a?" I rKKl'AUEl) IN TUB INTERESTS nii of Vie muhrt of the Journal know of a cinl went or an Hon of ll't tmiit ull Han of interest. Editor Journal. The Ideal Economist 111- yla. Murray Stale Bank. Chas. S. Stone. Cashier. Murray, Neb. Ed Elliott was In Plattsmouth Sat- unlay. Tlios. Slavic was in Plattsmouth on Monday last. Ernest Carroll lias been on the sick list this week. 0. W. Uliodcn was In Plattsmouth on business Monday. Mrs. A. L. Raker was In Plattsmouth Wednesday evening. Mrs. George Lloyd lias been on the sick list for the past week. The Jones CiralnCo. will soon In stall a new gasoline, engine. D. J. Pitman anil son, Dick, drove to Plattsmouth Wednesday. Luther Hall and Robert Kendall were Murray visitors Sunday. Mark Rurton of Nebraska City, was visiting Murray relatives Sunday. Postmaster A. L. Raker, of Murray, was In Plattsmouthyesterdayevcnlng. D. L. Amick and wife were visiting at the home of N. Kloeum Wednesday Mark Rurton Is making sonic needed repairs on the school house this week Chis. Pliilnot shinned elnht cars of fat catt lo to South Omaha this week Geo. Wray has Mulshed the founda tion for his new homo south of Mur ray. Dr. Gllmore and James IIenJricl; were in Plattsmouth Monday on Ihim ncss. (!len Ehoden Is building a new barn this week on the north place of his father. Mr. and Mrs. George Eord, from near Weeping Water were in Murray Tuesday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs.Theo. Amick is suffering with an abcess of the check. Dr. A. P. Itarnes was In Murray Tuesday, being called here on a pro fessional trip. The Murray elevators are pretty busy again this week, taking in corn and other grain. Jos. , Burton, t of -; Murray , passed through Plftttsmonth Wednesday, en route to Omaha. Mrs. Will Smith lias been on the sick list for the past few days with an attack of tonsil I Us. Murray was well represented at the Old Settlers' Reunion last Friday and Saturday In Union. Dr. Brendell and wife and Mrs. L.B. Underwood drove to Plattsmouth Wednesday afternoon. Miss Bessie Brendcl went to Avoca Wednesday for a few days' visit with her brother, Dr. Brendcl. Hit "Stay SMIsfiKtorylt&tv$ Lf.iiA-J-lAU-lN. 1 I would like the opportunity to demonstrate the merits of the "She Monarch Malleable Range. It is not dif ficult to convince the most skep tical of its superior qualities. There s reason in the price, too. L. B. Underwood, aT. Murray Department OF THE PEOPLE OP MURRAY intend in i.s neither a miser nor a spendthrift. There is a happy medium where you can enjoy life and al so lay aside something for a rainy day. Make it a habit to bring a fixed portion of your savings to us every pay-day. It will be in as safekeeping as human means can de vise and is always availa ble for use when you want to draw it out. Jf James Mauck and niece, Miss Pit man, drove through Murray Tuesday enroute for Plattsmouth. Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter, Mrs. (. II. Ollmore and son, Walker, were In Plattsmouth Wednesday. Miss Pearl Lowey has returned to Murray from Chllllcotlie, Mo., where she was visiting with her parents. Made Miner, of Plattsmouth, Is In Murray this week, assisting James Loughrldge In the blacksmith shop. Mrs. T.J. Brewlel was visiting Sun day and Monday with her parents, J. U. Vallery and family, north of town. Miss Minnie Underwoi d, who Is vls Itlnir In Murray with her brother, is with friends In Omaha and llellcvue this week. Miss Anna L. Mack, cousin of Mrs. Mont Bobb, of South Bend, Ind., Is In Murray this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bobb. Win. Hendricks Is assisting Herman Beikc In the erection of a new house for John lletKlilekson.on the Chalfant farm this week. A social dance will be given In the Manners & Loughrldge hall Erlday night by Ost and McCarty. A good time is expected. Hugh Robb, Miss Mary Finn, Elmer Carpenter and Miss llessle McDanlel, of Union, were guests at the Robb home Tuesday evening. John Klnser, the boss Plattsmouth plasterer, Is In Murray this week put