THE CITY. t'rum Krldnj'i Pully. Ozra Virgin of Murray wasabusl nest visitor in the county scat today. Mrs. John Mehilngcr was among the Omaha passengers on the morning train today. Col. J. C Seybolt of Murray was among the passengers at this station to Omaha on No. lu today. Mrs. Ir. Urcndcl of Murray was among those to take the morning train at this station to Omaha. J. 0. Melslngcr, from west of town, was In I'lattsmouth today and made the Journal ofllce a pleasant call. Miles Standish, who resides near Murray, Is enjoying a visit from his brother, who arrived this morning .from Pittsburg, Pa. Anderson House, superintendent of . the county farm, accompanied by his - wife, departed tb.s morning for Cen tral City, Neb,, where they will enjoy a visit with the family of Mrs. House's brother, A. P. Churchill. On their return home they will also visit a short time In Heaver City. Little Hernlco Richards, who has been 111 for several days Is recovering nicely. When first taken down the Impression gained circulation that she was allllctcd with dlptherla. Such Is not the case. The attending physi cian pronounces It nothing more than a severe case of tonsllltls. Half the rases In town that have been pro nounced dlptherla turned out to lc tonsllltls. H. F. Good, o( Hartington, Neb., but formerly a resident of this county, is here on business and will remain for a few days visit with his many friends In this vicinity. l'rom Hulunlny'g Dally. Mrs. Andrew Scybcrt of Cullom was visiting in the county seat today. Misses Clara Webber and Emma llauer went to the metropolis on No. 7, II. C. Long, who resides near Mur ray, expects to leave Monday for Hea ver City, Neb., where he will spend several days. Mrs. Anna Hrltt.Mrs. W. W.Coates an! Misses Mabel Trussler and Ber nice Newell were Omaha passengers this afternoon. Eugene Tighr, who came down for a visit with his lelatives here, re turned to Lincoln this morning, where be Is attending the university. The toard of insanity today adjudg ed Mrs. Alice M. Brlley to be insane, and sheriff C. I). Qulnton and Mrs. M. K. Manspeaker accompanied her to Lincoln on the afternoon train. The many friends of Mrs. Jacob Phillips, nee Miss Mayme Sullivan, will be pleased to learn that she and her husband are rejoicing over the ar rival of a darling baby girl, born at their home In Chicago a day or two since. J. P. Falter and County Superin tendent J. W. Gamble returned last night from a business trip to Huron, 8. I)., where the latter was to well pleased with the land that he pur chased a quarter section. From MotNlRy'llly. Cyrus Tyson of Lincoln was visiting friends In this city Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Baker of Murray was visiting In the county seat Saturday evening. Miss Dora Horn departed this morn ing for Omaha, where she will visit with relatives. Mrs. Agnes Llbershal returned Sat urday from an extended visit with friends In Omaha. Philip Horn and wife and Mrs. Henry Horn went to Omaha on No. 19 to spend the day. Miss Ella Anderson spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Miss Nel lie Gregg, at Havelock. Dean Grccnslate was down from Omaha to spend Sunday with the fam ily of W. A. Swearlngcn. A. C. Kerr, a real estate man of Central City, Neb., who has been here on business, returned home today. Wm. Tunnlson of Malvern, la., was over visiting with his son-in-law and daughther, Mr. and Mrs. Reno Moore. Henry Long, who has been here scv eral days on business, departed this morning for his home near Burwcll, Neb. Miss Euna Towle, one of the Platts mouth teachers, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Towle, at Wabash. Miss Bessie Tyson, who has been en Joying a visit with friends In this city, departed this afternoon for her home In Elmwood. J. H.Lewis of Beatrlco spent Sun day in this city, the guest of his old friend. W. S. Sorer, whom he has not teen tor ten years. PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. lavo Kunz, wife and daughter, Miss Minnie, have returned to their home In Elmwood after a pleasant visit with the family of Chas. Cook. Mrs. Anna Dreamer, who has been enjoying a visit with the family of her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Cook has re turned to her home in Elmwood. Miss Olive Graves who was home during the final Illness of her father, has returned to Lincoln, where she Is employed In the Nebraska printing Ofllce. Mrs. r. W. Kcelcr, departed this af ternoon for Davenport, la., for a week's visit with her husband's brother before continuing the trip to her home In Spokane, Wash. James Archer, who has been playing ball In the Black Hills, was In town to spend Sunday. Jim Informs us that he Is now located In Waterloo, la., for which place he departed this morning. R. D. Jones of Custer county, Ne braska, who has been visiting with the family of his nephew, W. D. Jones, expects to depart for Tolima, Tcnn., tomorrow where he will