknlng of blood and the
relaxation of the Intestinal muscles.
It will always bring the organs of di
gestion to their normal activity and
the whole body to the natural state.
If there should be anything wrong
with your digestion, use Trainer's
American Elixir of Hitler Wine. It
wlllglvo you new blood. At drug
gists. Jos. Trlner, 7, So. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, III.