The Plattsmouth Journal 11 H1.1M1EI I t KIT AT PLATTSMOUTH. NE3KASKA. R. A. HATES, IH-BUSUEK. trtx 4 nwc J ai n4Ur. ?.!3 CI ?ii4 lmi'" Dmocitio County Convention. Th donuvtitlCf lector of C4scoun' tt are hereby called to meet la F.iUs mouth, ou Yr.iiNEiui, CVtx'HER 3, 1W, at one o'clock p. rn., for the purpose of p'.iclrn: la nomination candidates for the fcl low in soirees: One candidate for iat Scutor. Twocandidates for lpresenutlre. One candidate for Commissioner Kirvt dLstrict. One candidate for County Attorney. The basis of representation Is fixed at one delegate for each 10 rotes cast at the last general election for Hon. O. W. Hasting for Jud of the su preme court, and one delegate for each fraction thereof. This M entitle each precinct to the follow In nuxter f debates to M'.d courentiMv The Fa'.'.s C:ty Jourr. ! w The editor of the Weeping Water Krr.ot Pollard U ere of the yew Herald, and recent'. y appoir.ted sclux I repuKioa!-.." ' po-tn:atcr of that city, is feeling The New is not d.;xMl to .-air-' grateful toCorijrressnan lV.lard for re, w.ta ov.r csteetv.ed cor.terr.po-; h:s jo: and ot course is very anx- ary, the Journal, but we are of the , ious tosce"Ilasy Money" returned opinion that if Mr. Foliar d is of the to congress to "star. J by Roose "r.ew schooV we much prefer the ve'.t!" In a long editorial he says old school. Among the many j "Pollard stood s-juarely for the whom the tcpublicaus have sent to Roosevelt program ia the last ses congress from this district there jsion. He stands today with him in every reform that he has an nounced his intention of securing," were few who had the thousands of dollar to their credit that has Pol lard, and not one among them has ever accepted pay for time when he was not nominated or elected to of fice a did Mr. Pollard. For hon esty, give us the "old school." Nebraska City News. New school, forsooth. Why, the penchant manifested by Mr. Pol lard is characteristic of a republican office-holder, as old as the republi can party. It has ever been the policy of this sentry to look upon a public o:V;ce as a private snap. It has 1 ecor.-.e so common that tt is I Lk i' - -f"i.... - n-, " , i f ) .si . .!-! .-. i- v i. r ...... I ,'f. t I .... .,'.1, ,.. v . .. I M r t.rvT ... . f' 4 1 ,t r !.. iV,1- .., k HlL!, ruttH'utii rittvr,Min flrM wnl. . wwl I tttitU r,L U.fixjrth aani. tiCn tnl. n-i W I-1 4 I'ltjr t ItM rl. t. rx4 t,L I; iMrvl int. i . . Twl nun !r ifckVi" It ts also requested by the commit tee that the primaries of the urious precincts be held on SATVKlV,SKI-rK.MKK 2, between the hours ot 6 and ? o'clock p. ru., at their usual otln places. lly order of the county central com mittee. H. K. It km no, Chairman Committee. M. A. Bate. Secretary. etc. Salary grafting, too. we pre sume. But why say, "he stands by Roosevelt?" Why not say he stands by the republican party that nominated him and for the princi ples for which the party stands, as announced in its platforms with its robber protecting theories? fQ Has Roosevelt become the whole show himself, that he must be sub stituted for the principles of his party and all the good (?) things it stands for? And if the reforms he has !er. and is aivociting are so incorporated as one of the cardinal j KOod and i-opular.teir.g democratic Eirtlej i:i "Bjs!er" Brs. ! Joe Hartley, who formerly lived i a: Atkinson, was up here on a visit i quite recently and talked a little politics with his old-time friends. When Joe was in the banking bus iness at Atkinson he was extremely popular and did many a good (turn for many people, and notwithstand- i: g his unfortunate relation to the state treasury, still has many friends who are glad to see him. Many have felt that Bartley was much more sinned against than sinning and a quiet talk which he had with a few friends this last trip will convince more people that Bartley has suffered for the sins of others as well as his own. Chatting one evening witha few old-time friends of different shades of politics, they began to discuss N orris Brown. Bartlev made r.o remark about him until some per son asked him the question, "Joe, what do you think about Norris Brown?" 'Well." said Joe. "o of the banks at Kearr.ev needed money badly to help out its custom- maite a .i thorough rottenness of w;:o.e rartv, n:ca and low. j;i principles, of the party. Po'.'