spend the winter. From Tuesday' Dully Peter Kcll of Cedar Creek was In town today on business. The will of the late J. D. Sumner of Eagle was admitted to probate to day. Lee Applegate, the Irrepressible democrat from Liberty precinct, was in the city a few hours last evening. W. B. Banning, chairman of the democratic central committee, was up from Union last evening between trains. I). J. Pitman, of Murray, was here between trains last evening, and whllo In town paid his respects to the Journal. Dr. G. H. Gllmoro was ud from Murray last evening on business, and of course called at Journal head quarters. ( Lee J. May field, editor of the Cour Icr, was doing the countv seat todav. and gave the Journal a call. He went from here to Omaha this afternoon. Mr. Henry Long and James Root, of Murray, departed for Furnas county this morning to take a peep at the country with a view of Investing in real estate. Mr. and Mrs. August Jochlm, of near Louisville, were In the city to day, and while here they called at the Journal ofllce and ordered the Old Reliable sent to their home. W. K. Dull and wife drove in from the vicinity of Murray this morning to meet Mrs. Hannah Dull, who ar rived from Sharpsvllle, Pa., for a visit with the family of her son. P. A. II lid came in yesterday for a corn elevator, but did not start home with It until this morning, on account of not setting It loaded up before dark. The machine was purchased from August Gorder. . J. J. Lohnes of near Mynard was in the city this morning to see the doctor in regard to his three-year-old son, who is quite sick. While here Mr. Lohnes gave the Journal a call to renew for the Old Reliable another year. J. D. Rouse and w ife, who have been enjoying a visit with the family of their son, Supt. E. L. House, departed this morning for their homo In Es mond, Kan. Mrs. E. L. Rouse accom panied them as far as Omaha. Tor your Protection wo jdnco thin lalK'l on every pnekngo of Scott's Emulsion. The imin wltba Amu on his back U our trade-mark, nnd It Is a Kunruutce thnt Scott's Emul Mon will tlo nil thnt Is claimed for It. Nothlnjr letter for lung, throat or bronchial troubles In Infant or ndult. Soot fa Emul Hion Is one of the greatest flesh builders known to the medical world. ' uai m a nm,l frt. scon iBownE,mjr::'i W. F. Gilllsple, our genial frlendjat Mynard, returned from his trip to points in Colorado last Friday even lng. While at Cripple (.reek on a I street car It collided with another car. Billy says that while he received no serious Injuries he was pretty tadly shaken up, and thinks that be Is very fortunate that the result Is no worse. Mrs. It. II. Chriswisser and Mrs. F. C Linvllle and children, who have been visiting their parents and other friends In Cass county for the past month, departed this morning for their home In Furnas county. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Chrlsweisser and Z. W. Shra- der, the latter the father of the two ladles, who will spend a week or ten days with their children. From Wednesday' dally. II. M. Norrls of Murray was trans acting business in the city today. : ; II. G.Todd of Murray was a busi ness visitor In the county seat today. Geo. P. Melslngcr, from the vicinity of Cedar Creek, was In the county scat on business today. Sheriff C. D. Qulnton Is busy making a tour of the county to post the elec tion notices this week. Wm. Noxen, Jr., who has been out In Colorado for the past several weeks, returned home this morning. Judge A. W. Crltes and wife came In from Chadron, Neb., this morning for a visit with hls slstcr, Mrs. B. S. Ramsey. Horatio Barker, who has been In an Omaha hospital receiving treatment for several weeks, Is able to be out among his friends again. Miss Flora Donavan, who has been enjoying several weeks visiting In this city, departed for ber home In Jen nings, La., this morning. Miss Mamie Graves, accompanied by her friend, Miss Clara Beckett, who has been visiting with her, departed this morning for Lincoln to resume their duties as nurses in a hospital of that city. Henry Ilucklns of the Lincoln Iler- aid, was In the city a few hours today on business, and departed on the fast mall for Omaha. While here "Iluck" gave the Journal a very pleasant call, and he was all smiles over the pros pects of democratic success In Ne braska. Henry Tel pel, while driving along Washington avenue yesterday noon, bad the rather exciting experience of a runaway. He was thrown from the buggy and sustained a bad sprain to his left wrist, and numerous bruises about the body, that wilt require some tlma in which to recover! The state encampment of the I. O. 0. F. and Rebckah, which has been In progress yesterday and today in South Omaha, closes with a grand reception tonight. Among those In attendance from this city are Mes- dames J. C Peterson, McKay, Kurtz, I. Pcarlman, M. V. Gibson, and Mrs, Andrews. "Out Hell," the favorite