The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 04, 1906, Image 2

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Vmiu PrUUjr'ii rlly.
James Alloway, of Louisville, was .n
Flattsmouth today.
Postmaster S. I), tela, ot Elruwood,
n In the city today on business.
John U. Jfope, was a passenger for
home on the early morning train.
Mrs. I!. F. Brandel ami Mrs. Chas.
Carroll, of Murray, were In Platts
mouth today. ' ' ',..
C. S Stone, who has been dollar ser
vice on the jury. Omaha this
afternoon, haying" been discharged
until Monday. '
A marriage .license was Issued by
County Judge II. D. Travis today to
Dctrlck V, Butt, of Bethany, and
MIss'Albcrtlna Wcnzel of Eagle.
William DelesDernlcr came over
from Kim wood today. Ha says lie be
came so lonesome without Joe Mullen,
that he thought he would come over
and take him home.
F. F. Towlo sold his eighty-acre
farm southwest of town last Tuesday
to Dick Klrchhoff, for lit.000, or $75
per acre. Mr. Towlo goes to the north
part of the state Tuesday to look for
a new location, as he will have to give
possession of the farm here on March
first. Weeping Water Republican.
W. A. Swearlngen, who has been
agent at the M. I'. depot In this city
lor tome time, has been appointed
chief clerk to Agent Loftus In the
general freight offlce of the company
at Omaha. Mr. Swearlngen will enter
upon his new duties Jnst as soon as he
can be relieved here. lie will not re
move his family to that city for sev
eral weeks.
Our good friend, Walter K. Tallin,
who has ocen here several days at
tending court, returned to his home
in Greenwood this morning. He found
time to drop In and see tho Journal
during his stay in town, and we were
glad to be favored with a long chat
with him. Mr. railing Is one of the
reliable democrats of Cass county, and
one of the very best citizens.
A. II. Wagner, foreman of the con-
htructlon crew of the Nebraska Tele
phone company, is here making extea
lve repairs on the company's line be
tween Nebrask City and Omaha. Mr
Wagner Is here with the following
men: A. B. Farley, J. B Lester, W.
F. Green, W. Williams, L. J. Quln, F.
itrickson, u. Meriactn ana Aipna 11
Hell. The crew will remain here till
next Wednesday.
to attend the first anniversary of the
wedding of his granddaughter, Mrs.
Chestor Baylor of that city, lie re
ports a very pleasant time.
Our old friend, C. S. Wortman, sr.,
was down i rom South liend on busi
ness today, and gave the Journal a call.
lie expects to depart Tuesday for a
trip to Washington and Oregon, for
the benefit of his health, and w ill be
gono several months. Jle promises to
let us hear from him while away.
TheOison Photograph Company will
move from their present location on
Main street to one of the rooms In the
Coates Block, the first of the coming
week. This rustling tlrm have been
overrun with work for the past few
weeks, and the change will give them
more convenient quarters, lhclr
specialty Is scenic post card views and
they are certainly a winner.
Mrs. Loulso Cooper, who has been
making her home with her son, liert,
in Chchalls, Wash., for the past nine
months, returned to her home In this
city last evening. Mrs. Cooper re
ports a very pleasant time In the west,
and says that she visited In various
points In the state. She Is also In re
ceipt of a letter from her son, Lem,
who is In the navy, stating that he
will arrive in New York about Octo
ber 15, and she has hopes of his com
ing home for a short visit at least.
From Hittnrdiiy'g lnlly.
K. K. Mckels, of near Murray, was
a Flattsmouth visitor today.
Mrs. James Allison, of near Murray,
was a Flattsmouth visitor today.
A. M. Holmes of Murray was In
town on business yesterday afternoon.
W. M. Wehrbcln and wife from near
Murray were county scat visitors to
day. Dr. Ehter, Dentls,
Waterman Block
John Kelly, of Cedar Creek, was
looking after some business matters
in Flattsmouth today.
Geo. Horn, of Cedar Creek, was
looking after some business matters
in Flattsmouth today.
Mrs. A. L. Baker, Mrs. Farr and
Mrs. Johns of Murray, were Flatts
mouth visitors yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Young, of Murray, was in
the city today, and while here called
and had ber name added to the Jour
rial's very large list of patrons at that
point. They all want the news of the
county, and know Tight where to get
II. C. McMaken returned yesterday
morning from Omaha, where he went
Pale, Thin,
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it Ayer's Sarsa
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Thin U tho ArM mMtlmi tmnt doctor womM
k: "in your butrrli incuiar?" II" ki'
that lUllr Uoo of Hi. !.. It It lilutfl?
ruiul to recovery. Keen your liver tattv
nd y.viir howxlt regular bf Uktug Ulllv
utM 01 Ajt I lilt.
From TucMluy't Dally
Jacob Seybert of Cedar Creek was a
county scat visitor today.