.ard jn tVery particular, whv not elect . trs. I supposed the bank was safe :;s.ns he did only what thousands of !a democrat to congress, and not try1 and I let it have 'j,y of the state ot.ier repub. :ca:i o:..ce-ho...ers have , to make democrats out of question-; money. It was when times were ; done. The exposes that have Kxn able material? Or. first, let the re- j prettv hard and lots of banl ran party declare in its plat-l ed assistance, although such banks were supposed to be perfectly safe. So the bank got $6,OX)of the non ey anyway. Norris Brown wanted to borrow $2,000 from the bank and gave his note for it. The bank failed and I lost nearly all of the $5,000 of the state money that I had put into it. It was a part of the shortage for which I am held ac countable. Norris Brown got the i 14 ! the The continued success of that party Thk newspaper that pleasescvcry lody has nut yet tven established. This paper is the nearest approach to the ideal that we know of. is taken as an approval of its meth ods, hence Mr. Pollard is amaed that his taking of the paltry $1.9 O is made the subject of cspeciil men tion. Surely he still continues to be a disciple of the old school. Falls City News. "Old school" or "new school," "I'asy Money" has the $1,900, and. in his own language, when ques tioned about it. said. "I got the money, I am going to keep it. and would like to see the people help themselves!" AttorneyGexeral M oonvsays he can imagine a situation in which I President Roosevelt might accept IH:XK ats should not forget the nomination. So can almost precinct and ward primaries next an-vcrc-Saturday September .1. Remem-, Ut the hours from 6 to S p. m.! War c:i l" i-e trust in Omaha Sve that a full delegation is select-1 prolubly will soon be settled by a ed from ever)- ward and precinct, j tevr raore spells of the kind of fill ed. but of course failed as they were form for these popular reforms, (when approved JLy a republican president) and . then it will not be necessary to say "stand by Roose velt." The phrase is used simply to catch votes because Roosevelt has made himself somewhat popu lar by advocating certain democratic principles and only shows a weak ness of the republican position weather we have len enjoying the Ib X A. C Sit VI.LKNPEROER. the democratic candidate for and Hon. T. I. Iv!e. candidate! Ir for congressman, will speak in I a -ed sixteen tried to kiss Mr. Plattsmouth on the dav of the court- j E:ya:i ::pCa bl Iite ' Cia- ty conwntioa Wednesdav. Octo-1 c:asJl1- Yc"' rk"' which stands by the trusts or the ! money but when the bank failed he ' 'interests' as some term it. The : had his property in his wife's name "every reform which Roosevelt has ; and offered the receiver $100 in fall aaiivuunu u.j vi svui - payraeUl OI ICC Z,IMJ. 1 CIS WSS ing" haveleen demanded by two: only Sve cents on the dollar but or three democratic national con- the way Brown had his propeuy ventions in the past ten years, and 'covered up. the "rereh-e- n-u the democrats in congress all con-1 pied to accept the Sve cents on sistently stood by their guns and ! cs the dollar." Then Bartlett not only voted for all the reform j drew a long breath and said, "they v.a...c uc.u.c send me who lost the money to the tody. but did all in their power to, penitentiarj- and now they want to 4.,.u-i.v.a-3. m sena urowa wr.o got the monev to terests of the trusts and corpora- the United States senate." lions, trosi emasculating a.; suet j Then Joe rested hisad on his ic.orm measures ia; were propos-.ajr. anj seeminrlv in Wi r tnought for several minutes. All is said that sixteen young ber o. Remember the date. wish vou was Mr. Brvan? Goverxor Ct Mvixs has been in- Goverxox Mickey has denounc vitedto speak ia Nebraska. The Land Commissioner Elton and Iowa idea is about to take a sneak across the Missouri river. It will appear very queer to Nebraskans to hear Cannon and Shaw preaching one doctrine and Cummins and Taft taking issue on the revision sidejof the tariff question. There is talk of Jesse L. Root as candidate for state senator on the republican ticket. Mr. Root has a great many friends in Cass county; he is a very capable mia. Agaia, there are a number of republicans who feel Mr. Root was iastrumeat al in a measure ia electing a few democrats to county orSce, and that he had beea at times half-hearted ia his support of the ticket. We feel that he is a gentleman of his word, that he works well whea he is oa the ticket, aai that no betteer qual ified run could be found ia the county. Weeping Water Herald. The Stewart Ledger, a straight rerub'.icaa paper, ha experienced, a charge c: the election of the rep: cart and is opposing .iMicaa tick et for the reason that the railroads and the elevator trust, under the Uttd the nomination of Frown. Sheldra and the r.-t. It reall seems more daicalt for tht'eceper ations to cover th;ir tracks than i: ,csu to a tew years sg$ the brrsh bunds that the roais have constructed with Brews. She'.dcs and a few ether decoy ducks. wou,!d have cade some very good shoot ing fcr the sportsmen. But things are net so at present. Beatrice Auditor Searle. both of them candi dates for re-election, and now the party organs are denouncing Mickev. Ir the panic of IS-) 3 was due to President Cleveland, to whom was the panic of 1$73 due? This coun try has not seea harder times than it had ia 1575-7-. Hogs on foot sold at $1.5) and com went at 10 cents per bushel. Don't forget these facts when discussing party respoasibility. The World-Herald editorial re published ia the Journal seems to have touched Farley