cigar, Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block, Dovey's always do as they advertise. Remnants at halt price tomorrow at Dovey's. Don't fall to attend the remnant sale at Dovey's. Johnnie Hatt made a business trip to Omaha on No. 7. G. M. Porter went to Glen wood on business this morning. Over 1,000 yards of remnants at Dovey's bU? sale tomorrow. Hob't Sherwood, Jr., made a business trip to Omaha this morning. Mrs. T. P. Livingston was visiting In the metropolis this afteroon. Mrs. M. A. Mctzgar of Cedar Creek, was visiting in the county seat today, G. F. S. Burton departed this after noon on a business trip to Fremont, Neb. J. A. Snook and Jake Tryhlich of Eagle, were In the city on business today. Mrs. C. C. Miles, who has been visit ing in Sprlngranch, Neb., returned home last evening. I can sell you lands In South Dakota In the best part of the state as cheap as anybody. See Falter. Mrs." W.T. Scottcn and daughter, Miss May, were among the Omaha pas sengers on No. It) today. The Amateur football squad will go to Weeping Water tomorrow to play the team of that place. Mrs. John H. Becker, who has been spending several weeks In Pekln, 111., returned home this morning. L. G. Larson and John P. Sattlcr went to South Omaha to attend the I. O. O. F. encampment today. Col. J. B. Seybolt of Murray was among those to take the morning train from this station to Omaha today. F. L. Hoxle, who has been In the city the past few days on business, de parted for Beatrice, Neb., this morn ing. The Wooitcx man will be at M. Fanger's store all day Saturday with a fine display of goods. Call and see them. Superintendent E. L. Rouse went to Lincoln this afternoon to attend a meeting of the superintendent's association. Miss Georgia Anderson, who has been enjoying, a visit with friends In this city, returned to Gleowood, la., last evening. Chas. Coleman, who has been enjoy' Ing a visit with relatives in this city, departed this afternoon for his home In Chicago 111. Mrs. Paterouskl, who has been vis itlng at the home of Martin Steppat, departed this afternoon for ber home In Itenver, Col. If you have any property to ex change for lands in this state or any where else, don't forget to see Falter In the Coates Block. Mrs. M. L. Beacham arrived from Clarinda, la., today for a visit In this city, the guest of the family of her daughter, Mrs. Grant Owens. Fremont Wheeler and family of Warnervlllc, MadUon county, Zebras ka, came In last evening for a visit with his brother, Frank and family. A healthy man Is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man is an un happy slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. Judge A. W. Crltes and wife, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. B. S. Ramsey, departed this morning for their home in Chadron, Neb. Fanger's Wooltex representative will be at hU store Saturday. Those who want these goods are Invited to call early in the morning and avoid the rush. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic constipation Doan's Hcgulet8 operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. 25c. Ask your druggist for them. Sheriff Feeney of Ft. Pierre. S. I).. offers a reward of $23 for the capture of the tblef who stole a horse on the night of October 13 from a railroad camp near Bovine, S. 1). An entrance to the engine room of the Coates building Is being con structed today on the west side, down through the back room occupied bv II. h. Weidman's stationery store. Fred Olcnhausen and wife departed last evening on a trip to Pekln. III.. where they will spend two months visiting In their old home, and with their many relatives in that vicinity. Remember the Wooltex man will be at my store on Saturday. October 20, with a display of samples, and those who would like to make selec tions are requested to call as early as possible In the forenoon. M. Fanger. Mrs. HughSelverand two children. who have been visiting in this city at the home of J as. Selver. departed ves terday afternoon for Louisville, where tney win visit a short time before re turning to their home In El Reno, Okla. While ejecting a strange cat from her house this morning Mrs. Nitka. who resides on Wlnterstlen bill, was badly scratched and bitten about the hands by the frightened animal which was afterwards shot by Mrs. Ni'tka's son, Antone. If you have lost your boyhood spirits, courage and confidence of youth, we offer you new life, fresh courage and freedom from 111 health In llolllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Gerlng & Co , druggists. Avoid the rush Saturday and call at M. Fanger's Department store and see those fine samples of Wooltex goods. A representative from the wholesale house will be there with a handsome line of samples. Call, if convenient, as early as possible In the forenoon. L. C. Copcnhaver and wife, who have been enjoying a visit to their old home near Seven Mile Ford, Va., re turned home last evening. Norman