GREAT R.EMNANT SALE! Friday and Saturday, October 119th end 20th. On these two PROBATE NOTICE. In County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In the matur of tlie.cstte of Harriett M. Klncr, deceased. To whom It my concern: All parties interested In the estate of Harriett M. klxer, deceased, late of Cass County, Ne braska, are heniy notltled that J ames A. hlser lias Bled a petition In thlscourtprayliutfor the probate of the last will and testament of mid Harriett M. Klser, dweased. A heaiiiiK will lie bad on mid petition on the 7th day of Noveni licr, A. I.. 1KW. at 10 o'clock a. m and letters testamentary irranted to .1. 1. I'lttman. unless cause lie shown on or liefore nine o'clock, a.m., of said day. By the Court. . IlAUVIT P. Tbavis. seal. County Judiw. LEGAL NOTICE. In re estate of -'H, Notice of li.iarlmr. Vallery, Jr., Ueceased. f- .... , In County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notllted that on this 12th day of OcUler, A. I.,lt.llie Executor and Kxecu .. !..! iiwlr IViltlim fur I'lnnl Settlement and Accounting and have set aside the order tiarrimr claims and the time extended to and Ini-liullnir the (lav of Final Sett lenient for a hearhiK upon a claim Hied by Mturduli'im nl lery for a mortiriu'c paid uikiii testators' farm, and a hearing will Is' hndtiimn nil of said mat ters at V o'clock a. ni., on the 1st day of l m- ber, A.M., lUNt, at my otllce In the City of I'luttsmoiith, by which hour all objections must lie filed and nt which time sucli Judg ments and orders will be entered as will be warranted under the evidence. Ily the Court. lUltVKY l. TltAVIS. (skai-.I ' County Judge. Hyron Clark, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. HTATK OF NFBRASK A. I , ,, Co1, y Coul.,. CASS COUNTY. I In the matter of the estate of Alfred Mc Dermed, deceased. Notice of ix-tltlon for ap polntment of administrator. Notice Is hereby given to Frank N. McDer med, John W. McDermed, ticorgo K. Mclk-r-med, Orlesler Mi'lH-rined, Maggie Sis-rry and Mat tie E. Malcolm, and all other iM-rsoiM In terested In the alsive estale.that a iictlllon has lieon filed In the county court of Casscounty. Nebraska, praying for the appointment of an administrator for the estate of said Alfred Mc I termed, deceased, and that a hearing will lie had upon said lietltlon In the county court room at I'lattsmoiith. Casscounty, Nebraska, in tlio Mitliibiv of October. A. .. Haiti, at 1U o'clock, a. m., and that you arc required to show cause against said iietltion on or iieiore the hour of V a. m., on said 2tith day of Dctols-r, una. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and the seal of the county court of Casscounty, Nebraska.thls Jlst day of Septemlier. A. llAHVEY I). TltA VIS. malI County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. Cass County, I , county Court. Nebraska. I In the matter of the cstateof Thomas Lannlng, deceased. All persons Interested In the estate of Thomas Lannlng. deceased, are hereby notltl ed that the administratrix with will annexed of said estate, has Hied her petition In this court praying for final net t lenient Of said es tate and for herdlscharge. that a hearing will liehadontheawthduyof Octolier. A. !.. IttW. at 2 o'clock p. m at the county court room, at I'lKttsmoulli. Nebraska. All parties Interested In said estate are required to show cause on or liofure one o'clock, n. nt.. of said Stth day of ((etolier, IWW, if any they have, why the prayer of said lietltlon should not tie granteu ana me administratrix with will annexeo ne uiscnanr ed by the court. llARVir 1. Travis. (Seal.) County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. CS'( in County ( our,. Hi the matter of the estate of Andrew C. Kiye, deceased. All nnrtlos liiion tcri In the est ate of A ndrew C. Krye, deceased, are heirby notltled thut the adiiilnlsliatoror said estate nas men ins i-u-tlon in the court praying for a llnal stt lenient of mid estate ami for liM discharge, ah i t snns Inti-ivHteil In sulci estate nre hereby nollli uritlmta lii.nrliur will be had at the county court room, at I'liitlsmouth. Cass county, Ne braska, on the anh day of tietolier, A. It.. Il'jl. at 10 o'clock, a. in.! all persons Interested In unlfl .,ut nil, nil, IINtllllf'fl 111 sboW CtlllSC Oil 01' liefore nine o'clm-k a. m. of said anh day of Octolier. HUM, If any they have, why the prayer of said is'lltlon should not lie granted, said es tate finally sell led and the administrator uu charged by the court. llAiivr.v It. Thavis. hkai,.) County Judge. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Lands, Ranches and City Ileal Estate in Nebraska and elsewhere bought sold and exchanged. Keiital. Insurance and Abstracting of Titles. Money to loan at a low rate of Interest on Improved farms. Business correspondent In all Important cities and towns Id the Uultcd suites. Tele It. B. WINDHAM, President W. W. WINDHAM i Secretary For Sale-Kl-acre farm; 115 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture located between Plattsmoutb and Murrav: fair Improvements. Price tno.oo dot acre, if taken at once. Ia quire of J. T. Falter. Everybody's friend lr. Thomas Eclcctrlo Oil. Cures toothache, ear ache, sore throat. Heals cuts.brulses, scalds. Stops any pain. A cold Is much more easily cured when the bowels are open. Kenncdy'i Laxative Honey and Tar opens the bowels and drives the cold out of the system of young or old. Sold by F. 0 days we will close y Avoca (Special Correspondence.) Sheriff Qulnton was in town Sun day. B. C. Marquardt and wife, Mrs. Ora E. Copes and Louis Dunkak are attend ing a meeting of the I. O. O. F. and Rebekah grand lodge at South Omaha. C. E. Tefft and family were down from Weeping Water Sunday. J. W. Brendel made a trip to Lin coln this week. Mrs. II. L. Peters, of Beloit, Kan., is visiting Avoca relatives. Henry Hanschield had a barn and corn crib destroyed by .fire oneday last week. O. TelTt had business at Omaha several days this week. 15. F. Brendel was over from Mur ray several days this week. D. G. McAllster, of Dunbar, was In Avoca several days this week, visiting his many friends. C. M. Rowland and W. R. Graham attended Masonic lodge at Weeping Water Monday evening. A lecture course has been arranged In Avoca during the coming winter. The first lecture will be by Dr. W. F. Harding, of Chicago, Saturday even ing, October 20, at the Congregational church. The course is for the benefit of the Avoca schools. Weeping Water From the Herald. Corn is said to be of excellent qual ity and maklnir from .'KtolO bushels per acre. Dr. E. T. Rickard says that he has knowledge of the birth of a son last Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Klrchoff. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Mason left for Claremore, I. T., Tuesday morning, where they intend to make their borne. Mrs. F. J. Davis has become ini tiated into a part of the mysteries of housekeeping. One hand burned quite badly with hot lard was the first real trouble. It happened last week. Wm. Ash shelled 500 bushels of new corn last week for Tom Wiles, and he says it shelled as good as old corn. For early shelliDg, this beats the rec ord for this part of the country for a good many years. Misses Lena Stoner and Ethel Hun ter attended the Bijou theatre in Lin coin last week, and that afternoon a $:I0 silver tea set was given as a prize to the one holding the lucky number Miss Hunter was the one that carried away the prize, which is a bcanty. A. I. Ralston's team, hitched to his buggy, made a lucky run Monday. At ter breaking down the hitching post they ran down Main strcct.turned the corner at the M. E. church and mak ing a complete turn lined up to the hitchrack between two teams, Noth ing damaged. Monday morning Mr. Mills' team became frightened near the M. k church and started to run, going west down Main street. Mr. Mills was In the buggy but was unable to stop them.and In front of Owen McGrady's dace ran them into a tree. He was thrown from the buggy, but fortu nately escaped Injury, although the vehicle