Geo. Peters of Avoca was a business
visitor in the county scat today.
Glen Bawls of Mnrray was in town
last evening for a visit with home
John Melslnger and W. I). Jones
were visiting In the Melslnger settle
ment yesterday.
J. M. Hoover of Louisville was
among the business visitors in the
county scat today.
County Clerk W. E. Ilosencrans and
wlfo who have been in Kim wood the
past week, returned home yesterday.
lr. Hungate of Weeping Water
was among the witnesses in the case
of the estate of Sarah Phllpot, de
The proper permit to wed was Issued
this morning to Dledrlch Schwegmann
of Palmyra and Miss Barbara Leldlg
of Alvo.
Harry HulTer and wife of Havelock
were visiting with relatives In this
city Sunday, returning home this
Miss Anna Thompson arrived today
from Alliance, Neb., and Is visiting
with the family of her brother, J. L.
Mrs. Hoy Dodge of Omaha, who has
been visiting relatives for the past
week, returned to her home last Sat
urday evening.
Paul Wurl, wife and son, who have
been visiting with relatives In this
city, departed this morning for their
home In Byron, Neb.
Wilson UUmoor, Ed Hay and son
and Chas. Mclntyreof Weeping Water
were In town today to appear as wit
nesses in the case of the estate of
Sarah Phllpot, deceased.
The sheriff has received a card from
the Bennington authorities who offer
a reward of 9,0 for the capture of the
party who stole a team and buggy
near that place.
Geo. J. Melslnger, from near My-
nard, was transacting business in the
county seat today, and while here
called and enrolled his name for the
Pally Journal.
Mrs., n. N. Dovey and daughter
Miss Helen, returned last evening
from their visit In Chicago. Miss
Helen left . for the cast over eight
weeks ago, and has been visiting in
Chicago, Detroit and various other
points of interest in the cast. While
she was gone she was In ten different
states and Canada.
P. F.Clausen returned last evening
from a visit with his parents in Ar
cadla, la. He expects to depart in
few days for Arapahoe, where ho has
In view a good business proposition
and should everything prove satlsfac
tory, Mr. Clausen will locate in Arapa
hoe. Ills many friends In this city
will regret to lose him from their
Aim atuuftMlanr t
tUU VMiOt.
.on cm.
W k Menu t Wt ulla
fbramlM of all our i4ictntt.
r'roru WrilnrwUy'i tlnlly.
Clate Ilosencrans left on No. 7 for
Willie Fitzgerald spent the evening
in Omaha.
Mrs. Chas. L. Martin is reported on
the sick list, today.
. Henry Miller of Weeping Water
visiting here today.
J. A. Pollard of Nehawka was
business visitor In the county seat
One tlisonse of. thinness in
children is hcrofiiln; in adults
consumption, I'.otli have hv
lilootl : liotli need more fat.
se diseases thrive on lean
. Fat is the lest means of
vervomiii tliem; cod liver oil
makes the and healthiest
t and
. '" ......
is the easiest ami most cfUvtive
n ia of cod liver oil. IIoiv'h a
ia tn nil nrdiT of thiiiM that
Iiowm why Scott-8 I.iiiuIhod is
f ho much value in all cases of
Tofnla anil consumption. More
it, iiion weight, more nourish
lent, that's whv.
Ay 717 for five snrnjik:
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
409 415 Pearl Street, New York
$0c. ana1) 1.00 ii it ii ti A U drufghti
)C DC )DCJC n Cl
Claude Everett, of Union, was Here
today to attend the convention.
The case of Carey vs. Craig will be
tried to the jury this afternoon.
Sam Patterson came In from Arapa
hoe this morning for a brief visit to
home folks.
Lee Applcgate and W. It. Cross of
Union were up today to attend the
John II. Snead, an old time Flatts
mouth boy, now of Lincoln in the
employ of the R. k M. Is visiting In
the city, '
Rob't Windham, who has been em
ployed by the telephone company In
Arapahoe. Is In the city for a 'visit
with home folks.
J. M. Craig, who Is located near
Burwell, Neb., Is In town on business,
and for a visit with his many friends
in this vicinity.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and Mrs. L. B.
Underwood of Murray, were In town
last evening to attend the meeting of
the Eastern Star.
II. B. Windham went to Omaha
this morning to attend a meeting of
the board of trustees of the deaf and
blind schools In Nebraska.
F. T. Darrow and wife who have
been enjoying a visit with friends in
this city, returned to their home In
Lincoln, this afternoon.
Mrs. M. Hlatt and nelec Mrs. D. J.
Tennent of OkoboJI, la., went to
Glcnwood this morning to spend the
day with Mr. and Mrs. F. I). Caldwell.