Copcnhaver, the former's father, ac companied them home, and will visit In this city for several weeks. If an article Is Imitated the origi nal Is always the best. Think it over, and when you go to buy that box of salve to keep around the house, get ucwitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Is the original and the name is stamped on every box. Good for eczema, tct ter, bolls, cuts and bruises, and especi ally recommended for piles. Sold bv F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng & Co. The county scat question over in Mills county, Iowa, Is going to figure somewhat In the election In that coun- ty this fall. The republicans have nominated three candidates for mem bers of the board of supervisors and the democrats have refused to place any candidates In the field, and have agreed to support three Independent candidates. There promises to be a lively election over there this year, and the result Is In doubt. F. M. Massle, democratic candidate for representative, was in the city this afternoon, Interviewing the voters of the county seat. Mr. Massle Is a farmer-and a full-fledged one, at that and knows what his brother yoc- menry need, and If elected, vou can bet your bottom dollar he will see that their Interests are well guarded, along with the Interests of every other tax. payer of Cass county. C JL Bowls. Lnwvef. tM ktti and cue ml jprtfctldi ,V ncB or tautuf uttorn?? k VERY DESTRUCTIVE BLAZE A Cass Count) Firmer Loses Barn, Con tents and Outbuildings. A special from Elmwood gives the following particulars of a serious loss by fire sustained by a prominent Ger man farmer of Cass county: "Word has Just reached here of a serious loss by fire last Saturday that befell Henry Hauschild, a German farmer residing seven miles southeast of Elmwood. A fine new barn he had Just completed was totally destroyed together with one hundred tons of bay and all of his harness. The fire spread to close-by buildings, destroying a double corn crib and granary containing fifteen hundred bushels of grain, a large cat tle shed, chicken house and buggy and wagon shed. By hard work of neigh bors who came to the family's assist ance the large two-story frame house was saved. The loss will be very heavy, as the only insurance be had was a thousand dollars on the new barn. He expects to rebuild at once, as soon as material and mechanics can be obtained. The origin of the fire is unknown. In this case it seems as though ill luck did not come single- handed, as only the week before Mr. Hauschild was thrown from his buggy and sustained a broken leg." Police Court Doing. John Miller was arraigned before J udge Archer this morning on a charge of discharging firearms within the city limits, on Sunday last. He plead guilty, and wa3 taxed a fine of $5 and costs, which was suspended until the coming pay day, when he promised to remit. A. A. Hertzler was In to file a war rant against the woman, Miss Marga ret Heuland, who insists on staying at his place, after he has repeatedly asked her to leave. No complaint could be Issued on theso grounds, and the court advised Mr. Hertzler to make complaint before the board of insanity. DEATH OF MRS. SHAFFER Passes Away at 1:30 A. M, at Home of Htr Daughter, Mrs. E. S. Barstow In Lincoln, Neb. A message received in this cltv this morning conveyed the sad Intelligence of the death of Mrs. Katberlne E. Shaffer, at 1:30 o'clock this morning. aged sixty-five years, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Barstow, in Lincoln. The news came as a great shock to the many friends In this city, where the deceased resided with her daugh ter for several years, and during this hour of bereavement Mr. and Mrs. Barstow receive the sympathy of this entire community. The deceased was born in the vear 1842, In the village of Holldaysburg, ra. The funeral will take Dlace Sat urday afternoon at Plattsmouth the remains being conveyed from BurllDg ton train No. 2, which arrives at 4:23 p.m., to the cemetery where services will be held before Interment. A sour stomach, a bad breath, a pasty complexion and other conse quences of a disordered digestion are quickly removed by the use of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treat ment free. Sold by Gerlng & Co's drugstore. In the various display windows of E. G. Dovey & Son, attractive exhibit of warm comforters, neat looking Queen (Quality shoes, arranged under a threatening snowfall, men's shoes parading under fascinating prlces.and beautiful queensware, may be seen by passers by this week. C. S. Twlss, formerly a resident of this city, but now located In May- wood, Neb., Is visiting In the city to day. We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sirsiparilla you have known til your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. ftnltal tlitre It dull 7 artlnn of III bnwili, fxiltuKnu, priMtunt ar ahturhrit. mu.liif bo4 rh. blUuuanrta, itauirit, drflppaia. ami