in a tender spot. Or. rather, the substitute who wrote the article in last even ing's News. The fact is, there is more truth than poetry ia the Wcrld-Herald editorial, and there is where the shoe pinches so tight. r.bered and the that causes some strange voting was strong, some people ca". it cam paign contributions to protect the "interests." He sas "the democratic con gressional committee has gotten to gether a good sired campaign fund to be used ia every district where there is a chance of electing a dem ocrat." We hardly think any cam paign fund raised by the committee will be "good si;ed"enough to per vert the will of the people and it will not be contributed by the trusts and corporations that keep the re-1 publican party in power. It will hardly e;ual the Sve million "hurry op call" that saved the national honor (?) ia 1S?6. When Rocke feller turns to be a democrat it will be safe to vote for republican can didates and not before, except you have aa "interest" in the protected concerns. Vote for Doyle. about was silence, sion for silence. It was an occa Bartlev setme-d to le in a rever.e. Then one of his friends asked. "Joe. what are you thinking about?" "Win." said Joe, "I have just been thinking that they claim that I am a crimin al and that Norris Brown is a re former." Holt County Independ ent. This seems pretty tough oa the great poser of reform, "Buster" Brown, the republican candidate for United Sates senator. "We wealth. want to protect honest Let there be no star.dmg as to this. But the dem ocrat party at the same time war Ir we assume that a familv con sists on an average of Sve persons, it will cost every family in the United States $55,10 to pay the debts contracted by the last session of congress. Congress appropriat ed a sum eual to $11.02 per capita on the S 3.O00, 000 people in this country. It was not a proper ty tax, but an indirect, insidious. dishonest tarif and interna! rev- ,tuut r.i in i:s operatic speech at Tekamah the other day: e5ect to a poU of about $33 on "Let ns abolish free transportation every adalt ia the country, and reduce passenger rates.' The platform upon which Mr. Sheldon , Of course yon have heard from is running for governor does net Oregon. Vermont and Maine? All promise to reduce passenger rates 0f these states have held elections ! szmp.y rjecause tie rtpuiucan-rai.-jaad i3 eici ce cf xta road clan was afraid to place such licaa majority has teen wonderfav a declaration there, and he never ! reduced. Arkansas greatlvincreas' has mentioned such a propositicu 'eJ itsdemocra tic majoritv! Stand until the democrats had iuccrpori- is on the wane. Listen for This Buck's Hot Blast Heater in Operation at the Store Oct, 4 & 5 C onsider this your per sonal ihvitation to investigate the wonderful fuel saving properties of this wonderful stove. Pproduces the same amount -f -heat from -lack at rl.50 per ton that an ordinary stove will get from the best lump coal at 3.50 per ton. Bv all means defer the purchase of your heater until after this event. S2 Refunded on Every S20 Purchase During This Sale Come in and sample the biscuits we will make on this heater. iig KIIOEIILER OflEl BUSTER BMI BLUE RIBBON SHOES for girls School Sboss FOR BOYS: i ve Shoe. AkU, Tht oTfN We faafen't got In Mi School Shjss ' Yoo Dcd'I Want. Ours Excell at Every 'Point Boys and 6t Aboard Ouj Auto Raffle Sherwood & Son . Prici According ti Qcilitj to mvestte and rut an cud to the ; Gee is evidently follow: in th, lraska rr2 :3 Nove. ac;u:s;tioa c: u:shonet wealth, fevtsttps cf the irreat purloincr c: " :ct prc;os:u t disturb d'V-a We are prosper.ty; we wi-t c-'.y to ir.?re :ts rerrxtnity- V. Frj-an lo rt7crts the; t A v result cf th :ar.;s erepn;.;can rrl- th city and seme cf t'-.e cutside precincts Satnrdar niht, it arrears that Dr. HaS had tnt pre ci;ns little cppositlcn for stats $cn- iter, so Jir as heard free:. It has a decided appearance cf a wali axj? ;Vr the Dr. it the Lcnisville ccr-.xnticn tomrrrcw. cnlcss the rir gets in its work. ocrat:c ocv trine. Kocseve.t. :- ACCOiirv Sat'Mr. Sharenbarrer will attcr; Erown. Sheldcn & Co. ha-.-e rernscd to this natter. He is henest in hi . point blank to meet Thcnrso-, talk, and believes in what he preach-1 Shallenberjer & Co. in joint dis cs, while Senator Sheldsn deviat-.s ' enssien cf the political issues, eith from the platform nanniictnrel t y er IccaZy, naticmlly. cr bcth. his party for him to stand eper. ! Why this cowardice? The voters j wonli nndonbcedlr e-jc The Fills C:tr Jonmal points to ' csf-a. Ere wn tnd Sheldon s enhlerns cfi . poetical pnr.ty. It does not take ench material for sen: s-ch dis-; carre a ode c: of. i MiT.uTrhai better be cartfn1! pecp.e tc L-c-i Hana. It wcnld b hard to tils him if the shootin c:-rnenced. THE ONLY PErRFErCT Self Filling Fountain Pen PJour Thumb 1 1 I ' I r3n " r "The PenThaT rills ItselfT U50 ' Guarantee to Give Perfect Satis faction or Refund Your Money. GERING , CO SOLE AGENTS '