In district court the case of the
estate of Sarah Phllpot, deceased, was
given to the Jury this afternoon, which
has not reached a decision as we go to
The funeral of the seven weeks old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shonp.
which died yesterday, was held this
morning at 10 o'clock from the family
We are rapidly netting our stock of Fall Goods in shape
so as to show them to good advantage when you come to look
them over. The largest line of Fall Underwear and the larg
est line of Hosiery in town, at the lowest prices.
Fall Dress Goods! ll;?z
of colors In Henriettas and Danish
Cloths, 30 Inches wide, at a yard.
Also a nice line of Tartan Checks.
. Shoes In Two Glasses!
Shoes may be divided into two classes
one represented by the shoe the foot
holds, the other by the shoe that holds
the loot. Already too many are fa
mllar With the first to their sorrow.
A shoe that simply covers and gener
ally hurts the foot; a limp bit of leath
er that does not support the foot in
any way. Such a shoe Is a constant
source of weariness, for the foot Is
forced to do all the work unaided. The
second class is best represented by the
"yueen Quality" a shoe that tits
snugly yet easily at every point; that
braces, supports and aids the foot so
that half the fatigue of walking is ov
- crcome.- C2.50, $100 and ti 50.
WactintTC I Mercerized Plaids at 25
Uddll.lgO. cents, Wool Waistings
at 43 cents, Silk Kay Waistingsat tiOc
and a beautiful line of Silk Waist pat
terns in Plaids, Obecks'and Stripes.
We are also showing something nowtn
a Lining Satin Herringbone Stripe, 3t
Inches wide, at 11.00 per yard.
Prints In grey, blue and
light shirting prints
best makes, 5c a yd., coming In 3 to 10
yds. in length. Remnants of Outing
Flannel and Ginghams, a nice assort
, ment, at Oca yd.
. The Buttsrick Patterns
are ackowledged to be the best and
the most reliable to use. We carry a
complete line of these patterns.
10c and 15c None Higher.
The cool nights and mornings will be a gentle reminder
that the stove must be put up and may call for a new Floor
OilCloth. We carry the biggest line in town. Several of the
large Rugs made from Carpet ends are still on hand and are
offered at a bargain. A handsome lot of small and medium,
sized Rugs.
E. . B)iY & I
I n u mi u it it H
J. T. Rhoden, who has been taking
treatment for rheumatism at the
mineral springs near Burlington Junc
tion, Mo., returned home this after
noon very much Improved.
John Strelke is a new man In the
dry goods and carpet department of
h. (r. Dovey & hons store. Mr.
Strelke assumed his position with
that firm last week, and comes from
Alpena, Mich., very highly recommended.
Miss Ida Weldman returned from
her visit to Plalnvlew last evening, ac
companied by her nephew, Carl Ebln
ger, who will visit relatives a short
time. Miss Ida is looking remarkably
well, as a result of her trip, which the
Journal Is pleased to note.
True and tried friends of the family
-DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Best
for results and best, to take. Rosy
checks and sparkling eyes follow the
use of these dependable little pills.
They do not gripe or slckpn. Sold by
F. (J . Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng Co.
"Gut neil," the favorite cigar,
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
Hans Goos of Plainvle w is In the city
for a visit with friends.
J. ). Wood of Louisville was a
Flattsmouth visitor todaj?.
A.C.Carey and wife of Louisville
were In the city today on business.
Miss Muriel Barthold was a passen
ger for Gleiwood, la., this morning.
Geo. J. Melslnger of Mynard was
registered at the Perkins hotel today.
Philip Thelrolf and John Melslnger
were passengers to the metropolis this
S. L. Barker of Cedar Creek was
transacting business in the county
scat today.
P. F. Clausen departed this morning
for Arapahoe, Neb., where he has de
cided to locate.
Louis Hansen came in from Arapa
hoe, Neb., last night for a visit with
friends in this vicinity.
J. P. Sattler and wife went to Oma
ha on the morning train today to at
tend the Ak-Sar-Ben.
O. M. Strelght and wife and Mrs.
J. W. Sage were among those to board
No. 1 for Omaha today.
L. G. Manners, of Alvo, who has just
returned from a trip to the Paclfice
coast, was In the city today.
Jake Lohncs went to South Omaha
this morning, where he expects to
purchase a car load of sheep.
T. M. Corbctt and wife of Wayne,
Nebr., arc expected In the city today,
where they will visit as the guests of
Dr. and Mrs.'Martin.
The regular weekly prayer meeting'
of the Christian church, which was
postponed last evening, will be held
! tonight at the usual time.
Dr. E. W. Cook and wife, D. Hawks-
worth, A. L. Richards and wife, and
Mrs. R. W. Clements were among
those to board No. 7 for Omaha today.
Ralph Towle departed last night
over the Missouri Pacific for Kansas
City, where he will enter upon his
duties as government meat Inspector.