thua praoauthiK th Sara.rHI lrm ilolnf Ita ! work. Ayr' I'llla i litar pllia. Act nully, til f aiatil. A Mad tT J. O. Ayr Co., Lswall, MaM. 7 NOR VIQflt. yers Aiil E CUB. (HtRRY PECTORAL. W hurt no itr-tli 1 V.a publlah Ik forma a rf all out andiinM. yJi' r UJf.t loot IN Speaks at Milwaukee. Madison and Watertown in a Dash Through the State. HE COMPLIMENTS LAFOLLETTB Senator's Followers, He Declares, Ar Unknowingly Democrats. Arcum Money Magnate of Crime .but 6 jr. the Uw Ha Demor alized Tbem-Otber Io litical News. Milwaukee, Oct. 18. William J. Rry. ah arrived at Milwaukee about 2 p. iu. and addressed a large gathering of people w ho had been w aiting over tw o hours for him to appear at the Alham bra theater. Bryan, was scheduled to speak at noon, but was detained on ac count of a misunderstanding of the arrangements. Bryan was given an enthusiastic reception. He sjtoke for the state and congressional tickets and dwelt at length on national questions, repeating many of hit views as ex pressed in other speeches. Money Magnate All Crooked? Bryan concluded bis speech as fol lows: "There Is scarcely a great mon ey magnate In this country who lias not liet n found crooked In his business, relations. It Is all because when you allow a man to gather money by im moral means his nature becomes per verted, and ho cannot see things in their right proortiou. You allow pre d itory wealth not only to plunder the people, but you allow It to demoralize those who -were Its IxMienVarles. They have debauched politics, they have cor rupted business. Will you help us now to apply this remedy? You have a chance In the election of our Demo cratic friends to congress and you lmvti a chance lu the election of our state ticket, from Mr. Ayhvard down." Journey with LaFolIotte. Madison. Wis., Oct: IS. William J. rr-nu concluded his visit in Wisconsin by speaking hero, having paid a short visit to Watertown en route. At Wat ertown he was met by I'nlted States) Senator LaFoIlette, who journeyed! with him to this city. Bryan in his speech at Milwaukee earlier in the day had taken occasion to praise Senator LaFoIlette nnd declare that the Wis consin followers of LaFoIlette were Democrats, but did njt know It. Nebraskan MUae Connection. Chicago, Oct. 18.4-Wllllnm J. Bryan spent a few minutes In Chicago that) were disastrous to plans laid for big receptions to him in Kenosha. He got hlg Mutinies tangled up so that he took a train for Janesville, Wis,, in stead of goinc to Kenosha, whern . 000 waited In front of tho opera bouse ror mm in vain. It Is said that a mis take was made at Lincoln, Neb., when mapping out his Itinerary. 'IN THE EXEMV S CODNTKY" Hearst Make a Spell-Binding Dash Through (Northern New York. riattsburg. N. T., Oct. 18.-iIIearBt's dash Into the Republican "north coun try began at Watertown and extend ed In a long sweep, round the north. ern edge of the Adlrondnrks thronch Jefferson, St. Lawrence, Franklin and i imton counties 'to riattsburg. Tho first meeting of the dav was held in the railroad yard at Watertown, where rrom the car n atform Hearst ad dressed a largo open-air audience at ine noon Hour. v orkmen flocked from the factories to hear the Democratic candidate. Iteverldge at Logansport. Loganport. Ind., Oct. 18. Senator Albeit J. Iteverldge spoke bete be fore a large audience, making his first political speech in tho Indiana cam paign. The senator devoted the most of the address to n discussion of the tariff. lie made a plea for n limited! tariff revision. He said there should be changes In some tariff schedules be cause the conditions those schedules) were made to fit have changed, and putting It off might compel general re vision. Kducutor to Mnrry a 1'rlncevs. San Francisco, Oct. IS. Jerome II. Lmidtlcld, professor of history at the Fnlverslly of California, Is engaged to a Russian princess. 1'rofessor I.and fic'.d met the Princess I.lnba Lobanov In St. Petersburg last summer, and promptly fell In love with ber. The professor had a powerful ally In the Grand Duchess Marie. The princess Is a sister of Lady Kgerton, wife of the Rrltlsh ambassdor at Rome. Ha Studied Too Hard. Roston, Oct. IS, William H. Jones, a young man whose homo Is at Jollet, 111., Is held by tho police at Spring field, Mass.. until his parents arrive. Jones Is a Harvard student, entering from n western College, where several years of hard study were supplement ed by n vigorous test during vacation time. He worked at copying, book keeping and tutoring to pay for his tuition and has been in poor health for several weeks. The collapse came when Jones was going from Cam bridge to New York for a rest. He was found singing college songs on the streets. Mother and Two Son Ilurnrd. Lima. O., Oct. 18. Mrs. Clinton Bryan nnd her two suns,aged 8 month and 2 years, were burned to death wlthJ their Lome In this city. The (Ire Is be lieved to hare resulted from a gasoline rxploslon. BRYAN WISCONSIN