ting the finishing touches on the new residence of James Loughrldge. G. Parker and wife returned home Monday from their fifteen days visit with friends and relatives In Denver. They report a very pleasant trip. RANGES are the BEST ON EARTH pip ANI VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR thin vkinity and wilhnml iw '. thi Mrs. Chas. Swaub, who we report ed as being quite sick last week, has recovered suillclcntly to be removed to her home six miles south of town. James Darrow of Union was In Mur ray Tuesday evening. He has just re turned from Red Bluff, Call., where he has been spending the summer. Miss Nellie Johnson, who has been visiting attbeBerger home In Mur ray for the past week, departed Satur day for her home In Herman, Neb. ' Andy Campbell, residing over near Rock Bluffs, Is building a tine new house and the boss Murray carpenter, W. W. Hamilton, is doing the work. Mr. J. A. Doughty, of near Nehaw- ka, and Mrs. M. C. Whitehead, of near Mynard, are visiting friends and rela tives up In Dixon county, Neb., this week. Mrs. 1. M. Davis and children, from near Murray, departed Wednesday for Lincoln, whore thev will visit with the brothers of Mr. Davis for a few clays. The Stone farm, one mile south of Murray was sold this week to Peter Spangler for 7u an acre; This Is the farm on which Bruce Stone has lived for the past few years. A new baby-girl arrived the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Thomas, three and one-half miles northeast of Murray, on Tuesday of this week. Both mother and little one are doing nicely. J. A. Walker Is still suffering with his usual attack of summer eczema. While It Is not as serious as a few weeks ago, Mr. Walker sayshe has had plenty to last him for several summers. L. K. Stone, of Cherokee, Okla., and J. M. Stone, of Nehawka, were In Mur ray Monday. Lester is in charge of the bank In Cherokee and came up a few days ago to spend a few days with home folks. Lynn Hopkins, of Vlllisca, Iowa, has been In Murray a few days this week visiting with his sister, Mrs. W. C. Brown. He went to Omaha Wednes day afternoon for a few days' visit before returning home. George, the sevcu-vcar-old son of Nels Thomas, dislocated his arm at the elbow Monday, by merely falling to the ground while running. The ac cident was quite painful te the lad but no serious results are anticipated. We paid a short visit to the mam- Gel that New Suit Do you know that we can take your measure for a new suit of sum mer or winter clothing? We have a tine line of new and up-to-date samples and will take great pleas ure in showing them to you. We ttike your measure and guarantee perfect satisfaction In every partic ular. Come In today and let us show you what we hate. HOLMES & SMITH, MURRAY. NEBRASKA moth peach orchard of II. L. Oldham while In Murray Wednesday. It Is certainly a beautiful sight to see such a quantity of this excellent frult,morc especially when the quality Is so fine as this season. Mrs. R. M. Shrader and sister, Miss Truda Long, departed this morning for the home of the former In Hend ley, Neb. II. C. Long, who resides near Murray, father of both ladles, ac companied them as far as Omaha. James Brown and wife and Miss Ma rie Hcrgcr departed on schedule time Wednesday morning for Lawrence, Neb., where they will visit a few days with a brother, J. W. Merger, and family. They went overland, and will make the drive to Lincoln the first day. John Duck of Eight Mile Grove went In Plattsmouth Wednesday enroute to Burwcll, eb., where he w ill load his cattle from the ranch and ship them to South Omaha. It will be re membered that Mr. Duck sold bis ranch some time ago, and he Is clear log tho place for the new owner. The eight-year-old son of Ed MidkltT residing seven miles southwest of Mur ray, while running was thrown to the ground and sustained a fracture of the ankle. Tho lad will be laid up for sev eral days, but the attending physician says the Injured member will heal and no serious results will follow. ' L. F. Hall