Got Rich Quickly.
Thales, the Greek philosopher, de
llvcred a strong speech against the
senseless mania to net rich bulckly. A
ricn man remarked that all unfit to
acquire wealth speak the same way
Thales answered, he will prove that it
is easier to get rich than wise. He cn
gaged in business and devoted all his
time and energy to it, as well as his
high education. Within a year he has
more money than his competitors
made In their whole life. "I had odo
partnkr" he said, "a good stomach.'
r.noever wanis to be successful In
life, has to haue a good stomach, and
the only remedy which will keep every
stomach strong and healthy Is Trl-
ncr's American Elixir of Bitter Wine
it makes me digestion perfect, the
blood rich and pure, the nerves and
the brain powerful. Even If you are
enjoying the best of health you should
preserve It by thia grape-wlne remedy,
At drug stores, Jos.Trlner, m So,
Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
W. B. Banning and W. F. Tracey
of Union were In tho city on business
A. W. Atwooi and wife, John
Kraegerand daughtar, and Mrs. Por
ter and daughter were passengers for
the metropolis this morning to view
the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
Mrs. E. I). Cummins went to Oma
ha this morning, where she and the
Dr. will take part in the automobile
parade, the Dr. having taken his ma
chine to Omaha several days ago.
Dr. C A. Marshall, wife and daugh
ter, and Miss Ruth Johnson and her
cousin, Miss Lucille Sanders, of Lees
burg, Ohio, went to Omaha this after
noon to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben fes
tivities. For Sale Fll-acre farm; 115 acres
under cultivation, balance In pasture;
located between Flattsmouth and
Murray; fair improvements. Price
$00.00 per acre, If taken at once. In
quire of J. P. Falter.
Misses Mary and Susan Holdredge
came down from Omaha this morning
to attend the 1 o'clock luncheon given
by the "Wood-be-Goods" In honor of
Miss Elizabeth Dovey at the home of
Mrs. C. C. Parmele.
Chas. Brown and wife, of
rived In Flattsmouth yesterday even
ing on a visit to Mrs. Brown's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lowther, near
Mynard. . Mr. Lowther and Mr.
Brown went to Omaha this morning.
The many friends of the family of
Mrs. Fat McCallan will regret to learn
of their Intended removal to Omaha,
where Mrs. McCallan's son, Sam, is
employed in the offices of the Burling
ton. They expect to move to the me
tropolis the middle of this month.
Bert Dunn, who has been playing
ball with a base ball team In Mobile.
Ala., this season, was in the city to
day. Theclub with which he has been
attached belongs to the Southern
league, and quit the season as third on
the list. Mr. Dunn's home Is In Weep
ing Water, and has been playing ball
witn tne Mobile team several years.
Dr. Jensen erf-.Weeping Water was
In the county seat today on business,
taking the afternoon train to Omaha.
B. Lewin, representing the whole
sale jewelry house of his father, Ben
jamin Lewin, of tBuffalo, N. Y., was
in town today. I
The Choral union will meet tonight
with Mrs. Hasse.. In order that the
work may be properly begun for the
year every member should be present
at 7:30. ,i.
Henry Iloffort of Fierce county is
here this week for a visit with his
many friends and relatives in this
county, where he formerly lived.
Robert Ballance, general foreman of
the Burlington roi-ndhouse and rerjair
shops In Denver, Col., is in the city
for a visit with his brothers, George
and William. He is accompanied by
his wife. i
M. E. Hartman and family dcDarted
this afternoon for McCnok. '
they will make their future home.
Miss Gertrude, who is employed in E.
D. Dovey & Son's store, will remain
In this city.
Many men give lavishly of cold.
To bnlld bridges and castles and tow
ers of old; '
If you want everlasting fame, a bene
factor be, ."'
Give the poor and needy Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Gerlng & Co.
The service preparatory to the com-
munion at the Presbyterian church
next isunaay morning, will be held
Saturday nlgltf at 7:30. Everyone is
urged to attend. Members of the S.
P. S. take notice'.
The sheriff has-recelved an offer of
$S0.00 for the capture and conviction
of the thief, who stole a team unrt hm.
gy In Inland, ' which Is located near
Clay Center. The authorities of that
county are inclined to believe that a
gang of horse thieves are operating In
that vicinity, as many teams have been
stolen recently.-
Have you backache? Get a box of
Kidney-Ettes the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney . troubles, and
they will make you right. 2rc. Ger
lng & Co., druggists.
-Your Ice"; IS
By purchasing one of those high-grade
Refrigerators Below Cost
GASOLINE STOVES, of best make at prices that are WAY BELOW COST
Come in and sec me when you need these goods and get prices on
many other desirable articles in the line ot
Hoisefirnishing Goods.
i-airuujuvur-aUJ .sums, tt