was pretty badly smashed up Many men it ve lavishly of gold, To bnlld bridges and castles and tow ers of old: If you want everlasting fame, a bene factor be, Give the poor and needy Rocky Moun tain Tea. Gerlng&Co. Milting Goods Located. In yesterday's issue of this paper, an account of a supposed daylight robbery was published, but since last evening the fact has developed that the fruit and dishes, that were reported to have been stolen, were disposed of by Mrs Burke, who was afraid that she would not return allvo from an Omaha hos pital, where she went for treatment and therefore placed the above prop crty with neighbors, so that In the event of her death, they would jc left out all of Remnants at one half of the original price. - m o. DOVEY e& 0 PHIL SAUTER, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. When you are in Plattsmouth call and see us. Rest yourself and listen to the genuine VA- ison phonograph and Victor talking machine. FREE CONCERTS DAILY PHIL SAUTER, Plattsmonth Murdock (Ily ti. A. I.cls.) l'UODCCE MAUKETS Corrected weekly by Martin Si Tool, who pay the highest prices for produce and guarantee satisfaction: Mutter c Kggs Ijc Hens H? Springs Ohc Cream No. I. LDc; No. 2. lie Hogs ' Cattle ll.Wand3.UU GKA1NMAHKKTS. Corn Eland 34c wiiuut. M and &sc Oats... and Sic Rock Island Time Taiilk. Murdock Station. WEST HOUND. No. 41, mall 1:47 a. m. No. 75. local 8:55 a. m. No. 5. mall 3:00 p. m, No. 37, mall 5:47 p. m, east iiound. No.HO, freight 12:30 a. m No. 38, mall 10:55 a. m No. 70, Local 1:14 p. m No. 6, mall s:jp. m A. S. Dcpner is entertaining a cousin from Michigan, this week. Miss Carrie Wurts Is still on the sick list. Martin & Tool shipped six car loads of apples this week. John Currant and wife were down from University Place Sunday, visit- ng relatives. August Panska was a Lincoln visitor Monday. Mrs. Dictz, of Lincoln, is visiting at the home of Jacob Gochry this week Comer & Lorlng have put down a well for W. (). Gillespie this week. A. S. Dcpner and nephew were bus! ness visitors at Ashland Tuesday. II. Cannon, of licnkelman, wasshak Intr hands with old friends on our streets Tuesday. Mrs. A. E. Frascher is suffering from a felon. Dr. McArthur is caring for her. J. R. Funk came down from North Platte Tuesday for a short visit. Mrs. Akcson visited with G. A. Eels and family Tuesday andWcdncsday. Tne last and permanent survey of the U. P. passed through A. Long's orchard, just missing the Rock Island townslte. The aid society dinner which was given at the home of Mrs. Eggleston last Thursday netted the neat little sum of (10.50. Mrs. A. E. Frascher entertained the social set at whist last Friday even ing. Nearly all were in attendance and the evening enjoyably spent by all present. Why suffer with your kidneys? Tha discovery of Kidney-Etta has proved a blessing to thousands of kidney suffer ers who have been restored to perfect health. These Tablets drive the dis cased germs out of the system, and we urge all sufferers to give this sclent I lie and successful kidney remedy a trial K? 0 I 1 - 'toHMMWMM aV h few fe; i 8 NehaovksL (Special Correspondent.) L. C. Todd took his sugar cane over to Chas. Hansen's last week to have some sorghum made by John Wunf derlich. Grandma Hebner and Mrs. J, G, Wunderllch made a (lying trip on the noon train to Nebraska City, Thurs day, returning the same day. Potatoes are not so plentiful as was expected, but apples are of large di mensions and abundant everywhere. Freddy Schomaker, who was hurt four weeks ago, is not able to do any work yet, but is contemplating very much on husking corn this fall. Miss Dora Opp assisted II. M. Ruck- ley in the store, Friday and Saturday. Mr. Warden, who resided one mile south of Nchawka, was stricken with paralysis Friday night, October 2nd, died on Thursday afternoon, the 11th. Mr. Warden leaves a wife, three daughters, and one son to mourn his loss. He was buried Sunday at o'clock, In Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Joseph Bchrns hauled some line ap ples to Isaac Pollard's Friday morn Ing. John Petersof Avoca helped George Hansen last week with the farm work and was taken sick and was compelled to go home Friday. Mrs. John Murdock and son, Paul, enjoyed an early drive to Nchawka, Saturday morning. Earnest Young finished threshing, Saturday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles St. John, Saturday, October 13, a baby Klrl. Gu8. Hansen Is making a line large ice pond. Gus believes in having it more convenient. Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Hansen were the guestsof Wm. Peters and family Sun day. Edward Wulf of Avoca, visited with his sister, Mrs. Fred Hild, Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Hansen Is on the sick list. Wm. Betts Is making quite an 1m- provempnt on his place by building a large corn crib, and touching up his residence In white and green. Quite a number started corn husk Ing last week. Mrs. Bert Tucker spent Saturday evening with Mrs. F. C. Schomaker. John Whltcman and Chulmcr Swlt drove to Earn Young's, Sunday, Louie Todd did his threshing, Mon day. Call and see the new line of gents r?i n w THIS is the season when everybody commence to look around for their fall and winter clothing. The early buyer usually gets the choice of the . new styles, and the best goods. We would there fore suggest that you Call at our Store Early in the Season and let us show you the many new things we have in Men's and Hoys' Clothing, and everything in their wearing apparel from shoes to the hat. Our line this season in every department is much larger than ever before, and we earnestly request you to call and "look us over." Wm. A Painful Uncertainty. In case of sickness of a member of your family, everybody is anxitus to help. Everything Is done to relieve the suffering of the sick person and then a medicine is suggested. You hurry to the drug store and bick, full of that painful uncertainty, whether or not the medicine will have the de sired effect. There Is only one Instance where there Is no doubt as to the re sults, and that Is Trainer's American Elixir of Bitter Wine in all cases of maladies of the stomach and of the bowels. It not only gives Instant re lief, but will gradually perfectly cure the patient; It will give him a healthy appetite, will regulate t tic action of the bowels and strengthen all diges tive organs. 11 ma'lng the digestion thorough, It will renew all blood, give new strength to the muscles and nerves, activity to the brain, a rosy hue to your skin. To healthy person It will preserve and Increase their vigor and ambition. All drugstores. Jos. Trainer, 7!i!i So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. C U S H I 0 N I N S 0 L E Shoes Makes Life's Walks Easy for the cushion feels like a pillow to the feet, and you'll rcall.c that "foot torture is reduced to iooi comiori at once." The secret of this wonderful hoe ia an all-wool felt pad which con forms instantly to the bottom or tne foot, resists the coiu ana aoes noi re quire weeks to break In. BUSTER BROWN" SCHOOL SHOES Sherwood & Son. We have about SON. rv n T rv n O 8 3 Holly THE CLOVER LEAF FARM'S ANNUAL SALE OF POLAND-CHINAS Will be held on Tuesday, October 2.1, I!hni, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. at the farm of Allen Fra.eur, :t miles west and one-half miles south of Fort Crook, and five and one-half miles southeast of Paplllon, Nebraska. Twenty.elght boars and sows, big pigs from big litters. We have pigs not related to those you bought last year. Sale will 1 held under cover. No postponment. Free lunch at noon. Come whether you desire to purchase or not. Terms-Ten months time will ba given on approved note drawing x per cent Interest. Jons M. Fimzici'i: & Sons. II. C. Duncan, Auctioneer. Wc arc now showing a full line of beautiful trimmed hats of latest design; also vcrv popu lar Street and School Hats. H. E. WEIDMAN & CO. MILLINERY pi 8V Frlckc k Co. and Goring it Co. to her two children. 25 cents. Sold by Goring & Co. furnishings at Wm. Holly's.