Is In receipt of a letter from C. S. Stone In which he says he will be home about Saturday, that Is, It he docs not miss the train, which he did last week, and as they only have one .train a week In the town where To THE JOURNAL READERS. ftfire it vill upptar under tliii hcadimj. Insurance of all Kinds is a good thing, and in our line we are prepared to in sure you a bargain in every Carriage, Buggy or Wagon you buy from me. Call to day and let us show you what we have. Every vehi cle fully guaranteed. J. H. COOK, Murray, Neb lie Is, they were delayed several days on the return trip. The mystery to us Is how the letter got out of the town. Perhaps they raise carrier pig cons in that locality. D. L. Amick of Murray brought his wife and daughters up this afternoon to take the train for Glenwood, Iowa, to visit friends. C. S. Stone, cashier of the Murray State bank, came In this afternoon from his trip of sight seeing in Can ada. He has been gone nearly three weeks and seemed to be well pleased with the country, but he did not In form us as to whether or not he made any Investments. Charley was look ing well. The Journal publisher accepted the kind invitation of I. M. Davis to ac company hlra overland to Murray Wed nesday morning Everything between here and that nourishing little village looks tine, In the way of crops. The farmers need rain, and many have been compelled to abandan the usual fall plowing owing to the dry condition of ihe soil. Miss Eva Allison, who has been spending her vacation with her mother and sister.Mrs James Allison and Miss Carrie, departed this morning over the Burlington, for Guthrie, Okla homa, where she will begin her school work next Monday. Miss Allison Is one of the most competent teachers reared in Cass county, and commands the highest salary. Miss Allison was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J. n. Hasenyeager of Tecumseh, Neb., who is visiting at the home of her mother, as far as Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Holmes returned to their home In Murray last Friday evening after a few days' visit with friends in Chllllcothc, Mo. Mrs. Holmes has been visiting friends In that city for the past three weeks and Mr. Holmes went after her a few days ago. Mrs. Holmes, we are pleased to note, returntd to Murray feeling bet ter than she has for many months past, In fact, this week she niadtj a pan of biscuits, something she has not been able to do for almost two years, The many Cass county friends hope that she may continue to Improve. Clover Huller. J. T. Lloyd wants his friends who have clover to thresh, to understand that he has a first-class huller In con nectlon with the new Westcnhouso machine, and Is prepared to do the work in a most complete and satlsfac tory manner. Notice to All. Notice Is hereby given to all parties Interested, that my wife has of her own free will and accord left ray home and bed, and that from this date for ever more I will not be held responsl ble for any bills or accounts that she may contract cither In my name her own. Joskimi Kastpi. Aug. !, l'.KVl. or Hay Balling. I have purchased a new power and lighting hay bailer and am fully pre pared to do all such work on short no tice. All work fully guaranteed. For further particulars see me. R. W. POKTKK For Sale Two mammoth jacks, black with mealy spots, weighing about 800 and 1000 pounds each respectively, and are four and seven years old. For partic ulars call on or write to J. L. Yovno Murray, Neb. 8-23UM THE LAST SAD TRIBUTE All That Was Mortal of William Eikenbary, a Former Citizen of Cass County. DEATH WAS CAUSED FROM SUNSTROKE The Funeral Conducted by Dr. J T. Baird at the Presbyterian Church. The remains of the late William Eikenbary arrived this morning from Akron, Colorado, near which place he died at the home of his son, A. It. Eik enbary on Tuesday, August 28, IMG. The remains were accompanied by the son and wife and the wife of deceased and others. The funeral services of the deceased were conducted from the Presbyterian church In this city at 2 o'clock this af ternoon, after which Interment was made In the Eikenbary cemetery, two miles south of Plattsmouth, and where the deceased was laid to rest by the side of his parents. The deceased was born in Union county, Indiana, February 2i, 1S:!3, and came to Nebraska in ls;VI, where he resided continuously up to the time he went to Colorado, about live years ago. Besides his wife, live prrown children survive him namely. Mesclames T. Swan, James Pitman and E. 15. Chap man. I'titon: Mrs. Charles McNitmee and A. 11. Eikenbary, of Akn.n, Colo. The deceased was a brother of Henry Eikenbary, who resides south of this ity, nearly all of whom were present at the funeral. About two weeks aao the deceased became prostrated from the heat while engaged in doing some work on the ranch, and but slight hopes were en tertained for his recovery from the time he was taken down, on account of bis age, being 73 years of age at the time of his demise. Mr. Eikenbary was well known to nearly all the pioneer citizens of Cass county, and was most highly respected. Many of his old friends were In attend ance at tha funeral services, a number of whom accompanied the remains to their last resting place. Five Generations Present. I The Journal, several weeks ago, J made mention of its old friend, Ivan White, going to Grundy county, Mo., to attend the celebratlou of his' moth er's one hundredth anniversary. In speaking of this wonderful event, tiie Lincoln Journal says: "Mary White of Trenton,. Mo., who recently cele brated her one hundredth birthday, has relatives In Nebraska. Five gen erations were In attendance. The 140 direct descendants present at the re union w ere part of the 309 descendants of Mrs. Mary White, who gave birth to twelve children, live of whom are dead. The seven living ones are: Betsy Ann Herbert White, seventy nine years old, Surprise, Neb.; Kath- crinc IIobbSi'.s,eTepty-tiv years old, California; Ivan White, sixty-nine years old, Rock HlutTs, Neb.; Demcy White, sixty-seven years old, Surprise, Neb.; C. L. White, sixty-five years old, Sprlnif IUH, Mo.: Mrs. Lon Colson, fifty-two years old, Kansas City." ft J.; House Party. The pleasant farm home of A. S. Will, west of Plattsmouth, has been the scene of one continued round of pleasure for the past week"', the.occa sion being a house party given by Miss Minnie Will In honor of her friends, Misses Gretcbcn Walsh, Agnes Week' bach and Mar Maloue,oI.i Lincoln, and Arthur Edgren and James Fol lard, Of Nehawka. Last Saturday Henry Guthman, the boss scenic pho tograpber of Cass county, was called to spend the day with the merry party and take a few pictures of the partlcl pants of the event and the beautiful surroundings. Combined with the ex cellent ability of Mr. Guthman, the charming subjects and the beautiful surroundings, we believe we. are safe In saying that the productions on the little card through trie camera, were Indeed fair to look upon. The pleas ures that have reigned supreme for the past week ceased yesterday and today the merry visitors will depart for their bomcs, all pronouncing Miss Will most excellent entertainer. Magpie Grove (Special Correspondence.) Mr. Eggcrof Gage county, Is visit- ing at the home of Mrs. Schafer this week. Quite a number from this section at tended the old settler's reunion at Union Saturday. me Kustcruoitz gins are now seen driving along the roads with a tine new top buggy, that Is a beauty. , , Quite a number of friends visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fuls Sunday afternoon. Alfred Gansemer made a trip to Flattsmouth Monday. Mrs. W. II. Fuls was a Murray visitor Monday. J. L. 'Young shelled corn Tuesday He dollvcred It to the Murray market There will be a barn dance at the home of William Full, Saturday night September 1. Everybody .. Invited. Come and have a good time. Head Ache Sometimes? If so. it will interest you to know that it can be stopped with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Fills; and without any bad after effects, and this without dan ger of forming a drug habit or having your stomach disar ranged. They positively con tain no opium, morphine, co caine, chloral, ether or chloro form in any form. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills relieve pain, and leave only a sense of relief. The reason foe this is explained by the fact that headache cornea from tired, irritable, turbulent, over-taxed brain nerves. Anti Tain Tills soothe and strength en these nerves, thus removing; the cause. They are harmless when taken as directed. "We use Dr. MIW Anti-Pain Tills for tli curu of hcailnrhe, and, w think thnt there Is nothing that vlU oniml them. They will euro th severest Hpell of nervous or Sick lieaii;i' lii! in a very few minutes. 1 nm of a nervous temperament, and occasionally have ppells when my n'T.es si cm to tf) completely exhaust ed, and I tremble so I can scarcely contain myself. At these, times J ul vays take tho Av.tl-l'aln Tills, and they imlet nie right away. It Is re markahl" what a soothing effect they liav" upon tho nerv"s." AIRS. F. K. KAUL, Detroit, Mich. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your clrugijist. who will guarantee that the first packaga will benefit. If It fails, he will return your money. 2j doses, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind MAD DOG SCARE NEAR TOWN One Dog Attacked With Hydrophobia Causes the Slaying of Four In Consequence. A FINE DRIVING ANIMAL ALSO BITTEN But at Last Accounts the Horse Was Doing Nlncely and May Be Saved. Dr. A. F. Barnes, of this city, was called to the Jean's farm, two miles south of town, yesterday in answer to a telephone from Billy Jean, saying that his fine driving annimalbad been bitten by a mad dog. When he arriv ed at the farm he found the horse frothing at the mouth and having all the symptoms of. hydrophobia. The doctor was also informed that several other canines on the place had also been bitten and he advised that they all be killed. After working with the horse for some .time Dr. Barnes returned to town In the belief that Its life would be saved, and this morning he receiv ed word-from Charley Jean that the annimal was getting along nicely and that every dog on the place had been shot. This is the first real mad dog scare that has occurred In this section this season, and it will be well for the neighbors to be on their guard and when their dogs show the least signsor symptons of hydrophopia to get down the shot gun and go to slaying them right and left. It is better, to kill all the 0ogs within; a; radius of several miles than to cailse'.tl(e deatt of even one fine animal of the value of that of Billy Jeans. r, i . yourself dally, vou'rti not on.,,. Kttr Clean Inside mean's c eairUum aeh, uowels, blood, liver, clean, healthy tissuo in every organ. Moral: Take Hollister's Itoeky Mountain Tea.. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets. Gerlcg & Co., druggist. i . EmS Jet!!! Teeth 535 Cold Crowns an-! Brldj Tnth $).5'uo Pcrs- lun (ron f i -. u;. Fiilinn K -,'n. iseth kiuv.tl f'in.. Nfw net ,tic Jr nAil. H Y ,TJio Dentlt. ,t vi , Prima Rlk. OflAHA. , DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteooathic Physician Chronic Diseases a Specialty Coiitts nicx-k. rom!5 and S3). Office hours 9 U) 1 a. ni., I to S p. m. anil 7 to p. m. by ap pointment. Ti-lfphoucs, oftiee 317: rwtlJnnc at i'crklus Hotel. Qlt. MAIUUALU HKNTIST. All kind of IVntal worlt. I'liito mads that (It. Sb y(-r vxiKTleuce. Trice reasonable, nurkgunrantrcil. OFr'ICE FiTtorRAI.D Bi)CK. Tit.riMioM No.SokI? - WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY UTtSMOUTH, NIIRASI Lauds, Bandies and City Beat Estate In Nebraska and elsewhere bought sold and exchanged. Mentals, Inntiranop and Atntrarttngof Tltli'n. Monry to loan at a low rat of Intm-nt oq Improved farms. Ilunlm-M correspond un u In all Important cities and towiit la tlia I'DltcU tius. Tekehenee Ne. 10 enS f .' ' "' ' R.: . WINDHAM, ; PrsHd.nl W. W. WINDHAM i Secretary I